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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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13 hours ago, sosooyah19 said:


LETS KEEP ON CHANTING, we may never know hahaha..

baek-ah already found his OTP hahaha.... what a different response...

Yes! Congratulations NJH. And to think there were talks we had on here about how he + LSS being so stiff and awkward together in that award show in comparison to our OTP. The twists in life indeed. Congratulations BaekAh for finding his real life WoonHee. Hope they live happily together for a long time! 

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Hi Everyone...I haven't written in a while...thank you to those who keep this thread moving. I'm new to being a fan of IU's (JE) music and am enjoying it for the first time. I've taken many of the Stargazer's advice on this thread and looked up her past songs and WOW, yes, she is amazing! Her voice and songs are so addicting. 

@WH Posted Friday at 03:34 AM ·

Q. As a music producer, you took part in writing all the tracks of your new album.
IU: Yeah, all the tracks contain my own stories. There is no fiction, and the lyrics are from my diary

Sorry to cut your post. Thank you @WH for translated interview. IU's lyrics gives listeners her true self and this makes it all the more fascinating. Instead of listening to a fluff song, she is expressing her own emotions and experiences which, YIKES! it is more telling than an interview.

In IU's album, I enjoy listening to her lyrics/songs (the one's translated) relating to her current self (Age), past relationship (KH?) and present experience (JG? kkkk) aka: Her Story. There are many other posters who have pointed much of this out...I'm sorry, too many to list:.
I'd like to ask how all the Uaenas feel? Knowing how IU writes from her heart, are there similar speculations about who and why these songs were created? 
IU's lyrics for each song and the sequence in which she placed them in her album blew me away. Thinking about when she had to of written these songs (I would assume aft MLSHR film completed) makes her story so intriguing.


Thank you for the translation @darker91, I agree! I feel 'Dear Name' is interpreted to be a song to JG too. There was so much analyzing when 'Through the Night' came out, that I was hoping to see similar posts here re: Her very last song in the album "Dear Name". I agree with some here who have mentioned that her 'Through the Night' and 'Dear Name' is to JG. Both relaying the message of 'Waiting'. I haven't read the English translation to 'And So Love Is' (middle of the last three songs listed in her album). IU is a genius in writing her songs. It tells her story, yet she performed them in such a way that anyone listening can interpret it with their own personal life. Even the catchy rhythms can make each song a memorable sentimental favorite without Eng translations. I want to be delulu in that she is voicing and expressing what she wants out loud to all who are listening including JG. She expressed her feelings without hesitation. She is clever by doing so through her lyrics. It makes it difficult to be criticized from haters and any press trying to twist her words around. After all, since it is under the protection of being a song, there are no direct quotes or statements. No claims can be made and anyone may interpret as they wish.  She is very savvy and her last three song placements says so much for us Stargazers IMO. Even someone like me who is a new fan can see she is in love and is waiting for someone.  Knowing she writes about herself, what fan is not realizing this?
Relationships are confusing enough without press and fans adding to it. I feel after listening to some of JE's past interviews and variety show appearances that she is one sweet yet tough young lady.  Yes, very mature and Yes, will take on whatever is thrown at her with strength and resolve.  Her lyrics in 'Dear Name' expresses this personality of hers. She is just as much up for whatever it takes and however long it takes and that truly seems to be in-sync with what Stargazers have been analyzing this whole time.  Some may lurk here thinking I'm crazy, but I think her album just gave us shippers the largest crumb ever! 
I'm not one to believe in JG's relationship with HB.  I have nothing against HB. For all we know, she has been a very supportive friend who has been helping JG with JoonU advice kkkk.  We really don't know...at the risk of sounding repetitive, JG is a worrier and will protect his loved ones. That protection goes beyond just the woman he's in love with. I believe it includes dear friends, those he works with, family, etc.  I want to believe that he will protect all those involved or may be affected due to Dispatch's release. It is also my feeling that it was JG's insistence he fade away from the JoonU relationship...allowing JE's break up gossip to die and having fans focus on her album release with no scandal lurking in the background. My own POV is IU is answering to this in her own way through her music. She is telling her side with lyrics and where she placed this song in her album says it all. Unless she is involved with someone Stargazers are not aware of, who else would bring those feels for her to write these songs during the last few months?  
On 4/22/2017 at 11:17 PM, arshinwoo said:


IU: Only filmed MV for songs that represent my image. For Dear Name, I intended to let fans imagine the scenes/pics freely based on lyrics.


