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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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Cut to Sunnyeo and samdo. They talk about something and it seems sunnyeo wants them to start trying to conceive again. she's cooked eel again. He's upset and goes into their room.

Cut to DJ, YS and his dad eating. Cant understand their conversation. Then there is this flashback scene of his dad and mom in their younger days. DJ's grandpa opposed to their relationship. He doesnt want to come home just yet and DJ is upset. He tells YS to look after the shop and YS tells him not to worry. They watch him go.

DJ stops the car by the roadside, saying he doesn't agree with his father. YS says that they should let his dad live comfortably and does what he want. Needs translation here. 

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Cut to Jiyeon in the car on the way to Meesa. She's bringing him dinner. At the same time, Hyosang calls Taeyang to his office. Taeyang and Jiyeon ends up taking the  same elevator. THey talk about something. He tells JY to go out first. Hyosang aks Taeyang to join their dinner but he politely declines. HS is enjoying watching JY squirms with discomfort. 

TY returns to his office to find HW asleep at her table. He places his report on her table and calle her name out loud, waking her up instantly. He gives her his handkerchief to wipe her drool lol.. He tells her he has finished his work and she's surprised that he did it quickly. he proceeds to go back. as he's walking, HW honks her car and offers a ride but he keeps rejecting her. She feels upset that he flirts with every woman but not her lol. Her mother calls and she vents out at her. 

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HS sends JY home. Dunno what they're talking but she asks about TY. HS answers and then asks whether TY is JY's type. Haha he really enjoys watching her uncomfortable. Serves you right! 

Meanwhile, Sunnyeo tries to seduce Samdo again to no success. They end up getting into another fight where he goes out of their room. 

DJ comes home and chats with his sister. He tells her that SJ isn't really a bad person. he goes into his room and remembers his conversation with YS  about his dad and smilles.

Meanwhile, YS is sewing something. She's sewing wolgyesu's logo on that hand sock thingy the tailors wear. And she sews a name on it, i think it's for DJ.

The next day, SN and SM are still fighting, she doesn't make breakfast for him. SJ has already moved back with them. 

Cut to the tailor shop. YS goes to make coffee for everyone. DJ follows her. He thanks her for what she told him yesterday about his dad. she reconfirms his coffee preference but he tells her to make it according to her own ratio of 2:2:1. She makes one for him and proceeds to carry the tray out for the other two (he's watching her make coffee and smiling). He asks if she isn't making one for herself and she tells him something. 

Once she left, he ends up making the coffee for her lol. He even tasted it first, like literally taking a sip from the same mug haha.

Once he comes outside with the coffee, no one is there and her phone begins to ring. He answers for her, and as luck would have it, it's Gi Pyo on the line. Episode ends....


So sorry, so many things happened so quickly so i couldn't understand anything lol. I remember seeing YS cry and again, DJ catches her crying at a room in the shop somewhere (definitely Gi pyo-related). I also heard SD saying "break up" but not sure to whom he is referring. 

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Looks like DS's daughter does not have a chance with TY, poor girl. In real life, he would fit better in her family than DJ's ex- in laws. Getting a greedy mother in law and an equally slimy BIL, life is not going to be sweet. He looks so young, he is 30? 

Of course, the writer may do something crazy, send DJ back to his repentent wife, YS and TY decide to take a step further with their friendship, another has been idol bumped into DS, SJ got fed with being poor and proposed to Ms Ko who accepts.,. All right I am just kidding people. Glad to be wrong about this forum. It seems to be perking up,





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@TheMschelsea91 . thank you for the recap! Now I can't wait for English subs. It's getting late though, so maybe I'll catch the episode tomorrow at lunch time. Based on the story line so far, I wonder what is it that HyoSang is trying to accomplish? Other than making JiYeon uncomfortable, doesn't he like her? I mean he had that little fight with HyoWon over her, and clearly he's disobeying his mom by not ending it with her. Weird, that guy.

