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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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6 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

LOL! So much vitriolic bitterness. It's amusing. :lol:


Here be happy, nobody can resist the power of puppies!:wub:


so cute :heart:

i love puppies too 

you right let back to fun mood

why TVN dont gave us something to cheer for and dream about :unamused: lucky i have friend here  doing that like you :love:

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As the finale comes closer, I have this thought in my head now:

I really hope from the deepest of my heart that K2's ending is not like Yong Pal. I believe the same writer wrote both dramas, right? 

I cannot stand open endings. My gosh, please don't give us open endings. I cannot stand staring endings. Please dont give us a staring ending. I cant have sad endings. Please give us proper closure. No sad endings. Please no comas or after thoughts from the characters too. Please. Give us real interactions and a proper close. No coma ridden plots. Please.

Writer nim, don't kill the ending for us.

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1 hour ago, lamylamy said:

« No country for Choi Yoo Jin »

        It became too painful to watch the raw episodes then the subbed ones since its a double disappointment. Its such a naive way of thinking to only see Choi Yoo Jin as a bad person, in my opinion, she is the true essence of a humain being, complexe and twisted, Choi Yoo Jin is capable of atrocious actions (although i still believe she didnt kill Anna’s mother) but also capable of great and unconditional love (at least toward Kim Jeha). However, as there must be consequences for her wrong doings, there should be rewards for her good deeds too, isnt it what we call i « justice »? But sadly, there is no justice for Choi Yoo Jin , people are judging her forgetting themselves.I am specially mad at Jeha who thinks he is morally above her and thats wrong ; he is no saint (killing people in iraq is no good thing) , if only he showed at least some compassion  toward Choi Yoo Jin i could have some peace in my heart, because his words about cuddling proove he was aware of HER feelings and he played all along in the early episodes until anna showed up!
At this point, and knowing how the pdnim thinks ( what an idiot for throwing under the bus the only person who is keeping his messy drama alive), my only wish is that Choi Yoo Jin crash them all and Kim Jeha dies in her arms aknoxladging her heart and regretting all the heartful things he said to her ( for me Jeha slapped Choi Yoo Jin just like her husband did but with words).

Choi Yoo Jin will be forever the synonyme of lost justice and  Kim Jeha the ultimate betrayal (i could care less about the other characters)!

If only we could have a story a la « OH Hye Won » of SLA who went to jail but at least she got the love of her musician boy. What a shame !

 To all the bold parts.. 

I was gonna let it pass but I was appalled by your comments. True you have every right for your judgements as I am.. but I would have politely disagree with you. 

First, if CYJ is the true essence of a human being, then what do you call the other characters? I am not saying I dont understand where she is coming from coz I do get it, but it still DOES NOT EXCUSE someone's past from ruining other people's lives..  If watching someone dying in front of you and not doing  anything, ordering innocent people to die because it gets in her ways , threatening someone to leave the country or else all the people who is with her will die.. I could go on, but I choose not to., if all of these you are saying is what makes her human.. then I am really afraid.. yes I may agree if what you meant to say is  her complexity and the grayness of her character  makes her human, coz that is what true human nature is.. BUT her cruelty against the innocents will never be forgotten just because she has a tragic past. Just because you are a VICTIM you have every right to victimize others..  please.. I have said this before her Past is dragging her down.. her choices are a reflection of her true self.. She has let her past defined her, she has no one to blame but HERSELF. 

Unconditional love you said? I am sorry but I dont think we are watching the same drama.. yes she may love him, but she is possessive.. if you watched the part when she said that love is a luxury both of them cannot afford, that is a clear statement that " If I cant have your love then I would rather have you not be able to love her too" that is no where unconditional.. Love is not supposed to be selfish.. if she knows what true love means.. the only thing that applies with the unconditional love , is that she may not be asking him to love her in return.. but making someone miserable is never in the context of LOVE

yes, JH may have killed before BUT Jh has never intended to kill innocents. he may have done it due to his love for money when he was in Iraq, but it was never intended and the drama has showed us that JH has lived himself feeling guilty about it.. he was not someone that felt joy on killing innocents. So is he morally above YJ? IMO, yes he is...

