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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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When HR told JR about YJ wanting a divorce and meeting DY she said she believed DY had moved on from YJ. JR said she didn't believe that and wanted to teach DY a lesson. HR stopped her. This action and saying that she believes DY has actually moved on from YJ were probably the first positive things HR has ever done toward DY. She didn't treat her well from the very beginning. It's also the first step in the writers giving us a kumbaya ending at least between HR and DY. Best friend sister in law's! This is the first step in making her character a sympathetic one. We also see in the preview for ep 140 that she's pregnant. Who can hate a pregnant woman? Oh poor HR! In Ep 139 (27:41) HR tells JR, "The fact that another women is in his heart is driving me crazy." If the writers had really wanted to redeem HR's character they should have added the line, "OH NO!! Now I know how DY must have felt when I stole YJ away from her!"  :o :(


By real world standards they're making another mistake if they use HR's pregnancy to keep YJ from leaving HR. Poor kid would have to grow up with parents that hate each other. Even thick skulled HR would eventually come to resent YJ. Everyone wants to be with someone that loves them. Down deep HR (and JR) will always remember what YJ has told her these last couple of episodes. Eventually, maybe many years later it will bubble up to the surface and they will have a erupting volcano of a marriage. 

Unlike average families the Seol family would have no economic reason to keep YJ around. They can easily support HR and the child. Judging by how JR and HR treat regular people religion can't be a reason. Not Christianity or Buddhism or any other type that I can think of. Oh yea! I almost forgot HR's parents are in the process of getting a divorce right now. So divorce is not out of the question for this family. They just have to swallow their upper class pride; especially JR and HR. It's not like the kid was conceived out of wedlock (Stupid ghost falling asleep on the job!). After a divorce she may no longer be eligible for a chaebol husband but at least she could meet someone who actually loves her and her child. And he might still come from a relatively wealthy family which would make JR happy. Plus the kid would have a birth secret so he could star in a Kdrama when he or she grows up! But this is Kdrama so most of you are probably right in thinking that YJ will stay in the family. 


Lest we forget HR's true nature watch Ep 17 (1:20). HR already knows YJ has a girlfriend but still has the gall to say this to him "I don't care if you don't like me, because I like you." Actually watch the first two minutes of this episode. You'll get to see HR meet DY for the very first time and treat her like a peon. The reason I want to bring this scene to everyone's attention is that in the next couple of weeks the writers are going to give us a kumbaya ending. In order to do this one of the things they're going to do is give HR a Personality Transplant in order to make us sympathetic towards her. To combat any acceptance of a hokey ending we should periodically remind ourselves of the true nature of the evil characters. I'm sure you'll find a lot of scenes of JR,HR,SW,YJ and YJ's mom at their evil best. NO KUMBAYA! NO KUMBAYA! NO KUMBAYA! Everyone chant! We could start a revolution and end the suffering of millions of Kdrama fans!  :w00t:  :lol:  :w00t:


DY's mom is getting smarter than the rest of the family. She's against the DY/DT relationship. She reminds SA that she's seen how vicious DT's mother can be and what this would mean for DY. Who really has the Alzheimer's in that family?  :huh:


In preparation for the kumbaya ending the writers have started to grow back DY's backbone. Ep 138 (20:25) DY Bursts into YJ's office and gives him a tongue lashing. The spine less DY of a couple of days ago would never have done this.


DT is the very one who always tells his mom not to trust YJ to much. Yet without hesitation right after he suspiciously asks about YJ's interest in Bonjour's stock and the stock reports he's been getting from Mr. Han. He tells YJ all about what he's learned from Changwei. That Mr. Kim is involved and that he's going to catch him. The same Mr. Kim that DT thinks he saw meeting with YJ just a few days ago. You never know when the stupid is going to surface in these characters. :tears:  :crazy:


The preview for episode 140 indicates that Mr Kim must have somehow escaped from DT. I'm very curious to see how the writers are going to pull this off. Especially since DY can't suddenly show up and interfere with DT and drag Mr Kim away.  :lol:  :blink:


