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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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Here we go - 2nd part of chapter 180; I will complete the rest of it in 1 more attachment yet to come.... 

After watching Ep 25 - 26 was glad I had this translation to whet me yesterday. 

From reading this chapter - YWY appears to have done a 180 personality change. In this chapter - he is playful, more like YX....

Back to watching more vids.... last translation soon as I am near the end.

Enjoy - this part is LOVE-ly.



This was YWY’s deliberate accessory for this evening’s attire. Under the lights, the jade ornament glowed. YWY took it off and placed it in the baby’s hand. RE first placed it in his mouth. It seems he has not developed any teeth and the object did not have much taste, so gradually he just clasped it in his hands and proceeded to crawl out the door.

The plump little child eventually crawled to another room next to CQ’s room, then sat on the floor and energetically used his short legs to thump at the door, Mei Xiang sleepily and casually opened the door, saw him and happily called out, hastily picked up the child and yet felt a little strange, thus walked toward’s CQ’s room for a glance. She saw YWY and blushed, her face lit up with glee, faced YWY and nodded, with baby in arms and returned to her room. Thus the obstacle was in this way hastily removed.

YWY thought – although that little guy was a little irritating, but in the important ways that matter, he is quick much like his father. YWY behaved as if he was in his own room, matter-of-factly closed the door, and walked towards CQ, condescendingly looks down at her, extends his arms out and asks: “aren’t you getting up?”

CQ was felt a little awkward, annoyingly frowned and berated herself “what is wrong with me? Am I really mesmerized by attractiveness?

She did not extend her arm out, but rather wanted to stand up by herself. Who knew with a single move, her feet turned and with the slippery wetness of the floor “AH!” she called out as she unwittingly hadn’t stood up straight and fell down again.

The anticipated pain did not materialize as YWY’s quick reflexes captured her waist, warm hands clutched on to the skin at her waist. The wet clothes simply couldn’t hide her exquisite figure, and the wet fabric clinging to her body made her even more alluring-tempting.

She had been squatting for too long so her thighs-legs were numb. YWY picked her up and placed her on the bed. Her hair was wet and dripping, clothing all wet through – as if she was the person in the tub.

YWY picked up a quilt-blanket and covered her with it, and proceeded to rub her down while saying “Don’t catch (a) cold”.

The lights in the room cast a warm glow, and shone on his face, kind of hazy imagery and made everything surreal. He took a dry towel and wrapped her hair. A man like him could actually just stand in front of her and meticulously dry her hair, yet not a single word was uttered.
CQ’s palms started perspiring. The room suddenly felt very hot. She was wrapped in thick blanket, yet sweat was dripping down her wet clothes. Her skin was slick-slippery, the quilt like hot waves. A few strands of hair fell on her forehead, hiding the vision in front of her. She flicked the hair aside but could
only see moon white men's long attire with light clouds design one over another – the sight made her dizzy.

”What were you singing earlier?” YWY suddenly asked. The sound of his voice is so silky with a man’s raspiness. Sounds very nice, the sound faintly reverberates through the air, pounding on her ear drums.

She raised her head and saw his face. Handsome beyond words, and the scent of his body was pleasant, inducing one to safely fall asleep.

YWY noticed she did not answer, Xing Er?”

A slew of English followed

YWY surprised, asked: “Your native (home) language?”

“Ernh!” – CQ honestly nodded

YWY:”Sing it for me again”

His voice this evening seemed like it had a type of spell, rendering her unlike her usual self with the verbal rebuttals and fighting. She took 2 deep breaths, clear and gentle sounds waft through the air like spring rain, gently hitting the lotus pond, making tiny star-like water flowers.

CQ sings….

Her singing voice sounded like she had wings and glided over times passed.

From the first encounter, and the trail of killings. Life is a barren field of wild grass, don’t know where to bury the traps, and don’t know where darkness turns to light for a new life. He stood before her, dries her hair for her, long fingers threading through her dark tresses like he was wiping off the waves of the past. The material of his clothing was soft, her head was upon his waist, softly singing her most favorite song from her past life.

(English song)

The warmth of the room allowed her to drift off back to the distant past of her days at the Saint Luanne Orphanage. The dean was an eight year resistance fighter with North Korean veterans. He broke one of his legs during battle, yet managed to blast an American plane. After retiring, he returned to his hometown and used his pension to open an orphanage. She was unlike the average orphan. She was lucky. She had a good grandfather. Later grandfather funded her education, leveraged his friendships , got her into military school, and become a soldier to protect family and country.
She did not disappoint her grandfather’s wishes. She thrived, had excellent grades, a bright mind, kind,
was honest, and gradually rose her way into the military to a leadership position in the national military service. Her life was like a well mapped out plan with no obstacles and waves.

From a very young age, grandfather told her – as a soldier, one must obey and love country, must protect the country, the citizens, protect the weak and small-young. He told her so many military stories, told her the ways of human values and integrity, told her the meaning of life and principles (values). She was like a small tree and under grandfather’s care, gradually grew up. She even remembered her first completed mission and award ceremony, and grandfather’s happy face. His wrinkles shook in the light of the sun, his laughing shook his chest, he hugged her and said “good granddaughter”.

That was the happiest day of her life, with the most beloved family member in the world, in the embrace of best warmth in the world.

When grandfather was young, he went to England to study and accumulated an extensive foreign vocabulary. He taught her English and western customs, he taught her how to waltz, left, right, left, right, traverse, 3 foot steps, turn. And grandfather taught her the song she was singing.

(English song).

CQ suddenly wrapped her arms around YWY’s waist. The candle casts a halo, dancing in one corner of the room, wafting its flame glow like elegant stars over the bed. The boat is swaying, both coasts and mountains have drifted off, and one can faintly hear the wind blowing.

 “XE,” YWY lowered his head to ask “what does that song mean?”

Don’t know why, CQ was suddenly embarrassed, blushed and lowered her head without saying a word.

Above there is a warm exhale, his chest moving. CQ knows he is laughing. Even though there is no sound, she just knows.

YWY:”Sounds nice”

YWY squats down and looks directly at her, laughingly says :”I really like (it).”

