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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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29 minutes ago, tashalynn said:

Do u all honestly think there will be  PA 2??? If so, I dont wanna know till all the episdoes have been finished. Cause waiting for 2 episodes for only 4 days og the week. Is gonna kill me. Not only tjat, but sometimes its not 2 its only 1. 

With the success that it has enjoyed and the battle-heavy and more costly part to produce done already in PA, I would say PA 2 is very likely.  They have a ready audience and they can reuse the props and such if they plan it right.  I'd say it's almost a given.

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I don't want a cliffhanger for the last scene.Afterall the time we've invested on this drama,OMG.How can they predict that version 2 will be have the same viewers as the first especially if the 2 leading characters will not be in it.? Happy ending please

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7 minutes ago, eim1 said:

I don't want a cliffhanger for the last scene.Afterall the time we've invested on this drama,OMG.How can they predict that version 2 will be have the same viewers as the first especially if the 2 leading characters will not be in it.? Happy ending please

They can afford to have some drop in viewers since the bulk of their production cost have been repaid or absorbed by PA so the cost would mainly be due to the labor associated with the actors and people behind the scene.  I sure hope I am wrong about how the people in show biz do business over there in China and we get a happy ending.

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Is there any official word that there is going to be a sequel or are we still dealing in the realm of rumours?

While I can't say I've watched that many C-dramas that I can call myself an expert, I don't think I've come across that many sequels for period dramas. Even with shows that were crying out for one like Yi Zhi Mei, it's been about 7 years and none are forthcoming. In general it's just very hard to get all the actors together all at the same time again.

As a whole C dramas don't have a good history with sequels. Of course that hasn't stopped anyone from trying. But they are rare. Even the LYB sequel is more like a spin-off featuring a whole group of new actors from a different generation.

Even if the icy lake scene has been stated to show up in the last episode, it doesn't mean it's the last scene in the last episode. And in pre-produced dramas, scenes are frequently filmed out of story order anyway.

Sure, I wouldn't put it past a C-drama to have a tragic and/or open-ended ending but this show doesn't really have that vibe. Border Town Prodigal did annoy me with its ending but at least in that drama, it made some measure of sense and Gu Long had a very complicated life with mental health issues, substance abuse and women.

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1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:


yeah, that could be it. Tbh I wasnt a bit fan at first, but I like him a lot now. I find him really funny in an awkward dorky type of way. It could also be because I like those qualities. 


Yes, in other places I have seen people say he couldn't act his character and I was just like :blink: I wouln't say I am an expert at judging acting, but I just don't see it. I do think judgement could be clouded by who is your favorite character. PA had a bit of leading man fanwar lol between YWY and YX fans reminding me of a similar thing that happened in Empress Ki. I would say all YWY fans found their way into Soompi. :lol:

Talking about Empress Ki. I feel about YWY the same way I felt about Tahwan, where I just want him to be happy. 


a fellow Wookie fan :tongue: 

Haha hi chengu proud #wookie fan her aince 2010 haha

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1 hour ago, tashalynn said:

Do u all honestly think there will be  PA 2??? If so, I dont wanna know till all the episdoes have been finished. Cause waiting for 2 episodes for only 4 days og the week. Is gonna kill me. Not only tjat, but sometimes its not 2 its only 1. 


I think there will if the casts returns. I mean, look at the outcome of PA1, their # of views are high, its popular, lots of praises. Of course, they would want a PA2, but, they know that PA2 will only be as popular if the same casts returns. This popularity reminds of the C-drama: Bu Bu Jing Xin in 2011, where its popularity is also high and they made a part 2 in modern time with most of the casts returning. If I was the producers, I wouldn't want to kill the drama to have replacements of the actors/actresses. In the press conference, the director/producer already said that each of the actor/actresses basically act as if they were the real person. They're very immerged into their role, so I hope if there is a PA2 that it'll be LGX and ZLY as YWY and CQ again, since the other characters basically died. :lol:

