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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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2 hours ago, longloggedmozzie said:

Though sometimes I cringed at the cheesy and immature things HW does. I think it is perfectly logical for her to root for her own sister. She barely knows YS,  it will be weird to root for YS just coz of TY.  At least she cares for her own family. As I can see from amused expressions from dj and ty , they knew she is good nature and totally not mean spirited in her protests. 

I do wanna address that all these jealousy and anger stemmed from hw's insecurities. Deep down in her heart , she felt that she put so much effort in pursuing that he chose her because he was eventually broken down. We could see from the fourth wall that TY truly care but to her I don't think she truly believe ty loves her as much or even a fraction as much she does. Hence a. She din get why the little bobo  can make his heart race b.Din get he was joking coz well he never this carefree and relax before. So I sorta despite my cringing over certain action understand perfectly. I think deep down inside she shot down his many attempts to bring up the subject of the ex gf.

She is not as confident as most ppl would think she is . 



 I see her as a kid having her first love, current love, and adamantly sure her last love.  Everything about her makes sense to me.  I agree about them seeing her good natured.  As far as her sister, despite the way HJ treats her, there is no doubt she still cares for her big sister.  It could has been becuse of DJ's presence and influence in the house.  Maybe, even in some way we're reading it wrong and her really rooting for her sister is to have her Brother-in-Law back in the house.  That won't happen if DJ's with YS.  Then secondary is her and relationships with HJ.  Who knows...I can see it all and not feel unnerved by her actions.

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3 hours ago, vaberella said:


I disagree on several points you made so I will push back.

1.  YS's actions are not based on "noble idiocy," far from it. From the start of the show, she was clearly afraid and disliked GP---however due to a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome she was forced into "marriage".  The man was stalking her and clearly abusing her (emotionally and mentally; if not physically).  She is terrified of him.  Absolutely.  That being said---DJ slowly starts weaning her out of that state.  The man clearly showed her love, he confessed to her first, he stood by his love for her and wouldn't for it on her. She even kept away because of GP threatening her.  She wasn't doing it so much, because she thought DJ would be happier----it's clear to her and to me at least that DJ loves her and he wouldn't be happier without her there.  He even said it himself, and he doesn't lie about his feelings.  YS is doing it because she is terrified to what might happen to him.  I agree this element of NI is in the story---however, it's perpetuated from the way GJ described what life would be like for her and DJ.  How he would destroy her life.  That's where DJ's mother is coming from.   But to men, it's clear that's not why YS is leaving or coming from.  Right after GJ spoke to her the first time asking her to leave---it wasn't until her phone call with GP did she relent.  The man was screaming, "You're Mine."   "You and DJ will pay for what you did to me."  "You know how I can get, don't push me."  <---Yeah, that's complete and utter fear. 

I am sorry; I am as terrified for her and DJ as she would be for DJ and his family.   If I were in her place I would leave because of his threat to DJ and his families life.  I would also leave because I wouldn't want this man to find me and add some physical abuse to the mental and emotional I had to deal with.  This is far from noble idiocy.   She is leaving out of fear.  Not so much it would make DJ happier, she knows for sure he wouldn't be. She's more afriad for their lives.  When a man says, "You know how I can get..." I run.  If I have an idea, I see it as my que to change my name, dye my hair, and move to Busan. 

2. TY- HW:  This is a relationship that I understand and love.  I'm surprised one would expect a mature relationship with HW. Let's break down HW's personality to understand her relationships with TY.  a) the girl is spoiled as hell, b ) making her highly sheletered, c) she clearly even said she's NEVER been in a relationship, d) making her unable to know the ins and outs.   She's also what?! 21-23 with her first boyfriend ever.  I was in high school once in my life...yeah she's acting like every high school girl in their first or 2nd, and 3rd relationship---based on her personality background.  She's possessive and she plays "games".  Those games girl play with boys.  Hanging up on them because she's angry.  Not returning calls, silly threats and demands.  That's what teens due.  You could say she's not a teen, but being a spoiled brat brings you down to teen for me.  However, unlike other children---she can be grounded because TY is very practical.   TY doesn't get caught up in her whirlwind, but keeps her from getting to high in the air. 

Which is actually a good thing.  I think TY needs someone like her, because he can be too serious.  He needs to smile more. I don't remember him smiling much before HW.  I think HW needs someone practical who's not living off of family money but doing what he can.  She would totally go into poverty with him if she could. I think that's a fairly mature act.  That being said, I think the writers are moving to increasing HW's relationship personality when she finds out about JY and TY's past relationship. She's definitely gonig to be experiencing something.  I can see her breaking a bit and having to rise out of that sense of betrayal and blindness she once had.

