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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:

I think @jolin_chan and @RealityDream make some good points. But I still feel that CQ's logic doesn't make sense. Hopefully by the end of the drama, I will understand her better. 


I agree. Sometimes I thought CQ's logic doesn't make sense. She told ZY "Lets both leave..." but after meeting Mr. Wu, she like changed her mind. In a way, i feel like she's taking YWY's love for her for granted. I remember reading in the book, when she realized YWY is still alive, she was like "will he accept me still, kind of thing". 

I hope when she recovers her power during the icy lake, she'll slash CY, mustache guy, and the crippled afterlife leader. They have to all die right? LOL

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7 hours ago, Bella-Chimura said:


I just hope when this series reach the final episode, I'm not end up with some cursing word. I want happy ending for YY n CQ. 

If they want to make PA2 without same cast, who want to watch it?


Your comment made me laugh. It reminded me of the ending of Spiderman 2017. 


Aunt May is about to say the f-word and the scene ends before she can finish the word. :D

Credit: video from youtube




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10 minutes ago, RealityDream said:


I agree. Sometimes I thought CQ's logic doesn't make sense. She told ZY "Lets both leave..." but after meeting Mr. Wu, she like changed her mind. In a way, i feel like she's taking YWY's love for her for granted. I remember reading in the book, when she realized YWY is still alive, she was like "will he accept me still, kind of thing". 

I hope when she recovers her power during the icy lake, she'll slash CY, mustache guy, and the crippled afterlife leader. They have to all die right? LOL

Where can i find the book???

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This is sooooo frustrating..... only a few episodes remaining but still there is a boulder of things and truth need to be revealed and tied up.. and the truth about CQ background just got revealed? I was like...what the heck!! I try to put aside the romance affairs for awhile, coz i understand we are in a war right now and i respect Cq's stand that love is not her priority for this moment.. but to conclude everything, the conspriracy of the underground spies, the hidden ice kungfu, history of LH, CQ as the heir of her mother 's legacy..plus we need to see CQ uses her new power more especially and watch that old crippled grandpa stumbled down in shock and  get paralyzed...geez....we need like 10 more episodes at least to cover everything up!!!!

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5 hours ago, jolin_chan said:

 Let's see Tuesday if they gonna ruin this series with a not satisfying ending, then I will REALLY reconsider if Ciwen and HunanTV ever lure me again with their series.


I agree and I'm doing the same. B)

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4 hours ago, hermionne said:

I don't know if it's just me but I don't see any actions being done by CQ to free the slaves and end slavery in Yanbei or in any place for that matter. All she did was defend Yanbei against the Wei army who attacked Yan Bei because of YX. The Wei army did not attack Yan Bei in order to uphold slavery. Yan Bei won't be attacked if YX didn't go back there to claim it as his territory. I didn't see CQ nor any of her supporters take concrete steps to alleviate the people of Yan Bei from poverty and corruption. YX even abandoned Yanbei and was willing to sacrifice it for his own ambition. So all her talks about fighting for a noble cause are actually just empty words. The fact is she & YX did not improve the lives of the people of Yanbei. They are actually the ones who brought unnecessary havoc to Yanbei. She's now just trying to save Yanbei from the disaster that they caused. 

So I hope she can already stop her delusion that she's a warrior who's sacrificing everything to fight for a noble cause. YX's plan is solely to extract revenge. Yanbei doesn't mean anything to him anymore because it's no longer the paradise that he remembered from his childhood. YX is not fighting for any cause other than his own. CQ's firm decision to stay by YX's side even after realizing that they have different objectives in going against the Emperor is beyond foolish. How can she force him to embrace her objective if she doesn't even confront him to have a rational dialogue? Does she think that as long as she's by his side, he'll eventually wake up one morning with the same ideology as hers? If she wants to straighten out YX, then she has to sternly reprimand him and make him realize that he's treading the wrong path.

I thought one of the major plots of this drama is the fight against social injustice and slavery, but the show's now down to 3 episodes and I haven't seen that much emancipated slaves yet. CQ and YX haven't freed any slaves. Only YWY did. He freed CQ and convinced his grandfather to free all their other slaves. YWY is really the saving grace in this drama. Thank goodness for YWY! 