IU is doing what she does best and she's asking fans to listen to what she is saying. Study it, accept her song as her personal voice expressing her current emotions. As I said, sheer genius cause on the other hand, her song can pacify any naysayers permitted to interpret her song differently from us shippers. 
This is how I would imagine interpreting her last listed song's lyrics in her album...I could be way off but it is just my own delusion. If interested see in spoiler.. 


Original Post by @darker91- credit to Hesia529 ig DEAR NAME [Engtrans: popgasa] 
The voice I long for even in my dreams I call out the name but there’s no answer Only the tearful echo returns And I listen to that sound by myself Even if it’s so cold,  She wants to talk to JG. They are not in contact currently.  
it feels like it’ll break I won’t ever let go this time JE's strength and holding on. 
The hands of that day that has gotten so far away The days of being together are farther away since...
Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark The nightmare of Dispatch release 
I know your wish has silently disappeared JG not being able to be with JE as he had hoped. 
I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you JE using the same phrasing as WS...interesting.  
Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn The child who stands in front of me without fail Head hanging low but never crying When I sadly hold out my hand, the child runs away (this was JG's physical tendency in his earlier career...walking with head down). Even tho' JE wants them to continue, JG is sad and leaves. (My thoughts: Maybe JG feels he has to leave due to fans not accepting them yet and he wants to protect her from scandal).
So I hold onto the empty air by myself Even if it hurts so much I won’t forget this time She holds their memory of being together even if she has to endure the pain alone. 
The words that waited so long by itself Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark I know your wish has silently disappeared I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn Through the endlessly lost, cold and cruel days Let's get through this hard time. (JG is having a difficult time and may be lost in a stage of confusion?). She knows they are right and she'll help him realize (see the light). She'll wait until they can both be together. (This is really where she expresses her strong resolve).
I know your name that has silently been forgotten Haters forgetting what JG is great for 
I won’t stop, I’ll shout out several times What JE is doing through her song to JG 
Even if you’re so far that I can’t believe it Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn How could things they hoped for go this way that he had to take this direction. She will wait until they can start anew. 


Shippers...they are in a place where lots of time is the key.  My interpretation of JE is her strength and spirit and she is not timid. She is willing to go to him or wait. JG perhaps is struggling with goodness knows what with all that's been told to him by his agents, advisers and perhaps his own experience over the years in this cruel business. His intention is to protect JE. Seems even tho' he did what he felt was right for JE, she is telling him not to worry about anything and let's just be together.
JE is up for the challenge. She is also respecting all that he's enduring and is willing to wait. She wants him to know she is there. My POV, if he never heard this song before its' release, I believe he is feeling pretty loved by someone now and that's the strength he needs. I feel this is where his lack of experience in relationships needs a little help. JE is just the woman to guide him to where he should be.
Thinking back on past interviews, JG mentioned qualities about JE, that her song 'Dear Name' displays much of. Her strength in character (Doesn't shy away from a challenge) She expresses herself openly with her lyrics (on set she expressed openly her desire to be a good lead) She is there for him (she wants to be an actress others can depend on). Add this to all of the other qualities JE has, I can actually feel what JG feels thanks to this song. 

Stargazers some of us may be cruising under the radar, but I prefer to stay afloat, lower the anchor, pull up a lounge chair on deck and gaze at the stars. As long as we have the shoreline in view, it is just a matter of time before we set sail...especially if JE has anything to say about it kkkkkkkk. FIGHTING JE!!




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I didn't see this posted earlier, but let me know if it has been! After his "Do you want to hang out with me?" website update, it changed to this:


A new puzzle image has been added today, and fans already solved it, lol.



Last time the message was "I SAW V L .17". Now it's "I SAW V L .30". I wonder if the .30 is for the 30th and the .17 is for 2017. Hmm~ Anyways, I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of this photoshoot. I don't know what to expect at the end of all this teasing, though I suspect part of it will be his website getting a revamp or something.


