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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Well before I head of to work I wanted to leave with a YamiYugi scene special as promised.


I wanted to add this scene a few days later but since I get that we are going to be getting a similar scene of sorts on Monday I wanted to rush out my version a bit earlier. Also note this time I am adding two scenes together because I have no idea how I am going to continue them and all. I guess I will have to watch the actual episodes to get a better idea and all.


So this is scene one. Will later on perhaps add two more scenes that were supposed to happen before though one can easily be added as a flashback and all.

Mr. Choi after hearing the news regarding the Chinese Investor and all decides to head to Juran's office to report said news to her. (thought that I should decide to use some of the other characters as well :) )
Mr. Choi (after preparing himself and thinks that he looks worried enough enters Juran's room) [frantically]: Madam did you hear the news.
Juran: What seems to be the matter Mr. Choi. Calm yourself and explain to me why you are so worried.
Mr. Choi: Have you heard about the Chinese Investor that has just bought some of our stocks.
Juran: No but I am not really worried who would dare to challenge me and the great Bonjour. Plus aren't we safe in the sense that we have more shares than foreign investors and all.
Mr. Choi: Indeed but he has bought a large number of our shares and while not enough to threaten us now if he were to join forces with a few other share holders from this company would be trouble for you.
Juran (dismissively): Well in that case we have nothing to worry about. I am certainly not my husband and I have been doing everything the other board members would like plus I have been lining their pockets handsomely with all the profit that we have been making.
Mr. Choi: True. But there are still some people that don't like your style. Plus they don't like that you couldn't shut down that local produce section like you promised and all. All that side has managed to do is make just one hit product so far. Granted it has been a success so far but it is still just one.
Juran (panicking slightly holds her hand in her head): Oh dear me this is terrible and all what are we going to do. You need to save me Mr. Choi. As you are the only one that I can trust and rely on...
Mr. Choi (rubbing his hands in glee as things are seemingly going his way and all): Indeed madam indeed. Well in that case we need to get to the other members before he gets to them and as you know I am the only one that can convince them to join your side and all.
Juran (sighing with a breath of relief): Yes please do that. I knew that I could count on you.
Just then Young Jae enters the office (without knocking as usual) to submit a report on some more documents that he has cooked up and all.
Young Jae: Is everything alright you seem a bit worried.
Mr. Choi: Well I will be leaving good luck in your talks.
Juran gesture to Young Jae to have a seat and quickly gives Young Jae the run down of what has happened. (it is so fast that Mr. Choi has just reached the door)
Young Jae (getting an evil glint in his eye as he realizes that he can turn this to his advantage): I see this is indeed a serious problem for us. But why don't we just meet up with this investor and buy of his shares. Problem solved (plus he gets all the money for himself how smart is this guy)
Mr. Choi (who has just reached the door turns around): I wouldn't recommend it at this point folks.
Both Juran and Young Jae together: Why not?
Juran: Explain  yourself Mr. Choi.
Mr. Choi: Well you see we have invested so heavily in the China branch we simply don't have the funds available to do so. After all to cut corners didn't we also have to forgo the opening/good luck ceremony as well because we didn't have the money at that time.
Juran (realizing this to be true throws up her hands in frustration) Oh Woe is me what are we going to do now. We are in big trouble.
Mr. Choi: Well perhaps the Director here isn't all wrong if we can get our hands on a lot of money at such short notice we might be able to buy those shares and all and thus save the company.
Young Jae who had been holding his breath all this time releases it because he knows that there is no way that Juran can get enough funds to do so.
Juran: I understand all of you so just leave me while I think of a way to solve this problem.
Both Mr. Choi and Young Jae bow their heads and head out.


