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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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15 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

GJ gets on her knees and is crying herself, basically begging YS to end things with DJ.
This puts YS in a tight position, as she begins crying harder. 

I hate when the mother appeals to the girl to call it off with her son and YS all of a sudden break up with DJ and his Ex start hanging around DJ is going to know his mom said something.. I look for DJ to also leave the house and taylor shop since mom told YS to leave both YS should have known she would face GJ regarding this and been well prepared.. This is why I say she's fickle, I hope she don't hook back up wiuth crazy to try and get DJ to stop his feelings for her.. I say it once and say it again she should have ending things with the Ex way before going into a relationship when it comes to Gp and his I'[ll do whatever my son says mom..  Maybe she should also put a restraining order on DJ EX and GJ also..  DJ Ex will put a tail on YS if she dissapears this is for the mad man getting released.. I pray she don't go back to that house..

15 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

(Side note: isn't it bad luck to give someone 
shoes, since they might run away :O)

From my understanding of Kdrama yes it states you give a woman a pair of shoes she runsaway which I'm expecting to happen.  GJ will be happy but DJ won't and he's also going to leave looking for her.. 

1 hour ago, jimb said:

The only good thing about episodes 35 and 36 is that YS is apparently determined not to return to Gi Pyo.

Otherwise, the writers seem to be playing with us.

HW's mother, formerly a vicious old bat, is now relatively reasonable, and even likeable.

DJ's mother, formerly a mostly likeable person, is now a vicious old bat.

And speaking of writers, I've followed 3 K-Dramas in the last few months and all of them featured mothers scheming with unpleasant rich women to railroad their sons into marriage.  Is this really commonplace in Korean society, or is this just a lazy K-Drama writers' thing?

@jimb  This is to be expected of GJ, This is why I said I didn't like YS character because I knew she would give in to DJ mom pleads to break it off with him.. YS characteristics hasn't change since she couldn't tell GP HELL NOL SHE"S NOT MARRYING HIM. So she will be MIA from everyone until DJ finds her and bring her back..


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@sava2sava  YS's primary weakness is also her primary virtue:  she feels genuine gratitude for people who have gone out of their way to help her, and as a result finds it difficult to say no to them.

GP is a thug, but he also gave up a kidney, which ain't nothing.  So naturally it took YS a while to finally break with him.

Similarly, DJ's mother isn't some random woman she met after she met DJ but someone who had given her employment and substantial assistance over the years.  Thus even though she knows DJ's mother is wrong-headed, YS feels some obligation to consider DJ's mother's happiness in deciding whether to continue her relationship with DJ.

If YS was a self-centered jerk like DJ's former wife and she felt no sense of indebtedness to others her road to happiness wouldn't have so many twists and turns. 



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Because of Christmas activities, I hadn't had a chance to watch the raws earlier like I usually do, but I still read all the comments here before watching the subs to brace myself for the episode. I expected to be a lot more annoyed but it wasn't as terrible as I had planned. But like the others here, I was crying along with YS in the episode. What I realised though was that I wasn't feeling as bad for YS as I was for DJ. Nobody, except for MS, is considering his opinion in this whole situation, not GJ, DS, and to some extent YS. Although GJ and DS supposedly puts DJ on a pedestal, they can't even trust him to make his own decision or respect him enough to let him have a say. And that is the basic foundation of a family. I can understand YS's concerns and her decision to leave, but this decision is also breaking her promise to him to work things out together. That is one of the reasons why I hate noble idiocy. If she tells him the issues and still decides to leave, he needs to respect her decision even if it's because she doesn't think that she has the courage to fight the problems with him or isn't optimistic about the outcome. But if she leaves without notifying him because she thinks that's all for the better (we don't know if that's the case yet), then that is an act of noble idiocy, and a disrespect to a mutual relationship of trust. I really hope it doesn't end up that way, but am preparing for this typical kdrama trope.

4 hours ago, jimb said:

And speaking of writers, I've followed 3 K-Dramas in the last few months and all of them featured mothers scheming with unpleasant rich women to railroad their sons into marriage.  Is this really commonplace in Korean society, or is this just a lazy K-Drama writers' thing?