Also, wish SungJoon didn't have to leave the gosiwon. I would've liked to see him keep TaeYang company (and give his wise advices) a little bit longer. Granted his advices are song titles/lyrics :lol:

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Guest AlexMao

@TheMschelsea91 . Yoon Shil is indeed sewing Dong Jin's name on the sewing sleeve. I'm actually impressed she was doing it freehand. And ... I'll just say it Dong Jin looks a lot better in the turtleneck and jacket than the usual stuffy suit. 


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4 hours ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

HW honks her car and offers a ride but he keeps rejecting her. She feels upset that he flirts with every woman but not her lol. Her mother calls and she vents out at her. 

thanks for your recaps @TheMschelsea91 .; especially enjoyed reading hyowon's reactions. kekekek... we don't even need to know korean to understand how she reacts no?

but found her and ms. ko amusing in the last episode and taeyang's superbly lost reactions. the daughter keeps giving him dirty looks and accusing him of having 1001 girlfriends while the mother tells him to be careful and not latch on to hyowon for money -- the fun part of is taeyang has zero clue what these women are talking about... hahahah... and when hyowon was dragging ms. ko off, made me think --  like mother, like daughter? both a little ditzy? and found it amusing that when ms. ko was trying to figure where she has seen taeyang, she does a full body scan! hahahahah.....

4 hours ago, maribella said:

Looks like DS's daughter does not have a chance with TY, poor girl. In real life, he would fit better in her family than DJ's ex- in laws. Getting a greedy mother in law and an equally slimy BIL, life is not going to be sweet. He looks so young, he is 30?

@maribella ~ given how idiotic dong sook is and considering she stole from her own daughter, maybe ms. ko is a better choice? kekekek.. and imagine if dong sook ended up with sung joon, then taeyang would keep hearing song lyrics advice  and singing old songs from his father-in-law ...LOL... so really, the guy is better off with hyowon! hahahha.. we are going to be so much more entertained as an audience!

and does anyone notice that hyosang numerous choice of glasses? guess, some eyewear company is a sponsor because his glasses change every episode with every suit! in real life, just the cost of lenses is a pain for one pair but imagine having so many pairs.. well, thats why dramaland never has them only wearing the frames! kekeke...

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@wizuwizu and @luffie you are most welcome dears B). Honestly, I was worried I wouldn't be able to do a good job with the live cap.. 

@AlexMao, sewing sleeve, that's what it''s called haha.. :sweatingbullets: And yeah, I totally got what you mean about DJ looking hot in the turtleneck. I actually thought the same thing too when I was watching the episode but didn't want to get side-tracked between live-streaming and live-capping haha. if i could've typed faster with lesser error, i would've thrown in more comments too lol. 

@wizuwizuI agree with you regarding Hyosang. He knew JY wasn't completely honest with him - pfft, come on, we expect she never dated before?? :huh: but yeah, I keep wondering what are his real intentions. One the one hand, it looked like he really wanted to get back at her for lying to him by hiring Taeyang, and getting them to meet each other and watch her squirm in discomfort. On the other hand, he watched her news program and didn't want to end their relationship. I will call this what I called this before - obsession, not love. He's obsessed with her, he doesn't love her. I could smell that the moment he got a private eye to spy on her when they first got together. And I have a feeling JY wouldn't want him anymore once she learns that he's known the truth all along + TY becomes successful + HW is into TY too, because nothing makes a man hotter than knowing that another woman, or in this case two women (including DS's daughter) are interested in him :lol:

My post-ep rant (wow, this is coming much later):

the best part of this episode is for me all the DJ-YS scenes and how much airtime for the HW-TY ship. Also, glad that the whole SJ-DS storyline is FINALLY getting the backseat. 

I truly like the development in DJ-YS's relationship. All these little moments they spent together, like eating toast at a roadside stall, making coffee, etc. they are all contributing to the bigger picture of getting them together. Of course, the biggest hurdle remains in the form of Gipyo+his goons+his mom and on DJ's side, I think Hyojoo will be a factor later on because up till now, we still don't know the purpose of her role in the drama. I mean, being awful,mean, and selfish can only take her so far in the drama right? Now that she's working with Meesa, and heard from someone that she's going to be the judge for the tailor competition, maybe she'll fall for DJ again in the future? 