CQ is slightly afraid to look directly into his eyes, glanced left and right while asking him:”Why are you here” It’s already so late”

YWY: “I am thinking of someone (who) makes me unable to sleep soundly”

He suddenly uttered out such words and CQ was stunned, temporarily at a loss for words.

YWY: This person is very pretty, very adorable, just a little stupid, just a little inattention and he/she* will hurt-injure herself, and he/she* gets lots easily, and easily kidnapped by another, therefore as close as I already am, I have to be extra close to that person, I am unable to rest, just to come over and take a look to allay my concern, I still also worry and can’t sleep.” (* in chinese - he and she are pronounced the same but written slightly differently. Therefore, one cannot really tell from listening whether that sound means a man or woman unless one knows who that person is referring to)

CQ blushed deeply, like a thief she stealthily raised her head to glance at YWY and squeaked “Can’t be as stupid as you just describe?”

YWY;” Even more stupid than I described” YWY’s eyes glowed and laughed:”But how could LiJing that fella have sired such an exceedingly lovable child that makes me worry so much.

CQ was stunned. Suddenly realizing she had been played-tricked. Raised her fists to hit him but her fists were captured instead. His hand was large and warm, tightly grasping her fists.

She had never known his hands would be that strong, so strong that she could not even move one bit. He slowly advanced towards her, his eyes are dark like deep waves, unable to discern what waves are hidden beneath.

His voice was raspy as he whispered in her ear: “This is punishment, spoiling your good day with bad”.

Following which, lowered his head towards her to kiss her lips. She becomes extremely anxious-excited. Although they are from 2 different worlds, and she has experienced kissing before, but don’t know why, every time facing him, she becomes clumsy, not even knowing where to place her limbs. She closed her eyes, waited a long time, but yet there doesn’t seem to be any action. She carefully and slowly opened one of her eyes just a little bit, only to see under the light, someone smiling at her, sees her stealthily looking and advanced again. Warm breaths land on her face and say: “Waiting for me to kiss you?”

“YWY!” CQ angrily pushes him; “You Bully!”

He suddenly held her close, that swiftly, that hard that the quilt covering her and towel on her head came off. Lifted her head and forcefully kissed her, held her in a death grip, so tightly that it seemed to push into her bones. His kiss cold, yet her face burned hot, his breathing low, hands grabbing tightly at her waist, both bodies glued together, to the point where one can hear the other’s heart beat.

Once, twice, three times…..

“CQ” he looked at her and suddenly called out her name, eyes aflamed, not a blink, eyes pierced directly to say: “Marry me’”

CQ was stunned again. The light shone on YWY’s face; half of it was lit and the other half in shadow – the whole imagery rather surreal. Her ears must have hallucinated what she just heard. She is quite unprepared. What does she want to say, opens her mouth yet doesn’t know how to answer.

“XE.” He quietly looks at her and calls her that way again.

Feeling kind of light-headed, she replied: “Hmmm?”

YWY: “I love you”


Edited by mundane9
ommissions, typos and explanations edits in yellow highlights
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Is this series being translated well and not going to be suddenly stopped I hope. I started watching memory lost but for some reason they stopped translating it. Do you think i should watch it now or wait for it to be finished?

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OMGG the director sure knows how to make devastating scenes even more heart wrenching by slowing everything down 20x. Ep 25 and 26 were seriously painful to watch, especially ep 25. The director must really want the audience to understand the reason behind Yan Xun's revenge later on. However, I wish he'd stop cutting the camera to the faces of Yan Xun's despicable former friends. It was distracting and frankly annoying (and a waste of time). All they did was smirk at Yan Xun's misery. I wanted to richard simmons slap them so badly!!!

Even though Zhao Liying's scenes were short in these episodes, she still manages to shine- ie how she killed that assassin in the prison, her motivational speech to Yan Xun, etc. 

I heard Zhao Liying say in an interview that the drama only covers half of the original novel and now that we are almost half way through the drama, I'm starting to feel sad that this is the case. They should've cut out some of the inner court dramas at Yuwen Yue's house with that girl Jin Zhu, also Chu Qiao's little sisters' scenes. We probably won't get to witness Chu Qiao epic journey to end slavery and establish a new dynasty and that's really a shame. She could've been even more badass...


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26 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

Here we go - 2nd part of chapter 180; I will complete the rest of it in 1 more attachment yet to come.... 

After watching Ep 25 - 26 was glad I had this translation to whet me yesterday. 

From reading this chapter - YWY appears to have done a 180 personality change. In this chapter - he is playful, more like YX....

Back to watching more vids.... last translation soon as I am near the end.

Enjoy - this part is LOVE-ly.


  Reveal hidden contents

This was YWY’s deliberate accessory for this evening’s attire. Under the lights, the jade ornament glowed. YWY took it off and placed it in the baby’s hand. RE first placed it in his mouth. It seems he has not developed any teeth and the object did not have much taste, so gradually he just clasped it in his hands and proceeded to crawl out the door.

The plump little child eventually crawled to another room in CQ’s room, then sat on the floor and energetically used his short legs to thump at the door, Mei Xiang sleepily and casually opened the door, saw him and happily called out, hastily picked up the child and yet felt a little strange, thus walked toward’s CQ’s room for a glance. She saw YWY and blushed, her face lit up with glee, faced YWY and nodded, with baby in arms and returned to her room. Thus the obstacle was in this way hastily removed.

YWY thought – although that little guy was a little irritating, but in the important ways that matter, he is quick much like his father. YWY behaved as if he was in his own room, matter-of-factly closed the door, and walked towards CQ, condescendingly looks down at her, extends his arms out and asks: “aren’t you getting up?”

CQ was felt a little awkward, annoyingly frowned and berated herself “what is wrong with me? Am I really mesmerized by attractiveness?

She did not extend her arm out, but rather wanted to stand up by herself. Who knew with a single move, her feet turned and with the slippery wetness of the floor “AH!” she called out as she unwittingly hadn’t stood up straight and fell down again.

The anticipated pain did not materialize YWY’s quick reflexes captured her waist, warm hands clutched on to the skin at her waist. The wet clothes simply couldn’t hide her exquisite figure, and the wet fabric clinging to her body made her even more alluring-tempting.