I really wish they would stop writing female characters like this in dramas. I'm fine with characters like GP and HJ because they are considered as antagonists, and they either learn their lessons or get their bad endings. But usually these mother-in-laws are seen only as just obstacles. At the end their actions are considered as blindsided by saintly-motherly love and all the harms they caused are forgotten. They should also learn their lessons; all unreasonable actions should be recognized and reprimanded in some way regardless of intention.

15 hours ago, effyisme said:

There could be a nice twist as the suit that YS is going to make for DJ could be thrust into the limelight as the suit made with true love.. if this is true, YS will finally get the recognition of being the best female tailor in Korea.

I think that I've only seen this happen with cooking in dramas. I wonder how this would work out with tailoring.

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December 25, 2016

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" Hyeon Woo and Lee Se-yeong

Source: Heraldcorp via Hancinema.net


Hyeon Woo and Lee Se-yeong had a sweet Christmas.

On the 36th episode of the KBS 2TV weekend drama "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop", Kang Tae-yang (Hyeon Woo) ran into Choi Ji-yeon (Cha Joo-yeong) while sending Ko Eun-sook (Park Joon-geum) home.

Min Hyo-sang (Park Eun-seok) was furious to see Ko Eun-sook coming in with Kang Tae-yang. However, Ko Eun-sook gave Kang Tae-yang higher points than Choi Ji-yeon in front of Min Hyo-sang. In the living room, Choi Ji-yeon and Kang Tae-yang were on edge. Choi Ji-yeon still thought that Kang Tae-yang was approaching Min Hyo-won (Lee Se-yeong) because of her. He thought she was being ridiculous but Choi Ji-yeon said, "You seem to be misunderstanding that Hyo-won likes you. Wake up, this family is not going to accept someone like you".

Min Hyo-sang finally managed to put Ko Eun-sook to bed and saw Min Hyo-won introducing Choi Ji-yeon and Kang Tae-yang together. Choi Ji-yeon decided to bring them apart and started talking badly about Kang Tae-yang to Min Hyo-won. But then she was surprised to hear that Kang Tae-yang had filmed a commercial and he'd become a model. Min Hyo-sang suddenly asked Choi Ji-yeon to marry him within the next month.

Back at his house, Kang Tae-yang felt guilty about not having told Min Hyo-won earlier. However, Min Hyo-won who was upset that her date was ruined thanks to Ko Eun-sook, decided to get herself a present. She presented Kang Tae-yang with something covered in her face. He was sorry he didn't get her anything so she asked for a kiss. He kissed her on the cheek and lips and she asked for another round. Kang Tae-yang smiled at her. More good news came around; Kang Tae-yang had become the model for another advertisement. Ko Eun-sook herself went to Kang Tae-yang's workplace to tell him the good news.

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3 hours ago, jimb said:

@sava2sava  YS's primary weakness is also her primary virtue:  she feels genuine gratitude for people who have gone out of their way to help her, and as a result finds it difficult to say no to them.

GP is a thug, but he also gave up a kidney, which ain't nothing.  So naturally it took YS a while to finally break with him.

Similarly, DJ's mother isn't some random woman she met after she met DJ but someone who had given her employment and substantial assistance over the years.  Thus even though she knows DJ's mother is wrong-headed, YS feels some obligation to consider DJ's mother's happiness in deciding whether to continue her relationship with DJ.

If YS was a self-centered jerk like DJ's former wife and she felt no sense of indebtedness to others her road to happiness wouldn't have so many twists and turns. 

@jimb: agree fully on your statement. I think for YS, her virtue is both her strength and weakness. She's used it as a source of strength to pull her through hardships but still makes her stay as a sweet and nice human being. But on the downside, pretty much everyone can trample all over her. Thank goodness for DJ. If it wasn't for him, the woman would never learn to grow a spine or something. 

7 hours ago, jimb said:

The only good thing about episodes 35 and 36 is that YS is apparently determined not to return to Gi Pyo.

Otherwise, the writers seem to be playing with us.

HW's mother, formerly a vicious old bat, is now relatively reasonable, and even likeable.

DJ's mother, formerly a mostly likeable person, is now a vicious old bat.