As for TY being blind to her anger...not to be sexist but he's a guy.  These guys are totally blind. It's like real life to be honest.  I'm watching Weightlifting Fairy and all the men on the show are blind as bats. 

1) Well, firstly, the term Stockholm Syndrome was inaccurate even though I get what you meant because YS wasn't kidnapped and confined, and she didn't develop any sympathy for GP, she merely felt scared enough to give in to his wishes. I've never seen Stockholm Syndrome used to describe any situation except where hostages and captors are involved, mostly in kidnapping cases where the hostages were kept for years. I could be wrong though. Technical mumbo-jumbo aside, I still feel like this is Noble Idiocy. Yes, there was legit fear in YS's actions but had it not been for GJ bringing that up, YS wouldn't have wavered at all regardless of the threats thrown at her and DJ from GP and his mom and his goons. GJ was YS's Kryptonite that caused all the progresses she's made so far in standing up for herself  to go away. I still believe that the main reason YS left was because of GJ, and not because of GP. The threat of GP had always been there, and YS knew this, and it hindered her from acknowledging her feelings for DJ in the beginning because she felt like she was unworthy of his love. But DJ assured her that the security issues would be dealt with and shouldn't be an excuse for them to not be together. GJ just triggered these doubts in YS's mind, by begging her and using her trump card, which was being DJ's mother. 

As for running away, I have to disagree with you on this, too. YS had been running all these years and somehow GP managed to find her. That was implied early on in the show and the only reason YS was able to have some kind of a normal life was when she finally relented and agreed to accept GP so he stopped harassing her enough that she could work at Wolgyesu. Running away clearly did not solve her problem and honestly, how long could she keep running away? Hiding herself, changing her identity and all that? Never be able to truly have a decent life, settle down, etc? She would be living but that really wouldn't feel like living at all. What DJ suggested was noble. Standing up to GP and all that. However, what I don't get until now is why YS isn't seriously considering taking legal actions against GP and the gang? He almost always threatens her in every phone call, why couldn't she have recorded all these threats? As far as I know, criminal intimidation is a crime, one that is bound to get GP into more legal troubles given the seriousness of his threats, like killing and stuff. She could at least get a good restraining order against him and the gang, and that would enable her to continue being by DJ's side. 

2) as for Ty-HW, I get all your points, but let's agree to disagree. I believe that a relationship should have give and take. Yes, guys could be clueless, so shouldn't HW understand that enough to let it slide? It wasn't anything major anyway. Yes, she could be immature because this is her first relationship but hiding behind the "immature" factor is really stunting any character growth here. Don't get me wrong. HW is my fave character from the start and TY-HW couple remains until today my main couple. I honestly wouldn't even have picked up this drama if it wasn't for them. In any case, the fight didn't last long and HW clearly isn't the type to hold grudges and all so it's all good here. In real life though, I wouldn't fancy a relationship where one party is always questioning the other party's feelings though. Trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship. 

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January 1, 2017

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" sets record again, 34.8%

Source: TV Daily via Hancinema.net

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" set another record this weekend.

According to Nielsen Korea, the latest episode of the KBS 2TV weekend drama "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" recorded 34.8%.

This is 9.8% more than the previous episode.

MBC weekend drama "Blow Breeze" rated 18.9% and "Father, I'll Take Care of You" rated 14.0%.


Source: OSEN

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I think each one of us has been thru noble idiocy at one point of our life. In this sense, I mean we have sacrificed for the sake of others and end up with nothing but that is what life is all about. Even though we end up with nothing but it opens up to other path of our life. Better paths. That is why YS's circumstances relate so much to most of us. But then again, since the drama is meant to invoke meaningful messages, I would like to see the production directs YS's paths to be opened even wider, sort of of give hope to most of us.. at least. Sorry..chinggus..my 2 cents.

There was another weekend show that I love to watch which have the same feeling. Nam Nabi or My Love, Madam Butterfly (sorry I forgot the actual title). Anyway, there were a lot of noble idiocy in that drama too but at least the lead character, Nabi was given many other paths for her to get out from the situation. For example, when she left the main male lead because she knew how much being a President of the company meant to him, I had the same 'sick' feeling when I watched YS left DJ. But the writer managed to redeem Nabi's sadness by making her business to be successful and then opening the path for her to be closed with his biological mother and then she helps him to reconnect with his mother..which I believed gave good feelings to those who root for her like me. Because at least I know she is doing better. Of course at the end, the gesture allows the male lead to fight all the obstacles and get back to her and she finally accept to fight the obstacles together. And then, there are other people surrounding her (her mother, her parents in law and even her brother in laws) who root for her and help her to get thru the situation. All that occurs within 4 to 5 eps only.

