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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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At the Lee household, GJ is still upset and is lying down. MS says something to her.
Outside, the new family of TP-DS-Dajung are having cake and wine together. Dajung asks whether GJ is opposing YS-DJ together.
DJ calls TP appa and DS calls him Yeobo. They're having a nice time eating and singing together. 
DJ and YS come back. YS thanks him for the evening and tries to leave. DJ asks her if she's not going to greet his parents. He insists and pulls her in.
Dajung compliments YS's looks. She tells them that GJ is not well. MS comes out and tells the same thing. YS just leaves to her room instead.
She says how she's caused GJ to fall sick and is worried. 

At SD-SN house, SD comes home from "work" and SN is suspicious but says nothing. He tells her that he ate already. Once he leaves to shower, SN opens the closet
and takes out his coat. She finds the bakery's plastic wrapper. She takes his phone and key in the pattern. But it's the wrong pattern. Apparently he's changed the locked 
pattern. SN thinks back to seeing SD that night with YE. She still can't figure out who that woman is. 

Meanwhile, HW is fixing her make up and JY comes in. She asks her if HW is going somewhere. HW says she's meeting her BF and not to tell her brother about it. 
She asks JY what she thinks of her bf. JY is being all polite but clearly she's trying to change HW's mind, saying she has no idea that HW's type is like that. JY goes off about him
not having a proper job,etc. HW tells her that TY got a job as a model, and is going to become a Halyu star. JY is shocked and actually bluerted out the name "Kang Tae Yang". HW calls her out 
for it and she apologizes. but she is completely shocked at this latest development.

Back at the gosiwon, TY is studying but thinks back to his meeting with JY earlier. He decided to take a shower and grabs a towel and leaves. 
After he leaves, HW comes in to the empty room. 

At the Lee household, GJ is sitting by herself outside looking forlorn. YS sees this but goes into her room without alerting GJ. 

Meanwhile, JY comes downstairs and tells HS she wants to leave. They talk about HW-Ty-ES and HS tells her that they should set the wedding date soon and hug. 

At the gosiwon, TY comes in and sees a big box in his room. When he opens the box, HW pops up as his surprise gift. 
She asks him to help her out of the box. He laughs and asks how she got in there in the first place. As he carries her out of the box, they both fall on his bed. 
HW goes back to the box for TY's christmas gifts, and they are items like pillow, mug, blanket, and even socks. But they all have her face printed on them. She even has a boxer for him with her face on it.
He's completely embarrassed. HW asks for her christmas gift but TY apologizes, saying he didn't get anything because he was busy. Hw wants him to kiss her in return. THis is a cute moment worth re-watching and 
was similar to their car kiss, where he kissed her on the forehead, cheek, and lips. 

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Meanwhile, DJ is at Jeil Department store presenting about Wolgyesu in a meeting.
Once the meeting ends, he runs into a very smug HS. Not sure what they said here. 

YS comes to the tailor shop to find Gp's mom waiting in front. She asks what she's doing there and GP's mom says
GP's being released in a month. She warns YS that GP will hurt DJ and all that, and YS should come to her senses or something. 
YS is shocked and is visibly shaken. She tells SD that nothing is wrong but wonder what to do. 

at DS's workplace, HJ comes and gives a present in the form of an envelope full of cash for DS. SHe says she can't accept it. Right then,
TP comes in and the three has a conversation. I think HJ is offering job to TP? Not sure. But after HJ leaves, TP and DS talk about DJ-YS-Hj.

At the tailor shop, Sd comes out of the shop and calls YE to check up on her. YE thanks him for his help during the Christmas eve. SD asks whether
she's eaten and all that. After they hang up the phone after YE has a customer to tend to. SN arrives at the tailor shop and asks SD to have coffee
together but SD makes up an excuse. 

SN walks and goes to the bakery. She sees YE and finally connects the fot that this is the woman seen with SD that night. YE greets her and invites her inside if 
SN isn't busy. They talk and YE reveals about her "oppa" in this neighborhood. SN finally makes the connection that this is the YE who is SD's first love. 
Right as she realizes that, YE excuses herself to attend to a customer. SN looks upset + sad.

