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I've watched the latest episode with sub, and just like you all, I love to see their relationship development. They have passed their 100th days, curious about what's to come next. Don't forget that they haven't had their honeymoon vacation :D And these are my (long) thoughts about the latest episode:

  • Eric's gift to Solar! Woah, that makes me realize that he indeed paid attention to Solar when he's with him, even from their first meeting :wub:
  • Solar's gift to Eric! She said that the fragrance is for his recording studio. I remember when Eric was a guest of JTBC 'Old House, New House'. One of the room in his house was being remodelled (is it a right term?) so it can be used for making music and also a room for his guest. Is it that room?
  • Solar's letter! She made some effort to write the letter, although she doesn't like corny things. We have seen her written letter at the wedding ceremony and 100th days (not to forget her rewritten song when MAMAMOO came). I think she's really more comfortable to show her feelings by writing ^_^ She wrote about them to stay like they're now, like friends. While it is maybe a bit disappointing for some shippers, but I think it's a sign that at least after WGM they will maintain their friendship :D And it's not read by Eric, but Solar wrote a cute part at the end, "from pretty and cute Yongddongi ♥"
  • The moment Solar called Eric. I don't know, I always love their conversation on the phone :wub: Their greetings at the beginning and the end always unusual haha. Solar felt bored when Eric's not there, she started to miss him unconciously? Haha. And it's cute to see that Solar recently tries to speak english a bit.
  • Eric gave Solar a rose just because he wanted to give her. Well, I think I understand now why many men are burdened by Eric's behavior :lol:
  • Curious about what Eric & Solar will do with the nail polishes? Solar even rubbed Eric's hand :o As much as I'm happy with the help of the panelists, but I prefer they come later? :sweatingbullets: Hahaha.
  • Eric's attention that never left Solar when the panelists came. He's really taking care of Solar in the middle of the chaos. I realized that Eric's hand never leaves Solar since earlier episodes, especially if they're side by side. Caring but manly at the same time? :wub:
  • I think that the panelists' behavior are a bit strong, but they're just acting and didn't meant to be bad. They just wanted Eric & Solar to get more familiar with skinship. They even knew that Solar's a bit awkward and that's why the male panelists told her about her laugh. I agree with Eric though, that they may never experience more skinship if it's only two of them :sweatingbullets:
  • I want to know what Eric said about Solar's weakness though. It is cut :( 
  • The two kiss! Well, they have done the cheek kiss before, but they turned so red after that haha. And the lip kiss, it's unintentionally and unexpected for me actually :lol: Solar's surely shy, from the earlier episodes I think she's like a true conservative Korean (it is not a bad thing though), but I think she didn't hate it. And Eric's smile, I don't know, I think what Wheein said is kinda right. Behind his caring side, there's a brave and real man side B)
  • I'm afraid that the panelists will come again, as Eric said "often" in the end hahahaha :sweatingbullets:
  • The bed scene, I think it will show up at the next episode, since I think the radio scene won't be aired for the entire 20++ minutes. And we can see there are many people watching them being radio DJ, I'm so happy :D And did you chingus see Eric's hair on the preview? I love his hairstyle! ♥ Their outfits are matching too! Well, there may be no great skinship like the latest episode, but yeah, as long as we can see them interact with each other, it's good enough, right? :) 



@xexe I watched all couples too, they have different charms! But yeah, I'm just active here :D Hmmm maybe Eric's red face is because of the alcohol? Not sure about that since they just drank a sip of it? Haha. Yes, that's one of my wish too! I think if they have photoshoot as a couple, the skinship will be done naturally. I think Solar will be shy at first though :lol:

@sight_stv But there's a possibility of them not being awkward too though, if they didn't see the video/photos of the latest broadcast at all haha. Hmm I think the one that showed in the preview is cut though, since I think next episode won't be about the panelists' visit again? I think they will air the part where they're on the bed though :) I'm disappointed when there's a scene that is cut, but sometimes a tiny bit happy because we can see more of their scenes (even though it's just for seconds :sweatingbullets:). That's why I prefer MBC to release their uncut version haha.

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@sight_stv  Thanks for the link! :)

@Farfalle Thank you for welcoming me here. Always love reading your updates and thoughts. Please keep up the good work!  Also, since you mention their honeymoon, I wonder when will they have time to film this. Seeing their busy schedules though, I can understand why we may have to wait a while. I'm really looking forward to see where they will go and what they will do. I would love to see them go to Japan maybe, so Solar can show off her Japanese to her husband :D. She said she was intimidated by how talented Eric was when he showed off his Mandarin skill in the earlier eps, now it should be her turn to show him her language skill as well haha  :lol:

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Park Mi Seon is really Eric's second mother. She's so funny. I always liked her (especially her married life stories) but now she's seems more funnier and cuter because of her motherly behaviour.