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5 hours ago, krysyuy said:

I didn't see this posted earlier, but let me know if it has been! After his "Do you want to hang out with me?" website update, it changed to this:


A new puzzle image has been added today, and fans already solved it, lol.



Last time the message was "I SAW V L .17". Now it's "I SAW V L .30". I wonder if the .30 is for the 30th and the .17 is for 2017. Hmm~ Anyways, I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of this photoshoot. I don't know what to expect at the end of all this teasing, though I suspect part of it will be his website getting a revamp or something.



The first photo, JG' pose looks like Wangso's pose when close his left eye without mask. 

The 2nd photo when JG plays marionette reminds me with JE's MV ending scene. 

I miss JoonU so much :bawling: 

Anyway, special clip IU sings Dear Name has been released, I really love the song. Although there is no mv for Dear Name but glad to see they made special clip for Dear Name :)


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is this during the last thank you encore fan meet in seoul last apr 15? since the jacket looks like the one he wore that time (i just noticed that he does not repeat costumes in other fan meets)

well, im happy and sad at the same time seeing that ML scene, hehe

16 hours ago, Lampel said:

Huhuhu...i miss them!



5 hours ago, deori said:


The first photo, JG' pose looks like Wangso's pose when close his left eye without mask. 

The 2nd photo when JG plays marionette reminds me with JE's MV ending scene. 

I miss JoonU so much :bawling: 

Anyway, special clip IU sings Dear Name has been released, I really love the song. Although there is no mv for Dear Name but glad to see they made special clip for Dear Name :)



good thing they did this at least for dear name, because it needs to be heard!!! its so b-e-a-u-t-i-f--u-l..

and im reminded also about "your name" anime hahaha since someone mentioned it...

but i believe the last 3 songs in the album are MLSHR inspired, imo. but it could be other else also since the message could be interpreted in many ways actually...

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19 hours ago, sscllccrazy said:

Hi Everyone...I haven't written in a while...thank you to those who keep this thread moving. I'm new to being a fan of IU's (JE) music and am enjoying it for the first time. I've taken many of the Stargazer's advice on this thread and looked up her past songs and WOW, yes, she is amazing! Her voice and songs are so addicting. 

@WH Posted Friday at 03:34 AM ·

Q. As a music producer, you took part in writing all the tracks of your new album.
IU: Yeah, all the tracks contain my own stories. There is no fiction, and the lyrics are from my diary

Sorry to cut your post. Thank you @WH for translated interview. IU's lyrics gives listeners her true self and this makes it all the more fascinating. Instead of listening to a fluff song, she is expressing her own emotions and experiences which, YIKES! it is more telling than an interview.

