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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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9 minutes ago, valzki said:

hahaha...i'm okay with that. i'm angry at her too. she act innocently and that really get on my nerves. can i ask SN to pull her hair right away? super-sayan-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Lol... it can be. but let's see tonight what it will be. it is good if there is no fire at all. i want a grow up in her character too as well. 

i haven't watched eps 39 but i really really want to give HS a lesson if he is bankrupt. Lol... so it's better DJ doesn't go back to Meesa Apparel. 

Dear @valzki I'm with you. When HJ kept repeating her message that DJ wouldn't be just satisfied with running a small family business. He is a kind of a man who is supposed to think big, blah blah .. I can't tell from DJ facial expression that he was considering her proposal or just went blank with her stubbornness. ... Isn't he one of the Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop ? so he should stay and help revive the traditional tailoring and establish a new meaning and pride to this highly skilled craft business?

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HS said he and JY won, and HW-TY: L-O-S-E-R. lol..then HW left HS. 

HW went home holding her stomach and Ms. ko asked her what happen. perhaps she is suspecting that HW is pregnant? Lol..

maybe HW lied that she is pregnant because when Ms. ko beat her, she is protecting her stomach. these 2 are so funny. haha

HW is talking on the phone to TY. i heard HW ask TY to get married?

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Yeah so HW basically told Ms. Ko she went to the doctor and she thinks she is pregnant. She is lying to her mom so she can get married faster. She told her mom that if they get married fast enough they can pass the baby off as a "honeymoon baby" OMG

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another scene:

YS is cooking noodle and is going to put an egg. then flashback to when DJ fried the egg for her breakfast in the morning in his house.

MS is talking to DJ.then Dajung came to DJ room. it is dinner time.  DJ congratulate TP. wah..they are eating strawberries. lol

DJ remember the time when he went to the farm and left his namecard to YS boss. DJ hopes that he can meet YS. wow... FINALLY!!!!! DJ meets YS

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Ep 40:

Ep starts with DJ driving past a hiding YS at the strawberry farm. YS is crying as she watches DJ driving away.
The owner of the farm comes out to meet YS. She says that man is not the creditor but her husband. Because of their wedding picture. YS asks what the man wants. THe owner gives YS DJ's business card. She asks if YS's husband is a tailor shop boss. She says something and tells
YS to go back. YS starts coughing and the owner asks if she's taken some medicine. YS says she had. 

cut to the tailor shop. DJ arrives at the tailor shop. Mrs Geum and SD ask him something. DJ excuses himself because he has a headache. He heads back home to have some medicine. GJ comes into the kitchen and asks him about his headached.
DJ apologizes for last night. GJ says something about how she's sorry too for treating YS like that. DJ says something back but there's clearly sadness in his voice. GJ says something again and DJ tells her that he understands her feelings. He suggests something 
but I'm not sure what it is. Something about how he's not going to find someone else? GJ is protesting but DJ just leaves to his room. Inside, he leaves a voice message, getting angry at how YS breaks her promise to him.

Meanwhile at Meesa's, Hs is on his phone when Hw comes bursting into his office. She tells him to break up with JY and how they can't get married. HS learns that Hw already know about TY-JY past. HW tells HS that JY is only in love with him for his money. They start to bicker. Both 
would not give up their relationship. HS says he and JY win and HW and TY are "losers". HW leaves the office looking determined. She comes back home and ES asks whether she met TY. HW says she met the OB/GYN. ES asks why Hw went there. HW says she's pregnant. ES is upset and starts crying.
Clearly HW is faking a pregnancy to get ES to let them marry. ES is crying because she says she's ashamed that HW is pregnant out of wedlock. HW is persuading ES to marry them off quickly, I think, even before HS-JY's wedding. Something about how if they get married quickly, they can pass her pregnancy as a honeymoon baby.
ES seems to agree with the plan. The two are more worried about HS i think.

Hw is in her room as she's talking on the phone with TY. TY says she sounds better now compared to this morning. HW brings up the marriage issue and tells him that they should marry quickly. She says something about how she'll take care of 
everything. TY is shocked because he's not ready to marry her just yet. Someone calls for him so their conversations stops.