So..I hope in this drama, YS and DJ would go thru the same path. The difference is, at the moment, YS has no one rooting for her , which make her situation more pitiful than Nabi. Although SD, TP, TY and Mrs. Geum occasionally pledge their approval for her, but so far they did not do much to help her get out from it. She had to run away on her own. That is why I was a bit disappointed. I just wish the family ties that we were provided with at the beginning of this drama could help her thru everything and even thru GP's threat. I just wish the writers would direct her character to have better outcomes even at this point of the drama (even if I know at the end YS and DJ will be together but the path are so thorny thus far....I am not sure how anyone could get out from this situation without having hurt lingering in her heart for a long, long time.)

Again..my 2 cents chinggus..Happy New Year..:)


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Just watched the subs. I was pretty much sobbing through most of the episode, at least every time DJ appeared.  I usually like dramas that can make me cry when they are meaningful and reflective, but here it's just upsetting and sad. I have to agree with @TheMsChelsea91 that YS is a noble idiot. I'm not sure about in real life but I would define noble idiocy in the dramaworld as a character who decides on another person's behalf (the person he/she loves) that he/she leaving or letting go will bring a more positive outcome. That is the noble part. The idiocy part is that he/she is wrong. Whether YS decided to leave because she was afraid of GP's wrath on DJ or if she was triggered by GJ doesn't matter. She concludes that DJ will live a better life when (more like "if") he forgets about her and same for her. She says that the more she loved him, the less she could do for him. But the truth is, she couldn't even do the only thing he wanted from her, and that is to stay by his side and face the obstacles together. I can understand her actions, but I still think she is being very cruel to him, and she definitely is not leaving him in the least hurtful way as she described.

It's disrespectful to the elderly, but I want to throw things at GJ (Edit: sorry, I think I stole this phrase from someone here, but I do mean it). She continues to be the biggest hypocrite with her "feeling terrible" but "what else could I do." If she felt so terrible she should at least admit to the family that she was the one who pushed YS away. I hope the guilt eats her up. And maybe DJ could move out in protest. For DS who believes in her mom, not only is GJ capable of telling YS to leave the home, she also had no problem telling her to leave the tailor shop. I also don't like MS's talk about meeting again if they are fated. That is trivializing DJ's feelings. How can he compare his first love with DJ? He watched his first love being dragged away and didn't do anything. Both regret and resolution to live happily with his family now are his own decisions. DJ doesn't even have this chance. And about fate, DJ and YS weren't separated by war or a tornado. He was separated by his (evil!) mother behind his back. This is not about fate at all!

Lastly, I would consider SD actions as cheating. SN's hair pulling habit is unforgivable, but he is still ultimately wrong. Poor YE who is caught in the middle of this dysfunctional couple's business.

My tears have dried up as I wrote this, but I still haven't recovered from the misery. Have to go find something happy to do.

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January 1, 2017

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" Cha In-pyo cries under blankets, pinches Ra Mi-ran's hand

Source: OSEN via Hancinema.net


On the latest episode of the KBS 2TV weekend drama "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" on the 1st of January, Bae Sam-do (Cha In-pyo) who made a drunk visit to his first love Oh Yeong-eun's (Choi Ji-na) bakery found out that his wife Seon-nyeo (Ra Mi-ran) knew who Yeong-eun was.

Sam-do tried running away but Seon-nyeo showed up and she grabbed Yeong-eun by the hair. Sam-do was surprised.

At home, Sam-do cried under the covers. Seon-nyeo showed up soon after and tried to comfort him but he pinched her hand under the covers.



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@pinkdicentra @inna75 This episode is TOO PAINFUL SAD and HEARTBREAKING for both DJ and YS!! :tears:

I managed to watched the subbed episode but I only watched scenes with DJ and YS, I mean I have watched many K-drams that have these sort of similar storylines but none had me this upset and affected... DJ is literally a walking zombie, he literally had his soul sucked out of him... As compared to him when he was with YS, he was so happy and full of hope but now his eyes has no soul and life (**credit to superb acting**)  So far he has been calm but extremely in pain, I really like the scene where he raised his voice at his mum over inviting HJ over.. every scenes with DJ and YS separately is heartbreaking especially when DJ left a voicemail after seeing the suit that YS has made for him and YES YS sewed a label "For Pretty Eyes" OMG I couldn't handle it as it was so sweet but yet painful at the same time... :tears:

If I can go into the screen, I will literally slap and pull HJ's hair.. I can't stand her, what make her think that DJ will return to her coz YS has left.. She is the biggest hypocrite followed by DJ's mum but at least I felt that she redeemed herself slightly as she is now starting to be overwhelmed with guilt and I hope she will be filled with guilt when she sees her precious son's current state..

I am also very disappointed with MS as I have expected him to be fully on DJ's side.. he was the one that told DJ previously to not let regret hold him back and needs to fight for people that matters to him but now he seems to be singing a different tune.. 