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Really like this forum where despite the differing views and opinions of the dramas (which one would expect), everyone (by and large) puts across their thoughts politely and respectfully! I just wanted to point out something which may change some readers' view but in their conversation pre-kiss when YWY say "but of course, it has been one-sided on my part all along" and stands up to walk away obviously rather broken-heartedly, she immediately stands up to say that "after all that she and YX have endured together, she cannot afford to be either willful or impetuous" which indicates that as much as she would like to follow her heart and be with YWY, she cannot. I think the subbing was off here but the nuances of what she said is quite important as that is her way of telling YWY that his feelings are not one-sided but just that she cannot act on hers. Which is why he kissed her because he needed her to know that while he can survive without her, he needs her too (not to save him (like what YX needs) but to be with him. I think that was a great parting shot - he intellectually knows that she cannot possibly stay at this point in time (she is still a wanted person and would need to live in the shadows as he is a Wei General) unless they both go somewhere new and love incognito which he too is not prepared to do as he knows that war with Yanbei is looming and he has to protect the Wei citizens. I thought the repeat of those scenes where he was sleeping with his XE and ME were badly edited and unnecessary (presumably editing team thought they needed to show that he couldn't sleep) but he has said all he needs to consistent with his character - he has staked his claim (which he hadn't so far openly to-date) and she did not reject it - they now have a war to prevent / fight / manouvre as he knows they will meet again. The original progression in that it only shows it weighing heavily on XE should have been left that way - she was so miserable (knowing that she will not change her decision but still!!) until she could not eat shows how much it affected her because she has always been about keeping her pumped and geared these 3 years and one has to eat anything to survive / be prepared but she just couldn't this time.

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In the book, they got together after icy lake scene. The rest of the story was only lovey dovey scenes with Kingdom conquering in between. If they will leave us hanging for PA2, what kind of story they are going to produce? Another 20 episodes of XE mourning for YWY and 10 episodes of them missing each other on the street? 20 episodes for the battles? How boring!!! Since I am sure fans of PA only care about them not much for other characters.

So if there will be PA2, most likely will be totally different story like LangYaBang 2.

In my imagination, if they are going to combine Icy lake scene with XE getting back her memory and her skill then maybe YWY won't die but rescues by XE instead. Her KungFu can control water? So maybe she can something like Moses, divides the lake so YWY won't drown :grin:

@lizzieyen, I am agreed with you regarding XE's feeling before during and after the kiss.....:) #HighFive


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For me even in the early days of this drama, I've always been surprised at the negative comments regarding LGX's acting. I know it's not that widespread but there's a lot about what he does with the character that redeems this show for me and helps me overlook all the silliness. 

Despite being critical of CQ's poorly conceived ideological views and high profile political activities, I still think there's something magical that happens when YWY and CQ come together. It's almost an entirely different show when those two are in the same space. It's as if time stands still for them and all the chaos that all around them don't really matter all that much. Even if those two don't end up together I really like what the romance does for YWY in terms of his personal growth and it pries another side to him in a way that nothing else does. If it weren't for the romance, I don't think we'd see the passionate undercurrents and that boyish almost petulant side to YWY. It's too adorable.

When I think of that scene in Ep. 53 where YWY says that everything's been wishful thinking on his part, the way he shakes his head in resignation before getting up to leave is quite heartbreaking. One can almost see the struggle that's going on inside of him and he's battling himself to hold it all together with a tinge of bitterness. And when he whispers "I need you too, can you feel it?"... it's ovaries exploding stuff.

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@40somethingahjumma, There were even a lot of negative comments regarding the scene you (and me) considered ovaries exploding. YX's fans said, his eyes was empty and feel forced. Some comments said they FF the episodes of bathroom scenes and the conversation over The Sesame Seeds Cakes bcoz were soooo boring, their relationship is obviously manufactured unlike YX-XE 's relationships that feels more genuine. I am dumbfounded :crazy:

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I am not worried about a cliffhanger ending, they will surely end it in a happy note. I am just concerned that they will not give us OTP moments. Remember these scenes, they still have not happened yet right?




And someone posted a video of the final home (?) (i am not sure of the words as I use Google translate :D) of YWY and XE:


Can someone translate what she says here:




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That short video of the supposedly YWY-XE's home is a location in HengDian that has been used repeatedly in many many dramas. From what I can remember:

1. Headquarter of Yi Zhi Mei

2. HQG's prison where Tang Bao got killed outside it.

3. The Immortal Village in XuanYuan Sword 2012

Some I forget the dramas' titles but at least there were another 5 dramas with that spot. The industry people love that spot so much.....

I hope we will have happy ending and see them happy in that over the water home...:wub:

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Some BTS pics of the cast:

Not seen this outfit of YWY yet:

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CQ's double:

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing


I like how he's always got her in a close embrace, YQ on and off cam witness, he he:

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling


YWY's double:

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing


The girl who played little XE is lovely and will grow up beautiful from her features:
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

credit as tagged

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10 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:

Some BTS pics of the cast:

Not seen this outfit of YWY yet:

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Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor

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CQ's double:

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing


I like how he's always got her in a close embrace, he he:

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling


YWY's double:

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing


The girl who played little XE is lovely and will grow up beautiful from her features:
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

credit as tagged

He was wearing that robes when YQ said Mo Er should not be with them in war area

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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Is there any official word that there is going to be a sequel or are we still dealing in the realm of rumours?


