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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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Guest AlexMao

I can't help but say they're dragging things out a bit more than I'd like. 

The whole Sung Joon story line is getting more and more pathetic with each episode. I'd rather than chide someone for following their dreams but I'll be honest if I hear him singing Susana one more time I'm going to lose it. He needs new material, he needs a job and well more than anything direction. He could stay on as a part-timer at Dong Sook's manhwa shop head down to a recording studio/booth to record and then with a bit of savings buy himself a computer to do cleanup/post production work. Then when completed use some form of social media to do self promotional work. It's hard work but it'll be a lot better of a story than seeing him try to pawn off his dream to some unsuspecting financier (Dong Sook & Sun Nyeo).

The Tae Yang & Min Hyo Won thing was a bit funny if only because she looked like a puppy dog being called by her master (going from sulky to chipper in a mater of seconds). I have to wonder if after the little verbal spat the tide will turn to now Tae Yang being the curious one and Hyo Won being the distance aloof one. Sadly after an hour long program this was probably the only enjoyable bit for me. 

Dong Jin and Yoon Shil parts felt very cliched. Drunk Yoon Shil walking in on and sleeping with Dong Jin to Dong Jin "rescuing" Yoon Shil from "one of those customers" (if you've worked retail you know the kind) to trying to bring her back to the shop after belatedly realizing her worth. I get it we need links to get them back on the same page and all but can we not use the same ones used in practically every weekend/family oriented dramas? 

The whole Eun Sook & Gok Ji story line is another one that I could do without. Ideally now that Dong Ji & Hyo Joo's divorce is finalized we should have no further interaction between the two families until the Tae Yang, Da Jung & Hyo Won thing gets underway.Less of course Gok Ji decides to get involved in Yoon Shil's affair with Hyo Sang's dealings with Yoon Shil's husband which seems odd since it would be better if Dong Jin did so especially after eavesdropping on the conversation Yoon Shil had with Lawyer Choi. 

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have to agree with you @AlexMao; the latest episode seemed to drag quite a bit that I just fast forwarded quite a bit. thought it was pretty hilarious that taeyang had no clue who hyowon was and didn't even bother to lie or pretend that he did know her. she kept coming up with their interactions like it was the most amazing connection ever and he just looked puzzled. hahahah.. but it seems kind of sad if it is indicative of hyowon's loneliness and lack of company that even these small interactions to her are memorable and a big deal. the drama really has moments that I like filled with broad canyons of forgettable comedy.

so what do people think of ms. ko's involvement in the death of dong jin's uncle -- if a guy she already refused chooses to stand outside her door and then get into an accident, is she really liable?

and any thoughts on taeyang's melancholy thought that if he had another accident, he would become richer?

as usual the scene with dong jin and his dad were filled with warmth -- we only see a side of dong jin and how he feels with these phone calls. random question (and sorry if it sounds silly) but is the combination of a job loss + divorce something that would really crush a person's self-esteem? would it be something like a double whammy? it is interesting that he feels like a failure at this point after working so hard because most of the time, we don't see a crack in his armour that it is hard to believe that all these events are even affecting him to the point that he feels like he has failed.

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18 hours ago, Lmangla said:

yea, she is the glue that holds the family together. what I am enjoying about her character is that she feels fresh. she isn't candy kind like many characters in other dramas and she does tend to frustrated with her family but it is hilariously dramatic -- like when she tells her family that she acts like the stepmom and her mom counters that hyowon is the stepdaughter and hywon does a surprised "oh no" ditzy light bulb moment. hahahahha... even the way she is kind to taeyang feels different because of her ditziness and her random misunderstandings. so it makes her fun to watch.

With regards to Taeyang, I think it's straight up a crush for her. She's clearly smitten by him to remember and cherish their interactions because most people would totally forget about some interactions with a total stranger like Taeyand did. She had her goo goo eyes on as she was eyeing him lying unconscious at the hospital. Honestly, it's kind of cute and now that they've been put together to work in the same team (I expected this when Taeyang applied for a job at Meesa lol), there's bound to be even more cute interactions between them. She doesn't seem happy that he's hired though, which is slightly weird because she wanted him to get a job more than anything I think she's still sulky that he didn't remember her. 