(I don't know how to write this. I hope you can understand.) Solar was totally frozen in this episode. Looks like she's always do that when somebody came up. Even when her own members came. I just noticed.

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16 hours ago, gureentea said:

I guess this weekend i had lot of free time lol, on the latest ep the name of the apartment ddongi's been staying is shown, i tried googling it and found their house xD

And even the address... (maybe it will help @soriccouple since you asked it earlier ^^)

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The WIN Boutique Hotel, Seoul

Yanghwa-ro 7-gil, Mapo-guSeoulSeoul121-839South Korea

(But i don't know if we can send them some gifts etc to that address)



Wow!! I'm so amazed o.o you really found their house! Hahahhaa! 

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Eric mentions Solar again in this new article. Can someone translate it please? :D

[취중dol①] 에릭남 “‘국민남친’ 별명, 감사하지만 부담스러워”


[취중dol②] 에릭남 “‘우결’ 솔라와 처음엔 정략 결혼한 느낌”

- MBC '우리 결혼했어요'에서 솔라와 가상부부로 호흡을 맞추고 있죠. 
"처음에 어색했어요. 가끔씩 '자기야'라고 하는데 오그라들어요.(웃음) 최근에 찍은 2~3회 차 돼서야 편해졌어요. 솔라 씨가 장난치고 노는 성격이라고 생각했는데 정반대였어요. 처음엔 정략결혼 느낌이라 어떻게 결혼생활을 해 나가야할지 고민이 많았죠.(웃음) 스튜디오 분들은 빨리 스킨십 진도를 내길 바라셨는데 그건 우리 컨셉트와 맞지 않아요. 실제로 여자친구와 결혼을 해도 친구처럼 사는 게 목표예요. 솔라 씨랑 정말 친구처럼 좋은 일이 있건 나쁜 일이 있건 전화하고 지내고 싶어요. 알고 보니까 성격이 잘 맞더라고요. 제주도가서 소원 들어주기 게임을 했는데 화제가 됐잖아요. 진짜 소원이 말 놓기밖에 없었어요. 그래야 가까워질 것 같았어요. 말 놓기가 신의 한 수였죠." 


[취중dol③] 에릭남 “컨설턴트 회사 그만둔 거 후회한 적 없어”


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I really like Solar, she reminds me a lot of Kim So-eun. I can totally understand her reactions to all the random skinship the panel tries to get them to do. She seems like the type to get flustered easily, I noticed it from the first episode when Eric wiped her mouth while they were eating. The freezing up isn't a sign of her not liking him, it's just a reaction that people like us (people who get flustered easily) get when someone randomly gets in our personal space. I've noticed on some other comments that people seem to think Solar isn't into Eric and they may start saying mean things about her . I'm sure there are other viewers who understand how Solar must be feeling. She's not like Jin-kyung who gives as much as she gets or Cao Lu who takes charge when it comes to skinship. I feel like she's a little more conservative when it comes to things like that and the fact that Eric grew up in a western culture makes her shyness a little more obvious.

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Ahh~~~ Can't wait to go home to spazz with you guys! Miss everyone so much! ^_^ Sorry to keep dragging to post my review. Thanks everyone for keeping this thread going! *flashes of mini hearts* ;) 

The thing i love the most in the latest episode was both Eric and Solar communicates through their eyes. Aww♡♡♡ Gosh~ and there's a weird edit when Eric have to do his mission of kissing Solar's cheek. Just like @sujukpop, i wonder too what did Eric said to Solar? Seems like he was asking a permission or he asked her if she was alright with it. Seriously Eric's eye gazing to Solar seem a little different than usual... Nope, i can't be delulu now, it's just that it seem that way...am i the only one? Hehehe :D 

The love jenga was untouch when the panelists discussed about who (Solar) sat across Eric to receive that kiss. Lol:sweatingbullets:

Anyway, it's good that both of them are getting closer~♡♡♡

Omo my time is up! Have to go for now. Will be back laaatttteeeerrrr. Happy posting lovelies! :) 

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hello guys! i've been a silent lurker here since the release of their 5th ep. i originally watched wgm because of seho. i was thinking that his marriage would be different from previous couples where guys are handsome. at first i only got interested with jota jinkyung couple because jota is so cute but at the same time manly. but as the time goes on, i can't help but fall for ddong couple. they felt so REAL. i usually don't like super sweet couple or cringey couple, but i definitely salute eric nam for being sweet while not becoming cringey. i admit i watched tons of wgm couple already but yongseo and 2young couple used to be my only ship. they plus the ddong couple felt like they have feelings for each other, if not like then maybe a crush?

