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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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On 11/21/2016 at 11:50 AM, Lmangla said:

whatever the reason, am curious to see what the implication is for dong jin. does it mean that she will come back in his life and he will be confused? why does he still have his wedding photo? maybe he feels guilty? wonder what made them decide to get married in the first place when neither were enthusiastic about it.... so will he feel compelled to give hyojoo a second chance?

Please don't give writer-nim any ideas. I hope the thought will never cross's his mind. I just could not imagine DJ to even want to go back to that relationship/life since he has been working at the tailor shop. Maybe he hasn't realized that the photo album is there and those pics are in it. From watching that scene during that flash back , I can't imagine that the time he spent w/HJ was very happy. 

On 11/21/2016 at 5:06 PM, hyall said:

As someone said weekend dramas are so good because you have  so much time to watch the development of the relationship they tend to stay in your minds longer. My first weekend drama was the 63 episode Life is beautiful which I thoroughly enjoyed. I think I love them because you spend so many hours watching the characters you get really invested in them which is why I am very hesitant to start one until I am certain it is going well and so far this drama they have not dragged the conflicts or misunderstandings too long to make it tiresome.

 I was never very eager to start weekend dramas in the past but I loved Five Kids and figured I would give this one a try. I've been lucky to watch these family dramas that have not dragged conflicts or gotten to makjang. That is a real deal breaker for me too. I like that they focus on more characters, we just don't watch the OTP and the evil second leads.

@wizuwizu Thanks for the recaps. LOLOLOL They are just so fun, I can't pick out which is the funniest:D



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1 hour ago, evie7 said:

Please don't give writer-nim any ideas. I hope the thought will never cross's his mind. I just could not imagine DJ to even want to go back to that relationship/life since he has been working at the tailor shop. Maybe he hasn't realized that the photo album is there and those pics are in it. From watching that scene during that flash back , I can't imagine that the time he spent w/HJ was very happy. 

 I was never very eager to start weekend dramas in the past but I loved Five Kids and figured I would give this one a try. I've been lucky to watch these family dramas that have not dragged conflicts or gotten to makjang. That is a real deal breaker for me too. I like that they focus on more characters, we just don't watch the OTP and the evil second leads.

@wizuwizu Thanks for the recaps. LOLOLOL They are just so fun, I can't pick out which is the funniest:D



I agree with you!  I don't want DJ to feel compelled to return to HJ after what had happened to him during their disastrous marriage where he was belittled and abused by her.  He is so much happier now with YS and you can see him evolving into a more passionate person than his usual rigid and square self.

I believe if he knew that the wedding photos are still in the album, he will remove them.  But on the other hand, I bet he will be thrilled to see YS jealous over those pictures HAHAHA :wub:

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22 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

It's exactly the same for me (except my parents are not watching the drama). Taewon is adorable but I boarded the Dongsil ship a long time ago. I like poignant, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, heart-fluttery things, so their subtle moments work for my preference (but I guess I'm 50% biased because of LDG anyway). @valsava mentioned (missing) chemistry a while back and I wanted to respond but got caught up with the updates and forgot. I usually relate chemistry with the actors' connection rather than the characters. Kind of like the two actors are performing at the same wavelength and particular viewers are also watching with the same wavelength. The storyline of the characters can take advantage of the chemistry to affect the viewers but usually do little change to that intrinsic connection. While I do think LDG and JYH have great chemistry (even offscreen), the whole cast seems to have great chemistry as a whole (they seem to really enjoy working with each other).

About DJ and YS, I do agree that the jump between their hating and liking phases was too abrupt and I didn't like them as a team until ep. 15. Since I was procrastinating yesterday (a lot as you will see), I decided to make gifs (for the first time, so the quality is not up to par) to mark their moments together since then.


@pinkdicentra We are on the same ship! YAY!!  I read many comments from other sites that DJ and YS doesn't have any chemistry however I beg to differ and I totally agree with that they DO HAVE GREAT CHEMISTRY!! Their relationship in this drama is supposed to be slow and subtle and I think they portrayed this very well.  I realized both have loads of eye contact with each other and they did a great job!  Their hilarious scenes were great too especially when they are bickering and you can see DJ getting really frustrated with her HAHAHA!  I hope we can see more progress between this 2 in the coming episodes!!  

BTW thanks for the gifs!!  I LOVE how you captured their interactions and eye contact!  

