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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

@anyeze, the difference between 16episodes drama and 50episodes drama - the latter is usually family oriented and each family member will have their story to tell. So they won't be able to fasten the pace. If they do, it means something is going to happen when the drama reached 25-30th episodes and may take more than 10episodes to settle it. 

I learnt something from weekends and daily dramas - the word 'patient':D... having watched quite a number of weekends dramas and daily morning/evening dramas, i think i can survive this 1 as well. Writer nim just need to make sure SJ eyes are always following DH will do. And i want the next skinship of SJ/DH.. 


The most important thing about week-end or on-going dramas---they don't have loopholes or very very little plotholes.  I have yet (and I have seen way too many) to see one to leave me asking questions...like what happened here?  What about this? What about that?  

Some on-going aren't family drama based.  There are some that are just melodramatic nightmares.  I avoided those with a quickness.  


I think I maybe the only one---because I don't see anyone talking about them...

Am I the only one who prefers the JE and HW over DH and SJ?  In all honesty I don't understand the DH/SJ romance, if there is such a thing.  DH a lot of the times seems disintrested in SJ. Or...I could be wrong and it's her naivete and lack of relationships that does it.  But she's almost vacant.  I didn't even understand her crying after the first kiss. I didn't understand her comment on carreer and love...I don't get their stares.  There is just nothing there for me.  They do still have 34 episodes to build that up---but thats my problem.  I feel that not only don't I see romantic chemistry---it's moving way way way too fast.  I think I would have preferred if everything maintained the same style like in episode 1.

DH was a physical character doing this.  She was loud spoken and sure of herself.  I liked how SJ was aloof but nice----I would have loved a really great friendship-love story there.  I mean I'd like to see them build up---maybe in episode 24 or 26 start having romantic feelings. I'm kind of like, we're up to 17 or so and where are we going with this?! B/c from what I can see..this is almost over...you can have them fall in love and end the episode.

I think this is why I went more for the JE and HW relationship.  Well I just love JE.  She's a brilliant character.  There's was a slow progression and I like that their relationship actually has a nefarious element, because I want to know JE's reaction and how HW would change because of her. You know HW's subordinate basically implied that JE could change him and his intentions.  So yeah...I'm here for that...I'm lost on DH and SJ. 


My secondary pairing is going to have to be  Seo Hye Joo and Han Ji Hoon.  Han Ji Hoon has so many problems.  When he tried to kill himself... was gutted.  How can a mother push her son to that level of despair?!  Who does that?! I was glad his uncle did the switch even if it may not be real.  Hye Joo has already had Ji Hoon warming up to having a family.  I mean one that gives him attention.  Where he has a baby sister.  One where his mother holds him willingly and whenever.  Hye Joo went to Seoul University based on her intelligence, and it's obvious she didn't lose her childhood to get there.  She worked hard and did what she had to do and got into a great school.  There was no pressure.  Ji Hoon was being militarized into death.  I feel that they need each other...Ji Hoon especially.  Those are the people I watch for anyway. 


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9 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

@sava2sava, i think if SJ goes back to the company, he would have list down the conditions. Its MJ who wants him to go back to work so he definitely has the upper hand. He should take the opportunity to list down 1 of the conditions of DH as his personal assistant and follow him everywhere he goes. SJ will make sure she has time to write script if she is his PA. 

No matter how i still think he will go back and work. He doesn't have the power nor $$ to start on his own. And i wonder if he has paid off the $$ that DH's cousin conned the company even though he said he will take responsibility if it. As long as his eyes are for looking at DH only, i can ignore MJ presence. Just hope the writer don't ever dare to allow  MJ has any chance to get close to SJ after this incident.

@chocolatepie  No matter what conditons SJ lay out it's not going to stop MJ from going behind his back to marry or get engage to him.. Mj will go to thsoe elders to get this done and tell them to keep it hidden from SJ.. MJ had figured out how to corner SJ and thats to put him among everyone were he can't reject her in front of everyone so she thinks.. MJ will have those elders believing that he's busy with work and this is his reward a surprise marriage or engagment.. I do think SJ will go back but he should go back with resume in hand looking for another company to work for... But I do see the only way to get away from her is to leave that company..

DH is afraid of being in a relationship with him because she will be branded as the third party killer when there is no such thing and she's afraid what the elders would say about her being with him..


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Love everyone's posts and it's always great to hear what others are thinking and it enlightens you and allows you to better understand as well.  I know SJ will go back its just that his Father or DH don't really understand what he is facing when he does go back to MJ and her control not of him but everything around him.  We all know how obsessed she is and said it best herself through every word & action she can't live without him.  At least that's what she believes she is out of control.  I hope those here who believe SJ will have the upper hand are right.  I really do!!! 

