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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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9 hours ago, Kasmic said:

adecloud that Chinese saying "不打不相识 Bù dǎ bù xiāngshí" So true for our OTP. They literally fought when they first met :D and I wont try to stop you from posting here. PLEASE SPAM POST AWAY! :D Will your partner in crime join you too? cough, cough @seungshin Annyeong!!! cute-rabbit-emoticon-21.gif?1301940532

LOL sista, I'm sure  you know I was joking...but thanks for affirming you won't stop me kkk. Yes, ma'am! I will do as you say and 'SPAM post away' :blush: when I can :lol: @seungshin is pretty busy in RL lately. Although I too wish she'd have time to watch this with us. Sunbae, 우리와 함께 관심은 ?

7 hours ago, dhia205 said:

why oh why there is no teacher looks like him in my school back then. even fresh graduated teacher are far awas from cool, lovely, and handsome. 

Haha I guess I was 'luckier' than you in this aspect. I had a wonderful one in English Lit and another hawtly wonderful one in Math. They single-handedly, in each separate subject, made me fall in love(and crush) - yup, fall in love with the subject at hand, and crush(I mean like a lot) on them :blush:  Hmm... while I'm still in touch with my Eng Lit teacher, wonder where's the hawt Math teacher now? Thank you to all good and compassionate teachers who will care beyond the boundaries of textbooks. They really do help to shape the minds of their students. Big help! As for YHJ's 'sinister teacher', I'd like to think of her as an anomaly to the teaching profession. She shouldn't be a teacher in the first place, even if she's so darn smart intellectually, she sorely lacks the human touch. I'm fortunate to not have been entrusted to any such teacher's care and education.

Again, about the many peeps who think of HJH and YHJ having an inappropriate teacher-student relationship, I think we are living in an era where 'mistrust' happens more than 'appreciation of kindness'. But, I don't fault anyone for being/thinking this way. I'm too, some time. The world we live in has gotten scarier and more complex. It's hard to tell the difference between real kindness and dark/selfish agendas. While I too can see 'attraction' between HJH and YHJ, I thought that was inevitable. They're both beautiful good-looking people, from the outside and the inside. They also have a lot of things in common, apart from grandma Mal Soon, there's their hurt and loss of parental love, and their innate compassion to help others. That pregnant woman's incident shows us how instantly they both clicked as one. More importantly, they both know their boundaries, esp and thankfully so, in the case of teacher Hong. I'm glad he didn't cross the line. I'm glad they both are still unaware of their attraction for each other as being something more than being friendly as teacher-student, or being 'on good terms/close' as co-tenants under grandma Mal Soon's roof and care.  I'm so glad that they both are exercising good judgement NOW.

One big factor I like about this OTP is that they are both emerging from rock-bottom hardships and hurt that were dealt to them by life. But they are both strong and spunky enough to pick themselves up and move in the right direction, with their innate talent and compassion intact. I can't wait for them to ignite the flame of passion within them, for each other and also for their profession as doctors. Gahhh... they are killing me slowly...:blush:

12 hours ago, evie7 said:
On 6/23/2016 at 2:43 AM, jadecloud said:

after having completed watching Ep 1 and 2, DOCTORS left me with good and deep first impression. In short, IT"S DARN GOOD! Not many kdramas has a hook so good tha

 you just can't unhook yourself once you've started on it. DOCTORS is definitely one of those, at least in my book

crazy-monkey-emoticon-050.gif Hello happy to see your back. I've missed sharing a thread w/you.. Love all of your observation's I have to  add this one to list of the teacher's comments on Hye Jung.

Hey chingu @evie7 Thank you and I missed your POVs and sharing a thread with you too:) Well, finally! Thanks for this added 'sinister teacher's comment'. When I last watched on V, it wasn't subbed. Hmm... YHJ a social evil? From what we've been shown, I don't see her as being that bad. This sinister teacher is really biased, and sadly 'uneducated' to be a teacher, IMO. Problematic students all the more need the compassion and care of teachers to help them grow up right and adjust to school+society well. In many cases, almost too many, the family background and the parents play a large part in the students' 'misbehavior' or 'rebellion'. This 'sinister teacher' ought to go back to school herself. She needs education on how to be a teacher, in the right sense of the word 'teacher'. 