I like TP as he is (as usual) the one that has the best insight and suspected that GJ is the one behind YS's disappearance and I hope he will mention this to DJ.. If DJ were to find out that it is his mum that made YS leave, I seriously wonder how he will react!!

Having said much, I am still trying to overcome this sadness.... :blink:

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Back again to comment. Just quickly watched ep38 (had to ffwd some SD-SN part because I'm quite busy these days, and I can't stand some of her antics). I'd also like to apologise for not being able to participate as much on this thread these days. Hopefully I can get back into the discussion/drama soon. In any case, I did read the comments on this page (75), and I agree with @TheMsChelsea91 & @pinkdicentra. YS is a noble idiot. I have a feeling it's common for K-drama characters to have this trait, so it is fortunate I don't watch many dramas. The other recent drama I watched was Drinking Solo, and the lead was a noble idiot too. I don't think I can stand similar characters again and again. I felt sorry for DJ, especially in the scene where he found the letter. Also felt that if it was me, I'd be even more miserable.

I was a little disappointed with ES and to a lesser degree, HW, in this weekend's episodes. HS, JY and HJ as usual annoy me, especially HJ. SD and SN too. LMAO maybe it's work stress, but I noticed I get annoyed easily with these fictional characters lately. Oh wait, GJ annoyed me too.

Meanwhile DJ, TaePyung and family, TY and maid ajumma continues to be likeable. MS is hovering in the neutral zone, because I didn't agree with some of his actions/words.

p/s: I didn't get to comment this on the Christmas weekend's episodes discussion (meant to comment through c-strip), but TY in the club was exactly how I was LOL. It was the first, and last time I was in such place. Super uncomfortable.

p/s #2: Slightly late, but wishing you all a happy and healthy year ahead!


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Can anyone please tell me why these women in K-dramas always want a guy who just don't want them?  DJ's ex-wife pushed for a divorce and now that he has found happiness with someone else she wants him back.  And on top of that thinks she has a right to go to his family to help her pursue her goal.  Didn't the women of his family go to blows with her family?  Why do you want to see him in the clutches of this dreadful woman???  I don't get it.   Has HW stopped working?  Did I miss it or does she know that her brothers woman used to be TY's ex?  She is going to have a complete melt down when she finds out.  And here's another question what is going to become of YS's ex and the whole plot that he is in jail for?   Is that story line just dead?  Will HW's brother be found out?  Or is that just dead?

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1 hour ago, effyisme said:

@pinkdicentra @inna75 This episode is TOO PAINFUL SAD and HEARTBREAKING for both DJ and YS!! :tears:

I managed to watched the subbed episode but I only watched scenes with DJ and YS, I mean I have watched many K-drams that have these sort of similar storylines but none had me this upset and affected... DJ is literally a walking zombie, he literally had his soul sucked out of him... As compared to him when he was with YS, he was so happy and full of hope but now his eyes has no soul and life (**credit to superb acting**)  So far he has been calm but extremely in pain, I really like the scene where he raised his voice at his mum over inviting HJ over.. every scenes with DJ and YS separately is heartbreaking especially when DJ left a voicemail after seeing the suit that YS has made for him and YES YS sewed a label "For Pretty Eyes" OMG I couldn't handle it as it was so sweet but yet painful at the same time... :tears:

If I can go into the screen, I will literally slap and pull HJ's hair.. I can't stand her, what make her think that DJ will return to her coz YS has left.. She is the biggest hypocrite followed by DJ's mum but at least I felt that she redeemed herself slightly as she is now starting to be overwhelmed with guilt and I hope she will be filled with guilt when she sees her precious son's current state..

I am also very disappointed with MS as I have expected him to be fully on DJ's side.. he was the one that told DJ previously to not let regret hold him back and needs to fight for people that matters to him but now he seems to be singing a different tune.. 

I like TP as he is (as usual) the one that has the best insight and suspected that GJ is the one behind YS's disappearance and I hope he will mention this to DJ.. If DJ were to find out that it is his mum that made YS leave, I seriously wonder how he will react!!

Having said much, I am still trying to overcome this sadness.... :blink:

@effyisme I couldn't agree with you more. It was really heartbreaking to see a man who has been the pillar to many ppl esp to YS and who was so optimistic about life, looks so heartbroken esp at the end of his voice message to YS. Even though he was trying to sound optimistic, but at the end, his voice wavers as if as he was about to break down.. I also sense that TP would be the key here..