You may call it betrayal for JH but it was never unreasonable.. why do you think CYJ need justice? Because of her tragic past and his womanizer husband of hers.. all of these could have been resolved if she was making smart choices.. if she has chosen self preservation.. over selfish and evil acts, then she would have met justice.. 

unless the writer twist this in the end.. my judgement on YJ will never change. I love SYA's portrayal of CYJ.. I actually do think her character is a joy to watch.. Actually I dont hate  her, that's the magic of good acting because I can sympathize with her, But I can never accept her cruel deeds.. ..she is indeed complex, fleshed out .. but if we talk about growth? She has 0 growth.. she is still selfish just like JH said from the first episode till now..  Am I someone who wants a redemption for her,?  absolutely.. that is the true justice for her character.. I dont want her to die. I want her to face her crimes in jail and reflect from her sins.. 

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@cmoirae2 i love your thoughts! True enough the investments on this production may have not been fully returned, but I am still glad it was not a flop.. it has got a steady audience..sure it could have been better if not for the writer's inconsistencies..but I am still one of his fans who is still happy for JCW for the response for this drama, it could have been worst but thankfully it didn't..  So as a JCW fan, i know he felt the pressure on him when the news broke of him the highest TVN actor.. but according to a recent interview the producers were happy with the results so he felt relieved after. As a fan, I cant help but feel bad for him coz there are a lot of healer fans that are still bitter for this pairing and is dragging JCW down.. I have known you and @cherkell have been JCW most loyal supporters.. I just hope he could still squeeze in another drama before he enlists, it's not impossible. Look at joo won everyone thought YP will be his last, but he has sassy girl to film now. ha! A girl can dream.. :) anyways our boy won the best supporting actor for the yegreen awards! So proud of him!!

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On 07/11/2016 at 11:56 PM, miriamdream2 said:


ha ha you and I bothwink-cheetah-emoticon.gif


I really rarely watch drama while it is still ...on air... (I like to take in one go - all day long) and especially if it is so painfully obvious how flowed it is from the first ep...but with this? It's just like you say..."damn SYA"  ...and JH to... but 70% is SYA "fault" ha ha... and even more bc i do not think I ever even watched any or her other dramas.... LOL ...




And wave to @meh2222 ....here is some more rant on my part.... red-fox-emoticon-03.gif




....this ship plot drama was doomed like the titanic from the first ep...


The moment I saw Anna running barefooted in the streets of Spain in her white nightgown?!? That was the first alarm for me. Like she is some 16.Century prisoner that was kept in some dungeon chained to the wall...al she was missing was iron ball that was attached to her leg. Logic? How does one run that long distance and not hurt herself...Unless she has super power. Then came the next bomb shell, she had no time to put  some shoes on herself, no proper clothes, no backpack/bag nothing but that medieval night gown on her while running for her life ...half across town...BUT - she did have THE EXACT CHANGE for the subway in coins ...clenched in her hands ALL this time?!? How did she know WHAT subway even is? Where it is? How to take one? How much the ticket costs? Even me when coming to new town will need some time to figure out the system... but not our super girl...she was all prepared?  LOL...sorry but... Ridiculous much? Try and explain to me much...


Dont even get me started on JH intro and him barely dragging his injured body over the streets of the same town looking all bruised and battered and having that gay guy practically "jump his bones" in the middle of street then and there?!? Like? Wtf just happen? Did I switch channels?  I understand the need to show Europe as more "liberal" place then Korea... I guess... I am from Europe, but not Spain, and Believe me - we do not have man jumping one another in the middle of the street while their lover is 2 feet from them, LOL...even if you walk in the certain district...this scene would be something of WTF scenario. And give me a break with all this "out of this world beauty" that everyone just "has to have"? I get that JY and Anna are "pretty" - but in their current state? Seriously? Let's say I buy that designer fascination and calling Anna his "angel and his muse"...that was plausible...but JH and that guy... ha aha... THAT was the deal breaker for me...and it only went south from there...



