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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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@40somethingahjumma, I saw that clip last night with my limited understanding of Mandarin I was mighty impress with what YWY said. Your complete translation made it more touching bcoz it shows the real YWY. Now we truly understand what kind of person is he.

Grandpa will have more smack down in that matter from the beloved grandson in today episode based upon the preview.

I always wondering about what YWY really think about XE, beside loving her. It defies all of my logic when I try to connect with him in that matter especially he is supposed to be an Ancient man....

Add. @40somethingahjumma, we were obviously wrong when we said he won't put XE above the people.....:tongue:

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Why did CE blame CQ for what's happened? Why not? If we look at everything that's happened from HER perspective, it would appear that YX went on this trajectory because of CQ. And well... she's not entirely wrong. :wink: It's undeniable that CQ had a big influence on YX's thinking post-family execution. In her mind YX ge ge would not have set on this path without some timely help.

Forgetting about the novel for one moment, it's clear to me in the drama that neither YX or CQ intended for YS or CE to be hurt in such a way. But that's not really the point, is it? The point is that decisions and actions have far reaching consequences beyond what individuals are capable of realising at the time the decisions are made. Some individuals obviously are better able to see beyond the short term gains but no one (I don't believe) can predict every single thing that will happen.

Personally I think the show is quite brilliant in how it plays out this entire angle of choices and consequences. It's so wonderfully ruthless and relentless... never letting anyone off the hook. No matter how powerless they are... they still choose... in how they respond to the situation and what they do afterwards. Sure, Paranoid Emperor  got the ball rolling but what people do afterwards with their experience is absolutely 100% on them. Contrary to popular opinion YX didn't have to take revenge or even go back to Yanbei. I understand why he did it but it wasn't the only course of action open to him. He could have chosen to stay, married a nice girl and behaved like the good little boy for the rest of his life in Chang'an in submission to the emperor's authority. He certainly wouldn't be the first person to do it and no one would have blamed him for it. Not even his parents.

Hate makes people irrational...but i bet blaming CQ made CE feel better about things. I think at that point having hate/a target of hate is almost a protection mechanism for CE rather than becoming depressed about her situation (of being raped). What's interesting is she tells the soldiers to go after YX vs YS's lies to cover up for CQ. 

I wonder if that other lady by YX's side intentionally ordered for those particular soldiers to accompany the Yuan siblings back?? 

You think YX could've married CE or another girl and peacefully stayed in Changan for the rest of his life? YX and CQ keep saying that the marriage is emperor's time to kill YX/get rid of last Yanbei royalty. I'm assuming this is so but I don't watch the episodes fully 

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Though we didnt get much of YWY last night but the preview assured me that though they fight like its irreconcilable but their love is deeper much more deeper than anyone can imagine.  YWY has gotten my great respect as i see him fight for XE so passionately and breathtakingly confident of himself as always in his love for XE.  


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4 hours ago, sorein said:

Hello! Do you understand Chinese? If so, would you be kind enough to translate? :)


Seems like crippled grandpa is my thing. The previous translation was for another scene with Grandpa. Below is translation for this video. Basically YWY is firing back at grandpa and forcing him to admit his own feelings towards his slave girl

Pops: I just hope you don’t get into it too deep.

Long pause

Pops: You don’t want to?

YWY: Years ago, you were the same as I. You would rather break both of your legs to protect that girl’s life. But why at this moment, you have to force your grandson?

(grandpa lost for words)

Pops: Because I regretted. Is that strange? Who hasn’t done things in the heat of the moment when they are young. Lost my common sense from a few sweet words. Gambled away my future and destroyed my life. Disappointed the family’s trust in me. Letting the parents and the close family live in pain, just for a woman who betray you, disappointed you, and doesn’t belong to you. Why? You can’t regret?

YWY: Then if we turn back time. Would you just watch that girl die?

(more shock and lost for words from grandpa, you can see his tormented expression. He must love the traitor so much)

YWY: There are some things, maybe when you really did it, you will regret later in life. But if you do nothing, you regret it instantly. Grandson will ask for his leave.

PS: Wow Grandpa came out of his bat cave. Surprised that he didn't get blinded by the light

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I'm interested to find out the conversation between XE and YS before she left them.Does she knows the impact of the rebellion? Does she understand now why HWYdoes not want her to leave.?.Still loving this drama.I hope there'll be more  romantic scene between the OTP.

