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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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7 minutes ago, apoo said:

@bandi rekha welcome to the forum  :blush: love your post . Waiting for more sweet posts from you :) 




@Riman Rakshit I wish that happened . Even I'm waiting for our happy ending. Actually I know i must not become too delusional but then him mentioning W after soooo long made me more hopeful and happy  :rolleyes:

Waiting is the hardest part for shippers. Till we get any confirmation lets share and be happy about the moments of Jongjoo we have seen so far:D. Although it would be even better if they do a project or a cf again or like the chingus say a cameo:wub:

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@bandi rekha  Welcome on board, my dear chingu ... good to see you here :heart:

JS went to a concert today???  without me?   Should change the above caption.    HJ should have said .. Hey, why didn't wait for me?? take me with you  -   She can go on ninja :ph34r: mode, you know.  Just kidding ..

@Riman Rakshit We  here are dying of thirst or hunger for wanting to see them in 1 frame.  There is no news of them being seen together except probable hearsay or rumours that they are "together".  If not for our chingus who wonderfully do the edits of them in 1 pair - you know I get my feed every morning seeing them. like they are really an item, esp from our chingu, KKPNS and now @cikafkdc - my heartfelt thanks to you guys.  The edits were like so real, bet that they wanted to be seen that way in public:D   And here we are, so gung-ho with the continuous coincidences , which some were too "perfect" to be termed as coincidences,  as a few were like purposely placed there or put on for us to go on wild-goose chasing.. or should I say wild-duckie chasing.  My poor brain and beating heart.

And @apoo   Thank you for you love. I'd do anything for you ... lol


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2 hours ago, bandi rekha said:

Thank you all ..:wub:. I'm soo happy  to  be part of this family ...:blush:

And @kembie  do JS and IU  know each other before..?  Are they friends  from early days of their acting..:anguished:


They initially didn't get along well at all, because she asked him to dress up in weird costumes which he didn't like for Inkigayo, but later became close friends after he quit from that show:)

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I ordered Jong Suk's book from here (I'm posting the link in case it helps anyone who is interested to buy it). The total price was around 45 USD, shipping included (to Europe, Registered Small Packet shipping option).


It seems many celebrities attended IU's concert, and what a show it was....simply amazing, 5 hours and 37 songs. Surely everyone who attended must have had a very good time :) 


As for the haters....you know what they say. Haters gonna hate. Let them hate, because that won't change the truth about a person's skill and talent, but on the contrary, it just shows how envious they are on that person. Just let them bark and they will eventually stop if they are ignored. 



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@silentwind Thanks for the link. Really wish postage was cheaper! Let us know how the book is when you get it. (Actually, even though the book costs a bit more this way, postage for me would only be $11. Cool.)


2 hours ago, Riman Rakshit said:


They initially didn't get along well at all, because she asked him to dress up in weird costumes which he didn't like for Inkigayo, but later became close friends after he quit from that show:)


I don't know why I find this hilarious, but I do. Cause JS has worn some pretty outlandish clothing in his time, and so the idea of him finding a costume he actually objected to...oh, my, it must have been good!


As to the nasty comments, I get it that the person is fed up with a certain account that exists to bash D-shippers, but really. My sympathy evaporates the moment you start bashing someone else. Just--let's try not to judge all shippers by the actions of one. I'm sure most of them just want to ship in peace and be left alone--just like us. Let's just focus on the positive.


As to using one's imagination...I can actually think up an unlimited number of joint cameo scenes, as I'm sure the rest of you also can. If someone wants to make this happen but is floundering for ideas, we can help, lol. :)


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@Riman Rakshityes chingu maybe a cf by Burberry or maybe samsonite :rolleyes:  or like all our friends here are hoping --- a cameo in I'm not a robot . Our pd is also a jjs so maybe he is also thinking like us .  I know maybe it's impossible but then sometimes it can be read as " I m possible " right :wink: hoping its this time and in this situation 

@kembie I'd do anything for you too ❤️ Every morning I open my ig and am greeted by your posts and it makes me smile  , thank you  :blush:

thank you all chingus for always spreading love and smiles in soompi , in ig and also helping me personally when in need  ❤️

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20 hours ago, kembie said:

BTW,  didn't realize that JS held her hand when HJ was going on saying sorry to JS after the slap.  That was so spontaneous.  And was that their first kiss and slap before the MBC SEction TV interview - they relatively just started shooting right?    And I read that HJ said her first meeting with JS was during the W scriptreading with the crew?  I thought they met once earlier?  So I was wrong ... 


@kembie it looks so natural isn't it? Sukie even not have a look and sort of know where to grab her hand, feels like he did it so many times already and used to it kekekeke...


@bandi rekha welcome to the club, so happy that more people decide to join this forum :)


About the hater, maybe she/he feel frustrated after our lovely Sukie choose W episode 7 instead of others hehehe....We cannot do much like @silentwind said hater gonna hate, because they are too obsessed already. I love this forum because we keep remind each other that shipping should be a fun thing and we will keep support both individually even when they ended up with someone else. So far based on the BTS and lots of "the coincidence" strongly shows there was something special going on between them. If, they merely a colleague Sukie can freely to talk about W even invite her to his FM as we can see how close they were before, the more he keep silent about W the more I strongly believe they are an item :wub:.


