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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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3 hours ago, cenching said:

XE's monologue in front of her grave yanks me back from my daydreaming of YWY-XE back to reality.

Their relationship so far was purely based in Master-Slave foundation (even though they do love each other). YWY tried to turns her into someone that he wanted, to fit into certain mold which is not healthy. He didn't try to accept her for what she is. YX was right when he told YWY to release XE bcoz XE is like him, like an eagle or something along the lines. As a slave and bcoz of her love for YWY, she accepted all YWY's treatments without qualms until the revelation of Crippled Grandpa served as her wake up call.

Like it or not YX let her become herself so IF she will falls for him is quite understandable.

Now is the time for her to be herself and for YWY to see the real her so he can decides IF he can loves her and vice versa when they are not Master-Slave anymore.


I think their master/slave relationship ended in that Jile tower confrontation scene. XE's " death" shook him to the core and basically caught off guard how strongly he truly felt about her. So, when they get to see each other again, he's no longer going to see her as his maid that he cares for but rather, the woman that he loves and will do anything to earn her trust back again.

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18 hours ago, canstand said:

because when YX asked was the arrow that shot him is YWY's? YWY admitted it was his arrow. YX also asked was the king ordered YWY to collect the evidence of the so-called revolting and he did it. YWY said Yes. CQ also asked YWY did he steal the family letter that YX's father sent to him. YWY also admitted it. Please don't just blindly say that YX seems not care to listen!!!!!!! YWY should have explained himself if he wants to be cleared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

What is wrong with your YWY-XE fans? Always blaming YX, always saying XE has no feelings for YX, always saying that is YX's problem, naivety, stupidity, not caring etc for causing every problem. 


I am really tired of watching you guys doing that! I won't post any further post....I'm tired of watching you guys defending YWY and left YX hanging out to dry.

Thanks for all your sharing and post. I thought I could find someone or at least one that have similar view with me. I guess I was naive.

Just to clear things up.

1. Arrow being shot- YWY said the arrow was shot by him, if he did not he would reveal that his Grandfather is in fact alive.

2. The King did ask him to collect evidence against Yanbei. Which YWY couldn't flat out refuse the Emperor's order, but whatever info he had he did not pass on to the Emperor which leads to No.3

3. The letter he stole from YX was to save YX, because his letter mentioned something about YX father gathering the military (sorry I don't remember the letter verbatim) and to the paranoid Emperor's ear it would sound like a rebellion, even YWY said YX letter would cause trouble, so he wrote another letter that looked like YX was doing great in Chang'an.

4. and lastly YWY on many occasions warned him about the Emperor, in the episode where he pretended to be blind, and they were talking on the bridge is one of many. YX was too naive and didn't want to listen, because the thought since YX dad and the Emperor grew up together, and YX dad saved the Emperor's life many times, that the Emperor wouldn't kill him.

Even now YX still doesn't know YWY. YX knew what he wrote in his letter, why not ask YWY what he (YWY) wrote instead.  So yes YX was naive and did not seem to care to listen to YWY. YWY defending or explaining himself is not his style. He is a man of action he gets things done. He doesn't care what people will assume about him or whether or not they praise or hate him.

Sorry you don't want to post anymore regarding this drama. People will always have different opinions about the characters but dramas are our way, as humans of escaping reality for awhile, and this forum gives us a chance to express our opinions. Regardless of who we "ship." Happy Princess Agent Watching Everyone!

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I just finish watching ep 30 raw... still dont' understand .. why this Yuwen Huai still want YX dead? I thought the King has mention that he let YX to alive and live in YanBei? 

So in the novel, how this Yuwen Huai dead? tragically? i want to know when he will be dead .. seriously.. he is soooo evil!

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8 hours ago, Kim Da said:

I saw a scrne in ep 30 when YWY enter his place and remiscing all the memories of XE and him while figthing but to that fight is like they aee dancing and the bell when he saw it i can see his agony really ohh ppor YWY he maybe very sad eeally


I love the background song being played in YWY's heart wrenching reminiscing scene with XE in ep 30.  I hope someone does an MV with eng subs so i can better understand the words to reflect YWY's state of mind/grief more clearly.


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52 minutes ago, mmrod_04 said:

Just to clear things up.

1. Arrow being shot- YWY said the arrow was shot by him, if he did not he would reveal that his Grandfather is in fact alive.