In IU's album, I enjoy listening to her lyrics/songs (the one's translated) relating to her current self (Age), past relationship (KH?) and present experience (JG? kkkk) aka: Her Story. There are many other posters who have pointed much of this out...I'm sorry, too many to list:.
I'd like to ask how all the Uaenas feel? Knowing how IU writes from her heart, are there similar speculations about who and why these songs were created? 
IU's lyrics for each song and the sequence in which she placed them in her album blew me away. Thinking about when she had to of written these songs (I would assume aft MLSHR film completed) makes her story so intriguing.
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Thank you for the translation @darker91, I agree! I feel 'Dear Name' is interpreted to be a song to JG too. There was so much analyzing when 'Through the Night' came out, that I was hoping to see similar posts here re: Her very last song in the album "Dear Name". I agree with some here who have mentioned that her 'Through the Night' and 'Dear Name' is to JG. Both relaying the message of 'Waiting'. I haven't read the English translation to 'And So Love Is' (middle of the last three songs listed in her album). IU is a genius in writing her songs. It tells her story, yet she performed them in such a way that anyone listening can interpret it with their own personal life. Even the catchy rhythms can make each song a memorable sentimental favorite without Eng translations. I want to be delulu in that she is voicing and expressing what she wants out loud to all who are listening including JG. She expressed her feelings without hesitation. She is clever by doing so through her lyrics. It makes it difficult to be criticized from haters and any press trying to twist her words around. After all, since it is under the protection of being a song, there are no direct quotes or statements. No claims can be made and anyone may interpret as they wish.  She is very savvy and her last three song placements says so much for us Stargazers IMO. Even someone like me who is a new fan can see she is in love and is waiting for someone.  Knowing she writes about herself, what fan is not realizing this?
Relationships are confusing enough without press and fans adding to it. I feel after listening to some of JE's past interviews and variety show appearances that she is one sweet yet tough young lady.  Yes, very mature and Yes, will take on whatever is thrown at her with strength and resolve.  Her lyrics in 'Dear Name' expresses this personality of hers. She is just as much up for whatever it takes and however long it takes and that truly seems to be in-sync with what Stargazers have been analyzing this whole time.  Some may lurk here thinking I'm crazy, but I think her album just gave us shippers the largest crumb ever! 
I'm not one to believe in JG's relationship with HB.  I have nothing against HB. For all we know, she has been a very supportive friend who has been helping JG with JoonU advice kkkk.  We really don't know...at the risk of sounding repetitive, JG is a worrier and will protect his loved ones. That protection goes beyond just the woman he's in love with. I believe it includes dear friends, those he works with, family, etc.  I want to believe that he will protect all those involved or may be affected due to Dispatch's release. It is also my feeling that it was JG's insistence he fade away from the JoonU relationship...allowing JE's break up gossip to die and having fans focus on her album release with no scandal lurking in the background. My own POV is IU is answering to this in her own way through her music. She is telling her side with lyrics and where she placed this song in her album says it all. Unless she is involved with someone Stargazers are not aware of, who else would bring those feels for her to write these songs during the last few months?  
IU is doing what she does best and she's asking fans to listen to what she is saying. Study it, accept her song as her personal voice expressing her current emotions. As I said, sheer genius cause on the other hand, her song can pacify any naysayers permitted to interpret her song differently from us shippers. 
This is how I would imagine interpreting her last listed song's lyrics in her album...I could be way off but it is just my own delusion. If interested see in spoiler.. 
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Original Post by @darker91- credit to Hesia529 ig DEAR NAME [Engtrans: popgasa] 
The voice I long for even in my dreams I call out the name but there’s no answer Only the tearful echo returns And I listen to that sound by myself Even if it’s so cold,  She wants to talk to JG. They are not in contact currently.  
it feels like it’ll break I won’t ever let go this time JE's strength and holding on. 
The hands of that day that has gotten so far away The days of being together are farther away since...
Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark The nightmare of Dispatch release 
I know your wish has silently disappeared JG not being able to be with JE as he had hoped. 
I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you JE using the same phrasing as WS...interesting.  
Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn The child who stands in front of me without fail Head hanging low but never crying When I sadly hold out my hand, the child runs away (this was JG's physical tendency in his earlier career...walking with head down). Even tho' JE wants them to continue, JG is sad and leaves. (My thoughts: Maybe JG feels he has to leave due to fans not accepting them yet and he wants to protect her from scandal).
So I hold onto the empty air by myself Even if it hurts so much I won’t forget this time She holds their memory of being together even if she has to endure the pain alone. 
The words that waited so long by itself Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark I know your wish has silently disappeared I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn Through the endlessly lost, cold and cruel days Let's get through this hard time. (JG is having a difficult time and may be lost in a stage of confusion?). She knows they are right and she'll help him realize (see the light). She'll wait until they can both be together. (This is really where she expresses her strong resolve).
I know your name that has silently been forgotten Haters forgetting what JG is great for 
I won’t stop, I’ll shout out several times What JE is doing through her song to JG 
Even if you’re so far that I can’t believe it Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn How could things they hoped for go this way that he had to take this direction. She will wait until they can start anew. 




Shippers...they are in a place where lots of time is the key.  My interpretation of JE is her strength and spirit and she is not timid. She is willing to go to him or wait. JG perhaps is struggling with goodness knows what with all that's been told to him by his agents, advisers and perhaps his own experience over the years in this cruel business. His intention is to protect JE. Seems even tho' he did what he felt was right for JE, she is telling him not to worry about anything and let's just be together.
JE is up for the challenge. She is also respecting all that he's enduring and is willing to wait. She wants him to know she is there. My POV, if he never heard this song before its' release, I believe he is feeling pretty loved by someone now and that's the strength he needs. I feel this is where his lack of experience in relationships needs a little help. JE is just the woman to guide him to where he should be.
Thinking back on past interviews, JG mentioned qualities about JE, that her song 'Dear Name' displays much of. Her strength in character (Doesn't shy away from a challenge) She expresses herself openly with her lyrics (on set she expressed openly her desire to be a good lead) She is there for him (she wants to be an actress others can depend on). Add this to all of the other qualities JE has, I can actually feel what JG feels thanks to this song. 

