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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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While waiting for Friday---- Random thoughts on YJ versus the trio of slime

JH(K2) and Anna are the hero & heroine of this drama and are the main focus of the drama.
In this post my focus is on the overarching Machiavellian power struggle background plot that the JH Anna story plays out in---neither JH or Anna have any goal/desire to be President or Chairman/woman of JB Group - their goals are currently revenge and survival.
---- JH a knight on the chess board - strong defender/attack piece 
---- Anna a pawn on the chess board- A pawn is the weakest piece on the board, but can in the right circumstances destroy even a Queen/King or if it can survive and move all the way across the board it can change into a Queen.

Moral Note before I begin
At this point in the drama (end episode 10) there is no "Knight in shining armor" character with a wonderful sense of justice and righteousness seeking either the President or CEO JB Group position- should one show up in future episodes I will root for him/her and would expect that both JH and Anna would provide assistance to him/her.
Until then - in the harsh, unforgiving, dog eat dog, K2 Drama world presented to us -we have only --------------

Note-All the following characters share a willingness to destroy anyone or anything that gets in the way of reaching their goal-- there is no upright role model in the bunch.

YJ - A very intelligent, capable, strong, ice cold villain whose childhood and youth has corrupted/twisted her into the person we now see.  She has given up any sense of humanity in her quest to gain control of JB Group. Her goal has burned away any thoughts of right or wrong - leaving only a - "the end justifies the means" mentality.
--YJ seems to be to have one semi positive trait remaining - she says she only betrays those who first betrayed her - true or not, she at least believes it and I have no doubt tries to live up to it --- Of course what she clearly appears to have done to Anna is at odds with her statement- but I am anticipating a major story twist on the whole Anna mothers death and Anna incarceration story - my gut tells me YJ has not fallen that far into the depths of hell.  But we shall see- 6 wonderful episodes remain.
----YJ The Queen on the chess board, the most powerful piece.  But even a Queen can be knocked off the board by a combined effort of less powerful pieces.

PGS - YJs strongest opponent-Full of Ambition, thinks he is a Noble who due to his superiority deserves to be President- powerful, manipulative, corrupt, ordered the killing of JH girlfriend Raniya - but lacks the level of intelligence to truly match YJ - and this makes him very dangerous.
---- PGS is the Rook/Castle on the chess board, the 2nd most powerful piece.  Straight ahead, sideways or back moves in both attack and defense.

CSW - YJ younger Half brother - who through his mothers devious efforts gained control of JB Group - his goal is to destroy YJ so she can not take over control of JB Group.  A relatively weak opponent on his own, but when teamed with PGS and JSJ is a major roadblock for YJ.  He is a parasite with no real ability,  who's position is built upon the labor and efforts of his employees--he thinks he is a great conqueror of other companies, but only has just enough manipulative skills to help him survive - with the help of his Mother and FIL propping him up.
---- CSW is the Bishop on the chess board, 3rd most powerful piece, always moves in a diagonal manner.

JSJ - YJ husband, Anna's father.  A small weak man full of greed and ambition to be President, who has perfected the outward appearance of a just righteous man.  He is wholly focused on himself and is a duplicitous man capable of backstabbing  anyone to reach his goal.  His treatment of and use of woman as throw away objects show that he is nothing more then a disgusting slime ball.  Without others to protect his outward imagine he is less then nothing.  
My gut feeling (no actual supportable drama scenes/dialogue to support this at the moment) tells me he is the prime suspect in Anna's Mothers death.
---- JSJ is the King on the chess board, a weak piece, but whose loss means game over in defeat.  
---------For YJ his being President is a necessary steeping stone for her to take over  JB Group - I am hopeful that any love she had for him in the past is gone- but in Kdrama world, better women then her have maintained their love for a jerk through years/decades of being neglected/emotionally hurt -- but I digress-so will wait and see.

OK I have already gone too long - have said all of above to say this -- of the 4 contestants in the K2 world power struggle- I am rooting for YJ.

Both Ji Chong Wook and Yoona are putting in strong performances in their excellent portrayals of JH(K2) and Anna -– BUT it is Song Yoon A absolutely outstanding portrayal of YJ that brings me back week after week.

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I stayed on because of Anna and Jeha. I am so fed-up with Politic and YJ with her victim syndrome (borrow this phrase from someone in DB).

Writer please it's about time you show us YJ backstory .. Is she a victim? Victim of what? What made her became so evil? There are a lot of people not getting enough love from their parents/husband but I rarely see people turned cold blooded murderer over that.

