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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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1 hour ago, nika94 said:

The man with the ring!!! Maybe he is actually Nam Do!!! Nam Do is a more convincing villain!! Throughout the drama, he has been creepy too. The pool scene with Chung.... that was superrrr creepy!! I think Nam Do is gonna remember Chung is a mermaid. Remember we were talking about the tangerine?? I think it was Nam Do in past who killed that man too with poison!! 

Jo Nam Do! Jo Nam Do!!! His name is in my mind!! Lol his character is So smartly written!!! 

I think writer first toyed us with Ma Da youn. Then he toyed us with CH. BUT the TRUE threat and evil could be Nam Do!!!

I've always said that JND was super suspicious because of his greed. The fact that the doctor kept mentioning greed, JND embodied greed. 

The way he met HJJ and then their relationship was never very well defined. HJJ had told him that he would stop being a conman as soon as he finds his mother. When he discovered SC's secret, he revealed his greed again. Moreover, in the last episode, he kept telling SC that HJJ would dump her soon. He really wanted her to leave the house as he saw her as a thread, since HJJ is his main resource. Without HJJ, JND would be a small conartist and would have ended up in prison.

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13 minutes ago, nika94 said:

OMG!!!! Did his father really say that to Jun Jae??? OUCH!! Lol!   Did he have 2 say that?? :tears:

Thing about when we are in pain or denial, we try inflict as much pain on the other person we think is resonsible or the person that's just there at the moment, because it's human nature , it's our fighting mechanism for most pepole, I think the father has some idea if what's going on, I really and trugly believe because she likes the wife he is in denial.

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Today's episode is by far the most intense, leaving me breathless and speechless. After recollecting my thoughts, I'd like to express how amazing today's episode was. Let's take a moment to highlight all the best moments of today's episode.

1.) Mother-son reunion. 

2.) HJJ pecking SC and their long sweet and warm hug. Cute and sweet, but give us more! I forgive just because everything that follows was amazing! 

3.) Revelation of ND as CH's right hand man in the past! What the fu*k?! ND, you better not betray HJJ! I say it again, you better not! :bawling: This is what I get for asking writer Park to turn ND bad. Earlier on, I definitely pleaded her to throw me a curve ball and I even declared that ND would make the most interesting villain. That was early on though and now I have changed my mind. I thought he would see HJJ as family and would never have the heart to betray him. Of course, we've yet to see him do anything horrible towards HJJ and SC but we can expect it very soon in the future. After he recollects his memories, I am afraid he won't hold still.

Let's be honest though, I hate it but I love it. Writer Park definitely had me at this part. Anyone thinks she can't bring on the thrill? Think again. 

4.) Heartfelt father-son confrontation. Where do I even begin? Perfection is the only word that can accurately describe the acting here. Dare I say, this is LMH's best "breaking down" performance. 

HJJ's pain and disbelief as he discovered his father's poor condition was perfectly portrayed by LMH as he walks over to his father and struggles to not break down. The way his eyes emote, the way he struggles to stop his tears, the intensity in the expression of his voice, the way his eyes shake as tries to convince his father to leave, just everything was done exceptionally well. Excuse me for my lack of terms, as my description cannot do his acting justice. 

I've to admit, the father-son reunion was actually heartfelt to another level compared to the mother-son reunion. 

5.) SC discovering the truth to KDR and SH's story. My heart is crying. She knows the truth! She knows they didn't live happily ever after, a long prosperous life, prettily with beautiful children. And she doesn't just know it, she feels it within every inch of her. The painful realization of the truth broke my heartstrings as JJH beautifully cries and calls out to HJJ, that she knows it, that it was all a lie. 


I've noticed that MDY was never a real threat and he isn't the main threat here, as he will remain "harmless" to the OTP for the rest of the drama because his memories have been forgotten. Of course, we know that we have much bigger villains to deal with, ND being the scariest of them. I am glad that SC not only eliminated one of the villain but also regained her memories in the process. 