1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

random question (and sorry if it sounds silly) but is the combination of a job loss + divorce something that would really crush a person's self-esteem? would it be something like a double whammy? it is interesting that he feels like a failure at this point after working so hard because most of the time, we don't see a crack in his armour that it is hard to believe that all these events are even affecting him to the point that he feels like he has failed.

I believe it is exactly a double whammy. A good job and a happy marriage are indicators of a successful professional and personal life. Despite not having feelings for Hyojoo, Dong jin would definitely be sad at their divorce because a) most people feel sad when they divorce anyway because it marks the end of something significant in your life b. he doesn't want to disappoint his family. his mother kept trying to get him back together with her and his sister suffered through two divorces already c) he feels bad to Hyojoo's late father, who was kind to him and helped him succeed in his career. as for his job, Dong Jin definitely doesn't like his position now. Keep in mind that he would probably have never left Meesa had he not known about his father's condition. He kept reminding his father of how unprofitable the tailor shop is and how he didn't want to take over. He was very ambitious about being CEO again and was clearly upset that Hyosang and evil MIL sabotage his position. If something bad happens to my job and my personal life at the same time, I would be sulking away some place instead of being so positive like Dongjin, that's for sure. 

On to today's episode, I live-streamed as usual and it was such a letdown compared to yesterday's ep. Why? Too many Hyosang, and especially to many DongSook + Sung Jun moments, and not many Dongjin/Yongshil and taeyang/hyowon scenes B)

i was screaming with frustration when I saw stupid dongsook secretly taking out her mum's money to give it to "Joonie oppa" ugh! She might still be a fangirl but she clearly isn't keeping up with the music scene at all. What are the odds of an old washed-up musician making a good comeback and returning the money back to her? To think that she even thought of stealing her own daughter's hard-earned savings?? Did she learn nothing about men after two failed marriages? I was so frustrated because the actress played a similar lousy daughter/mother role in wang's family.. The fact that he was so kind to her afterwards with the flower and music? Woman, wake up! He clearly isn't doing that because he's into you. The fact that one of the guitar strings snapped is clearly a bad omen for the future eps. 

i'm glad to see we got some more insight into Yunshil's past with her husband. Clearly she didn't want to marry him but I wonder if she was forced into it. (sorry i don't understand korean). At the same time, I'm glad Dongjin manned up and tried to convince Yunshil to come back to work at Wolgyesu. It's kind of cute that she's rejecting him now and he's having the flashbacks of their interactions and kept thinking about them. He clearly regretted that he judged her so harshly and even apologized. I laughed when he forced her to come back to work by refusing to lie to her MIL about her current employment until she had no choice but to agree to come back. Well-played Dongjin!

As for my fave pair, I have to say, my love for Taeyang keeps growing as the episodes went by. He was having second thoughts about working at Meesa because he knew Jiyoon was seeing Hyosang. Again, i'm seeing sinister intention to his employment here. The way hyosang is acting, it's not really love, it's just obsession. and jiyoon is so good at annoying me i just can't wait when she learns that Hyo won isn't just an employee at Meesa, she's Hyosang's sister and i can't wait to see her learning that Taeyang works there now too, and perhaps some Taeyang+Hyowon interactions that would make her jealous. I don't know why Hyowon's against Taeyang's employment though. She's probably just still upset about their last meeting. I thought she'd be more elated to see him there. Now that he's her subordinate, they'll be in close proximity a lot. 

As for Sam Do+Sun Nyeo, I feel bad that she really wants a kid but he's not into it. I hope they do get their own child. It's going to be funny to see a pregnant Sun Nyeo's temperament. She'll drive samdo even crazier. 

Next week preview: 

I see further progress for Dongjin/Yunshil. Is it her father's memorial? She is crying and DOngjin sees her, and his expression is of pain. 


