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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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6 minutes ago, sdmango said:

@40somethingahjumma I wish I agreed wholeheartedly with your CQ-YWY love thing, but I think the directors or script writers just butchered it...or rather, made things very inconsistent. CQ not killing YWY multiple times could be her feeling indebted to him in many ways or unsure of his supposed "evilness". If she had any doubt that he may be a good person or is aware that he is helping her, she would be hesitant about killing him. So I think that point doesn't necessarily mean she loves him. Just as YX lets Chun er go twice, when she's his enemy's daughter and trying to kill him in this last episode, it doesn't mean he loves her. But I admit that I jumped around to CQ-YWY scenes only mostly, so maybe I missed some more revealing scenes.

No matter what the context of "I don't blame you for killing YWY" is, at this key moment this is a key piece of dialogue. I just cannot rationalize this quote with CQ loving YWY. YWY is at this point probably in already in danger (when YX and CQ are having this convo), I don't see any reason for CQ to lie. Also CQ is someone who means what she says. She doesn't necessarily say everything that she's thinking/feeling, but what does say is truthful. If she says "I don't blame you for killing YWY", I take that literally. So again, while I agree there are many scenes in which CQ could be interpreted as having feelings for YWY but it becomes inconsistent because of scenes such as this one. 

And although it's all really annoying that things don't all match up, at the same time it's kinda brilliant when a TV series brings out so much analysis in viewers ??? :D  

I don't disagree that the showrunners did a hatchet job on the latter half of the show. I've said this many times and in recent days as well. I'm on record on more than one occasion for saying that this show doesn't really know what its focus should be.


First of all, I think we need to consider too that this piece of dialogue that you've referenced is just a preview. This is a piece of dialogue has been cut out of a larger context. Now whether CQ comes out of it better when the context is clearer, I cannot say but I would hate to jump the gun on this.

Secondly, I disagree that just because CQ says to YX she doesn't blame him for killing YWY is somehow proof that she never loved him. She's using that word "blame" comparatively. What she says to him in that context is that in the heat of battle, under the rules of engagement, it is normal that people die in the rough and tumble of battle. But what YX did that was despicable in her eyes was using her to lure YWY out. For her that is despicable but I think that in war, people should do all they can to defeat the enemy even using their weaknesses. As they say, all's fair in love and war. Hence, the focus of that piece of dialogue is not on whether CQ blamed YX for YWY's death but the fact that YX used her to get to YWY. She didn't want to be the instrument of his death... she never even wanted him to die. But she wanted them to fight fairly and die honourably in battle upholding their individual beliefs. That's why she told YWY to set aside all feelings for her when they meet on the battlefield and see her as just another combatant.

To me it's really important to see these conversations or scenes in their bigger context and be very careful about pulling individual words out to prove one thing or another.

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I just caught up with this series, skipped some episodes and fast forward some. I really like the chemistry between cq and ywy but i hate the editing. The story end up choppy and doesnt make sense in some parts. I will like to read the novel. Which website can I get this novel from? 

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I don't remember how many times I watch the preview and I cry everytime I watch it. I really want to watch today's episode so badly but at the same time don't have courage to do so because its mean our journey with YWY and CQ will end today and possible sad ending.I hope this beautiful couple get a satisfying ending.

Probably YX pure jealousy with YWY triggered with the coming of Prince Xiang troop and he use it as an excuse to devise this despicable plan to lure YWY out and kill him.

When I watch the preview, the overwhelming emotion both YWY and CQ for me is a prove that they love each so much and this time for CQ she's willing to let go of everything to save him while CQ is so devastated seeing YWY dying in front of her.

YX will see himself and confirm his suspicion that CQ indeed love YWY and maybe will be shock that CQ willing to jump into the lake to save YWY. At that time he completely loosing her.

I think what CQ said to YX about using YWY feelings for her to kill him is so despicable as though war is unavoidable he should fight fairly with him especially they are former friend.

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just watch ep 66 raw


The part where YX release CE and tell her to take care... i can feel YX's sincerity .. when he apologies to her.. i really cry.. he really sorry for what happen to her.. all the memories sudden flash back.. again i cry 


The part where YWY says "the only thing that hurt me soon will no longer belongs to me" damn XE/CQ .. if i were you.. i will just jump over and hug him!! lol 


today is last ep of Season 1 ... i think i will prepare tissue as i know i will cry in a bucket of tears!

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56 minutes ago, jolin_chan said:

A beautiful but also sad fanart :bawling::bawling::bawling:


cr : weibo

Today preview still drain my energy out, I still cry watching them, and I dunno how many times already I rewatch the preview. I'm still hoping for the happy ending, even if it's grim, still hope, for the love for YWY.


This is soo BEAUTIFUL! It should be like this in the drama. Thank you for sharing. 

1 minute ago, mrsyooknit said:




My heart is breaking seeing them like this. :bawling::bawling::bawling::heartbreak:

it ends tomorrow and they are hurting us.

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I think when XE said that he does not blame YX for killing YWY meant  that he has reason to kill him.I think he still blames YWY for the death of his family.YX knows that YWY help him to keep him alive.They are enemies now .The execution of how he killed YWY is not honorable..You can  kill YWY on a battlefield ,face to face but not behind his back .It was an ambush on the pretext of using XE to lure him. I  am also of the opinion  that XE loves YWY ,when she goes looking for him in the temple.You can see it on her eyes,she won't look at him straight ,eyes cast down and their conversations.It's like she's fishing for responses to make her feel sure that he truly love her.Her demeanor changed when she took the poisoned needle for YWY while they we're in the cart.Also when she was at Liang prince's residence.I thought that was the first that she called him by his name and her smile.Happy ending for our OTP

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9 hours ago, RealityDream said:


You have strong hearing then! I didn't hear anything, but I probably missed it. The only part where I hear her said something about Wo yao qu, is during the dialogue with YX where she said "Just like you wish, I will go find YWY". 