I also noticed that SC saw some memories between MDY and KJY. It was a lot of disturbing memories. I hope the later episodes elaborate on this. 

That was a satisfying, intense episode! More to look forward to tomorrow! 

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34 minutes ago, kiaandre said:

But when our mermaid had a flash back of Mdy life, in the sageuk time , the director should have shown it from Mdy point of view,  in my opinion the director shown it from our mermaids point of view , if she was viewing his past she should have seen the killer because Mdy knew it wasn't him that killed the mermaid,  so therefore we have a loophole.

Jj weakness is the he is a con artist and that he lies, he couldn't tell him mom is job, because of how guilty he felt, so imagine when his dad told him he is a con artist during the argument thats why he won't believe him,. Sigh I want to rant more but I'm getting upset.our last episodes are going to be intense.


To me,  I dunno the POV of the last scene but it seems to me that the POV seems to be shared between the both of them?  They both looked shocked to be honest.  Hahahs. We all need the subs to understand better. LOL. And when they showed the scene, it seems like SC also saw that there was someone else who threw the harpoon. But at that point of time, her only focus was KDY protecting her and dying because of her, and HJJ lies on their happy ending. 

Come to think of it, I think next ep SC seems like she wants to push HJJ away because she's afraid that she will bring harm to HJJ. Am I over thinking it? It's like how HJJ reacted when he realised that if he dies, SC dies too and mentioned that he is the one who will kill her. 

I'm sorry to say but if this was what dad really said, he's really the freaking worst father on earth. His son became a con artist was in part due to his failure as a father too. I hope that's not the case. 

I wonder if today's ep shedded some light on JJ's parents past. Hmm.. 

My heart can't take it anymore. Help! So upset that the show is ending soon but our intense ep are coming. Gah. 

Writernim, I need some more sweet lovey dovey scenes of our couple pls!  

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My translations for ep 16 (not 100% accurate)

Cha Si Ah scenes with Tae Oh


In front of Joonjae's house

TO: What are you doing?
CSA: Joonjae’s mom is inside, right?
TO: I think so
CSA: Did she say something about me?
TO: About what?
CSA: It’s nothing
TO: Do want to go inside?
CSA: Tae Oh, do you want to drink with me?
TO: I don’t really want to
CSA: Let’s go

At the restaurant

CSA: I don’t know how much you like me, but do you want me to say something that will make you hate me in instant? I have known all along that the helping ahjumma in our house is Joonjae’s mom
TO: Why didn’t you tell him?
CSA: I used to be rude towards her and our relationship was really bad. But then I knew that she is Joonjae’s mother. That’s why I really want to reveal my knowledge about her but it’s over now. If Joonjae knows about this, he won’t even want to be my friend again, will he? He will reject me, right? Yeah, I knew that I’m a bad woman. How is it? After hearing my story, you no longer have any feelings towards me, right? You should be thankful to me. It’s my wish to let go my feelings for Joonjae. But I can’t do this that I’m having a hard time. Don’t suffer like me and you should say it. Your feelings and your love, tell it to me once for all


In front of Ahn Jin Joo's house

CSA: Thank you for walking me home
TO: Nuna
CSA: Huh?
TO: I’ve been thinking about it. I think I’ll stop liking you
CSA: Oh? Ah… Have you finished arranging your feelings?
TO: Yes
CSA: Already? Ah, okay. It’s good then
TO: You too should confess your feelings properly to Joonjae hyung
CSA: In this condition? How can I do that? What if I do and I can’t see him again?
TO: Will it have any meaning if you keep meeting him like this? I’ll go home
CSA: What’s with him? How can he arrange his feelings so fast? Well, it turns out well


Joonjae’s short letter to Chung

My ‘idiot’ that I love. You have worked hard to be on my side today and thank you for coming. In the future, wear pretty shoes only and I’ll take you to a good place only

SC: ‘Joonjae, thank you for the gifts’
HJJ: ‘What are you doing instead of sleeping?
SC:  ‘Today is my birthday but I couldn’t really see your face properly’
HJJ: ‘Open your door. You have seen my face, now go to sleep and stop being noisy’
SC: ‘On TV, when you celebrate your birthday, a kiss is needed’
HJJ: Hey
SC: Why?
HJJ: Climb down