So DT can't remember the face of a girl whose Poo ends up on him. But a guy that he sees briefly through a coffee shop window, that face he remembers?!   :mellow:


In MS's office DT tells him he's going to search for Mr Kim again. MS suggests calling the police. DT says no it's an internal matter, but not to worry he will when it gets dangerous. I guess that will be when he's lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood with his skull cracked open?! I guess all the security guards at Bonjour exist only to throw out middle aged ladies from the lobby.  :)  :huh:


In today's episode we got to witness two amazing feats of super vision. In the first Big GJ sees one of Brats mom's cancer pills out of the corner of her eye on the floor. Since we know that Kdrama characters have absolutely no peripheral vision whatsoever this feat of vision qualifies as a honest to goodness miracle. One more and Big GJ can apply for sainthood! The second amazing feat of vision occurs when YJ spots DT on the street from at least a mind blowing 50 feet away. It could have been a little farther but then I would have to credit YJ with performing a miracle and I don't want to see him applying for sainthood anytime soon. YJ then adds to his amazing feat by spotting Mr Kim. out of the coroner of his eye. Peripheral and distance vision at the same time! YJ may yet become a saint! And this from a man who only a couple of days before could not see his wife enter his office from just a few feet away!? Praise the Lord YJ has seen the light!!  :w00t:  :lol:  :D  :huh:


The last few post were just to vent and release some pent up "Snarkiness" so that I can enjoy the weekend and relax with a couple of episodes of "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop." A very different viewing experience compared to watching "TUF". 

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1 hour ago, jimb said:


Re your wish that YJ serve some time in prison.

A lot of men would look at this situation and conclude that a prison sentence with a definite beginning and end would be preferable to being sentenced to life as Juran's son in law and HR's husband with no prospect of parole.  Either way he is not to be envied.

On a different subject, it looks like HR was in the hospital when she learned she was pregnant so I guess this won't turn out to be a false pregnancy.

LOL. Despite the severity of the crimes YJ has committed, I fear the writers will "sentence" YJ to a "life imprisonment" as JR's SIL and HR's husband:(. The Suls wouldn't want their grandchild to be related to a father with a criminal record.

The first few weeks of pregnancy (especially a stress-related one) are a delicate time when miscarriage is common. We don't know how HR's pregnancy is going to turn out and the unknown fate of her baby will be left to the mercy of the writers:sweatingbullets: with only 10 more episodes to go.

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1 hour ago, 808lostmc said:

her. To combat any acceptance of a hokey ending we should periodically remind ourselves of the true nature of the evil characters. I'm sure you'll find a lot of scenes of JR,HR,SW,YJ and YJ's mom at their evil best. NO KUMBAYA! NO KUMBAYA! NO KUMBAYA! Everyone chant! We could start a revolution and end the suffering of millions of Kdrama fans!  :w00t:  :lol:  :w00t:

Yes! Yes! I want my pound of flesh - we are quoting Shakespeare in this low thinking drama :rolleyes:. But It is good for me to get away from numbers and computers.

Anyway back to the newly minted HR- repentant, empathetic- it is amazing what pregnancy can do in KD. I cannot count how many times she hit or try to hit DY. In just one episode, it is 'poor HR'? No, no, thy days are numbered. I want some slaps for her to feel the humiliation. Awful woman.

No kumbaya, no kumbaya......

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

Yes! Yes! I want my pound of flesh - we are quoting Shakespeare in this low thinking drama :rolleyes:. But It is good for me to get away from numbers and computers.

Anyway back to the newly minted HR- repentant, empathetic- it is amazing what pregnancy can do in KD. I cannot count how many times she hit or try to hit DY. In just one episode, it is 'poor HR'? No, no, thy days are numbered. I want some slaps for her to feel the humiliation. Awful woman.

No kumbaya, no kumbaya......

Tsk-tsk, you do not slap a pregnant woman no matter how awful she may be @maribella :lol:. You don't want HR to end up like GJ who was pushed to the ground by little GJ in the Gu's household.