Did anyone torture her physically? What kind of mental torture that she has to suffer? Did she marry JSJ because she has the intention of becoming the 1st lady, Did she used him? .. Did she been planning to revenge (EVERYONE IN THE DRAMA - except for her allies) since she was a teenager .. before she met SJ? Or is it after she met SJ? Up until 10 she doesn't have any intention to let Anna go. How can I symphatized her when she showed no sign of letting Anna go or change or redeem herself? Just because she showed that she is attracted to JH and care for Jeha (ONLY JEHA), she has changed? Just because she showed she is vulnerable too so she deserved to kill innocent people?. Is her character strong? Ordering to kill people and locking up innocent equal to strong? .. Please writer give us more to support this theory ... give us YJ backstory ,,, 

Why the anchor lady want to expose her? Why does she hates YJ? and WHy is YJ stupid enough to continue to appear in that lady program. Why does the anchor lady willing to be apart with her son just to expose YJ? 

Dear PD nim writer nim .. please make this drama a bit believable .. What kind of gas nerve gas they used that it took so long for it to be effective... and OMG .. YJ send a battalion to kill PKS ... can she just get away with it? Let say if they managed to kill PKS .. what about the rest of the security guard? 

I would have accept it if she just send a few people - a few sniper .. not the whole battalion .. I know in order to enjoy Kdrama we have to throw away all logic .. but K2 is becoming so ridiculous ...

in eps 9 when Anna 'was kidnapped' by samchon .. can't J4 or Ki .. just give a call to JH or message him or whatsapp or wechat or kakao talk him that they are with Anna and they are heading to Samchon house ...

Why JH did not tell YJ the secretary want to kill him and almost killed him .. 


I swear I am in because of Anna and Jeha .. 

I been quiet because I have been so frustrated ... I been waiting for so long for JCW and  he has to work with YONG PAL Writer .. deeeemmmm




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43 minutes ago, klgirl said:

Hi all, just got some time in between running errands, kids, sick husband and contractors.  I'll admit I haven't back-read any of the latest posts since I had to bow out after watching ep.10.  Just checking in to see if the preview was released for the next episode.

I've watched ep 10 again and if I'm repeating what somebody said - just chalk it up to agreement please.

The question of sexual chemistry between them - no, the vibe is coming from YJ only, if at all.  I don't see JH participating in it.  He spends most of his time being annoyed, raging mad, frustrated, impatient, disgusted and perhaps, feeling pity with a dose of compassion when he witnesses the double-crossing YJ endures with her cannibal like family members and douchey hubby.  What sexual chemistry there is is one-sided.  YJ has feelings for JH - she sounds like an anxious lover sometimes - entreating him to watch his health, to be safe, to walk away if he can't complete the mission, makes excuses for his callous treatment of her orders/wishes and can't take her eyes off him when he's around.  She tries to appeal to his protective side by equating herself as a Rania and that Anna is no different from her.  She wants his total loyalty (not getting it since it's all for Anna) and frankly she spends a lot of time getting into his personal space if you notice her body language in Cloud 9.

The fact that they have intense conversations gives the impression that there is sexual chemistry but he's mostly threatening her or telling her off in those circumstances.  The one perhaps "tender" scene is the umbrella/temple parts when he rescued her like the gallant hero he seems to be and comforted an obviously shaken YJ. 

Now, put Anna and YJ together in a room, watch who he looks at and pays attention to more.  He walked away from YJ to follow Anna with the Uncle out of JSS - without a second thought or bothering to ask for permission from YJ.  Disregard right there.

There are strong emotions involved for JH when he is around YJ but looking at her sexually and thinking of her in that kind of ways - I want to hug her, I want to kiss her, I want to hold her, I want to be around her - he's only ever shown it around Anna.

So no I don't subscribe to the mothering theory or to the JH thinks of YJ romantically theory either. YJ is in deep trouble with JH - her Secretary Kim can see it and is acting to put an end to it since there's now a man who can sway the Iron Lady from her ruthlessness.

I TOTALLY agree with you. There's some one-sided sexual tension from YJ's part towards JH, but not the other way around: it's just that when she' with her he's always under stressing circumstances, so he gives off his male vibes more. I also agree on what you wrote about Secretary Kim: she sees JH as an uncontrollable variable, since the "Iron Lady" seems to be attracted by him, and that makes her more vulnerable. 

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53 minutes ago, klgirl said:

Hi all, just got some time in between running errands, kids, sick husband and contractors.  I'll admit I haven't back-read any of the latest posts since I had to bow out after watching ep.10.  Just checking in to see if the preview was released for the next episode.