At the tailor shop, the phone rings and YS answers. It's GP who asks her if she's talked to his mother. He repeat all his threats again. YS pleads him to let her go.
GP says you're my woman or something and he won't give up until death? YS is in tears after the call. 

Meanwhile, ES receives a call at home asking to speak to TY's manager. Turns out TY is being offered a deal for CF too. ES rushes over to Tony's Burger where HW and TY
are and asks to shake his hand. They celebrate the news of TY's CF offer together. 

YS is at a park by herself. She recalls back all the threats GP makes and comes to a decision. She comes back to the Lee household and meets up with GJ.
She tells GJ that she will leave DJ and that GJ is right about everything. The two women are crying and GJ apologizes for hurting her and treating her this way, and thanks her 
for understanding. Ys mentions something about how DJ is a good person. She cries and GJ hugs her. YS asks for GJ's permission for one last favor. No sure what this is. 

At the tailor shop, DJ waits and YS enters. SHe apologizes for going MIA. She offers to make him his own customized suit from the shop. She's crying as she takes the measurement.
Episode ends.

SN goes missing?? 

HS-JY announce their wedding and TY reads up about it in the newspaper.

HW doesn't call TY and he wonders what's wrong. 

YS continues work on DJ's suit.

Ys-DJ take wedding photos (definitely in wedding attire and DJ kisses YS on her forehead)

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@TheMsChelsea91 thank you very much for taking us with you again on the weekend tailor-shop journey through your wonderful live-recap :) My heart kept dugeun dugeun while reading your words, haha. Another heavy episode for YS, oh my heroine, how I wish she had a nice breather somewhere on her own and come back stronger and fresh with her new found independence, maybe becoming famous female tailor ??? .. how I wanted the writer to transform her character into a more confident & stylish woman which would put her on a par with DJ ...

@rubie thank you for your posted images :)

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Thanks for the recaps @TheMsChelsea91 its appreciated by those unable to watch it live and those who actually did watch it live.  This was a sad Christmas present episode, I actually cried for YS & DJ more so for  YS.   I purposely did not watch the subbed episode because I wanted to see what the next episode would bring. Although I had hoped that YS would fight, I do understand the reason why she succumbed, she was attacked mentally/emotionally from both sides GJ his mother, a woman she so happens to care for and GP/faux MIL forefront.  Its like in a way no matter what they lose and the one she loves most namely DJ, people she cares for & the tailor shop gets hurt (especially when things are now looking more positive for the store, the image of it being destroyed etc. is a lot of pressure).  The sad thing about is that GJ knows that YS truly loves her son & them so she took advantage of that to really pressure YS to give him up.  One of the things that is loved about YS is that she thinks about other people over herself, seeing GJ getting sick and being depressed adds up to her own hurt and guilt.

I cannot say that YS is a coward, based on the current situation that she was in she was thinking of the best solution to her & for all would be her leaving. Yes she should have spoken to DJ but would it have solved their problems, would the pain have been less/more especially when GJ decides to go on a major campaign to mentally manipulate both of them?  GJ is too much in this area we have seen this, but then again it does work most times. Being patient in this case would not have helped, action would have. What I was glad to see is that MS has come around for both YS/DJ. YS was between a rock and a hard place, being crushed from both sides at around Christmas what a sad holiday for her.

We see HJ coming around via DS in some way to bribe her way back into the family, its a bit tasteless and I hope that this does not work.  Da Jung has really come around to TP after his defense of her & mom via clueless/stingy Park, she looks at him as a father; so there is hope for them as a family. SN insecurities regarding SD will really increase now that she knows the identity of the woman that he was meeting i.e. his first love, with a the child as an added bonus. When are they going to send her to the doctor to get checked out?  Her health is approaching danger mode.

TY/HW/ES were a bit funny especially Ms Ko who enjoyed herself to the max clubbing.  It sort of explains why he got more points than JY, TY does not try to flatter ES in order to gain her favor he is sincere at all times around her which is what makes ES likes him a lot.  TY is just TY.  HW's personalized gifts down to the boxers were a bit too much with her picture on all items. From the preview there is going to be some new challenges with this set, especially with HS's strategy trying to force the issue of marriage through the newspaper announcement much to the displeasure of ES.

I really hope we receive a New Year's gift of a positive resolution between YS/DJ in terms of their relationship and GJ's compliance to it, we are all aware of what that woman needs to do.

