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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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4 hours ago, monchoo said:

Bathroom scenes- 5th updates

Chu Qiao's heart leapt a beat, thought, it must be soldiers from Da Liang searching for her! Da Liang was efficient in tracking her down. Earlier at Wu Peng city, they surrounded her and managed to find Mr Mu's slaves trading marketplace. Had she not make hide in Tham's vessel, she would have been caught. At this moment, she regretted in making hasty decision. It's better to wait inside the Tham's vessel to see what's Jing gan is up to rather than be held captive by Da Liang's soldiers.
Just when she was ini her own deep thoughts, the man before her suddenly stood up.  Chu Qiao's hand were still massaging his neck when he suddenly stood up, resulting her losing balance and "whoosh!" in a great splash without the anytime to retaliate, she fell into the pool. In just a few seconds, she was deep into the pool. Her head knocked hard against the floor of the pool. Luckily the pool was deep with water, otherwise, blood shed wil be as in expected.
Chu Qiao was in a drowsy state when a strong hand scoping her up like a piece of rag. She choked with coughs.
Both sides of the pipes were splashing out water thus generating white steams filling the room. He helped her up as Chu Qiao regaining her composure by holding onto his arms and coughed out uncontrollably. At this moment any special agent is the same as an ordinary person. Her face reddened, and her throat burning.
Both of them were standing in the middle of the pool. Warm water flowing over their waistline as white steams blurring their vision. He felt her trembling in his arms. She was coughing her lungs out. She was tall but thin. Her arms almost fleshless, but feels good to hold. Her skin was firm and smooth. In the white misty air, he looked down and noticed her dress was wet, clinging to her body, enhancing her slender contours. She was heaving as her legs pressing against him. Just with a touch at these athletic long legs, you can tell she wasn't raise with silver spoons.
He didn't know what possessed him to sympathize her, that he gently patted her at her back to ease her coughs. But when he was just about to raise his hand, that flimsy cloths which covers her shoulders, slipped off. His hand came into contact with the alabaster smooth texture.
Chu Qiao froze. Momentarily she forgot to cough!
His eyes darkened as he grabbed her arms. In a swift moment, he bend down. His lips ferociously captured hers.
Chu Qiao went numb. Fear and anger engulfed her. She can feel him tightening the embrace. Before she managed to clenched her teeth shut, his tongue was already parting them, ravaging her sweet softness. With one hand, he drew her close and tight while the other hand pressing her head towards himself, refusing her to retort, stopping her with all his might.
All of a sudden, great fear numbed Chu Qiao's senses. But very soon after, she came back to her senses and kicked him off! However she forgot she was in the water. So as she raise her leg to kick, she slipped, falling backwards.
He smiled meanly. His eyes looked devilish. His arms reached out holding her as he fell into the water together with her. With a loud splash, water splattered everywhere.
Warm water ran into their ears, their hair tangling, dancing in the water, obstructing their views. He pressed himself on her causing both of them sinking down. Petals in the pool faltered. As their bodies sinking deeper, one of his hands cupped the back of her head while the other around her waist, and without any sign, he kissed her on her lips deeply again!
His kissing technique was ravaging and skillful. He was kissing as if he was venting out his anger. His tongue wildly rapturing hers, stealing off her sweetness and strength. His hand sliding upwards from her waist. 
Without further apprehansions, Chu Qiao's frowned with displeasure as her fist hitting at the front object to wan him off. But all actions inside water was useless. His other hand captured her both hands and locked them behind her back while his legs locked hers as his other hand continuing making ways upwards to her stomach, upper waist line and finally her breasts...
Chi Qiao gasped with a murmured. She retaliate fully by opening her mouth and bite him on his lips. Stench of blood filled between their lock lips. He didn't retreat. The more she retaliate, the more he wanted her. His hand slid up to her front collar, pulling them away, revealing partial of her flesh. Chu Qiao's eyes widened horrifically. She gasped with anger when his palms coming into contact with her softness. With a twist of action, she freed herself from his arms, knocked him away with her elbow. Swiftly she swam upwards to the water surface. Letting out a sigh of relief, her face blushing from the lack of air. Her mouth gasping for air. 
Following her behind, his head emerged from the water. "Come over here!" he said in an icy tone. Impatiently he continued, " do not try to play games with me!"
Great! Chu Qiao's anger flared. Her lips curled into a smile of rage. Her eyes narrowed like a hunter aiming at its prey, full of a killer's instinct.