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YWY is so frustrated and thinking like how do i get through to this woman and XE is hating him with all the might she can muster but cannot hurt let alone kill him:

Image may contain: 1 person, text Image may contain: 1 person

As frustrated as i am looking at these two lovebirds, so i am just waiting for XE to return to YWY after she's able to unravel their misunderstandings as well as ease her own broken trust and heart.


credit as tagged

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I guess YWY finally break away from his grandfather's influence, everything he do after this is his own choice and I think he no longer submit to anyone...I guess his mission after this is to keep CQ alive,other things won't matters anymore...his greatest rival is gone already...though other new threat is coming(CQ new enemies).

I really hope when CQ met YWY after this ,CQ will change her attitude a little bit...I wonder when the scene YWY hug CQ in the opening/ending credit happen...I hope CQ acknowledge YWY feelings though its hard for her to admit her feelings.

About YX, with all the damage happen now, maybe CQ and YX relationship will change a lot when she return to Yanbei...their way of handling things is totally different even now...

Lets hope all CQ enemies won't take too long so that other important things will be covered and we will see a satisfactory ending.

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5 minutes ago, farhah_1986 said:

I guess YWY finally break away from his grandfather's influence, everything he do after this is his own choice and I think he no longer submit to anyone...I guess his mission after this is to keep CQ alive,other things won't matters anymore...his greatest rival is gone already...though other new threat is coming(CQ new enemies).

I really hope when CQ met YWY after this ,CQ will change her attitude a little bit...I wonder when the scene YWY hug CQ in the opening/ending credit happen...I hope CQ acknowledge YWY feelings though its hard for her to admit her feelings.

About YX, with all the damage happen now, maybe CQ and YX relationship will change a lot when she return to Yanbei...their way of handling things is totally different even now...

Lets hope all CQ enemies won't take too long so that other important things will be covered and we will see a satisfactory ending.

At this point between YX-XE there is a rift but that rift is not wide enough to make XE abandon YX. She still confidence  that she can re mould YX while acts as The Head of Cleaning Crews for YX's atrocities.

But at the same time I think/hope her attitude toward YWY will soften.

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24 minutes ago, tsubamee said:


Seems like crippled grandpa is my thing. The previous translation was for another scene with Grandpa. Below is translation for this video. Basically YWY is firing back at grandpa and forcing him to admit his own feelings towards his slave girl

Pops: I just hope you don’t get into it too deep.

Long pause

Pops: You don’t want to?

YWY: Years ago, you were the same as I. You would rather break both of your legs to protect that girl’s life. But why at this moment, you have to force your grandson?

(grandpa lost for words)

Pops: Because I regretted. Is that strange? Who hasn’t done things in the heat of the moment when they are young. Lost my common sense from a few sweet words. Gambled away my future and destroyed my life. Disappointed the family’s trust in me. Letting the parents and the close family live in pain, just for a woman who betray you, disappointed you, and doesn’t belong to you. Why? You can’t regret?

YWY: Then if we turn back time. Would you just watch that girl die?

(more shock and lost for words from grandpa, you can see his tormented expression. He must love the traitor so much)

YWY: There are some things, maybe when you really did it, you will regret later in life. But if you do nothing, you regret it instantly. Grandson will ask for his leave.

PS: Wow Grandpa came out of his bat cave. Surprised that he didn't get blinded by the light


Curious...  Which eps telling the story about the grandpa break his leg for gal?  Which gal? Grandma?  His bedchamber maid? 

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3 minutes ago, dashmount20 said:


Curious...  Which eps telling the story about the grandpa break his leg for gal?  Which gal? Grandma?  His bedchamber maid? 


His traitor bedchamber maid. They never talked about any other girl for Grandpa except the slave girl he was so smitten with 

Not sure when it was mentioned, I think the Liang spies kind of mentioned it before. I am still on episode 20... need others who are up to date to tell you

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"What YWY says here reminds me of what Chu Beijie said in The General and I, "If a man cannot protect his wife, how can he protect the country?" It's the same logic in operation here. I guess YWY really does see XE as his woman no matter where her choices have taken her. People keep telling him that she's probably slept with YX but it sure hasn't stopped him from watching over her and protecting her. Wow... a love like that... especially in an age like that... it must be one in a million. A one-woman man. If only she knew."


- It's  a classic ( and rare ) example of a selfless love that he has for XE. He doesn't even know how she feels about him or if she feels anything romantic at all for him but it doesn't matter to him and won't stop him protecting her. And if she doesn't reciprocate his love, as what he told the Prince General, he's fine or he'll be fine just watching.  