About the announcement, I prefer they announce when they decide to get married. Doesn't matter how long it takes because as you can see so many couple broken up after they announce their relationship to the public so yeah....we better wait patiently hehehe...


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Firstly, thank you @Riman Rakshit to your clearance about NOYB and Hanah brand. I know JS have big influence in it, but never know what is his position exactly :)


It's nice to see that new members keep join in this forum. It's mean more and more JJS who supports our OTP. I'm so happy. I know there are still many silent readers here who not join yet. Feel free to join friends, we welcoming you gladly. Me who still count as a newbie here feel comfort and happy to be a part of JJS Soompi Family :) But to be reminder for you guys, whatever you want talk and share here, please the positive things only. We here talking about JongJoo, as a couple or individual, and someone/something that relate to them. Why we must concern to another things, right? :wink:


Just like Taylor Swift said, and mostly the chingu here said too, that haters gonna hate hate hate. Whatever it is, just shake it off. We can't control everybody. Attitude someone reflect their maturity. Sometimes I feel mad, and the other side sad too, why people can have so much hatred in them, especially about a celebrities which is they never know how they are in real life. And when there is someone who doesn't have same opinion with them, or in different ships, they tend to attack them. Why just why. What they get from that? Nothing. Just like us, when we respond them, hate with hate, it's useless. We got nothing too, just wasting our time and energy. Hate not always respond by hate. Seriously, hate is strong word. Avoid to say that, guys. Hate can be respond by love, or just ignore it all. I ever read a post by some account in IG, she's a JJS. She shared about JJ and suddenly there is a comments, I'm sure she is shipper from others ship, and maybe to avoid confrontation she closed her comment button. I guess it's brilliant :)

So when others 'attack' us as JJS, just ignore it. Whatever we do, they never like us anyway, so why bother. And when others 'attack' our OTP as an individual, we must don't bother too. How strong our will to defend them, we still can't change anything. We must don't worry about them. They are public figures who know the risks of their jobs. They know being celebrities can't always pleased everyone. There always the haters, how good they do. I know they are strong. Remember HJ's past experience about his brother's case, it's like one country hate and attack her, which actually not her false. She proved that she strong and stand until now. So when there is one or two 'hate' comments to her, I know she not make it big deal. Even, nowadays the agencies in SK can take legal action to malicious comments who attack their actors/actress/idols. JYP Ent and Salt Ent currently done it to protect Suzy and Park Shin Hye.


So why we have to hate when we can love. Why we have to war when we can make a peace. Let's shipping with love and peace guys :wub:


Well the currently situation is both JS and HJ is free. JS just done his FM. What's his next project, never know. Still wonder what he will do for upcoming next year. Will he take another project, such a movie like he said in his FM, or continue his master degree, or ( this is that makes me little sad ) he will go straight to his military service? Aawww JS oppa..kajimaaaa :(

As for HJ, it's like she done filming, I guess. Dunno it's last her part or just take a break before shoot again. 

Whatever it is I hope they enjoying their free time, with their friends, their family, and with their lover ( whoever it is ) :)


Happy Monday guys :heart:

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I don't think HJ is free right now. I understood her most recent post to be an all nighter spent filming? They finished part 1 of Inrang, but it seems that now they are on to the second half? I heard that they are supposed to finish filming by the end of February. So...as far as I understand from that, she has gone back to work. I am not sure why a 2-hour movie would take seven months to film, and a 16 episode drama only 4-5 months, but maybe there are complicated action elements, or special effects, or heck, maybe they were waiting for it to be cold enough for icicles to form naturally on windows, who knows? I hope it turns out well after all this effort, though. (And please correct me if I'm wrong about filming still going on for her.)


Also, this, just because:



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@frozentundra about HJ is done or not done filming, of course I'm will not correcting you, because I'm not know for sure too. That's why I said : I guess. My analyze came from account IG @ coffeegerate who send coffee truck to Inrang set, same the day HJ posted. The caption is about last filming, and something like that. I just read the IG translation which not really accurate you know hheee :D


I guess Inrang will make a great movie, I hope it will be a top box office and can go to overseas. I ever take a peek Jin-Roh the Japanese animation version, so if Inrang adapted from that anime, that will be so much complicated scenes and effects in it.  No wonder if the Inrang crews spent so much time while filmed it. Yeah I hope it worthy. But something I feel sad about SK movies, how good and famous it is, I can't straightly watching it, especially in my country cinema. Different with dramas, TV series, or reality shows I can watching it with no doubt. Even JS's movie VIP, until now I still don't watching it yet, even though I think I don't have a courage to watching it. Bloody movies is not my genre. Action is okay, but bloody? :unsure: So it will be my dilemma if VIP come to my country :tongue:

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@missyouso Ah, see, I didn't see the coffee truck people's post. It would be nice if it was the last filming, cause that has taken so long! But I am still confused, since it wasn't too long ago that someone posted that they'd finished the first part. Well, I guess we'll see. I hope you are right. 