HW & JE are growing on me I really loved the camping scenes and I feel for them because HW says he is sold out to revenge but I think his mind might be but his heart and actions around her are saying something else.  He can deny it and may even want to believe if he says it out loud it makes it true.  But a heart can't lie no matter what your mouth is saying.  And I believe there is goodness in HW under all that pain of scars...

I think it's interesting also in seeing the differences between HJ & HS both Mothers but so different in how they raise their sons.  I can only speak about what I feel but it would crush me to first have to give up my son no matter if I was his birth Mother or not it wouldn't matter because from the time he was born he would have been mine.  Like a two edged sword it cuts your heart both ways because how can you not want the child you gave birth too!!  I feel sorry for the parents and I feel even more sorry for the sons who are expected to over night be someone they have never been.  Talk about a nightmare and what makes it worse is they live together so there is no space for either of them to breath or to be able to have the freedom to adjust to the exchange.  I honestly don't think I could handle seeing the son I raised being in pain.  My Mother once said your child is a part of you forever and a piece of your heart and when they hurt, you hurt as well...

I think HS needs to stop living her dreams through the child she about destroyed and now her real son who right from the start wasn't good enough.  And realize that each child is a unique gift and should be allowed to grow within the understanding & loving arms of their Mother.  Also that each child has  a gift  within them it may not be the one she wants but if allowed a child can posses an even larger gift  much, much greater than even she thought possible...


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Usually my favorite scenes are those of SJ & DH but not in this episode 19 when HJ found JH alone in the playground not even in a swing.  I think it was this moment I realized. how is it possible a boy his age had never enjoyed the sweetness of just being a child or little boy.  That saying " Let Them Be Little, For They Are Only That Way For A While " I felt my heart sink I 'll be honest nothing gets to me more than children and him admitting he didn't even know how to play:bawling:  What was even more heart breaking was him asking  almost begging not to be told to go out and play again.  And now HS has her hands on another child CS how sad is that!!!  The good thing is HJ and their family already have placed a firm foundation of love within him and he continues to find his own way inspite of HS...

I wasn't surprised that SJ went back like everyone here thought but seeing & hearing MH's Dad brag about his threats of jail made me quickly realize that the apple didn't fall far from the tree.  MH is every bit like her Dad and in a way it makes sense for he was her example and for the first time I felt sorry for her.  I think her having her way was learned from birth and she is in fact what she was taught...

When I saw writer Jo why is it my first thought was for some reason she would be the perfect one to body slam MH:w00t::ph34r:I love writer Jo especially when she put MH in her place and said I don't like you after asking DH her name and saying the opposite which only proves the biggest difference between DH & MH is what the are truly made of what lies within their heart...

What no junk food and JH asks to bike ride and eat noodles now there is no doubt about it HS is heartless.  I once had a girl in my class who always seemed so sad.  She had never had candy or gum, no junk food or soda.  She said her home was filled with white everything furniture, carpet and had to be careful all the time not to get anything on anything.  She lived within her room and I remember thinking how thankful I was for my Mom:wub:

Still I do remember HS taking up for her son against those bullies and I will give her points for that:)

I'm glad SJ laid out the promises that were made and set everything straight but just like her father she put on a good act but I don't believe a word of what she said and I didn't her father either...:angry:

Hoping everyone has a great week and stays safe looking forward to next weekend:wub:

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11 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

I'm glad SJ laid out the promises that were made and set everything straight but just like her father she put on a good act but I don't believe a word of what she said and I didn't her father either...:angry:

MJ will continue the facade and use if DJ don't marry me he will go to jail she's the type if I can't have him no one can but dad is going to get some hard lessons in life about playing with people livelyhood.. Because the borther is or may fix it were MJ and dad up for jail also..

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Managed to watch Epi 19 just now. 

I will believe MJ for the time being. When she overheard her father talking to his assistant, she seems to be worried for SJ. But like what some of you have mentioned, she may agree with her father's way of getting SJ in trouble and make him marry her.  I hope she is not such kind of person. 

Poor Ji Hoon.. how could he not know how to enjoy his teenage life? Bucket list - cycling and having cup noodles? I have cup noodles once a week,mmm.... like what JH biological mother said, at least CS knows what to do in those circumstances when he has no food, but JH has a bigger problem due to his strict and boring lifestyle from his the other mother. So routine that he doesnt know what to do except studying.. he said he has no friends to go out with but didn't he play basketball with some guys before? I think he went pc room too.. 

DH and SJ, not much interaction in this episode but i guess i will be patient since next week's preview shows SJ going to DH's room!!:wub:.. 