I've watched ep 10 again and if I'm repeating what somebody said - just chalk it up to agreement please.

The question of sexual chemistry between them - no, the vibe is coming from YJ only, if at all.  I don't see JH participating in it.  He spends most of his time being annoyed, raging mad, frustrated, impatient, disgusted and perhaps, feeling pity with a dose of compassion when he witnesses the double-crossing YJ endures with her cannibal like family members and douchey hubby.  What sexual chemistry there is is one-sided.  YJ has feelings for JH - she sounds like an anxious lover sometimes - entreating him to watch his health, to be safe, to walk away if he can't complete the mission, makes excuses for his callous treatment of her orders/wishes and can't take her eyes off him when he's around.  She tries to appeal to his protective side by equating herself as a Rania and that Anna is no different from her.  She wants his total loyalty (not getting it since it's all for Anna) and frankly she spends a lot of time getting into his personal space if you notice her body language in Cloud 9.

The fact that they have intense conversations gives the impression that there is sexual chemistry but he's mostly threatening her or telling her off in those circumstances.  The one perhaps "tender" scene is the umbrella/temple parts when he rescued her like the gallant hero he seems to be and comforted an obviously shaken YJ. 

Now, put Anna and YJ together in a room, watch who he looks at and pays attention to more.  He walked away from YJ to follow Anna with the Uncle out of JSS - without a second thought or bothering to ask for permission from YJ.  Disregard right there.

There are strong emotions involved for JH when he is around YJ but looking at her sexually and thinking of her in that kind of ways - I want to hug her, I want to kiss her, I want to hold her, I want to be around her - he's only ever shown it around Anna.

So no I don't subscribe to the mothering theory or to the JH thinks of YJ romantically theory either. YJ is in deep trouble with JH - her Secretary Kim can see it and is acting to put an end to it since there's now a man who can sway the Iron Lady from her ruthlessness.


Chest bump girl ...



It's one wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... wahahhha ..

Every time YJ showed some kind of concern or compassion .. JH would brought up the 'Email' ... over and over again .. It's like he is telling her .. I don't need your compassion .. Episode 9 he clearly told her that she is no different than PKS .. 




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OK, I'm seeing many people view YJ-JH relationship as mother-son. Lol, its funny how a cold, cunning and evil lady suddenly appears motherly to some when it comes to Jeha but It's okay since it's their opinion. But if the writer/director really wanted us to view them as mother-son, he wouldn't have added scenes like JH pinning YJ to the wall and pointing gun in a macho style, JH negotiating her price in exchange of his email address, the umbrella scene where JH deliberately put his hand down her madam's back, the cloud 9 scene where he calls her employer 'chingu' while no one dares to call her anything except 'Madam'. And of course all those flirtatious expressions of JH shouldn't be left out. All these scenes are bound to view them as a pair/couple/ship or whatever you name to a certain audience. And some of us here are those audience.

If people feel JH is of Anna's age & almost YJ son's age then what is Anna's age? If I'm not wrong, Anna was send to Spain when she was 9 yr old when her mother committed suicide/was killed that means 14 yrs ago(refer to the breakfast scene of JSJ & YJ of episode 5). That means she's now 23 yrs. Jeha can certainly not be of 23 yr old since the minimum age to enter military is 18 yrs and Rania's death occurred in 2010(refer to the cloud 9 scene of JH-YJ of episode 6). So if he is 23 now that means 6 years back he was 17. And there is no way that a 17 yr old would be allowed in military. That too at a highly placed PMC , Blackstone. I think not.


So I'm guessing the writers have kept Jeha's age the same as.JCW, that's 29 & reduced Yoona's age to 23. As for YJ's age, we can assume that the writer has kept SYA's age, that's 43, so currently in the show, (referring to episode 5 again) ie.14 years ago she would be 29. Hmm, that perfectly makes sense. Hence, concluding that the age gap between JH & YJ must be of 14 yrs. So someone who is of 43 yr old can't/ doesn't have motherly feelings to a 29 yr old. Heck, they don't even liked being called Ahjumma. Let alone considering the guy as her son. Nah. Do I really had to explain this all? Ah! My head spins.

