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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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This thread is moving so fast- love all the insightful posts and the familiar names - @jadecloud and so many others (some of you from My Spring Days @Ahpheng and others that I may have missed, my apologies).

Just wanted to comment on the student/ teacher crush topic, following @jadecloud 's comments). I think it's quite common for students to "crush" on their teachers. One thing I've learned is that students often find something that they admire in the teacher that they want for themselves (eg., success in career, wealth of knowledge, demeanor, and many other attributes that may have nothing to do with looks/ appearance, sexuality, etc). I see this in YH in ep 2. She admires that JH has the knowledge and skills to save a life and wants those attributes for herself. He inspired her to find her own life's mission. That is huge for some young adults who may have so many options these days on what to do with their lives and they lose focus. 

@Agie that song by The La's - it's an oldie but a goodie and I agree that it was intentionally chosen. 

Can't wait for the love story to unfold - this is my first KRW drama (I know, I've been living in a cave) but not my first PSH drama. I think Doctors will be my favorite PSH drama).

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I can't choose.... this medical drama on monday and tuesday are amazing. 

I love PSH in this drama, I have the same thought with many people in this thread that we love to see another badass side of PSH in here... and the result I LOVE BADASS PSH ...hahahaha 

Seems I'm not the only one who never saw another KRW moie or drama... I just meet him in here the first time...and I like him. He create another character as neuro surgeon... a funny, witty, warm, kind and loving yet full of trauma neuro surgeon. 

I wish he can overcome his trauma soon, and step in into the OR soon do an amazing surgery...

The bad people in this drama happen to be the bad one I really hate in their previous drama.... well let's hope they're not as bad as before or I will crush them for always ruining other people's live ...kekkekekekek....


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Awwww. Shin Hye  is so cute here.... we can hear the background songs that make Shin Hye dance....LOL


credit clip to CR:https://www.facebook.com/SBSCatch/videos/1687528064842836/

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For more...read at SOURCE

:heart: what PSH said, an excerpt:


She(PSH) said: "The manuscript was fun and Yoo Hye Jung is a character unlike any I've done before. Moreover, I've always worked alongside people my age, so it's nice to film with the reliable older Kim Rae Won."

(PSH) was charmed by the character and its significance in the real world. She added: She(YHJ) does not trust people, works hard alone, and doesn't know how to love or give. She puts up walls because she doesn't want to get hurt. I previously portrayed characters who freely express their love and embrace other people, so it's refreshing to be challenging myself with a different role. However, it's hard to say that I will break the mold. I can't transform 100 percent."



For more...read at SOURCE

:heart: what PSH said, and glad that OTP gets along very well. All the better for them to bring us an awesome 'through the roof' chemistry as lovers, fated lovers... hehe:blush:. Here's an excerpt:


Park Shin Hye has opened up about her Doctors co-star Kim Rae Won. The 26-year-old South Korean beauty talked about her experience of shooting with Won.

She said: "It's really good. I'm usually with friends my age, but Kim Rae Won is older than me. He's my senior from the same school. I was so nervous at first but he treats me very nicely so I'm able to film comfortably and happily."



For more...read at SOURCE

:heart: what LSK said, :sweatingbullets: so glad to hear that JSW will not turn evil but matures and overcomes:wub: Here.s an excerpt:


South Korean actress/model Lee Sung-kyung has opened up about her role in the upcoming series, Doctors. In the show, she is set to play Jin Seo Woo, who is an only child in a well-known family of doctors.

The 25-year-old said: "After growing up with constant love and attention, Jin Seo Woo changes when she meets Yoo Hye Jung and develops an inferiority complex and faces other challenges."

"She does not respond to those new feelings through reckless and purely villainous means. I want to show a character who slowly matures while overcoming pain and misery," she added.


PS: I haven't backtracked 100 over pages. If there's duplication, please pardon :) 

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38 minutes ago, lc85 said:

Just wanted to comment on the student/ teacher crush topic, following @jadecloud 's comments). I think it's quite common for students to "crush" on their teachers. One thing I've learned is that students often find something that they admire in the teacher that they want for themselves (eg., success in career, wealth of knowledge, demeanor, and many other attributes that may have nothing to do with looks/ appearance, sexuality, etc). I see this in YH in ep 2. She admires that JH has the knowledge and skills to save a life and wants those attributes for herself. He inspired her to find her own life's mission. That is huge for some young adults who may have so many options these days on what to do with their lives and they lose focus. 