SC: Are you going to give me a birthday kiss?
HJJ: What?
SC: I’m all ready
HJJ: Aigoo
SC: Why?
HJJ: What a player you are. It hasn’t been long since you said that you want to try romantic love but why do you keep moving to dirty love?
SC: How can it be dirty love if we only do this (kiss/peck)? Are you kidding me?
HJJ: I have warned you, right? Please don’t think too much at night. It’s so noisy
SC: How petty. You are listening to other’s thought
HJJ: Do you think I want to? I don’t want to hear it too. It’s because you over did it (?) that I can hear it. I have told you for numerous times but I’m not that kind of person. It’s uncomfortable for me too when I can hear your thoughts
SC: Is that so, neighbor who sleeps downstairs? Did you call me here to complain (?) ?
SC: Then what?
HJJ: I’m going to do this *hugged* I have to check whether your heart is beating well of not. I think it’s not beating very well
SC: Why? I don’t think so
HJJ: *kiss and then hug* Now it’s beating well


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this episode acting was really good. especially at the end. lmh acting was awesome at  confrontation with his father, so was Junjihyun's with ma-dae-young.

and guessing from the preview, i think ma dae young lost his memory and acting as a crazy person 

http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003462024&gid=999339&cid=1053759 it has already 850+ comments. 

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@babyval22 @kiaandre The killer's face is a blur even to MDY's memories so even if SC saw through MDY's past, she would not have seen the person who threw the harpoon. This is to keep the trill, of course, because if SC found out who threw the harpoon now, it would be too easy. Also, I believe that while seeing through his memories, she began to recall her own. It is possible since recollecting memories follow a domino effect, where one memory can lead to the next. Her brain probably used what she saw through him and connected the dot to reveal her own memories. Also, we can't forget, they can't possibly go back to reshoot everything with a different point of view, so we'll just have to settle with seeing everything from a third person. 


21 minutes ago, kiaandre said:

Thing about when we are in pain or denial, we try inflict as much pain on the other person we think is resonsible or the person that's just there at the moment, because it's human nature , it's our fighting mechanism for most pepole, I think the father has some idea if what's going on, I really and trugly believe because she likes the wife he is in denial.


Well said! 

18 minutes ago, babyval22 said:

Come to think of it, I think next ep SC seems like she wants to push HJJ away because she's afraid that she will bring harm to HJJ. Am I over thinking it? It's like how HJJ reacted when he realised that if he dies, SC dies too and mentioned that he is the one who will kill her. 


This is probably the case. HJJ sees it as though he was the one who killed her but SC may see it as though she was one who caused his death. I doubt they will drag out the push too long though, since the best thing for them to do now is join hands. Also, I've noticed the writer is very good at not dragging any noble idiocy into the drama. Just when you think he's going to send her back, he doesn't. Therefore, we can assume that she will not push him away either. Also, I can't understand korean but if I am not wrong, SC will tell him that she knows the ending to the story of KDR and SH. To me, that's a sign that all secrets will be set aside and they will talk it out. 

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Ahhhhhhhh just read through this thread at the speed of light cuz of all the revelations omgggg. I wasn't able to watch the live streaming, but based on the discussions here, it seems like we had a very awesome episode

My jaw just literally dropped when I saw the image of CH and JND working together in the past. I just find it sooo creepy. Now that I think about it, it sends chills down my spine. HJJ met JND at a young age. It's just absolutely mind blowing to think that HJJ has been living with and was "cared for" when he was without a family by the reincarnation of the man who may have had a hand to killing him and his lover in the past. He was living with a snake all this time! 