(note: I m really looking forward to how they filmed this. Will we get the kiss inside the water?)


Thanksss a lotttt @monchoo ♡♡♡♡♡

I kept refresh this page to read your entry ♡♡♡

I don't think this scene gonna take in series... <censorship>

Btw, I'm a bit confused. YwY know that was CQ or he just randomly kiss a slave??? 

I don't think YWY in series so bold like in novel. Hahaha

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@mrsyooknit and @cenching -- This is my fourth LGX outing. Although with Scarlet Heart... I only watched bits and pieces of that because I don't care much for Qing dynasty shows. But I liked him in the Detective Dee prequel with Mark Chao most. Until now... of course. :wink: I didn't like God of War much TBH although I didn't necessarily have a problem with him. It was a clumsy, hackneyed adaptation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms while trying to cram in a Jin Yong story as well... although there were some redeeming aspects to it. They made his Zhao Zilong too understated, too muted for my taste.

He's very good in Princess Agents though. It helps that it's a half decent drama of course and that the character he's portraying is reasonably well written. He makes it easier for us to see the softer, even more boyish side of the character. If they do a good job with the rest of drama, his YWY could rival The General and I's Chu Beijie for me. Of course Wallace is in a league of his own in other respects. :wink:

@mrsyooknit I have a thing for smart guys. :D Especially if they're so confident in their own intelligence and abilities that they're not afraid of being overshadowed by the women in their lives. To me, that's what makes an intelligent man even more attractive. That they're so confident in who they are that they don't have to push anyone out of the way to prove it. They're above the petty things that small-minded people are engaged in. One of the things I really like about YWY is how much he believes in XE that he's pushing her as hard as he is. He wants her to be better, stronger and smarter even if potentially she could turn around and bite him. Even though he's probably the smartest guy in the room, he's actually not really that arrogant because he isn't only about outsmarting the other guy. Arrogance is often a facade for many to mask their own insecurities. 

As I've said, he's a type of Renaissance Man -- a polymath if you prefer. He's a gifted strategist, multi-step thinker, a man of science, a musician, a pugilist and scholar. But much more than that, he is at his core... a good man... who is quite surprisingly (or maybe not) unambitious.

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12 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

I agree with a lot of insights into XE's actions and why she leaves. I honestly don't even think the book was clear on her loving YX from what I have seen. She cared about him, but she didn't know if that was love and I don't think she ever told him that she loved him unlike with YWY. 

Romance keeps me talking, but I actually really like the spies/fighting aspect of the show. I think it keeps it interesting. The drama has many good things for me, but the best is how the main characters are written and portrayed so far. They are very complex. 


The romance is keeping me going for this drama, too, but I really like the spies stuff. Lately, I've been watching lots of spies movies here and there and it's like the trend now. I'm glad they are adding the spies into this drama with the great romance. 

10 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


I saw him in Scarlet Heart, but I didn't really pay too much attention to him. I am also very impressed. He is on my top 3 male leads with ZLY so far, we will see as the story progresses. 


I first saw LGX in Scarlet Heart, too and I fell in love with him. He was one of my favorite prince in the drama. After seeing him in God of War, Zhao Yun, I was hoping that LGX gets paired up with ZLY, she's one of my favorite chinese actress. I'm soo happy that they got paired up together for this drama. LGX plays the YWY character soo great. Love him being YWY!


@monchoo Thank you for continuing on the translating! AHH! An underwater kiss!! :wub:

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@monchoothanks for the translation. But I doubt they will film the underwater kissing scene. If they want to follow the novel they'll probably make it milder and not underwater because the scene in the novel is just too intense it won't make it pass the censorship. 

Like @Bella-Chimura and @heoesdanish90 said drama YWY is different from the novel. He's more of a gentleman here. The only way he would force kiss her is if he's fuelled with jealousy at the time. Otherwise we'll probably get just a peck in the mouth like what we've seen in the video clip.

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I had to dash earlier for an appointment but I wanted to address some of the responses I received to a post I made yesterday even if I didn't get the chance to.