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2 minutes ago, tsubamee said:


His traitor bedchamber maid. They never talked about any other girl for Grandpa except the slave girl he was so smitten with 

Not sure when it was mentioned, I think the Liang spies kind of mentioned it before. I am still on episode 20... need others who are up to date to tell you


Which ep that granpa like slave gal? 

Did i missed out this?  I want to rewatch that eps... 

The granpa also love slave girl in his young days?  Wow...  I missed this part..   Anyone which ep? 

2 minutes ago, claribelle3 said:


"What YWY says here reminds me of what Chu Beijie said in The General and I, "If a man cannot protect his wife, how can he protect the country?" It's the same logic in operation here. I guess YWY really does see XE as his woman no matter where her choices have taken her. People keep telling him that she's probably slept with YX but it sure hasn't stopped him from watching over her and protecting her. Wow... a love like that... especially in an age like that... it must be one in a million. A one-woman man. If only she knew."


- It's  a classic ( and rare ) example of a selfless love that he has for XE. He doesn't even know how she feels about him or if she feels anything romantic at all for him but it doesn't matter to him and won't stop him protecting her. And if she doesn't reciprocate his love, as what he told the Prince General, he's fine or he'll be fine just watching.  

He knows...  Indirectly.... Cos XE will hold his hand when sleep..  Ep 5 and ep 4+? Lost count with the eps already.. :D

Ep 38 after CQ got her can hong sword back..  She so sleep with the sword...  

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Episode 46 took my breath away... all those confrontations... everyone utterly convinced by the rightness of their cause... was superbly executed. The acting is top-notch and the interactions so incredibly human. Everyone sounds right and yet everyone is so wrong depending on your perspective. Amazing 40 minutes of television. The kid that plays Yuan Song surprised me... he was so good in his rage and helplessness. I think we can debate till the cows come home if he was right or wrong about what he said to CQ but there's no doubt that he left quite an impression. Poor kid, he really liked her and he's actually a lot more thoughtful than I'd given him credit for.

If you ask me, it's rather courageous of the show to not whitewash the consequences of what CQ and YX's actions have led to. YWY too... if you feel that it's fairer if I drag him into the mix as well. :wink: Scratch a hero and depending on what you think, most likely a scumbag lies beneath. I kind of agree with YS' assessment of her. Her self-confidence is a double-edged sword. Her certainty that he loved so much about her has become cocksure arrogance in his eyes. Very perceptive comment I thought.

LOL. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh... but it seems like CQ has turned into Public Enemy No. 1 even more hated than YX, it would seem. 

Look guys, I'm not making a moral judgement about YX's revenge. All I'm saying is that while I understand why he embarked on that course of action, I would never agree that he had no choice. I have no doubt that he would have had a very hard time living in Chang'an and may even have been killed. But remember he's just one guy compared to tens of thousands that have died and will die. Certainly we could make the argument that CQ did and say that life isn't all that great in Wei under Paranoid Emperor but who has the right to make that assessment and prosecute it? Does she? Is she willing to carry the can all the way to the bitter end to make that point?

All I'm trying to do is analyze the big picture in an objective way. The world is a big place with people in it... bigger than CQ's need to assert her freedom or YX's itch to satisfy an all-consuming rage. Choices have consequences.

When YWY says that how can a man think of protecting country if he can't protect his family isn't so much about putting family ahead of country although there's an element of that. The emphasis is on the fact that a man needs to take care of the little things well before he can take care of the big ones. It isn't that one should neglect country but that when one defends one's country, one is doing it on the basis of protecting one's family. It's a notion that I have a lot of sympathy for.

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I agree so much once again :lol: These past few episodes, I have felt that is truly a shame that the direction/production of PA was so lacking. Actors have done a lot with their characters and of course they are given very gray characters that are portrayed as such. 

"Everyone sounds right and yet everyone is so wrong depending on your perspective. "

Agree. I think everyone is right and wrong. Reminds me of this. 


After all we are only shaped by our experiences and our need to protect ourselves. Not everyone can see the bigger picture, that something can be both a nine and a six. Seeing things in grey rather than black and white is a skill. I would say only YWY has shown such ability in the drama. As much as his love for CQ is commendable, I personally feel that he has a bigger duty to his country. However, I really like that he knows this and he accepted the fact that he doesn't want to be that person. That he is tired of being selfless. He has been the most selfless character so far. He wants to protect CQ and he will do whatever it takes even if his actions will harm innocent people. 

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Just finish ep 45 - 46 Raw....


1. Finally YWH is DEAD! but i am not happy with his death. It is not a tragic Death.. how i wish, CQ cut off his head like what he did to YX's family.