Have a happy holidays, take care.


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So is YS going to leave DJ after finishing the suit? It appears that they will take wedding photos and I admit they look really good as compared to his previous marriage... DJ will be heartbroken if YS disappears after all these and Mrs Lee will experience the backlash due to her rejection of YS.  

The scene where she is measuring DJ up is very sweet romantic but yet bitter and sad.. DJ isn't aware what is going to happen and still look so blissful.  I can feel for YS and why she chose this route to give DJ up. As mentioned by others, she is finally at her breaking point where she is constantly being mentally and verbally abused. 

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22 minutes ago, pimsucre said:

@TheMsChelsea91 thank you very much for taking us with you again on the weekend tailor-shop journey through your wonderful live-recap :) My heart kept dugeun dugeun while reading your words, haha. Another heavy episode for YS, oh my heroine, how I wish she had a nice breather somewhere on her own and come back stronger and fresh with her new found independence, maybe becoming famous female tailor ??? .. how I wanted the writer to transform her character into a more confident & stylish woman which would put her on a par with DJ ...

@rubie thank you for your posted images :)

@rubie thank you for your pics chingu ^^

@pimsucre ah YS :bawling: as i expected she would give in when facing GokJi. Why should she ruined YS's first Christmas with DJ? Yeah i want her to be stronger and become a famous female tailor like she dreamed of. Do you think GokJi will accept her if she is a famous female tailor? 

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16 minutes ago, valzki said:

@rubie thank you for your pics chingu ^^

@pimsucre ah YS :bawling: as i expected she would give in when facing GokJi. Why should she ruined YS's first Christmas with DJ? Yeah i want her to be stronger and become a famous female tailor like she dreamed of. Do you think GokJi will accept her if she is a famous female tailor? 

There could be a nice twist as the suit that YS is going to make for DJ could be thrust into the limelight as the suit made with true love.. if this is true, YS will finally get the recognition of being the best female tailor in Korea.

Having said so.. I actually like how the writer wrote in the scene where YS is making a suit for DJ as her first and final present for DJ.. If anyone recalls, YS always says that she has nothing to offer to DJ whereas DJ is the one that is always giving..

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15 minutes ago, valzki said:

@rubie thank you for your pics chingu ^^

@pimsucre ah YS :bawling: as i expected she would give in when facing GokJi. Why should she ruined YS's first Christmas with DJ? Yeah i want her to be stronger and become a famous female tailor like she dreamed of. Do you think GokJi will accept her if she is a famous female tailor? 

@valzki yes, I cried with her when she went back to Gokji and agreed to give up love of her life for GJ's sake. Such a cruel Christmas moment for YS. The way she cried makes my heart ache so much, it seems like I can hear her heart shattered into pieces inside her ! sick of this kind of stupidly manipulating mother-in-law. I do hope YS becomes a famous female tailor since career success equates power and this invisible power would help her going step further into building up her self-esteem and confidence. As for Gokji would accept YS if she becomes successful, I think she would in no time come to regret her blind & narrow-mindedness when she sees how her precious son being so sad & tortured from broken heart.

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25 minutes ago, effyisme said:

There could be a nice twist as the suit that YS is going to make for DJ could be thrust into the limelight as the suit made with true love.. if this is true, YS will finally get the recognition of being the best female tailor in Korea.

Having said so.. I actually like how the writer wrote in the scene where YS is making a suit for DJ as her first and final present for DJ.. If anyone recalls, YS always says that she has nothing to offer to DJ whereas DJ is the one that is always giving..

@effyisme your writing speaks my mind out loud :wub: her true love & affection will be deeply buried into the whole fabric where DJ can feel it every time he wears ..

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@TheMsChelsea91: Thank you for the live recap. You're jjang!!


What a depressing episode. My heart ached throughout the episode. Writer why are you so cruel to us?!