HR will get her "payback" in a loveless marriage by having to stay put with a husband who professes his love for his ex-fiancee. Also, her husband is/might only be staying in their marriage because of her pregnancy.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend @maribella! I'm also a fan of LDG:).

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3 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

DY's mom is getting smarter than the rest of the family. She's against the DY/DT relationship. She reminds SA that she's seen how vicious DT's mother can be and what this would mean for DY. Who really has the Alzheimer's in that family?  :huh:

Many thanks @808lostmc for your hilarious post to start off my weekend:lol:! I laughed so hard, I nearly choked on my tangerine.

:lol: Perhaps Alzheimer's is a good "disease" and the rest of TUF characters should be hit with it to help them see and observe a situation/problem better.

I notice there seems to be a pattern in this drama. When a character in TUF wants to avoid a confrontation, is put in an awkward position or is in a bad mood, he/she retreats to his/her room with a "I'll go to my room". "The room" seems to be the place where one can escape to avoid a dispute. SA is fond of sending DY to her room when DY's mom starts to rant or pick on her. There was only that one time when a seemingly very agitated and furious Ms. Park stormed into DY's "safe haven" and confronted her on her sudden breakup with DT.

3 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

DT is the very one who always tells his mom not to trust YJ to much. Yet without hesitation right after he suspiciously asks about YJ's interest in Bonjour's stock and the stock reports he's been getting from Mr. Han. He tells YJ all about what he's learned from Changwei. That Mr. Kim is involved and that he's going to catch him. The same Mr. Kim that DT thinks he saw meeting with YJ just a few days ago. You never know when the stupid is going to surface in these characters. :tears:  :crazy:

It seems that DT will never learn when to open his mouth and share the right information with the right person. DY rejected DT's proposal because he let SW know he was planning to propose to DY the next day when they were having a conversation in his office. This led to SW's quick scheming and she confronted and later accused DY of killing her father in an automobile accident, when she was a very ill one year old some 23 years ago. A guilt-ridden DY ruthlessly turned down DT's proposal and even broke up with him without a justifiable explanation.

3 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

In MS's office DT tells him he's going to search for Mr Kim again. MS suggests calling the police. DT says no it's an internal matter, but not to worry he will when it gets dangerous. I guess that will be when he's lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood with his skull cracked open?! I guess all the security guards at Bonjour exist only to throw out middle aged ladies from the lobby.  :)  :huh:

:lol: I had the exact same thoughts and since when has DT learned how to fight like that (when he single-handedly took down CW earlier in China)? My memories/recollections of his fist fights with YJ were not impressive to say the least. And DT doesn't really know the risks involved in taking out CW alone in China. What if CW is connected to a triad or the Chinese mafia? DT might not make it back to Korea in one piece or at all:tears:.

3 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

The last few post were just to vent and release some pent up "Snarkiness" so that I can enjoy the weekend and relax with a couple of episodes of "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop." A very different viewing experience compared to watching "TUF". 

I'll say bring them on! More snark means more fun!:lol: Can't wait to watch my current favorite weekend drama, TGOWTS! DJ's awkward demeanor around YS is priceless:). Have a nice weekend!

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I agree that JR has not been brought down enough to realize her mistakes and to be humble. She still continues to blame others for the situations she started with her greedy and selfish actions along with complete disregard for people. She has to have some type of punishment to realize that had she not meddled in others lives and had she not thought she knew best about everything there would not be so much trouble that the family now has to pay for. 

JR waved that family, the money and position in YJ's face. Yet she still refuses to see that she created that monster that is YJ and he betrayed her. JR does not want to face she made mistakes in not checking after YJ and in forcing him to choose his job or marrying her daughter. Something has to give to make her hit rock bottom and take responsibility for her part in things. 