It seems like the discussion of tangerines we had and their symbolism of betrayal have rung true afterall. There have been countless times tangerines have been present in scenes with JND in them, either he was offering them to HJJ and SC or either one of our OTP was eating them while talking to him randomly, be it funny or melo scenes. Everytime there were tangerines, there was JNM. It seems like writer-nim has been hinting it to us all along

I am somehow glad that SC partly remembers her past life as SW, though it is kind of sad that she only remembered the sad part and not the happy ones. The good thing, though, is that SC is much more courageous than SW. SC knows that she has a very powerful weapon and she is not afraid to use it. That is right SC, use it to your advantage. If you can, just go on a spree and erase all the villains memories, will you? Hahaha it just bothers me a lot that she still seems to have an ounce of trust in CH :(

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35 minutes ago, alleram95 said:

My translations for ep 16 (not 100% accurate.

Joonjae’s short letter to Chung

My ‘idiot’ that I love. You have worked hard to be on my side today and thank you for coming. In the future, wear pretty shoes only and I’ll take you to a good place only

SC: ‘Joonjae, thank you for the gifts’
HJJ: ‘What are you doing instead of sleeping?
SC:  ‘Today is my birthday but I couldn’t really see your face properly’
HJJ: ‘Open your door. You have seen my face, now go to sleep and stop being noisy’
SC: ‘On TV, when you celebrate your birthday, a kiss is needed’
HJJ: Hey
SC: Why?
HJJ: Climb down

SC: Are you going to give me a birthday kiss?
HJJ: What?
SC: I’m all ready
HJJ: Aigoo
SC: Why?
HJJ: What a player you are. It hasn’t been long since you said that you want to try romantic love but why do you keep moving to dirty love?
SC: How can it be dirty love if we only do this (kiss/peck)? Are you kidding me?
HJJ: I have warned you, right? Please don’t think too much at night. It’s so noisy
SC: How petty. You are listening to other’s thought
HJJ: Do you think I want to? I don’t want to hear it too. It’s because you over did it (?) that I can hear it. I have told you for numerous times but I’m not that kind of person. It’s uncomfortable for me too when I can hear your thoughts
SC: Is that so, neighbor who sleeps downstairs? Did you call me here to complain (?) ?
SC: Then what?
HJJ: I’m going to do this *hugged* I have to check whether your heart is beating well of not. I think it’s not beating very well
SC: Why? I don’t think so
HJJ: *kiss and then hug* Now it’s beating well



Thank you for your translations as always! Reading the translations now make everything so much sweeter! Hehe. I actually love how they did the kissing scene. The tight hug and everything, sighs.. I can just re-watch it all day. :wub: I have faith that we will have our kiss with substance soon for a more impt event! *prays hard*

21 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

@babyval22 @kiaandre The killer's face is a blur even to MDY's memories so even if SC saw through MDY's past, she would not have seen the person who threw the harpoon. This is to keep the trill, of course, because if SC found out who threw the harpoon now, it would be too easy. Also, I believe that while seeing through his memories, she began to recall her own. It is possible since recollecting memories follow a domino effect, where one memory can lead to the next. Her brain probably used what she saw through him and connected the dot to reveal her own memories. Also, we can't forget, they can't possibly go back to reshoot everything with a different point of view, so we'll just have to settle with seeing everything from a third person. 



Well said! 


This is probably the case. HJJ sees it as though he was the one who killed her but SC may see it as though she was one who caused his death. I doubt they will drag out the push too long though, since the best thing for them to do now is join hands. Also, I've noticed the writer is very good at not dragging any noble idiocy into the drama. Just when you think he's going to send her back, he doesn't. Therefore, we can assume that she will not push him away either. Also, I can't understand korean but if I am not wrong, SC will tell him that she knows the ending to the story of KDR and SH. To me, that's a sign that all secrets will be set aside and they will talk it out. 


Yup I know! Hahahs. What I meant was MDY and SC are looking at almost the same thing and then SC prolly had her own memories cos there were also certain scenes where Lord Yang wasn't around but SC had the memory. Prolly like how HJJ recalled everything in one go in the previous ep. 

Yup, agree with you! So far, noble idiocy hasn't been the way to go for this drama! Always loved that they have been fighting head on to whatever obstacles they have! Maybe the next phase in the drama is how SC and HJJ will work together to protect the eternal love that they currently. 