So the age gap between JH-YJ is the exact same of Nam da jung and PM Kwon Sol of Prime Minister and I. So if those 2 characters can end up being married in that show, we can atleast expect a romantic/ friendly/sexual chemistry between these two, isn't it? Or Are we wrong in expecting that too? So what if it is just one sided? So what if it's just from YJ's side? Is it wrong to ship them even knowing this? For us Jejin fans, the fact that JH trust YJ enough make her an ally, openly calls her friend even though she is the 'supposed' enemy of her new found love, almost risked his life saving her and the most imp- the only one in the show who finds YJ a human and not some evil, monster lady, who still sees her compassionate side is enough for us to ship them.

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actually JH is in his thirties. anyone remember that scene? where the park kwan soo guys were chasing after him, and one of the guys told others to look for a guy in his thirties. Anna is 23 and we can assume that YJ is the same age as the actress. 

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12 minutes ago, anipanch said:

actually JH is in his thirties. anyone remember that scene? where the park kwan soo guys were chasing after him, and one of the guys told others to look for a guy in his thirties. Anna is 23 and we can assume that YJ is the same age as the actress. 


yes ive always thought JH is in thirties too. i dunno. and AN is in her late twenties. if i remember correctly YJ ask secrtary kim how old is AN now and sec kim said she's in her late twenties.. i dunno maybe im wrong.. 

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15 minutes ago, riiko1988 said:
31 minutes ago, anipanch said:

actually JH is in his thirties. anyone remember that scene? where the park kwan soo guys were chasing after him, and one of the guys told others to look for a guy in his thirties. Anna is 23 and we can assume that YJ is the same age as the actress. 


yes ive always thought JH is in thirties too. i dunno. and AN is in her late twenties. if i remember correctly YJ ask secrtary kim how old is AN now and sec kim said she's in her late twenties.. i dunno maybe im wrong..

actually ANNA was 9 years old when her mother death and it happen 14 years ago ( they said all this information in ep 2 when she was talking with YJ , 

so she now should be 23-24 years old 

about JH it normal to think he in his thirties (i mean he was solder fo many years then he was part in IRAQ war too ) - iraq war ended in 2011 so if was even 24 years old then he now at least 29-30 years old) but we know he was more then 24 years old back then , he was leader to the men ,and a man who come from the army after being in high ranks so he cant be less then 29-30 years old now 

 i hope it helped but i am not sure in the end about JH and YJ age since there wasn't enough information about that , the only thing we sure is ANNA age 

p.s. we  dont even know JH really name until now not just his age ( when they going to let us hear JH talk about all that to ANNA it will be interesting since he the most secret in this drama - i feel that the writer making his name and age more hidden then ANNA mother killer :tounge_wink:)

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1 hour ago, nona88 said:


about JH it normal to think he in his thirties (i mean he was solder fo many years then he was part in IRAQ war too ) - iraq war ended in 2011 so if was even 24 years old then he now at least 29-30 years old) but we know he was more then 24 years old back then , he was leader to the men ,and a man who come from the army after being in high ranks so he cant be less then 29-30 years old now 

Sorry to cut your post but there are still ongoing military missions in Iraq against terroristic groups. The NATO, which South Korea is part of, is still present. For instance Germany, as part of the NATO, is participating in training police officers. It does not necessarily has to be 2011, could also be 2014 or even 2015. 

Anyway, I guess compulsory army service plus military school might take up 4 to 5 years. He would have been already 23/24 when he officially became a soldier. So my guess is late twenties maybe thirty. 

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5 hours ago, auomiiii said:

no preview yet? 


Me wondering the same :(..want it badly...know there will be action, politics, revenge, tensity...will there be at least one cute OTP scene?....oh please writer at the end at least

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Guest julie721

Yeorubuuuuun... Anyeong!!

 @gilaswan @stargazer187 @eva23 @ReemKanabta @nona88 @valsava You're all too sweet ~send virtual hug~

I'm still not back to my town, but the WIFI here is great.. So Yay.. At least I won't be so bored because I can have fun with you all.. The bad news is, I might have to prolong the trip until Monday and travel to KL this weekend because hubby wants to see Valentino Rossi. Oh dear God!! Don't get me wrong, I love traveling and I love the city, but spending whole Sunday watching guys riding motors only circling around.. Shoot me!! cd0.gif

So, what did I miss yesterday? Still no preview? TVN tsk tsk tsk.. I swear the PR team for this drama is not really doing good job promoting the drama. They have all the materials, gorgeous casts, funny BTS, but then noooo.. They don't use it for its full potential. sigh.gif

Now let's talk about the BTS, whoaaaa it looks so much fun! I see Him YoonA (we call her this because despite her frail and delicate appearance, the girl's actually very tomboy) playing with JCW hyung here. Lol.. I'm so glad that the two of them having good relationships. Being best buddies already.. And JCW attempt to be cool Oppa: Epic fail during rooftop scene.. Hahahahaha.. Poor you, but I'm sorry, that was so funny. And the PD was cracking too during the shot of "Anja" scene.. I bet JCW enjooooooooy taping that part a lot. You little rascal!

