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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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Changsoo should threaten her, at least as a joke, that he's getting depressed of all the pressure she's putting on him. But of course, that would be mean given that she's already depressed, to begin with. 

I can identify with SJ as I had a similar tale to tell. And I tell you, it's also SJ's fault. And when I met my cutiepie, I uncharacteristically professed my love, just like SJ, though my attempted kiss was deflected hahaha FML.

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Every week about this time I think to myself why can't this be a daily drama instead of two a week:bawling:

And then I am reminded it could be worse, one a week:blink:  Always hoping to see a little bit of this :D

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Sorry guys! Been busy so I haven't been able to catch up for input *tears* but I guess we have our official couple name for our fave couple "bark bark couple" I am hearing?

I haven't seen the full episode but saw some snippets and do agree with some that SJ is partially at fault. I may defend him more once I watch it but from the clip with his dad, his dad did call him out on his error as well, that he is part at fault for misleading I believe. Well hopefully after my friends wedding I can be free to catch up on the drama to input.


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On 1/18/2017 at 4:30 AM, chocolatepie said:

Regarding SJ misleading MJ for 5years..wasn't he working overseas for 3years? We didn't know if he agreed to be her boyfriend or MJ has assumed that whenever SJ agreed to meet her = dating. Did SJ ever asked her out? Since he came back, it seems that it is always MJ asking for a meal. Did he treat her like a friend but she think he likes her? I have a feeling MJ has always assumed that way. Like SJ said to HW, he doesn't have friends to drink with because they find him boring and his past time is reading books? So we can assume that when it comes to girls, he is hopeless and usually is the gal who is leading him. But the moment the gal he likes appear, they know what to do. 

@chocolatepie  Can't you tell dating for him is foreign land.. Just look at how him and DH just sat there on the table looking at the sky not a word uttered.. He makes a good listner.. 

In regards to MJ I think she was the very reason he decided to work overseas.. I think he could have liked her in the beginning but for him out of sight is out of mind once he saw what type of person her dad was..

Well looking forward to what MJ will be up to next.. I know she's not going to tell him that her dad plans to frame him and have him lock up in prison.. She going to wait until roght when all the ducks are in the row and tell him marry her or go to jail.. 

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57 minutes ago, Lyna said:

Sorry guys! Been busy so I haven't been able to catch up for input *tears* but I guess we have our official couple name for our fave couple "bark bark couple" I am hearing?

I haven't seen the full episode but saw some snippets and do agree with some that SJ is partially at fault. I may defend him more once I watch it but from the clip with his dad, his dad did call him out on his error as well, that he is part at fault for misleading I believe. Well hopefully after my friends wedding I can be free to catch up on the drama to input.


멍뭉커플 - Meong-mung couple:wub::wub:.. usually it is the fans who come out with it but didn't expect them to decide on their own lol. Hahaha... 

Saw the scene on the conversation with his father.. his father may be the kind that believe if someone misunderstood you, it's because you have misled them. His father is a good person and maybe he doesn't think that it could be the other party assumptions though. Maybe they should show a short clip of how MJ thinks that she and SJ were a couple. I felt that they might have been friends before and are comfortable with each other and SJ may have meet her whenever she asked him out(for meals/drinks, not dating). There are 2nd female leads who always think that if a guy comes out to meet you means he is interested in them. As friends, skinship is normal and SJ might have allow her to do it thinking it is MJ westernised mindset. 

Writer-nim, please (제발), more scenes of Sung Joon and Dong Hee together! 

Lee Tae Hwan uploaded a pic of himself and Park Eun Bin in his instagram(edit: not sure why i can't attached the link here) 

@sava2sava, i think if MJ threatened him later on whether to go jail or marry her, i'm very sure he choose to go to jail than to marry her lol.. 


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Changsoo can sing well! Besides eating, it's something he's particularly good at. And the audience agree, especially that smiley man.  It's so refreshing~

EP 20 subs are out. Say what? Someone tells Tiger Mom that Changsoo has the potential to be an OPERA SINGER!

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1 hour ago, jeijei said:

Changsoo can sing well! Besides eating, it's something he's particularly good at. And the audience agree, especially that smiley man.  It's so refreshing~

EP 20 subs are out. Say what? Someone tells Tiger Mom that Changsoo has the potential to be an OPERA SINGER!

Agree! Loved that rendition near the end. Changsoo - sister act/ whoopi goldberg - in the house. I say, Amen.

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I have just finished watching epi 20 sub as well..this is going to be long..

SJ grandmother - hahaha..she is showing off to DH's grandmother about her schooldays admirer.. she is actually a cute character who brighten up the days. She is not the traditional type of person from the way she talked about SJ and DH possible relationship (grandma, they already sort of started,haha..) but she knows her own DIL thoughts of SJ future wife.

DH grandmother - the lady DH grandma met at her workplace,wonder who is she? Their neighbour when DH was young? Maybe 1 of DH parents is rich? 