Yeah she forgot bout the slavery things only focus with YX 

I prefer her life in green hills ... slavery only happen in YWH family ... in green hills there so much peace n happiness ... 

Da wei also dont want to have war ... the one that wanting the war only Yan Xun lol ... 

So confusing ... just because one person this CQ protect him like hell .. isnt he an adult or a lil baby ?i think she was blinded by love for Yan Xun ... 

I love this series when they has lots of spy ... tricks etc but when it starts to war ... sounds so insane coz the one starts the war always that YanXun ... he is not looking for revenge anymore ... he is greedy he wants to become emperor ... he said to CQ  .. he tries his best giving her the best thing in this world ... he will give her Chang An hahaha ... 

Everyone can changes but do u have to stay to his side all the time?

If its not happy ending then yeah this drama is insane

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Since I already invested in this drama since the beginning, I will watch this drama till the end whether its happy ending or not but ofcourse I hope they follow the novel ending that both CQ and YWY finally be together with a romance touch. I understand if they don't show us their wedding ceremony or their children but please get them together.

I hope if CQ really regain her power and memories after the Ice lake Incident she kill Cheng yuan and all the general that despise her, the afterlife leader. About YX, after all he did, I hope he'll be left alone despite become a king or whatever..that is a price he must pay for power that he want.


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20 minutes ago, RealityDream said:


The little girl have two different hairstyle, so maybe we'll see more than one appearance of her? 

They supposed to be Xiao Che children? At the novel they raise his child but now no idea cause this drama always dragging so impossible XC will be dead in this 3 episodes ... really dont hav any idea .. LGX did say that XE is not pregnant in the series  ...

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1 hour ago, RealityDream said:


I agree. Sometimes I thought CQ's logic doesn't make sense. She told ZY "Lets both leave..." but after meeting Mr. Wu, she like changed her mind. In a way, i feel like she's taking YWY's love for her for granted. I remember reading in the book, when she realized YWY is still alive, she was like "will he accept me still, kind of thing". 

I hope when she recovers her power during the icy lake, she'll slash CY, mustache guy, and the crippled afterlife leader. They have to all die right? LOL


She does take his love for her for granted. Maybe because she thinks he'll always be around waiting for her, hence, her agony over the icy lake tragedy. YWY doesn't feel the love especially when she's all about saving YX from himself. It wouldn't be surprising anymore if he's truly resigned himself having a future with her and that all he can do is watching from afar or be content knowing she's alive somewhere.

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ok - my last rant as I am just about to just skip the rest of this show, but sometning probably went wrong with the scripting and editing to begin with, but this whole drama appears tattered at this juncture with too many side stories-plots inserted way towards the very end that 1) do not cohesively come together nor seamlessly transitioned 2) detract the audience's attention from the protagonists and the primary storyline.

They tried to stick too many things in within a short period of time instead of making experienced decisions 1) suck it up and make the series longer if almost every detail or side-plot is to be included or 2) edit out the insignificant portions and some characters within the script to produce a clearer and easier to follow story line that does not require anyone to read the novel. At this juncture - the novel is easier to understand than the show itself. 

Unlike CQ who appears masochistic at this juncture, i am hyper-critical and have a tenuous internal threshold when it comes to tv entertainment, and no patience for BS. What can I say..... disgusted is an understatement.:ph34r:

Thank goodness Li Joon Gi is back, I may have something better to tide me over these woeful days :D

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2 minutes ago, Melda Hung said:

They supposed to be Xiao Che children? At the novel they raise his child but now no idea cause this drama always dragging so impossible XC will be dead in this 3 episodes ... really dont hav any idea .. LGX did say that XE is not pregnant in the series  ...


I'm wondering too who those kids are and where they're going to squeeze them in into the storyline  when the show is ending in few days. Speaking of kids, where is Mo'er?  