as for my fave pair HW and TY, there's no mistaking it now, even HW has acknowledged that she likes him. with the heartbeat scene when TY told her that she isn't his GF, to admitting to herself that he is her type, to checking and obsessing with her make up, to checking on his whereabouts after office hours, to smiling silly to herself when she thought about him, huh, I couldn't help smiling like a fool too at their scenes. Now, if only they can progress further as more than just a boss and her subordinate, that'll be cool. For now, TY finds HW to be weird due to her temper and is rejecting any attempt for them to bond. Maybe once the opportunity comes, they'll get to bond a la DJ-YS and he'll get to see her for her sweet side, and not just the weird team leader side. I just hope that Ms Ko won't be too much of a hurdle for them as I can predict that JY and Da Jung will already come into play in the future. For now, I'm content with any scene of them that I get, and I'm looking forward for them to bond quickly and have a pleasant relationship outside of work. HW needs to tone down her creepiness level with her random accusations of him being a playboy and stuff and TY needs to start looking at HW as a nice girl who saved his life when he didn't even remember her. 

As for SN-SD, my heart pains for them. Yes, they shouldn't give up but I think SN needs to be a tad more sensitive about this topic. Having a child is not her decision alone. She might feel like her opinion should be taken into account more considering she would be carrying the baby but she should also see that he's hurting right now. I don't think immediately moving on to attempt to conceive again was smart and understand why SD acted the way he did. The two of them need to give this idea some time. SN needs to give SD a breathing space. Maybe they'll get a baby when they stop trying and let nature runs its course. 

As for SJ-DS, I have to say, the scenes where I actually enjoy SJ's presence were all scenes that did not include DS in them. I like his bromance with the guys, I like that he exchanged cute messages with TY, and I like that he cares about SD and SN, and calls her sis-in-law, and is concerned about her "pregnancy". Now that he's back, I wonder what will happen next. I think he'll work at the tailor shop too but for now, he's going to remain with the gardening job. It's good for him as long as he stops having the delusion on being a top singer again. 

Really curious about Mr Lee. We don't see him often enough even though he's the patriarch and the main plot is supposed to revolve around him. HIS ship, HIS family, etc. Once he returns, a whole new Pandora box will be opened with his illness, etc. But for now, I enjoy seeing him sporadically because even with his limited scenes, his words are so deep and impactful. 

Anyway, I can't believe the weekend passed by so fast. Can't wait for ep 19 next Saturday :)

EDIT: @Lmangla, didn't see you there haha. And I agree, I understood much more than I thought I would what with me watching a live stream of a drama in a language that I do not even speak HW's facial expressions definitely helped. She's definitely the type that wears her heart on her sleeve. She can go from smiling to upset in a split second when it comes to TY. I find it especially cute when she smiled after confirming that TY was talking to SJ on the phone all along even though TY was really furious at her. 

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On 10/23/2016 at 0:53 PM, TheMschelsea91 . said:

As for SJ-DS, I have to say, the scenes where I actually enjoy SJ's presence were all scenes that did not include DS in them. I like his bromance with the guys,

@TheMschelsea91 . ~ true, as a character, he is fun to watch without dong sook. in the last episode, I actually enjoyed his scenes with taeyang to my surprise and when he was quoting song lyrics as advice, it was actually funny and cute....and it was amusing that both samdo and sun nyeo really missed having him around -- guess they need someone to steal their food so that they have someone to beat up and fight with? kekekek..  there is something really silly and aggravating about his interactions with dong sook. wish she would stop acting so silly. is she going to sell her comic book store now? sigh!


On 10/23/2016 at 9:42 AM, wizuwizu said:

I wonder what is it that HyoSang is trying to accomplish? Other than making JiYeon uncomfortable, doesn't he like her? I mean he had that little fight with HyoWon over her, and clearly he's disobeying his mom by not ending it with her. Weird, that guy.

