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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 142:

# While YJ is arguing with Mr. Kim he hears DT's all too familiar "What are you two doing here?"

# Mr. Kim shoves YJ into DT and escapes.

# When they extricate themselves from each other DT goes into prosecutor mode. YJ stammers but soon catches hold of alifeline of bafflegab: His story and he's sticking to it. DT opens his mouth in amazement but accepts the hook like a trout.

# DT takes a call on his cell phone and dashes off. YJ is like, Whew!

# YJ bursts into his office. He makes a call on his cell phone and leaves a furious message.

# DT is in MS's office describing his encounter with Mr. Kim and YJ. MS is incredulous. MS shouts.

# DT and DY literally bump into each other in a corridor. They talk. DY departs, leaving DT standing alone.

# DY's mother and SA talk in their house. The Village Representative arrives. SA stands awkwardly as he holds forth. He loses an argument with DY's mother and leaves. DY arrives home and the three women talk.

# SA and DY are in the kitchen. SA gives DY a bite of something she has cooked. They discuss the food. They discuss other things.

# In her bedroom, DY once again inserts the thumb drive into her laptop and studies its contents. She remembers a conversation she had with YJ.

# The Sul's are in their living room. Juran shouts angrily. HR is distressed.

# YJ arrives home just as Juran is uttering a vow to exact vengeance. She screams at YJ. YJ stares at the floor and has little to say. MS tells Juran to cool off. HR rushes to her husband's side in a show of solidarity. Juran begins to scream again. HR rushes from the room. YJ stands there. Why does he look surprised?

# YJ and DT are walking in the upstairs hallway. DT Has A Word with him.

# YJ enters his bedroom, joining his weeping wife. He gives her [a cake]  and attempts to cheer her up. He receives an unwelcome text on his cell phone. She says something that surprises him.

# KC leads Little GJ and the rest of the Gu family into the hospital room where Birth Mother lies brain-dead in her bed. Little GJ speaks to her dead mother. Everyone cries.

# Litte GJ is wheeled into an operating room on a gurney YJ's mother receives a call on her cell phone from her son. She explains the situation.

# The surgeons are seen working in the operating room while the Gu family waits outside.. YJ arrives and awaits the results of the surgery with the rest of the Gu family. A surgeon emerges from the operating room and has good news. Everyone is happy and relieved.

# YJ turns to leave but his mother asks to speak with him. They find a bench and mother lectures son. YJ sighs. He receives a call on his cell phone and dashes off.

# YJ and Mr. Kim confer urgently in a coffee shop.

# YJ examines some materials from his safe in his office. He immediately secretes them as Mr. Choi enters. But one embarrasing document remains on YJ's desk. Mr. Choi spots it and asks about it. Then he asks more questions. YJ looks cornered. Then he regains his confidence and speaks rapid-fire. Mr. Choi is like, Something here is not on the up and up!

# DY and DT meet in his office. He is happy with DY's idea for a new product launch. Then they discuss DT's encounters with Mr. Kim.

# KC speaks to Little GJ in her hospital room. Big GJ joins them. Then the heart monitor starts going crazy and KC runs for help. A doctor and nurse arrive and begin to work.

# YJ's parents and CJ learn about CJ's condition.

# YJ enters MS's office and they talk. MS questions YJ calmly. Then he calmly goes in for the kill. YJ stammers and acts furtive. MS says something that shocks YJ.

# YJ is in a corridor barking orders into his cell phone. He is taken aback by the other party's response.

# DY sits at her desk. She remembers something DT told her.

# Mr. Han and the Gossip Duo depart, leaving DY alone. Then YJ bursts in. He orders her into his office.

# YJ speaks. DY is shocked and disbelieving. She reprimands him. He pleads. She's like, I know you're pitching guano -- I've seen your thumb drive! YJ looks cornered and desperate.