@lc85 Hello chingu *waves* Love your insight. I couldn't have said it any better. I totally agree with you.

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My initial overview thoughts/impressions on SW who I see as the Prime Antagonist in this wonderful drama-- Since there have been some great post already about the wonderful OTP leads HJ JH, thought I would post about SW while eagerly awaiting episode 3--

First -the actress Lee Sung Kyung who portrays Jin Seo Woo (SW) -Do not recall seeing her in other dramas I have watched - but GOOGLE states she was in "Okay,That's Love" which I very much enjoyed.  I have no doubt I will recall her in the future, after this drama.- she is already making a good impression of her skills as an actress with her portrayal of SW.  Should the writer choice to go this way (they usually do) and make SW into a dark evil character - LSK will truly make us hate SW

SW as of the end episode 2
In episode 1 she seems to be a typical rich girl, who other students either keep their distance from or like SH (Principles daughter) go out their way to cater to her.  But it is clear that SW recognizes what is behind SHs seemingly friendly attitude - it is her status as the wealthy daughter of a rich, prominent family (that is prominent in their town, not so much in a big city like Seoul).  Episode 1 shows she likes how her teacher JH is not like others and treats her as a student who is smart, and shows an interest in her as a student for just being her- not the rich girl who's mother has so much influence at the school.

SW Family
Mother - Very much the rich wife, 
- Demands her daughter to be the best, study, study to attend the best medical school, not like her father who only managed to attend a rural university.
- Seems to be dissatisfied with her husband.
- Is living her life through her daughter, who must do the great things she herself wanted, but could not attain
- Does not want SW to associate with or make any friends, who could not be a benefit/used to attain those things she demands of her daughter - at this point does not seem overly evil - but no doubt will do anything necessary to ensure her daughter successes.  Average, uninfluential people in her eyes do not count.

Father- comes across as a rich man, but not that smart, who depends on his father, to lead him and present him with those positions he wants, but really does not have any drive to work hard for.
- Very much the absent, go along to get along, father figure to SW- 

Grandfather - full of ambition, will move his son into positions to support his goal of fully taking over the hospital that JHs adopted father worked hard to make a success.  Very much the two faced conniving villain Korean Dramas do so well in portraying - he is all good friends, smiles, let me help you to JHs fathers face, while sticking a knife in his back.
- Interesting, important fact we learn in a conversation between him and his son - basically complaining to his son for not having a son, but only a daughter SW- on the plus side SW father actually defends her as being as good as any son.  I have to think SW is aware of her Grandfathers feelings about her.
- Minor point, may or may not learn any more about it - but always curious to know the reason way the rich family that puts so much emphasis on a son, but only has one child a daughter - likely due to medical reasons - but if it is something else could be plot twist in the future.

SW - Episode 2 is her "coming out episode" - I already covered much of this in my second forum post- so here will do overall impressions only"

- The SW we see is very much, as would be expected, a product of her families influence on her-- 
- She is not the spoiled rich girl princess, who throws little child tantrums if she is not given everything she wants.
- She thinks she is the best and smartest, but she works very hard at her studies to  back up that belief.
- She seems lonely because her mother pushes study over friends, so she will reach the top.  It was a bit sad to see what could have been a great friendship between her and HJ fall apart because HJ is actually smarter, not to mention HJs great student monitor (only at this point) relationship with JH.
- She is not only book smart, but very naturally perceptive - she is attuned to what goes on around her and understands much about the people around her.
- She is very confident and straightforward of who she is, and what attributes she has - good looks, smart, rich family.
- She is not shy or withdrawn - when she wants something she is clear and forthright - her love confession to JH was not that of a school girl-but a confident in who she is woman.
As shown above she has many good positive traits -- BUT when faced with not getting what she wants - she is vengeful, will attack with all she has.
- Having been turned down by JH because she thinks HJ has usurped what she herself wants --she goes into full attack mode, she will destroy what she can not have- based on what we see and the dialogue in episode 2- her attack while vicious is open- she does not hide the fact that it is her.  Not sure how it will be resolved in episode 3 -- but do think when we get to the episodes in the present-- SW will have picked up her Grandfathers conniving methods and not be so open/straightforward when attacking.