1 hour ago, chasen8888 said:

Thanks for the recaps @TheMsChelsea91 its appreciated by those unable to watch it live and those who actually did watch it live.  This was a sad Christmas present episode, I actually cried for YS & DJ more so for  YS.   I purposely did not watch the subbed episode because I wanted to see what the next episode would bring. Although I had hoped that YS would fight, I do understand the reason why she succumbed, she was attacked mentally/emotionally from both sides GJ his mother, a woman she so happens to care for and GP/faux MIL forefront.  Its like in a way no matter what they lose and the one she loves most namely DJ, people she cares for & the tailor shop gets hurt (especially when things are now looking more positive for the store, the image of it being destroyed etc. is a lot of pressure).  The sad thing about is that GJ knows that YS truly loves her son & them so she took advantage of that to really pressure YS to give him up.  One of the things that is loved about YS is that she thinks about other people over herself, seeing GJ getting sick and being depressed adds up to her own hurt and guilt.

I cannot say that YS is a coward, based on the current situation that she was in she was thinking of the best solution to her & for all would be her leaving. Yes she should have spoken to DJ but would it have solved their problems, would the pain have been less/more especially when GJ decides to go on a major campaign to mentally manipulate both of them?  GJ is too much in this area we have seen this, but then again it does work most times. Being patient in this case would not have helped, action would have. What I was glad to see is that MS has come around for both YS/DJ. YS was between a rock and a hard place, being crushed from both sides at around Christmas what a sad holiday for her.

We see HJ coming around via DS in some way to bribe her way back into the family, its a bit tasteless and I hope that this does not work.  Da Jung has really come around to TP after his defense of her & mom via clueless/stingy Park, she looks at him as a father; so there is hope for them as a family. SN insecurities regarding SD will really increase now that she knows the identity of the woman that he was meeting i.e. his first love, with a the child as an added bonus. When are they going to send her to the doctor to get checked out?  Her health is approaching danger mode.

TY/HW/ES were a bit funny especially Ms Ko who enjoyed herself to the max clubbing.  It sort of explains why he got more points than JY, TY does not try to flatter ES in order to gain her favor he is sincere at all times around her which is what makes ES likes him a lot.  TY is just TY.  HW's personalized gifts down to the boxers were a bit too much with her picture on all items. From the preview there is going to be some new challenges with this set, especially with HS's strategy trying to force the issue of marriage through the newspaper announcement much to the displeasure of ES.

I really hope we receive a New Year's gift of a positive resolution between YS/DJ in terms of their relationship and GJ's compliance to it, we are all aware of what that woman needs to do.

Have a happy holidays, take care.



@chasen8888, you expressed my jumbled thoughts so eloquently. As I fear it's DJ's mother who broke YS resolves. Although I had wished YS came clean to DJ about his mom, I understand why she didnt for she's afraid of ruining DJ's relationship with his mother. Afterall this is YS that we're talking about, she who always puts someone else's welfare above herself, especially now since it's related to DJ. And GJ knew so well this part of YS which was why her going around DJ to get to YS made me so angry at her. Although I HATE noble idiocy with passion, I can totally understand YS' decision to withdraw from the fight. Like you, @chasen8888, I would never called it a cowardice. She has barely healed from years of emotional abuse to withstand such pressures from all fronts, especially when the pressure includes the threats to maim DJ.  I legit sobbing during the measurement scene. It hurts so so bad. 

More than anything, I was extremely dissappointed of DS this episode. I thought she has grown to become a better woman slowly, partly thanks to her relationship to TP and her brief dating stint with Mr. Park. But really?! You cannot accept YS as your sis-in-law even though you like her? Because DJ is so mighty for the likes of YS?! She knew how it felt to face opposition from family and DJ was one of her ally in persuading their mother to accept TP. Her lack of compassion to DJ-YS situation made me think that she's still as shallow as she ever was. In all of these, I wonder whether both women (DS and GJ) ever stop to ask themselves what would make DJ's happiest. They kept saying how DJ is so great bladiblah and how they always trust his decision etc, but has not an iota of respect to DJ's decision in regards to YS to even ask the man himself about it?! Well, I guess this should be of no surprise given their reaction, mostly GJ's, to news of DJ's divorce was to go attack ES or talk to HJ behind DJ's back instead of waiting for DJ's explanation or respecting his decision. They respected his decision and greatness only when it befits them. I am probably too harsh inmy assessment about these two women, but am in no mood to be charitable to any of them right now. And let's n0t even start with HJ. Whether there/s YS or not, DJ will never go back to her. Not even for his family. Especially since he now knows how wonderful life can be when spent with someone who he loves and loves him unconditionally. 