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DT's "Shouty" behavior towards DY whenever she meets YJ can be partially explained. It's a lingering effect of the lies SW told him in the course of her scheming. On more than one occasion SW lied to DT that DY still had feelings for YJ. SW set it up so DT would see DY and YJ together meeting on the company rooftop. This validated the lies she told him with something he could see with his own two eyes. So it's understandable that DT would still harbour a fair amount of distrust towards DY in matters where YJ is involved. SW never came clean on 95% of the evil deeds she committed. If SW was doing a 12 step recovery program she would have failed the steps involving admitting all of your wrongs, listing all the people you have wronged and making direct amends to them. JR and HR are still under the influence of SW's lies in how they view DY. Almost every time SW met with them she said something to make DY look bad. Both believe DY persued DT and that she had some kind of scheme to get back with YJ. Besides to not admitting to the destruction of the Mulberry Paste, SW still has to tell DY that she was responsible for HR attacking her in the office. Both DT and DY still need to be told what happened to DT's $10,000 watch, ... In short SW's still got a lot of splainin to do.  :sweatingbullets:  :phew:

This episode made me think that a fair share of HR's flaws may be MS's fault. When you see how lenient he is towards YJ as opposed to JR it makes him look to soft. Yes YJ's actions are in the past but but does that mean there should be no consequences? I'll bet he was the more lenient parent and let HR get away with a lot of stuff when she was growing up. We all know the Spoiled Brat this resulted in. 

 Mr. Kim escapes yet again and YJ tells some lies to weasel out of the predicament. DT later tells his family that YJ knew that the Cheong Gi Cho was fake and covered it up. DT told them this like it was new news to him! I distinctly remember 'Skinny now exiled to Busan' guy telling DT that YJ had Bonjour's call center cover up the complaints they were getting about said product. DT even suspected that YJ recommended Skinny Guy be transferred to Busan' to punish him and prevent him from looking further into the matter. So DT forgot all of that? I hope Skinny Guy is adjusting to Busan' cause his going to be there for a long time if he's depending on DT to bring him back!

Did you see Mr Kim's feat of Kdrama super vision in the opening scene? He spotted DT in the distance over YJ' s shoulder! Amazing distance vision with some points for peripheral vision thrown in! 

DY's mom seems to be the mentally sharpest character lately.

YJ's hair style is getting softer looking. Sort of a shorter version of DT's, making him look less threatening. This combined with his uncharacteristic visit to the hospital to see how "The Brats" operation was going, could be the first signs of the KUMBAYA ending we are all expecting.  :angry:

I don't know if it's the translations doing it but the contract in YJ's USB seems to be written for a elementary school student. Of course being a kindergartener mentally DY still fails to grasp it's full significance. And "Borrowed-Name Account Transaction Details" written on YJ's secret ledger?! Why not just be even more obvious and label it "List of Evil Deeds to Steal from Bonjour and screw over the Seol Family!"  :huh:

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I also agree that DT's "shouty" behavior is excusable.  For the most part, he is a gentle figure.  He shouts at DY because she is very secretive.  It's almost like she's mute, she so incapable of communicating.  Look at it from DT's point of view:

  • DY was in a 5-year relationship with YJ
  • YJ tells his wife that he's still interested in DY
  • DY breaks up with DT (bc of SW), but won't tell him what's going on
  • Later, when the whole SW fiasco is revealed, DT learns that DY knew all along and yet never said (or even hinted) anything to him.  And he's supposed to just believe that DY would have eventually told him at the last minute?  When?  When he was at the altar?
  • Then DT hears YJ (his brother-in-law) telling DY that he wants to divorce his wife and get back together with DY.  At this point, DY should have told DT what was going on.  Not just because she may like him, but just because that's what normal people would do.  Let's say that DT and DY were never in a relationship.  But a supervisor at your work (i.e., YJ) comes on to you and another supervisor (DT) sees it.  As an employee, DY should have said something.  Or, let's take the whole employee-employer relationship away.  Let's say there's a married man who keeps stalking you and telling you that he wants to get back together.  His brother-in-law overhears and confronts you, asking what's going on.  Most people would explain that the married man is stalking you and since DT is related to the stalker's wife, can he please get his brother-in-law in hand.
  • Bonjour is falling further and further into bankruptcy.  It looks like someone on the inside is sabotaging the company.  DT already suspects YJ, but he hasn't said anything to DY, because why should he?  She certainly hasn't been honest with him.  He sees DY and YJ having what looks like a secret meeting.  Of course he's going to jump to conclusions.  It's DY's job to put things to rights, because it's her behavior that's causing DT to suspect her motives.
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8 hours ago, jimb said:

While watching the preview to ep. 143 I think I finally figured out why I am less enthused with the DT character than some other members of this forum:  he is too "shouty."  His first response is always to yell at DY when a question or two would be more useful:  not a particularly attractive trait in a husband. 