Nothing on the sequel, everything out there is just rumors. And you are right not that many sequels, but they are becoming more popular recently (without the original cast members). 

3 hours ago, lizzieyen said:

Really like this forum where despite the differing views and opinions of the dramas (which one would expect), everyone (by and large) puts across their thoughts politely and respectfully! I just wanted to point out something which may change some readers' view but in their conversation pre-kiss when YWY say "but of course, it has been one-sided on my part all along" and stands up to walk away obviously rather broken-heartedly, she immediately stands up to say that "after all that she and YX have endured together, she cannot afford to be either willful or impetuous" which indicates that as much as she would like to follow her heart and be with YWY, she cannot. I think the subbing was off here but the nuances of what she said is quite important as that is her way of telling YWY that his feelings are not one-sided but just that she cannot act on hers. Which is why he kissed her because he needed her to know that while he can survive without her, he needs her too (not to save him (like what YX needs) but to be with him. I think that was a great parting shot - he intellectually knows that she cannot possibly stay at this point in time (she is still a wanted person and would need to live in the shadows as he is a Wei General) unless they both go somewhere new and love incognito which he too is not prepared to do as he knows that war with Yanbei is looming and he has to protect the Wei citizens. I thought the repeat of those scenes where he was sleeping with his XE and ME were badly edited and unnecessary (presumably editing team thought they needed to show that he couldn't sleep) but he has said all he needs to consistent with his character - he has staked his claim (which he hadn't so far openly to-date) and she did not reject it - they now have a war to prevent / fight / manouvre as he knows they will meet again. The original progression in that it only shows it weighing heavily on XE should have been left that way - she was so miserable (knowing that she will not change her decision but still!!) until she could not eat shows how much it affected her because she has always been about keeping her pumped and geared these 3 years and one has to eat anything to survive / be prepared but she just couldn't this time.

thanks for posting this. I did think when she said that it implied that she had some feelings for him. She obviously cares, but he cares much more. 

I saw this on weibo, ice lake scene spoilers


who is this guy? 


is this yueqi? :bawling: they both better survive or my heart wont take it. I love their bromance 



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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

While I can't say I've watched that many C-dramas that I can call myself an expert, I don't think I've come across that many sequels for period dramas. Even with shows that were crying out for one like Yi Zhi Mei, it's been about 7 years and none are forthcoming. In general it's just very hard to get all the  actors together all at the same time again.

@40somethingahjumma fr what I last heard the script for the sequel is complete but 1) neg response to angelababy taking over CQ role 2)LGX saying he might consider it if original cast was co-participating ie implying ZLY co star 3) sequels historically speaking dont do as well as its precursor. So last heard he has shelved the idea for the moment......The only series I have heard of thus far that may have a remote chance at working out is JoF and only because they managed to get Wallace Huo back in the lead role. Of course ZLY will not be costarring...... There was one other show I mentioned in a previous post that ZLY and her co=star so impressed the director he wanted them to partner again in a separate series but even that did not happen and he had to come up with a different female lead becos ZLY was not available...... It's amazing how these folks don't pre-plan for such things and just push forward with half ammo guns and half assed planning-preparation And wonder why the audience is left flabbergasted...... 


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2 hours ago, cenching said:

There were even a lot of negative comments regarding the scene you (and me) considered ovaries exploding. YX's fans said, his eyes was empty and feel forced. Some comments said they FF the episodes of bathroom scenes and the conversation over The Sesame Seeds Cakes bcoz were soooo boring, their relationship is obviously manufactured unlike YX-XE 's relationships that feels more genuine. I am dumbfounded :crazy:

@cenching one of the most difficult notions to realize-observe is the human nature of 'projection' where the individual sees what they long-want to see vs. what's really occuring. THat occurs in real life all the time and all of us do it. We have preconceptions and expectations of what something-someone is like based on past experience and ply that projection on both the familiar and unfamiliar. Those of us who like the YWY-CQ shipping thing- will regard that specific scene as a to-die-for-ovary-exploding-million-dollar-confession. Those who prefer the YX-CQ shipping will not be able to see that performance. Just like those who prefer the YWY-CQ shipping preference will regard that specific scene as neither swoon-worthy nor worth a penny; they will see the magic of YX-CQ's time in the prison scene as most stellar or his jealousy when Prince ZC gave CQ the gown and YX poured tea on it., or when he offered her marriage as an equal..... tTs the way of the world. I myself, would prefer to have YWY (who looks like LGX with DL's physique) all to myself and not share with the ROW....... hahahhahahahaa

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