For me the separation of the OTP makes sense not because "absence makes the heart grow fonder" although that may end up being true. I suspect (from the snippets I've seen from the trailers) that there's something much bigger that the characters need to grapple with. 

I think it's really important for XE/CQ to have that larger perspective of the world in which she lives. Right now her perception of things is quite narrow Her priority is to stay alive, to keep her sisters alive and learn as much as she can just to stay alive. All of that is very important certainly. However, she is doing all that under the shelter of YWY and his kindness, with possibly an eye to avenging her brother's death in the future. 

She knows the world out there is a terrible place but right now for her, nobles are the enemy and to be able to resist their power and maybe even to be free, she will need to have power herself. So she might believe that if she continues to be under YWY's thumb, she cannot be truly free to achieve that power.

So it's not very surprising when XY wants to start his revolution and she might feel that jumping on his bandwagon is the way to go. Initially. He may even promise her freedom and a world where commoners are treated well with no nobles breathing down their necks. While that may have been a nice ideal, the quickest path to hell is paved with good intentions. People will die in this revolution. A lot of people because the thing that happens when you raise an army to fight, don't be too surprised if people fight back and kill your soldiers. Is this what XE/CQ really signed up for? By then, I can imagine, XY will probably be an unstoppable juggernaut. 

The problem is that when one starts wars, it isn't just the nobles or figures of authorities that die, the very people that you're trying to "help" get caught in the crossfire. They always end up being the ones who suffer the most. Probably worse than what suffering they're enduring right now.

YWY, on the other hand, is trying to prevent war from happening. He knows the system is flawed and where ultimate power lies. He also knows that if the Emperor is allowed to run riot with his suspicions, the result will be unthinkable. Peace is a fragile, tenuous thing. But the one man who has the lives of millions in his hand cannot see past his own paranoia for the good of the bigger picture, he will bring destruction to his people. The emperor isn't interested in the truth. He wants something... anything... that confirms what he already believes... that the Duke of Northern Yan is plotting to rebel. 

YWY is trying to fend off an insecure emperor, while fighting his own clan, while trying to fend off operatives from Liang as well. If he can't juggle all of that successfully without tipping the balance on way or another... The result is the same... it's war on the horizon. 

There are much bigger things at stake than personal revenge or class oppression and XE can't possibly see that right now. But she will and then only will she understand what YWY has really been trying to show her about freedom and power. 



@monchoo -- Oh my! :o *Fans self* I really do have to read it in Chinese. :tongue:

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4 hours ago, Bella-Chimura said:

Thanksss a lotttt @monchoo ♡♡♡♡♡

I kept refresh this page to read your entry ♡♡♡

I don't think this scene gonna take in series... <censorship>

Btw, I'm a bit confused. YwY know that was CQ or he just randomly kiss a slave??? 

I don't think YWY in series so bold like in novel. Hahaha

He didn't know it was she n neither she knows it's him. He kissed her not bcos she's the slave girl bought to warm his bed. It's that she resembled chu Qiao in d first place. Some instinct inside told him she's someone familiar.;)

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@40somethingahjumma, based upon your last post about YWY try to prevent a war etc. I am sure in the upcoming episodes we will have many awesome scenes when YWY unleashes his brain power while trying to win back XE at the same time.....:wub: Please script writers and directors, make it fab for us :D


@monchoo, you are a babe!!!! If we are in the same city, dinner will be on me :lol:

I did read in a blog that YWY in the book is an arrogant noble that doesn't care much for human life but XE's influence changed him. While in the drama, he is such a gentleman, so I am sure we'll have a very different scene from the book. Our YWY won't simply force kissed an unknown slave girl.

From the trailer, its obvious there's no steam around them so they can see each other.  Plus I am curious whether the scene XE wraps up in the lace/brocade cloth like a present lying on the bed with a stunned face is part of bathroom scene.

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5 hours ago, heoesdanish90 said:

OMG. So intense:o. From the trailer, there is a kiss. But not inside the water but on the bed. But its like a peck, not intense kiss like in the story. I wonder if they try to change the scene. Due to censorship reason. Hehe

@monchoo Tq so much friend. U light my day today. My instinct tells me that he already know her identity, thats why he plays with her. Hehe. Because in drama, they potray YWY as gentleman. I dont think he simply did the forced kiss if he didnt know its was her at the first place. Its not like his personality to do like that.

tq @monchoo, the weekend passed easily this round with ur updates.  Kudos to you!!!  