She had been squatting for too long so her thighs-legs were numb. YWY picked her up and placed her on the bed. Her hair was wet and dripping, clothing all wet through – as if she was the person in the tub.

YWY picked up a quilt-blanket and covered her with it, and proceeded to rub her down while saying “Don’t catch (a) cold”.

The lights in the room cast a warm glow, and shone on his face, kind of hazy imagery and made everything surreal. He took a dry towel and wrapped her hair. A man like him could actually just stand in front of her and meticulously dry her hair, yet not a single word was uttered.
CQ’s palms started perspiring. The room suddenly felt very hot. She was wrapped in thick blanket, yet sweat was dripping down her wet clothes. Her skin was slick-slippery, the quilt like hot waves. A few strands of hair fell on her forehead, hiding the vision in front of her. She flicked the hair aside but could oly see moon white men long attire with light clouds design One over another – the sight made her dizzy.

”What were you singing earlier?” YWY suddenly asked. The sound of his voice is so silky with a man’s raspiness. Sounds very nice, the faint reverberates through the air, pounding on her ear drums.

She raised her head and saw his face. Handsome beyond words, and the scent of his body was pleasant, inducing one to safely fall asleep.

YWY noticed she did not answer, Xing Er?”

A slew of English followed

YWY surprised, asked: “Your native (home) language?”

“Ernh!” – CQ honestly nodded

YWY:”Sing it for me again”

His voice this evening seemed like it had a type of spell, rendering her unlike her usual self with the verbal rebuttals and fighting. She took 2 deep breaths, clear and gentle sounds waft through the air like spring rain, gently hitting the lotus pond, making tiny star like water flowers.

CQ sings….

Her singing voice sounded like she had wings and glided over times passed.

From the first encounter, and the trail of killings. Life is a barren field of wild grass, don’t know where to bury the traps, and don’t know where darkness turns to light for a new life. He stood before her, dries her hair for her, long fingers threading through her dark tresses like he was wiping off the waves of the past. The material of his clothing was soft, her head was upon his waist, softly singing her most favorite song from her past life.

(English song)

The warmth of the room allowed her to drift off back to the distant past of her days at the Saint Luanne Orphanage. The dean was an eight year resistance fighter with North Korean veterans. He broke one of his legs during battle, yet managed to blast an American plane. After retiring, he returned to his hometown and used his pension to open an orphanage. She was unlike the average orphan. She was lucky. She had a good grandfather. Later grandfather funded her education, leveraged his friendships and got her into military school, become a soldier to protect family and country.
She did not disappoint her grandfather’s wishes. She thrived, had excellent grades, a bright mind, kind, honest, and gradually rose her way into the military in a leadership position in the national military service. Her life was like a well mapped out plan with obstacles and waves.

From a very young age, grandfather told her – as a soldier, one must obey and love country, must protect the country, the citizens, protect the weak and small-young. He told her so many military stories, told her the ways of human values and integrity, told her the meaning of life and principles (values). She was like a small tree and under grandfather’s care, gradually grew up. She even remembered her first completed mission and award ceremony, and grandfather’s happy face. His wrinkles shook in the light of the sun, his laughing shook his chest, he hugged her and said “good granddaughter”.

That was the happiest day of her life, with the most beloved family member in the world, in the embrace of best warmth in the world.

When grandfather was young, he went to England to study and accumulated an extensive foreign vocabulary. He taught her English and western customs, he taught her how to waltz, left, right, left, right, traverse, 3 foot steps, turn. And grandfather taught her the song she was singing.

(English song).

CQ suddenly wrapped her arms around YWY’s waist. The candle casts a halo, dancing in one corner of the room, wafting its flame glow like elegant stars over the bed. The boat is swaying, both coasts and mountains have drifted off, and one can faintly hear the wind blowing.

 “XE,” YWY lowered his head to ask “what does that song mean?”

Don’t know why, CQ was suddenly embarrassed, blushed and lowered her head without saying a word.

Above there is a warm exhale, his chest moving. CQ knows he is laughing. Even though there is no sound, she just knows.

YWY:”Sounds nice”

YWY squats down and looks directly at her, laughingly says :”I really like (it).”

CQ is slightly afraid to look directly into his eyes, glanced left and right while asking him:”Why are you here” It’s already so late”

YWY: “I am thinking of someone (who) makes me unable to sleep soundly”

He suddenly uttered out such words and CQ was stunned, temporarily at a loss for words.

YWY: This person is very pretty, very adorable, just a little stupid, just a little inattention and she will hurt-injure herself, and she gets lots easily, and easily kidnapped by another, therefore as close as have to be extra close to that person, I am unable to rest, just to come over and take a look to allay my concern, I still also worry and can’t sleep.”

CQ blushed deeply, like a thief she stealthily raised her head to glance at YWY and squeaked “Can’t be as stupid as you just describe?”

YWY;” Even more stupid than I described” YWY’s eyes glowed and laughed:”But how could LiJing that fella have sired such an exceedingly lovable child that makes me worry so much.

CQ was stunned. Suddenly realizing she had been played-tricked. Raised her fists to hit him but her fists were captured instead. His hand was large and warm, tightly grasping her fists.

She had never known his hands would be that strong, so strong that she could not even move one bit. He slowly advanced towards her, his eyes are dark like deep waves, unable to discern what waves are hidden beneath.

His voice was raspy as he whispered in her ear: “This is punishment, spoiling your good day with bad”.

Following which, lowered his head towards her to kiss her lips. She becomes extremely anxious-excited. Although they are from 2 different worlds, and she has experienced kissing before, but don’t know why, every time facing him, she becomes clumsy, not even knowing where to place her limbs. She closed her eyes, waited a long time, but yet there doesn’t seem to be any action. She carefully and slowly opened one of her eyes just a little bit, only to see under the light, someone smiling at her, sees her stealthily looking and advanced again. Warm breaths land on her face and say: “Waiting for me to kiss you?”

“YWY!” CQ angrily pushes him; “You Bully!”

He suddenly held her close, that swiftly, that hard that the quilt covering her and towel on her head came off. Lifted her head and forcefully kissed her, held her in a death grip, so tightly that it seemed to push into her bones. His kiss cold, yet her face burned hot, his breathing low, hands grabbing tightly at her waist, both bodies glued together, to the point where one can hear the other’s heart beat.