Stargazers some of us may be cruising under the radar, but I prefer to stay afloat, lower the anchor, pull up a lounge chair on deck and gaze at the stars. As long as we have the shoreline in view, it is just a matter of time before we set sail...especially if JE has anything to say about it kkkkkkkk. FIGHTING JE!!







haha just yesterday i kinda realized the sequence thing (and i could only assume) and would like to comment but just so busy (and somehow there's also some ??? kind of thing) but then i read yours now hahaha, since chat shire was promoted in oct 2015 til end of the year maybe,, and jan to june was mlshr... so all of these might be written during those times, since there was no song about angst anymore but more on maturity and hoping for the best...

and im already addicted to the album huhuhuhu... and dear name huhuhu (she said the hardest song was this and the easiest was through the night, interesting)....

because of IU, i somehow wished to be a lyricist, but i suck at it hahahah

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Thank you, Jieun for the wonderful gift of Palette, and JoonGi for the coming gift of CM, for they keep us from missing you both too much.


:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. For the TRUTH to be finally revealed.

2. Guidance and enlightenment for JoonGi confused-face-smiley-emoticon.gifin making his life decisions bright-idea-smiley-emoticon.gif  and for him to have peace of mind with whatever decision he ultimately makes good-job-smiley-emoticon.gif, as requested by @akinahana89.


3. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and show the world that she is in a happy place right now. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

4. JoonGi's eye smiles to return. widely-grinning-smiley-emoticon.gif

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

5. Haters who love to visit us and people who love to manipulate others to all live together in a snake- and shark-infested and deserted island without electricity and wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces)

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle


6. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to prove that things are not always what they seem to be.

7. JoonGi and Jieun to always support each other.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

 8. PLENTY of love and kiss scenes for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, and amazing chemistry with his leading lady.

9. SHR 2 or spin-off to become a reality, as requested by @WH.

  alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

10. SHR cast to get together often so JoonGi can continue to see Jieun become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif 

11. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life.

 dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

for JoonGi and Jieun to make the

BBJX curse/blessing come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 


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3 hours ago, sosooyah19 said:


22 hours ago, sscllccrazy said:

Hi Everyone...I haven't written in a while...thank you to those who keep this thread moving. I'm new to being a fan of IU's (JE) music and am enjoying it for the first time. I've taken many of the Stargazer's advice on this thread and looked up her past songs and WOW, yes, she is amazing! Her voice and songs are so addicting. 

@WH Posted Friday at 03:34 AM ·

Q. As a music producer, you took part in writing all the tracks of your new album.
IU: Yeah, all the tracks contain my own stories. There is no fiction, and the lyrics are from my diary

Sorry to cut your post. Thank you @WH for translated interview. IU's lyrics gives listeners her true self and this makes it all the more fascinating. Instead of listening to a fluff song, she is expressing her own emotions and experiences which, YIKES! it is more telling than an interview.

In IU's album, I enjoy listening to her lyrics/songs (the one's translated) relating to her current self (Age), past relationship (KH?) and present experience (JG? kkkk) aka: Her Story. There are many other posters who have pointed much of this out...I'm sorry, too many to list:.
I'd like to ask how all the Uaenas feel? Knowing how IU writes from her heart, are there similar speculations about who and why these songs were created? 
IU's lyrics for each song and the sequence in which she placed them in her album blew me away. Thinking about when she had to of written these songs (I would assume aft MLSHR film completed) makes her story so intriguing.
  Reveal hidden contents


