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Solar's memo at MAMAMOO's fancafe today:


Eric's Snapchat update:


An article about our Ddongi Couple (it's not a news though):

[Vacation Special (2)] Couple vacation like 'WGM'~ BEST 5 recommendation of holiday destination where love is welling up
Source: http://enews.imbc.com/News/RetrieveNewsInfo/186545


At Jeju Island, like Eric Nam ♥ Solar couple!
It's a domestic travel destination that is loved by people around the world as much as foreign country. Various themes of trip is available at Jeju Island. Whether you eat your own caught fish on the spot after enjoying fishing on a cruise ship or experience paddleboard yoga, following Eric Nam-Solar couple's course is good. Coastal drive and romantic swim here are bonuses! Just with this, you could spend the love-budding blue night of Jeju Island.


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hello, lovelies chinddongie <3
I bet all of you in your dreamland already? Have a sweet dream, chingus! (P.s: Let's dream of our Ddongi couple! AHAHAHA)

Wahhh. What a blessed! Whenever I open up our forum, you guys always made my day! :) I just finished watching Ddongi's Mukbang Road tonight (finally... since I'd got something urgent happen yesterday, so I missed the streaming...T_T) Another episode that become my favourite (I think all of their episodes is on my favourite list LOL) I can't express how I'm feeling right now after watched them & now, I'm missing them again. HAHAHA what a clingy shipper am I *chuckles*  

Here is my review of the episode:  (Warning: It's kinda long ;w; so yeah... ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ )

  1. I just love them both are so cute whenever they walking on the road. You know, they giving me the vibe of young couple who just got married and somehow, I'd think they're actually the maknae couple in WGM compared to Jota & Jinkyung. Just like Park Misun said, they just like campus couple :wub:
  2. I don't know why, but I think Solar giving so much energy from this episode! I feel like I'm so energised as I watched her. Her voice seems so excited, she's sound so comfortable being with Eric this time. I seriously adore her & Eric seriously lucky to have her as his wife. Really. & hell yeah, she's definitely our happy little pill <3
  3. Eh-hey, our Mr. Ddongi isn't wearing his wedding ring eh? Aigu. I'm sure our Mrs. Ddongi noticed it. Cuz y'know how she got that leader stare? I guess she just let her hubby go for this time. Tsk tsk tsk. Haha and wonder when they bought the couple's bracelet eh?
  4. Eric being shy as Solar put on the dress in front of him. Awww, manner hubby mode on. Tehehe she's just comfortable around him already, look how she boldly put on the dress hahaha maybe cuz she just slip on the dress under her original outfit, but Eric acted otherwise LOL
  5. I'm squealing hard as I see Eric leaned forward to Solar's shoulder (?) (or its just a camera's trick? I hope not..;;) when he laughing how Solar acted. I can't move on on Solar's 'Aaaaaangggg~' That's actually a indirect aegyo, Yongsunnie! AHAHAHA  Oh also, when he fixed Solar's collar dress-- *coughcough* *squeals* That indirect skinship. Ah- also when he trying to cup Solar's mouth to avoid her from asking the ahjumma for men's clothes & he hugged her shoulder as she finally asked the ahjumma for it. *chuckles* Idk. I found it so loveable eventho he did only for awhile. *sighs*
  6. Eric once again introduced his wifey to his friend, James, the Coreano Kitchen's owner. I really adored Eric here. To me, this kind of gesture by him whenever he mentioned Solar on broadcast/show or to his friends, he look like he trying to boast/show that Solar is his wife.:wub: Eventho he said its a bit awkward (I guess bcs Solar is there with him this time) haha.
  7. Look how smooth Eric did when he said he know what Solar's favourite sauce after Solar asked him to guess? He did it and Solar asked how he know...and he said because 'its his/mine'? I love Solar's reaction after that and our Ddongi's unofficial eomma, Park Misun. HAHAHA she's really thinking like us. *laugh*
  8.  And yeah- finally teasing time! Ahahaha! I can't get over how cute they're when Solar asking Eric for her phone that she left behind. :sweatingbullets: seems like she love to left her things behind and Eric noticed it. Cuz the 'Again!' keyword. I guess Eric know how his wife's personality already. I wonder how many time does Solar forget her things *chuckles* And Mr. Hubby asked for aegyo and that phone love quarell tho HAHAHAHAHA Seriouly Eric Nam Yoondo, your wife isn't an easy woman & bold, dude. She'll never give up until she win :P 
  9. When they're going to the last restaurant, Eric asked her to guess on what restaurant they will go next and give her a hint that they've had it when they first met. She answer it right away! Gosh, I find that kinda touched (?) You know, when someone cherished you so much& your time being together, he/she will remember all the moments that they did together. I find Solar is that kind of person. Our ddongi little wifey really cherished her time with her husband. I have no doubt about this. *le hugs Solar* 
  10. Ddeokbeoki definitely their soul food. Even the panelist also said so. Its like the ddeokbeoki is one of their connection as a couple. How adorkable they're when they still eat their favourite food eventho they already full. Just like Solar said, there still a space exclusively for ddeokbeoki in her stomach. HAHAHA.
  11. Overall, I love our Ddongi couple's reactions when they eat. Especially Solar. Her reactions is gems. Eric look satisfied when he see his wife reaction when she eat. You love it when seeing her eat isn't, Mr. Nam? :P 
  12. I like how Solar comfortably speaking informal with Eric. I know that its still not fully, but you can see how comfortable she is eventho she kinda mixed up formal & informal talks. WGM Panelists look so supportive over her improvement. Congratulations, Yongddongie! Imma proud of ya, Kim Yongsun :')