Once, twice, three times…..

“CQ” he looked at her and suddenly called out her name, eyes aflamed, not a blink, eyes pierced directly to say: “Marry me’”

CQ was stunned again. The light shone on YWY’s face; half of it was lit and the other half in shadow – the whole imagery rather surreal. Her ears must have hallucinated what she just heard. She is quite unprepared. What does she want to say, opens her mouth yet doesn’t know how to answer.

“XE.” He quietly looks at her and calls her that way again.

Feeling kind of light-headed, she replied: “Hmmm?”

YWY: “I love you”



We are so lucky on this thread :)

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Poor YWY, both YX and Xinger misunderstood him...

His attitude cause him great loss, and it will cost him a lot. People around them pointing fingers to him though he try his best to avoid all these unfortunate event occurs...

No wonder YX break their friendship, he will never try to understand YWY action though he know YWY personality before but with current accident he will choose to ignore it and rather believe his eye and ears...

Aboit Xinger , her misunderstanding against YWY just accumulate than before...but YWY feelings for her become more transparent but Xinger may not notice it due to her bias but other people may take advantage of it...right now people with good eye will know that Xinger is YWY weakness.

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51 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

Here we go - 2nd part of chapter 180; I will complete the rest of it in 1 more attachment yet to come.... 

After watching Ep 25 - 26 was glad I had this translation to whet me yesterday. 

From reading this chapter - YWY appears to have done a 180 personality change. In this chapter - he is playful, more like YX....

Back to watching more vids.... last translation soon as I am near the end.

Enjoy - this part is LOVE-ly.


  Reveal hidden contents

This was YWY’s deliberate accessory for this evening’s attire. Under the lights, the jade ornament glowed. YWY took it off and placed it in the baby’s hand. RE first placed it in his mouth. It seems he has not developed any teeth and the object did not have much taste, so gradually he just clasped it in his hands and proceeded to crawl out the door.

The plump little child eventually crawled to another room in CQ’s room, then sat on the floor and energetically used his short legs to thump at the door, Mei Xiang sleepily and casually opened the door, saw him and happily called out, hastily picked up the child and yet felt a little strange, thus walked toward’s CQ’s room for a glance. She saw YWY and blushed, her face lit up with glee, faced YWY and nodded, with baby in arms and returned to her room. Thus the obstacle was in this way hastily removed.

YWY thought – although that little guy was a little irritating, but in the important ways that matter, he is quick much like his father. YWY behaved as if he was in his own room, matter-of-factly closed the door, and walked towards CQ, condescendingly looks down at her, extends his arms out and asks: “aren’t you getting up?”

CQ was felt a little awkward, annoyingly frowned and berated herself “what is wrong with me? Am I really mesmerized by attractiveness?

She did not extend her arm out, but rather wanted to stand up by herself. Who knew with a single move, her feet turned and with the slippery wetness of the floor “AH!” she called out as she unwittingly hadn’t stood up straight and fell down again.

The anticipated pain did not materialize YWY’s quick reflexes captured her waist, warm hands clutched on to the skin at her waist. The wet clothes simply couldn’t hide her exquisite figure, and the wet fabric clinging to her body made her even more alluring-tempting.

She had been squatting for too long so her thighs-legs were numb. YWY picked her up and placed her on the bed. Her hair was wet and dripping, clothing all wet through – as if she was the person in the tub.

YWY picked up a quilt-blanket and covered her with it, and proceeded to rub her down while saying “Don’t catch (a) cold”.

The lights in the room cast a warm glow, and shone on his face, kind of hazy imagery and made everything surreal. He took a dry towel and wrapped her hair. A man like him could actually just stand in front of her and meticulously dry her hair, yet not a single word was uttered.
CQ’s palms started perspiring. The room suddenly felt very hot. She was wrapped in thick blanket, yet sweat was dripping down her wet clothes. Her skin was slick-slippery, the quilt like hot waves. A few strands of hair fell on her forehead, hiding the vision in front of her. She flicked the hair aside but could oly see moon white men long attire with light clouds design One over another – the sight made her dizzy.

”What were you singing earlier?” YWY suddenly asked. The sound of his voice is so silky with a man’s raspiness. Sounds very nice, the faint reverberates through the air, pounding on her ear drums.

She raised her head and saw his face. Handsome beyond words, and the scent of his body was pleasant, inducing one to safely fall asleep.

YWY noticed she did not answer, Xing Er?”

A slew of English followed

YWY surprised, asked: “Your native (home) language?”

“Ernh!” – CQ honestly nodded

YWY:”Sing it for me again”

His voice this evening seemed like it had a type of spell, rendering her unlike her usual self with the verbal rebuttals and fighting. She took 2 deep breaths, clear and gentle sounds waft through the air like spring rain, gently hitting the lotus pond, making tiny star like water flowers.

CQ sings….

Her singing voice sounded like she had wings and glided over times passed.

From the first encounter, and the trail of killings. Life is a barren field of wild grass, don’t know where to bury the traps, and don’t know where darkness turns to light for a new life. He stood before her, dries her hair for her, long fingers threading through her dark tresses like he was wiping off the waves of the past. The material of his clothing was soft, her head was upon his waist, softly singing her most favorite song from her past life.

(English song)

The warmth of the room allowed her to drift off back to the distant past of her days at the Saint Luanne Orphanage. The dean was an eight year resistance fighter with North Korean veterans. He broke one of his legs during battle, yet managed to blast an American plane. After retiring, he returned to his hometown and used his pension to open an orphanage. She was unlike the average orphan. She was lucky. She had a good grandfather. Later grandfather funded her education, leveraged his friendships and got her into military school, become a soldier to protect family and country.
She did not disappoint her grandfather’s wishes. She thrived, had excellent grades, a bright mind, kind, honest, and gradually rose her way into the military in a leadership position in the national military service. Her life was like a well mapped out plan with obstacles and waves.