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Thank you guys for liking my comic strips. I will try to continue making them (I enjoyed making them haha!). A project is wrapping up is a week or two so definitely will be swamped with work in the near future.

@TheMschelsea91 . you're spot on with the Hogwarts houses ;) but I can't decide where GokJi should be...my sorting hat's broken :vicx:

@pinkdicentra I completely agree with your drama theory. I too grew up watching HK (and J) doramas before I started watching K dramas, so I get your points. Since a few years back I have developed allergy to makjang plots too, so I'm very selective as to which K-dramas I'd watch. There are some other factors too, though I'm not entirely sure how to put it. For example, I tried watching Moonlight Drawn By Clouds and Moon Lovers, but I dropped both dramas by episode 6-7. Maybe it's the setup, maybe it's the storyline, not quite sure why.

@chasen8888 TY really do make HS looks petty, right? He didn't even have to do anything...things HS say or do around TY just show that.

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16 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

It's exactly the same for me (except my parents are not watching the drama). Taewon is adorable but I boarded the Dongsil ship a long time ago. I like poignant, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, heart-fluttery things, so their subtle moments work for my preference (but I guess I'm 50% biased because of LDG anyway). @valsava mentioned (missing) chemistry a while back and I wanted to respond but got caught up with the updates and forgot. I usually relate chemistry with the actors' connection rather than the characters. Kind of like the two actors are performing at the same wavelength and particular viewers are also watching with the same wavelength. The storyline of the characters can take advantage of the chemistry to affect the viewers but usually do little change to that intrinsic connection. While I do think LDG and JYH have great chemistry (even offscreen), the whole cast seems to have great chemistry as a whole (they seem to really enjoy working with each other).

About DJ and YS, I do agree that the jump between their hating and liking phases was too abrupt and I didn't like them as a team until ep. 15. Since I was procrastinating yesterday (a lot as you will see), I decided to make gifs (for the first time, so the quality is not up to par) to mark their moments together since then.


Ditto! I agreed with all you've said about our lovely couple @pinkdicentra especially for LDG biased (me 70% :wub:) kekeke 

Here another still pic:


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14 hours ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

@Lmangla: I'm on board with your suggestion for comments/posts to be more like conversations but honestly, I don't really have the energy these days to just go back and quote people. I mostly remember in essence what was written but not by whom haha.. Will try my best though. 

thanks @TheMschelsea91 . :) I know it takes a bit more effort but I find it is totally worth it. some of my best times on soompi were on threads where we felt like a group chatting with each other (instead of at each other) and it was because people took the effort to respond to others by tagging and quoting posts and making the attempt to remember who said what.. my friend once complimented me saying I was wise but she burst out laughing when I responded that I learned a lot about people through dramas and dramas discussions! :D but it is true! even though it is just dramas, hearing a different view and some snippets of how it happened in real life makes you think and expand your own thinking of what people are like. it has challenged me to think about what I want from a relationship and why relationships fail and succeed. some of the snippets of real life made me cry, laugh and marvel in good and bad ways ("woah really??" kind of reaction)...

when I first joined soompi, I would see people post "chingu, great to see you again!" and I used to think "huh? :huh:...." but now I get it. when you have been in a conversational type thread, there is a great camaraderie that happens as you swoon, squeal, laugh, discuss and disagree about the characters and drama. gathering-smiley-face.gif?1302011368  so much so that it feels like seeing a long lost friend when you run into them in another thread and you feel happy to see a familiar name and DP. (though I keep changing my DP way too often.. kekekek..... )

so here's a tip that I picked up from someone who shared in another thread -- some folks actually meticulously keep a notepad app open and note down when a post strikes them so they can respond to it later.. so something like  lmangla, pg 36, conversation. and then once they have caught up reading, they actually respond to those posts they noted down. I am not as organized and tend to do a quick response to one or two individuals every few pages by quoting few posts here and there. sometimes, when you initially read a post, you don't have anything to add beside clicking like but then as you think about it over a few days, something strikes you and then I comment later...


