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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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@wildaffairs Wouldn't that be a sight if they ended up on the same flight, I think all the shippers would have literally be resuscitated and then hooked up with a machine to keep our hearts from bursting from our chests. Id probably need you all to slap me from going into a coma like state lol Id feel like its a dream Id never want to wake up from.

BUT lets relax. Lets let things just happen the way they should hahahahahaha 

We did yesterday and look what happened. The ultimate BTS that solidified all BTS haha didn't we say that about the last one tho?

@jejuhallabong Well Thank you for making sure, everyone appreciates it I'm sure and I think Ill be okay, still on the last bit of meds so well see if it will be enough. :)

I have no idea why I am typing the way Im typing...... please don't tell me I'm still not better :tears:

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@lovely_skham hahaha all of us will go into shock if they appear at the airport together and it will be shocking to the reporters as well. HAHA but my delulu mind wish they would do that! Anyway wouldn't the reporters suspect anything? when the both of them are in the same city at the same time (despite it is work-related). Maybe after tomorrow, there might be even more news of them. 

I really really believe (like 90% sure) that they have already met up last night (their staffs are so helpful by posting their own whereabouts on their IG) LOL I need to smack myself not to go into delulu again

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@wildaffairs Yeah right? she went to Japan for a photoshoot (ie, for work) the most usual is that her manager, accompany her. .. But in the pic it seems that her manager is having a good time with his friend, so I don't think HHJ is with them. Maybe she just is resting in the hotel, buttttt, maybe she is hanging out with someone?? hahaha ok .. I'm in delulu mode again. I ask the respective apologies. :D:phew:

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Without HHJ and LJS!! hahahaha  

oh guys !!! Just kidding with this I'm not saying anything ... sorry sorry sorry 

ok pics of JS staff are Osaka!!! hahahha my poor hearttt

correction..!! is Osaka is! just Osaka! -_- I guess the pics are on the same day that JS published his pic on IG.   

I guess just pic of her manager is from today.

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Oh my! That sweet BTS! We really need the eng sub of that video ASAP. Please please translate all of their interactions to bits. We even need someone who able to read their lips in order to know what they are talking about (for some moment they were just talking to each other from afar and their voice is not clear). I can't concentrate doing my work and is rewatching the BTS for numerous time.. 


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@wildaffairs Of course the reporters suspect but its nothing that they can really grab a hold of and run with because its not like they aren't close and they haven't just finished filming so they can spin it in so many ways that everyone would have to respect but doesn't mean we don't believe thats the ENTIRE reason hahaha. Oh well lets take it one day at a time. Can you believe we would be here ever since the start of the thread. Wow did everything just make me more confident from watching yesterdays BTS and how LJS was practically gone 007 style since yesterday. 

I don't think its delusional to think they may have hung out, I really don't believe that they didn't just from how close they are and how they both are around each other. They obviously miss each other ever since their last known appearance at the Wrap party. 

Their two close past co-workers who happen to be in the same city and there is nothing wrong with having dinner alone-ish because a good chunk of their staff were doing their own thing hahaha ~ TBH if I was her manager the only person I would trust to make sure HHJ was happy and safe is LJS not gonna lie :D

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11 minutes ago, chelsita said:

@wildaffairs Yeah right? she went to Japan for a photoshoot (ie, for work) the most usual is that her manager, accompany her. .. But in the pic it seems that her manager is having a good time with his friend, so I don't think HHJ is with them. Maybe she just is resting in the hotel, buttttt, maybe she is hanging out with someone?? hahaha ok .. I'm in delulu mode again. I ask the respective apologies. :D:phew:


yes it seems like this is her manager's personal time, plus the photo taken should be during dinner time so perhaps HHJ have met someone else and/or is alone. but not forgetting there is still her stylist. haha. :sweatingbullets:   

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4 minutes ago, lovely_skham said:

@wildaffairs Of course the reporters suspect but its nothing that they can really grab a hold of and run with because its not like they aren't close and they haven't just finished filming so they can spin it in so many ways that everyone would have to respect but doesn't mean we don't believe thats the ENTIRE reason hahaha. Oh well lets take it one day at a time. Can you believe we would be here ever since the start of the thread. Wow did everything just make me more confident from watching yesterdays BTS and how LJS was practically gone 007 style since yesterday. 

I don't think its delusional to think they may have hung out, I really don't believe that they didn't just from how close they are and how they both are around each other. They obviously miss each other ever since their last known appearance at the Wrap party. 

Their two close past co-workers who happen to be in the same city and there is nothing wrong with having dinner alone-ish because a good chunk of their staff were doing their own thing hahaha


Haha what you said I totally agree about it, at least they would be missing each other and HHJ going to Tokyo when he is having a FM there, is the best thing ever after W ended. I think her reason (of heading to Tokyo) wouldn't entirely be for work, possibly also to see someone :vicx: It is not like they have opportunities (using work as a reason) to be on a trip together so this will be a good chance to meet privately. Ahh now I really wish they can spend more time in Japan :lol:

ps: just a minor note that in the news, HHJ is also asked by the reporter if she has already let go her character after W has ended and she said "trying to" :)

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21 minutes ago, wildaffairs said:


yes it seems like this is her manager's personal time, plus the photo taken should be during dinner time so perhaps HHJ have met someone else and/or is alone. but not forgetting there is still her stylist. haha. :sweatingbullets:   


ohh goshhh... truee!!! even JS has more people around him!! ... staff!! (i love them), but let them alone please .. !! :lol:

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@wildaffairs - I am dead on the floor after that slow mo. Don't tell me they're just friends because eyes don't lie. 

It's just a matter of time until they are ready to share their happiness with us. 

She looks so youthful next to him even though he is 2 years younger. A woman in love. Her smile reaches her eyes. 

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