From a very young age, grandfather told her – as a soldier, one must obey and love country, must protect the country, the citizens, protect the weak and small-young. He told her so many military stories, told her the ways of human values and integrity, told her the meaning of life and principles (values). She was like a small tree and under grandfather’s care, gradually grew up. She even remembered her first completed mission and award ceremony, and grandfather’s happy face. His wrinkles shook in the light of the sun, his laughing shook his chest, he hugged her and said “good granddaughter”.

That was the happiest day of her life, with the most beloved family member in the world, in the embrace of best warmth in the world.

When grandfather was young, he went to England to study and accumulated an extensive foreign vocabulary. He taught her English and western customs, he taught her how to waltz, left, right, left, right, traverse, 3 foot steps, turn. And grandfather taught her the song she was singing.

(English song).

CQ suddenly wrapped her arms around YWY’s waist. The candle casts a halo, dancing in one corner of the room, wafting its flame glow like elegant stars over the bed. The boat is swaying, both coasts and mountains have drifted off, and one can faintly hear the wind blowing.

 “XE,” YWY lowered his head to ask “what does that song mean?”

Don’t know why, CQ was suddenly embarrassed, blushed and lowered her head without saying a word.

Above there is a warm exhale, his chest moving. CQ knows he is laughing. Even though there is no sound, she just knows.

YWY:”Sounds nice”

YWY squats down and looks directly at her, laughingly says :”I really like (it).”

CQ is slightly afraid to look directly into his eyes, glanced left and right while asking him:”Why are you here” It’s already so late”

YWY: “I am thinking of someone (who) makes me unable to sleep soundly”

He suddenly uttered out such words and CQ was stunned, temporarily at a loss for words.

YWY: This person is very pretty, very adorable, just a little stupid, just a little inattention and she will hurt-injure herself, and she gets lots easily, and easily kidnapped by another, therefore as close as have to be extra close to that person, I am unable to rest, just to come over and take a look to allay my concern, I still also worry and can’t sleep.”

CQ blushed deeply, like a thief she stealthily raised her head to glance at YWY and squeaked “Can’t be as stupid as you just describe?”

YWY;” Even more stupid than I described” YWY’s eyes glowed and laughed:”But how could LiJing that fella have sired such an exceedingly lovable child that makes me worry so much.

CQ was stunned. Suddenly realizing she had been played-tricked. Raised her fists to hit him but her fists were captured instead. His hand was large and warm, tightly grasping her fists.

She had never known his hands would be that strong, so strong that she could not even move one bit. He slowly advanced towards her, his eyes are dark like deep waves, unable to discern what waves are hidden beneath.

His voice was raspy as he whispered in her ear: “This is punishment, spoiling your good day with bad”.

Following which, lowered his head towards her to kiss her lips. She becomes extremely anxious-excited. Although they are from 2 different worlds, and she has experienced kissing before, but don’t know why, every time facing him, she becomes clumsy, not even knowing where to place her limbs. She closed her eyes, waited a long time, but yet there doesn’t seem to be any action. She carefully and slowly opened one of her eyes just a little bit, only to see under the light, someone smiling at her, sees her stealthily looking and advanced again. Warm breaths land on her face and say: “Waiting for me to kiss you?”

“YWY!” CQ angrily pushes him; “You Bully!”

He suddenly held her close, that swiftly, that hard that the quilt covering her and towel on her head came off. Lifted her head and forcefully kissed her, held her in a death grip, so tightly that it seemed to push into her bones. His kiss cold, yet her face burned hot, his breathing low, hands grabbing tightly at her waist, both bodies glued together, to the point where one can hear the other’s heart beat.

Once, twice, three times…..

“CQ” he looked at her and suddenly called out her name, eyes aflamed, not a blink, eyes pierced directly to say: “Marry me’”

CQ was stunned again. The light shone on YWY’s face; half of it was lit and the other half in shadow – the whole imagery rather surreal. Her ears must have hallucinated what she just heard. She is quite unprepared. What does she want to say, opens her mouth yet doesn’t know how to answer.

“XE.” He quietly looks at her and calls her that way again.

Feeling kind of light-headed, she replied: “Hmmm?”

YWY: “I love you”



OOHHHH!!! Thank you soo much! :wub::lol:

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:||| yikes. reading all of the updates is making me so anxious like finger nails biting frustrated that they think it's YWY's fault. all of this accusations and misunderstandings is killing me. :||| does anyone know if it gets resolved or if they would at least take the time to try and understand our main lead's actions?

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2 minutes ago, aikmm said:

:||| yikes. reading all of the updates is making me so anxious like finger nails biting frustrated that they think it's YWY's fault. all of this accusations and misunderstandings is killing me. :||| does anyone know if it gets resolved or if they would at least take the time to try and understand our main lead's actions?

Based on the updates that i have seen, i understand if they want to make us really understand the solid reason why YX will be changed later on. But,  i feel extremely frustrated when they keep misunderstanding YWY. I love YWY character but sometimes i feel like...'damn...you should explain/defend yourself at least. Why u keep quite and never bother to clean yourself from all those accusations ??'argh....i just want scream to YWY and slap his face so he will wake up to do something for himself. Hahahahaa. I hate when his bromance with YX is ended just because of misunderstanding.. Huhuhu.

Sorry to all YWY fans, i am a person with a very high defensive mechanism. I cant stand if someone accuse me something wrong. I will do everything to protect myself. But seeing YWY like that is making frustrated a bit. But what to do, they want to potray YWY character like that. huhuhu.

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I haven't watched episode 23-24 yet. I'm probably the only one who have fallen behind all ladies here :(. Anyway, I tried to catch up with this thread so I'm able to connect the dots to get my mind's eye for what's going on in the drama.

The drama pacing is just fine, I feel no dragging so far, though some characters have been terminated quite soon (like Yu Wen Xi, Jin Zhu (maid), butler Zhu, Yan Xun's parents) to give way to more new characters. The story takes us to a rise and fall of some major characters and a change of fate to be followed. Again, I utterly feel sorry for Yan Xun. His trauma is so great that he is consumed by hatred and revenge. His sunny self will be replaced by a raging storm in a blink of an eye. Yan Xun is clearly one typical tragic character who is brutally punished by a power-hungry and evil dictator. A decent noble who was born at the wrong time and place …

I feel that Yan Xun's character can flirt with change over the course of the story, even he converts to the dark side I still find him delicious and intriguing while YWY's is so far a bit bland and less dynamic in terms of his narrative. Though I can feel him wrestling with his inner conflict and dilemma, his change in characterization is a bit limited and lacking intensity shift so I'm looking forward to seeing him step up his transformation, if there is any.