On another note, legend of the blue sea is really titled aptly.  The past and the present is all unfolding together seamlessly, the present experiencing the past or aka legend. I really have to give writer park credit. It prolly isn't easy telling the story and let it all gel together with all the past and present. Have to say a great job writer park!  

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24 minutes ago, puppy8888 said:

Ahhhhhhhh just read through this thread at the speed of light cuz of all the revelations omgggg. I wasn't able to watch the live streaming, but based on the discussions here, it seems like we had a very awesome episode

My jaw just literally dropped when I saw the image of CH and JND working together in the past. I just find it sooo creepy. Now that I think about it, it sends chills down my spine. HJJ met JND at a young age. It's just absolutely mind blowing to think that HJJ has been living with and was "cared for" when he was without a family by the reincarnation of the man who may have had a hand to killing him and his lover in the past. He was living with a snake all this time! 

It seems like the discussion of tangerines we had and their symbolism of betrayal have rung true afterall. There have been countless times tangerines have been present in scenes with JND in them, either he was offering them to HJJ and SC or either one of our OTP was eating them while talking to him randomly, be it funny or melo scenes. Everytime there were tangerines, there was JNM. It seems like writer-nim has been hinting it to us all along

I am somehow glad that SC partly remembers her past life as SW, though it is kind of sad that she only remembered the sad part and not the happy ones. The good thing, though, is that SC is much more courageous than SW. SC knows that she has a very powerful weapon and she is not afraid to use it. That is right SC, use it to your advantage. If you can, just go on a spree and erase all the villains memories, will you? Hahaha it just bothers me a lot that she still seems to have an ounce of trust in CH :(


I absolutely agree with you! I'm now crying because all the speculations and connections we made between ND and tangerines turned out to be true. Writer-nim put a lot of effort into constructing the story, and setting it up this way to lead to the big revelation. This episode left me breathless with all that it revealed. I'd feel sad for anyone who decided to drop this drama because it wasn't thrilling enough for them, but it's their lose :phew:. I've always said it, and this show only proves me right, slower beginning builds up to better development and a stronger ending. I am so happy with this drama at the moment and couldn't be happier.

Hahahahaha, I agree! I give SC permission to go on a spree and just erase all the villains' memories lol.

I have not seen it with subtitles but I actually understood the scene between SC and CH differently. I believe her and ND planned out that SC would distract CH while they investigated the Heo's home. Of course, they did it without telling HJJ. Therefore, I take it that SC does not trust CH anymore. Rather, she's there to trick him so she can help out HJJ. I believe CH also realizes by the end of their meal that he has been fooled. 

*edit* I just read the translation. I guess she still trusts him? :mellow: 

@babyval22 you and I together, thanking writer Park. I think she's done a great job. Shame on me if I ever doubted her. 

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46 minutes ago, Marian16 said:

The long wait is oveeeeer omooo my fave ost of LOTBS :wub:

Youtube Version



Ahhhhhhhh jabsbdihdienriebwowbeidbififnrjhwhwie. WAIT STOP. I THINK MY HEART SKIPPED A BEAT. AHHHHHHHH IT'S FINALLY OUTTTTTTTTTT. I almost dropped my phone omfggggggggggg. This is probably my most favorite OST in the drama ahhhhhhhhhh

Thank you for the heads up, chingu. Huhuhuhuhu. I dunno what to feel anymore. I'm still so agitated because of all the suspense in episode 16, but this comes out and my heart is exploding with happiness. Ahhhhh such a perfect OST. Can't wait for the full subs huhuhuhu *cries an ocean cuz I dunno what to feel anymore* haha

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HJJ with CH in the office

HJJ: Where is father?
CH: *to his workers* You all can go first
Worker 1: Is he President Heo’s biological son?
Worker 2: I’m not sure. Maybe
CH: What brings you here?
HJJ: Is he in the office?
CH: I told you that day, he went for a holiday with his friends
HJJ: Is that so? To where?
CH: Hawaii
HJJ: Hawaii? He will stay there for a long time then because father really likes to eat seafood
CH: Joonjae, what do you really want to say?
HJJ: I can’t trust you. I’m going to take back my words about my wish for you to be a filial son towards Father