Meanwhile, Ys is at her hoome cooking ramen. She remembers a conversation with DJ about getting married. At the lee household, DJ is sitting in his room when MS knocks on the doorm asking him to come in. MS tells DJ that he met YS. Dunno what else they talk about but DJ becomes even more upset because of this meeting. Suddenly, Dajung
knocks on the door, telling them to come outside to watch TP's performance on TV. They come out and DJ congratulates TP. GJ asks DJ about his illness. He's all polite but she can detect that something's wrong with him. They're eating strawberries and DJ thinks back to the meeting with the farm owner. 
Despite the owner saying she didn't know Ys, she asked whether YS is his wife. Something triggers in DJ and he immediately runs out and drives to the farm. He gets to the farm and stars calling out for YS. He finally meets her as she's lighting the candles for the strawberry. He runs and pulls her into his arms. (Awww..) He starts to 
fret about her conditions, how cold her hands are, and all that. YS leads her to her home and he mentions how it's really cold for her. DJ asks her to come back with him but she refuses. She says she can't come-no, she won't come with him. YS says something about how it's not just because of his mother but she doesn't want to be with him
too (lying much). She starts to go on a rant on how things were hard for her, because of everything. DJ looks really hurt and has tears in his eyes. Ys says they should just break up because things were hard for her. Dj asks her once again if this is what she really wants. She says it is so he leaves. He gets into his car and pulls over by
the road side and begins hitting the steering wheel. Tears fall down on his cheek. YS is crying her eyes out too. 

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DJ was leaving :tears: and like in the preview DJ burst out his emotion in the car. back to YS crying loudly. basically she asked DJ to leave. 

Lee family is watching TV where TP had a performance last time. suddenly TP got a phone call and that somebody ask for his manager. DS said she is his manager and they want to interview him. another job is coming i think. 

@TheMsChelsea91 you are here, chingu!! so i just leave it to you then. yours is more complete tho. hahaha... thank you :wub:

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At the Lee household, TP's performance finally starts on TV. They seem really impressed, including GJ. During his performance, his phone starts to ring 
and it's someone who wants to interview him. DS intercepts the phone and begins acting as his manager. She even lies and says she will need to check on his schedule first and then agrees or something. 
She informs the family about the interview and GJ seems even more impressed because she's smiling and all.

Meanwhile, SN is lying down thinking back to the possible cancer news. She even thinks back to all the fights she gets into and pulling the hair of some women. My stream stops a bit here. 
Stream resumes, SD comes home and SN says something about how she's agreeing to he divorce?? Damn my limited Korean. SD seems really pleased and SN starts getting upset and begins hitting SD. She leaves the room
and grabs a soju bottle and begins drinking as she cries. 

at the min household, ES is looking at the wedding invitation of HS-Jy. HS asks whether she likes it. Es isn't pleased bu doesn't protest much in return. The doorbell rings and HW comes running down the stairs. ES stops her and tells 
her to be careful. HW forgets for a bit before realizing the pregnancy ruse she's putting on. SHe starts walking with her hand on her stomach like a pregnant woman. TY comes in and ES calls her son-in-law Kang. HS is livid. ES tells them about TY-HW's wedding. 
TY is shocked and HS-JY begins protesting. HW calls JY out for being rude to her mother. THey later talk outside of the house. THey begin arguing again as HS grabs TY's collar. Not sure what they're saying but the fact that HW knows the truth about JY-TY is out in the open.

TY and HW walks out together as she sees him off. TY apologizes about his past with JY. Hw says it's not his fault. He thanks her for understanding. She mentions marriage again and he finally tells her that 
he doesn't want to get married yet. Hw's upset and tells him that he clearly doesn't love her. He tells her this is not true but she tells him to be quiet and runs back into her house. 

Meanwhile, DJ is at the kitchen and he grabs a can of beer. GJ sees this and asks him if he's ok. He tells her that he's fine and goes back to his room. GJ is sad and tells herself that 
her son might just die at this point or something. 

The next morning at the Min household, the family's having dinner. HS is protesting HW-TY's marriage again and this time, even ES joins in to defend him. HS is weirded out by ES's outburst but ES is more worried that she shocked HW too much. 
She's clearly accommodating HW because she thinks HW's pregnant. 

YS is at home and she's coughing. SHe's even coughing at the farm. TY calls her and she finally answers. He asks her where she is and she says she's at a strawberry farm of something.
DJ is at the tailor shop when a delivery arrives with the photo album of DJ-YS's wedding photos. He begins flipping the pages of the album. TY comes rushing in, and tells him if he wants to know where YS is. Dj says it's okay, he doesnt' want to go.
He places the album back in the paper bag and asks TY to give it to YS. He goes to the pantry and makes himself coffee.

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4 hours ago, valzki said:


@pinkdicentra @bajing i couldn't agree more with you about TY character in this drama. i am now questioning writer-nim about TY. why suddenly they have idea to make him a teacher? is there no other job that suits him to the drama theme about tailoring things? let me flip the tables if he becomes a teacher in the end objection-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Flip another table? Hahahaha... I really like you ladies. TY officially proposed to HW! 