The actor who plays YWH is sooo good at making me dig out every possible curse words hahaha. He is born evil, so unspeakable while the Wei King is not only gone to paranoid schizophrenia for good but also takes his country to the grave with him.

I still don't know if I will have heart to watch the past few episodes because I don't want to add any more stress on top of my already frenetic week ... and latest previews look all doom and gloom :frown:misunderstanding makes a big headline .. poor YWY

@monchoo really thank you for your translation :DI do appreciate your time and effort for all of us. Please keep feeding us with more sweet scenes if this doesn't burden you too much. :heart:

@mundane9 my thanks go to you too for your translation. Tomorrow, I will find time to read what YWY is like with a 180 degree change.

@40somethingahjumma what can I say .. I love reading your views on the drama or actors ... they are readable and very lyrical. I love it.

Let me shout out big welcome to our new ladies @lovelycate and @claribelle3 ... nice to see you here (wave my hands)

And I also love reading the posts from all ladies here esp @cenching who is surely a fervent YWY-XE fan and make this thread move so lively. All nice photos, clips and related inside news from @mrsyooknit make me able to catch up with the account of PA actors/actress. All in all, everyone in this thread makes a great contribution to form a warm, friendly community for our Princess Agents' fangirls and also serves as an emotional outlet to unleash our anger, sadness, drooling over YWY-XE, hidden pervert mind LOL :rolleyes:


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I really hope we move on from these prison episodes soon. It is necessary for the story, but this Yan Xun arc has been stretched out too much. Previews also keep showing parts of it. I am ready for the story to move on. 

17 minutes ago, heoesdanish90 said:

Based on the updates that i have seen, i understand if they want to make us really understand the solid reason why YX will be changed later on. But,  i feel extremely frustrated when they keep misunderstanding YWY. I love YWY character but sometimes i feel like...'damn...you should explain/defend yourself at least. Why u keep quite and never bother to clean yourself from all those accusations ??'argh....i just want scream to YWY and slap his face so he will wake up to do something for himself. Hahahahaa. I hate when his bromance with YX is ended just because of misunderstanding.. Huhuhu.

Sorry to all YWY fans, i am a person with a very high defensive mechanism. I cant stand if someone accuse me something wrong. I will do everything to protect myself. But seeing YWY like that is making frustrated a bit. But what to do, they want to potray YWY character like that. huhuhu.


I partially agree just bc I am tired of all the misunderstandings. But YWY can't defend himself bc that would jeopardize him in front of the Emperor. Walls have ears. If he says he wanted to help them, how do you think that would make him look? It would be the same as admitting to treason. 

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1 hour ago, mundane9 said:

Here we go - 2nd part of chapter 180; I will complete the rest of it in 1 more attachment yet to come.... 

After watching Ep 25 - 26 was glad I had this translation to whet me yesterday. 

From reading this chapter - YWY appears to have done a 180 personality change. In this chapter - he is playful, more like YX....

Back to watching more vids.... last translation soon as I am near the end.

Enjoy - this part is LOVE-ly.


  Reveal hidden contents

This was YWY’s deliberate accessory for this evening’s attire. Under the lights, the jade ornament glowed. YWY took it off and placed it in the baby’s hand. RE first placed it in his mouth. It seems he has not developed any teeth and the object did not have much taste, so gradually he just clasped it in his hands and proceeded to crawl out the door.

The plump little child eventually crawled to another room in CQ’s room, then sat on the floor and energetically used his short legs to thump at the door, Mei Xiang sleepily and casually opened the door, saw him and happily called out, hastily picked up the child and yet felt a little strange, thus walked toward’s CQ’s room for a glance. She saw YWY and blushed, her face lit up with glee, faced YWY and nodded, with baby in arms and returned to her room. Thus the obstacle was in this way hastily removed.

YWY thought – although that little guy was a little irritating, but in the important ways that matter, he is quick much like his father. YWY behaved as if he was in his own room, matter-of-factly closed the door, and walked towards CQ, condescendingly looks down at her, extends his arms out and asks: “aren’t you getting up?”

CQ was felt a little awkward, annoyingly frowned and berated herself “what is wrong with me? Am I really mesmerized by attractiveness?

She did not extend her arm out, but rather wanted to stand up by herself. Who knew with a single move, her feet turned and with the slippery wetness of the floor “AH!” she called out as she unwittingly hadn’t stood up straight and fell down again.

The anticipated pain did not materialize YWY’s quick reflexes captured her waist, warm hands clutched on to the skin at her waist. The wet clothes simply couldn’t hide her exquisite figure, and the wet fabric clinging to her body made her even more alluring-tempting.

She had been squatting for too long so her thighs-legs were numb. YWY picked her up and placed her on the bed. Her hair was wet and dripping, clothing all wet through – as if she was the person in the tub.

YWY picked up a quilt-blanket and covered her with it, and proceeded to rub her down while saying “Don’t catch (a) cold”.

The lights in the room cast a warm glow, and shone on his face, kind of hazy imagery and made everything surreal. He took a dry towel and wrapped her hair. A man like him could actually just stand in front of her and meticulously dry her hair, yet not a single word was uttered.
CQ’s palms started perspiring. The room suddenly felt very hot. She was wrapped in thick blanket, yet sweat was dripping down her wet clothes. Her skin was slick-slippery, the quilt like hot waves. A few strands of hair fell on her forehead, hiding the vision in front of her. She flicked the hair aside but could oly see moon white men long attire with light clouds design One over another – the sight made her dizzy.

”What were you singing earlier?” YWY suddenly asked. The sound of his voice is so silky with a man’s raspiness. Sounds very nice, the faint reverberates through the air, pounding on her ear drums.

She raised her head and saw his face. Handsome beyond words, and the scent of his body was pleasant, inducing one to safely fall asleep.