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I am really enjoying this drama, but unfortunately, not for the main OTP, Lee Hyun Woo & Han Jong Eun.  I like everyone else in the drama, but just not them.  He and his crazy revenge plot, she and her annoying antics.  She's 32, but she's behaving like she's 16.  Things are going really slow for the second OTP (my favorite), Han Seung Joon & Oh Dong Hui.  I wonder if their screen time are being reduced to accommodate the main OTP's.  Geez.  Anyway, I've found my new favorite couples in the drama.  Han Chang Soo & his new mom.  Grace Kelly & Elizabeth.  As long as they appear, I'm happy.  I'm really into the cousin swap trope so much so I'm not bothered with the main & second OTPs anymore.  I don't know what's going on with Oh Dong Hui (she's been pretty bland lately), but I'm getting interested in Bang Mi Joo now.  I don't agree with how she's forcing things on HSJ, but at least that girl got spunk.  I haven't quite forgiven how HSJ led her along for 5 years, so I don't blame her for her desperate measures.  I just hope she won't turn really evil later.  It's really not worth it for HSJ.

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Guest AlexMao

For some reason I can't really get behind Hee Suk's approach to Chang Soo's weight loss. I'm not going to deny the kid needs to loose some weight. He's 16-7 years old (the actor was born 981124 - link ) and weighs 120 kg / 264 lbs, that's not healthy even for an adult. He will have to want to change and I don't think enforcing a "bean" diet will be of much deciding factor since the kid feels like he has to go to a soup kitchen just to get a meal. I will be shallow here but may be, just may be introduce a female/partner for him, it goes back on what I've said earlier but the right kind of encouragement may just be enough for him to consider changing. 

@chocolatepie I have nothing against Hee Suk wanting Chang Soo or Ji Hoon to succeed in school, but I think Hye Joo has the better approach in trying to find a balance between school life and well being a child and enjoying life. This was already addressed in earlier episodes and I still don't quite understand why Hee Suk behaves the way she does. We know from Hye Joo Hee Suk went to a regional/local college/university and she turned out just fine, so giving her children something to look forward to isn't going to distract them enough to not want to succeed on their own. Now I'll just end with a oft used quote from The Shining "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

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@AlexMao, i think though Hee Suk went to college/university,it may not be well known so she wants her son to sort of do what she is not able to do. That's is terrible. There must be a balance of study and play. I hope the next test/exam, Ji Hoon can show Hee Suk that having a balance lifestyle will not hurt his result. 

For Chang Soo, if his 3 meals are just those 3 beans, i think he would have fainted long ago and lost more than 5kg in 2days. Even if Hee Suk wants him to lose weight, her method is so unhealthy and he might be the next one to commit suicide. But Chang Soo character, he will survive..not about the diet plan but he will find a way to eat to survive lol. 

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Hello all! I am enjoying this drama - now that RDTK is ending. Initially what got me watching this show is the grandmother, aka Grace Kelly :lol: I've seen her before  and NMH is just amazing, relatable, and reminds me of my grandma who I dearly loved and miss terribly. Their family is quirky but I think they love each other deeply. 

Like some of you here, I think the writers can do a better job with JE, the character. I think the actress is doing well. I wish that JE was not as cutesy towards HW. I mean she's travelled the world supposedly and her character should reflect that, what do you all think? I mean I do appreciate her quirky side - but cutesy? Not so much - apologies if I offended anyone.

SJ and DH: the writers did a great job with them in the  first few episodes but now it seems that it's stalling (?)   I hope that DH develops into this confident, sophisticated character. Besides their love of film/ writing and Moong-Chi (so cute!), what else do they have in common? Would this be enough to sustain a long-lasting relationship? They are adorable together though - want to see more of their playful interactions. 

The kid switching: It is interesting to note that the parents are expecting their kids to "change" but the parents don't seem to show interest in changing their parenting styles to complement their kids' personalities and interests or who they really are -- perhaps we will see this evolution in later episodes. I'm a mom so I have some experience that what worked with kid #1 does not necessarily work with kid #2.  

Been reading some of your posts - enjoyable to read and insightful!!:)

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On 1/15/2017 at 9:00 AM, vaberella said:

My secondary pairing is going to have to be  Seo Hye Joo and Han Ji Hoon.  Han Ji Hoon has so many problems.  When he tried to kill himself... was gutted.  How can a mother push her son to that level of despair?!  Who does that?! I was glad his uncle did the switch even if it may not be real.  Hye Joo has already had Ji Hoon warming up to having a family.  I mean one that gives him attention.  Where he has a baby sister.  One where his mother holds him willingly and whenever.  Hye Joo went to Seoul University based on her intelligence, and it's obvious she didn't lose her childhood to get there.  She worked hard and did what she had to do and got into a great school.  There was no pressure.  Ji Hoon was being militarized into death.  I feel that they need each other...Ji Hoon especially.  Those are the people I watch for anyway. 