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Guest AlexMao

Okay did anyone else get an eerie feeling once Sung Joon handed over all of that money? The set up at Hyesung Entertainment felt overly sketchy, with him being so eager to start over again it looks like he's going to get taken.

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On 10/8/2016 at 11:12 PM, TheMschelsea91 . said:

Fave pairing: believe it or not it is hyowon/taeyang..  I saw someone posted that she hates this pair and wishes taeyang would be with dongsook's daughter instead but I have to disagree. First of all, hyowon has shown that she is the most human person in that household . She is nothing like her evil mom + brother and is kind towards hyojoo even though  hyojoo did all kinds of nasty stuff towards her.


I'm SO glad to see your post! Hyowon had a bad start in this thread and I was honestly shocked at seeing the negative comments about her. It's obvious  that she's a sweet and caring person. She does have a habit of sticking her nose in other people's business, but it's always well-meaning, and implied to be borne out of loneliness. Her own family doesn't care much about her, she seems to not have any real friends that even Dongsuk's daughter doesn't give a flip about her, even with Hyowon treating her like a close friend. Hyowon always seems to love people more than they care for her. She has been somewhat deprived of care and if one thing Taeyang does very well is care for other people--it would be nice to see him care for her and in turn, she builds up his confidence and make him feel appreciated!

I do think that she has a crush on him, but I also agree with the post stating that she latched on to their casual interactions because she's just that lonely. I have to admit that she's the first character in this drama to tug at my heartstrings. You see her being concerned for everyone: Dongjin, Hyoju, Dajung, Taeyang--but they don't even think of her. It's just very sad and relatable--isn't that one of the most heartbreaking things in the world, to care about someone who couldn't even be concerned about you?

I think her protest against Taeyang working at Meesa is simply hurt pride. She was already wounded when she thought he was way too popular with girls, top it all off with Taeyang not even remembering her all those times when she was concerned for him at every turn, and she even stayed for his surgery! That meant something to her! He occupied her thoughts but he doesn't even recognize her! Hyowon keeps getting shafted by her one-sided relationships with people. Of course her ego is bruised. But I'm sure she's going to see that awesome Taeyang we've been seeing all this time and he'd start showering her with the same care he gives to everyone else... the girl will return to being smitten soon enough! :) And hopefully, Taeyang will also see that she's more than an overly excitable rich girl and notice the sweet but lonely girl inside.


As the episodes go by, Dajung becomes less and less of a viable candidate for Taeyang's heart. She seems to take after her mother in that she chases after the man of her interest and plies him with material gifts. She has been trying for a year and Taeyang just isn't into her.

The argument that they "have a history" just doesn't work when that history is Dajung chasing after him and Taeyang not reciprocating. She doesn't get priority just because she saw him first. This isn't middle school. You don't get to call dibs on a person in real life. Love isn't determined on a first-come, first-serve basis. It really gets on my nerves when people argue that someone should be with their desired person just because they met first. It doesn't work that way.

I'm puzzled what her role in this drama is honestly, since she just seems like an extra obstacle to Taeyang-Hyowon, as is her wealth-obsessed family and sly Jiyeon weren't enough. Maybe she'll try to pull a guilt trip on Hyowon and point out that she saw Taeyang first, so Hyowon needs to stay away for the sake of their friendship? I guess she's just there to play bit parts in multiple threads--as a member of the Wolgyesu family, as Hyowon's unknown rival, as an obstacle to her mom and Jun's story. Can't she spend more time in the Leather Jacket story? They bug me and she should give her mom a reality check.


Moving on to Jiyeon and Hyosang, as satisfying as it would be to see Jiyeon get dumped by Hyosang, a part of me hopes that she gets married to him without a hitch--the gold-digger stepmother would doubtless smell her own scent off Jiyeon (takes one to know one) and would condone Hyowon making that cunning fox' life hell.

Heck, I can even see Hyosang let Hyowon mess with Jiyeon, if only because he seems like a sadistic jerk. He's playing with Jiyeon like a cat playing with a mouse, and poking at her made-up perfect facade. He'll probably get a kick watching Jiyeon squirm and try to keep her nice act up even with Hyowon being a vengeful sister-in-law. And then of course, he can play the knight-in-shining armor and conspicuously tell-off his sister.