And speaking of writers, I've followed 3 K-Dramas in the last few months and all of them featured mothers scheming with unpleasant rich women to railroad their sons into marriage.  Is this really commonplace in Korean society, or is this just a lazy K-Drama writers' thing?

"Vicious old bat" got me laughing out loud there. ES definitely has softened up a lot, hasn't she? From that cold and calculative woman to someone who will actually choose a person based on their kindness is really amazing. She still hasn't fully redeemed herself in my eyes though because she did have a hand in causing DJ's initial downfall from Meesa and was clearly involved in some hanky panky business regarding Meesa. Dunno how this will be addressed from now on as for now, she seems content with no longer being involved in Meesa and instead be Kang Star's Manager instead :lol:. Poor HW really. Aside from the gosiwon and Tony's burger, they really don't get much chance to be alone. 

As for overbearing mothers, I really dunno how to answer that but I think it's not just a Korean thing but an Asian thing as well, where parents remain much more influential in dictating their children's personal lives than for non-Asians. Besides, filial piety is a bigger deal in Asia so children are much more hesitant to go against their parents' wishes. I doubt in today's modern world such a problem persists anymore although some kids may still face the same thing too. It gets recycled in a lot of Kdramas i think is because it makes for an interesting storyline. 

Now, off to ep 36, I've watched it with subs and other than the sweetness from Hw-Ty-Es, it was overall a really depressing episode for YS. As I was doing the live recap, I teared up during that end scene between GJ and YS. and having watched it again with sub, it made me cry harder :tears:. GJ was so sneaky. I mean, yeah, she did have a point, IF her sole concern for DJ-YS was GP + his goons harassing them BUT, we knew for sure that wasn't the only case because GJ cared about material wealth too. And DS too??? Ugh! I expected that she would be more understanding for DJ after experiencing her own fair share of hardships in getting DS's approval to marry TP. That ungrateful witch! DJ supported her and TP even though he had his own reservations about him and even put in some good words for TP which ultimately led GJ to finally give her blessing, because, who else could have persuaded GJ if not for DJ? 

HS-JY: The look on Jy's face as ES came home with TY in tow, and hearing from HW that TY had that photoshoot, she must be reeling with anger.  For now, clearly JY no longer harbored any feelings for TY but, we don't know what will happen in the long run, as she faces more opposition from ES, Meesa's upcoming problems, and TY flourishing in his career. i don't like TY's face in the preview when he looked shocked at the news of HS-JY's marriage. I'm sure he no longer cares anyway. 

Ty-HW: HW being HW as usual. Those christmas gifts were absurd, especially that boxer. TY must really love her because I wouldn't want a GF/BF that clingy. also, is it just me, but isn't it weird that HW is always at Tony's Burger during TY's shift? Professionally, that just seems wrong. Like I said, love. I would feel smothered with all this attention really. And what's up with the preview? WHy is ES giving weird advice to HW? TY clearly loves her. It's too soon to be testing him like this. 

SD-SN: Ugh, I just feel bad for her these days. Contrary to my original thoughts, SN is handling herself better after learning about SD-YE. I expected that she would just dash to the bakery and grab YE by her hair but this isn't the case. and clearly something is wrong with her. 

All in all, a depressing episode for "Christmas" for most of the characters. I can't wait for next weekend, as usual. 

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I finished rewatching eps 36 with subs and i cried again :bawling:

But luckily HW-TY scenes cheered me up especially the BGM when HW went to TY's room and gave him presents. Here i share the full song if you don't mind :) i'm still in my christmas mood anyway :grimace:


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Watched the sub ep and like @pinkdicentra, I agree it was not as annoying as I initially expected from the raw. In fact, it's strangely beautiful in a super heartbreaking way though, heh. However, I still stand by my opinion about GJ and DS. Let me reiterate that I was not so much angry at GJ's reasoning for opposing DJ-YS relationship. Although some of her concerns were colored by the element of class (which is just..ugh!), some of her points were valid (such as her fear for HGP's retribution to DJ). What I hate is she's knowingly making use of YS' virtue/weakness, like @jimb said, to force her way.  

22 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:

I think it will take a month to finish a suit...and around that time GP will be released from prison....since there is no subtitle yet, but i predicts that YS is begging GJ for some time, she needs some time to let DJ go but she will do it.