It will be a long wait everyone. Be strong. And dont let this ruin your holiday!!


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@chasen8888 you really write them so well...i couldn't agree more...What a torturing episode...is there any of the chingus here know ep 36 rating? I won't be surprised if it's under 20%! My heart was torn apart throughout the episode, especially the romantic dinner, where YS is supposed to be the happiest girl in the restaurant, receiving a gift-marathon from DJ, but what's in her mind is only "enjoy this last night with him", and also the scene when she said to GJ that she will give up her love to DJ, anddd the measuring scene. Omo~~~:bawling:

@bajing DS is so annoying, i first notice when Da Jeong and TP compliments YS when YS-DJ came home from their Christmas dinner...DS glare at her enviously:blink:

I think it will take a month to finish a suit...and around that time GP will be released from prison....since there is no subtitle yet, but i predicts that YS is begging GJ for some time, she needs some time to let DJ go but she will do it.

I could imagine a scene where YS disappear and leave a note and a suit for DJ...after that, DJ will be a depressed lonely man, almost gone mad, maybe....until GJ couldn't bear it anymore. I love your idea @effyisme that maybe she will establish her own carreer, got back few months later as a succesful woman, to make HJ, GJ, DS's jaw dropped...

But poor DJ, can he live months without YS?

SD, please...don't do that to SN. I know SN is sometimes annoying but she is your wife, move on and just forget YE. It will be sad also if SN is really sick...I'm still on team SN though...

HW-TY: although HS-JY is getting married soon, just don't waver and get married also! It is HS-JY problem that they don't want to have TY as family, but I think there is no problem on TY side! Haha...

From the preview...I still think there won't be any happy scenes for DJ-YS...

Now i'm a bit traumatic to watch a drama that still airing...maybe next time I prefer to watch a drama that is already ended so I could skip the sad scenes and jump to the final episode...:sweatingbullets: although I know this Wolgyesu ending will be so good to pay off this misery...Dear writer Nim, I hope the excruciating episodes don't last long...

Gosh...my heart even still aches when writing this....

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18 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:

@chasen8888 you really write them so well...i couldn't agree more...What a torturing episode...is there any of the chingus here know ep 36 rating? I won't be surprised if it's under 20%! My heart was torn apart throughout the episode, especially the romantic dinner, where YS is supposed to be the happiest girl in the restaurant, receiving a gift-marathon from DJ, but what's in her mind is only "enjoy this last night with him", and also the scene when she said to GJ that she will give up her love to DJ, anddd the measuring scene. Omo~~~:bawling:

@bajing DS is so annoying, i first notice when Da Jeong and TP compliments YS when YS-DJ came home from their Christmas dinner...DS glare at her enviously:blink:

I think it will take a month to finish a suit...and around that time GP will be released from prison....since there is no subtitle yet, but i predicts that YS is begging GJ for some time, she needs some time to let DJ go but she will do it.

I could imagine a scene where YS disappear and leave a note and a suit for DJ...after that, DJ will be a depressed lonely man, almost gone mad, maybe....until GJ couldn't bear it anymore. I love your idea @effyisme that maybe she will establish her own carreer, got back few months later as a succesful woman, to make HJ, GJ, DS's jaw dropped...

But poor DJ, can he live months without YS?

Sorry to cut your post.. I think you may be right in which YS will leave a note and the suit for DJ and disappear from his life bit if they really took wedding photos it will REALLY kill DJ.. I am waiting for the subs tomorrow so we can interpret the preview better.

I agree that I did not expect DS to behave this way as I thought she was simple and should understand YS plight.. I guess she was brainwashed by her mum that DJ is a special child.. 

Sadly I actually want the writer to portray DJ as a depressed heartbroken man after YS disappears so that Mrs Lee can see what she has done to her precious son.. 

From the preview it seems that YS is trying to make full use of her time left with DJ to maximise all happiness she can have.. there's a scene where she was fitting DJ.. It also make me wonder why they took wedding photos or could it be a dream? Or could it be that DJ found out his mum ultimatum to YS and decide to go against his mum or the least likely is that Mrs Lee gave in!? 

