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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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15 hours ago, Ayame said:

I translated this from the Japanese translation, so it may be a little off, but hopefully my translation is okay. Not sure if there are any English articles on it already though. ^^ Here you go~

[ARTICLE] Many Fans Request for Park Shin Hye to Sing ‘Doctors’ OST

Actress Park Shin Hye has received a ‘unique request’ from fans which has attracted attention. Park Shin Hye, who is currently starring in the SBS Mon.-Tues. drama, ‘Doctors’, which has rising ratings every week, has gotten requests from fans who wish for her to sing the drama OST. The current OST from ballad artists such as Urban Zakapa, Jeong Yeop, Younha have become popular online, along with the drama itself.

And yet, the fans have send endless requests to drama’s production staff, Park Shin Hye’s representatives, and of course to Park Shin Hye’s social media, “We wish you could participate in the OST”. Recently, there have been many requests through the internet from the fans who asked the question. (T/N: I assume through Naver’s V-App?) At that time, Park Shin Hye declined by saying that it would be “embarrassing”.

-Omitted paragraph that talks about the songs she sang for previous drama OSTs-

The production staff and company who didn’t expect the amount of requests from fans started to think about it. The production staff said, “Until now, there has been no plans for Park Shin Hye to participate in the OST, since it might hinder the focus on her acting in the drama, so from the start there were no plans. As of now, as we enter the mid-way point of the drama, we will seriously consider it.”



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On 7/20/2016 at 5:55 AM, NhicarT said:

I cant remember who posted it earlier but someone said in the next episode JH might run after HJ like give her a backhug or something. I think so too, I mean this scene is some sort of deja vu from 13 yrs ago when HJ walked away from him and he lost her by hesitating for a bit before finally deciding to run after her. JH said it himself that back then he had to pay the price for not acting crazy. I think this time around he won't make the same mistake :)

Ok...off to work. I know this drama is as real as it can get, unfortunately, it's too far from my own reality. Wish I had a JH...or a YD too (lol, I'm not in a medical field but in IT where its equally stressful)

Oh my I had not thought of thatahaaah-onion-head-emoticon.gifOmo It is going to be so hard for me to get dressed and go to work on Monday...chingus. I just want to know how this plays outdesperate1-onion-head-emoticon.gif. OMG if Hong, Hong, Hong does something crazy/dramatic. I bet my fellow patients will crash Soompi with their reply's. I'm so happy you brought this up:wub: I bet we won't get a hint of what happens on the preview. SBS will want everyone to tune in.  

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11 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

HONG JI HONG A Man Who Followed His Dream And Found His Heart.......

Where does one start when writing about Kim Rae Won our Hong Ji Hong.  How does one describe all the feelings he brings week after week that in turn honestly stirs my romantic soul and makes my heart weak and knees too.  After so much talk about him it made me start to think. What is it that moves me about him?   That's easy, EVERYTHING!  Who would have dreamed such amazing chemistry could be seen in KRW & PSH?  I think I know, the person or persons who saw them for what ever reasons at an awards show sitting at the same table sharing a conversation. Who knows maybe even the writer as she said they were her first choice I wonder? I myself remember that moment and thinking dang they look so cute together...:blink:

What KRW delivers to the viewers is so breath taking yet seems so effortless which makes it so believable.  Honestly it's the age span to me that brings on that special spark.  Protective & sincere MANLY almost comforting feeling in which KRW brings through JH pure perfection.  It's the very way he looks at PSH that turns my heart upside down and inside out.  It's the tenderness that he shows through his actions.  It's the very way he speaks to her sometimes soft, sometimes quickly with excitement almost funny that had me hooked and smiling as well...

It's the very magic that we saw & felt through JH & HJ as well that made us do a little dreaming of our own.  JH made every person no matter what age that has a heart beating within them want to experience that glance that says I want you.  Or that coat of protectiveness that covers you from the storms of life. He brought new meaning to dancing in the rain, being showered not only by raindrops but by love & passion.  Yes, even joy that being in love is worth celebrating.  He gave us an embrace that spoke to our hearts about being thankful and the relief we feel when knowing our loved ones are safe... He even taught HJ to believe in herself even if no one else believes in you.  And that she was the molder of her own dreams a long time ago... 

Lastly JH continues to show & teach us that loving ones family through his love for his father is a precious part of life too.  Not to be taken for granted or placed on a shelf for later use.  For all to often time like sand quickly moves through our hands.  Things we could have done and should have done through sickness or death are taken from us.  Watching JH tuck his Dad in for the night, taking his glasses from him making sure he was safe and in comfort before closing the light.  JH made me think about my own life and how as your loved ones get older you become the parent and they become your child... 

Kim Rae Won & Hong Ji Hong bring more than entertainment into our lives they shed light, love & lessons. By breathing life into words on pages allowing us to experience & feel all those moments as if we are there too. Making us want or remember that special glance or listening to a song. Remembering & reminding us that relationships & love need moments like dancing in the rain. Being held oh so tight and softly kissed at night, Laying in a field looking up at the beauty above us while being thankful for the beauty beside us...

  Thanks & credit  to all original owners of photos & quote..