@pinkdicentra @TheMsChelsea91..yes chinggus,, the noble idiocy in the last few eps are overdone somehow..and I was so upset too but mine is more towards the writers,.as I mentioned in my earlier posts, how much more pain do the writers want to inflict on a character like YS? And like @pinkdicentra mentioned, they were not separated by any war or disaster but separated by someone they both love!! and the reasons GJ mentioned..seriously unbelievable..the part when GJ said it was so that DJ would not be harmed by GP, I can understand that but I wish she could have said that to DJ and let DJ convinced her the way he convinced YS that he is not afraid to face GP...Even I was convinced when he said to YS that GP is just a bully and if you run away from the bully, nothing would be solved. But GJ continued her reason for not wanting YS to be with DJ is because of the gossips that would probably occur after (I presumed she meant after GP make trouble in the family, if there is any trouble at all). At this point, I give credit to GP's mom. Despite her annoying behaviour, at least she sticks to her son's choice (even if it is the wrong choice!). 

@janp yup I sense some cliche and some plots flaw as well..but I do hope the writers would fill all the blanks brilliantly in the next 12 eps..I hope so because I still think this drama is daebak (since I still follow this forum and plan to stick with the drama to the end and it does have some brilliant scenes and plots at the beginning of the drama)..just need to tweak a bit esp on the OTPs..no more disappointment please..but more hopeful eps..chebal...

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Am I the only one that find YS has gotten so much prettier particularly from episodes 35-38? I don't know whether JYH has changed (like losing some weight) or something about her make-up/hairdo or simply YS character has just grown on me. I find her eyes are so attractive; melancholic & beautiful which say a lot sadness without any words being said and that's why I got all teary-eyed while watching her in last two episodes.


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20 minutes ago, pimsucre said:

Am I the only one that find YS has gotten so much prettier particularly from episodes 35-38? I don't know whether JYH has changed (like losing some weight) or something about her make-up/hairdo or simply YS character has just grown on me. I find her eyes are so attractive; melancholic & beautiful which say a lot sadness without any words being said and that's why I got all teary-eyed while watching her in last two episodes.


U are not alone..... the different is i found tt she is so pretty since drama lie to me as second lead. Her beauty is not kinda typical korean beauty. But she is prettier during kbs drama award. She is so graceful... i hope she will find a boyfriend this year as i read somewhere tt she target to get married when she reached 35 means this year rite?

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21 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

1) Well, firstly, the term Stockholm Syndrome was inaccurate even though I get what you meant because YS wasn't kidnapped and confined, and she didn't develop any sympathy for GP, she merely felt scared enough to give in to his wishes. I've never seen Stockholm Syndrome used to describe any situation except where hostages and captors are involved, mostly in kidnapping cases where the hostages were kept for years. I could be wrong though. Technical mumbo-jumbo aside, I still feel like this is Noble Idiocy. Yes, there was legit fear in YS's actions but had it not been for GJ bringing that up, YS wouldn't have wavered at all regardless of the threats thrown at her and DJ from GP and his mom and his goons. GJ was YS's Kryptonite that caused all the progresses she's made so far in standing up for herself  to go away. I still believe that the main reason YS left was because of GJ, and not because of GP. The threat of GP had always been there, and YS knew this, and it hindered her from acknowledging her feelings for DJ in the beginning because she felt like she was unworthy of his love. But DJ assured her that the security issues would be dealt with and shouldn't be an excuse for them to not be together. GJ just triggered these doubts in YS's mind, by begging her and using her trump card, which was being DJ's mother. 

As for running away, I have to disagree with you on this, too. YS had been running all these years and somehow GP managed to find her. That was implied early on in the show and the only reason YS was able to have some kind of a normal life was when she finally relented and agreed to accept GP so he stopped harassing her enough that she could work at Wolgyesu. Running away clearly did not solve her problem and honestly, how long could she keep running away? Hiding herself, changing her identity and all that? Never be able to truly have a decent life, settle down, etc? She would be living but that really wouldn't feel like living at all. What DJ suggested was noble. Standing up to GP and all that. However, what I don't get until now is why YS isn't seriously considering taking legal actions against GP and the gang? He almost always threatens her in every phone call, why couldn't she have recorded all these threats? As far as I know, criminal intimidation is a crime, one that is bound to get GP into more legal troubles given the seriousness of his threats, like killing and stuff. She could at least get a good restraining order against him and the gang, and that would enable her to continue being by DJ's side. 

2) as for Ty-HW, I get all your points, but let's agree to disagree. I believe that a relationship should have give and take. Yes, guys could be clueless, so shouldn't HW understand that enough to let it slide? It wasn't anything major anyway. Yes, she could be immature because this is her first relationship but hiding behind the "immature" factor is really stunting any character growth here. Don't get me wrong. HW is my fave character from the start and TY-HW couple remains until today my main couple. I honestly wouldn't even have picked up this drama if it wasn't for them. In any case, the fight didn't last long and HW clearly isn't the type to hold grudges and all so it's all good here. In real life though, I wouldn't fancy a relationship where one party is always questioning the other party's feelings though. Trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship. 