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5 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:

@chasen8888 you really write them so well...i couldn't agree more...What a torturing episode...is there any of the chingus here know ep 36 rating? I won't be surprised if it's under 20%! My heart was torn apart throughout the episode, especially the romantic dinner, where YS is supposed to be the happiest girl in the restaurant, receiving a gift-marathon from DJ, but what's in her mind is only "enjoy this last night with him", and also the scene when she said to GJ that she will give up her love to DJ, anddd the measuring scene. Omo~~~:bawling:

@bajing DS is so annoying, i first notice when Da Jeong and TP compliments YS when YS-DJ came home from their Christmas dinner...DS glare at her enviously:blink:

I think it will take a month to finish a suit...and around that time GP will be released from prison....since there is no subtitle yet, but i predicts that YS is begging GJ for some time, she needs some time to let DJ go but she will do it.

I  could imagine a scene where YS disappear and leave a note and a suit for DJ...after that, DJ will be a depressed lonely man, almost gone mad, maybe....until GJ couldn't bear it anymore. I love your idea @effyisme that maybe she will establish her own carreer, got back few months later as a succesful woman, to make HJ, GJ, DS's jaw dropped...

But poor DJ, can he live months without YS?

SD, please...don't do that to SN. I know SN is sometimes annoying but she is your wife, move on and just forget YE. It will be sad also if SN is really sick...I'm still on team SN though...

HW-TY: although HS-JY is getting married soon, just don't waver and get married also! It is HS-JY problem that they don't want to have TY as family, but I think there is no problem on TY side! Haha...

From the preview...I still think there won't be any happy scenes for DJ-YS...

Now i'm a bit traumatic to watch a drama that still airing...maybe next time I prefer to watch a drama that is already ended so I could skip the sad scenes and jump to the final episode...:sweatingbullets: although I know this Wolgyesu ending will be so good to pay off this misery...Dear writer Nim, I hope the excruciating episodes don't last long...

Gosh...my heart even still aches when writing this....

What a wonderful suprised from DJ to YS right? It is kind of what every girl dreamed of include me. Haha... a sweet side of DJ :wub: i can't imagine what YS going to give him back later as he just wants her to be his present. So sad :bawling: i'm crying with you chingu.. 

What? DS also is not on YS-DJ side? :crazy: omoo... what has YS done in her previous life actually that makes her life full of sorrow? 

This kind of thing always happen in kdrama. finally Gok Ji gives in and accepts DJ-YS. Then they get married and become a happy family afterall. Lol...

If you said DJ will live months without YS, will there be a timejump? I don't like that timejump in kdrama. So please PDnim don't separate them too long especially if you want the good ratings :cry: 

Me too, from the first didn't expect this drama will be like this. I don't want this like sweet stranger and me which i didn't finished until the final eps.

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2 hours ago, effyisme said:

There could be a nice twist as the suit that YS is going to make for DJ could be thrust into the limelight as the suit made with true love.. if this is true, YS will finally get the recognition of being the best female tailor in Korea.

Having said so.. I actually like how the writer wrote in the scene where YS is making a suit for DJ as her first and final present for DJ.. If anyone recalls, YS always says that she has nothing to offer to DJ whereas DJ is the one that is always giving..

I agree with you chingu :heart:  i can't wait to see the final suit looks like. She will make it by herself right? Without any help from SD or Mrs. Geum.


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Just finished eps 35 (with sub) and 36 (raw) and omoo... i was really tearing up watching this scene :bawling:


Eventhough i just watched the raw and don't understand korean, i can feel YS so much :tears:

And especially this one :bawling:


What a sad Christmas for YS :tears:

I'm waiting for the subs to rewatch again tomorrow to understand better. 




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The only good thing about episodes 35 and 36 is that YS is apparently determined not to return to Gi Pyo.

Otherwise, the writers seem to be playing with us.

HW's mother, formerly a vicious old bat, is now relatively reasonable, and even likeable.

DJ's mother, formerly a mostly likeable person, is now a vicious old bat.

And speaking of writers, I've followed 3 K-Dramas in the last few months and all of them featured mothers scheming with unpleasant rich women to railroad their sons into marriage.  Is this really commonplace in Korean society, or is this just a lazy K-Drama writers' thing?

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