...but still...I keep coming for more... time and time again


I think this song by Icon for Hire: Iodine, describe my state of mind every time I subject myself to watching this drama best


  Reveal hidden contents

I say I wanna be healthy but I turn up the noise
And the IV drips a steady stream of poison
I think I’m just in love with the feeling
Break my bones so I can feel them healing

Crazy’s I believe the medical term

Keep breaking what’s been fixed a thousand times
And give me some more of that iodine

I can’t make reality connect
I push ‘til I have nothing left
But if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?
I’ll run in circles ‘til I crash
One day these steps will be my last
So if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?

I say I wanna be happy but I quickly forget
When I sabotage all the good I’ve got left
Depression’s like a big fur coat
It’s made of dead things but it keeps me warm

Crazy’s I believe the medical term
When we wanna recover but we don’t wanna learn
Keep breaking what’s been fixed a thousand times
And give me some more of that iodine.

I can’t make reality connect
I push ‘til I have nothing left
But if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?
I’ll run in circles ‘til I crash
One day these steps will be my last
So if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?

I don’t like pain but I bring it to life.
I don’t like scars but I’m good with a knife
I don’t like tears but I’m starting to cry when I realize I’m destroying my life

I do this to myself
I do this to myself
Stop blaming someone else
We do this to ourselves

I can’t make reality connect
I push ‘til I have nothing left
But if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?
I’ll run in circles ‘til I crash
One day these steps will be my last
So if we want to wake up why we still singing these lullabies?
So if we want to wake up why we still singing these
Why we still singing these lullabies?




Dont u love to read the posts of members with same "wavelength" as yours?  Coz i am definitely loving it !! 

Hopefully, ep15 will be action packed,...i am quite expecting it since its Yj against everyone! Excited much...

Win or Not, #iamwithher

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10 hours ago, ReemKanabta said:


@tessieroo @cherkell and everyone from the states

Thanks sweetie.  We're in a world of hurt right now.  I have still yet to unpack my bags from last week's Korea trip... I'm so mad right now that I may just turn around and head back permanently. :angry:

I've seen the Sports DongA article but have only skimmed it for content.  It's not as earth-shattering as people in here have been reporting.  So take a deep breath and chill, arraso?

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Guest julie721

Sigh... Guys...really? You not tired?

Before "fighting" about term of being Hidden or imprisoned, ask yourself first: DO YOU WANT TO BE IN ANNA'S SHOES? Are you willing to change your life and become to her subtitutions living in convent for 10 years without even your consent, and worse, you went because they trick you to come by saying your father was waiting, AND WORST... You're a 9 years old child who just lost her mother, taken from professional care (doctors etc) and then left you in a faraway country without any adult supervision. Don't argue with me again that the nuns there are her guardians. BULLSH*T.

so again? Who wants to be Anna? Raise your hand.. If you don't want to change your life with her, then stop trying to play around with word like hidden, imprisoned or else just for the sake to make the person who cause her life full of misery less than BAD!!! You may like YJ character, admire her good traits as smart, leader, or else you find she's intriguing! But differentiate when she's wrong and when took pity on her. Instead of making "what she did clearly wrong into less wrong" IF YOU WANT TO BE HER DEVIL ADVOCATE, don't be too insensitive with others pains she had caused, but dwell more in YJ herself.What she capable of, how man in her life mistreated her etc. Don't try to bring other character such as Anna or Jeha down too because you choose the villains as your fave. The story is clear. She's the villain (other political figure in drama is also bad guy, but they're subplot.. The main plot is the story between 3 leads). And in Kdrama land, the formula is clear too, the villain will always be down in the end. Accept your choice then. 