1.  Actually, I did use SS for a reason.  In the episode where you initially see the relationship between GP and YS, where he was drunk. She had already ran away several times to be caught by him each and every time.  Where he even says in that drunk scene--wherever you go I will find you.. He kept her will  when she was in that aparment. She was just lucky he was so drunk she could get away---the time that we saw. Being kept against your willing and not being able to run away from that person---yeah, then he's your captor. As for Stockholm Syndrome---I didn't just throw it out there without knowing what it is. Not to be persnikety about it, but here's part of the definition of kidnapping (there's not like the movie version), there are a few ways of looking at it.:


I could go into the definition of seizing---but that's being obnoxious. So, this wasn't something I through out there for fun. She was confined in that apartment.  She just managed to get away.  The man sat there drinking what, 15 bottles of soju and wouldn't let her leave.  As I said, GP had to fall down drunk for her to escape.  She did escape; to be caught againt.  

If not for him being drunk---she was stuck there.  He called on his goons to take her AGAINST HER WILL--the intent of kidnapping is clearly portrayed. Then he got her, at which point this was getting too much for her.  Then SS came into play. We can definitely agree to disagree. But as GP's time would get closer ( in a month) YS would get more fearful because he would go back to his stalker ways. The threats are out of control now. We all know that. Of course, that's not what they presented. But for me, that's not noble idiocy---ever. Just because of the amount of information that was presented about GP, his "brothers", and his mother.  This was an amalgamtion of events- 1) the goons, 2) the threats (be them emotional, mental, and hinted physical abuse), 3) her own fears of her situation (which makes her feel unworthy), 4) the ex-wife, 5) then the presentation of GJ's agression (less so this, which I stated). GJ's actions played very little role in YS's actions--it just brought everything else that was a proble in her life to rise heavily. However, this doesn't show GJ's actions as the ONLY thing---that to me would lead to YS leaving. She would have wavered.  But she would have left because of GP's actions. Let's take your proposal---let's say GJ said nothing.  She accepted YS.  GP, clearly stated that her and DJ would pay.  She leave with the first action by GP.  So, GJ's actions is not an issue--this is based on all information presented. 

Defines my belief that she developed Stockholm Syndrome.  How many times can you basically be forced to stay with someone against your will.  She had to convince herself of his change--as you said, she couldn't run anymore.  Especially, when she found people who felt like family.  Therefore, they would be a reprieve from whatever life she would have with GP privately. 

That doesn't seem to matter for GP.  His threats would suggest, even with a restraining order he would still hurt her.  He probably would only get a slap on the wrist for threatening her---not prison.  Words, don't mean actions.  Only when actions happen, do the words come into play. 

2) I'm good with agreeing to disgree. However, HW already feels threatened by TY's ex-girlfriend; so much so, that she doesn't want to hear TY's past experience with her nor her name. He just knows he was hurt badly.  So, seeing his past relationship with another woman; any woman, would get her riled up. Chick is crazy and silly. As I said, I think she will mature when the TY and JY situation comes out.  She will be forced to beat her insecurities to keep TY because, as you said, she will have to learn to trust.  I wouldn't worry about her attitude though, I think the writers are going exactly where you want there relationship to be. I know trusting those writings can be difficult though.  Damn loose endsd and hurried writing.  Kills me every time. 

Great discussion! I love metas on characters and shows.  Epsiode 38 was released last night. Woohoo!

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1 hour ago, pimsucre said:

Am I the only one that find YS has gotten so much prettier particularly from episodes 35-38? I don't know whether JYH has changed (like losing some weight) or something about her make-up/hairdo or simply YS character has just grown on me. I find her eyes are so attractive; melancholic & beautiful which say a lot sadness without any words being said and that's why I got all teary-eyed while watching her in last two episodes.


I always felt she was super beautiful.  But again I've watched a lot of her dramas and seen her in different ways, so she's never been average or a bit above  average.  She's really stunning.  Like in Nine: Nine Time Travels.  Have you seen her picture on dramawiki.  I was like--she should stick with black hair.  She would look different but stunning. Almost in the camp of Choi Ji Woo for me. Just so you know, I find Choi Ji Woo is the most absolutely stunning woman I've ever seen on Korean tv. 

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@pimsucre @caranthir_idril @vaberella I am definitely pleased with YS's hairstyle, stronger eye-makeup and lipstick these days. Heh I've been complaining abt the lack of it though I know it is because of her character's outlook all the way from ep1. She deserves great make-up and clothes as the lead of this drama and a lady in love. Of course she is a natural beauty and the drama acknowledges it. In ep 37, when HW asks DJ why he likes YS, I'm glad the writers chose to add to DJ's reply 'and coz she is pretty too'. They gotta say it like it is! Personally, when I watched the earlier eps, when DJ and YS still had their misunderstandings, the direction was such that DJ couldn't really keep his eyes off YS even though he was disgusted. She is gorgeous! 