2. The King did ask him to collect evidence against Yanbei. Which YWY couldn't flat out refuse the Emperor's order, but whatever info he had he did not pass on to the Emperor which leads to No.3

3. The letter he stole from YX was to save YX, because his letter mentioned something about YX father gathering the military (sorry I don't remember the letter verbatim) and to the paranoid Emperor's ear it would sound like a rebellion, even YWY said YX letter would cause trouble, so he wrote another letter that looked like YX was doing great in Chang'an.

4. and lastly YWY on many occasions warned him about the Emperor, in the episode where he pretended to be blind, and they were talking on the bridge is one of many. YX was too naive and didn't want to listen, because the thought since YX dad and the Emperor grew up together, and YX dad saved the Emperor's life many times, that the Emperor wouldn't kill him.

Even now YX still doesn't know YWY. YX knew what he wrote in his letter, why not ask YWY what he (YWY) wrote instead.  So yes YX was naive and did not seem to care to listen to YWY. YWY defending or explaining himself is not his style. He is a man of action he gets things done. He doesn't care what people will assume about him or whether or not they praise or hate him.

Sorry you don't want to post anymore regarding this drama. People will always have different opinions about the characters but dramas are our way, as humans of escaping reality for awhile, and this forum gives us a chance to express our opinions. Regardless of who we "ship." Happy Princess Agent Watching Everyone!

A round of applause go to   clap-cheetah-emoticon.gifclap-cheetah-emoticon.gif@mmrod_04... We don't hate him but this character is maturing to slowly. YX thought he knew his friend and did not learn from him. I wonder did he know about the attempts on YWY had to endure all these years He was friends with these man who betrayed him but never tried to stay away from them like YWY. When YWY told him go home , he still chose to ignore his friends warning. 

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1 hour ago, claribelle3 said:

Poor YWY grieving for XE. Only his loyal sidekick and maybe toys r us talking bird know his pain. YWH needs to stay away from YWY and XY if he knows what's good for him .Both men are devastated and on the edge. Back off , Smirky!:angry:

I must say the preview of XE and XY gave me a chuckle. XE's reaction with XY removing that little piece of rice  by her ear was kinda funny. She's like,"seriously dude, I'm eating." Now if that was YWY doing that... well, refer to any of their eye or skin contact moments:D. Then there's YX yapping and then looks at XE  and she's all passed out:D All it needs is a snoring sound and the scene becomes a comedy piece:lol:


I rewatched all their sparring scenes in honour of YWY's grief in ep 30.  XE reacts differently with YWY touches.   HIs every eye contact, the way he holds her, lifts her up in their sword-dances and especially when their eyes meet/met there is fluttering in their hearts as their bodies react to the attraction they feel for one another.  We viewers can feel their tension.

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1 hour ago, claribelle3 said:


I think their master/slave relationship ended in that Jile tower confrontation scene. XE's " death" shook him to the core and basically caught off guard how strongly he truly felt about her. So, when they get to see each other again, he's no longer going to see her as his maid that he cares for but rather, the woman that he loves and will do anything to earn her trust back again.


Spot on.  Cant wait when he discovers or sees her alive again.  

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11 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

A round of applause go to   clap-cheetah-emoticon.gifclap-cheetah-emoticon.gif@mmrod_04... We don't hate him but this character is maturing to slowly. YX thought he knew his friend and did not learn from him. I wonder did he know about the attempts on YWY had to endure all these years He was friends with these man who betrayed him but never tried to stay away from them like YWY. When YWY told him go home , he still chose to ignore his friends warning. 


I believe that for any relationship/friendship to be true and solid it must go through some of the most toughest and "ridiculous" tests for it to remain or dissolved.

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7 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:


Good-looking YWY!  Yes, want him to know she's alive so his grief will end.

yeah he indeed gorgeous man.let's bet tomorrow will be their reunion.if not I'm afraid my table will fly away hit someone.

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@canstand please come back to this thread dear. I love YX and you know what I have watched episode 24 for a few times (so far I haven't even started episodes 26 yet, I'm such a snail :wink:) especially the scene where he was badly injured and mentally tortured by bastard YWH and all snake old men up there. I recently discovered myself that I'm actually a masochist hahaha. Poor boy .. YX was a man near death only adrenaline rush and vengefulness kept him alive. Shawn Dou took me there with him ...