Solar won my heart for this episode. Her hyperness, energy & voice tone definietly boost their date for this episode. I'm smiling from the start till the end of their show & even now, when I'm writing this post. You know, I don't think Solar is awkward anymore, to me, she is comfortable with Eric already. I don't know if you guys noticed or not, I noticed that Solar doesn't even hesistate to receive skinship from Eric & she even touch Eric tho (phone-love quarel & the ddeokbeoki last scene where she asked Eric to add/follow her "go~go~go~") And yeah- the leader nature will forever in Mrs Yongddongi. I love how she lead Eric in MC-ing this episode, her ideas, her natural pose & not to forget the laugh LOL From this points, I'm sure enough that she is ready for the next pace (?) but she's waiting for her husband to make the first move. How hyper, bold or yeba she is, she's still a woman and a shy wifey of Eric Nam. Haha
While on the other hand, I find Eric isn't like his usual self. Maybe its just me, I'm kinda bit sad since he didn't seem like he used to...he look dried out (?) & also when they're walking on the road to their 1st restaurant, a lorry passes by near Solar & I'm actually hoping he will pull his wife like he used to do but erm... I kinda missed his reminder of "'be careful~ be careful~" to Solar :( (maybe he didnt noticed it cuz he's fixing the dress LOL so, its fine haha) His laugh & reactions, I felt like he didn't use it fully. Maybe I used to watched him so hype & a little bold in actions whenever he's around Solar, that's why. (This is just my thoughts, not that matter, maybe its just me that felt that way, so just ignore me if you guys think that i'm wrong, ok? *peace*
ㅎㅎ)........but, I understand. He's tired since he on the peak of comeback's preparation & jetlagged etc. Plus, our ddongi couple is the busiest couple in WGM. So, I will forgive him this time. *nods nods*   

P.s: And I find it kinda funny and adorable of our couple on this episode cuz I think that Solar is playing alpha-female role this time cuz she seems like she's leading Eric eventho the date actually arranged by Eric while Eric playing as Beta-male cuz he just follow all Solar asked him to do. *chuckles* seems like they got switched by their role after they comeback from KCONNY! LOL 
Whatever they do, they definitely my healing couple. Even their role switched, I'm still adoring them each episodes. Gahhhhh. Guess I'm seriously a ddongi couple pabo. Really. ahahahhahahahaha~ #ddongienergeticlaughModeON  
P.s.s: Sorry for the long post, chinddongiedeul! >_< 

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@zurah90 Thank you for posting the pictures of their 'is it a hug' moment. I really like that moment ^_^ Oh, so unfortunate that your gif app is not working. Hopefully a chingu here can make the gif of this moment. Eric fixing Solar's dress/mic reminds me when Solar suddenly cleaned Eric's eye in the truck. Love that they still pay attention to each other, even Eric automatically kept Solar's phone when he saw it's left.