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I've been thinking about the other villains who are after Chu Xiao's life. First of all, it looks like they don't have a damn clue what the wind and cloud thing is. I have a feeling that they are going to end up like YXH, who was going after the god of eyes but had no clue what it really was until YWY told him. How the hell are they going to get that kungfu thing from Chu Xiao if she is the only one who knows it? And most importantly she doesn't remember anything and it does look like she is better at martial arts and smarter than them. These stupid villains are always digging their own grave... 


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1 hour ago, tsukimori said:

maybe there is a happy ending:

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this isn't Mo er so maybe it's their children!!!


I don't think so. The clothes the children wearing are of cheaper material. Maybe they are orphans from a village they later adopted. The background of the last pic looks like the scene from the ice lake. The trees are covered with snow. 

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Still two epi' s behind - but the one clear conclusion I can safely draw - despite the scrambled plots we're getting elsewhere - the only two sane and clear headed people in this ENTIRE series are YWY + CE - they know how to get what they want.

I watched the attempt to poison Evil Emperor scene - she got her answers, drew the right conclusion and hit target! Doesn't matter if she failed, seeing Evil Emperor cower in fear looking at his own daughter was a sight to behold. He's going to commit crimes and atrocities to disguise his paranoia and it won't eventually come back to bite him! CE may have been portrayed as naive, but she wasn't stupid. She has put on a convincing facade of silliness but can still get to the root of what she wanted to know. Nor is she as fragile but very bold in demanding what she wants. YX could take some lessons from her.

WWhat is this ideological diseases that CQ carries around with her of - ending slavery, no more orphans, world peace, no killing innocents during war ..and the list... nada nada.... evey where she goes, she infects the people with the same *bangs head on desk* - like someone mentioned here - you have to be the rule MAKER to be able to make changes on that level. I have to say she and her followers  were very advanced in their thinking for a time when slavery was soo common.

Can someone tell me why they haven't included the Xiuli army execution in the subbed version - instead taken a editing jump to the lake scene?

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6 hours ago, jolin_chan said:

Just watched ep 64 (FF it), what I can grasp, CQ think that her biggest obligations right now is to defend Yanbei, she also said that Yanbei has win her heart. ZLY also kinda give a hint of CQ's characters, sometimes you have to do something that you didn't like because that is your obligations. I also think CQ screaming YX's name and their promise as her frustations that YX abandon Yanbei, the place that he sell to her and she buys it, but now YX abandoning it, so no matter how chips and broken Yanbei is, CQ gonna stay with it because no one else would. And watching the preview, what Mr Wu said to CQ, I think it's gonna make her more determine to stay at Yanbei because turns out it also the place that her mother also protected even till her dying breath. So I do think CQ is not largely stay at YX's side, rather than stay for the sake of Yanbei. And CQ convo to YWY, CQ do admit that she rethinking her past actions, a lot of what if, but will she regret it, no she is not, that is her little stubbornness left, her pride to not admit her wrongdoings, but also is her way to kinda challenge YWY to pursue her to think differ, given her advices like he always had, so that's why she is shocked with YWY's answers. YWY knew he can't win her to be by his side by keeping her on cage, shoving his belief or what he thinks it's right into her mind, he already try that, and it failed. CQ IS a stubborn person, you cannot make that kind of person to stay by your side by force, if you still want all her good quality to stay intact after all the force you use to make her subdue. YWY after his mourning over CQ and given a second chance to see her alive and well, is willing to 'let her go' even if it means she is not his to have, all that matter to him is for her to be alive and live happily. So YWY's answers even it was shocking CQ, she also realize how selfless YWY's love for her is, how YWY never ask anything in return for his love and protections towards her if it means he gonna get it by force, he only will accept anything if it is her own free will to do so. So that's why came her famous line, she knew what he need, and I do believe that she also loves him, maybe she's not realizing it yet how big her love for him is, how he is matter the most in her life yet, because face the fact, this is also her first love, with all the harsh life she had, she never experience this kind of love before, so how we gonna expect her to do what she should do earlier (reciprocate YWY's love, she kinda actually did, by kissing him back and close her eyes when the kiss happens back then), she had no benchmark to show her how she should react with this kind of love. And we should also consider the first line she said to YWY at the icy lake, she only think to just be free at first but then YX came. With YX, came a lot of obligations that she cannot put down, that's why she feel very sorry that she cannot repay what YWY's need and want, and she also finally realize how selfless YWY is. I think these, it's a good build-up for the icy lake incident to come. How YWY's death later gonna knock a BIG realizations into CQ's head, how it gonna change her course of actions, how she gonna re-arrange what matters the most for her. But the bad one is, how's the drama gonna potray the aftermath of the icy lake incident, the premise is good, but how they gonna delivered it is still questionable. I still gonna stay till the end of this shows though. Seeing the butchering of TJOF, prolong the scenes that should not be prolong ( I think PA is way more good in term of prolonging unnecessary scenes compare to TJOF), and the rush end, Ciwen and HunanTV just bring it on, come what may. Let's see Tuesday if they gonna ruin this series with a not satisfying ending, then I will REALLY reconsider if Ciwen and HunanTV ever lure me again with their series.