3 hours ago, onnififi said:

Its my first time writing here! Its good to see many familiar faces here! To all my chingus here, group hugssss and I misses everyone here in Soompi! :heart:

I had watched the first 2 episodes last night and I love it!  Starting when watching Doctor as a mother I do feel sad for Hye Jung as she was raise in a way we called "violence" ....Poor girl she preferred to be hit!! I wishes I could give her a hugsss here during those people acted violent to her! And her that siao ching ping dad I wish I could give him one flying kick on his face and also one lightning muay thai kick at his "elephant trunk"!!! :phew::phew:

LOL another PACker bites the dust:lol: Welcome @onnififi *group hug back* Haha flying kick and muay thai? Will your martial art 'karate chop' come next on siao dad's behind?  I promise I will not stop you :grin: Like some here, I also believe dad and step-mom will be back in YHJ's world, esp. when she becomes a doctor! What more angst will they impose on YHJ? and viewers? Geez.

@Cawa Rain Love that 'No No No' FMV. Thank you :P 

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Guest myasally

I'm really thankfull at sbs coz the cons of watchin an airing drama is a ling wait...huhuhu...glad they release a lot stuffs

I'm really thankfull at sbs coz the cons of watchin an airing drama is a ling wait...huhuhu...glad they release a lot stuffs

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Hi all! Comeback here after my first post long long time ago almost in the beginning. Hahaa... Too many HOT Ahjussi to watch on monday .... Hahaaa... I am not really backreading all the pages, so i will apologize in advance if i am repeating something that already discussed before.

Okay some of the people said they feel uncomfortable to see teacher-student relationship.  I dont see right now JH-HJ is in this kind of relationship. They just close to each other, JH - because he has responsibility as home teacher, HJ - because she needs him, his help and motivation wakening her will to change her life. And eventhough they are an item i am okay with it. 18 yo considered as adult in my country, how about Korea? Are high schooler still considered as under age? But maybe the thing that make people uncomfortable to see them is because their -close-act- happen in school - not appropiate. If i were their classmate i guess i will feel the same.

Rather than calling Jin Seo Woo's crazy action as the result of the jealousy of love, better for me to call it the jealousy of ranking competition. You have been on the first place for a long time, then suddenly a stranger comes to your life and takes your spot. More than this, you are the one who tutoring her. Of course you will feel betrayed. But JSW takes this problems too far for me. Its all about timing, JH-HJ closeness just happened on the perfect timing sounds like pouring oil into the fire in SW's heart. So, she wants to kill 2 birds with one stone. And damn! Success! I am glad in preview JH takes responsibility - quitting his job. Its not like i really hope he has to quit, but if the scandal continue, as a woman HJ will hurt the most and more than this she is a high school student. Of course as a adult or mature person, thinking about quitting his job to save HJ is the right choice.

I cant wait to see how they meet 13 years later, when they realized that their feeling is no longer as teacher-student but man-woman. I hope JSW and YHJ relationship wont turn out to be ill-fated relationship. I want them to be friends and rival at the same times just like Kim Rae won and Cho Jae Hyun in Punch, love-hate fate. And Ji Soo, everyone talking about him. Truthfully this is the first time i watch him in drama. I love his character here. He acts like gangster but protect his love properly. He knows how to love someone, not forcing her but show his care to her. And one thing that i am going to hate - war of power in hospital. This kind of this problems that i really hate the most, and somehow now i can sense this. JSW grandpa and father really want to take over this hospital. Writernim eventhough you will drag the story to this point, please dont be so makjang. Please show the competition as a fair play. I put my trust on you and PDnim too. Ahh, next week will be YKS first appeareance, right? Cant wait to see him. See you next week, everyone. Happy weekend for you.

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1 hour ago, Kasmic said:

Nawww with puppy in it..what does it say?? something 3? Maybe puppy is 3 weeks old?

Hey hey sista. You're pretty close. My 'love' is about  3 months old :heart:

Let me try to decipher the wordings...


CR: @Kasmic

Name: (sounds like)SeongChu (according to grandma Mal Soon)

Sex: Male

Age: About 3 months old.

EDIT: Oops I just saw @Ayame's translation. Miyane chingu. 

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2 hours ago, onnififi said:

Poor girl she preferred to be hit!! I wishes I could give her a hugsss here during those people acted violent to her! And her that siao ching ping dad I wish I could give him one flying kick on his face and also one lightning muay thai kick at his "elephant trunk"!!! :phew::phew:

Welcome! I was thinking last night this would be the perfect drama for you to pickup:wub: I'm happy your joining us. I can't help w/muay thai  kicks but if you need back up, I have a big heavy purse that can be used.whip-onion-head-emoticon.gif You can use your kicks and then I'll give him a few whacks w/my purse. We will be invincible my friend. LOL  No child should have to grow up w/violence. I can't stand those who use it on kids. They teach them that it's ok.