NOTE - since it is a sensitive issue - let me be clear - above para is what SW thinks -- I only see at this point a strong student mentor relationship with HJ JH- there is a spark, but it will go no further at this time.

SW is going to be a Formable opponent to HJ in the future.

@irilight   @irilight Hello - looks like this is the 3rd drama we are both viewing - in the first we had different POV on the OTP, the 2nd basically the same OTP POV, and now in this wonderful drama with such great leads -- a nice guy (JH) and a tough/warm hearted, genius, great street fighter (HJ) OTP combination, looking forward to your insightful posts.

@jadecloud  @jadecloud Hello - Same first drama as @irilight different second and now this drama - as always, differing POV or not, always enjoy reading your post and the bonus that you are able to find and post so much information from outside sources that add to the drama.

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20 hours ago, irilight said:

@andreasofia16, @andreanaing,   Me too.....!  Love our OTP and their chemistry.    happy love heart emoticon


@irilight you are right! They have a strong chemistry. I never thought the possibility of this pairing, but watching them together, was the BEST idea. I LOVE THEM TOGETHER! For the rating of the first two episodes and all the comments I read here, it seems that many think alike. I just hope that their love story be memorable and will make us sigh. Kim Rae-Won and Park Shin-Hye are tremendous actors and I am sure that they will do an excellent work. :D

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8 hours ago, mshan said:

In my opinion, both HJ and JH do not have romantic feeling for each other, at least they are not aware or think about it, but merely positive teacher-student relationship. HJ respects and admires her teacher and JH as a teacher and mentor is trying his best to provide guidance and motivation to his problematic student who's striving to do better. Of course JH is closer with HJ since they are living together in one house and he knows HJ's grandma too. Maybe in the next episode, we can see the development of their affection to each other before separation. Both will impact each other's lives, they will just realize it after the 13 years separation. Their background stories are important to make sense of their longingness of each other in the next episode when they meet again. Up until episode 2, I think the writer did a good job in setting boundaries in their relationship and did not cross the limit.



@mshan, I'm 100% with you. I think more than anything is mutual admiration, respect and some curiosity. They are at the moment when one is comfortable with the other but it is something innocent, no infatuation. It's the first stage of knowledge between them. They're not thinking about loving relationships; what happens is that they are very comfortable with each other, with similar interests -like the CD- and feel very well together. And I realized that when Seo Woo told him that he's so cold with her but with Hye Jung he's always smiling and then he was thoughtful. 

Maybe if they had continue in the same way, something had arisen because the attraction is undeniable and then would have been a scandal. :sweatingbullets: But with this separation they will face their reality and they will recognize that they have feelings for each other. They will incubate their feeling, until they will meet again. That encounter is what we are all waiting! :w00t:

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@Kfan7172 Hello chingu. *waves back* We are watching the same drama again :) Are we on the same side this time? hehe... love your insights and recaps/summaries chingu. Thank you and see you around :wub: 

According to a weibo poster, Lettuce was not scripted but somehow ended up in grandma's home (prob PSH's own pet since it is so connected to her). Anyway, now that ep 3 will bring us back to 13 years today, that means viewers will not get to see lil puppy anymore... huhuhu :bawling:


CR: As tagged

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7 hours ago, jadecloud said:

@lc85 Hello chingu *waves* Love your insight. I couldn't have said it any better. I totally agree with you.

Awesome @jadecloud and @alcides14 !! Stuck in this Friday rush hour San Francisco traffic. But I am back-reading your posts while my hubby gets us out of this traffic so it's ok. @Kfan7172 - insightful comments on SW. I agree with your observations. She will be a formidable opponent. In ep 2, before the fire started, I thought it was brave of Soon-Hee (I think that's her name - the other friend (?) )to call SW out on her double standard. 

It looks like we are going to see HJ's and JH's childhood stories (?) Looking forward to those episodes too.

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