As for HR she may have listened to DY finally. But she is still that same spoiled woman who liked a man who did not like her in the beginning and was aware he was involved with someone. HR had to have YJ and wanted to believe he had turned around and wanted and loved her. Of course after her first marriage and her husband cheating or in love with another I can see how she would crave that but she was a total brat in trying to grab this man and did not ever once think about the woman he was wearing a ring for in the beginning. That woman became the bad guy and in her mind she made up that the woman was clinging on to her man. But in reality HR stole a man from someone he had been dating for years and was planning to marry. Also she continued to blame that woman for her husbands behavior when all along it was her husband who was the issue. She and her mother pulled that man through underhanded means and now she is upset that he wants to divorce her finally hearing he does not love her. On one side I feel a tiny bit sorry for her. On the other I feel nothing. HR has been showing her egotistical , entitled and superior side being a bully and mean to a woman that did nothing to her. She wanted to think the worst of DY from the beginning when she found out she was YJ's old girlfriend. Now she is confronted with this man and his feelings for the woman he walked away from and she wanted to blame DY again but DY has finally told her I am not the reason and I am not in love with him and I have moved on. Stop dragging me into your marriage issues and fix it yourself. That is an eye opener. HR can not blame YJ's words and feelings on anyone but YJ. Trying to push it off on DY will not take away that bitter sting that the man does not love her and never did. 

MY guess HR wanted a way to hang on to YJ because you could see he was a bit distant with her. On some level I bet she could feel he may want to leave and this is why she jumped on her grandfathers suggestion of having kids. Now I am surprised they have been having marital relations considering YJ looked like he always swallowed a lemon whenever he was in the bedroom with her but then again I doubt he could have gotten away with not sleeping with his legal wife as HR would have been questioning why he is not wanting to touch her. So she is pregnant. Perhaps during the course of this she realize the wrong she did to DY and finally grows up. One thing is for certain she has to face that the man she was infatuated with and possibly loved is not in love with her and now she is pregnant with the possibility of single motherhood if he still is determined to divorce her (it could happen any way if he goes to jail for what he has done.) and the hurt to realize he did not want her or their child enough to stay. That is a fitting punishment for her. HR never thought of his old girlfriend and what she went through. At least with this situation she sees it coming where DY never saw the break up and his new relationship with HR coming. 

YJ has to pay for his crimes. I do not like holding people together if they want to leave but he has to realize that there is not a revolving door on relationships and peoples emotions. Yes, his mother and JR pushed him into a relationship with HR and he valued his job over the love he claimed to have had for DY. But he was a grown man and able to make his own decisions. His need for success over ruled the love he claimed to have for DY. So I have no problem with making him stay to face the consequences of his actions. If he did not love HR then he should never have been sleeping with her wife or not. He never thought of a pregnancy because she had not showed any signs before now and never thought sleeping with her without protection (why have protection when you are married?) could bring about a child possibly.(duh YJ!)  But now a baby is involved and he has to take responsibility for that. He does not get to run off now that HR is pregnant. He has to pay for playing with peoples emotions even though he never really liked HR. He played on her feelings for him making her believe he did. (HR was a brat there is no doubt but that gave him no reason to use whatever emotion she had for him for his own gain.) He played with DY's emotions and then left her high and dry and then continued to try to get in the middle of her new relationship with DT and break them up. So for me his being made to stay and be a father to his child is ok. It could possibly be just what he needs (after he pays for his crimes) to realize that he could love the child's mother as well. Responsibility for his personal actions has to come from somewhere. So just as he needs to pay for the things he did in that company he has to do so in his home life as well. The choices he made have now come back to bite him. That does not mean his mom should not get a bit either. She should as well for meddling in his life. But I hope she hears what he has been up to at the company and it hits her that her forcing him as well to let go his first love to embrace ambition brought this situation to pass and that bright future he claimed to have with that family could be going up in smoke if he goes to jail for his crimes. 

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Tsk-tsk, you do not slap a pregnant woman no matter how awful she may be @maribella :lol:. You don't want HR to end up like GJ who was pushed to the ground by little GJ in the Gu's household.

HR will get her "payback" in a loveless marriage by having to stay put with a husband who professes his love for his ex-fiancee. Also, her husband is/might only be staying in their marriage because of her pregnancy.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend @maribella! I'm also a fan of LDG:).