Now i'm a bit traumatic to watch a drama that still airing...maybe next time I prefer to watch a drama that is already ended so I could skip the sad scenes and jump to the final episode...:sweatingbullets: although I know this Wolgyesu ending will be so good to pay off this misery...Dear writer Nim, I hope the excruciating episodes don't last long...

Gosh...my heart even still aches when writing this....

@delphinium8593: Sorry for cutting your post. I actually checked how much time needed for a bespoke suit to be finished (yeah, I have no life and OCD like that, LOL). Unfortunately, it took way less than a month. At most it will be between 4 days to 1 week. But since this is YS' first suit, it may take longer than usual, but I doubt it will take a month. I also kept trying to swear off watching kdrama live and failed miserably over and over once I find a drama that I really like. Now, I just give up, haha. Maybe that's our unavoidable fate as drama addicts. Let me offer you, and everyone here, a (virtual) bear hug to console our collective broken hearts. Group hug, everyone?


12 hours ago, jimb said:

The only good thing about episodes 35 and 36 is that YS is apparently determined not to return to Gi Pyo.

Otherwise, the writers seem to be playing with us.

HW's mother, formerly a vicious old bat, is now relatively reasonable, and even likeable.

DJ's mother, formerly a mostly likeable person, is now a vicious old bat.

And speaking of writers, I've followed 3 K-Dramas in the last few months and all of them featured mothers scheming with unpleasant rich women to railroad their sons into marriage.  Is this really commonplace in Korean society, or is this just a lazy K-Drama writers' thing?

@jimb: YS' determination to get HGP out of her life is my only hope right now to make the process of separation bearable for me. Although I do wish over and over again that YS stood by her promise to talk things through with DJ, I will cut her slack for not doing so. Because fear works in a strange way especially for someone like her who has lived constantly with it until just very recent. I just realized that since they started dating, not a day has gone by when they can just enjoy it fully without distraction and pressure. For this couple, like life, it's always equal part happiness and sadness. Unfortunately, given their character and how different the way they grew up and lived, these constant harassment and stress affected YS disproportionately more than DJ. So maybe in a way, there will be benefits of her leaving so she can sort through her life away from the emotional burden of GJ's demand and HGP's threats (me trying to find a silver lining :D). I assume Korea, like here in US, has a system of shelters for victims of domestic violence. I hope that's where she will go (if she decides so) to rest her broken wings and rearrange her life back. Heck! If I am YS, when push comes to shove I will just decide to become a nun, LOL. As horrible as HGP is,  I doubt he will burn down a temple (tho there's chance that I underestimate his craziness). A life of loneliness seems more palatable than a day of life with HGP. 

On kdrama mothers, I think the answer to your question is both yes and no (probably mostly no for conspiring with rich women part, because remember, meeting chaebol in real life is quite rare). I doubt real life situation is as bad as depicted in kdrama. But like any form of arts, it took a piece of its own culture and dramatized/reinterpret it for entertainment/artistry value. Just like how sex and the city over-glamorized NYC or any reiteration of CSI made the city it's based on seems rife with untold horrors, when in reality life is much more mundane (or can even be way way worse. Syria, anyone?!) than these shows depicted. Sadly, because there's a cultural reference to this trope of meddlesome mothers/in-laws, I doubt it will go away anytime soon.


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5 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

agree fully on your statement. I think for YS, her virtue is both her strength and weakness. She's used it as a source of strength to pull her through hardships but still makes her stay as a sweet and nice human being. But on the downside, pretty much everyone can trample all over her. Thank goodness for DJ. If it wasn't for him, the woman would never learn to grow a spine or something. 

@TheMsChelsea91  This is what I find a problem for her is she hasn't grew a spine.. I understand her wanting to grant DJ moms request because of all the woman has done for her but look ay her answer to it leave.. YS leaving is the solution to the problems so she thinks she should know this can't be solved by just leaving she tried that with GP ands look what it got here a trip down the isles that she didn't want because she's to weak to say no..  