Thank you for the translation @darker91, I agree! I feel 'Dear Name' is interpreted to be a song to JG too. There was so much analyzing when 'Through the Night' came out, that I was hoping to see similar posts here re: Her very last song in the album "Dear Name". I agree with some here who have mentioned that her 'Through the Night' and 'Dear Name' is to JG. Both relaying the message of 'Waiting'. I haven't read the English translation to 'And So Love Is' (middle of the last three songs listed in her album). IU is a genius in writing her songs. It tells her story, yet she performed them in such a way that anyone listening can interpret it with their own personal life. Even the catchy rhythms can make each song a memorable sentimental favorite without Eng translations. I want to be delulu in that she is voicing and expressing what she wants out loud to all who are listening including JG. She expressed her feelings without hesitation. She is clever by doing so through her lyrics. It makes it difficult to be criticized from haters and any press trying to twist her words around. After all, since it is under the protection of being a song, there are no direct quotes or statements. No claims can be made and anyone may interpret as they wish.  She is very savvy and her last three song placements says so much for us Stargazers IMO. Even someone like me who is a new fan can see she is in love and is waiting for someone.  Knowing she writes about herself, what fan is not realizing this?
Relationships are confusing enough without press and fans adding to it. I feel after listening to some of JE's past interviews and variety show appearances that she is one sweet yet tough young lady.  Yes, very mature and Yes, will take on whatever is thrown at her with strength and resolve.  Her lyrics in 'Dear Name' expresses this personality of hers. She is just as much up for whatever it takes and however long it takes and that truly seems to be in-sync with what Stargazers have been analyzing this whole time.  Some may lurk here thinking I'm crazy, but I think her album just gave us shippers the largest crumb ever! 
I'm not one to believe in JG's relationship with HB.  I have nothing against HB. For all we know, she has been a very supportive friend who has been helping JG with JoonU advice kkkk.  We really don't know...at the risk of sounding repetitive, JG is a worrier and will protect his loved ones. That protection goes beyond just the woman he's in love with. I believe it includes dear friends, those he works with, family, etc.  I want to believe that he will protect all those involved or may be affected due to Dispatch's release. It is also my feeling that it was JG's insistence he fade away from the JoonU relationship...allowing JE's break up gossip to die and having fans focus on her album release with no scandal lurking in the background. My own POV is IU is answering to this in her own way through her music. She is telling her side with lyrics and where she placed this song in her album says it all. Unless she is involved with someone Stargazers are not aware of, who else would bring those feels for her to write these songs during the last few months?  
IU is doing what she does best and she's asking fans to listen to what she is saying. Study it, accept her song as her personal voice expressing her current emotions. As I said, sheer genius cause on the other hand, her song can pacify any naysayers permitted to interpret her song differently from us shippers. 
This is how I would imagine interpreting her last listed song's lyrics in her album...I could be way off but it is just my own delusion. If interested see in spoiler.. 
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Original Post by @darker91- credit to Hesia529 ig DEAR NAME [Engtrans: popgasa] 
The voice I long for even in my dreams I call out the name but there’s no answer Only the tearful echo returns And I listen to that sound by myself Even if it’s so cold,  She wants to talk to JG. They are not in contact currently.  
it feels like it’ll break I won’t ever let go this time JE's strength and holding on. 
The hands of that day that has gotten so far away The days of being together are farther away since...
Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark The nightmare of Dispatch release 
I know your wish has silently disappeared JG not being able to be with JE as he had hoped. 
I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you JE using the same phrasing as WS...interesting.  
Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn The child who stands in front of me without fail Head hanging low but never crying When I sadly hold out my hand, the child runs away (this was JG's physical tendency in his earlier career...walking with head down). Even tho' JE wants them to continue, JG is sad and leaves. (My thoughts: Maybe JG feels he has to leave due to fans not accepting them yet and he wants to protect her from scandal).
So I hold onto the empty air by myself Even if it hurts so much I won’t forget this time She holds their memory of being together even if she has to endure the pain alone. 
The words that waited so long by itself Through the night that was endlessly long and thick and dark I know your wish has silently disappeared I’ll wait for a long time, I will definitely find you Even if you’re so far that I can’t see you Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn Through the endlessly lost, cold and cruel days Let's get through this hard time. (JG is having a difficult time and may be lost in a stage of confusion?). She knows they are right and she'll help him realize (see the light). She'll wait until they can both be together. (This is really where she expresses her strong resolve).
I know your name that has silently been forgotten Haters forgetting what JG is great for 
I won’t stop, I’ll shout out several times What JE is doing through her song to JG 
Even if you’re so far that I can’t believe it Let’s go, to the place at the tip of dawn How could things they hoped for go this way that he had to take this direction. She will wait until they can start anew. 