YWY noticed she did not answer, Xing Er?”

A slew of English followed

YWY surprised, asked: “Your native (home) language?”

“Ernh!” – CQ honestly nodded

YWY:”Sing it for me again”

His voice this evening seemed like it had a type of spell, rendering her unlike her usual self with the verbal rebuttals and fighting. She took 2 deep breaths, clear and gentle sounds waft through the air like spring rain, gently hitting the lotus pond, making tiny star like water flowers.

CQ sings….

Her singing voice sounded like she had wings and glided over times passed.

From the first encounter, and the trail of killings. Life is a barren field of wild grass, don’t know where to bury the traps, and don’t know where darkness turns to light for a new life. He stood before her, dries her hair for her, long fingers threading through her dark tresses like he was wiping off the waves of the past. The material of his clothing was soft, her head was upon his waist, softly singing her most favorite song from her past life.

(English song)

The warmth of the room allowed her to drift off back to the distant past of her days at the Saint Luanne Orphanage. The dean was an eight year resistance fighter with North Korean veterans. He broke one of his legs during battle, yet managed to blast an American plane. After retiring, he returned to his hometown and used his pension to open an orphanage. She was unlike the average orphan. She was lucky. She had a good grandfather. Later grandfather funded her education, leveraged his friendships and got her into military school, become a soldier to protect family and country.
She did not disappoint her grandfather’s wishes. She thrived, had excellent grades, a bright mind, kind, honest, and gradually rose her way into the military in a leadership position in the national military service. Her life was like a well mapped out plan with obstacles and waves.

From a very young age, grandfather told her – as a soldier, one must obey and love country, must protect the country, the citizens, protect the weak and small-young. He told her so many military stories, told her the ways of human values and integrity, told her the meaning of life and principles (values). She was like a small tree and under grandfather’s care, gradually grew up. She even remembered her first completed mission and award ceremony, and grandfather’s happy face. His wrinkles shook in the light of the sun, his laughing shook his chest, he hugged her and said “good granddaughter”.

That was the happiest day of her life, with the most beloved family member in the world, in the embrace of best warmth in the world.

When grandfather was young, he went to England to study and accumulated an extensive foreign vocabulary. He taught her English and western customs, he taught her how to waltz, left, right, left, right, traverse, 3 foot steps, turn. And grandfather taught her the song she was singing.

(English song).

CQ suddenly wrapped her arms around YWY’s waist. The candle casts a halo, dancing in one corner of the room, wafting its flame glow like elegant stars over the bed. The boat is swaying, both coasts and mountains have drifted off, and one can faintly hear the wind blowing.

 “XE,” YWY lowered his head to ask “what does that song mean?”

Don’t know why, CQ was suddenly embarrassed, blushed and lowered her head without saying a word.

Above there is a warm exhale, his chest moving. CQ knows he is laughing. Even though there is no sound, she just knows.

YWY:”Sounds nice”

YWY squats down and looks directly at her, laughingly says :”I really like (it).”

CQ is slightly afraid to look directly into his eyes, glanced left and right while asking him:”Why are you here” It’s already so late”

YWY: “I am thinking of someone (who) makes me unable to sleep soundly”

He suddenly uttered out such words and CQ was stunned, temporarily at a loss for words.

YWY: This person is very pretty, very adorable, just a little stupid, just a little inattention and she will hurt-injure herself, and she gets lots easily, and easily kidnapped by another, therefore as close as have to be extra close to that person, I am unable to rest, just to come over and take a look to allay my concern, I still also worry and can’t sleep.”

CQ blushed deeply, like a thief she stealthily raised her head to glance at YWY and squeaked “Can’t be as stupid as you just describe?”

YWY;” Even more stupid than I described” YWY’s eyes glowed and laughed:”But how could LiJing that fella have sired such an exceedingly lovable child that makes me worry so much.

CQ was stunned. Suddenly realizing she had been played-tricked. Raised her fists to hit him but her fists were captured instead. His hand was large and warm, tightly grasping her fists.

She had never known his hands would be that strong, so strong that she could not even move one bit. He slowly advanced towards her, his eyes are dark like deep waves, unable to discern what waves are hidden beneath.

His voice was raspy as he whispered in her ear: “This is punishment, spoiling your good day with bad”.

Following which, lowered his head towards her to kiss her lips. She becomes extremely anxious-excited. Although they are from 2 different worlds, and she has experienced kissing before, but don’t know why, every time facing him, she becomes clumsy, not even knowing where to place her limbs. She closed her eyes, waited a long time, but yet there doesn’t seem to be any action. She carefully and slowly opened one of her eyes just a little bit, only to see under the light, someone smiling at her, sees her stealthily looking and advanced again. Warm breaths land on her face and say: “Waiting for me to kiss you?”

“YWY!” CQ angrily pushes him; “You Bully!”

He suddenly held her close, that swiftly, that hard that the quilt covering her and towel on her head came off. Lifted her head and forcefully kissed her, held her in a death grip, so tightly that it seemed to push into her bones. His kiss cold, yet her face burned hot, his breathing low, hands grabbing tightly at her waist, both bodies glued together, to the point where one can hear the other’s heart beat.

Once, twice, three times…..

“CQ” he looked at her and suddenly called out her name, eyes aflamed, not a blink, eyes pierced directly to say: “Marry me’”

CQ was stunned again. The light shone on YWY’s face; half of it was lit and the other half in shadow – the whole imagery rather surreal. Her ears must have hallucinated what she just heard. She is quite unprepared. What does she want to say, opens her mouth yet doesn’t know how to answer.

“XE.” He quietly looks at her and calls her that way again.

Feeling kind of light-headed, she replied: “Hmmm?”

YWY: “I love you”


Wow thanks a lot. I cant help but smile when reading this part. Playful YWY. Hehe:tongue:

I feel very excited for the next part.hehe

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What a travesty of justice! So tragic... I don't know if I can survive Ep 25... No doubt they're doing everything they can to prolong the agony and make us hate the baddies even more than we do already. Ack! :bawling: I know they need to give YX justification for his revenge but I was already on his side! I didn't any more reason to hate YWHuai :crazy: or his unrepentant buddies. He was already a right royal scumbag. And the Emperor... it's all on him in the end. I hope he has nightmares every night until he goes demented and falls on his sword.