Meanwhile Juran is sitting on her desk with her head in her hands wondering what to do next when she receives a call. She atleast as caller ID on her phone and notes that it is Lee Sera (March) calling her. She suddenly gets and idea (a light bulb flashes above her head)
Juran: Ah Lee Sera just the person I wanted to talk with. Please lets meet up I need to discuss something important with you.
March: Really I was going to invite you out for lunch at a fancy place that I really can't afford currently and all but to impress you I have just taken out a loan and all.
Juran (who I have no idea missed that): Excellent I will meet up with you at the front entrance then.
As both of them meet up near the front entrance who should walk in but Sunae who clearly wants to have a word with March.
Shocked expressions on all the parties involved each thinking what the other is doing here. (Also note I decided to add the confrontation scene now but this will also answer someones question of how March would have to remain quiet because she doesn't know Sunae and all. This isn't the case as I will point out.)
Juran (shocked): What are you doing here. How dare you come here!
March: (To herself): What do these two know each other how can this be)
Sunae: I am here to see my...
March: (to herself) Please don't blow my cover. I will never forgive you for that. What can I do to save the day) [suddenly having an idea she decides to intervene Sunae had only gotten so far as {My} mind you] (out loud) Kang Dani.
Juran (even more shocked if that is possible): Who did you just say Lee Sera.
March: Kang Dani. She is her mother after all.
Sunae spluttering in shock can't respond to this blatant set of lies that her daughter is lying and all. Perhaps seeing her for her true nature as well.
Juran: Are you sure about that Sera. How do you know this.
March: There was this one time remember when I told you that I went to Jang Miri to convince Dani to leave Dong Tak alone (or was it to get back to work because Dani had left either way one gets the picture) and I saw her at Dani's house. She was on great terms with her so I assumed that she was her mother and all.
Juran: I don't believe this. (to Sunae). Does no one in your family have any shame. Are all of you so after my families money that you will pull any trick to get it.
Sunae: This isn't true. This is all some big misunderstanding and all.
Before she can complete her thoughts.
Juran: How dare you people think you are so smart and all. Security come over here this instant.
The guards quickly rush over to Juran and company.
Juran: Get rid of this woman immediately and if I see her again over here your jobs are on the line. She is to be black listed from entering this company do I make myself clear.
Guards: Yes ma'am. (They then each grab her hand [Sunae] and drag her out. With her complaining all the time that she needs to explain something important and all) Don't make this any harder for all of us and just leave.
The guards then unceremoniously dump Sunae outside the company.
Who will Sunae run across outside if she will. Well I think I can add that later on.


But since I seem to be on a role will leave you with another bonus scene.

At a cafe Juran and March are sitting over for lunch.

March (wondering to herself how Juran even knows her mother and realizes that she just dodged a close bullet and all): How do you know her.
Juran: That isn't important I met her a few times before and I can't believe that she is related to Kang Dani. That family must be full of snakes and all. But enough of that I didn't call you over for that.
March: Oh I see what did you need me for.
Juran: Well you see I need your help.
March (ever the eager person): Just name it I will do whatever you want and need.
Juran: This is good. Only you can help not only me but the company as well.
March thinking that this is a good opportunity can only nod her head in agreement indicating that Juran should continue.
Juran: You see Sera there is someone trying to buy over the company stocks and all. If he continues he might just persuade the other members to side with him and if that were to happen then we can lose the company and all. I already had to deal with this once and I can't do so again.
March: So why don't you buy his stocks and save everyone some headache.
Juran: That is exactly why I need your help. This is a company secret and all but since you are going to become family soon I thought to tell this to you. We are making a deal with China to open a branch over there and all. But since we have invested heavily over there and placed almost all our eggs in one basket we simply just don't have enough funds to do anything else at the moment.
March: Oh dear that is bad (to herself what have I signed up for is the Titanic going to sink once again before I become Cinderella. I must do something to save myself). We must do something to solve this problem.
Juran: Yes and that is why can you ask your parents to help us out this once.
March (spluttering): My parents!?
Juran: Yes you come from a well of family and all so money shouldn't be a problem for them. They can even hold onto those shares for us because they will be family soon.
March: I don't know if they will do this. After all they want me to become independent and all and that is why I work at Bonjour to make my own money and all.
Juran (getting desperate holds March's hand): Please Lee Sera only you can save us. You are our only hope. If your parents have doubts tell them to think of this as an investment.
Just then March gets a phone call. It is ID'd as Mother which Juran briefly gets a glimpse of.
March: Okay I will see what I can do. I have to really take this call as it is important and get back to you later on.
Juran: I knew that I could count on you thankyou Sera. I will see you later on.
With that Juran leaves the cafe with March all alone with her call.