CH and President Heo inside President Heo's room

CH: Father, are you sleeping?
President Heo: Yeah, I’m a little bit sleepy after eating the medicine. Did you drink (alcohol)?
CH: Yes. Father, can’t I be your only son? I think I can protect you until the end. Should Joonjae be there (for you) too? It’s because I’m upset. I have tried to call him to visit you but he didn’t come. He said to me ‘He’s your father so you take care of him’. Father, did you know what he has been doing? He’s deceiving people. I’m worried about him and that’s why I’m checking on him. He’s a con man. Are you sure that Joonjae has to be here too (as your son)?
President Heo: You’re drunk. Go to sleep
CH: Yes, Father


CH met with SC in the restaurant

CH: It’s nice to meet you and thank you for calling
SC: Heo Chi Hyeon, I have something that I want to ask you
CH: About what?
SC: Do you know a person name Ma Dae Young? What kind of relationship that you and your mother have with him?
CH: Why did you ask me about that?
SC: Ma Dae Young continuously giving a danger (?) to us and I don’t why he did so. I heard that it was related with your family. I think you can stop him
CH: I’m sorry but I can’t. I don’t have any relation to him


HJJ met with his father

President Heo: Is it you, Honey? Are you Chi Hyeon? Who are you? Who are you?!
HJJ: Are you looking for this? Father
President Heo: Are you Joonjae?
HJJ: What are you doing in here?
President Heo: Are you really Joonjae?
HJJ: What are you doing in here?! What’s wrong with us (our family)? You can’t recognize your own son who is in front of you. You even divorced with mom to do this. Do you think I didn’t know it? Let’s go out from here for now
President Heo: To where?
HJJ: Anywhere. You can’t stay in this house
President Heo: Why?
HJJ: If you stay in here any longer, you won’t know what will happen to you
President Heo: This is my house. What will happen to me inside my own house?
HJJ: Chief Nam was injured and all accident that you have are initiated by step mother
President Heo: I don’t know how you can enter this house. After gone for 10 years and came home from the first time, what are you accusing of about your mother?
HJJ: Who said that she is my mother?
President Heo: You want to tell me that I took a wrong decision, right?
HJJ: Yes. You made a wrong decision. All of them are wrong
President Heo: Who are you that you are telling me this? It’s my choice and it’s my life. I didn’t make any wrong choice. I was happy. Do you want me to say that after I separate with your mother everything that I did and chose are wrong? My eyes will get better after the surgery. I can’t do the surgery because I’m sick. If I can do the surgery
HJJ: You aren’t only unable to see what in front of you. You can’t see anything. You didn’t even realize how far your life has fallen down
President Heo:  Did you really hate your step mother? You brat, she has been waiting for you to comeback and keep cleaning your room. She is a kind woman. I’ve been living with her for 17 years and I really know her well. What do you know?!!
HJJ: Kang So Hee real name is Kang Ji Yeon. She has been married twice and both of her ex husband died in accident after they got blind. It would be very good if what happened to you was accidentally but there is a possibility that it wasn’t
President Heo: You’re lying
HJJ: If you don’t want to believe me then don’t. But I can’t left you here all alone. I will bring you out from here even if I have to force you. Let’s go
President Heo: I heard that you are a con man. How can you deceive your own father too?

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What a stupid father!!:confused: Really, he listened to CH's words and doubts his son's intention! He always doubts his son, while he has always believed in CH. I can not forget the incident with the picture! :bawling:

Now, I am wondering if from the start, JND has known HJJ's true relationship and started making contact with CH. Actually, both had an interest that HJJ never comes home and never finds his mother. I have not watched the episode yet... but from the last episode, JND revealed that he knew that HJJ had a brother. Sure, he said that he never met CH... but maybe it was a lie.

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