;) you are right, no slapping, pushing, etc. Of anyone esp. a woman or a weaker woman. I hope YJ would take his punishment  and go to prison. HR will be pregnant and alone. She will still have her family support and all that money. Life is not fair in KD or real world.

yes I am enjoying my weekend and hope you are too.

LDG is so cute at 35, such smooth skin, not like the guy in on the way to the airport, all lined at that age. Airbrushed? Much of the Laurel tailor's show seems to be patches of other shows so I cannot get excited about posting. It is really good in a predictable way. TUF on the hand is so whacky, the soompiers are so good, I just had to join in. 


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3 hours ago, 808lostmc said:



DY's mom is getting smarter than the rest of the family. She's against the DY/DT relationship. She reminds SA that she's seen how vicious DT's mother can be and what this would mean for DY. Who really has the Alzheimer's in that family?  :huh:



Well DT certainly want DY to forget because when she mentioned his mother and sister not wanting her to come back to company, he avoided all she said to still ask her to come back to company. This drama is totally messed up. I don't even know if I want DT and DY together. DY don't know how to explain herself in misunderstanding situations. It's either "  I had my reasons" or " It's not like that". Well DY, what are your reasons and what's not like that? DT have plenty of reasons to not truth DY especially with the whole SW nonsense. SW and DY including YJ whole entire family have to be the most annoying characters in Kdrama history. The writer of this drama needs to take a long break once this over to reflect on what makes a good drama.

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The writers may have a surprise in store for us.

We are all assuming that YJ will be shamed into staying with HR because she is pregnant.

But what if YJ is beyond shame and/or simply sick and tired of HR?

He may still move out of the Sul's house.

But it looks like the Gu's might not be glad to have him.

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On 2016/11/10 at 10:54 AM, sgfan said:

I like how the always-chatty Village Representative told DY's mum that MS is the President of BHS. It is funny how quickly she put two and two together that DT is MS's son. DY is really slow, to have not figured out that MS is that "gentleman from Seoul". Are there that many new residents from Seoul? She seems to be in worse condition than her elderly mother with dementia. SA/Village Rep may not be a couple that I am rooting for, but I'd feel bad for Village Rep if he feels inferior to MS. In fact he has no reason to feel inferior, as he has a good job himself, taking care of JMR and its residents. 

Yes, I also like how MS "interrogated" JR. I guess she is pooping her pants (sorry!) now worrying about the loan repayment. They are really opposites of each other - one was happy that DT decided to stay in Korea, the other displeased. I do not quite remember, but did JR take the loan in her name, not BHS? She may have to simplify her lifestyle to free up funds to make the repayment. Perhaps we should reserve MS's JMR house for her instead :P

Oh yes I've had 12-hour work days myself, sometimes even longer, reporting for work at 830am, then leaving only at 11pm. The entire team would be so busy that lunch was taken at a late 3 or 4 o'clock. Dinner would be skipped as everyone would be rushing to get their tasks completed, hoping to leave earlier than 11. I am glad to say that such days occur far between each other now, and are not a routine any more. We do have to brace ourselves for the festive Christmas period ahead though :sweatingbullets:. I do have to remind myself to take my meals at a reasonable time regardless of workload as I am very prone to gastric pain, stomach flu.

I think I took DY's "not-outright rejection" quite well like DT. I still hate that DY was not honest about her feelings, lying that she had gone to downtown JMR when she was actually running through the airport. She might've turned DT down yet again but this time around she was not harsh with her words, admitting that she does not deserve his devotion. IMO, she has finally taken a step in fixing the relationship too, by going back to BHS to work on a new product, sort of signifying a start-over (they developed feelings for each other while working on the gochujang).