he is strange isn't he? @wizuwizu guess he is a lot like his older sister hyojoo -- they need people they can push about. what was weird was how much fun he is having with his little game of making ji yeon uncomfortable. he smirks and finds it a bit of joke. remember in an earlier episode, he said that he was bored since dong jin is no longer there -- so does he need challenge of someone fighting against him in order to be motivated to succeed? @TheMschelsea91 . -- am not sure if I can it obsession but one has to at least somewhat like the person right? don't think he even likes her that much to care. it seems more like getting even with her for misleading him and he has been around the block so many times that he has become cynical. so who knows -- maybe the writer will pair him with dong sook's daughter who will not play any one of his little games and shake him out of that rut... thats a story line I would watch though!

but I must say I really like how confident taeyang is. he is not shaken or stirred by meeting jiyeon and love the way he told her off  -- he has zero intention of quitting his job just to make her comfortable because this is livelihood and so she can take a hike! it was also fun to see him frankly admit that he was curious about meesa because of hyosang but ultimately joined because it was a great opportunity. so we can see how clear he is in his head and thats why he is so confident in front of hyosang and jiyeon. it is a job and he intends to excel. he has nothing to be embarassed about. go taeyang! go little thor! while he has a great physique, does anyone feel the need to give the lad a haircut? :sweatingbullets:


On 10/23/2016 at 2:32 AM, wizuwizu said:

First off, the thing that struck me the most this episode (ep17) was when it was revealed that SunNyeo wasn't really pregnant, and the disappointment that ensue. I completely understood SamDo's frustration, but at the same time I felt really sad for SunNyeo. Of course, SamDo felt cheated, and he blames his wife, but I can imagine how even more heartbroken she was. This is considering their age, and that she must've wanted to give SamDo a child all this time. So much so that she imagined the whole thing. Hope everyone won't blame/insult her for this.

[so I finally finished watching yesterday's episode. so my flood of comments. :D ...]

while watching their conversation, my first thought was "what a good husband he is" -- there are lots of couples who end up getting divorced or really bitter but here, he made it seem like he didn't want a kid so that she won't be troubled. and like she said, it is like he actually wants a kid more than her especially as he is an orphan and feels the lack of ties. so in that way, his outburst and anger felt understandable -- he didn't allow himself to dream or hope and had made peace with lack of children because he loves sun nyeo that much. but since she gave him reason to hope, he got excited and reacted from the sadness and anger of broken hopes. so I felt more sad for him than for her. at the same time, you can see how much it bothers her and almost makes her feel like a failure that she hasn't been able to give him what he wants....

but thought it was cute that while sam do couldn't talk about his disappointment with others, he could do so with sung joon. and same with taeyang. both easily admit what is going on in their hearts and their dissapointments. is it because sung joon is in such a bad place that it is easy to share with him? but some people who would be in sung joon's position would be eaten with jealousy, envy and anger and he isn't like that. so unlike hyojoo who suffers from a "the world has wounded me" complex, sung joon doesn't have one and he is actually a good listener that he gets people to open up to him. interesting. we need to see him more outside of dong sook's circle to see sung joon as a person....

On 10/23/2016 at 2:32 AM, wizuwizu said:

On a last note, still love Ms. Ko. Idk why she never disappoints, even when she was fuming at the matchmaker for insulting her :sweatingbullets:

it was fun to see her in a fighting spirit even when she is being looked down upon. she makes a great character. wonder if that is the attraction to jiyeon for hyosang -- she does not look down on him. for her, he is a catch and maybe he enjoys being held in esteem by someone instead of people looking down as a mistress son....


On 10/22/2016 at 8:12 PM, AlexMao said:

The one thing I do find a bit funny in all of this is how oblivious the two appear to be while dropping hints that even Sam Do picks up on. I think we still have a few episodes to go before they realize what's happening, so I'll just enjoy their shared moments. 

find it interesting that the writer is using really small things to build a sense of intimacy between the two -- like learning how one has their cup of coffee. or that moment when someone helps you take off your jacket and that feeling one gets. or finding a jacket on your shoulder when you wake up. so rather than the cheesy falling, these smaller moments are actually more effective and feel more cohesive in building that chemistry. so over the next few weeks, I would like to see more of these smaller moments rather then being clumsy and falling on a bunch of soap in slow 360 degree camera moves! kekekek....