Woww.....I love your post so much! You wrote it so beautiful.:D

For me, who now seriouly falling in love with JH, KRW is the one of the best parts in Doctors team. We will never have this perfect Hong Ji Hong if it not him. A lot of scenes that I keep hold my breath because I'm stunt with his charm and skill. Beside his sexy voice, manly & warm touch, his eye expression is everything. With no word, I can understand JH from my heart.:wub:


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Below is the perfect description of Seo Woo:

15 Signs Of Self-Absorbed People

1. They are always on the defensive

They do not see the world from another person's eyes. They would rather see it from theirs and protect their flaws and image with everything they've got.

2. They don't see the big picture

A self-absorbed person thinks the world is just about them. Thus, the world, from their point of view, is a place comprising them and perhaps a few persons around them who they can control. How the world affects other people really doesn't concern them.

3. They are imposing

They frequently use words like "should" or "must".  They want to dominate in any relationship because they see relationships as a tool for getting what they want and making themselves the center of attention.

4. They feel insecure sometimes

They are not complete. They always have a missing gap in their world. And you may be the person they try to use to fill those gaps.

5. They always think they are superior to others

They are so consumed by their own world and self image that it is near impossible for other people to measure up to their standards. They maintain a superiority complex that most commonly leads to them devaluing others.

6. They consider friendships a tool for getting what they want

Don't assume that they are overly concerned with the friendship that they have with you. This is why they have so many friends and are not overly concerned with the number of friends they have: they view friends as tools for getting what they want.  (Soon Hee to Seo Woo in ep 2/59:00:  "You don't treat your friends properly either. Up until now, you've never treated me as an equal. ......I'm like an accessory to you.")

7. They are extremely opinionated

It is always about their opinions. They do not want to consider the opinions of others; due to their self-absorption they are consumed by their own point of view, self-image, desires and preferences.

8. They do not have long lasting relationships

Since their relationships are built around the idea of quantity and using people as tools to get what they want, they do not have long lasting relationships or quality ones.

9. They do not have a real sense of empathy

Since their display of sympathy or compassion is usually conditional, it is difficult for them to understand the depth of true empathy or what this concept really means.

10. They hide their insecurities behind a cloak of success

The truth is that no matter what sort of success they have, they will always feel inadequate internally. While they may appear successful or confident based on appearances and external achievements, internally, they fears relating to self-esteem.

11. They devalue others

Constructive criticism is okay, but self-absorbed people always take criticism too far and use it as a weapon to allow them to devalue others.

12. They can be arrogant

This is because they feel they are so important and better than every other person. A self-absorbed person can often be egotistical.

13. They hide who they are

They will present the best and most captivating part of their personality to you. As they are so self-absorbed, they do not want you to see the hidden elements that make them feel secretly insecure. This can lead to them coming across as pretentious and them failing to be vulnerable in relationships.

14. They are extremely selfish

Every human is selfish. But there are certain occasions when you have to make exceptions and take actions without expecting anything in return. This is not so for the self-absorbed person.

15. They think they are great and the world out there is wrong

They do not self-heal. If they have been hurt they would rather rebuke the world for this rather than self-heal. For the self-absorbed person the problem is either "you" or the "other" never "me". Most of the time it will seem like no form of self-healing or therapy would suit them as they are focused on all the wrongs the world has done to them, never accepting any responsibility.

When you recognize the above signs, consider that you may be dealing with a self-absorbed person- or you may be one yourself.

cr: Lifehack



Just this conversation below between Seo Woo and Hye Jung would frustrate me if I were Hye Jung:

As I think back on the scene of Seo Woo in episode 9/27:00 when she was dressed inappropriately for work, she said something that truly tells us volumes about her mindset--she has a distorted view of herself.  She told her doctor friend:

"I'm going to live however I want.  Up until now, I've lived to being a kind person.  But look what I got in return."

Then she went in to see Hye Jung and was questioning her about avoiding her while in medical school. This part of the conversation is what I find is key, ep 9/28:01:  

HJ:  "You're right, I have seen you.  You're also right that I avoided you. I may have left scars on you, but you've done the same to me."

SW:  "What have I done?"

HJ:  "Because I liked you. I was also envious of you. When you accepted me as a friend, I liked it.  We parted ways and I found out you were at this hospital.  I had time to prepare myself for meeting you; just preparing myself was hard too.  So for you who had no time to prepare, it must be even more difficult."

SW:  "I knew it was planned. You came to this hospital to steal everything from me. Why? Was it not enough to have Doctor Hong?  You knew at that time too, that I liked teacher Hong as a man."

HJ:  "You won't believe me, but I didn't know."

SW:  "Why does the condition have to include that I won't believe you?  Are you saying that you are conversing with me believing that I'm not going to trust anything you say?"

HJ:  "The reason I came to the hospital has nothing to do with you."

SW:  "Then who does it concern? It seems like you came here with a clear motive. But if that motive is something that I can understand, I'll believe everything you say."

HJ:  "I can't tell you?"  

SW:  "You are saying you are going to give up your relationship with me?  You not answering means it's a yes, right? Let's make this clear; you rejected me right now.



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4 minutes ago, ChiciP said:

Can someone PM me the pict of Injoo and Han Hye Jin? Seems like its already deleted.. thank u in advance.. btw, cant wait for Monday..


No pic, just fan account, not sure though if its true or not, just wait n see in Monday

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I don't think the girl in the shot where JH is running is IJ because based on the clothing it seems like someone young like around their 20s. If it was IJ I would expect her to be wearing like a button up or something professional. 

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