I was sad about ep 38 too. Every time DJ filled the screen, I missed YS and thankfully, they showed us what she was up to on the bus or farm etc. Hah.

Anyway I don't know if it's alright to do this (off-topic?) but I needed to see JYH's smile aft ep 38 so this is a clip from KBS Drama Awards 2012, the year she and Lee Hee Jun got a best couple award for MHGOF. They sing and the relevance to wolgyesu would be the nicknames used for JYH in this cheery Hawaiian Couple song. Shiny eyes and bowl cut/bucket head built into the lyrics... Please tell me if it's my awful hearing but I think those were her nicknames from back then. In spoilers. Her voice suits this song! Annyeong chingus! 





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On 02/01/2017 at 6:19 PM, luvsdramas said:

@pimsucre @caranthir_idril @vaberella I am definitely pleased with YS's hairstyle, stronger eye-makeup and lipstick these days. Heh I've been complaining abt the lack of it though I know it is because of her character's outlook all the way from ep1. She deserves great make-up and clothes as the lead of this drama and a lady in love. Of course she is a natural beauty and the drama acknowledges it. In ep 37, when HW asks DJ why he likes YS, I'm glad the writers chose to add to DJ's reply 'and coz she is pretty too'. They gotta say it like it is! Personally, when I watched the earlier eps, when DJ and YS still had their misunderstandings, the direction was such that DJ couldn't really keep his eyes off YS even though he was disgusted. She is gorgeous! 

I was sad about ep 38 too. Every time DJ filled the screen, I missed YS and thankfully, they showed us what she was up to on the bus or farm etc. Hah.

Anyway I don't know if it's alright to do this (off-topic?) but I needed to see JYH's smile aft ep 38 so this is a clip from KBS Drama Awards 2012, the year she and Lee Hee Jun got a best couple award for MHGOF. They sing and the relevance to wolgyesu would be the nicknames used for JYH in this cheery Hawaiian Couple song. Shiny eyes and bowl cut/bucket head built into the lyrics... Please tell me if it's my awful hearing but I think those were her nicknames from back then. In spoilers. Her voice suits this song! Annyeong chingus! 

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I'm first to like your post.  I totally agree with you.  I really don't know what else to add.  Remember episode 36, I think it was.  When DJ got her the coat and beret.  The gods almighty, I do have to say I was taken aback by her look.  A nice outfit and the girl turns into Audrey Hepburn. 



She went from being average in that scene.  I understand now what you guys mean. When she came out of the restaurant wearing that outfit...I did lose my breath.  But you guys now how I felt with her in that wedding dress.  The girl only had her hair in a ponytail and I thought she looked great.  Wow...

As for her singing, talk about totally different from her real life song. She kind of reminds me of Ellie Goulding a little bit. Huh. I can't really grasp the singer in my head right now. I think the singer is Japanese actually.  Way too many dramas has me lost with the singers.  She can sing though. When she speaks, it's a deep baritone.  However, when she sings she's a soprano.  Huh! Thanks for the video.  I didn't know she sang for the show. 

I wonder if she was on "I Can See Your Voice". 

I don't know if those were her nicknames, but I can see them as her nickname.  In My Husband Has A Family, she rocked the bowl hair cute, she did it again in Nine: Nine Times Travel...so it's fitting. 

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Hullo Everyone!! So happy to be back here again, but gosh what was this sadness waiting for me. Watched ep 37-38 as soon I was home, and completely lost it when DJ read YS' message to her Mr. Pretty Eyes on the new suit. That's just so YS, isnt it?!  :bawling::bawling::bawling:

Some rants, lol: 

I think I didnt fully get the full implication of GJ's demand and its impacts to YS until ep 38 happened. First, on how her demand/ultimatum has given an alienating effect to YS. Because YS loved GJ, she felt that she cannot talk to anyone about what GJ requested of her for it's essentially badmouthing an elder that she respected and owed a lot for.  Us, as outsiders, probably all agree that GJ deserved to be tattled, but for someone like YS it's almost unimaginable. Let's also not forget that even without HGP, YS would likely still feel that she's inadequate for DJ given the perceived lack of background and education that she possesd. Thus, even without HGP, YS has expected already that GJ would not approve of her for THE GREAT SON. Then add HGP into this, along with the possibility of him hurting DJ, those are heavy burdens to bear for someone like her who will always choose to sacrifice herself over other people. DJ has managed to slowly made her come out of her shell to be more selfish and fight for her happiness, until GJ came along and attacked the still very young tree of bravery that was planted in YS. THAT conversation with GJ basically drove home all YS' insecurities, fear and guilt while also blackmailing her to not say anything to anyone. This created a double whammy for YS because she started to doubt herself again but cannot talk to anyone for either an emotional release or outsiders' more objective opinions on her predicament. GJ practically has held YS's love and respect for her hostage to alienate YS from those who love and can help her best. Given the emotional turmoil that she was forced to bear  alone on her own, I can see why she made her decision. It is shortsighted, but I can see where it came from. 