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59 minutes ago, bajing said:

Watched the sub ep and like @pinkdicentra, I agree it was not as annoying as I initially expected from the raw. In fact, it's strangely beautiful in a super heartbreaking way though, heh. However, I still stand by my opinion about GJ and DS. Let me reiterate that I was not so much angry at GJ's reasoning for opposing DJ-YS relationship. Although some of her concerns were colored by the element of class (which is just..ugh!), some of her points were valid (such as her fear for HGP's retribution to DJ). What I hate is she's knowingly making use of YS' virtue/weakness, like @jimb said, to force her way.  

Yes i also feel the same way, had just watched the subbed ep, (took so long! the sub had just released 3 hrs ago). I feel like I could understand GJ feeling a bit, what she really worried about is DJ safety from GP unpredicted actions....i laugh so hard when GJ said "DJ was always the smartest, why he had such a bad luck in terms of choosing a woman"...MS said "He got it from me". LOL!

59 minutes ago, bajing said:

@delphinium8593: Sorry for cutting your post. I actually checked how much time needed for a bespoke suit to be finished (yeah, I have no life and OCD like that, LOL). Unfortunately, it took way less than a month. At most it will be between 4 days to 1 week. But since this is YS' first suit, it may take longer than usual, but I doubt it will take a month. I also kept trying to swear off watching kdrama live and failed miserably over and over once I find a drama that I really like. Now, I just give up, haha. Maybe that's our unavoidable fate as drama addicts. Let me offer you, and everyone here, a (virtual) bear hug to console our collective broken hearts. Group hug, everyone?

OMG i'm an OCD too but I didn't think about checking it! LOL. Yes I think YS will hurry and finish it befor GP is released from the prison. I saw from the preview she really enjoy the time with DJ before she leave...and in the end I have no idea how they decide to took a wedding photo? Isn't it will hurt DJ more? And i guess DJ is being suspecting something is wrong because he asked "you are odd, is there anything wrong?" I think the things YS is doing to DJ in this period of time will be flashbacked to DJ in the next episode when YS had left. Oh poor DJ...

The look on DS face! Omo! When TP compliments YS outfit and asked whether DJ bought them for her...Ughhh sober up DS!

Can any drama-experts here tell me, usually how long this miserable-anti-climax-episodes last in K-drama? Judging from the remaining 14 episodes left...will it be half of it, 7 agonizing episodes? Or shorter/longer? Before they sort everything out and we can start to smile again... :bawling:

I definitely need a bear hug! *group hugggggggg* 

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2 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:

Yes i also feel the same way, had just watched the subbed ep, (took so long! the sub had just released 3 hrs ago). I feel like I could understand GJ feeling a bit, what she really worried about is DJ safety from GP unpredicted actions....i laugh so hard when GJ said "DJ was always the smartest, why he had such a bad luck in terms of choosing a woman"...MS said "He got it from me". LOL!

OMG i'm an OCD too but I didn't think about checking it! LOL. Yes I think YS will hurry and finish it befor GP is released from the prison. I saw from the preview she really enjoy the time with DJ before she leave...and in the end I have no idea how they decide to took a wedding photo? Isn't it will hurt DJ more? And i guess DJ is being suspecting something is wrong because he asked "you are odd, is there anything wrong?" I think the things YS is doing to DJ in this period of time will be flashbacked to DJ in the next episode when YS had left. Oh poor DJ...

The look on DS face! Omo! When TP compliments YS outfit and asked whether DJ bought them for her...Ughhh sober up DS!

Can any drama-experts here tell me, usually how long this miserable-anti-climax-episodes last in K-drama? Judging from the remaining 14 episodes left...will it be half of it, 7 agonizing episodes? Or shorter/longer? Before they sort everything out and we can start to smile again... :bawling:

I definitely need a bear hug! *group hugggggggg* 

Yeah why recently in the past 2 weeks it took so long for the sub to be released? 

I don't think that GJ is worried because of GP only. That will be 2nd reason i think. The 1st reason can be that she doesn't want a woman that is not high class to be her precious son's wife. She really wants her children marry the rich one just like Park Dae Sub for DS. She always judge the person from their cover *sigh why her character should exist in this drama? Lol... 

Will YS runs away to somewhere or run to GP instead? If YS runs away somewhere, i'm afraid once GP is free, he will find DJ first and threaten him if he can't find YS. He will say that DJ hides YS. Lol...