It's actually not in Hyowon's character to pick on people for their background, but she has seen Jiyeon's true evil colors and could hate her on that account. I'm letting Hyowon have that one concession from her usual sweet self!


As for Dongjin and Yeonsil--I think we should be patient. It has been ulcerous to see ALLLLLL the stupid misunderstandings and Dongjin being ruthless and Yeonsil being unable to fend for herself. But I'd like to believe the pay-off will be great. The tension is already in place: Dongjin spent years in Hyoju's world being wary and surrounded by scheming snakes, then comes along Yeonsil who's genuinely nice to everyone without expecting anything in return, has NO hidden agenda, lived a real-life sob story--and he kept misunderstanding her and doubting her real character. If you think about it, he couldn't believe that someone like her could be real. There's something melancholically romantic about that. Some people say that hate is simply love turned upside down, and Dongjin has been turned upside down by his time relentlessly chasing his big goals in the big corporate world. It will be interesting to see what he does when he turns right side up again and Yeonsil is still Yeonsil, that too-nice-to-be-true lady. Their love story has a lot of potential, if only the writers stop giving in to cheap laughs and go for sincerity instead.

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4 hours ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

I believe it is exactly a double whammy. A good job and a happy marriage are indicators of a successful professional and personal life. Despite not having feelings for Hyojoo, Dong jin would definitely be sad at their divorce because a) most people feel sad when they divorce anyway because it marks the end of something significant in your life b. he doesn't want to disappoint his family. his mother kept trying to get him back together with her and his sister suffered through two divorces already c) he feels bad to Hyojoo's late father, who was kind to him and helped him succeed in his career. as for his job, Dong Jin definitely doesn't like his position now. Keep in mind that he would probably have never left Meesa had he not known about his father's condition. He kept reminding his father of how unprofitable the tailor shop is and how he didn't want to take over. He was very ambitious about being CEO again and was clearly upset that Hyosang and evil MIL sabotage his position. If something bad happens to my job and my personal life at the same time, I would be sulking away some place instead of being so positive like Dongjin, that's for sure. 

thanks for answering my question so well @TheMschelsea91 .  103

when I was typing the question, I was thinking to myself -- "isn't it silly? why wouldn't he be upset?" but I couldn't understand why he felt like a failure. so your answer really clarified why the question came to me -- theirs is a loveless marriage where both have gotten almost resigned and apathetic to each other; it almost seems like the only reason they both care about each other is wounded pride and otherwise, they would rather hook their brain to a machine and wipe out the memory. so it seemed strange to me that under that circumstances, he would feel like a failure. can understand his feeling about the job but the divorce. so your post clarified for me why he would feel that way even when there's no love lost. it also suggests to me why hyojoo would also feel so betrayed -- it seems like for both, the marriage breaking up feels like they have failed in something they ought to have succeeded in and hyojoo blames him for the failure. so, she is not going to be happy when she starts to see him find his happiness and resent him like crazy for it.....what I don't get about hyojoo is why she can't aim to be chairman herself? does she not have the brains for it? why depend on a man to get power within the family? 

and with dongjin's job, it really makes me wonder if he will be happy in the tailor shop as it may not be challenging enough. one of the reasons that he didn't want to take over the shop was that he was academically very smart and it seemed like a waste of talent and skill if he does not get to use it in the corporate world. in some ways, can understand that kind of thinking. for some people, if they don't get to flex their brain, they would wither away and die inside and dongjin needs that intellectual push. so can't imagine him sitting around and being a tailor. so it will be interesting to see if the drama will explore how dongjin mixes the old tailoring world with his intellectual smarts and whether he is able to find a balance between the two....