By contrast, DY only rarely raises her voice to DT.

There is a very unattractive dominance-submission aspect to their relationship.


@jimb, @stroppyse and I discussed a while back how both DT and DY had lost their appeal as a couple for us--even as characters..... and that was before SW became an issue.  However, when SW did come into the picture and DY didn't even put up a fight, I was completely done with her. DY is submissive to everyone, not just DT. I can almost excuse DT for his "shouty" moments with DY considering what he's learned about her (SW's aunt) and his mounting frustration.  My main dislike of DT is he acts like a small child and a momma's boy; over the top naive.  If he and DY do marry, I could see some woman coming between them. DY because she doesn't communicate and DT because he thinks to innocent of people, some woman could cause conflict. 

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I prefer the explanation that DT is inexperienced and not a good actor and give him an awful script, he shouts. My guess is that he thinks shouting indicates a state of extreme emotion :rolleyes:. Another actor more well known than him Kim Rae Won also did a lot of shouting in which star are you from.  I remember the actress was about 5  feet away and he shouted I love you or like you. She did not even flinch.

couldbe the same director. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching that drama. TUF, I need to know the ending of this show- pr any show I watched.

must be some form of psychosis- must check the OED.

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If anyone should get an award for TUF, I must say it has got to be Kim Jin Woo. I think he has the meatiest role as YJ and his "psychotic face" in tonight's episode sent a chill down my spine :crazy:

The angry DT from episodes 80-83 came back as well. While DY is mostly at fault for keeping so many secrets, I think DT should've known better that these misunderstandings are bound to happen when requesting for DY to return to BHS. For the first time, I was actually glad that DY kept quiet when DT was yelling at her the second time tonight. DY was waiting for DT in his office to hand over YJ's USB.


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3 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 144's Preview:


Translation of the ep 144 preview.


YJ: Where did you put it? 

DY: What are you doing? Give it to me.

YJ: Where did you put the USB?

Brat: Is mother still sleeping?

KC: When our Gong Ju is all better, then I’ll take you to see her.

JR: So that her heart won’t go to our Dong Tak, please speak well to her.

SA: Couldn’t we just leave them to go where their hearts take them? (Clearly, it’s the first time JR has ever heard such a foreign concept!)

YJ: You’ll have to go find and retrieve the USB.

Man: Who do I have to get the USB back from?

DY: Who are you?

Man: Where is the USB?

DY: I don’t know anything about that.

DT: Dan Yi!

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20 minutes ago, jimb said:

@sgfans  My two cents is that the characters that really drove TUF were the three least loveable:  SW, Juran and YJ.  :

I agree with you @jimb. There is no drama without the quintessential villains. 

I think DY is also "least loveable" now. The writers have recently made it so difficult to want to root for her.

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53 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Translation of the ep 144 preview.


YJ: Where did you put it? 

DY: What are you doing? Give it to me.

YJ: Where did you put the USB?

Brat: Is mother still sleeping?

KC: When our Gong Ju is all better, then I’ll take you to see her.

JR: So that her heart won’t go to our Dong Tak, please speak well to her.

SA: Couldn’t we just leave them to go where their hearts take them? (Clearly, it’s the first time JR has ever heard such a foreign concept!)

YJ: You’ll have to go find and retrieve the USB.

Man: Who do I have to get the USB back from?

DY: Who are you?

Man: Where is the USB?

DY: I don’t know anything about that.

DT: Dan Yi!

thanks @stroppyse for translation.

