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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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@adeleyam Wanted to ask since you're a long-time HHJ fan, was she recently voted as Nation's daughter-in-law in Korea? Just wondering whether it was her recent roles e.g. W-Two Worlds which contributed to this new title being conferred on her. Korean netizens seriously love their "nation" titles, from Nation's First Love to Nation's Little Sister LOL.

News is really slow today... First full-length article published about HHJ's attendance at the Theory flagship opening in HK (not counting the IG/twitter feeds of news agencies): http://www.hk01.com/韓迷/57891/韓孝周揭幕禮派心又握手-李炳憲陪李珉廷留香港聚舊



Translation: When asked about relationships, she professed to having a lively personality, so she would like to find a soft-spoken husband. However, when asked whether she had the makings of a good wife, Han Hyo Joo flashed the 007 hand sign, and smiled saying that this question is too difficult to answer!

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She got the title back in 2011 but was again voted after W, somewhere in Sept this year for Koreans who want her to be introduced to their parents as their daughter-in-law...

Anyway according to the news.. Hyo Joo will be heading back to Seoul tomorrow...

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6 hours ago, ixxdhx81 said:

SOMETHING FISHY!!! Afddidbxkshrusvsj!

Another IG update~ He sang Eddie Kim's song. The Manual..

Here is the translation of the full song.

Eddie kim - The MANUAL (너 사용법)




Softly, with mood, warmly, tightly hug her
Use it once a day, every day

When your soft eyes meet hers, smile
So she can smile, hey what’s up beauty, talk to her

Get up first in the morning, turning on jazz
Gentle kiss, I’ll look at you

When you’re too tired, take two bottles of soju
And honestly knock on her door

Sometimes, leave together without a plan
Let her breathe under a different sky, a different wind
Sometimes, kiss her without a plan
Just like the day I fell for you without reason

When it’s time to sleep, with a low voice, quietly, make her tear as you say
Thank you so much, once a day, every day

Get up first in the morning and clean up mess
Last night, wake you up

When you’re walking her home, slow footsteps
With a low voice, confess to her

I’m rational in front of other girls
But strangely, in front of you, my emotions come out first
You’re too good for me to use
Just looking at you drives me crazy
I want to use you forever
Oh my girl Oh my girl

Softly, with mood, warmly, tightly hug her
Use it once a day, every day

When it’s time to sleep, with a low voice, quietly, make her tear as you say
Thank you so much, once a day, every day

This beautiful girl, don’t lose her

@ixxdhx81 i want to ask you. is the bold lyrics in your post is the one that JS sing in his IG ? 


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Finally got off work n was just searching for HJ news from today's event and stumbled across this article.

A little late for the Burberry event photos, but just had to share this one. Usually I find JS to be too boyish, but here in this photo he really looks so confident and manly :wub: Not to mention he looks like he's walking down the street like a runway :phew:


The article mentions that both attended the same event with many other celebrities, but W fans were disappointed for lack of photos of the 2 leads together at the event.

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Narration: Han Hyo Joo is truly very endearing. When we mentioned that she was chosen as “Nation’s Daughter-in-Law” (in Korea), she expressed surprise as she had no idea she has been conferred with this title, but she is happy to receive this honour.

HHJ: I’m grateful to everyone for having such thoughts about me. Actually my personality is more lively and cheerful, even though sometimes I’ll be a little more demure, but I think I will be the kind of daughter-in-law who is more candid/straightforward.

HHJ: Potential to be a good wife? [Sailormoon pose] Hmmm [laughs]

HHJ: I hope that my cooking would be good. I think the most important is mutual understanding. If there is someone I like, I will try my best to accommodate him. That way we can maintain our relationship well.

[Note: translated from Chinese subtitles - needs to be checked by those who understand Hangul who can verify against what HHJ actually said]

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Had a hard time loggin in :(

Anyway, HJ is gorgeous as always!! She look even more radiant nowadays... actually her style has changed a lot, there is something different about her  :) I totally agree her personality is so lively, I believe she is a really caring person, and a good wife material :wub: 

Looks like our Honey couple is having good news lately :D I actually saw the latest JS IG post and got really excited :lol:

Is that a signal that something is progressing well? Will we get to hear something next year B)


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Hi fellow chingus ...please see below for the article link on HJ for attending Theory event:


some points to note[rough trans]

she said she is so happy and surprised by the HK fans overwhelming response at MAMA yesterday, she said as a actor she haven't receive such warm and great response.

Talking about love, she said her character is more bubbly and outgoing, so she is more like a straightforward kind of wife. she hope she is skillful in cooking ( think she need to buck up abit on that based on her cooking skills in 2D1N.)

But when ask in the future will she have the potential to be a good wife, she paused for few secs and posed with her sailormoon pose(007 James Bond pose), smiled and replied hmmm when in love the most important is to be have mutual trust and understanding in each other. So when she in love she will try her best to accommodate the other person in order to maintain the relationship. 

The article is quite different from the interview below..for e.g. Article said she is looking for a husband like a gentleman but in the video below she just said she is more like a bubbly, outgoing wife though at times she could be refined.

please see below for the video interview :


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