SJ mum-OMG, how could she think of telling his son to marry a rich girl instead? So what if the gal is rich?your adopted son is not happy. You should ask your the other 2sons if they regret marrying their wives, i'm sure they don't regret at all. Money can't buy happiness. 

SJ father- i don't blame him for saying those things to HW father in the past. First of all, he gets information from the 2 witnesses (who lost their shop & academy) that HW father was drunk during that time. I wonder if the female doctor was 1 of the culprit for writing a false report that his alcohol level was above the limit. Secondly, SJ adopted siblings (not sure how many of them in the bus) were injured too. For a parent whose child is serioudly injured, you won't be in a understanding situation when you heard that the driver is drunk. In the eating place when he was drunk and SJ came to fetch him, i thought he will accidentally reveal SJ was adopted. 

HW-i don't blame him though for his revenge plan.  And i can see that his feelings towards JE has really changed. Only that he doesn't knows about it. Now that he knows SJ is adopted, i hope he do not continue or postponed his revenge plan. Writer-nim, you have to let him find out more about SJ, otherwise he will be hurtig the family that brought up his precious brother. 

CS-wow!! He is going to be famous with his singing!! But wonder if HS will feel proud or stop him from attending training lessons. The guy at the church looks like someone from music company. At least he has talent in other areas. 

HJ and HS - i agreed with HJ about HS. She is embarassed about CS poor results that she wants HJ to pretend she is still CS mother in school. If CS results were better than JH, she would not have reacted this way. But kudo to HJ, though HS was  unreasonable to her, she still stand up for her and scolded the other parents when they sarcastically said HS couldn't have a son so intelligent like JH when she came from a lousy university.  Hope HS learnt her lesson and appreciate HJ in the future. 

Meong-mung couple - even though not many scenes today but i can wait. Things that are hard to come/achieve, you will feel thankful/happy when you get it. I will be patient. I was hoping SJ was a little tipsy after the dinner with writer jo so that he can't resist giving DH a kiss on the cheek when he went up to her room lol. And why let his mum see them when he was leaving the room?? Arrgghhh...

Epi 21 preview- oh no, SJ mum saw DH entering SJ's room! I think DH might have enter his room to take some books SJ said she can borrow when she needs? Oh gosh, i think DH should have greeted SJ mum first before entering his room, unless it is SJ who asked her to go to his room.  

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I kept replaying the church scene because Han Chang Soo is totally rocking it.  Yes!  It is his time to shine!  I'm totally convinced that Han Chang Soo is the lead of this drama.  I love him!  Giving him the talent to be an opera singer is out of this world and I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.  I really like today's episode, and that made me realize that if Han Jong Eun doesn't appear that much or at all, it's a good thing.  After 20 episodes, we are starting to go places!  Lee Hyun Woo finally got a clue that Han Sung Joon could be his long-lost brother!  Oh Dong Hui's mom is somebody rich?  Kyaaa..  I need all these secrets unrevealed.  Fast!

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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

@rileyelizabeth, no idea if DH comes from a rich family. But wonder why DH grandma is trying to avoid the rich woman at her workplace. She is trying to find DH parent, isnt she? Or DH is not her granddaughter at all? This is a mystery.. 


@chocolatepie  I love this bit of mystery even though I usually don't like birth secrets in dramas.  The voice on the telephone did tell ODH's grandma that he'll find "Madam" very soon, so I'm guessing that ODH's mom is from the same circle as that rich lady based on his address of her.  But, yes, I have no idea why the grandma would avoid her if she's trying to find ODH's mom.  Btw, based on your profile pic, are you a fan of choco pies?  I haven't eaten them before & am wondering if they are good. :)  

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7 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

DH grandmother - the lady DH grandma met at her workplace,wonder who is she? Their neighbour when DH was young? Maybe 1 of DH parents is rich? 

@chocolatepie  I was also wondering whats the connection between DH and that woman but I didn't gert how come she wouldn't know who halmoni is..

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Worst case scenario would be granny stole/swapped DH when she was a baby as some sort of revenge

Or DH might be the child of a mistress and the rich lady was the wife, granny might have worked as a housekeeper.

Makjang situation with MJ and DH being half sisters ( daily drama style )

Or the regret one where the rich lady wanted to abandon baby but granny wanted to take care, now she is afraid the lady wants DH back

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2 hours ago, sava2sava said:

@chocolatepie  I was also wondering whats the connection between DH and that woman but I didn't gert how come she wouldn't know who halmoni is..

It could means the lady is just someone who is not close to her or doesn't need to communicate with her daily in the past.  if grandma worked in their house before, the rich woman should be able to recognise grandma. 


1 hour ago, dekaron said:

Worst case scenario would be granny stole/swapped DH when she was a baby as some sort of revenge

Or DH might be the child of a mistress and the rich lady was the wife, granny might have worked as a housekeeper.