@heoesdanish90, agreed with YWY knowing her identity already.  YWY strikes me as a man of great intuition and will be able to endure great grief (in anticipation of XE-YWY separation later).



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4 hours ago, monchoo said:

By all means read the book in Chinese. The way it was written is way much better expressed than my translated version. :wub: I think I didn't do enough justice in the wushu parts :tongue:

I'm sure you did brilliantly dear. Your translation had so much flair. Action scenes are very hard to write.

But you've got me super curious about how the writer depicted all those risqué moments. :wink:


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@cenchingI'm afraid we won't have a steamy bathroom scene because not only it would make YWY and XE/CQ can't see each other but it would also make us viewers can't see what's going on on screen :lol:. But I'm sure the director will find a way to give us a reasonable excuse for them not recognising each other. 

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4 minutes ago, pawla said:

@cenchingI'm afraid we won't have a steamy bathroom scene because not only it would make YWY and XE/CQ can't see each other but it would also make us viewers can't see what's going on on screen :lol:. But I'm sure the director will find a way to give us a reasonable excuse for them not recognising each other. 

:grin:.....maybe the director going to make him blind again??? Hahahahahahaha..........

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33 minutes ago, monchoo said:

By all means read the book in Chinese. The way it was written is way much better expressed than my translated version. :wub: I think I didn't do enough justice in the wushu parts :tongue:


Thank you for keeping us entertain this weekend. It's okay if you couldn't get in deep like the book, I'm sure most of us got the idea of what was going on. :wub::tongue:


Monday is coming already and we get to watch the next amazing scenes of our OTP. 

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57 minutes ago, monchoo said:

By all means read the book in Chinese. The way it was written is way much better expressed than my translated version. :wub: I think I didn't do enough justice in the wushu parts :tongue:

OMG. Actually your translation is perfect enough for me. Its like you are the writer. Its so detail and the desriptions of every single scene is perfect that i am a reader can imagine them.

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I don't think we will get the full scene bc of LGX LOL. ZLY said he is really shy with kisses plus they probably had to adapt it to TV, tone it down a little. But from the previews/trailers it does seem like they will have a kiss on a bed. When she is wearing that gold outfit and everything fits with the bath scene so I hope that is when we get out first kiss :wub: It would fit in with YWY. Right now they have all this sexual tension and she disappears for some years then he sees her again. 

1 hour ago, cenching said:

@40somethingahjumma, based upon your last post about YWY try to prevent a war etc. I am sure in the upcoming episodes we will have many awesome scenes when YWY unleashes his brain power while trying to win back XE at the same time.....:wub: Please script writers and directors, make it fab for us :D


@monchoo, you are a babe!!!! If we are in the same city, dinner will be on me :lol:

I did read in a blog that YWY in the book is an arrogant noble that doesn't care much for human life but XE's influence changed him. While in the drama, he is such a gentleman, so I am sure we'll have a very different scene from the book. Our YWY won't simply force kissed an unknown slave girl.

From the trailer, its obvious there's no steam around them so they can see each other.  Plus I am curious whether the scene XE wraps up in the lace/brocade cloth like a present lying on the bed with a stunned face is part of bathroom scene.


I think YWY was not really understood by many people. From what I have seen he didn't care too much about slaves' lives as a typical Lord, but he wasn't cruel to the point that he enjoyed harming them. Unlike YX who turns cruel halfway through. 

I do think YWY in the drama is very gentleman like and a bit shy. Maybe some of it is added from LGX. Actors tend to add some of their own mannerisms to their characters and it does changes how they are perceived. 

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1 hour ago, cenching said:

@40somethingahjumma, based upon your last post about YWY try to prevent a war etc. I am sure in the upcoming episodes we will have many awesome scenes when YWY unleashes his brain power while trying to win back XE at the same time.....:wub: Please script writers and directors, make it fab for us :D

Well, it's purely speculation on my part having not read the novel. :D But I've got a few ideas based on watching the trailers and things that people have mentioned here from the novel. But I will pick up the novel when I can... I doubt I will be able to read it from cover to cover though.