@NileRose Welcome back I was wondering where you had gone to. 


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Thanks @Agie and @inshara2000 for the spoilers. PSH with KMS... his bright red/ orange hair. WOW what a highlight! But I thought he dyed it back to black..hmmm maybe not?

3 hours ago, onnififi said:

Bonjourno everyone!

Its my first time writing here! Its good to see many familiar faces here! To all my chingus here, group hugssss and I misses everyone here in Soompi! :heart:

I had watched the first 2 episodes last night and I love it!  Starting when watching Doctor as a mother I do feel sad for Hye Jung as she was raise in a way we called "violence" ....Poor girl she preferred to be hit!! I wishes I could give her a hugsss here during those people acted violent to her! And her that siao ching ping dad I wish I could give him one flying kick on his face and also one lightning muay thai kick at his "elephant trunk"!!! :phew::phew:

Anyway, Park Shin Hye looks great here and she carry her character very well too. Keep up girl and I'm so looking forward to ep 3. Ciao everyone and see ya!


BONJOURNO back at you hun... WELCOME BACK!! and what a come back?? "elephant trunk" and all crazy-monkey-emoticon-154.gif?1292792419  I remember last time elephant trunk and kuku bird was mentioned posts disappeared crazy-monkey-emoticon-154.gif?1292792419 crazy-monkey-emoticon-154.gif?1292792419  Okies let's try again here crazy-monkey-emoticon-169.gif?1292792423crazy-monkey-emoticon-169.gif?1292792423 crazy-monkey-emoticon-169.gif?1292792423 We have many PACkers joining here. Bring it on!!! :blush:

1 hour ago, Ayame said:

On the screencap it says:

Name: Sangchu (Lettuce)

Gender: Male

Age: Estimated 3 months

I like how the BTS refers to Sangchu as a scene-stealer. What a cute puppy. ^^

 Thank you @Ayame Can you read Korean? Really then I might call on you for some translations :blush:

Sangchu is only 3 months old and he looks younger. So puppies still look this small at 3 months? I suppose it depends on the breed too. 

@jadecloud Omo you can read Korean too?  I thought it was just Chinese... wow your so multilingual. JJIANG!!! good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

Oh look wat I found... Gangster Boss actor Lee Ki Woo...hmmmm do we seriously want to mess with him. Check out his muscles!! Can you imagine elsewhere too crazy-monkey-emoticon-011.gif?1292792380


source: http://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/1KXPR9BSY3

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A part of yet to be officially released OST ?.......love it....




Cr: to uploader


Also, love all the scenes with the adorable "lettuce". Definitely, should see more of him with SBS giving so much on him...

Thanks all for the updates and views....definitely helpful in watching Doctors with some new  perceptions and also towards my personal well being as I wait for 3rd episode....,,,:P


3 days to the 3rd episode............


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19 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Name: (sounds like)SeongChu (according to grandma Mal Soon)

Sex: Male

Age: About 3 months old.

EDIT: Oops I just saw @Ayame's translation. Miyane chingu. 

h2M9ffe.png OMO! Adding on to my last post, it just occurred to me that seongchu is a homonym for lettuce, as you @Ayame have indicated. No wonder cute grandma names her pet as such.

In Asian context, such as hanja/chinese, lettuce=生菜, which literally means (and sounds like) 'grow or give birth to wealth', i.e. 'be prosperous', 'be rich'. As 菜(cai) sounds like 财(cai).  The reason why you'd see such forms of decor/sculpture/art/etc in some Asian/Korean/Chinese homes/places.

Don't post off topic pictures...

CR: Google

Edited by lupita311
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36 minutes ago, Kasmic said:

 Thank you @Ayame Can you read Korean? Really then I might call on you for some translations :blush:

Sangchu is only 3 months old and he looks younger. So puppies still look this small at 3 months? I suppose it depends on the breed too. 

Well, I can read Hangeul/Korean, but grammar/vocabulary-wise I'm not fluent at all lol. I mean I took basic-level Korean classes at my university, so I can understand basic conversations here and there but nothing too crazy, haha. And that screencap was much simpler to understand, so it was fine. I have a much easier time translating Japanese I'm much more fluent at that. I've actually been looking through Japanese-articles related to Doctors and there's a lot (all of the Korean articles that are related to this drama are all translated to Japanese, so that's cool). If there's anything in the future in the Japanese articles that haven't been mentioned here, I'll translate it (so much time for me in the summer haha). 