Now i know for sure from the sub that DS is totally not on YS's side. I don't know why she doesn't want YS to be her sister-in-law. Like mother, like daughter? Like GJ, DS also wants a rich and high class sister-in-law? :crazy:  she was envy to YS being pretty with beautiful outfits from DJ maybe?  How i wish i can skip GJ and DS scene after this. Lol

Me too hope that we can smile again and the ratings are much better than this.

Count me in for the group hug @bajing @delphinium8593

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@delphinium8593 & @valzki The ratings for ep. 36 wasn't bad - 32.5%. The ratings between Saturday and Sunday for weekend dramas (esp. KBS) usually have a large difference, but 35 was indeed lower than the usual Saturday ratings.

2 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:

Yes i also feel the same way, had just watched the subbed ep, (took so long! the sub had just released 3 hrs ago). I feel like I could understand GJ feeling a bit, what she really worried about is DJ safety from GP unpredicted actions....i laugh so hard when GJ said "DJ was always the smartest, why he had such a bad luck in terms of choosing a woman"...MS said "He got it from me". LOL!

I loved that line too! Because of this joke/insult, I've kind of forgiven him for the disappointment he caused in the episode before.

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Now that I've seen the English subbed version of episode 36 I'm just stunned at the dishonesty of DJ's mother.  She was campaigning for DJ to reunite with his ex-wife long before she discovered that he and YS were an item so the business about GP and his mother was primarily a pretext for removing an obstacle to their remarriage.

Also DJ's father didn't exactly cover himself in glory in episode 35 when he acted like DJ's relationship with YS required prolonged consideration before he could render a verdict.  Why?

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Just a small observation of bravery and growing a spine. When I was working I once had some threats levied against me ; acid attack was the threat. I reported it but the police said they cannot do anything my word against theirs and there was no evidence that they would do anything. In fact unless they had actually thrown that acid on me I would have no recourse. So I was terrified walking around for weeks because every person that approached me looked like a potential threat. They might be holding an acid bottle in their hand and it drove me nuts. They finally poured acid on my car and I had no idea who did that.  No proof only allegations which was of no use.

So in YS's case she has an intimate knowledge of the kind of violence GP is capable of. Is she suppose to wait for him to actually cripple DJ or burn the shop down before she does something. Can she do anything because threats are just that, the police are not going to do much until they have actually done something and  court orders do not help because have you seen woman who have been murdered and assaulted even after the court order. The injunction or court order will not bring back the dead or heal the hurt caused. That's why threats work. In her position I would be hard pressed to do anything else except perhaps run far away from that mad man. 

It is easy to criticise when you have never faced fear and even the prospect of hurting the person you love is enough . Some people are more afraid for others than for themselves.

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@hyall thanks for sharing your experience. It must have been very terrifying.

From what I've noticed following news and comments around Korean celebrity scandals, it seems like domestic/sexual assaults and violence are pretty difficult cases. I just did some internet research for some documentation and although it looks like the laws are changing, practice and society as a whole hasn't really caught up. This article Is domestic violence taken seriously in Korea? talks about the changing laws as well as the fact that "society considers violence inside the family as a personal issue, not society’s issue to consider." While restraining orders can be issued (article: Korean police can now give restraining orders on the spot), stalking is sometimes considered as an "act of affection" and the convicted are only fined around $72 (article: Get tough on stalking). I also came across a reddit post of a foreigner's experience with a stalker ex-boyfriend. Although there were mixed recommendations, the general consensus including from those who also experienced similar cases was to 1) leave the country, or 2) if that's not an option, highly document the stalker's behavior or else police reports will generally result in inaction.

Now back to the drama, YS leaving DJ and the tailor shop will not stop GP's hold on her. He will continue to harass her until she gives in again. It also won't guarantee that he will not go after DJ for revenge. To deal with GP, YS needs to stay with DJ where they can have witnesses, get help from friends when needed, and devise a strategy to get rid of GP.


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Both episodes this week were really good, but a little frustrating.

First, the BITTER....