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8 hours ago, AlexMao said:

The whole Sung Joon story line is getting more and more pathetic with each episode. I'd rather than chide someone for following their dreams but I'll be honest if I hear him singing Susana one more time I'm going to lose it. He needs new material, he needs a job and well more than anything direction. He could stay on as a part-timer at Dong Sook's manhwa shop head down to a recording studio/booth to record and then with a bit of savings buy himself a computer to do cleanup/post production work. Then when completed use some form of social media to do self promotional work. It's hard work but it'll be a lot better of a story than seeing him try to pawn off his dream to some unsuspecting financier (Dong Sook & Sun Nyeo).

@AlexMao ~ we can cheer a guy if it is a genuine dream like sam do has for being a tailor and sun nyeo has with owning a business or wanting a child. but this isn't a real dream that sung joon has. it is more like he is trying to recreate the past, a mirage he is chasing. so we are right to want to beat him on the head with a large saucepan.

was cheering sun nyeo in the saturday episode when she glared at him for singing and told him to quit it. ha! we so need other people to do it.. as for dong sook, don't know what on earth is wrong with that woman that she is chasing this guy. is she just lonely? is she trying to recapture her youth? what is the deal?

4 hours ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

was screaming with frustration when I saw stupid dongsook secretly taking out her mum's money to give it to "Joonie oppa" ugh! She might still be a fangirl but she clearly isn't keeping up with the music scene at all. What are the odds of an old washed-up musician making a good comeback and returning the money back to her? To think that she even thought of stealing her own daughter's hard-earned savings?? Did she learn nothing about men after two failed marriages? I was so frustrated because the actress played a similar lousy daughter/mother role in wang's family.. The fact that he was so kind to her afterwards with the flower and music? Woman, wake up! He clearly isn't doing that because he's into you. The fact that one of the guitar strings snapped is clearly a bad omen for the future eps. 

it seemed given when they showed dajung showing her bank account to her mom that dongsook would pull an idiotic move like that. am not surprised. perhaps, now that dajung is grown up adult, this money stealing will break the relationship between mother and daughter so much that it will force dongsook to grow up. what I really need is the backstory for why dongsook cares for this fellow. right now, it just seems so silly. we need something like the story I posted about earlier -- that kind of emotional connection between a fan and entertainer that tells you why they would care so much...

On 9/28/2016 at 6:00 PM, Lmangla said:

I was reminded of this interview of this VJ/producer from the 90s/2000s. he used to be the anchor of this really popular show on this music channel where folks message/call for an MV. one of the questions was something about crazy/memorable fans and his response really surprised me as I was expecting something standard on the lines of crazy fangirls who found him super handsome (it surprised me enough that I remembered just this answer though reading the interview few years back). so he said his most memorable fan was a teenage boy who initially called often. this boy wrote him a letter saying that after his mother passed away, he fell into a depression and hated coming to an empty house. to fill up the silence, he started watching this show after school and it got him smiling again. it made being at home tolerable while he waited for his dad to come home. the VJ said that he was so touched by the letter especially because he had hated his job at that time. the show was super popular but he felt unchallenged professionally. so the letter made an impact on him and made him feel that his work meant something. so he used to be feel happy whenever this kid called and was really glad when the kid stopped calling as often because he got out of that depression and was outside playing. anyway, we need that kind of emotional background to these two characters. what is special about this song for sun joon? why can't he let go? is it just the fame? and why is this comic book lady still a fan after all these years? what is it about this song that is so special to her?


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Guest AlexMao

@Lmangla I don't really disapprove of Sung Joon chasing after his dream because we all have dreams/aspirations/desires but I think he needs to face reality and maybe realize he shouldn't be focusing every moment on it or trying to convince others to support him when he can pursue that dream in a more healthy way. I described in a previous post how he can do just that but the way episode 14 played out it appears that his dream alongside Dong Sook's desires (I don't know if I would call them youth-oriented :innocent: or more "womanly-desires" :naughty:) are clouding what a normal person would can judgment/conscious/sanity/wits.