Hm, for Sangchu, he does look younger then 3 months, but yeah I guess it does depend on the breed? Well, I haven't had a dog before, so I'm definitely no expert (although I'd like to have a dog someday).

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The Fans in DCgallery quite observant :D

1. Inside Hye Jung bag, there is comic about woman biker? Anyone know the story line of this comic?


2. Remember the CD Ji Hong looking for? : The La's : There she goes






credit pic to the owner, source : Doctors DC gallery

3. And the lyrics of There She goes :

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through' my brain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing through my vein
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she goes, there she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain
But I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains


I think the writer put attention with the song, she didn't just pick up some random song without knowing the meaning of the lyrics. And the lyrics could describe relationship between our OTP. 

And lead guitarist from The La's  (John Byrne)  stating: "It’s just a love song about a girl that you like but never talk to" ......It's like Ji Hong to Hye Jung ...who have to wait for 13 years to say that he like/love her :love:

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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Haha I guess I was 'luckier' than you in this aspect. I had a wonderful one in English Lit and another hawtly wonderful one in Math. They single-handedly, in each separate subject, made me fall in love(and crush) - yup, fall in love with the subject at hand, and crush(I mean like a lot) on them :blush:  Hmm... while I'm still in touch

gosh... you are A LOT LUCKIER than me, my eng & math teacher was old madam. the only good looking teacher was also eng teacher, freshman.. but he not teacher in my class he teach my junior in high school, and he's damn famous among the ladies. i think i have no good luck in teacher area crazy-monkey-emoticon-064.gif?1292792395 LOL 

i read quite alot people who feel a bit uncomfortable with student teacher relationship, i don't mind with that tho... because i think there is no special feeling yet right now. but maybe because in a real life i saw that kind of relationship a lot. in my country especially a small village/town in my region there is pretty much teacher who married their ex-student. in a big city off course it's a big problem tho, because its seems inappropriate for some people.

b16f3f0b-eb96-480a-999d-1a9daf4096d4.jpg f0554cd3-7d44-4306-b4df-b90d9c1dc495.jpg

ahhh and that lovely granny, i'm surprise see her so lovely either in drama or BTS. i use to see her as scary queen dowager LOL







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Wow! So DOCTORS is also almost simultaneously (well, a day late) being watched in Singapore on ONE cable. Awesome! Thank you @MAROSA_JIN for posting the UWEEKLY mag cover on pg 138. It got me curious and looking at its website.:lol:


1 hour ago, Kasmic said:

 Omo you can read Korean too?  I thought it was just Chinese...

1 hour ago, Ayame said:

Well, I can read Hangeul/Korean, but grammar/vocabulary-wise I'm not fluent at all lol. I mean I took basic-level Korean classes at my university, so I can understand basic conversations here and there but nothing too crazy, haha. And that screencap was much simpler to understand, so it was fine. I have a much easier time translating Japanese I'm much more fluent at that.

@Kasmic Like @Ayame that pic was easy cos it is more of simple hangul. No, I can't read or understand hangul well, as in fluently (yet:P). I'm still learning and can only 'read/understand' simple/limited hangul, and often needing Naver dictionary to help me out. 

Btw, those of you who don't know KRW except from this drama, you need to check out his previous projects like 'Punch', 'Gourmet' and 'One Thousand Days' Promise', etc. KRW is awesome! He's a very good actor who is versatile and awesome as good or bad characters. 


For more...read at SOURCE and you'll be surprised to hear his revelation. WOW!

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8 hours ago, Ayame said:

I just did a search, and it seems like the name of this comic is 어쩐지 좋은 일이 생길 것 같은 저녁 (or 'Lights Out' as it's known as internationally). Here's the summary/storyline when I searched (credits to Tokyopop)-

"Gun has always been a problem kid, but after a tearful plea from his mom, he decides to turn over a new leaf. Vowing to abandon fighting and troublemaking, Gun transfers to a new high school, attempts to be a good student, and rents a room at the local coed dorm. There he falls for Seung-Ah, the dorm owner's granddaughter."

Hm. Interesting parallels to the drama actually. I like these little details that is added in. It makes me want to pay attention more in future episodes lol.

And The La's There she goes. I didn't even realize that was the album cover, but I definitely remember growing up listening to that song back in elementary school. I haven't heard that song in forever.

Such good idea, start paying attention to the clues they are giving us in each episode . Such good drama. And the writer and the Director too , outstanding . Park Shin Hye , you really choose well your projects. I am a happy camper. Thank you for the wise observation and for puting it together , good detective work.:):blink::D:glasses:

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