YWY and YX are good friends. Both are decent men with class. However, YWY is cold as ice while YX is hot like fire. They should not have befriended from the start. They are totally different. One keeps everything all to himself, the other is so expressive that his emotions can be detected a mile away. But what can they do ... friendship has no boundary, it's all about fate and YX's fate is way more extreme than YWY.

YX chooses power over XE. Not only his choice but also his self is veered off after everything that happened to him and family. If the Yan's massacre never happened, I think YX would take XE as his life priority. The power seems never his favourite thing .. Now he became a totally different man. His loss was too great to retain his old self. In the prison when YWY, XE and YX met, if I were in YX's shoes, I don't think I have a brain to think clearly, let alone carefully listen and analyse the matter. All the situation is fine and understandable for me. Again I don't blame anyone except that eyeliner Emperor. 

I think Princess Agents is a story focusing on geopolitics as a main theme, romance is in a lesser aspect. YWY and XE's love is shown in a subtle and less-is-more style whereas the political struggle and an attempt to clinging on to power are rather explicit.

Since a lot of people here heart YWY-XE :D so I will take YX to myself without opponents (or maybe I should ask YX first if he's OK with me hahaha .. my delusion mode is just on autopilot. :tongue:

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@40somethingahjumma thank you sharing the translation! Can't wait for tomorrow's episodes and seeing YWY move onto a new team and XE going to get her sword. It's soo sad, YQ is saying goodbye to his master. He was such a good servant to YWY. He is coming to be with YWY, right?


1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:

some girl who appeared in the latest episode is trending at number one. 

also Yuwen Yue is trending at 7. I posted earlier one of those memes with Yuwen Yue and pots & pans, I don't get it but apparently it is a thing. 

I think they just feel bad that YWY is always misunderstood and used as a scapegoat


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I like your photos of YWY as the scapegoat. I don't get it either, but it's look funny on the photoshop.


@misxlol89 Thank you for sharing the sexy photo of YWY in his new armor. Yes, he's going to be in dark and bold colors and no more super long sleeves


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@cenching -- Sorry dear, I can't get Sohu for some reason. It always tells me I need Flash, which is garbage... I don't have problems playing anything else. I'll try another browser.

2 hours ago, cr1mson said:

He saved it in his Dropbox :tongue:

I'm partial to Google Drive myself. Wonder if he's willing to share. 


Like everyone else it doesn't seem to me that XE sees YX as a man (as they say in these dramas). He's definitely into her... without a doubt... but she's too comfortable with him for them to progress beyond that. Yeah, falling asleep while he's talking about the rolling hills of Yanbei isn't exactly inspiring stuff.

Chun'er does need to grow up and while she represents YX's past on some level, she's not a bad kid. At least she's trying to be helpful and has put herself on the line for him. Sure her father is a royal scumbag but it's not her fault that a whole lot of people from Yanbei were massacred.

It's clear that YX is prone to extremes... there's no middle ground with him. 

1 hour ago, visiopeia said:

I just finish watching ep 30 raw... still dont' understand .. why this Yuwen Huai still want YX dead? I thought the King has mention that he let YX to alive and live in YanBei? 

It's politics as usual. He's trying to "help" the emperor out and gain his favour. He knows the emperor really wants to kill YX but politically, he has to pacify the masses in Northern Yan in a long drawn out fashion. He acted on the assumption that the emperor is paying lip service in keeping YX alive.

@turtle0217 -- I have no idea about Yue Qi. It feels that for the moment he's been left in charge of the troops back in Chang'an but long term, your guess is as good as mine. :wink:

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I also love YX but love YWY a bit more :D. I was so touched with YX-XE's scenes in episodes 30 especially when YX stared at her wounded face....I was like okay go and love him BUT alas the camera shifted to YWY grieving beautifully:wub:

Honestly, the last 2 episodes showed us the bonds that forming between YZ-XE was so touching. If the drama didn't crammed YWY-XE ship down my throat, I would totally ship them.

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32 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


@turtle0217 -- I have no idea about Yue Qi. It feels that for the moment he's been left in charge of the troops back in Chang'an but long term, your guess is as good as mine. :wink:


Well, I hope he comes back. He knows soo much about YWY and XE/CQ. YQ seen it all of their love for each other. 

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