Sun Nyeo had an established business so her wish to continue that I can't say is all that bad, she's allowing Sam Do to do what he wants because he's allowed her to do as she wanted (albeit I bet a bit of kicking and screaming made up his mind for him ... he he). I don't really see these three as similar as much because Sun Nyeo and Sam Do are more grounded and more level headed (yeah I'm siding with Sun Nyeo ... :scream: colour me scared :fearful:)

Given that now I have to wonder what's going to happen with Dong Sook, Da Jung, Sung Joon and Gok Ji. Dong Sook stole from her daughter and her mother. I'd prefer to see Dong and Sung Joon to be kicked out of Casa Lee as a just punishment if not sent away to prison but you know this is a family show and that just isn't bloody likely. We're in for a number of unexpected turns. 

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20 hours ago, Lmangla said:

have to agree with you @AlexMao; the latest episode seemed to drag quite a bit that I just fast forwarded quite a bit. thought it was pretty hilarious that taeyang had no clue who hyowon was and didn't even bother to lie or pretend that he did know her. she kept coming up with their interactions like it was the most amazing connection ever and he just looked puzzled. hahahah.. but it seems kind of sad if it is indicative of hyowon's loneliness and lack of company that even these small interactions to her are memorable and a big deal. the drama really has moments that I like filled with broad canyons of forgettable comedy.

so what do people think of ms. ko's involvement in the death of dong jin's uncle -- if a guy she already refused chooses to stand outside her door and then get into an accident, is she really liable?

and any thoughts on taeyang's melancholy thought that if he had another accident, he would become richer?

as usual the scene with dong jin and his dad were filled with warmth -- we only see a side of dong jin and how he feels with these phone calls. random question (and sorry if it sounds silly) but is the combination of a job loss + divorce something that would really crush a person's self-esteem? would it be something like a double whammy? it is interesting that he feels like a failure at this point after working so hard because most of the time, we don't see a crack in his armour that it is hard to believe that all these events are even affecting him to the point that he feels like he has failed.


12 hours ago, AlexMao said:

@Lmangla I don't really disapprove of Sung Joon chasing after his dream because we all have dreams/aspirations/desires but I think he needs to face reality and maybe realize he shouldn't be focusing every moment on it or trying to convince others to support him when he can pursue that dream in a more healthy way. I described in a previous post how he can do just that but the way episode 14 played out it appears that his dream alongside Dong Sook's desires (I don't know if I would call them youth-oriented :innocent: or more "womanly-desires" :naughty:) are clouding what a normal person would can judgment/conscious/sanity/wits.

Sun Nyeo had an established business so her wish to continue that I can't say is all that bad, she's allowing Sam Do to do what he wants because he's allowed her to do as she wanted (albeit I bet a bit of kicking and screaming made up his mind for him ... he he). I don't really see these three as similar as much because Sun Nyeo and Sam Do are more grounded and more level headed (yeah I'm siding with Sun Nyeo ... :scream: colour me scared :fearful:)

Given that now I have to wonder what's going to happen with Dong Sook, Da Jung, Sung Joon and Gok Ji. Dong Sook stole from her daughter and her mother. I'd prefer to see Dong and Sung Joon to be kicked out of Casa Lee as a just punishment if not sent away to prison but you know this is a family show and that just isn't bloody likely. We're in for a number of unexpected turns. 

I shouldn't have ever eaten that damn piece of drumstick or the abalone porridge.. LMAO This should be the title to this drama..

@Lmangla @AlexMao  I have to agree with Alex here about DJ fullfilling his dream and a promise he made to his dad I do agree that we see this warm side of DJ when he speaks or leaves msgs to his dad.. Each man is about fullfiling there dreams in DJ case it's also closing a bad chapter of his life and starting anew.. I do believe when he close was sent it lifted a heavy guilt off him a burden release but I don't see his wife sitting still while DJ off doing his own thing and being happy about it..

I see DJ Ex SIL and TH will have something heavy going on between the two YS told TH right don't do it for the Ex but do it for himself, I don't like how the brother thinks he could play with peoples lives and Ms announcer is going to be in for the shock of her life when she finds out about those two. All negative remarks that she will throw at him will bounce off like she's not there and that's going to eat he up alive because she don't know his mom she's not going to let her son marry some orphan announcer with nothing to offer but her face and butt..