Marriage and divorce are coming, SN agreed to divorce, kind of sad for her. 

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1 hour ago, valzki said:

argh..this JY is so shameless asking and begging TY to break up with HW. Can i just pull her hair and punch her on the face? punch-onion-head-emoticon.gif

She's the only character i really dislike here, yes, please pull her hair, we will be happy to see it.

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Sd is at the tailor shop and he thinks back on SN's words about their divorce? 
Meanwhile, SN comes to the bakery and gives YE packed food. She asks YE whether her son needs a dad. 
She starts breaking down in tears as she confesses that SD loves kids but she's unable to give him any. She
asks for water and eats her medicine. YE asks if she's okay and she says she has a headache. 

Meanwhile, TP is being interviewed by a reporter. DS sits at a table close by as she listens in to the interview. 
The interviewer asks him something and Tp gets the cue from ds and says no comment. The topic of marriage comes in but before TP could comment on it DS cuts
in and says he isn't married. She winks at him. He seems stunned but says nothing.

At the farm, TY finally comes to meet YS. They talk about DJ and YS says she likes DJ a lot. TY says he understands how YS feels but she should think this over. 
TY gives her a pat on her shoulder. He passes her the photo album from DJ and leaves. YS is coughing again. After the trip to the farm, TY gives DJ a call and tells him 
that he met up with YS and that he's given her the album. DJ thanks him. TY tells him that YS might seem ok but she isn't or something. He tells DJ that YS seems ill. DJ asks TY whether Ys has taken
her medicine and has gone to see a doctor. THey talk some more but my stream is interrupted. 

Stream resumes and TY is meeting up with JY. JY apologizes again and asks him to leave HW. She no longer appears angry but is actually sad. 
TY asks JY if she has no confidence in her own love. He repeats again about not leaving HW. He leaves JY as tears fall down JY's cheeks. Outside, TY calls HW and asks to meet up.
HW says she doesn't want to meet with someone who doesnt love her or something. HE just says he'll wait up for her. 

Meanwhile, SD comes home to find SN waiting for him. She gives him the divorce paper and even an envelope of cash. She tells him to go to his first love. SD finds her weird and aks why she's acting this way.
SN goes to the kitchen and pours herself a drink. SHe doesn't seem mad and is telling herself that it's the best for SD or something.

HW walks to this place with lights to meet up with TY. She seems sulky but isn't really angry.He tells her he has a gift for her. and it's cotton candy. they eat the cotton candy and at the stick, there's a ring in there. TY gets on his knees and 
all that. I don't think it's a marriage proposal though, more like a promise ring? since i don't hear any word on marriage mentioned. HW asks for a kiss and finally, they kiss as fireworks can be seen on the sky and all that.

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YS comes back home and her boiler is broken. SHe pours gasoline? into the thing to start it up. Interruption with my stream.
The owner suddenly comes. Stream stops. 

Stream resumes and now it's at the tailor shop between HJ and DJ. HJ is convincing him of something. He refuses. The farm owner calls him and tells him that YS is really sick. 
Worried, DJ says he'll get there now. HJ stops him but he says he has nothing to talk to her and leaves. HJ is furious. Inside YS's room, the spark from the boiler catches some spilled oil on the floor and the room catches fire.
YS is sleeping. Eventully she wakes up from the smoke and heat but passes out. DJ arrives and goes straight to her house. He could see smoke coming out from the door. He opens the door and sees an unconscious YS. He tries waking her up to no avail. He holds her as the fire spreads.

Episode ends. 

Preview (with TP's song as BGM):

- Dj is escorted into his room.

- Sn is continuing with the divorce, giving SD something, but she's so calm about this, which makes SD even curiouser. 

- HW and TY tries out the wedding attire with ES with them. HS's voice asking why they're getting married or something. 
(Guess that was a marriage proposal)

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5 hours ago, valzki said:

fighting for your work, chingu cheer2-onion-head-emoticon.gif

so happy to know that we are on the same ships (wolgyesu and goblin). haha.. and i still believe this drama will not dissapoint us in the end *fingers crossed dong-onion-head-emoticon.gif

yeah chinggu.. I was about to change my profile pic but you beat me to it.. hehe..

@TheMsChelsea91..thank you again for the wonderful recap. I could not follow all scenes because of my terrible line..the lags were even longer than yesterday.

Anyway..10 more eps to go.. with the last scene of DJ-YS, I hope next week will be better...

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