What will happen next? Will her identity finally be exposed? If that happens what will March do next? Will she kill herself of as she has been claiming to do so? How will March get out of this pickle? Also what is up with Mr. Choi. To find out all these answers hopefully tune in next time for another YamiYugi special soon.

Take care all of you. Hope that you have enjoyed this post and all.

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@yamiyugi Your scenario is brilliant and quite plausible. Addressing each of its elements in turn:


# Rather than using the stock he has acquired to buy Bonjour, YJ attempts to force Bonjour to buy it back at a premium, substantially increasing YJ's illicit gains.

If the stock is somehow bought back, the foregoing is pure genius since neither Juran, Mr. Han, nor Mr. Choi need ever learn who is behind the "foreign investor." YJ is off to Macao. HR divorces the absent YJ. Juran is deposed because the supplement and China problems become known..

If the the funds cannot be found to buy off the foreign investor, however, YJ's front must proceed to depose Juran and install YJ as CEO. Juran and messrs. Han and Choi each know or can deduce enough to provide sufficient clues to enable even DT to break the case.


# SW is walking down a corridor with Juran as SA appears. SW immediately identifies SA as DY's mother.

SW identifying SA as DY's mother is an elegant "save" that SW is fully capable of. They say that cockroaches will survive even a nuclear war.


# Juran can't get Bonjour to buy the stock back because the firm doesn't have the money after its China venture. And moreover, why would the Board of Directors care? This is Juran's problem. # Juran figures that since "Lee Sera" is about to become family, her soon to be in laws will front the money to buy the stock to save Juran's position. What would happen if Juran asks SW to save her CEO job with the Lee family fortune?

What would happen if Juran asks SW to save her CEO job with the Lee family fortune? Nothing, since SW doesn't have the money to buy the stock. And why would SW care? If Juran is on her way out as CEO, DT is on his way out as the CEO's son. Game Over. SW does not pass "Go." SW does not collect $200. SW immediately begins repairing her relationship with

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I came across an interesting scene while skipping through some early episodes. In ep. 28  SA finally realizes that the host SR is really SW after seeing a familiar mole on her neck while watching TV. SA goes down to Bonjour and drags SW to a coffee shop to confront her. At the end of the conversation SA says that she will reveal  SW's  true identity. SW then says she will kill herself if SA does this and then runs off.  This sucide threat comes much earlier than the recent ones and it makes me think that SW probably has used the "sucide card" before in her life maybe many times knowing her. This also means that SA having heard this threat before should be more likely to call SW's bluff. "The boy who cried wolf" effect should kick in.

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Hello Hello It’s nice to see everybody is still here plus some new members.   Last couple weeks I have been caught in the crazy US election cycle.  hehehe   I have to say this election is truly a  makjang-kdrama.  Compared to what has happening with the election, TUF seems rather sane and logical.    :blink::blink:

I’m not surprised to see TUF has extended. TUF has been  #1 in ratings ever since.  I guess the production team couldn’t turn down making extra revenue with additional eps.  Some wondered before how the k-viewers would think of TUF.  Well a couple weeks ago I saw the k-viewers were sneering  and kicking about such absurdity  of the plot lines.   They tossed out eggs to the writers and even to DY  when she acted with noble idiocy by ending with DT.   These k-viewers are very familiar with many makjang elements,  yet such a tangled/twisted interconnection among 3 families  makes them jaw dropping and head spinning:  one example, DY(aunt) and SW(niece) are tangled with one man(DT), and at the same time MS(DT’s dad) and SA( SW’s mom/DY’s SIL) are sort of developing a relationship.   We know daily is very competitive so TUF has been #1 which could be because of this unusual/ wacky plot line.  Someone here talked about taboo stuff in some relationship, but  the writers don’t seem to care about it which makes the viewers feel crazy/stupefied.