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49 minutes ago, cherkell said:


11 hours ago, ReemKanabta said:


@tessieroo @cherkell and everyone from the states

Thanks sweetie.  We're in a world of hurt right now.  I have still yet to unpack my bags from last week's Korea trip... I'm so mad right now that I may just turn around and head back permanently. :angry:

I've seen the Sports DongA article but have only skimmed it for content.  It's not as earth-shattering as people in here have been reporting.  So take a deep breath and chill, arraso?





i am not from the states dear , but i am with all of you on that pain , i spend a whole night on shock after the news was out , that was the most shocking news for the whole world trust me ( there people who get the feeling of being betrayed  from the justice for that news)   , i have family members living there , i have a close friends ( so i think i can be allowed to share you that pain ) and i cant say more then what i said to them and to myself and to the whole states and it was 



and for the people who choice him 



it really hard for any person with logic and have fair feeling to the all kind of people to imagine that this person going to run a country who was build with different people and with accepting the different between people really what going to happen now 



i am sorry i didn't want talk about that before since i was still in shock , i always choice to talk about anything after being in claim mood and get over my feeling  , i am sorry if what i said was mean or not nice in any way and since i am not from there don't feel i am joking about your country i really care , it something that i care about as human who has moral in life and i felt the pain like everyone for that , again i am sorry i hope  it wasn't rude from me 


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 dear you right before any talking person should ask himself if it was okay if it was me who has to suffer or face that kind of things

 i personally believed that  how  all of the people should act in really life , it easy to attacking person but the hard things is to try to see his pain as your no matter what kind of person he is 

pain is pain , unfair is unfair so when people feel pity and connecting to some person in drama they should be fair and do that to every characters  there many friends here  that don't like some characters but they still understand their pain 

and as i said admitting person pain and feeling pity for him don't make him less evil when he do evil things , and admitting the wrong and the evil things someone do don't make him less victim or less suffering for the unfair things that happen to him 

so people should see that , i like to trust that human should act that in really life too even if that more hard to live like this , but at least that what i am believing in 

again for all the friends i am not trying to say what you should say or act here and sure i am not talking about your really life acting, i am just simply explain why i believe that all people should learn to see all the side of the true even the painful one and the dark one of the people they love and see the human and the suffering part from the people they hate even if he hurt them , since seeing the true don't change the fact but make us be fair with our self and other ( and again i am talking about how i think people should act even in real life that my view even in my really life i never force someone to  be like me , it my choice and my moral  and other have different one and maybe better then me ) 

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@siddoThanks for the mention Chingu!!!

i so wanted to reply/post on all our fellow YJ fans' comments/posts but i am unable to compose my message completely due to busy-ness, thus it end up "weird" because timing & sequence on the story/topic of my message content is no longer relevant hihihi

anyways, love to read all your insights regarding this drama, obviously u know the reason why ^^

1 more night and we'll see her... hoping for more revelation & actions!


@perfectsmilebias @bebebisous33 @ReemKanabta @ellesina @jagmac24_111a  @anipanch @Trung Vũ @miriamdream2 @shae @lamylamy 



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My rant about YJ sending Anna to Spain

...maybe I am one card short of a full deck...but what is big deal with THAT? Maybe I am still traumatized by that (in)famous Subway scene to "get on with the program", but... It is not like she is sending her to the mines of Mordor to dig for dead dwarfs now is she? (Yes, pun on snow-white and "dark Lord" and "you were all deceived" was - intended) Everyone is acting like YJ is sending her to gas chamber and not to ...just another country?!?

... they DO have cell phone reception even in Spain, believe it or not! There are plains, in and out of that Country ....every day...it is not like it is the end of the world...and those two will never ever be able to meet again in this lifetime?!? I just don't get all the DRAMA about that part? What right YJ has to decide to send her there...NONE...I get THAT part...but the drama about Spain trip it self... Anna was planning to go there later on anyway... (With JH) but still...


As for everyone writing obituaries for YJ and/or throwing millennium celebration parties; bc JH said he will no longer be her friend?!?surprised-leaf-emoticon.gif

LOL...So what?

It WAS JH that suggested this "friendship" game first, not YJ... (Her deal was "you do not betray me - I do not betray you, nothing more nothing less, "master-servant" game if you like)

It was JH that started to call her "friend" ...not YJ... while we are at it, she never even said she will "play" along with this game now did she?