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6 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

@Lmangla I think those BTS pics might be from pre-editted footage. I've seen preview pics from other dramas before that don't end up in the drama too. They usually shoot a scene that's a couple minutes long for several hours so there are probably lots of random footage available. The production company probably releases the most squee-worthy images. Or maybe they capture those images in order to release them to entice viewers? :sweatingbullets:

yea, it feels strange looking at them @pinkdicentra because otherwise it looks like the actors playing hyowon and taeyang are having a something something! :sweatingbullets: and so it is probably pre-edited stuff I guess.. but those were so pretty stills. I hope we see them later like a dream sequence like @TheMschelsea91 . mentioned. that would be funny! :D

I will admit that I actually enjoy makjang as a genre a lot when it is well done. I don't like makjang for makjang sake -- where they are just adding stupid unnecessary drama and fillers to fill up the episodes. however, when it makes sense within the crazy drama story, it is so much fun even when you think that you are losing brain cells as you watch because you are so addicted!  hahahahha... :lol: like you said, the fillers should be a contextual setup and then it make sense regardless of how inane it is!

18 hours ago, wizuwizu said:

@Lmangla hahaha count me in among the 30s enjoying TaeWon most. I appreciate the fact that they can be cute without acting cheesy. BTW I'm still learning how to use Photoshop, so for now every graphic/design stuff I do, I use Microsoft PowerPoint :D It's the easiest for me

you hit it on the head @wizuwizu; cheesy always makes me laugh and roll my eyes but here I am utterly charmed. you must be amazing with powerpoint because I have a love-hate relationship with MS products. nothing ever goes where I want it to and all that auto format drives me crazy. kekekek... how long does it take you to each photo? do you just photo capture, add a text box and then write a comment?


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4 hours ago, evie7 said:

Please don't give writer-nim any ideas. I hope the thought will never cross's his mind. I just could not imagine DJ to even want to go back to that relationship/life since he has been working at the tailor shop. Maybe he hasn't realized that the photo album is there and those pics are in it. From watching that scene during that flash back , I can't imagine that the time he spent w/HJ was very happy. 

LOL.. @evie7..... am just wondering what hyojoo's role in the drama is and unless she is going to be a third wheel, she doesn't have much to do right? I watched the writer's previous work - one hundred years inheritance -- and the main leads had a second chance love story. guess, the writer loves those? anyway, the girl's ex-husband (who was played the actor playing sun joon oppa here) does move on after a bit though he does wonder for a while if he made a mistake in divorcing her... so maybe we will see something along those lines?

2 hours ago, effyisme said:

I agree with you!  I don't want DJ to feel compelled to return to HJ after what had happened to him during their disastrous marriage where he was belittled and abused by her.  He is so much happier now with YS and you can see him evolving into a more passionate person than his usual rigid and square self.

I hope we get more details about why he married her and why he put up with her nonsense. while he felt beaten by the events that happened in the beginning, it didn't feel like he had a lack of self-confidence problem that taeyang and hyosang struggle with. so it makes me wonder why he put up being belittled and abused by her. what was in it for him? it almost seemed like he felt his ambition was worth putting up with her... so a little background would help understand dong jin better and his journey... by the way, does anyone wonder what exactly he does in the shop? he built a website and then sits around? it is not like he is stitching or cutting stuff...

cute rabbit 2 021

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4 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

LOL.. @evie7..... am just wondering what hyojoo's role in the drama is and unless she is going to be a third wheel, she doesn't have much to do right? I watched the writer's previous work - one hundred years inheritance -- and the main leads had a second chance love story. guess, the writer loves those? anyway, the girl's ex-husband (who was played the actor playing sun joon oppa here) does move on after a bit though he does wonder for a while if he made a mistake in divorcing her... so maybe we will see something along those lines?

I hope we get more details about why he married her and why he put up with her nonsense. while he felt beaten by the events that happened in the beginning, it didn't feel like he had a lack of self-confidence problem that taeyang and hyosang struggle with. so it makes me wonder why he put up being belittled and abused by her. what was in it for him? it almost seemed like he felt his ambition was worth putting up with her... so a little background would help understand dong jin better and his journey... by the way, does anyone wonder what exactly he does in the shop? he built a website and then sits around? it is not like he is stitching or cutting stuff...

cute rabbit 2 021

Yeah we need to have more insight into why he married HJ in the first place.  I think this will be revealed soon.. Maybe when YS asked him?