My rest day is finally here! Need to catch up on rest and to "refuel". Just for the fun of it, I am going to replay the part in last night's episode where SA showed her frustration at wishy washy DY (DY said she did not agree to date DT again although she is aware he came back for her) :D SA, high ten! Join the gang here :lol:

Apart from his habit of spreading rumors, I tend to think Mr. Park is doing a fairly good job as JMR's Village Representative. He may not be blessed financially, but he cares a lot about SA and her family. His gifts are from the heart and can't be measured in terms of money. He brought SA's MIL spring water which is deemed good for the elderly. He is also willing to look after Ms. Park and keeps her occupied with card games etc, when he knows there is no one to care for her. If SA and MS don't end up together, Mr. Park isn't a bad choice for SA I think:).

I am disappointed with JR; she has not changed, not that I expected her to. She is still as snooty as ever as witnessed from the way she questioned Mr. Choi about CW. Also, HR is relying on mommy again to try to dissuade YJ from leaving and divorcing her. So we saw JR paying YJ's mom a visit in the last episode to ask her to talk some sense to her prized and pet son. I don't think YJ is going to change his mind; he might after he gets the news of HR's pregnancy.

Like you, I also am prone to gastric pains if I don't eat my meals on time. I don't wear a watch but my stomach tells me it's getting on for noon:lol:. It's known as a "腹時計 (Haradokei) in Japan, which literally means a "Stomach Clock". I can never go on a diet because of that and I get dizzy spells if I don't have enough to eat. The service and retail industries are really service and customer oriented workplaces that require a lot of sacrifices and commitment on the part of their employees. You should keep some digestive biscuits in your locker or drawer/desk for "emergencies (when you are likely to miss a meal)".

I have to agree with your DY's "not-outright rejection" stance she seems to have adopted after meeting DT in JMR. At least she went to DT's office to let him know she had met with HR the day before and it was also good seeing her charging into YJ's office to tell him off:lol:.

Finally! SA was getting the viewers' frustration across by pounding her chest with a "wishy washy" DY! Another 10 more episodes before we say goodbye and good riddance? to TUF.

Have you been occupied with your work over the weekend @sgfan? Please find time to eat and rest! Take care!

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@sk0317  Writes that Juran "asked" YJ's mother for help in persuading YJ to remain with HR.

Not to make a big deal out of the word "asked," but I thought Juran's encounter with YJ's mother might more precisely be described as further evidence that, as you noted elsewhere in your post, Juran has learned nothing about the need for civility and respect for others.

Actually, I thought that Juran demanded the assistance of YJ's mother in a particularly nasty and insulting fashion.  And totally unnecessary, since YJ's mother would have been fully on board re curbing her wayward son regardless.

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The only chance that we'll ever see a real change in JR is if she looses all of her wealth and status. The first and most important characteristic she she sees in a person is their economic status and that of their family. Early on she had Mr Choi check on YJ's family. When they turned out to be poor Grocers this made YJ unworthy to be with HR. This despite the fact that YJ was a star employee at the time and shown to be very intelligent and talented. When HR refused to give up YJ, JR tried to set YJ's family up with a higher end Organic Grocery store to raise their status. Otherwise what would her relatives think?! Luckily YJ's father rejected the offer.

How JR came to see SW as a match for DT also illustrates how she views the importance someone's wealth and status. In Ep 66 (7:30) JR asks DT about SW who she had just met in her office the day before. At this point SW had not used the "Wealth Card" on JR yet she just acted really nice and told her she's from Boston. If you watch DT give his answer you would have thought that he was interested in SW at the time. His response is given will all smiles and enthusiasm as he sings the praises of SW. Watch the unenthusiastic look on JR's face when she responds "She seems like a nice woman." This is because although she thinks SW is a very nice girl she's just a Host and to lowly to be with DT. SW tries to cozy up to JR at a couple more "chance" encounters. But despite her best efforts she can only get JR to respond with professional friendliness. Only after SW uses the "Wealth Card" by telling JR that she's from a very wealthy neighbourhood of Boston does JR inquire if SW has a boyfriend; Ep 75 (29:00). Later SW has to up the ante further. Ep 76 (21:15) In JR's office SW uses the "Status Card" by telling JR she's the daughter of the owner of Pelmont. This impresses JR greatly. After SW leaves the office she says to herself "I bet she'll be interested in me now!" Being a good con artist SW knows she has used the right bait and has just hooked herself a big one!  :w00t:

JR did take out a personal loan to help finance the China branch. She said payment is already past due. Hopefully it's a really, really big loan and we'll get to see a lot of those little "Red Stickers" around the Manor of Doom in the near future. I'll feel a little sorry for her Father if they get kicked out but he raised her and is thus partly to blame for how she treats other people.