I can't believe YJ can become a murderer. How desperate is he for not being discovered and for evading justice?  (YJ will contrat a hitman;YJ is a coward) and DT will save DY.

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11 hours ago, maribella said:

I prefer the explanation that DT is inexperienced and not a good actor and give him an awful script, he shouts. My guess is that he thinks shouting indicates a state of extreme emotion :rolleyes:. Another actor more well known than him Kim Rae Won also did a lot of shouting in which star are you from.  I remember the actress was about 5  feet away and he shouted I love you or like you. She did not even flinch.

I think another part of it is that these daily dramas almost require OTT acting.  The storylines are already really crazy and you need really extreme and/or obvious acting to carry the ridiculousness through.  These dailies don't lend themselves well to subtle acting.  That doesn't mean that the acting should be bad or non-existent (which I think is the case with DY's character), but more that everything is exaggerated.  You know, like how each character's "shocked" expression is just so super exaggerated.  Also, remember when Samwol was still in the show and her family members would show up out of the blue while she was with DT or his family?  I love how her expression would be so over-the-top "why-are-you-here" but DT was always so clueless that he couldn't see it.

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On 11/16/2016 at 5:37 AM, sk0317 said:

So DY confirmed our fears that she would put herself at risk by confronting YJ on her own:o. And today, to YJ's and our astonishment, she even revealed she has his USB:blink::crazy:. Well at least from tomorrow's preview, we know that DY turned in the USB to DT:sweatingbullets:. I think YJ's fate will be decided by next week.

The Anchor Baby's magic doesn't seem to work on YJ. He doesn't want to be trapped and stuck in a loveless marriage. He has tried to convince DY to run off with him when they had the conversation in his office after the rest of the office staff left.

Having tasted SA's "perilla leaves with mulberry leaf", DY discussed her idea of "mulberry leaf kimchi" with her SIL in the Kang's household. DY informed DT she has decided to go with her "ki mulberry leaf kimchi" idea and will start making a trial batch. DT told her to use the preparation area/kitchen in Bonjour (SW won't be around to discard them anymore:sweatingbullets:).

@sk0317  YJ fate is give up all the money and stay married to HR or go to jail.. It would be funny if he choose the latter..

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1 hour ago, valsava said:

@sk0317  YJ fate is give up all the money and stay married to HR or go to jail.. It would be funny if he choose the latter..

It didn't take long before a very desperate YJ send KDS to retrieve his USB since he failed to get it back from DY himself. I guess DT got injured (I think that explains the IG picture you so kindly posted @sgfan) protecting DY in the last scene in today's preview @valsava and @sgfan. I do hope DY made copies of the USB though:sweatingbullets:.

YJ told DY he would "take care of the baby in another way", although he plans to elope with DY to another country:blink:. Obviously, YJ hasn't put off his plans to fulfill the two most important things in his life. To be "successful" and to end up somewhere "taking care" of DY:sweatingbullets:. But now that YJ knows his USB is in DY's keeps, he has decided to pursue his USB before running off to another country probably on his own. I think YJ will be sent to jail as he hasn't changed his mind about divorcing/leaving HR despite her being pregnant.

How are you doing @valsava? Are you in LV now? Has your niece returned home?

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 143:

# DY has declined YJ's invitation to run off with him to parts unknown. DY informs YJ that she has his thumb drive and has reviewed its contents. YJ becomes crazed. They argue bitterly. DY gives YJ a tongue lashing and storms out of his office.

# DT enters as DY returns to her desk. She cuts their conversation short and leaves hurriedly. DT looks bewildered.

# YJ paces and snorts like a frustrated bull. DT enters YJ's office. DT warns YJ that he should stop pursuing DY.

# DT departs and YJ takes a call on his cell phone.

# YJ and Mr. Kim meet and plot in a coffee shop. Their alliance has become uneasy.

# MS drinks coffee with Juran, Grandfather, DT and HR. Juran appears to be exhausted. Then she rallies and speaks bitterly. HR defends her husband and Juran lashes out. YJ returns from work. A hero's welcome he does not receive.