Moving on to can't sing a tune in or out of the shower, Only person that hears him as a good singer because she's kind of braindead is DJ sister I was thinking she was going to take her daughters money and invest in him which he's been conned out of, But ot's only a matter of time before he ends up in the tailor shop I see 4 men handsome men in that shop and once women finds out the business will start to boom and DJ already preparing to make it global..

And to my favorite couple out of the whole drama I say mines and @my2centsworth  Excuse my language but WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH JOE BOXER.. OMG She fakes being sick just to get her husband to go to the doctor so they both could get checkout.. I wish the doctor had told her her wishing for a baby so bad that it won;t happen because she wishing and trying to much just let nature take it's course.. Poor man must hardly get any rest at night with her around.. She wishing for a baby so bad thinking it will help secure her marriage news flash Joe Boxer people with kids do divorce.. If her husband leaves her it would be he own fault her insercurities is enough to make him want to leave.. I think he stays with her because he knows if he leaves she will do something drastic..

Now YS all I could say is she's very petty and childish, Why do I have the feeling that once her MIL saw DJ she couldn't wait to go back and tell her son..     

13 hours ago, AlexMao said:

Given that now I have to wonder what's going to happen with Dong Sook, Da Jung, Sung Joon and Gok Ji. Dong Sook stole from her daughter and her mother. I'd prefer to see Dong and Sung Joon to be kicked out of Casa Lee as a just punishment if not sent away to prison but you know this is a family show and that just isn't bloody likely. We're in for a number of unexpected turns. 

My bad she did steal the money she's pathectic..

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@Millie I agree with you 100% about Hyowon. She inherited her temper from his father. She is capable to do great things. I still thinks she is only related with his father and her older brother is not. He is so different from his little sis. So TY HW will be great couple, i looking for their scenes.

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Hi all! First time posting here. I don't watch that many K-dramas but I must say I'm watching this one mainly because I liked Legendary Witch so much.

The drama so far do feel a bit draggy at times, especially SungJoon's part. I'm guessing he's being conned (I'd be surprised if he doesn't), and it's a developing point for his relationship with DongSook (who at this point believe in him to a fault).

DongJin and YunShil are still at the beginning stage, what's with the constant misunderstanding and bickering. But it looks like they're changing direction soon, especially since DJ is divorced now. Of course, they ex-wife is going to be a constant pain in the butt, and I suppose GiPyo is going to come back later on once DJ and YS are further into their relationship.

I must say I'm not looking forward to HyoWon-TaeYang-DaJung triangle, and I'm undecided about the interactions that will come up between Tae Yang-Ji Yeon-Hyo Sang. It's just about time TY let go of his old love. I also hope the writers aren't turning TY into a bitter/vengeful person as a way of developing his character. Perhaps HW will be his anchor throughout his time at Meesa.

Not sure if I'm in the minority here, but I kind of enjoy the interactions EunSook (Ms. Ko) has with other characters. On the first episode she came across as just another common antagonist (husband-stealing, manipulative) but the more we see of her, the more I feel like she's not that bad. And she's funny. What she did with the will was wrong of course, but I have a feeling she actually liked GokJi's deceased brother (forgot his name). She just values her dream of becoming rich more.

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While the story between Dong Jin and Yun Shil is still pretty boring, I can live with that, but what I find hard to digest is the story between Sung Joon and Dong Sook.  How old are they? In their 40s right?  I can’t believe one is so naïve to the extend that he doesn’t even know he has been conned and the other, blinded by her crush for the singer, has to resort to stealing from her daugher’s and mom’s savings..  Even her daughter can think and act better than her.   tsk..tsk…tsk.. I don’t know what to say about these two… quite an insult to one’s wisdom.

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watched the latest episode and felt a bit of whiplash regarding yun shil and her con hubby. surprised-red-crab

did anyone feel like that? is the writer trying to make gyo po a bad guy so yun shil can choose dong jin? or is the writer showing yun shil's perspective changing now that she is no longer under his influence? because I feel like the narration she gave in the beginning of the drama of how he saved her family and her recollection of the same events is slightly different.......