but finally a question answered! @Latte_Anyday -- dong jin asked taeyang how he knows yun shil and if they are childhood friends. taeyang said they are more like brother and sister. so guess, they grew up in the same hometown? same neighbourhood? but found it amusing that taeyang is quite territorial big brother like -- he asks dong jin why he would walk yun shil home when he lives in the opposite direction! hahhaha.. why, dong jin, why? and why does yun shil let him walk her home? ;)

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Guest AlexMao

I'll be honest, I'd rather not see Sung Joon at the tailor shop. He needs something that can his alone. I thought him helping out Song Dook at her manhwa shop would have been perfect but I can't trust these two to do anything alone. They need a ton of supervision ... I'll go so far as a guardian to make decisions for them (harsh I know but these two can do/think of a number of silly things). I don't think I'd mind if Sun Nyeo and he continued the whole beautification bit but I don't know how much you can write about it without it getting stale. 

Regarding Hyo Joo's role at Meesa let her interfere with her step-brother and step-mother, I can't for the life of me see why a manufacture/factory/assembly line clothing manufacture has anything to do with handmade suits. Earlier in the series and thread I'd likened them to something like a Ford and a Ferrari, two different things. I suppose I'll have to forgive this if it unfolds since there isn't much we can do with her character at the moment. 

With Hyo Sang I can't really see what he's doing with Ji Yoon either. Part of me just wants to think he's being rebellious against his mother and the whole marrying for money over love thing but at the same time what he's doing with/to Ji Yoon is dishonest. Again early on I wanted to see Ji Yoon get a bit of bitter pill shoved down her throat over her behavior of Tae Yang but there's only so much silliness we can take. So when everything gets revealed and Ji Yoon starts to question everything I'm so going to laugh if they somehow manage to turn Tae Yang into the lead of his very own harem just for an episode or two before he breaks. 

Nothing to complain about Dong Jin, Yoon Shil, Tae Yang or Hyo Won really their scenes made the episode fly by which is a shame since we have to wait another week to see what happens between the four. 

We'll probably see more of Ki Pyo, his thugs and mother in the coming episodes I so dread those scenes. Yoon Shil needs to figure out how to sever ties with the lot and soon or it's just going to drag things out.

I think I have one nitpick thing about the shop and maybe a bit bizarre at that but why isn't the coffee, sugar, etc. labelled? To extend that slightly why aren't they closing the lids after they use them? 

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Thanks @TheMschelsea91 . for the recaps! Really looking forward to this episode. Agree with you and @Lmangla regarding the little moments between DJ and YS. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well their relationship has been written in the last few episodes using small everyday moments - i.e. yawning, kidney beans, coffee, toast, etc. Just like Mansool said, finding happiness in the little things in life. Speaking of Mansool, I really wonder when is he actually coming home. I was looking forward to the wedding he promised his wife the moment he mentioned it in that letter. I hope we don't have to wait until the last episode (and that he's relatively healthy throughout the whole drama too). Actually I want the last episode to be DJ and YS' wedding since he caught her veil in the first episode, but maybe I'm thinking too far in advance!

9 hours ago, Lmangla said:

it was the music @pinkdicentra; the soft beats sound rather melancholic, quiet and pensive. instead of a sweeping kind of happy, upbeat, love ballad. it is almost like the quietness after the rain. there is that kind of feel to that music. so thats why you felt like it was sad even though it wasn't. for me, the music made it feel like it is a love story that won't be. like an almost love story where two people connect for a brief moment but then they are back on opposite sides of the river and their life goes on. thats the kind of feel the music prompted in me...

Yeah. Music really makes a difference with the mood of scenes. Often times it's even more important than the acting itself for generating the right emotional effect.

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Guest AlexMao

@Lmangla That's actually one of the things I like about Dong Jin & Yoon Shil the whole slow build up we get to share in. Beyond what we may see if/when Ki Pyo's thungs come round again I want to see the reaction Dong Jin makes when he sees his name on his sewing sleeves. I suppose another question I have is I wonder who will participate in the competition given how much Sam Do feels his talents are lacking (see episode 15). The competition would give Dong Jin & Yoon Shil ample together time and to make a unique blend of old (Yoon Shil) and new (Dong Jin) without tarnishing the shops name while letting the shop grow with the times. 

