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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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today eisode is a little confuse for me. too many flash back. none the less. i still enjoy the episode.

i wonder how the killer come to the real world? did he not go back to the webtoo after KC reset it?

also i wonder how he can steal YJ dad face?

i guess now the webtoo/real world are one? cuz now KC/killer is in YJ world too.

i hope next week episode rating will pick up again.

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[Spoilers] Uncontrollably Fond, W, Wanted


W (Ep 9)



tv Report - Naver: 'W', Han Hyo Joo and Kim Eui Sung's efforts were pointless...true culprit reappears, Lee Jong Seok 'shock' 

1. [+18,259, -74] Talk about a stressful job for Soo Bong ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+12,903, -116] This drama is crazy.. Am I the only one who found it funny when Soo Bong collapsed out of shock?...He was cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really cannot wait until next week ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+12,236, -225] The genre changed from romance to thriller... the story is fun despite the complexity. Sent chills down my spine when writer Oh Sung Moo's face disappeared;;;

4. [+9,766, -115] The story is intense, the acting is the best. One hour is too short ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+8,250, -88] Wth is happening in the end ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

6. [+3,276, -15] This drama's biggest victim is Soo Bongie ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I won't be surprised if he suffer from a mental illness sometime soon

7. [+2,703, -16] I was too creeped out when writer Oh Sung Moo's face disappeared ㄷㄷ



Osen - Nate: 'W', Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo reunite in a brutal thriller... true culprit is Kim Eui Sung 

1. [+738, -8] Got goosebumps at the fact seeing Oh Sung Moo's face on the murderer and his smile in the end.. But does the murderer remember everything?

2. [+681, -9] Goosebumps all over... Feels like the genre has changed to thriller now ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Writer, you're awesome

3. [+626, -8] The writer is a genius

4. [+97, -2] When Kim Eui Sung showed up at the broadcast station, I thought he was a different actor ㅋㅋ His acting is just top notch



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The other thing that i understand from episode 9 is no matter how they change the story....reset it ...or else...but the fate is there..... KC and YJ is meant to be together... So even they're separated they will meet and be together again..... Only I only ask 1 request....please don't keep make her cry again....it's devastating for me 


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This show has too many unnecessary flashbacks. And do they really need to show scene from the previous episode that long? The beginning of Episode 9 showed the whole rooftoop scene again, and 4 minutes passed just like that hmm. The PD likes using the flashback technique for every time the characters are thinking about something, like, is it really necessary? It's not like we viewers don't understand the acting and what's going on during that moment. Makes me think the production team only do this to fill up the episode.


So they're gonna have a real ice cream date this time :wub: Not in matchy sweaters but still a date.

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12 minutes ago, Yippeuni said:

The other thing that i understand from episode 9 is no matter how they change the story....reset it ...or else...but the fate is there..... KC and YJ is meant to be together... So even they're separated they will meet and be together again..... Only I only ask 1 request....please don't keep make her cry again....it's devastating for me 


Indeed. Agreee. FATE...no one could change fate. Even try so hard to reset and restart all over again but they cant deny fate for them. Gosh...im being so serious with this drama fiction. This drama makes my stomach flip, held breathing, tearing and laughing. Daebak !! Love the plot that unpredictable. Just assumed to try find the line for this story.

Ohh...im newbie here...just make an account because this daebak drama *deep bow

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W–Two Worlds: Episode 9



by girlfriday | August 18, 2016 


Maybe up is down, and down is up. And I could’ve sworn that yesterday happened already, but now I’m not so sure. I didn’t used to think those rules of the universe were arbitrary, but who’s to say anymore? I guess if this were any other drama, I might say there were new twists in every episode, except when you create a world (or two) where literally anything can happen, do you even call them twists anymore? Crazy things happen, and that’s just a day that ends in “Y” around here. 

EPISODE 9 RECAP:   Dramabeans 


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12 hours ago, evie7 said:

I agree I could have lived my life with out seeing KC stoking SH's hair and smiling.jcdragon_pray.gif@tianaa Please writer-nim spare us from these types of scenes.


@evie7 same here, evie7. (will be a long post, so-sorry)
while we always have soft spot for unrequited love, esp if the Second male Lead love the Main Female lead so ardently and self-sacrificed even more than the Main Male Lead. we sometimes have this Second Lead Syndrome (aka. S.L.S.), those avid Kdrama fans should be quite accustomed to such  S.L.S.. While KDrama are spoilt with many a good Second lead that has a huge legion of fans even almost surpassed that of the Main male lead, that oft time create 2 Teams fighting (that happened in recent Reply 88, and we know some hearts has to be broken). but thank God we dont often have Second Lead female that threaten the Main female Lead, because somehow i dont is it a gender problem or what. the Second female cannot be wrote away with perfect selflessness. in our S.H. case it is obvious.

let's not bothered about what the mass comic -fans in YJ's real world expected and wanted, esp the best eg. is Crazy Dog and our cute sweet sensitive little SB. well. what they want doesn't matter, since Dad-OSM never seems to be interested in making it Rom-thriller, else Dad OSM will have Chul at least kissed SH by ep 1 (before YJ ever appear). But just like Crazy Dog and the OP room where YJ was seen argueing with her peers after OP, that there's a need for Chul to have love in his life... crazy dog and the rest seem uncomfortable with the genre changed to be more cheesy. means Chul has never been written / drawn with any slight hinting that he's hitting on SH. And SH herself in her drunk state, confirmed that directly to Chul that, even when she has waited so long for him, its not his fault since they were always just good friend between them.
Chul himself also told her straight during that scene when he fired her when bypassed him by making YJ gotten caught by police, Chul told her, they might as well be just "good friend" and not worked together. being the gentleman that he is, he does not cut her off, but willing to keep her as "Good friend". Means, they were Good friend from the beginning, just like any closed working relationship between a good secretary and her Young Boss that actually were her school mates once (sch Senior?). in fact the only 'extra-ordinary" gestures can deduced is Chul allowing her to talk as on par with him, even answering back like a friend. other than that, Chul need not be responsible for crossing the line or leading her on.