27 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:


I think YWY was not really understood by many people. From what I have seen he didn't care too much about slaves' lives as a typical Lord, but he wasn't cruel to the point that he enjoyed harming them. Unlike YX who turns cruel halfway through. 

I do think YWY in the drama is very gentleman like and a bit shy. Maybe some of it is added from LGX. Actors tend to add some of their own mannerisms to their characters and it does changes how they are perceived. 

That's how I understand him to be as well through what we've been shown. He's still a man of the Warring States period, trying to preserve the status quo. I don't think he's about to emancipate slaves or anything like that but he certainly didn't want to have anything to do with hunting them like animals. And compared to all the other nobles he's a much fairer master than most. 

Yeah, I think you're right too about LGX whose performance gives these "humanizing" touches to YWY. But I also think they picked LGX because he exudes the aura of a gentleman scholar which I imagine is what they're going for here. So, yes, probably no rough, steamy underwater naughtiness. :wink:

As long as CQ learns to appreciate YWY for all his fine qualities and makes up her mind to be with him... I'll take whatever I can get. :wink: Still, shy or not, there needs to be some semblance of longing and passion. 


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9 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

I don't think we will get the full scene bc of LGX LOL. ZLY said he is really shy with kisses plus they probably had to adapt it to TV, tone it down a little. But from the previews/trailers it does seem like they will have a kiss on a bed. When she is wearing that gold outfit and everything fits with the bath scene so I hope that is when we get out first kiss :wub: It would fit in with YWY. Right now they have all this sexual tension and she disappears for some years then he sees her again. 


I think YWY was not really understood by many people. From what I have seen he didn't care too much about slaves' lives as a typical Lord, but he wasn't cruel to the point that he enjoyed harming them. Unlike YX who turns cruel halfway through. 

I do think YWY in the drama is very gentleman like and a bit shy. Maybe some of it is added from LGX. Actors tend to add some of their own mannerisms to their characters and it does changes how they are perceived. 

Regarding YW, he had a bad childhood, his concubine mother died of unknown cause (viewers know of course), a father that didn't really acknowledge him, adopted into another family and under go training since young to prepare him as a Head of Eye of God, so every single thing in his life was planned out by Granddaddy, he got no choice at all, he is a noble slave with many privileges and some power BUT can't have what he really wants, FREEDOM. He is bound by an obligation toward his grandpa bcoz of what he did for him. So when there is a chance to choose between FREEDOM and GLORY, he choose FREEDOM (when he leaves everything he had for XE, maybe during that time he realized that he already pay back whatever obligations toward Yuwen Family). 

Different with YX, he is a spoils Prince with complete parent that love him. Even though he is in Chang An as a hostage but he is adore by The Empress Dowager and have the FREEDOM to do whatever he wants. So when he lost everything just like what a spoils child will do he throw "tantrums". Big scale tantrums, and unstoppable urges for revenge and more power bcoz he never get used to of not having what he wants (he chose POWER over LOVE).



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Sorry. This is out of topic. But i can't hold it any longer. I know i sound a little bit stalker. Sorry. Just please dont be misinterpret my intention. Huhu. I am quite shy in reality. Only in this forum i can voice my opinion.

After i watch PA, i admit that i took an interest in actor LGX. I dont know why but i really love his character as YWY. 

Then , i tried to search for him. I watched all his movies( not all but most of his movies). I found that he rarely has intense kiss scene with other actress. So, i think in reality he must be a REAL gentleman inside n pretty shy. 

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4 minutes ago, heoesdanish90 said:

Sorry. This is out of topic. But i can't hold it any longer. I know i sound a little bit stalker. Sorry. Just please dont be misinterpret my intention. Huhu. I am quite shy in reality. Only in this forum i can voice my opinion.

After i watch PA, i admit that i took an interest in actor LGX. I dont know why but i really love his character as YWY. 

Then , i tried to search for him. I watched all his movies( not all but most of his movies). I found that he rarely has intense kiss scene with other actress. So, i think in reality he must be a REAL gentleman inside n pretty shy. 

Not sure if LGX is a REAL gentleman in real life. From some celebrities news, he has a reputation as a playboy....he changes GF like changing shirts....:grin:

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