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Episode 18 ratings - 31.0%

I was surprised that the young woman in the flashback was not Dongjin's mom and that Mansool wasn't going home yet because he was going to see her. I'm not sure how I feel about that though. It sounds fine the way Yunshil explained it, i.e. unburdening his heart, but would his wife really be ok with that even though he says she'd agree with him, especially since so much has happened in his own family since he was gone?

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1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

Episode 18 ratings - 31.0%

I was surprised that the young woman in the flashback was not Dongjin's mom and that Mansool wasn't going home yet because he was going to see her. I'm not sure how I feel about that though. It sounds fine the way Yunshil explained it, i.e. unburdening his heart, but would his wife really be ok with that even though he says she'd agree with him, especially since so much has happened in his own family since he was gone?

Yeah I was kind of shocked at that. Felt a bit bad for DJ's mom actually, but Mansool is obviously a really nice man so it does make sense. 

I really love Dongjin/YeonShil relationship, the slow burn is wonderful. I know others' like it but I don't like Hye Won and Tae Young - I find Hyewon too immature, the way she keeps yelling at Tae Young is really grinding my gears. They are both pretty oblivious to her feelings though.

Can I say it? I actually feel bad for Ju Yeong, the way the CEO treats her is weird. I can't work out what he's doing. Does he like her at all? Cos it doesn't really feel like it. I hope she doesn't come sniffing back around uri Tae Young once she get the boot though. I really wanted him (TY) to end their last meeting with a 'We broke up, stop calling me, I won't meet with you like this again', drop the figurative mic and walk out like a boss. But I love the way he's handling the CEO, he's such a class act. 

I kind of want the two sisters,(Hye Won and Hye Soo(?) to become friends and sisters. I still despise the ex-wife, she such as miserable person, I can't stand her. 

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October 23, 2016

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" 31%, no match

Source: TV Daily via Hancinema.net


"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" took over the weekend with 31%, according to Nielsen Korea on the 24th.

This record is 7.3% more than the previous episode last weekend.

Na Yeon-sil (Jo Yoon-hee) found out that Lee Man-sool (Sin Goo) had a disease and was about to go blind. Bok Seon-nyeo (Ra Mi-ran) and Bae Sam-do (Cha In-pyo) drifted apart from each other after the imaginary pregnancy.

SBS "My Gap-soon" rated 9.6%, MBC "Blow Breeze" 12.3%, MBC "Flower in Prison" 21.2% and SBS "Go-ho's Starry Night" rated 4.8%.

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9 hours ago, AlexMao said:

@Lmangla That's actually one of the things I like about Dong Jin & Yoon Shil the whole slow build up we get to share in. Beyond what we may see if/when Ki Pyo's thungs come round again I want to see the reaction Dong Jin makes when he sees his name on his sewing sleeves. I suppose another question I have is I wonder who will participate in the competition given how much Sam Do feels his talents are lacking (see episode 15). The competition would give Dong Jin & Yoon Shil ample together time and to make a unique blend of old (Yoon Shil) and new (Dong Jin) without tarnishing the shops name while letting the shop grow with the times. 

Regarding the competition, I doubt DongJin would participate. While his skill isn't really for a novice, he definitely doesn't know enough. I think SD will be convinced to enter, alongside YS. 

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13 hours ago, Lmangla said:

@maribella ~ given how idiotic dong sook is and considering she stole from her own daughter, maybe ms. ko is a better choice? kekekek.. and imagine if dong sook ended up with sung joon, then taeyang would keep hearing song lyrics advice  and singing old songs from his father-in-law ...LOL... so really, the guy is better off with hyow

:crazy: ouch, oh Sussanah again and again! You have a good point there. Somehow, they will most likely change him into a solid man when he starts wearing a suit. Now DS is not going to be wearing suits, she seems to be on a silly path for many more episodes, if she even wise up. They started with Ms. Ko and son grabbing the company and sidelining DJ and wife. But now making her more 'human', going shopping,  stalking daughter, showing concern for the stepdaughter. I am still rooting for DS's daughter, she needs a feet on ground man with that twit of a mother.

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