Haha I think he is managing the shop at an executive level but I don't mind him sitting around doing nothing coz he is such a eye candy :wub:

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6 minutes ago, effyisme said:

Haha I think he is managing the shop at an executive level but I don't mind him sitting around doing nothing coz he is such a eye candy :wub:

hahahah... @effyisme - it is funny but in the shop, I always notice sam do more! his glasses (and yes, those keep changing as well; does anybody else notice that? must be just me! kekeke... some really nice eye wear PPL in this drama).. anyway, the way he concentrates while cutting and stitching and the suits he wears -- he looks so sharp!..... even if he is not the lead, that is some eye candy there!! :D

P.S ~ thanks for those stills @peggygordon; is it me or does it seem like both dong jin and yun shil are wearing a lot of black? in dramaland, isn't love supposed to make you wear brighter clothes? cute rabbit 2 015

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@Lmangla  @evie7 @effyisme think Hyojoo will realised that she did love DJ and maybe wants him back and start all over again. She is now reminiscing the past and i guess she has regrets now. Probably get some sympathy from DJ since she is all alone. Ya, i'm also curious to know the story behind their earlier marriage.

chinggus, thanks for all the comments and views. Don't get disheartened if i don't quote all your names. Too many, i couldn't catch up...:)

I enjoyed reading all your comments, the gifs, instagram and the make up dialogues @wizuwizu

By the way is this TYs first drama. I have not seen him before. Did he just came out of nowhere? His acting and facial expression is good and not over the top.

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9 minutes ago, ctheirne said:

@Lmangla  @evie7 @effyisme think Hyojoo will realised that she did love DJ and maybe wants him back and start all over again. She is now reminiscing the past and i guess she has regrets now. Probably get some sympathy from DJ since she is all alone. Ya, i'm also curious to know the story behind their earlier marriage.

chinggus, thanks for all the comments and views. Don't get disheartened if i don't quote all your names. Too many, i couldn't catch up...:)

I enjoyed reading all your comments, the gifs, instagram and the make up dialogues @wizuwizu

By the way is this TYs first drama. I have not seen him before. Did he just came out of nowhere? His acting and facial expression is good and not over the top.

I hope DJ will not waver coz he got YS now and knowing YS character she will sacrifice herself again if she knows that HJ wants to get back together with DJ.  YS has mentioned before saying HJ is pretty and stylish as compared to her.  I can imagine how hurt YS will be..

The irony is that YS kept saying how imperfect she is and not good enough for DJ but in his eyes she is near perfection as compared to his ex wife.  YS does everything for DJ that HJ never did.

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I have been married twice and I still have all my wedding photographs from my first marriage. I have no desire to throw them away and I wish to keep them. I did not end on bad terms with my first husband in fact we remained friends. 

About those high heels to be honest they scare me I keep wondering when they are going to fall each time they sway in those heels. They really are high and HW even runs on them which is insane you can truly hurt your ankles. I guess being short they need them for the height but seriously I do enjoy me some sensible shoes.

OMG I agree Sam Do is total eye candy too I mean the guys have you any idea how many times I replayed the runway scene in the fashion show

Image result for blush icon

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11 minutes ago, ctheirne said:

By the way is this TYs first drama. I have not seen him before. Did he just came out of nowhere? His acting and facial expression is good and not over the top.

yea, I haven't seen him before either and there's no way I would not notice such a cute tall guy even if he was in a side small role!!! hahahahha.... :D guess, he wasn't in anything that I have watched? I did read somewhere that the actress who plays hyowon used to be a child actress.. wonder how old she is in real life....


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3 minutes ago, hyall said:

I have been married twice and I still have all my wedding photographs from my first marriage. I have no desire to throw them away and I wish to keep them. I did not end on bad terms with my first husband in fact we remained friends. 

About those high heels to be honest they scare me I keep wondering when they are going to fall each time they sway in those heels. They really are high and HW even runs on them which is insane you can truly hurt your ankles. I guess being short they need them for the height but seriously I do enjoy me some sensible shoes.

thanks for sharing @hyall but out of curiousity, can I ask why you kept them? in my generation, I end up realizing old classmates have divorced/separated when they remove their wedding photos on facebook, unfriend the spouse and remove any connected photos of the two of them....

and those heels! :D guess, the writer is making a pubic service announcement through a comic scene? kekeke... makes me wonder how tall taeyang is because even with those heels, hyowon and ms. ko are quite short next to him.. or is it that he is quite a bit taller than them? 