And it is now; yes, you guessed it...JH the one that said - he will now, no longer play this friendship games of "his"... all that women did was ask; "did YOU not say we will be friends"?

it is not like she started to cut her wrists or popping pills demanding from him to be "her friend" or she will kill herself...and then Kim secretary will kill Anna and him as retribution, and her super power Mirror Computer with no "master" to command him, will then explode in one big nuclear explosion and destroy entire Earth and life as we know it...all because - JH said he will no longer be her friend?tongue-leaf-emoticon.gif LOL... the women was betrayed on a daily basis from as far as she can remember...she will live true this... not a nice wake up call...but it is not like she will go "nuclear" on everyone over this...


even more, if from what I understand, majority of ppl here is convicted that women not only has romantic feelings for him but is better said "obsessed" with him to the point she would even forgo on her "revenge" if she could get him in her beddevil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gif ...correct me if I am wrong, but if you have romantic/sexual desire toward a person, then being "friend zoned" would be your death sentence?!? So THIS would now work - in her favor? Love or hate is ok...just do not friend zone me would be my choice to...but that is just me...



 And as to THE END... how will she end? glass-leaf-emoticon.gif


If she dies by protecting "someone" I would put my money on that person being Anna and not JH...yes I know, "weird" choice...but if I was her, and as most ppl here think she is one calculating Bi** then saving Anna (if she can do it  in front of JH that would be even extra bonus for her) would bring her allot more "points" then saving JH himself...this way HE would "forever remember", and forever be "grateful" TO HER...whether he likes it or not - for saving the women he loves. My reason why she would do this is in fact something different to this... but still... I think THIS line would be more "favorable" for here...so if she goes out by saving someone I say let it be Anna...all that - let us make "full circle" ...Anna will get her "revenge" without ever putting any blood on her hands this way and stay forever...incarnation of innocence and purity...

so much more to say...but no time...no time at all... dam this RL it just makes me  yellow-onion-head-emoticon-47.gif



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36 minutes ago, miriamdream2 said:

My rant about YJ sending Anna to Spain


...maybe I am one card short of a full deck...but what is big deal with THAT? Maybe I am still traumatized by that (in)famous Subway scene to "get on with the program", but... It is not like she is sending her to the mines of Mordor to dig for dead dwarfs now is she? (Yes, pun on snow-white and "dark Lord" and "you were all deceived" was - intended) Everyone is acting like YJ is sending her to gas chamber and not to ...just another country?!?


... they DO have cell phone reception even in Spain, believe it or not! There are plains, in and out of that Country ....every day...it is not like it is the end of the world...and those two will never ever be able to meet again in this lifetime?!? I just don't get all the DRAMA about that part? What right YJ has to decide to send her there...NONE...I get THAT part...but the drama about Spain trip it self... Anna was planning to go there later on anyway... (With JH) but still...




As for everyone writing obituaries for YJ and/or throwing millennium celebration parties; bc JH said he will no longer be her friend?!?surprised-leaf-emoticon.gif

LOL...So what?


It WAS JH that suggested this "friendship" game first, not YJ... (Her deal was "you do not betray me - I do not betray you, nothing more nothing less, "master-servant" game if you like)


It was JH that started to call her "friend" ...not YJ... while we are at it, she never even said she will "play" along with this game now did she?


And it is now; yes, you guessed it...JH the one that said - he will now, no longer play this friendship games of "his"... all that women did was ask; "did YOU not say we will be friends"?


it is not like she started to cut her wrists or popping pills demanding from him to be "her friend" or she will kill herself...and then Kim secretary will kill Anna and him as retribution, and her super power Mirror Computer with no "master" to command him, will then explode in one big nuclear explosion and destroy entire Earth and life as we know it...all because - JH said he will no longer be her friend?tongue-leaf-emoticon.gif LOL... the women was betrayed on a daily basis from as far as she can remember...she will live true this... not a nice wake up call...but it is not like she will go "nuclear" on everyone over this...




even more, if from what I understand, majority of ppl here is convicted that women not only has romantic feelings for him but is better said "obsessed" with him to the point she would even forgo on her "revenge" if she could get him in her beddevil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gif ...correct me if I am wrong, but if you have romantic/sexual desire toward a person, then being "friend zoned" would be your death sentence?!? So THIS would now work - in her favor? Love or hate is ok...just do not friend zone me would be my choice to...but that is just me...