The 2 YoonA interaction is also gold. I mean who would have guess they would giggling around like two girls having good times, even said their concept for the pairing is Black and White.. And SYA said during the JSS health room scene, this was the romance between Anna and YooJin, then suddenly she cheekily said, Jeha was listening.. Hahahahahahaha.. Kim Jeha, the women who fight for you on screen now ditched you and decided to be together instead. Gosh I love the casts. They are all hilarious.

you guys still arguing about JH-YJ vs JehAnna? Oh come on.. We have passed half mark already. Each shippers has sealed their choice. So why bother arguing about it anymore. The one who choose for JH-YJ or JehAnna have their own reasons already. Counter-attacking ones opinion base on personal and subjective interpretation will not meet any meeting point whatsoever. Because they are subjective. Counter-attacking is different than describing or explaining why you choose your ship. The first one has a bit tendency to force your opinion, and the other just try to explain and make the other party understand your choice. While the first one will result in circular debate, the the other would open your perspectives about others opinion. The facts about relationship dynamics on K2 regarding 3 leads: 1. The mutual attraction is JehAnna; 2. YJ develop some kind of interest/care to Jeha; 3. Jeha respects YJ; 4. Jeha is Anna first love, that's why she's more into him than him to her; 5. Jeha didn't see Anna as his future (yet?). 6. JH-YJ have special bond that formed from understanding each other. So have fun with all other interpretations beside the facts I mentioned, but no fighting okay? 

Jeha is early thirties and Anna is 22 to 24.. Korean age system a bit different, they add 1 year to your actual age. But she's basically not a minor. She used the term "Ahjussi" right on their first meeting. Jeha is Ahjussi to her, not oppa.

It's Thursday now, @klgirl since I know you're busy.. We might not get your ISIT meme this week... It's a shame though, because that meme is one of the favorite things on the thread. So I decide to make it on behalf of you, but of course the quality would be subpar (a lot!!!) I carefully choose to use your fave character, to cheer you up!!! 



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5 hours ago, siddo said:

OK, I'm seeing many people view YJ-JH relationship as mother-son. Lol, its funny how a cold, cunning and evil lady suddenly appears motherly to some when it comes to Jeha but It's okay since it's their opinion. But if the writer/director really wanted us to view them as mother-son, he wouldn't have added scenes like JH pinning YJ to the wall and pointing gun in a macho style, JH negotiating her price in exchange of his email address, the umbrella scene where JH deliberately put his hand down her madam's back, the cloud 9 scene where he calls her employer 'chingu' while no one dares to call her anything except 'Madam'. And of course all those flirtatious expressions of JH shouldn't be left out. All these scenes are bound to view them as a pair/couple/ship or whatever you name to a certain audience. And some of us here are those audience.

If people feel JH is of Anna's age & almost YJ son's age then what is Anna's age? If I'm not wrong, Anna was send to Spain when she was 9 yr old when her mother committed suicide/was killed that means 14 yrs ago(refer to the breakfast scene of JSJ & YJ of episode 5). That means she's now 23 yrs. Jeha can certainly not be of 23 yr old since the minimum age to enter military is 18 yrs and Rania's death occurred in 2010(refer to the cloud 9 scene of JH-YJ of episode 6). So if he is 23 now that means 6 years back he was 17. And there is no way that a 17 yr old would be allowed in military. That too at a highly placed PMC , Blackstone. I think not.


So I'm guessing the writers have kept Jeha's age the same as.JCW, that's 29 & reduced Yoona's age to 23. As for YJ's age, we can assume that the writer has kept SYA's age, that's 43, so currently in the show, (referring to episode 5 again) ie.14 years ago she would be 29. Hmm, that perfectly makes sense. Hence, concluding that the age gap between JH & YJ must be of 14 yrs. So someone who is of 43 yr old can't/ doesn't have motherly feelings to a 29 yr old. Heck, they don't even liked being called Ahjumma. Let alone considering the guy as her son. Nah. Do I really had to explain this all? Ah! My head spins.