Well said chingus♡♡♡♡♡

I felt a little bit funny coz last time in TJOF thread, we also screaming in frustation with a few till last ep of HQG. Now, we're facing the same situation:tongue:

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From the first episode until now, I can see each character's growth.

YS and CE from the naive happy go lucky rich no burden royalties became people that aware of what the real world is and they changed to the better especially YS while CE in some ways she did changes to the better too. All those realizations came with a price, they lost many loved ones. They learn a lot from those events....

YX from The Sunny Naive Boy became The Dark Vengeful Lord. He wants more than revenge. He realized that power is the most important thing and plenty of sacrifices is needed to achieve that goal. He is smart, he knew he was being pitted against XE by The Dagger Boy but he let him go because he is still useful. I think he wants to reduces XE to a mere house wife whom will only taking care of him alone. He has outgrown XE by million times. Interestingly, The Dagger Boy knew that XE's heart is not with YX.

I can say YWY is the only one pretty much the same except his qualities are more refined. YWY's love for XE still the same, I can say getting stronger but he has different perception of what love is after XE's "death". He values life a lot more now not only XE's but human in general. He freed his own slaves. That man is getting smarter, he can even help The General Prince to ascends the throne from miles away. But he will put away his mighty brain in order to save XE...#Sigh  I don't feel the need to describe him too much since I did it for hundreds of posts here...

Emperor Eyeliner, finally he realized his own mistakes and try to amended it thru The General Prince.

I put XE last bcoz I frustrated over her character almost zero development. From her conversation in the icy lake, it's obvious she had came to realizations about YX's antics (to put it mildly) and the price she has to pay for all of her actions and it's clear she doesn't like it (an understatement). BUT why why why she still stick around him. When she heard the devastating news about YWY from Crippled Grandpa, she jump out immediately. While what YX doing is millions times worst and yet she stayed. Is she really that super confident that she can change YX?? All of her actions and decisions doesn't made sense. I am in lost of words to describe her....#Speechless

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1 hour ago, desertpanda said:


Your comment made me laugh. It reminded me of the ending of Spiderman 2017. 


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Aunt May is about to say the f-word and the scene ends before she can finish the word. :D

Credit: video from youtube






Haha the 1st series already dragging ..

i wonder how they make it to 2nd series ... 

What story they will focus ...

maybe still YanXun since he still alive  ... 

Its time he marry da liang princess isnt it?

I wish he marry her asap in the only remaining 3 episodes hahaha 

I agree YWY is one sided lover ..

 He is so pitiful here .. 

Why he has to suffer too .. 

If in sunday ... CQ still keeps on screaming Yan Xun ... surely i will slap her ... damn it till the end she still not realising where her heat rely on ... damn it ... when they say she is a steel thicked heart woman ... she indeed cry for YanXun so i think her relationship towards YX in these 3 years isnt like what they potray in drama ^_^

They never kissing so how come the love is so deep ... 

Maybe her relationship with YX in novel already deepen like husband n wife that makes her keep taking care of him ..

But in drama they dont potray it so why has to drag like this ... 

Words that spoken by her always YanXun and Yanbei ... 

That 2 things she love the most ... 

Its starting too boring here ... 

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