 And as to THE END... how will she end? glass-leaf-emoticon.gif




If she dies by protecting "someone" I would put my money on that person being Anna and not JH...yes I know, "weird" choice...but if I was her, and as most ppl here think she is one calculating Bi** then saving Anna (if she can do it  in front of JH that would be even extra bonus for her) would bring her allot more "points" then saving JH himself...this way HE would "forever remember", and forever be "grateful" TO HER...whether he likes it or not - for saving the women he loves. My reason why she would do this is in fact something different to this... but still... I think THIS line would be more "favorable" for here...so if she goes out by saving someone I say let it be Anna...all that - let us make "full circle" ...Anna will get her "revenge" without ever putting any blood on her hands this way and stay forever...incarnation of innocence and purity...



so much more to say...but no time...no time at all... dam this RL it just makes me  yellow-onion-head-emoticon-47.gif




M mmm nope.. im not sure if you remember but back at episode 4 when they were in the car it was YJ who said "friend" first.. It was YJ who offered him to be allies to destroy PKS.. so in episode 6 when YJ wanted him to be part of the close line, he interpreted that she wanted him to become her slave, she wanted to tame the wolf.. but He was straightforward, he did not want to be a slave , he said he would rather be a friend than a slave, coz he is never above nor below YJ, they are always at par with each other.. but now they are F.O. now.. lol friendship over.. 

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Hello guys. Wow i havent been in here for few days and i can still see people who thinks what YJ did is right?? Even Jeha has given her a "slap in the face statement" about how she always plays victim and only think about her happiness. To her, everybody else lives is not as valuable as hers. N why still ppl wanta to juatify her actions etc. she ia just a plain villain just like PKS nothing better to it. 


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Guest julie721
2 hours ago, miriamdream2 said:

My rant about YJ sending Anna to Spain

...maybe I am one card short of a full deck...but what is big deal with THAT? Maybe I am still traumatized by that (in)famous Subway scene to "get on with the program", but... It is not like she is sending her to the mines of Mordor to dig for dead dwarfs now is she? (Yes, pun on snow-white and "dark Lord" and "you were all deceived" was - intended) Everyone is acting like YJ is sending her to gas chamber and not to ...just another country?!?

... they DO have cell phone reception even in Spain, believe it or not! There are plains, in and out of that Country ....every day...it is not like it is the end of the world...and those two will never ever be able to meet again in this lifetime?!? I just don't get all the DRAMA about that part? What right YJ has to decide to send her there...NONE...I get THAT part...but the drama about Spain trip it self... Anna was planning to go there later on anyway... (With JH) but still...

I don't know which sending to Spain you mean here, when Anna  was a child or the later, because JH is injured. So I respond both, the first sending: yes too all the bold part if YJ sent her there and provided her with nice/good apartment, provided her with education and guardian supervision. THOSE are sending her to another country darling. But keep her in convent, forced her to cut ties with people, force her to live in solitary out of her will, that's not sending her to "JUST ANOTHER COUNTRY" dear. Yes Spain is a country, a developed country Infact, so of course they have cell reception. But what good is cell reception/signal if you didn't have the tools to use it? Mobile phone would be too luxurious or out of place in a convent life (this is my presume, for I never live on convent myself, so correct me if I'm wrong) for their live purpose is to worship God. They didn't give her shoes and provide her with only a sleep dress, I think Mobile phone is out of question. Yes, YJ didn't send her to gas chamber instead to a convent. But the result is still damaging her life. Sending her to gas chamber would kill Anna immediately, but forcefully sending her to a convent (out of Anna's will) is robbing her future. The first one is sudden death, the second one is making her incapable to be full person she can really be. if it the second sending: dear, you have to realize, it's not literally just sending her to another country. Both YJ and Anna know the implication of the words "leave Jeha" is meant to be Anna saying goodbye to Jeha. Most JeJin shipper can successfully read between the lines about how YJ to Jeha or how YJ become victim, but fail to notice how YJ to Anna or YJ to UHR, or anyone else like Anna to Jeha, Jeha to Anna?  Yes of course it will be easy to Jeha to track Anna's whereabouts once she leaves. But finding her would be useless if Anna already said goodbye (cut ties). What's the use of finding her if Jeha and Anna knows that they can't never be peacefully together because YJ will still be IN BETWEEN them? Jeopardizing the life of people they love, K1, J4, Ahjumma? Both Anna and Jeha are not that kind of people. They are not selfish enough to be happy out of loved-one's misery. This is why Jeha needs that USB as their protection. As long as YJ stop bothering him and Anna and all their loved ones, the secret remains untouched. But that before he witness Anna's farewell through Guora, I think.. We'll see what he will do next..