I thought I heard XE say she wants to marry YWY?  Is it?

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1 hour ago, dashmount20 said:

mystic nine better than legend of zu.. specially on the ZLY part.. hahahaha :D firt 1-8 quite boring.. after ZLY appear than the chemistry between zly and william chan is so funny...

I think William Chan like ZLY.. I can see on the happy camp recently.. william chan try to help her when she has difficulty answering one of the question raised by fan.

Yea... i also like LGX pair with ZLY... hope they have another movie together...

nice fan art... yea.. kiss under water... hahahah :D


I think alot of actors that worked with ZLY likes her, whether its romantic interest or not, I'm not certain. I also feel LGX likes her. He's always teasing her BTS. He's very attentive towards her, like he'll remove a hair in her face, gives her a teddy bear because she cried, shares with her his favorite spicy snack (not just one, but many), always responds to her post in weibo. I feel like he's attracted to her. He said in an interview before that he would not share his personal life stuff such as when he'll get married or who he's dating so he denies alot of rumors. 

I hope to see another of her drama soon. I like watching her in 72 floors of mystery. She has a great interaction with Kris Wu and Leo Wu Lei. They both love to tease her too. I can see her childish side. Its very funny and super cute. Her new hair cut (cut at shoulder length) makes her look so much younger. :D 

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29 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I don't disagree that the showrunners did a hatchet job on the latter half of the show. I've said this many times and in recent days as well. I'm on record on more than one occasion for saying that this show doesn't really know what its focus should be.


First of all, I think we need to consider too that this piece of dialogue that you've referenced is just a preview. This is a piece of dialogue has been cut out of a larger context. Now whether CQ comes out of it better when the context is clearer, I cannot say but I would hate to jump the gun on this.

Secondly, I disagree that just because CQ says to YX she doesn't blame him for killing YWY is somehow proof that she never loved him. She's using that word "blame" comparatively. What she says to him in that context is that in the heat of battle, under the rules of engagement, it is normal that people die in the rough and tumble of battle. But what YX did that was despicable in her eyes was using her to lure YWY out. For her that is despicable but I think that in war, people should do all they can to defeat the enemy even using their weaknesses. As they say, all's fair in love and war. Hence, the focus of that piece of dialogue is not on whether CQ blamed YX for YWY's death but the fact that YX used her to get to YWY. She didn't want to be the instrument of his death... she never even wanted him to die. But she wanted them to fight fairly and die honourably in battle upholding their individual beliefs. That's why she told YWY to set aside all feelings for her when they meet on the battlefield and see her as just another combatant.

To me it's really important to see these conversations or scenes in their bigger context and be very careful about pulling individual words out to prove one thing or another.


Perhaps we just have different standards for love. To me, love trumps everything, even reason and ideals/beliefs. Love means CQ would want to protect YWY regardless of their beliefs. She already says she doesn't want to kill him, but will do whatever it takes to "defeat" him. We'll never find out how far she'll go- would she really seriously hurt him for her beliefs? Because YWY would not back down from YX in battle unless he is physically unable to. Sounds like CQ will stand up for her ideals primarily while not killing off YWY, which is fine. Some people put their ideals above love and they will give up a relationship in order to pursue their greater purpose in life but they will still fiercely protect their loved one and be at odds with whoever wants to kill their loved one. CQ being okay with YX fairly killing YWY in battle? Again, to me love takes over reasoning. In principle, everything is fair in war. But the presence of love complicates things. To put it simply, if CQ's mom was in YWY's position, would CQ say "it's fair for you to kill my mom because this is war and we have our ideals to fight for"? I think this type of "love" will still disappoint most people. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I really can't think how CQ can still save herself given just this one sentence 

Anyways, it's all speculation. With what the storyline gives us, I think it's gonna be 50/50 with people agreeing or disagreeing with the love thing. If anything, we can probably at least agree that YWY's love is deeper (assuming that CQ loves back). 

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Looks like the rumours were true, they are going to end Princess Agents as a cliffhanger and make Season 2! Nooooooooooooooooooo, why can't they just condense the story and make it all fit into one drama? A ton of the subplots/ unnecessary characters could have been cut like Concubine Lan.

There's still one episode left so fingers crossed, Yuwen Yue may still be alive!

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9 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:


I thought I heard XE say she wants to marry YWY?  Is it?


She didn't specifically say she wants to marry him. 

In the preview, she only said, she's sorry; she will never leave him again and she wants him and her to be alive together. Its the most touching words I have ever heard this entire drama. It makes me want to cry seeing this icy lake scene. :bawling:

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2 minutes ago, frostflower14 said:

Looks like the rumours were true, they are going to end Princess Agents as a cliffhanger and make Season 2! Nooooooooooooooooooo, why can't they just condense the story and make it all fit into one drama? A ton of the subplots/ unnecessary characters could have been cut like Concubine Lan.

There's still one episode left so fingers crossed, Yuwen Yue may still be alive!


NOOO!!!! Let's just trust LGX. He said it'll be a happy ending; both YWY and XE will be together. I don't want to think it'll end as a cliffhanger, or I'll rage at the producers and scriptwriters! lol. 

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@The Joker That is the most sorriest and dang it lamest excuse my richard simmons has ever heard.  Are these writers especially the mid and final writers fresh...just out of school...uni...etc?  Yes. it was undesrtood as she mentioned in her statement. this is her debut script. :confounded:

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