2. The part where she shouted to the troops "I am bring you, guys back to Yan Bei... I am bring you HOME! " .. this part i really claps my hand .. i feel proud of CQ for not neglecting the troops. It was a touching moment.. 

3. I feel bad and sad for CE's rape incident. But without this scene, she won't wake up from her day dream. And i do understand why she hate CQ so much .. standing at her stand point, all of them grew up together and have fun.. she never seen such tragic incident happening before. 

4. For the other Yan Bei troops, when YX told them to sent the prince and the princess back to WEI's why can't they just obey the rules? 


After this episode, i can feel that CQ is trying to avoid tragic blood incident happen. She never expect that innocent victim to involved.

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Episode 46 took my breath away... all those confrontations... everyone utterly convinced by the rightness of their cause... was superbly executed. The acting is top-notch and the interactions so incredibly human. Everyone sounds right and yet everyone is so wrong depending on your perspective. Amazing 40 minutes of television. The kid that plays Yuan Song surprised me... he was so good in his rage and helplessness. I think we can debate till the cows come home if he was right or wrong about what he said to CQ but there's no doubt that he left quite an impression. Poor kid, he really liked her and he's actually a lot more thoughtful than I'd given him credit for.

If you ask me, it's rather courageous of the show to not whitewash the consequences of what CQ and YX's actions have led to. YWY too... if you feel that it's fairer if I drag him into the mix as well. :wink: Scratch a hero and depending on what you think, most likely a scumbag lies beneath. I kind of agree with YS' assessment of her. Her self-confidence is a double-edged sword. Her certainty that he loved so much about her has become cocksure arrogance in his eyes. Very perceptive comment I thought.

LOL. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh... but it seems like CQ has turned into Public Enemy No. 1 even more hated than YX, it would seem. 

Look guys, I'm not making a moral judgement about YX's revenge. All I'm saying is that while I understand why he embarked on that course of action, I would never agree that he had no choice. I have no doubt that he would have had a very hard time living in Chang'an and may even have been killed. But remember he's just one guy compared to tens of thousands that have died and will die. Certainly we could make the argument that CQ did and say that life isn't all that great in Wei under Paranoid Emperor but who has the right to make that assessment and prosecute it? Does she? Is she willing to carry the can all the way to the bitter end to make that point?

All I'm trying to do is analyze the big picture in an objective way. The world is a big place with people in it... bigger than CQ's need to assert her freedom or YX's itch to satisfy an all-consuming rage. Choices have consequences.

When YWY says that how can a man think of protecting country if he can't protect his family isn't so much about putting family ahead of country although there's an element of that. The emphasis is on the fact that a man needs to take care of the little things well before he can take care of the big ones. It isn't that one should neglect country but that when one defends one's country, one is doing it on the basis of protecting one's family. It's a notion that I have a lot of sympathy for.


@40somethingahjumma  I love what you wrote here.  We are getting to the thoughts and actions of YWY from this point on.  All his life before he been for the country and his family. And what has he received in return?  A father who doesn't even acknowledge him and an emperor who mistrusts him.  YWY is a very smart person who perceives thing very methodically and thinks very much outside the box.  But for him say screw family and screw country, he is doing something his conscience has been eating him the past 3 years so he can have no regrets in life.  I have to applaud him for his bravery.  There aren't that many people out there that do that and for a drama to show that I am really enjoying it.  YTG YWY!

Last few episodes have been pretty heavy and getting into the darker areas of the drama.  i applaud all the actors and actress!  They are doing such an amazing job with their characters.  So much so that the forum is so lively with such wonderful character depth and discussion!  I have to give it to LQ for last 2 episodes.  I cried so much at her scenes so heartbreaking.  Such an innocent soul and to have such tragic thing happening.  No one ask for these kinds of tragedy but sometimes thing are a result of our own decisions.  Sometimes good and sometimes bad.  We just never know and we either accept it or not.

 I guess CQ will be learning the hard way the results of her actions.  YWY will be right.  She will regret her actions and her nurturing ways.


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Concubine Lan who previously was on Chu Qiao's side now blames her for the death of her son wants revenge. She's probably going to spill the beans on Chu Qiao's identity as the Master of the Wind and Cloud Decree, so every pugilist who is after it will try and find her.

In light of the tragic events in the last 4 episodes, it's kind of weird that Yuan Song is still trying to protect Chu Qiao who is now Public Enemy Number 1, from his elder brother Yuan Che by pointing in the opposite direction when he is asked which way she went.

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