And you're not wrong about Solar's "oppa", finally I saw/heard it after I watched with 100% attention :lol: You've got good eyes for spotting the restaurant is on his 'Attraction TV' too. Thanks for posting their today's performance too! Eric's ad-lib today, hitting a ball baseball-like? :D

@sight_stv Yes, there are "jagi", but "jagi" has different meanings too other than "honey/darling". And Solar meant the other meanings haha.

@kazuya85 @Ira Ajja We have the same opinion, chingu :) For their bar/pool party, I don't know if they're going to invite some of their friends. But from the bar/pool setting, it kinda reminds me of American style party? Maybe Eric's friends will come? If it's true, I think the next episode is going to be fun :D 

@gandaako05 I'm also keeping an eye for their clips on Naver every week, and yeah Korean viewers seems to like our couple. Their comments are mainly about Eric's personality (since the viewers are mainly woman), but they also like Solar's energetic and easy-going personality too. And actually, I almost never see comments about their lack of skinship or so at the Naver, but of course I didn't read the comments one by one though, just the first page :) 

@Moroodliin Hello, chingu. It's the first time I see your post here, or am I wrong? And yes, they're always fun to watch :D 


I just want to share my thoughts about Eric & Solar's relationship, but yeah these are just my thoughts. Me too, I feel a bit sad seeing critics for our couple, but I think not every critics are meant to harm them, they just wanted our couple to be better. And yeah, some of them just focused with the 'lack of skinship' moments, but look at what we did, analyzing every little details in their moments that lead us to believe that they're slowly improving their relationship.

I agree that Eric is usually the one who takes initiative, but maybe he has a reason why he doesn't take the lead in skinship nowadays? And again, we don't know what's happening off-cam regarding their relationship. Even though Eric is the one who takes initiative in their relationship, but from Eric's interview that I read before, he said that he doesn't know what to do to the person that he likes and he's the type that takes quite a long time to properly learn about the other person before he advances his move. From their first meeting too, Eric said that he's a bit reserved. It's showed in 'Daddy & I' too, he didn't even tell his parents about his disappointment back then and tried to solve it himself. From that, I think Eric also tends to keep his feelings to himself?

For Solar, despite her shy personality and doesn't like cringey moments, I have stated in my long post about the latest episode that maybe she has that insecurity for burdening other MAMAMOO's members if she doesn't keep her behavior moderately especially with a man since she's an idol and a member of a girl group. Moreover, MAMAMOO is at the beginning stage of gaining success. I got this thought when I watched SNSD's Yoona said that she's sorry to her members because they have to endure questions about her dating status wherever they're going.

But yeah, those thoughts are just the possibilities that I thought. No one knows what's really happening between them except themselves (and WGM staffs?). We just saw them in a 20++ minutes episode every week, while their date actually can go for a whole day. And Eric & Solar are just two persons like us. So, they may lack of some things. I hope all of the viewers remember that. I thought that their relationship style right now is matched with Solar's wish (comfortable like close friends). But yes, I also hope for their improvement in their relationship and skinship. Their pace is so slow, but I prefer their slow-but-sure pace than fast-but-not-sincere pace. Like all of chingus here said, I hope for at least their friendship after their time in WGM. It's enough for me :) 

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@ryuseolnims Thanks to your post, I get my mood up again :D A show that I watched before is heartbreaking, so I'm kinda down. But after reading your energetic post, I gained my energy back! :) And yeah, I also agree with each of your points. Both of them really look like a pair of kids who play well with each other. You're not alone, I also miss them whenever I've watched their episode LOL. I kinda hope that they're doing a 2 days 1 night vacation, so they'll meet for 2 days straight. Well, I just think that their date is finished when they're having some intimate moment together in their date. Meanwhile they have to build up the intimate moment again at their next meeting which is in the next few weeks.

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Oh-hoi, you haven't sleep, @Farfalle chingu? 