Dong Jin's mother is a piece of work. I totally understand why the father left the way that he did without saying much to her and only coming back when he was good and ready, because his wife is nuts. I get that Dong Jin is tall, good-looking, educated and a great businessman. But, it is complete malarkey for his mother to act like he is just SOOO good, that he has to be married to royalty. Their family is middle class at best, the average chaebol family would look down on them, which is why his ex-wife never fooled with his parents or his family as a whole. So, for DJ's mother to not only decide that Yun Shil is not good enough for DJ, but to speak with her and beg her to leave him, quietly, is just on another level of evil.

Another bitter one is Dong JIn's ex-wife. She just couldn't accept her divorce, that she initiated and move on. Nope, she took one look at DJ smiling with Yun Shil and decided that this woman wasn't good enough to make her ex smile. I agree with DJ, it isn't so much that she wants him back, as she just doesn't want to be alone. Where she messed up is she thinks that she is still dealing with the same person, DJ has changed so much. He is not the same person he was in the beginning of this drama. He is able to put his skills and talents to the test, on his terms. He lives a freer life. He is happy now, and she, who is but a reminder of his miserable former life, thinks that he would want to go back to that??? Oh, the delusion. Now, she has gotten herself involved with Gi Pyo, to try and separate him from Yun Shil. She doesn't realize she just made a deal with the devil.

The next bitter one is Min Hyo Sang. It is terrible thing for a man to be in a position of power and he is insecure. Hyo Sang runs on insecurity all day, everyday. First his insecurity led him to hire Tae Yang just so he could try and humiliate him for being Ji Yeon's ex. It's like dude, she left him for YOU. Why are you jealous of him?? And what happened, we found out that Tae Yang is a better man, with better skills and honor. Plain and simple, the illegal things that Hyo Sang has done to get into that position, and then to hold on to it, he should be in jail. So now, he wants to keep Tae Yang from his sister. And dummy Ji Yeon is willing to rush and marry him to keep Tae Yang and Hyo Won apart. *sigh*

The last bitter one is MASTER. I get it, the chicken lady is ghetto, loud, unladylike, and often speaks before thinking. But Sam Do has chosen to be married to her all of these years. Why, because after failing to start his own tailoring business, not once but twice, she was the bread winner, and that made him feel less. Now that they are back in Seoul, he is the Master Tailor and the shop is moving in the right direction, he wants to go back down memory lane. But what Sam Do fails to realize, while his first love is back and in the neighborhood with her bakery, she chose to just make him her "oppa" is in big brother. She met someone else, married him and ran off to the U.S. together. Even now, there has been at least two occasions, she has directly asked him to bring his wife around so she can meet her. This is not a woman that is deeply in love with him. She admires him, and has good memories with him, but that's it. Sam Do is making a fool of himself. Sadly, he had help. Sun-Nyeo has routinely neglected her husband in all of the little ways that really keep a man. She is a great cook and is domestic, and I think he somewhat appreciates it, even if he takes it for granted sometimes. But he has asked and even begged her at times to carry herself better. Wear a dress or a skirt sometimes. He bought her the lingerie that she hasn't worn. This man is a tailor, his business is making people look good, thus feel good. Yet, she acts like it is such a bother, to be more feminine or carry herself better. They are the couple that have hit a rough, boring patch and seem stuck there.


Hyo Wan and Tae Yang are so full of sweetness, you can't help but to love them. The fact that Tae Yang can handle and put up with her mother speaks volumes. Of course, she would give him 90 points. He is sincere about her mother as well. I love how he accepts Hyo Won's craziness, and can even bring her down a few notches if need be. They just are the cutest couple ever.

I also really enjoyed watching Sun Tae Pyung and Dong Sook have family time on Christmas with Da Jung. That is a huge step for a child to call her mother's husband, father. And this is her mom's third husband, so hats off to him for establishing such a great relationship with her. 

Dong Jin and Yun Shil. At first, I just didn't see how these two would end up together because I wasn't feeling a lot of chemistry between them and they were always getting on each other's bad side. But, there is definitely a sweetness about them, and I feel their love for each other is genuine. Despite all of the outside obstacles (and there are many), I really hope these two can continue to grow together. They have both changed so much together, and would be awesome together as a married couple.