i've always heard eric nam and mamamoo, but i never took the time to search for them. i'm really thankful to wgm for introducing them to me. i officially became an eric nam and mamamoo stan. i enjoy their music well~

eric nam became my ideal guy. like seriously where will you find someone like him? as mamamoo stan, my bias is wheein but solar is still cute~

sorry for the long post! i just wanted to show my support for this couple and for you guys. let's enjoy this ship ☺

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@srvn Love your gifs! :wub:

@enko20 Wah, thank you! :D I would love to see your thoughts abour Ddongi couple here too. I don't know when will they go for their honeymoon, since they're so busy. The nearest schedule for them are MAMAMOO first concert and Eric's filming for 'Law of the Jungle'. Japan is good, it's also not too far from South Korea, but I don't know if they're planning to go to western, since Solar said that she wanted to go to US and Eric said that they have to speak english at their honeymoon trip? I think they're still matching their busy schedule :sweatingbullets: I agree with you though about Solar's turn to show something she's good at. Remember that Eric said Solar's good at anything (in the latest episode and interviews)? It won't be a problem to her! ;) 

@Andicilin I think Solar needs time to adjust with new people? From other MAMAMOO videos, I see that each member of MAMAMOO became 'calmer' if they're alone with other people :lol: 

13 hours ago, coldcucumber said:

Eric mentions Solar again in this new article. Can someone translate it please? :D

[취중dol②] 에릭남 “‘우결’ 솔라와 처음엔 정략 결혼한 느낌”

- MBC '우리 결혼했어요'에서 솔라와 가상부부로 호흡을 맞추고 있죠. 
"처음에 어색했어요. 가끔씩 '자기야'라고 하는데 오그라들어요.(웃음) 최근에 찍은 2~3회 차 돼서야 편해졌어요. 솔라 씨가 장난치고 노는 성격이라고 생각했는데 정반대였어요. 처음엔 정략결혼 느낌이라 어떻게 결혼생활을 해 나가야할지 고민이 많았죠.(웃음) 스튜디오 분들은 빨리 스킨십 진도를 내길 바라셨는데 그건 우리 컨셉트와 맞지 않아요. 실제로 여자친구와 결혼을 해도 친구처럼 사는 게 목표예요. 솔라 씨랑 정말 친구처럼 좋은 일이 있건 나쁜 일이 있건 전화하고 지내고 싶어요. 알고 보니까 성격이 잘 맞더라고요. 제주도가서 소원 들어주기 게임을 했는데 화제가 됐잖아요. 진짜 소원이 말 놓기밖에 없었어요. 그래야 가까워질 것 같았어요. 말 놓기가 신의 한 수였죠." 


@coldcucumber Thanks for sharing the article here! :D I think the one that mentions Solar is just the 2nd part? I only translated some parts that related to WGM and Solar, hope it's accurate :) 


[Drunken-dol 2] Eric Nam "'WGM' at first it felt like an arranged marriage with Solar"

- On MBC 'We Got Married', you're attuned with Solar as virtual couple.
"It's awkward at first. Sometimes calling 'Jagi-ya' is corny (laugh). it's getting comfortable at the recent 2-3 times filming. I thought Solar-ssi's playful character is the complete opposite of me. At first, it felt like an arranged marriage and I worried a lot about how the marriage life that I'll do (laugh). Studio panelists hope for quick skinship progress, but it doesn't fit with our concept. Even if I married with my girlfriend actually, my goal is to live like friends. I want to make a call and get along with Solar-ssi like real friends which is there in good and bad days. And it turns out that our personalities fit with each other. We went to Jeju Island and did a game to grant a wish, it became a hot topic. My real wish is only to drop the speech. So we can be closer. Dropping speech is an excellent decision."

- A few days ago, you lost to Solar as the person in charge of the economy. If you're in the real marriage, will you leave it to your wife as the person in charge of economy?
"I tend to portray the large picture well. I can do the detailed part, but if my wife can help me when it's difficult, it's likely to leave it to her. When I saw my parents, my father portrayed a big picture, and my mother took detailed things. Oh. Come to think of it, it's amazing. I want my parents' style (laugh)."

- Your appearance in broadcast and real life is different.
"I don't monitor my appearance in broadcast intentionally. If you saw my image turn into a packed appearance, I recognize that my broadcast image turns into my real image before I know it. People who watched TV might said 'He's pretentious. I think he's acting', but I also don't know how I'm portrayed. I really don't like bluff and pretense. As I talk honestly, I get talked."