Omg  ??DT’s engagement with SW  :tears::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

"지금이제일중요하다/ Now this is the most important "

"블링블링 길은혜다./ bling bling Gil Eun Hye"


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9 minutes ago, booha said:



"~각본없는 드라마~ /scriptless drama"  




Oh my gosh! This is hilarious. KJW dances even more when told that a video was being recorded while the actress who plays JR "catwalks" in front of him.  ROFLOL

Welcome back @booha American politics is definitely stranger than any fiction this election cycle. 

If I understood your post correctly, TUF is doing as well as it's doing because it makes no sense.  That tells me a lot about the Korean daily drama watching audience. Thanks for the insight.


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37 minutes ago, booha said:

Hello Hello It’s nice to see everybody is still here plus some new members.   Last couple weeks I have been caught in the crazy US election cycle.  hehehe   I have to say this election is truly a  makjang-kdrama.  Compared to what has happening with the election, TUF seems rather sane and logical.    :blink::blink:

I’m not surprised to see TUF has extended. TUF has been  #1 in ratings ever since.  I guess the production team couldn’t turn down making extra revenue with additional eps.  Some wondered before how the k-viewers would think of TUF.  Well a couple weeks ago I saw the k-viewers were sneering  and kicking about such absurdity  of the plot lines.   They tossed out eggs to the writers and even to DY  when she acted with noble idiocy by ending with DT.   These k-viewers are very familiar with many makjang elements,  yet such a tangled/twisted interconnection among 3 families  makes them jaw dropping and head spinning:  one example, DY(aunt) and SW(niece) are tangled with one man(DT), and at the same time MS(DT’s dad) and SA( SW’s mom/DY’s SIL) are sort of developing a relationship.   We know daily is very competitive so TUF has been #1 which could be because of this unusual/ wacky plot line.  Someone here talked about taboo stuff in some relationship, but  the writers don’t seem to care about it which makes the viewers feel crazy/stupefied.

Omg  ??DT’s engagement with SW  :tears::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

"지금이제일중요하다/ Now this is the most important "


"블링블링 길은혜다./ bling bling Gil Eun Hye"




@booha, after seeing the clips you provided, it appears that DT and SW are indeed going to either get officially engaged or married; either way, I can't see a DT and DY together after they cross that bridge. I've always said that the introduction clip that's played at the beginning of each episode just doesn't seem right.  It shows DY being pulled or running into DT, but she ends up linking her arm with with YJ and just standing next to DT without touching.

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On 10/15/2016 at 2:06 AM, UnniSarah said:

@Jackie1048.... Annyeong Chingu, It's been a long time since we were ever in the same thread. The mother duo deserves everything coming their way.  How can they both be so spoiled and rotten. HR stole YJ away from DY and expect him to love her and knew he was in  relationship and still pursued him because he ignored her . What kind of nonsense is that. A relationship like that only work if the person you are pursuing has any interest in you. 

@UnniSarah  He was interested in her interested long enough to get his hands on there money so she really deserves whats conming to her if I was I would laugh in her and JR face and tell them this isn't the kicket meaning SW and tell JR she should be careful of what she wish for she might just really get it.. I would really lay it on thick and ask her have she sogned the divorce papers because they was filed.. Tell hert she should hurrt she'sa not getting any younger same goes for her daughter when she choose the nexr partner..


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1 minute ago, valsava said:

@UnniSarah  He was interested in her interested long enough to get his hands on there money so she really deserves whats conming to her if I was I would laugh in her and JR face and tell them this isn't the kicket meaning SW and tell JR she should be careful of what she wish for she might just really get it.. I would really lay it on thick and ask her have she sogned the divorce papers because they was filed.. Tell hert she should hurrt she'sa not getting any younger same goes for her daughter when she choose the nexr partner..


@valsava... Well said Chingu , DT's mom and sister are very dumb do falling for SW's lies and they might just get stuck with her and have so much headache coming their way if SW get away with stealing someone's identity. You SW's family are pretty dumb too. How could you let that girl do whatever she wants especially committing a crime. I don't think sW knows she committed a crim Chingu.