Chingu ... I agree with this pairing so much because both of these characters are both unappreciated by their other half.  Hye Joo with Choo Sang ... Choo sang never appreciated his mother butt now he is missing the mother who would always want to be understood and give him hugs and love . Ji Hoon and  Hee Sook ... She never showed him love, never took care of him when he is sick, played or talk to him. Listened to what he wanted or any hugs. She was more like a military drill sergeant Always with a schedule for his everyday.  Is it me but when I loook at In Ah and Ji Hoon they really do look alike and are very similar to Hye Joo. 

A turning point , DH's grandmother is looking for a woman. I am going to guess this woman is DH's mother . 

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Finally, some more exciting plots to wait for in the next eps! I mean the "fight" between the 2 brothers (I'm sure they are) HW and SJ.

Well, that's more understanding with 2 bros - both intelligent and deep, not like Huyng Suk's family - his sister (JE's mom), his sons, his niece (JE) - all are very much more simpler people.

To be honest, I'm not dislike MJ's character (probably too familiar with K-drama?), but I'm annoyed with her voice. I feel irritated whenever she speaks :ph34r::ph34r:, and more when she has to speak a long sentence, oops oops oops goosebum B)B)

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Guest AlexMao
9 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

@AlexMao, i think though Hee Suk went to college/university,it may not be well known so she wants her son to sort of do what she is not able to do. That's is terrible. There must be a balance of study and play. I hope the next test/exam, Ji Hoon can show Hee Suk that having a balance lifestyle will not hurt his result. 

For Chang Soo, if his 3 meals are just those 3 beans, i think he would have fainted long ago and lost more than 5kg in 2days. Even if Hee Suk wants him to lose weight, her method is so unhealthy and he might be the next one to commit suicide. But Chang Soo character, he will survive..not about the diet plan but he will find a way to eat to survive lol. 


My idea would include the entire family, make it some kind of work-study thing associate it with biology (flora & fauna), anatomy and physiology, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species and why not a bit of literature (lay off the Romeo and Juliet bits please and thank you) thrown into the mix to make him learn and losing weight a more enjoyable task. I mean the alternative is that he'll develop juvenile diabetes (type 1 diabetes), suffer some kind of heart disease or worse stroke or heart failure if he doesn't start working to change himself. My way he can explore Mount Nam/Mount Yongmabong, get some fresh hair and can learn a bit of about his new family (and it doesn't hurt that they can be decked out in Center Pole gear which cover the whole product placement bits).  

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Hi everyone! I hope it's not too late to join in the conversation here :) it's exciting to see more people discussing this drama! I originally had some interest because I like Kim Jae Won but not honestly I am watching the show for Sung Joon and Dong Hui's romance, and for the children of this show (I also really like Hye Soo). I definitely agree with a lot of the comments here and feel like there are some disconnected pieces in this drama. One, is Kim Jae Won's revenge, that I'm just not really connecting with the feel of the story of the drama... another one is I feel like they did such a nice job with Sung Joon and Dong Hee's stories and their interactions the first 14 episodes or so, but now, the frequency is much less (understandable given that this drama focuses on so many characters) and I just feel like their characters have suddenly changed in a few ways. Particularly with Sung Joon - I wish we could have seen some emotional development with him returning to work and his interaction with Mi Joo at the end (much as I dislike Mi Joo, ha), and also his thought process with that... it just all felt stiff to me and kind of sudden. I don't think anyone is particularly at fault here but just some thoughts I had. I hope that this drama continues to focus on the relationships in the story and the development of these relationships because I think that's where the drama shines - between parents and their children, between the lead characters, etc. I'm looking forward to this weekend and hope we can continue to see more story connections! In some ways I feel like I'm watching multiple dramas within one. Overall though, I really do enjoy parts of this drama and always look forward to those :)

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Regarding SJ misleading MJ for 5years..wasn't he working overseas for 3years? We didn't know if he agreed to be her boyfriend or MJ has assumed that whenever SJ agreed to meet her = dating. Did SJ ever asked her out? Since he came back, it seems that it is always MJ asking for a meal. Did he treat her like a friend but she think he likes her? I have a feeling MJ has always assumed that way. Like SJ said to HW, he doesn't have friends to drink with because they find him boring and his past time is reading books? So we can assume that when it comes to girls, he is hopeless and usually is the gal who is leading him. But the moment the gal he likes appear, they know what to do. 

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