@rushie5 Thank you for your love for Ddongi Couple! :D Agree with you, I think Solar's just being herself and to show her feelings, especially personal feelings in front of camera is not an easy job. We can see her being playful on camera, but we don't know her real personality since we only watch her at certain times.

@zurah90 I'm waiting for your post, sis! Hahaha that's maybe just the small editing mistake that MBC used to do :vicx: I didn't pay attention to his gaze, but I think now Solar is able to make eye contact with Eric even when they're sitting close :) Good luck on your job!

@yuffiezdincht Hello, welcome to the thread! Don't hesitate to share your thoughts about Ddongi Couple here :) Me too, I think Eric is creeping into my ideal type and it will be difficult to find a guy like him :sweatingbullets:

@maeryl I think it's from his interview with Allure that I've translated before? But thanks for sharing chingu! I can check my translation to this to see whether my translation before is accurate enough :) 

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Eric's latest IG story update :lol:


On 8/6/2016 at 11:13 PM, pinkglaze said:

BTW please help me.. What is the bgm song playing when Eric kissed her? Thank you for anyone who'll help me!!

@pinkglaze Is this what you meant? It's Standing Egg's latest track, "Summer Night You and I" (Korean title: "여름밤에 우린") :) Even Standing Egg official IG posted this :D 


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@coldcucumber oh hehe i'm wrong though! But i totally agree with you. He is indeed the captain of our ship hehe! i really hope that after wgm they'll still be close as they are now (or even more closer) ❤️ 

@Farfalle heehee :lol: i'm sorry. I thought it was it. Haha! And thank you so much for translating it! :) I love how he answers questions regarding his wife. Ahh i envy you for understanding it. I can only understand solar and eric's name written in korean hahaha!! :D  I die a little inside everytime eric mentions his wife on interviews. <3 

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@Farfalle  thanks for the warm welcome. 

i know it's late but i wanted to share my insight regarding the latest episode.

from their bri,  i guess they didnt really feel romantic but rather it was fun for them. i guess it's more intimate and romantic when you're alone together. however i think that solar got giddy or touched when eric gave the flower and after she learns how eric sees her strengths. regarding their cheek kiss, i got a feeling that they're in mixed emotions that's why they got all red. i mean i got really red when i was teased to someone even tho i don't like him romantically. well this is just my honest opinion about them. regarding their sudden skinships, i don't see solar hating it. i think she's just embarrased and nervous at the same time.

but i believe that the panelist's visit was one of their fave. i mean even solar said that she got really happy and had fun. well i got happy (my heart palpated and i felt like i ran out of oxygen) with their skinships and also knowing they had fun too, i guess this episode is one of my fave (eps with the proposal and the swimming pool).

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A bit of a long post, sorry in advance. :sweatingbullets:

@rushie5 I definitely agree with you about Solar. It makes me sad sometimes to see some people criticizing her for being so coy about skinship, some even say she's being cold to Eric. What they don't see is the sincerity and honesty that she has shown ever since the beginning. She basically came out and admitted that she's very shy around people she's not close with and also she's not good at public skinship. I felt like she could easily have put away her inhibition and put on a skinship show with Eric to satisfy us fans but she chose to be true to herself instead. That's why I admire her so much not just for her singing talent, but for her personality as well. :)

@Farfalle Yes I remember the thing Eric said about Solar having to speak English. I would love to see them go to the US too. I just think it's difficult to do with how busy they both are, but I know it will be great regardless of where they will go. ;)

Thank you for translating the article. It just confirms what we all have thought about in here. Both of them truly want to have a friend-like relationship with each other, in and out of the show. It might disappoint some people to see how they keep talking about being friend and not more, but to me that's great.to hear. I have watched WGM for a long time and to be honest I've seen many couples (I won't name them here) who have come to the show to promote themselves and not to make a connection with each other. Whereas for Eric and Solar, while they also look to build an image for themselves, they really desire to know each other personally and to carry their relationship beyond WGM. That is what make Ddongie couple unique to me :D

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@Farfalle thank you as always for the translation chingu ya! :D soo eric want to be like his parents where his father potrayed big picture and his mother work on the detail, ok then he mention it that solar took detail thing when he potrayed big picture ok then you got your point eric sshi lol its so obvious :) and he want to do married life like a friend ok then you said you want to be friend with solar even after the program end and in the letter solar said to continue their marriage like a friend ok then i got the point, oh noo its so obvious too? lol

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