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3 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@valsava... Well said Chingu , DT's mom and sister are very dumb do falling for SW's lies and they might just get stuck with her and have so much headache coming their way if SW get away with stealing someone's identity. You SW's family are pretty dumb too. How could you let that girl do whatever she wants especially committing a crime. I don't think sW knows she committed a crim Chingu.

@UnniSarah  We know she stole someone identity but it's no law that she can't change her name to be whatever she want.. But Halmoni is to blame for SW mayge losing it is her Karma but DY is the only one effected by it but I do see her coming out on top in the end.. I'm rooting for her to get married to DT just so she can losten to Hr and JR talk about her all day and tell her how shameless she is I know she can't think they would forgive her once thet find out who she is because she is stupid enough to think nobody will ever find out..I'm wondering will SA not go to her on daughters wedding just because this is how she would want it if she don't being SW mothert she's another one should be slap.

BTW Have you check out the novel ? 

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


Oh my gosh! This is hilarious. KJW dances even more when told that a video was being recorded while the actress who plays JR "catwalks" in front of him.  ROFLOL

Welcome back @booha American politics is definitely stranger than any fiction this election cycle. 

If I understood your post correctly, TUF is doing as well as it's doing because it makes no sense.  That tells me a lot about the Korean daily drama watching audience. Thanks for the insight.



Hello  Thank you for posting back KJW IG.  I deleted it after seeing GEH IG.  It looks like there might be an engagement of DT & SW??   Hopefully it doesn’t go through. Hopefully the ghost makes an appearance to SW.    Yes KJW seems very playful.       Btw I’m not good at talking about  how a writer approaches a drama but in the competitive kdrama market  any drama has to show  something unique and different from other dramas in order to get a good rating.  In TUF there is no birth secret which is a main staple in any daily.   Instead this strange tangled relationship among three families which seems  so unbelievable and bizarre  teases  and torments  our sanity.   Maybe I could say ‘TUF makes no sense’ in a twisted but clever way???  whahaha  


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On 16 October 2016 at 1:33 PM, sk0317 said:

The decision to end it with DY and the actual breaking up with her was hard for DT, but what is worse now is, he is stuck with a clingy and guilt-tripping psycho schemer. Those around DT seems to be oblivious to his gloomy facial expressions and feelings when he is around SW. Or they simply chose to ignore them. And I think @anbud you are right to say that the (married) couples portrayed so far in this drama aren't happy. DT is practically coerced into an engagement and marriage with SW. SW started out snaring a rich man's son but I do think she started to develop some feelings (not love though) for DT somewhere along the way. But I still think she will drop him the instant the Sul's are toppled. Her prime/main objective is still money. Her outstanding bills and loans need to be paid and repaid.

I would like to think DT would not have to go as far as exchanging vows with SW. However, I do see DT and SW in an engagement party though. But her real identity might be revealed during such a party and in front of a large crowd to put her to shame.

I am very tempted to put all the blame on DY for thrusting DT into such an awful predicament. However I have come to also think that DT has himself to blame as well. He trusted SW too easily over a few exchanged words about having lived in Boston and accepted her "friendship". This is the same guy who was sharp enough to have identified YJ as a baddie from early on. He has failed to realise that he has 2, and not 1 enemy. This "hidden" enemy has proven to be more dangerous.

Btw @sk0317 I will be going to Osaka instead of Tokyo. Do you have any hidden gems of cafes/restaurants to recommend?