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6 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

yea, I haven't seen him before either and there's no way I would not notice such a cute tall guy even if he was in a side small role!!! hahahahha.... :D guess, he wasn't in anything that I have watched? I did read somewhere that the actress who plays hyowon used to be a child actress.. wonder how old she is in real life....


  HY is in the Jewel of place as child actress if im not mistaken and i think she is like 23. Correct me if i'm wrong.

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22 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

thanks for sharing @hyall but out of curiousity, can I ask why you kept them? in my generation, I end up realizing old classmates have divorced/separated when they remove their wedding photos on facebook, unfriend the spouse and remove any connected photos of the two of them....

and those heels! :D guess, the writer is making a pubic service announcement through a comic scene? kekeke... makes me wonder how tall taeyang is because even with those heels, hyowon and ms. ko are quite short next to him.. or is it that he is quite a bit taller than them? 


The reason I kept them was because he was my friend from university and we got married soon after I had graduated and started working. We had no children and I truly liked him but the marriage was not working and if you know anything about Indians and how families can be a factor and marrying someone from a  different caste yes even in Malaysia they still look at which caste and such you come from and there was a huge makjang opposition from his family. They are not memories I wish to remove or destroy as they were some very happy and sad moments in my life. Oddly sad and happy at the same time can be a strange way to describe them but it was true to my experience. My current husband even met him as we used to go out together with my ex husband and his girlfriend. Not all marriages that end in divorce are bitter.

Just to give you an example of how hard they tried to stop us his aunt refused to let me into her house and I had to sit outside in the car when the other people went into her house and his mum refused to speak to me at all when I first met her. 

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39 minutes ago, hyall said:

Oddly sad and happy at the same time can be a strange way to describe them but it was true to my experience

thanks for sharing @hyall; given the kind of opposition you had, it surprises me a little that you remember the happy times as well. maybe it is because I am one of those people who tend to cut out people if they hurt me. is it just a matter of time and space that gives one a different perspective?...

but wonder what it means for dong jin -- does it mean that the marriage wasn't completely unhappy? did hyojoo have some charms that he looks back on? were there some fun moments in their marriage?

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Comic Strip
@Lmangla - Ehh I didn't time myself when I made the comic strips, mainly because I'd get carried away re-watching the drama instead of quickly screencapping and adding dialogues. Sometimes I'd have to go forward or backwards a little bit to make sure I got the context right. But yeah, I just print screen, copy into MS ppt, add speech bubbles, then type in the dialogue.
@ctheirne - Thank you! I'm glad you guys enjoyed my comments through the comical strips.

I agree with @Lmangla & @effyisme, I hope we get to see more on why DJ married HJ in the first place. Otherwise the whole thing will feel too one-dimensional, and wouldn't make sense at all. I mean, DJ seemed like an ambitious person the first time we saw him, but he wasn't greedy. If ambition was his drive, he didn't need to marry HJ to gain an exec post at Meesa, right? He's perfectly qualified and capable for the post. Also, I guess it is possible their marriage started with a possibility of actually 'developing' love along the way.

@ctheirne & @Lmangla - I've seen the actor in a few dramas before, all of which I enjoyed: Pasta, Tree with Deep Roots, and My Dear Cat (I made a reference to this in my comic strip, but I guess it was a poor reference hahaha! Also, because they like to use cat sounds for ES and HW). Now that I think about it, other than Man Sool's actor, I've seen TY the most. I saw SJ before in "I Remember You" as the main psycho, and DS in "Legendary Witch" (main reason I decide to watch this drama). I think I've seen DJ before...but it was a long time ago. Was it "Lovers in Paris" or "Prague"? I've seen the ajumma who kept picking a fight with SJ before too, but forgot where. The rest, I've never seen before, but they are a pleasant surprise that's for sure.

@Lmangla & @hyall - Maybe it's because I'm a guy, so I will never understand why some women like to wear very-high heels. I mean, they look painful! Personally I prefer women who wear comfortable-looking shoes. On a side note, am I the only guy here? Hope not LOL

Hmm now that I mentioned "Legendary Witch"...I noticed some similarities with this drama. One of which is the lottery ticket LOL. Pity HW didn't get to stay at the gosiwon. Her being there gave me flashback of DS' character in that drama and the driver of the snobby rich family (her bf), where they stayed next to each other without realizing it at first. Seriously if you guys haven't watched this drama, please go ahead and binge-watch it.

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