Shippers...they are in a place where lots of time is the key.  My interpretation of JE is her strength and spirit and she is not timid. She is willing to go to him or wait. JG perhaps is struggling with goodness knows what with all that's been told to him by his agents, advisers and perhaps his own experience over the years in this cruel business. His intention is to protect JE. Seems even tho' he did what he felt was right for JE, she is telling him not to worry about anything and let's just be together.
JE is up for the challenge. She is also respecting all that he's enduring and is willing to wait. She wants him to know she is there. My POV, if he never heard this song before its' release, I believe he is feeling pretty loved by someone now and that's the strength he needs. I feel this is where his lack of experience in relationships needs a little help. JE is just the woman to guide him to where he should be.
Thinking back on past interviews, JG mentioned qualities about JE, that her song 'Dear Name' displays much of. Her strength in character (Doesn't shy away from a challenge) She expresses herself openly with her lyrics (on set she expressed openly her desire to be a good lead) She is there for him (she wants to be an actress others can depend on). Add this to all of the other qualities JE has, I can actually feel what JG feels thanks to this song. 

Stargazers some of us may be cruising under the radar, but I prefer to stay afloat, lower the anchor, pull up a lounge chair on deck and gaze at the stars. As long as we have the shoreline in view, it is just a matter of time before we set sail...especially if JE has anything to say about it kkkkkkkk. FIGHTING JE!!







haha just yesterday i kinda realized the sequence thing (and i could only assume) and would like to comment but just so busy (and somehow there's also some ??? kind of thing) but then i read yours now hahaha, since chat shire was promoted in oct 2015 til end of the year maybe,, and jan to june was mlshr... so all of these might be written during those times, since there was no song about angst anymore but more on maturity and hoping for the best...

and im already addicted to the album huhuhuhu... and dear name huhuhu (she said the hardest song was this and the easiest was through the night, interesting)....

because of IU, i somehow wished to be a lyricist, but i suck at it hahahah


I read somewhere that IU says to pay attention to the order in which she has her songs listed in her album. It is intentional. Add with  her comments on how her lyrics are real and not fiction. She can only be singing about a particular love...'Dear Name' is by far my favorite song. It is beautiful, sorrowful and the message for me is so loud and clear.  That is why I feel she just dropped us the largest crumb. The shipping is coming from her. We shipped this OTP when so many said she was with Voldy...we were seeing so many of their signs, but I always thought it was weighted a little more coming from JG. Now, I feel JE is fighting for who she believes. 

I didn't know about what she had said (see highlight). Thank you for sharing this insight. It really makes a lot of sense if her album song list is in order that is so important to her. That's why I felt 'Dear Name' is her current state of mind and body and her personal message to a special someone. 

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MLSHR won 2 categories on Dramafever awards :)

Best Ensemble 


Best Historical Drama


hopefully these awards will be a good reason for JoonU and all the casts to meet up :):D 

ps: watch JG'thank u speech at the end of the videos..



Hwaiting JG.. :heart:


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Other cast members MLSHR give message too about awards from dramafever:

Why I feel like JHB like evil woman after see this IG:

PS. Don't see if you don't prepare your heart & watch about their comments not just the pictures!








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Congrats MLSHR cast and crew for winning best historical drama and best ensemble from dramafever :blush: I hope they could gathered again and still keep in touch :)




@darker91 omg, I'm shocked looked at those post about JHB.

I just remembered I have seen one pic in her IG on 1 apr 2017 about white door, I still didn't know what it means, few days later dispatch released photos of them at that place. So, white door she posted in her IG is the same place with photos dispatch released..

Did she posted the white door in her ig on purpose? To give hint? What she did is :confounded:




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1 hour ago, deori said:

@darker91 omg, I'm shocked looked at those post about JHB.

I just remembered I have seen one pic in her IG on 1 apr 2017 about white door, I still didn't know what it means, few days later dispatch released photos of them at that place. So, white door she posted in her IG is the same place with photos dispatch released..

Did she posted the white door in her ig on purpose? To give hint? What she did is :confounded:

Omo... I got goose bum reading this. I hope if she have some bad intentions to uri Joongi oppa please Oppa avoid her from your life.

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