Sorry to cut your short your post :sweatingbullets:

3 hours ago, booha said:


Hello  Thank you for posting back KJW IG.  I deleted it after seeing GEH IG.  It looks like there might be an engagement of DT & SW??   Hopefully it doesn’t go through. Hopefully the ghost makes an appearance to SW.    Yes KJW seems very playful.       Btw I’m not good at talking about  how a writer approaches a drama but in the competitive kdrama market  any drama has to show  something unique and different from other dramas in order to get a good rating.  In TUF there is no birth secret which is a main staple in any daily.   Instead this strange tangled relationship among three families which seems  so unbelievable and bizarre  teases  and torments  our sanity.   Maybe I could say ‘TUF makes no sense’ in a twisted but clever way???  whahaha 

Thank you for the pictures! I realise that they have all dyed their hair a nice shade of brown. The colour does show up nice in the pictures and drama. I wonder if it actually looks good in real life, natural light.

i noticed that GEH's Instagram account is set to private, perhaps for fear of many hate messages. She Is doing a pretty good job I must say, making SW very easy to hate. I might've said this before, but I would've preferred if the writers have given her a better backstory and more freedom in facial expressions although this applies to the entire cast. They have all adopted the same standard "k expressions". Like the bug eyes.

So, now we have to expect a big engagement party, where we hope SW's lies will be exposed. Since the scene was filmed apparently over the weekend, the episode will only be aired next week. Therefore more angst and heartbreak this week?

i still believe that DY and DT may end up together after all. This drama has not taken any unusual route so far and this is at heart supposed to be a feel good type of show. The only thing unusual to me is its strange ability to make me watch despite all my complaints. 


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4 hours ago, sgfan said:

I am very tempted to put all the blame on DY for thrusting DT into such an awful predicament. However I have come to also think that DT has himself to blame as well. He trusted SW too easily over a few exchanged words about having lived in Boston and accepted her "friendship". This is the same guy who was sharp enough to have identified YJ as a baddie from early on. He has failed to realise that he has 2, and not 1 enemy. This "hidden" enemy has proven to be more dangerous.

Btw @sk0317 I will be going to Osaka instead of Tokyo. Do you have any hidden gems of cafes/restaurants to recommend?

Sorry to cut your short your post :sweatingbullets:

Thank you for the pictures! I realise that they have all dyed their hair a nice shade of brown. The colour does show up nice in the pictures and drama. I wonder if it actually looks good in real life, natural light.

i noticed that GEH's Instagram account is set to private, perhaps for fear of many hate messages. She Is doing a pretty good job I must say, making SW very easy to hate. I might've said this before, but I would've preferred if the writers have given her a better backstory and more freedom in facial expressions although this applies to the entire cast. They have all adopted the same standard "k expressions". Like the bug eyes.

So, now we have to expect a big engagement party, where we hope SW's lies will be exposed. Since the scene was filmed apparently over the weekend, the episode will only be aired next week. Therefore more angst and heartbreak this week?

i still believe that DY and DT may end up together after all. This drama has not taken any unusual route so far and this is at heart supposed to be a feel good type of show. The only thing unusual to me is its strange ability to make me watch despite all my complaints.

Although I put up a post saying I foresee an engagement for ST and SW, imagine my 'shock' and 'horror' when I saw the IG pictures @booha so kindly uploaded here soon after my post. Is this the 'karma' for JR and DT for ignoring/failing time and again to acknowledge SW is in fact 'one better' than the rest of TUF's characters, and she has all along manipulated and wormed herself into their lives?

With an inevitable engagement, I can only hope that the real identity of SW will be revealed at their beach? themed party or the Sul's empire with be toppled soon after it. I hope we are all spared having the unfortunate experience to witness any form of real intimacy between DT and the vomit inducing schemer (Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) level). I don't think I can handle watching the invincible almighty liar the writers seem to fancy and love, at work any more. I am warning myself to stay off TUF until the despicable SW character is taken off the set for good.

Great to hear your trip to Osaka has been confirmed @sgfan!  Are you planning to visit sometime this month? I have only been there once hence am not up to date with my recommendations:sweatingbullets:. My fond memories of Osaka are mostly food related; including 'Okonomiyaki', 'Takoyaji' and 'Kitsune udon' I had while visiting in 1997.

You can get the latest update of weather by typing in the postal district code on the top left hand corner of this page run by Yahoo:


Some tourist attractions and history of Dotonbori and Umeda:




Interesting blogs and their posts on Osaka:







I would recommend you to visit Dotonbori for sightseeing and venturing into the streets for 'small eats'. But you should try the famous 'Okonomiyaki" in Umeda (I was brought there for a meal by someone who grew up in Osaka).