# YJ and HR are in their bedroom. HR is eager and consoling. YJ is cold and withdrawn. HR leaves the room and YJ urgently sends a text message to DY.

# DY's mother and SA are sitting in their house when the Village Representative blows in. DY arrives and they talk. They discuss DY's proposal to manufacture mulberry kimche. The Village Representative departs.

# DY's mother gives DY some unwanted instructions. DY is like, Whatever you say . . .

# DY is in her bedroom. She sighs when she sees YJ's text message: Gimme USB. SA joins her. They discuss YJ's perfidy.

# The Gu family is in Little GJ's hospital room. A doctor speaks gravely. KC and Big GJ are disturbed by what they are told. Everybody weeps.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# YJ encounters DY in Bonjour's cafeteria and summons her for a Talk. DT arrives. He watches them walk off and is Concerned.

# YJ and DY square off on Bonjour's now familiar rooftop. He's still Gimme thumb drive. She's still No Way.

# DY walks down a corridor. DT waylays her and gets shouty. DT takes a call on his cell phone. Is it from Mama? DT petulantly stalks off.

# DT meets Mr. Kim's (ex?-) girlfriend in a coffee shop. She informs him that Mr. Kim's activities seem to be directed by someone within Bonjour. DT's mind continues to grind slowly but not so exceedingly fine.

# The Gu family continues to emote at the hospital. Little GJ opens her eyes and everyone is happy.

# YJ wanders the corridors of Bonjour as he remembers what he was told by Mr. Kim's girlfriend. Someone within Bonjour. Who in heaven could that be?

# DT encounters Mr. Choi.  DT's mind turns over like an old Model T crank-up Ford engine: He in heaven it could be!   DT summons him to his office for a Talk. DT interrogates. Mr. Choi plays dumb. Then he says something that surprises DT:  Not me!  Not me!  Your brother in law behind the tree!

# DY sighs at her desk. Short Guy With Glasses notices and asks, What's up? Then he proceeds to give everyone his version of what's up. Mr. Han intervenes and tells him to get back to work.

# YJ seethes in his office. DY enters. They argue. YJ grabs her arm as she attempts to leave and makes a final plea.

# DT bursts in. He's like, What are you two doing here? DY leaves. DT questions YJ sternly. YJ stammers. DT lectures YJ and storms out.

# DT drags DY into his office and shouts at her, Korean Cave Man style. She gives him the thumb drive already. She describes its contents. DT is overwhelmed.


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@sk0317  Writes that the Sul family may no longer make an effort to keep YJ out of prison since he has clearly stated his intention of abandoning HR and their baby.

Also, in ep. 144, YJ apparently enlists the services of a thug to wrest the thumb drive from DY. This is a crime of violence which will necessarily involve the police.   We are now totally beyond YJ's embezzlement from Bonjour, which the Sul family could probably cover up without police intervention.

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The actress Lee Shi-A (DY) was actually given a couple of things to do in ep. 143 which didn't involve staring at the floor while she was being berated by her mother, Juran, or DT.  Am I the only one who found Ms. Lee's performance in these instances totally convincing?

I think the writers have consistently victimized Ms. Lee with situations and dialogue which no actor or actress could perform with distinction.

Remember when DT was being frog-marched to marriage to SW?  The DT character during that period was as pathetic as DY's has been throughout.  In the absence of a decent script, Shin Ji-Hoon's acting was not very distinguished either.

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5 hours ago, monalisa said:

In Korean dramas, the USB always features as evidence of criminal activity. It's profound evidence that could send the criminal to prison. However, the person holding the USB never thinks of making a copy?

Actually what is more interesting is that regardless of whether the person made a copy or not, the ones going after the USB-evidence seem to always assume that the owner would be incapable of copying it or something!  They would go to any extent, even murder, to get the USB back, rather than give up and assume that the owner would have copied it anyway, which is what any normal human being would assume!  Well, whether it has been copied or not, there is no way one can assume that you're safe if you just got the USB back, so no crook would try that hard to get an evidence-USB back if you lost it, in the real world.  But that is not how Kdrama characters are!

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