Makjang situation with MJ and DH being half sisters ( daily drama style )

Or the regret one where the rich lady wanted to abandon baby but granny wanted to take care, now she is afraid the lady wants DH back

Oh, 1st or 2nd scenario likely.. but 2nd scenario will be a bit unrealistic. If she has worked in the house before, the owner's wife should be able to recognise her immediately.. but DH mother being the mistress is likely.. or maybe the father was not rich but married a rich lady. DH's mother could be the 1 he likes. 

The only possibility i can think of now is DH mother is the mistress or the one that the rich woman's husband likes. DH grandma might have went to their house to confront DH's father and had a quarrel with the wife(i.e. the rich woman), that's why grandma is avoiding eye contact with her?

@rileyelizabeth, chocopie is nice. Now they have banana chocopie ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. 

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On 18/01/2017 at 7:30 AM, chocolatepie said:

Regarding SJ misleading MJ for 5years..wasn't he working overseas for 3years? We didn't know if he agreed to be her boyfriend or MJ has assumed that whenever SJ agreed to meet her = dating. Did SJ ever asked her out? Since he came back, it seems that it is always MJ asking for a meal. Did he treat her like a friend but she think he likes her? I have a feeling MJ has always assumed that way. Like SJ said to HW, he doesn't have friends to drink with because they find him boring and his past time is reading books? So we can assume that when it comes to girls, he is hopeless and usually is the gal who is leading him. But the moment the gal he likes appear, they know what to do. 

He was working for 3 years overseas, but they had a relationship during that time.  It was made clear when she visited him in Taiwan (in that first or second episode) that they had a sexual relationship. MJ asked for them to go back to that, if not a "real" real relationship.  So I would say for 3 years they would have been deemed a couple.  For the last 2 years, they've spent together and what she interpreted as "couply" things but they were not in a sexual or more relationship during those last two years. He just finalized their standing recently.  But s/he were still doing some of the same things they did before but no sex. Dinner with each other...talking about life (he recently change it to being ONLY about work). 

MJ's assumptions were not assumptions---until the last couple of years.  They stemmed from reality. 

22 hours ago, soultree said:

hello everyone

it's saturday , new episode today, i hope the relationship between SJ and DH gets better because i think it's really slow actually i mean they look like friends , we dont feel they love each other

Their is actually no romantic chemistry there at all for me.  Not even as shy school kids.  It's getting annoying---DH's mousy voice and attitude (only sometimes showing her true colours---which better) and SJ standing like a drone. Ugh, it's killing me. 


10 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:

I kept replaying the church scene because Han Chang Soo is totally rocking it.  Yes!  It is his time to shine!  I'm totally convinced that Han Chang Soo is the lead of this drama.  I love him!  Giving him the talent to be an opera singer is out of this world and I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.  I really like today's episode, and that made me realize that if Han Jong Eun doesn't appear that much or at all, it's a good thing.  After 20 episodes, we are starting to go places!  Lee Hyun Woo finally got a clue that Han Sung Joon could be his long-lost brother!  Oh Dong Hui's mom is somebody rich?  Kyaaa..  I need all these secrets unrevealed.  Fast!

I love him and Ji Hoon.  They need to bring in some girls---who they could date. Seriously. Oh, I thought we all knew about DH's suspected birth.  I just want to know about her father.  That's who homonie has been calling. 

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@vaberella, thanks for the clarification. I will rewatch the first few episodes again. 

I guess the writer and PD has some responsibility for the slow or no progress of SJ and DH relationship. They should have spread out those scenes of them evenly and not in the 1st few episodes and then stopped suddenly. But i'm still interested in this couple than HW/JE. 

The only reason i can think of no progress is because they care about other people (livelihood and dreams) & thus put their love matters aside first. When SJ was returning to the office to work, she was happy. SJ returning to office is because he care about the colleagues in his department. Moreover i think DH knows that MJ and SJ are sort of dating, she definitely will not want to be the 3rd party, thus rejecting SJ confession. 

I was so impatient and wanted to watch the raw but the website that i watched is down, sob..sob..sob.. has to endure 12hrs later to watch the sub instead. 

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3 hours ago, vaberella said:

He was working for 3 years overseas, but they had a relationship during that time.  It was made clear when she visited him in Taiwan (in that first or second episode) that they had a sexual relationship. MJ asked for them to go back to that, if not a "real" real relationship.  So I would say for 3 years they would have been deemed a couple.  For the last 2 years, they've spent together and what she interpreted as "couply" things but they were not in a sexual or more relationship during those last two years. He just finalized their standing recently.  But s/he were still doing some of the same things they did before but no sex. Dinner with each other...talking about life (he recently change it to being ONLY about work). 

MJ's assumptions were not assumptions---until the last couple of years.  They stemmed from reality

thanks for the clarification !I can't wait the subtitles...i wonder when will CEO realize SJ is his brother and that now is part of the familly he wants to ruin...i really love all  SJ and DH scenes...next week preview there is some sort of ceremony...did DH finally agreed to be his fiance?

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