I think I had 'Okonomiyaki' in the restaurant #7 http://www.yukarichan.co.jp/index.html (in Japanese only) on the above page or #2 https://www.tsunagujapan.com/20-affordable-restaurants-in-the-osakaumeda-area-chosen-by-residents/ here. Do you have any food restrictions? The person who took me there ordered from the 'back menu', now I see it's on the menu here, 'Gyusuji (a simmered dish of beef gristle http://www.yukarichan.co.jp/menu.html )' as a topping for one of our 'Okonomiyaki's. You should also try the 'Negiyaki' too.

My all time favorite fruit of fall, persimmons are in abundance and in season now @sgfan. If you can, you should eat the ripe ones when you are here.  https://www.tsunagujapan.com/seven-things-about-persimmons-a-popular-autumn-fruit-in-japan/ Of course the other fruits in season are also highly recommended.:)

Things you should get while in Osaka:


I always get a supply of green tea leaves and seaweed from one of those small specialty (tea or dried goods) shops you find along the vibrant shopping street. They are great as souvenirs and for your own consumption too:).

Since the quality of the water is different here (soft water vs hard water in Singapore), you may pop into a ramen shop that has a chain store back home. I remember the Japanese boss in a bakery I used to work back home told me how it was difficult to achieve the same result when making bread using the same recipes from Japan due to the difference in water quality.

I will post more when something comes to mind.:) TTYL!

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Hello everyone! I am still watching this crazy drama but only a few times a week. That way, I keep my sanity. Thank you for all your posts which have kept me up to date. 

Really, can any more problems be created by these people? It's just one twist after another! I really am looking forward to how every sick bit will be ironed out, sanitized and tied up neatly at the end.

I am also surprised it's number one on its time slot. Lack of competition maybe? Or viewers so aghast and excited about the taboo subjects they cannot help but keep watching.

With all the shenanigans and bad behaviour it should be called The Twisted Family instead of The Unusual Family. 

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33 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Although I put up a post saying I foresee an engagement for ST and SW, imagine my 'shock' and 'horror' when I saw the IG pictures @booha so kindly uploaded here soon after my post. Is this the 'karma' for JR and DT for ignoring/failing time and again to acknowledge SW is in fact 'one better' than the rest of TUF's characters, and she has all along manipulated and wormed herself into their lives?

With an inevitable engagement, I can only hope that the real identity of SW will be revealed at their beach? themed party or the Sul's empire with be toppled soon after it. I hope we are all spared having the unfortunate experience to witness any form of real intimacy between DT and the vomit inducing schemer (Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) level). I don't think I can handle watching the invincible almighty liar the writers seem to fancy and love, at work any more. I am warning myself to stay off TUF until the despicable SW character is taken off the set for good.

Great to hear your trip to Osaka has been confirmed @sgfan!  Are you planning to visit sometime this month? I have only been there once hence am not up to date with my recommendations:sweatingbullets:. My fond memories of Osaka are mostly food related; including 'Okonomiyaki', 'Takoyaji' and 'Kitsune udon' I had while visiting in 1997.

You can get the latest update of weather by typing in the postal district code on the top left hand corner of this page run by Yahoo:


Some tourist attractions and history of Dotonbori and Umeda:




Interesting blogs and their posts on Osaka:







I would recommend you to visit Dotonbori for sightseeing and venturing into the streets for 'small eats'. But you should try the famous 'Okonomiyaki" in Umeda (I was brought there for a meal by someone who grew up in Osaka).


I think I had 'Okonomiyaki' in the restaurant #7 http://www.yukarichan.co.jp/index.html (in Japanese only) on the above page or #2 https://www.tsunagujapan.com/20-affordable-restaurants-in-the-osakaumeda-area-chosen-by-residents/ here. Do you have any food restrictions? The person who took me there ordered from the 'back menu', now I see it's on the menu here, 'Gyusuji (a simmered dish of beef gristle http://www.yukarichan.co.jp/menu.html )' as a topping for one of our 'Okonomiyaki's. You should also try the 'Negiyaki' too.