Second, and way worse, GJ's demand for YS to vanish without a peep to anyone will not only achieve her desire to break our couple, but for it to be done in a way where she will remain a wise doting mother in the eyes of her children and other people with most of the blame fell solely at YS. She achieved her dirty goal without having to tarnish even a smidge of her image (except in front of MS. But he's her husband who she can count not to create a bad blood between her and DJ). So, she practically bloody wanted her cake and eat it too!! Furthermore, to add insult to the already horrible injury, she actively tried to get her son, behind his back, to be with a woman who he has repeatedly, over and over and over, said he was not interested in. Both HJ and her were like these vultures who cannot wait to sweep in to get to their prey. It was not even one day since YS left and she has already started to shove HJ down DJ's throat?!! DJ has not even managed to sit down to let his lost sink properly, and then this?! What kind of WTF-ery is this?!! God, this made me so furious!!!

@effyisme: I am also a bit dissapointed at MS this episode. Like I said, it was not even a day yet since YS left, why did he seem to advise for DJ to let go this quickly?! Has he forgot his own advise to know when to fight for things that you want to achieve?! I was also a bit angry that he didnt tell DJ about his wife's huge role in making YS leave. I understand his reasoning, but I cant help be dissappointed by him. I hope DJ will learn about his mom's  and ex-wife's part in YS' dissappearance soon. For someone so smart, DJ felt rather uncharacteristically obtuse in regards to his mom and ex-wife. I have felt this since YS reported to him of meeting HJ in front of the jail. Given HJ's apparent resurgence of obsession about him, I was a bit baffled that he didnt even bother to try to find out more about it. Maybe because he thought it doesnt matter. But shdnt he try to cover as much ground as possible given the challenges that they faced regarding HGP? This made scratch my head a lil bit. 


Sorry for all the rants. These two episodes broke my heart so badly. I hope next week's episode will be better. Please let Mr. Pretty Eyes finds his Twinkle back..huhuhu...who wants to join my circle of prayer for happier episodes next week?

EDIT: I agree to most of you about YS gett9ng prettier and prettier in the last few episodes. She looks breathtakingly gorgeous (as DJ's eyes seem to agree) in the wedding attire. And this was without heavy make-up. I was a bit of two mind about the wedding picture scene. I was bummed that it was not "real", but  happy to see them look so in love with each 0ther. I hope the pictures will give DJ hope to hold on to his love for YS.


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Hello! First time to post here.   I have never been in love with a drama as much as I am with The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu.

I like all the couples in this drama but I absolutely adore Dong Jin and Yun Shil.  I appreciate all the good comments about DJ/YS and all of you who love their pairing like me.

As many of you have commented, I loved the slow burn of their relationship. I love  how they saw the worst in each other first before becoming the best for each other.  They’ve shared so much together which makes their relationship all the more meaningful and genuine.  Their relationship is sweet and playful, yet at the same time  you can feel the force  of DJ’s feelings for YS. I love how DJ does the chasing and how he can’t  get enough of being with her but at the same time retaining his strength of character . I don’t see YS as being weak at all, because in spite of the difficulties in her life, she remained cheerful and  hardworking.

Like many of you here, I cried during the last 3 episodes, credit to Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee’s spot-on acting.  They both deserved their wins at the recent KBS drama awards.   I agree with those who said that Lee Dong Gun still has it!  As for Jo Yoon Hee, as many of you already know, she has  starred in  notable dramas  such as Nine and My Husband’s Got a Family,  opposite well-known and established  actors.   She’s always been pretty but I agree with those who said that even  more so recently. I’m glad that she was able to showcase more of her acting chops in this drama. She really made me cry with her.    I love the chemistry of LDG-JYH / DJ-YS.

The last few episodes have been heartbreaking. I prefer to think of it as noble selflessness because as DJ and TY said, YS is genuinely warmhearted and her reasons for leaving are understandable.

I remember that when everyone thought that TP ran away with the money, YS was the only one who agreed with DS that TP does not seem to be a bad person. And YS convinced DJ to accept TP-DS so this time, I also hope that TP will be of help to DJ-YS, sharp man that he is.   

I also miss the smiles of  DJ and YS! Here’s hoping that the writers have something good in store for us  in the coming episodes!

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