So the age gap between JH-YJ is the exact same of Nam da jung and PM Kwon Sol of Prime Minister and I. So if those 2 characters can end up being married in that show, we can atleast expect a romantic/ friendly/sexual chemistry between these two, isn't it? Or Are we wrong in expecting that too? So what if it is just one sided? So what if it's just from YJ's side? Is it wrong to ship them even knowing this? For us Jejin fans, the fact that JH trust YJ enough make her an ally, openly calls her friend even though she is the 'supposed' enemy of her new found love, almost risked his life saving her and the most imp- the only one in the show who finds YJ a human and not some evil, monster lady, who still sees her compassionate side is enough for us to ship them.


YAAAAASSSSS!!!! Especially the bold part, you speak the truth and nothing but the truth @siddo!!!!!!

It being one-sided (which is still a subjective interpretation) won't stop me from shipping it!

Because first and foremost, I ship YooJin and Jeha as a partnership,alliance, and friendship of equality and respect. And some people might say that Jeha doesn't respect her, he is disgusted with her... and to that I will say he is disgusted with her actions, but throughout their relationship there is a sense of respect between them. In the end, Jeha believes YooJin is a human being capable of good. In fact, YooJin is one of the only people he actually shows signs of physical respect to, he bows to her when he doesn't bow to any of his other superiors... and bowing is such a big thing in Korean culture.

I also ship them romantically because of BOTH the sexual and romantic undertones I read from their interactions. And so true @siddo, Jeha does show flirty expressions towards her... but then he tries to hide it with a blank expression or the "perpetually rolling my eyes" face. I have seen enough JCW dramas to know when he is acting flirtatious. JCW is my favorite actor (and like you he was the reason why I started watching this show, I haven't seen SYA in anything else), but I can say he often has similar facial expressions.

Third reason why I enjoy their ship so much, is because it isn't always in-sync... there are times when it goes through conflict. The fact that they disagree on many things, but Jeha still believes in YJ's humanity and YJ has forgiven Jeha's multiple betrayals and has slowly started to believe in her own humanity because of his respect, protection, and his belief in her... AAH! It just makes viewing the development of their relationship that much more rewarding!!!

For me, who came to The K2 because of JCW... I find that YooJin is the most interesting character, she has the most complex characterization and even though the writer has been stingy when it comes to giving her a solid backstory... her characterization and Song Yoona's brilliant acting still make her the most compelling and original element of this drama!

For me, Jeha, who unlike the female leads, doesn't have either a solid back story or solid characterization, is far more interesting and complex when he is with YooJin! His chemistry with her is off the charts and JCW's acting is on another level when he is with SYA.

YooJin alone is AMAZING!! YooJin with Jeha is EVERYTHING!!!!!!


Edit: I also wanted to congratulate you for all the math you did! I'll be your healing unicorn and heal you hurting brain... reading all those numbers hurt my own brain lol!

But really does the age gap really matter!?!? Are woman of a certain age really not allowed to be seen as potential romantic partners for younger men? Are they no longer able to be considered attractive to younger men? Age is just a number.... and I'm saying this when I'm a millennial! 

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4 hours ago, nona88 said:

p.s. we  dont even know JH really name until now not just his age ( when they going to let us hear JH talk about all that to ANNA it will be interesting since he the most secret in this drama - i feel that the writer making his name and age more hidden then ANNA mother killer :tounge_wink:)


Actually in Ep 3 you can hear Chief Joo shouting at JH as he's walking away after rejecting the offer to join JSS with a new identity, "YA! KIM SAN SANG!!"

Now is that his name or a title who knows but I am leaning towards his name.

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If Anna age is 23, I guess the suitable age for YJ is 48. She has to be around 25 when Anna was born so that she can appear 'the victim' of husband/Boyfriend having affair.. so it's 18 years gap with JH the character.

Yes we want to believe age is just a number but for us woman it is a bit difficult ..

this is going to be out of topic .. 

It takes a very gutsy and loyal man to maintain a relationship with someone 18 years older. It won't be too bad when the woman age is around 40ish .. but just imagine after 12 years .. YJ will be 60 and JH will be 42 ... kekekkee ..

Wah .. I am being ridiculous ...I overthink ... wakakaka ..

Anyway .. woman can be attractive even at 60 .. it just takes great effort and very loyal man to sustain a relationship with a very big age gap difference. If we are referring to real world .. the guy has to sacrifice a lot .. one of it is having children and dealing with his wife which gonna go through menopause soon.

I am sorry this is a sensitive issues many don't like this subject . I just want to explain why the stigma (on us female ... we have that biological clock ticking unlike man)

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