My all time favorite fruit of fall, persimmons are in abundance and in season now @sgfan. If you can, you should eat the ripe ones when you are here.  https://www.tsunagujapan.com/seven-things-about-persimmons-a-popular-autumn-fruit-in-japan/ Of course the other fruits in season are also highly recommended.:)

Things you should get while in Osaka:


I always get a supply of green tea leaves and seaweed from one of those small specialty (tea or dried goods) shops you find along the vibrant shopping street. They are great as souvenirs and for your own consumption too:).

Since the quality of the water is different here (soft water vs hard water in Singapore), you may pop into a ramen shop that has a chain store back home. I remember the Japanese boss in a bakery I used to work back home told me how it was difficult to achieve the same result when making bread using the same recipes from Japan due to the difference in water quality.

I will post more when something comes to mind.:) TTYL!

Thank you for the links and recommendations :) I steer clear from food like fois gras, sharksfin and "spare parts". I am quite an animal lover so trying to eat lesser meat and buying more ethical/ cruelty free products. I'll be in Osaka during the Chinese New Year period, late January. Looking forward to the cold weather!

Heading over to YouTube now. Will be back later.

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20 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Thank you for the links and recommendations :) I steer clear from food like fois gras, sharksfin and "spare parts". I am quite an animal lover so trying to eat lesser meat and buying more ethical/ cruelty free products. I'll be in Osaka during the Chinese New Year period, late January. Looking forward to the cold weather!

Heading over to YouTube now. Will be back later.

Any breakthrough in today's episode @sgfan?

I also avoid eating fois gras, sharksfin and 'spare parts' (except some Yakitori). And like you, I am also eating lesser meat and doing my in part in recycling and buying environmentally green and friendly products:).

Here are some vegetarian options I found:



Looks like the real LSR visited BHS and CJ had a meeting with SW:) in tomorrow's preview.

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lol happy  monday everyone. hope you all  are  having a laugh no matter  what other  dramas  you all following

got to love  LSR so happy, huge  smile . she looks  at  peace and joy.... loll the   the  hug to  SW and SW  face is  about to puke or lose a layer of skin.lolol

more shock, CJ listening to  what  HR is  telling his   mother   about  DT  maybe  going to marry  SR.  he looks   weird, with both his  arms  down to  his  side,and face is like  huh?lolol then he  left.lolol

this  evil   mother of  YJ is  so  happy  DT  is not with  DY. she is all  smiles  and such..  just  you  wait  till YJ is  caught. want to  see his  mother  smile at  her son pain ,like she  did DY.

ah  wonder if SW  told  LSR about her  job,  she seems happy  for  her.

opps doorbells  rings.lolol CJ arrived. lolol she told  CJ her name is  LSR. CJ was   saying  no no or something like  that refusing to believe  LSR is  LSR.CJ left  confused.lolol

MS calls KC  and  told  him   SJ  was  with  him. and KC turn  up  at  his  place.lol 

seems like  MS refuse to   stay  married to  JR  even though  she  seems  to  state  she  loves  him..

 ah the ending, SA did  go  towards DT and stares from hell towards  SA  from  SW. silent battle of the eyes   between   SW/SA. and DT looks like a  fish  without  water. but  will add, the eye popping  was there, they  all eyepop, must be a  new  trend.

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6 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Any breakthrough in today's episode @sgfan?

I also avoid eating fois gras, sharksfin and 'spare parts' (except some Yakitori). And like you, I am also eating lesser meat and doing my in part in recycling and buying environmentally green and friendly products:).

Here are some vegetarian options I found:



Looks like the real LSR visited BHS and CJ had a meeting with SW:) in tomorrow's preview.

There weren't many DT and DY parts. I ended up skipping a huge chunk of the episode :huh: The good thing is that CJ met the real LSR when he went to the apartment to ask SW if she's really dating DT. 

The writers have tricked us all again by placing the scene of SA visiting BHS right at the end. Have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens.

Thanks again for the links! Will be planning my itinerary :)

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