And yes, I kinda prefer dramas for more than one reason, but one of the reasons is because they are easy to access in my country. Films, no. It's very, very hard to find some films here. 


Meanwhile, there is this. I really love the idea of this poetry collection. Love it that JS got to meet his favorite poet, and work with him. I love the whole vibe that comes off of this project, even if I can't understand all the words.



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4 hours ago, masagumi said:

Before Hyo slap Sukkie, they held both hands if encourage each other. And when Sukkie carried Hyo with her 25 kg shoes, Hyo hug Sukkie and burried her face at Sukkie's chest after Sukkie drop her. They are really close and sweet together even that scene was their second shooting together. No wonder Lee Tae Hwan called their chemistry like honey.


@masagumi my delulu said both of them constantly in contact after the script reading until the first shooting day because I don't think we can be that close if we only meet up 2 times rite? Especially knowing how shy Sukie was.


I think it's normal for a movie with a big budget to shoot up to 6-7 months. If I'm not wrong BI also took around 6-7 months and have a break in between. 


can someone translate what they said on that video post by @frozentundra ? Really appreciate hehehe...

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I don't know about the shooting time, but I feel if it is taking more time means the film is gonna be more beautiful  and interesting for sure:wub:

 And I heard  alott about JINROH ( Japanese  version).. Especially  hyojoo unnie character  is going to be mind blowing, she gonna pack many awards and even Blue dragon award too:heart: soo I'm eagerly  looking forward  to  see the movie... hyojoo  fighting:)


Edited by bandi rekha
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Welcome to new member. It's so good to see this forum still active and alive and share many positive insight. As a shipper, we couldn't judge others shipper. Because if we become a shipper everything seems connected. Because se search for connection. Let's not feel bad and leave hater alone! i think to remember, this is open forum..everyone can read and take information from this. So, be responsible to our post, coz we here, undirecly is represent our jongjoo and we like it or not, even only one person speak bad, our jongjoo name will be infected as you know and experienced. 

Btw chingu...will js collaboration poems books will tranlated in others languange and sold in other country? I wanna buy also..but if it is in korean..it will useless to me. It will be great if they tranlate ot to english, don't you think? 

And thank you for compilation of jongjoo video. I imagine..when they go on date, in the car, they tease each other, laugh together, and being in their own worlds, like taking cute and funny selfie, selca? Or just spending time near fireplace in winter and watched olds goldys movies. Coz, really i can't imagine them going to club and dancing. LOL

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Whoa @bandi rekha When I saw the caption JJ wedding photoshoot, my eyes went BIG and I suddenly WOKE up .. You know I am still in slumberland ...  Good one, Chingu!  Keep them coming!  We need to have more clips of them in 1 frame to keep us warm and going.

I'd like to ask this question though it might have been asked previously here or somewhere.  It has been on my mind. Though I follow JS (circa pre-W, post DOTs) there are things I still can't quite comprehend of him.  

SInce when JS was into poetry?  I mean I am ...  we are happy and proud of his achievement  - the collaboration with the poet Na Tae Joo, whom he has partnered during School 2013 and recited the poem Grass Flower.  That was probably scripted in the drama.  However, I still find it a surprise that he ventured into this profound, reflective initiative.  I would never thought that he is into this soul-searching inner beauty stuff :)  and he started it a year ago?    Don't get me wrong.  I am not saying it's bad. It's just not like him LOL.  It's a good change - having an inner peace that's growing in you.  I want to say that it is LOVE that initiated this.  I hope it's true.


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8 minutes ago, kembie said:

SInce when JS was into poetry?  I mean I am ...  we are happy and proud of his achievement  - the collaboration with the poet Na Tae Joo, whom he has partnered during School 2013 and recited the poem Grass Flower.  That was probably scripted in the drama.  However, I still find it a surprise that he ventured into this profound, reflective initiative.  I would never thought that he is into this soul-searching inner beauty stuff :)  and he started it a year ago?    Don't get me wrong.  I am not saying it's bad. It's just not like him LOL.  It's a good change - having an inner peace that's growing in you.  I want to say that it is LOVE that initiated this.  I hope it's true.



Since always chingu:blush: He is a romantic guy, and very poetic as well. When he was a child, his father scolded him a lot coz of this, he thought that JS was too soft and tried to toughen him up by admitting him in taekwondo kekeke

But although he is a 4 Dan Blackbelt holder, his nature is still the same. 


And much of School is improvised, so it could be that he chose this poem, he even recited it in his speech for New actor award 

He has always been reflective to the point that sometimes he writes such cryptic stuff, it is hard to figure lol 


Yes he started the project an year ago, so love for Hyo might have motivated him to publish this book to act on his love:wub: Remember when his heart beat rose after touching her, lol boy is smitten, and he can't hide it-_-


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