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  Writes that Juran "asked" YJ's mother for help in persuading YJ to remain with HR.

Not to make a big deal out of the word "asked," but I thought Juran's encounter with YJ's mother might more precisely be described as further evidence that, as you noted elsewhere in your post, Juran has learned nothing about the need for civility and respect for others.

Actually, I thought that Juran demanded the assistance of YJ's mother in a particularly nasty and insulting fashion.  And totally unnecessary, since YJ's mother would have been fully on board re curbing her wayward son regardless.

I stand corrected @jimb. Indeed JR demanded YJ's mother and talked down to her by pointing out after entrusting YJ solely with the big China project and incurring losses, YJ has the "audacity to demand a divorce". And she added she will not allow HR to divorce "for such a preposterous reason (to get back with his ex-fiancee)". YJ's mom must feel intimidated by JR's presence as she had to change into her Sunday best/clothes before meeting her.

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2 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

The only chance that we'll ever see a real change in HR is if she looses all of her wealth and status. The first and most important characteristic she she sees in a person is their economic status and that of their family. Early on she had Mr Choi check on YJ's family. When they turned out to be poor Grocers this made YJ unworthy to be with HR. This despite the fact that YJ was a star employee at the time and shown to be very intelligent and talented. When HR refused to give up YJ, JR tried to set YJ's family up with a higher end Organic Grocery store to raise their status. Otherwise what would her relatives think?! Luckily YJ's father rejected the offer.

Sorry to shorten your post @808lostmc. Great post and observations:). What if HR loses her baby in a miscarriage in a cruel twist of fate? Will we still see a real change in the petulant and whinny HR?

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SkinnyAmazon getting divorced will make her twice-divorced.  Her family will have to pay someone to marry her the third time.  After they have gone broke, imagine the kind of guy they will be able to afford!  

FarmGirl will develop a new hit product to save the family from penury, thus winning the approval of the Woman-without-a-chin.  

No one really cares about what happens in WhackHouse where the TwoWives, BrattyKid, Wimpy, Cop, ClueLessDad & SchemingSocialClimbingMother live,right?

Aren't we at the point where we are waiting for the time jump and Happy Ending?

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Sorry "Sk0317". I corrected a mistake in the first line and one other place in my last post. It have should read "JR" not "HR". It was the "Auto Correct" it also likes to change DY to DT. I usually check so it's my fault for not catching it earlier.  :phew:  :o  :sweatingbullets:

The last post was about JR's redemption not HR's although she does have the same problem as her mom. This was illustrated when JR, HR and SW had lunch together for the first time. HR was polite enough towards SW but little more than that. A few episodes later SW returns DT to the Manor of Doom after he got drunk; no not that time, that happens later. After DT is taken upstairs by YJ. SW stays downstairs and chats with the family. They already know SW is the Pelmont Daughter. The family fawns over SW for a few minutes then she leaves. Right after she leaves HR turns to her mom and says "Mom! I want to be friends with LSR! Invite her over often!" They start having lunches together after that. Like mother like daughter, HR is also quite shallow. But as I pointed out two posts ago I think the writers have already started HR's redemption although just a tiny bit. 

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Today's episode just brings home how polar opposites DY is compared to SW.  SW found the YJ's flash drive in his home (bedroom) and she immediately inserted it into their personal laptop in the room and found the information regarding his crimes. (What an invasion of privacy).  We then have DY who was given this flash drive from SW and told that YJ is a bad man. Not once in all this time has she even been curious to know what is on the drive. Then today she remembers  the drive.

Can we at least have a logical, normal medium? It's from one extreme to the other.:lol:

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