Guess you stumbled with those critics too? I also saw the critics outside our forum. I tried to ignore it, but yeah, its somehow affected me too. *headdesk* Your thoughts definitely talked like mine & you got some extra points. Especially on the PPOV of Solar & Eric *thumbs up* 
It's kinda sad seems they just want our couple to focus on lovey-dovey & skinships. They keep comparing them to other couple. I was like, "Yo~ that's not cool, doe. Can't you see? Theres a lot of improvement already." Seriously, lovey-dovey or skinships doesn't always apply in all relationship. Acting lovey dovey & skinships is just like adding seasoning taste into a relationship. Correct me if i'm wrong since I'm not expert in relationship HAHAHAHA. For me, what they've showed to us is more than enough. Just like my last post, their role isn't consistence. Sometimes, Eric is the one who taking the lead, and then, Solar. You can see they trying to fill each other's flaws (?) If I can classified them among the couple in WGM, I will classify them as the most special relationship that WGM ever had. :)

But who said they didn't have any moments as couple or having any skinships/lovey-dovey? They've their own ways to show it. Its show that some people who critics over our couple doesn't notice how those little touch, talks, glances & indirect actions from Eric & Solar is actually how our couple shows their feeling toward each other. If not, how can we, ddongideul endup fangirling/squealling over them every weeks, everydays, every minutes? haha I always noticed that most of us here always endup adoring their little moments in each episodes. This show the comparison among us who noticed over small things and who doesnt. :) I keep remind this everytime I saw critics over them, "As long we know that Eric & Solar are happy, enjoy & comfortable over each other's presence, that's it. Because I can feel that their feelings is genuine. It's more than enough for me. Rushing things won't make the relationship genuine tho."  & This is just my 2 cents, I dont know if i keep repeating my thoughts over and over again >_<

P.s: Ayee- what's show did you watched until its make your mood down? bad show! ahaha. jk. glad that my post help you brighten your mood up, chingu! You got us behind your back! ;) omo! we shared same thought too! Sometimes, I think that all of us here having telepathy or mind reader *chuckles* I really hope they can go vacation that need them to stay together for a night. tehehehhee. I guess so too, well, it's okay, i'm sure all of us willing to wait for them! I believe there already a little intimate moments by them ;) more coming ahead us~ oh yeah! Fighting to Eric Nam Yoonddongie & Solar Kim Yongddongie! <3  and fighting to ddongi shippers too! aja aja fighting! 

Since I'm still online (I promised I will go to sleep after this LOL), I noticed over Eric's latest comeback stage & I compared it with this ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Just a light dose of our couple for us. HAHA. Hope this can put a smile on your face when you guys see this. Let's heal ourselves with this, chinddongideul! 





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Thanks everyone for the updates! ;)


You are welcome! :) I tried on other apps as well but nothing could work. Yeah! Hopefully a nice chingu can make a gif for those precious little Ddongie moments.

Talking about his latest performance... i just love how he added ad-lib in it! That was so MAMAMOO-like. I wonder if Solar give him a tip on how to make his performance feel alive or he ask Solar for the idea. People have been saying that his MV got WGM vibes and honestly i agreed too. Aside from the scene where he pretended to be in WGM with Song HaeNa, there are many other scenes that actually looked exactly to his originally WGM scenes. I don't wish to mix his personal activity with WGM but his MV this time does make me go into delulu! Hahaha :D He could have make it to different concept but what's with WGM-like? Because of the lyrics? Or was that indirect message to Solar...ah nope...sorry, can't help myself to delulu about it.

As a person with limited vocab/words, i love to read your thoughts and i always have to agree with it. Both @ryuseolnims & you never fails to make me blown away my mind with your amazing insightful deductions. Twice love-a-applause for both of you! *two thumps up*


I thought i was studying about the characteristics behind the historic of Eric and Solar for a moment! Kekekekeke :lol: I was so drawn into your post when i read it. Your deduction skill are simply no joke! I have nothing to say but to thanked you for your great post that really heal my soul after all those hatred comments that i went through today. I felt much lighter before after i expressed my thought but yours make it gone away with the wind. *hugs* 


More resemblance of our couple huh? I believe we are not in delulu land anymore. It's reality... just look at my post. Kyaaa~ and we saw it from the same Eric's photo, judging from the outfits he wore. Yours was at his performance. Mine was at his mini-fanmeeting. *fist bump*


Saw something that reminded me of Solar! :w00t: I bet you should know what i meant from this picture... Yes~ Solar's hand signature! Gosh~ this was definitely a rare pose of him or i might have missed it? :huh: 

Anyway, they slowly starts to resemble each other! 