PREDICTIONS: I think when Gi Pyo gets out of jail, Yun Shil will have disappeared for real, which is going to take him right to Dong Jin and the tailor shop. Undoubtedly, this whole arrangement is going to devastate DJ, who didn't even shed a tear when he divorced Hyo Joo. The plan that Hyo Sang and Ji Yeon have to quickly get married is going to blow up in their faces. Hyo Won is going to find out that she is Tae Yang's ex, and she is going to be furious, so is her mother. But once she finds out how Ji Yeon did him, she will forgive him, but Ji Yeon can forget them being chummy sister in laws. Dong Jin may leave his parents house after he finds out what his mother did to Yun Shil. The only thing that may keep him there is his father's pending blindness.

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@hyall: Gosh, that's a horrifying experience. Hope things are much better now. 


@pinkdicentra: I think the decisive factor that made YS cave in was GJ's remarks rather than HGP's threats. This is not the first time that arseholes and his gang have threathened her after news of DJ-YS dating broke, but YS stood her ground until DJ's mother came into the picture. Thus, I dont think YS made the decision with the goal to escape HGP, but rather to shift HGP's focus away from DJ and tailor shop by extracting herself out of the equation. I surmise YS is counting on HGP's obsession for him to prioritize on chasing her than getting revenge on DJ. It is telling that YS said to herself when she was thinking in the park that she's fine if the harassment directed only to her but not DJ as prophecised by GJ. Of course her decision wont solve her problem, but her goal is for her to not be a burden or causing griefs to DJ or his family than saving herself. This is why I hate what GJ did because she's putting the burden of the relationship and all its possible repercussions solely in the hands of YS. I hate that not only she said harsh things to YS, she even resorted to kneeling to beg YS as further emotional blackmail. For someone like YS who has only known violence throughout most of her formative years as an adult and has never think of herself as precious until just very recently, what DJ's mother said was almost like a death sentence. 


@delphinium8593: I am no drama expert, but based on my experience it usually last around 4 to 6-ish episodes. But maybe we're in for a surprise as this drama has been quite atypical, like how this kind of angst caused by parental opposition to main couple happened quite late in this drama compared to other weekend dramas that I have watched. If I have to make a prediction, we will have YS leaving next week then have DJ found her the week after. But, who knows....haha...


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4 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:


The last bitter one is MASTER. I get it, the chicken lady is ghetto, loud, unladylike, and often speaks before thinking. But Sam Do has chosen to be married to her all of these years. Why, because after failing to start his own tailoring business, not once but twice, she was the bread winner, and that made him feel less. Now that they are back in Seoul, he is the Master Tailor and the shop is moving in the right direction, he wants to go back down memory lane. But what Sam Do fails to realize, while his first love is back and in the neighborhood with her bakery, she chose to just make him her "oppa" is in big brother. She met someone else, married him and ran off to the U.S. together. Even now, there has been at least two occasions, she has directly asked him to bring his wife around so she can meet her. This is not a woman that is deeply in love with him. She admires him, and has good memories with him, but that's it. Sam Do is making a fool of himself. Sadly, he had help. Sun-Nyeo has routinely neglected her husband in all of the little ways that really keep a man. She is a great cook and is domestic, and I think he somewhat appreciates it, even if he takes it for granted sometimes. But he has asked and even begged her at times to carry herself better. Wear a dress or a skirt sometimes. He bought her the lingerie that she hasn't worn. This man is a tailor, his business is making people look good, thus feel good. Yet, she acts like it is such a bother, to be more feminine or carry herself better. They are the couple that have hit a rough, boring patch and seem stuck there.


Your surmise that the Master's desire and intent is to cheat on his wife may be right.  Else, why didn't he simply bring his wife to the bakery shop and introduce the two women?

Another possibility is that he simply wants to reconnect with an old friend without making his wife jealous.  We saw how his wife reacted to hearing him speak the baker's name while sleeping so maybe he didn't think that simply introducing the two women would be such a great idea.  He also told the baker that he was married -- a fact that most men intent on kindling an affair would keep secret.  Also he hasn't so much as held her hand while they were walking or given her a brotherly peck on the cheek when he walked her to her door, so he isn't doing anything to lay the groundwork for something more serious.

The fact that he responded with tenderness and understanding, rather than going ballistic, when his wife's friend ran off with their savings indicates that he has considerable concern for and commitment to his wife.

Of course, he could turn out to be guilty as sin.  I guess we'll soon find out.

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