much as we like to sympathised with any unrequited love 'victims', we must infact be sensitive to unrequited love's agonies. But i do NOT say the same for those who yet displayed jealousy and use their power / advantages in 'removing" rivals aways. S.H. was seen to be one. Not just in that not be becoming of her act in sending YJ straight into the path of cops looking for YJ. also in the ways she keep distainly mentioned YJ's and once referred her as "that woman". So, i have lesser pity for such attitude. Doesn't means that the amount of time she 'spend' on Chul (7 yrs, some of us just did that, did some of us not secretly love someone in our real life as long as 7 yrs, or even longer). that 7 yrs doesn;t justify Chul must necessarily repay her back.

that goes to the fans that rant against YJ (in the comics) for stealing Chul from SH. This W drama makes me think alot, and reflect a lot on us, esp we who are oft times in this Gen, addicts of webtoons or dramas, that we demand the characters where we wants to be together (even when the Writer has no intention in the beginning to place them together). or that we demand the On screen couple to be real couple in life, till one day when one of the OTP court someone that is Not our OTP Pair, we begun to hate and insult and rant against the "bad girl" who "steal our OTP's hunk" away from our OTP's girl.

how many time we are doing that to real life actors and actresses, that they dare not even address their own feels or announce their real life relationship, just because fans has already started shipping them with some other actresses that ever work with them. Hope nothing of such will ever happen to our LJS, or HHJ.  the way W-comics fans rant against YJ is comical and laughable, the way they demand SH must be the one, when Dad-OSM and the original Creator (YJ) herself does not even write Chul to be really romancing Chul. well, if whatever happened from ep 1 to ep9 does NOT Happened, and dad has his way and continue to prosperous. in the End, Dad may just make Chul marry SH, as a side-line (secondary theme), SH remains just a Secretary become his wife, as a matter of convenient, and i am 101% sure, Chul will NOT drawn to experienced even 10% of his heart-shattering, vital-stirred, soul-reviving love, he will marry her, just like any James Bond movies must have a love interest, and that's that ! SH is nothing wrong, since she's very supportive of his work, and will be a good help and does love him, and this is what everyone beside Chul expected (everyone expected , but not Chul expected)...... yes so many "and... and ... and", But the Main Sole important factor is lacking, Chul was never drawn to love her. Back in the original comic where OSM drawn the comic, at cast character listing: "Yoon So Hee: Kang Chul's friend, and personal assistant."
Dad never ever describe her as female lead: girl friend or future wife.
have a lot of thought about SH. so i pen this. not to snub unrequited love, in fact i have A SOFT SPOT for second lead syndrome, where Second Lead love unrequitedly and selflessly. But not here..... actually, i am more mad with the W demanding fans (eg the very blunt but funny Crazy-Dog, than at S.H.) If YJ were to be inferior in her character or her love been selfish and lesser than SH, or that YJ were wrote to really work towards Stealing Chul from SH, okay, i understand. infact she keep on trying to return back, only somewhere after her second kiss then she found jerself
so, i think, its good that we give them a second chance to prove to the world, the world in W and the real world, with or without YJ, SH is just a good friend, nothing more. with or without SH, Chul will fall for YJ, again and again.
because right in the Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1 of this comic, Chul was written in YJ mind to be mean to romance her, the 18 age senior sharpshooter in her school, the dreamboy in YJ's mind.

be very sure, when one day LJS or HHJ annouced whether they are really OTP in real, or they court some other actor /actresses (i am a Jongjoo shipper anyway). let's not react like the Wcomic-fans. and angst HHJ or LJS.
all the best, ChulJoo (or even better, Jongjoo, if God's willing, if not, nevermind).

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14 hours ago, mrslee said:

I am totally speechless. Totally. Just reading the live recaps and also watching a few vids make my heart ache for YJ. A few thoughts of mine:

1. Daddy Oh is right, it makes sense if he is the killer. Because technically he is created the killer that killed KC family to make him stronger. (Imagine if it's SB, do you think we can be scared to hell? Lol).

2. KC mind forgets YJ but it seems his heart is looking for her. Correct me if I am wrong but YJ doesnt have any control when to enter and exit the webtoon, it's KC sudden reaction that controls her exits and entrance (like if he is thinking of her etc or missing her).

3. It seems YJ is trapped in the webtoon based on the preview. She is not a character doctor that is added in the drama. She is still a nobody, for now. But since she is still inside the webtoon, it means we are still looking for something exciting that will drive her exit (im hoping for a kiss. Lol).

@mrslee i loved the concept of what u say KC minds forgets UJ but his heart is looking for her.
i make some research during the airing of Remember War of the son, which touches on Early Onset  Alzheimer's Disease.
one article that highlighted how Alzheimer's victims remember with their heart while their mind chose to forget, (NOTE: which is nothing to do with W nor Chul, nor YJ)

means the Mind will remember what the heart cannot forget.
"because even though the Mind doesn't remember everything, the heart remembers."
chul's case will prove that.

His subconcious mind is calling back YJ, remembering her. just like cases of where people use hypnotism where people used to lock or unlock memories. (Monster another drama airing right now is using that now.). Chul is like being hypnotized his brain, but his heart resisted and remember YJ. Chul is quite a fighter, breaking out from his Box from his Creator OSM, and now how YJ wrote him forgotten all. his heart will remembers with the right signal.

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