2 hours ago, miriamdream2 said:

As for everyone writing obituaries for YJ and/or throwing millennium celebration parties; bc JH said he will no longer be her friend?!?surprised-leaf-emoticon.gif

LOL...So what?

It WAS JH that suggested this "friendship" game first, not YJ...

Her deal was "you do not betray me - I do not betray you, nothing more nothing less, "master-servant" game if you like)

It was JH that started to call her "friend" ...not YJ... while we are at it, she never even said she will "play" along with this game now did she?


And it is now; yes, you guessed it...JH the one that said - he will now, no longer play this friendship games of "his"... all that women did was ask; "did YOU not say we will be friends"?


it is not like she started to cut her wrists or popping pills demanding from him to be "her friend" or she will kill herself...and then Kim secretary will kill Anna and him as retribution, and her super power Mirror Computer with no "master" to command him, will then explode in one big nuclear explosion and destroy entire Earth and life as we know it...all because - JH said he will no longer be her friend?tongue-leaf-emoticon.gif LOL... the women was betrayed on a daily basis from as far as she can remember...she will live true this... not a nice wake up call...but it is not like she will go "nuclear" on everyone over this...

Dear, the bold-italic-underlined part: one of JeJin shipper once reminded me that it was YJ first who used term "Chingu" to Jeha. It was from episode 4 (or 5?) It was on the car scene after Jeha tried/attempted to Revenge Park but failed. By this info, then your opinion become moot. Jeha just reused the same term, once and originally said by YJ herself. Ofcourse at that time YJ was not attracted to him as she is now. It just her way to lure him to siding with JSS. 

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@julie721 i agree with everything you said. Jejin shipper always ignores who JH to Anna, who Anna to Jeha, n why cant Anna ignore what YJ did to UHR (regardless UHR is a mistress or not) n who are ahjumma, J4 n K1 to Anna. They find so many unseen, unexplain reason for Yj behavior but they cannot admit the obvious shown evidence. 

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@gimely Sorry, your post is abit too long to quote.. anw,

During the time in Barcelona, when Anna appealed to JH to fight off the guys who were chasing her, it was not more of whether she felt she could trust him at that time despite not knowing his background.. but more of when she was running away, she happened to run into a fellow Korean. Something she can identify with. Imagine being held captive in a foreign country, and running into a countryman.. The likelihood of throwing caution to the wind and taking a gamble is higher, even though there was always the possibility of refusal or the person turning out to be just another crook. 

As for details like JH's real name, his PTSD, Raniya's name etc.. maybe when JH was just Anna's bodyguard, they might not have mattered so much. But now they have progressed since, they are no longer in a bodyguard-Agasshi relationship anymore.. they fall in love naturally.. Anna could also be like any other normal woman.. Why wouldn't she feel like wanting to know more about her boyfriend? It's perfectly normal. If suddenly one day she had those questions concerning a loved one striking her all at once, and exploding inside her head, wouldn't she have the urge to probe further? Or she just tell herself OK never mind I just live with an alias and there's no need to know my boyfriend's real name, that's not important? Can a normal person really just live with all those curiosity, while smiling freely and facing the person she loves in front of her? Maybe it might be possible, but difficult. It might not be that Anna is not interested to know, or feels like she doesn't need to know, or feels like she already know what she think she has to know, but instead choose to make the selfless decision to cast them aside for JH.