I've got to give Mum props for her courage. Such a gutsy woman. I got teary when she talked about how her husband, the late marquis singled-handedly saved the emperor's life.

:bawling: The woman gets top marks for oratory. She had her platform and she used it to embarrass as many people as she could. Loved how she turned an autopsy into one eulogy after another. Amazing.

"I've ascertained that this person is my husband, the Marquis Ding Bei of Northern Yan, Yan Shi Cheng!" She declared with a proud smile on her face.

And the stories about her sons who gave their lives in service of Wei... heartbreaking. And her daughter... 7 months pregnant...

Why did she kill herself? :astonished: Okay, I know why she did it... It was her grand gesture but...

I don't know if I can bear to watch Ep. 26. These are dark times for the good guys.

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11 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

I really hope we move on from these prison episodes soon. It is necessary for the story, but this Yan Xun arc has been stretched out too much. Previews also keep showing parts of it. I am ready for the story to move on. 


I partially agree just bc I am tired of all the misunderstandings. But YWY can't defend himself bc that would jeopardize him in front of the Emperor. Walls have ears. If he says he wanted to help them, how do you think that would make him look? It would be the same as admitting to treason. 

So true. Huhuhuhu. Poor YWY. :(

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i read somewhere that they will cut down the span of XE and YX being together from 8 years to 3 years which i don't know if that's a good or bad thing considering the fact that they have to solidify their army, seek vengeance and what not. i hope they won't rush everything else. and although i don't like the idea of a love line between XE and YX, i guess it can't be helped because being together and going through obstacles together can definitely grow some feelings. sure, she loves YX. i mean how can you not love a person you spent 8 years with but she's not likely to be in love with him since she left him despite their differing beliefs. i've seen a lot of chinese dramas where most second male lead becomes so engross in their revenge and struggle for power that regardless of that, the girl that loves them still stuck by them. now it's different for XE, she may love the guy but she's not willing to change her beliefs or what she stands for and the same goes for YX. he wasn't willing to give up his power so he lost XE. it's crazy but they could have been the end game. likewise, YWY is so enamored and in love with XE that he's willing to sacrifice or do whatever it takes for XE. he became a changed man for the better. i mean XE brought the best in him. as you can see, i'm a fan of YWY and XE. :)))))

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Much needed humor from LGX's studio on weibo



@aikmm I do think it will be good in the end bc otherwise, it would be too draggy. I saw a video of Shawn Dou doing a voiceover of his character and he says three years so it is confirmed she stays with him for three years. 

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1 hour ago, mrsyooknit said:


I partially agree just bc I am tired of all the misunderstandings. But YWY can't defend himself bc that would jeopardize him in front of the Emperor. Walls have ears. If he says he wanted to help them, how do you think that would make him look? It would be the same as admitting to treason. 

What's more it isn't just about him... He has the whole of Qing Shan Yuan and the people in it to think about. If he were to overtly stand shoulder to shoulder with YX, the Eyes of God will in all likelihood fall into the hands of others. X'er has already put him in a very difficult position already by killing YW Xi. If he didn't care about X'er and YX, they'd be dead already. She should know that better than anyone but she's too blinded by rage to see things clearly. I know they've had a really hard day... but the world doesn't revolve around them... What they did, what they do from here on now has consequences for other people. The onus is also on them to spare a thought for how their actions are an imposition on others. Often one can be too blinded by the rightness of one's cause and position that one can't see the big picture.

Frankly, I think YX should play it smart right now and suck it up, bide his time in order to properly deal with those who caused the death of his family. He's no good to anyone dead, least of all himself. He should take a leaf out of the Count of Monte Cristo, or Lang Ya Bang's Lin Shu. :wink:

The fact that YX has to ask his mother why all this was happening shows a certain political naivete which is dangerous. It's clear what his trajectory is going to be.

8 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

Finally caught up 

They tried to tell him. YWY did and at first others did too, but he wouldn't listen. He made up his mind long before. He felt like Yanbei was his biggest thread and he couldn't be at peace until the Duke was gone. 

Did they? Must be the bit where he stabbed General Song... where I FF in frustration. :wink:

@aikmm Right. There are all kinds of love between two people. No doubt she will learn to love him but not necessarily in the same way that she loves YWY. It could be a mixture of camaraderie, genuine affection and friendship born out of suffering and common cause. But whether she wants to have babies with him... well, that's another matter entirely. :wink:


@hyall This series is immensely popular so I doubt they'd ever stop subbing it. I can see the outrage on YouTube if that ever happened. But it is going through a very dark phase right now. Very dark. I don't know if that will help you make up your mind.

@pimsucre Thank you for your kind words. It must be the poet in me indubitably leaking through. :wink: 

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

What a travesty of justice! So tragic... I don't know if I can survive Ep 25... No doubt they're doing everything they can to prolong the agony and make us hate the baddies even more than we do already. Ack! :bawling: I know they need to give YX justification for his revenge but I was already on his side! I didn't any more reason to hate YWHuai :crazy: or his unrepentant buddies. He was already a right royal scumbag. And the Emperor... it's all on him in the end. I hope he has nightmares every night until he goes demented and falls on his sword.

I've got to give Mum props for her courage. Such a gutsy woman. I got teary when she talked about how her husband, the late marquis singled-handedly saved the emperor's life.

:bawling: The woman gets top marks for oratory. She had her platform and she used it to embarrass as many people as she could. Loved how she turned an autopsy into one eulogy after another. Amazing.

"I've ascertained that this person is my husband, the Marquis Ding Bei of Northern Yan, Yan Shi Cheng!" She declared with a proud smile on her face.

And the stories about her sons who gave their lives in service of Wei... heartbreaking. And her daughter... 7 months pregnant...

Why did she kill herself? :astonished:

I don't know if I can bear to watch Ep. 26. These are dark times for the good guys.

She killed herself since I believe she made a compromise with the emperor when he called her back in. Her life in exchange for her son. Plus YH will kill any "traitor" in the end anyways so she rather die by her own hands rather than having the enemy kill her. Such sadness but the drama goes on. 

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