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@Farfalle tbh they shouldnt feel burden cos their rel is virtual esp in public eyes while yoona one was real, so those 2 couldnt be compared though, the feeling being asked must be different too.

I just want them to enjoy the experience, just be light and relax cos none will judge them for being "together", ppl wanted to enjoy their cuteness like watching a drama but in reality show, and seohyun finally got the courage cos yonghwa did the 1st move, if eric keep being super "gentleman" then the intimacy of their "rel" wont go anywhere lol and though I'm ok so far with them being like this, but let's be real we dont want to see they finally able to hold hands in episode 40 and ugly scenerio they end their marriage at ep 45 lmao

Anw not trying to bring down the mood guys, just share a thought :)

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1 hour ago, LaBelle said:

@Farfalle tbh they shouldnt feel burden cos their rel is virtual esp in public eyes while yoona one was real, so those 2 couldnt be compared though, the feeling being asked must be different too.

I just want them to enjoy the experience, just be light and relax cos none will judge them for being "together", ppl wanted to enjoy their cuteness like watching a drama but in reality show, and seohyun finally got the courage cos yonghwa did the 1st move, if eric keep being super "gentleman" then the intimacy of their "rel" wont go anywhere lol and though I'm ok so far with them being like this, but let's be real we dont want to see they finally able to hold hands in episode 40 and ugly scenerio they end their marriage at ep 45 lmao

Anw not trying to bring down the mood guys, just share a thought :)

im sure they will get much closer on the upcoming housewarming :D , i think its gonna be Eric's friends or both friends, its gonna be better if its Eric friend, so Solar can know actually Eric thinking about her lol! and i agree with you, that gonna be the worst scenario ever..

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Hello lovelies! Hope you have a nice day ahead! :) 


When the Pokemon Go fever is too realistic for Eric...this is too adorkable not to share...LOL

Introducing all of you to Eric Chu...:lol:



More resemblance moments even before they joins WGM! ;) 





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2 hours ago, LaBelle said:

@sight_stv hahaha i want amber to come like seriously though xD

I hope after like 6-7 more eps they will be comfortable enough to do skinship (see how i jump 7 eps lololol)

yeahh!! even amber already be the judge panel on WGM as Eric's friend right? lol lets hope so! i think 2 eps ahead will be about their housewarming and after that 2 eps air, the next eps is already recorded after Eric comeback lol im so curious about what they gonna think about each other MV :D ( i dont even know if they gonna discuss about it, just thinking about it make me feel sick lol )

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More Insta updates of Eric! 

Favorite dance move? EVERYTHING! I can't choose... i just love it when he unleash his "be-your-yourself" dance coz it's just so him! :D 


It's not Eric Nam, Nam Yoon Do or even Eh Yoon Do... It's a *Nobody Nobody but ERIC CHU* everybody!!!:lol:

Same but edited version! I'll just put it in under the spoiler...



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Finished watching! Let me first tell my insights on the recent episode:

1. Solar looks good on her off shoulder top. Look at her radiating beauty!
2. When Solar was trying their Itaewon exotic dress. When Eric went outside laughing because of Solar's aggresive informal Korean attack. Pahaha! He didn't see it coming I guess.
3. Eric hushing Solar :D
4. Eric being proud while introducing Solar to his friend James
5. Phone push and pull :))))))

[That's all because I just want to watch the episode and got no chance to take some notes haha]

Honestly while I was reading the comments on a website where Solar and Eric's WGM episodes being posted, I was disappointed. They said that their episode is getting boring or instead of We Got Married it was being We Got a Friend. While I was reading it, I told myself that I dont have the drive to watch their episodes anymore since many viewers are already noticing it. BUT when I saw their recent episode it made my mind change 360 degree. Solar is now getting comfortable because she is now trying to speak in informal Korean to Eric. Too bad I noticed some scenes where they can hold hands while walking. I was just like "ERIC GRAB HER HAND......NOW". But I wont give up. :rolleyes:

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Most of us here went through it yesterday with those negative comments. Basically we are all in the same boat together. No matter how judgemental people can be, they will and never be like us, the original and soul shippers. We analyzes every little details and discussed our insights together but they just say what they like accordance to their easy interpretations. So dearie, just ignore them and believe what you want to believe. They can change your mind completely but you are the one who makes the final decision on what you wants to believe in most. *Give a pat on your back and hugs*

You are not the only one... when they walked together, i did yelled it in me for Eric to just grab her hand already...if he felt that it would make her uncomfortable, and being mr gentleman he is, he could have just ask for her permission and i'm sure Solar won't mind about it. Eric wasn't in his usual self, right?

Being cautious too much could actually mean something, Eric sshi! :phew:

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I slept after reading your long post, chingu! Hahaha I usually tend to sleep late if I'm not that tired. And I agree with your opinion too. Yes, this is Ddongi Couple and this is what makes them Ddongi Couple I think. They have different style of approach for potraying marriage life, and even though the marriage is 'virtual', but I can see that their friendship is real. It's good, since that's the thing we hope they left from WGM I think?

P.S. Is it okay for me mentioning other show here? Hahaha. It's a show where an idol group become teachers for 10 children for half a month (know it already?). It's a fun & heartwarming show, but because it's the last episode so it's heartbreaking and also touching for me. Yeah, I can't wait to see their moments ahead, and remember that they haven't had their honeymoon yet :) You make me smile with your comparation picture, chingu! 

Well, wonder if we can see their episode where they talk about Eric's comeback and maybe Solar's Emotion too? :) But I don't know if they're meeting before their comebacks, since we just know their meeting after KCON (and maybe the recent one where Eric wore the white fluffy mic?). And yeah, I'm reminded with WGM when watching his MV, especially the scene where he sits at the bench :) Well, if it's indirect message to Solar, I'll be very happy :D Eyy, English isn't my native language too, so I have a bit difficulty when expressing but I'm happy when seeing you guys can get my points. Maybe it's like I'm practicing my English too here? Hahaha. I love to see your and other chingus' opinion too, since I can read everyone's different POVs and the things that I may miss. And thanks for the updates! Eric is so into Pokemon Go that he went to Sokcho which is the only area in South Korea where Pokemon Go is working :lol:

Wow, can't wait for your fmv! It's good that you have that ability to make fmv for Ddongi Couple. Fighting for your work :D Looking forward for Solar's interaction with Eric's friends too! From Solar's shy personality to new people, she must feel rather awkward and depends to Eric more where his friends are around.

It's okay chingu, I'm not feeling down with your post :) Yes, I agree to that recent couples don't have much time in WGM, unlike the previous seasons. And yes, I also would like to see their improvement in skinship (everyone in this thread actually) and maybe Eric is being too careful. Well, I don't know how they perceive their relationship in WGM though. Looking at Eric has to use the wish to ask her to drop her formalities (not just ask it casually in their conversation) and he also said that "his wish isn't huge but he doesn't know what would she feel", I think he really doesn't want to make Solar uncomfortable. I hope that both of them really have honest conversation too, where they can share their inner thoughts and what they want to say to each other about their relationship (preferably on cam, but off cam is okay too). Me too, hope that MBC doesn't end our couple's marriage where they have just started being so comfortable with each other.

Yes, Solar is beautiful with off-shoulder top. Have watched MAMAMOO's performances too, I noticed that Solar often wears off-shoulder top? And thank you for not giving up, chingu :) They're still at the beginning, making memories together, there'll be more memories of them together ahead :D


OMG, it becomes a long post :o:o:o You guys can tell me if it bothers you and I should put my replies on the spoiler :')

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[The Friends] Youtube's channel update: "Costa Rica is beautiful!"
Eric is described as "1 trip 1 Eric Nam" and has "leader beauty" :) 


Eric's comeback in Music Bank (with english sub of his lyric since KBS World is the one who released this)
I put it on the spoiler since the RAW one is already being posted here :) 




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