When Anna called YJ mother, not only did she have to forsake her love for UHR at that moment.. but most importantly, she had to acknowledge YJ as her "real mother" at that instant. And this to the very person whom Anna regarded as the main cause of her mother's death. Remember how YJ was taunting Anna about how her surname could change from Go to Jang and that she could become her real daughter by law and get her revenge by inheriting JB Group. So it was surprising when Anna took the decision to call YJ Omma, because that will involve her coming to accept both the two things which she might have hated so much.


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5 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:

@siddoThanks for the mention Chingu!!!

i so wanted to reply/post on all our fellow YJ fans' comments/posts but i am unable to compose my message completely due to busy-ness, thus it end up "weird" because timing & sequence on the story/topic of my message content is no longer relevant hihihi

anyways, love to read all your insights regarding this drama, obviously u know the reason why ^^

1 more night and we'll see her... hoping for more revelation & actions!


@perfectsmilebias @bebebisous33 @ReemKanabta @ellesina @jagmac24_111a  @anipanch @Trung Vũ @miriamdream2 @shae @lamylamy 



Pity that real life didn't let you to respond to our posts:( I hope you will stick with us for the last two episodes to cheer for our lady :D

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6 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:


Dont u love to read the posts of members with same "wavelength" as yours?  Coz i am definitely loving it !! 

Hopefully, ep15 will be action packed,...i am quite expecting it since its Yj against everyone! Excited much...

Win or Not, #iamwithher

Hahah your post just gave me a funny idea XD let's put the #iamwithher tags at the end of our posts. Of course it's for the YJ or Jejin fans XD it will be fun :grin:

P.s. okay for the last time - people who criticise us for liking YJ: when we say that we like YJ, it doesn't automatically mean that we like and justify her actions. I am a yj fan and a jejin shipper, so i try not to miss any post written by my fellow YJ fans.i haven't seen any of them saying how great she is for murder and all that blah blab, that's nonsense, i don't get how you read in betwen the lines. Don't jump to the conclusions that we are happy she murders people, that we like her abusing step-daughter. Stop with this prejudices already, drama is coming to an end. Instead of judging us, all of the viewers should focus on the plot and root for their favorite character. Peace #iamwithher

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While waiting for the finale in 2 days, I had time to go back and watch episodes much more carefully.

The relationship between YJ and JH that was developed from the early episodes made me wonder what exactly was it that drew YJ's attention to JH in the first place. It seemed to have been that accident that triggered how important JH's role may be in getting what she wanted, which was for Park to lose the election. After the accident, she decided to let him stay. Something must have clicked within her, that made her decide that. Remember the scene when she told JH to 'come back alive' during the assination attempt on Park. I can't help but feel that a part of her do care about him, but I don't know if it is because she and him share the same goals, or if she had developed a more compassionate side to her, without really wanting to show others it's a weakness of hers (even though some villians caught onto it). She also remembered that he can't kill someone alone. So she knew JH was most likely alone during the Park assination attempt. She catches on to small details about JH. I do definitely see she is different with others. Her attitude is much scarier with others than it is with JH. Which then reminds me that JH's attitude is different around Anna too. He is much calmer, sweeter, and softer. This made me feel that YJ, in her own way, displays an affection toward JH. I don't think she is in love with him. But I do think she loves him. However, I think that because she knows her position very well in her role as Lady, that she knows she may not be able to really be involved with JH. And JH, due to the interaction with Anna, had grown attached and love Anna. It's like a twist of fate for YJ and JH.

However, even with this said, I rewatched episode 14 (that Jeha scene still makes me cry) and feel that the words JH spoke to YJ was on point. I think if there was one person she would listen to, it would be JH. And she listened to his words, his truth. If it was anyone else, she would have reacted differently. Now, the question is, how will YJ react to those words in the finale? Would it get to her from deep down? We all know how tough of a person she is.

Boy, the staff is really hiding anything about the finale from us, huh? No previews. Just a short footage of Anna at the airport. I really hope she gets kidnapped (I know, I'm evil lol) because I love seeing how JH worries about her, running to locate her, only to be relieved and happy to see her. What can I say? I adore their love for each other. And yes, I just want to see more of them together.





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