@wizuwizu ~ am also really liking ms. ko even though I didn't expect to. I was totally cheering when she told hyojoo that dongjin was a saint for putting up with her thorny nature! hahahah... and despite hyojoo's rude behaviour, ms. ko still shows concern that hyojoo is shopping like crazy to fill the void from her divorce and asks her if she wants to start dating or get married. any other kdrama stepmother would have come up with a scheme to kick this crazy lazy female out because she is such a pain. it was also interesting that she thought if hyojoo had not messed it up, all five of them would have been a happy family -- it makes me wonder how much of the company struggle was instigated by hyojoo....

@AlexMao ~ still think that sung joon's dream of being a singer isn't real because he derives no joy from it. in my own family, I have folks who love to sing (they sing in the church choir) and when they sing, they light up. you can feel how much they love it. sung joon sounds like he is depressed and dead when he sings -- it isn't because of the actor's singing skills but more like the character is no longer in love with singing. he is singing for the sake of singing and thats why that susanna song sounds super awful. it feels like he is chasing without knowing what it is he is trying to chase.

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Guest AlexMao

@Lmangla I want to say that in earlier episodes when he sang Susanna it sounded better, albeit when he tried to sing it in the club and his voice broke blaming his guitar but yeah more current episodes make him sound soulless. Problem is if he isn't singing what else is there for him? He doesn't seem to have any other talents. Looking at how he lives he's stuck around that 12-15 years old range. The only other time he seems to lighten up was when he was at the manhwa shop though I can't say if it was because he was surrounded by comics or if it was because it gave him some bit of purpose/responsibilities. The end goal for him is to probably work at the tailor shop but I'm not too keen on that I'd rather him stick it out at the manhwa shop with Dong Sook. Oh well it'll make sense at some point.  

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2 hours ago, dekaron said:

In all these types of dramas no one actually blames the chairman for causing the family problems

so true! it is not like the other woman and her kids came into the picture by themselves right? guess, it is easy to blame the woman than to accept that the man had also a role? perhaps, accepting that the man had a role indicates that the first marriage was troubled as well??

this probably happens in real life too right?

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1 hour ago, AlexMao said:

@Lmangla I want to say that in earlier episodes when he sang Susanna it sounded better, albeit when he tried to sing it in the club and his voice broke blaming his guitar but yeah more current episodes make him sound soulless. Problem is if he isn't singing what else is there for him? He doesn't seem to have any other talents. Looking at how he lives he's stuck around that 12-15 years old range. The only other time he seems to lighten up was when he was at the manhwa shop though I can't say if it was because he was surrounded by comics or if it was because it gave him some bit of purpose/responsibilities. The end goal for him is to probably work at the tailor shop but I'm not too keen on that I'd rather him stick it out at the manhwa shop with Dong Sook. Oh well it'll make sense at some point.  

well, he claimed that he was a manager of a high-end restaurant in NY. so who knows. he has to have survived in some way right if he managed to buy a ticket from NY to Korea? who knows... but like you, think he is totally getting scammed by the music company. am guessing the company is a front or the so called executives he is meeting are a front -- meaning they don't actually work there and have no real connection to the company itself. @yanki222 - it is hard to believe that dong sook managed to produce a sensible daughter with some brains. guess, it must have either come from the father or maybe dong jin and his dad in this side of the family. guess, brains got skipped when she was made? ;)

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

watched the latest episode and felt a bit of whiplash regarding yun shil and her con hubby. surprised-red-crab

did anyone feel like that? is the writer trying to make gyo po a bad guy so yun shil can choose dong jin? or is the writer showing yun shil's perspective changing now that she is no longer under his influence? because I feel like the narration she gave in the beginning of the drama of how he saved her family and her recollection of the same events is slightly different.......


I felt the same way too. Perhaps they're just trying to show GiPyo's jealous side, but for me the way he came across in this latest episode was not as nice as in episode 1. Could be because we have yet to spend a longer time with GiPyo and get to know his character well.

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