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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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11 hours ago, skyangellove said:

Im watching ep 1 now and im already crying before KC's family members get shot.. So SADDD!!!! 

i have a feeling that the prosecutor may be the killer


no he's not but he knows who and as an ambeshious procecuter he only cared to gain fame using Kang Cheol's case who is the super famous gold midal winner!! I get angry only reading his name!! :angry:

11 hours ago, juju84 said:

I wonder will he really aime for YJ and risk actually killing her if he miscanculated? Think he will shoot the mirror just behind her, He can do that being ex Olympic gold-medalist shooter. But I agree the result would be her going back to reality. 
Also I'm very curious as to when KC will travel to her world and why? I bet it would be after her arrest in W. Maybe he would want to check on her plus find out more about the Creator.

Will his freinds be able to skip throgh worlds as well? I really want for Soo Bong and So Hee to meet. :D


Kang Cheo isn't a killer and won't shoot at anyone only to prove a point, he'll shoot away from her for sure!! but that moment will be a great deaal between both of them because it will show Kang Cheol how much Yeon Joo knows him and trust that he' not a killer unlike those who kept aiming their fingers on him accusing him of being the murderer of his family!! and like I said before I believe that won't be the end of the chapter and that the kiss in the preview will take place after the gun shot scene!!

yes, I believe it will be after her arrest and that's when she'll tell him about his and her world and he'll want to see for himself how is that true!! as of how I would love to know but we need to wait for that!! :blink:

hhhhhhhhhhhh that would be hillarious :lol: on a serious note I really don't know if that's possible or if it's only Kang Cheol, Yeon Joo and her father who are capable of walking throgh that door between their two worlds which most likely is the case but still I want his bodyguard (and Soo Hee since he (the bodygurd) loves her) and father figure to be able to live with him in the real world at the end of the story!!

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W- Two Worlds (Episodes 1 + 2)

Omo! Dis tew much! (LOTS OF SPOILERS!)

posted on Jul. 22, 2016, at 6:24 p.m.

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I’m gonna run the risk of sounding like some weird hipster-ahjumma fusion when I say: not many Korean dramas do it for me anymore.

Let’s circle back to 2007. I was young. Eager. Easily impressed.

After years of mostly HK and Taiwanese dramas (Meteor Garden anyone? No? Ok.) the Hallyu Wave hit me like:

Via surf.co

Tree of Heaven (starring Park Shin Hye and Lee Wan) was my first taste, thus spiraling me into a banana-milk guzzling, 72 hour marathoning, insomnia-inducing obsession with Korean dramas.


I left real life, y’all.

9 years later, and I sound like a grouchy old man when people start discussing new dramas.

Via hbomax.tv

If I had a porch…I’d be yelling at kids to get off it.

Let’s face it- the magic’s worn off for me. Partly because it’s been, well, 9 years, and partly because it’s all the same plot! At least in the romantic comedy/drama department. Exactly how many times am I supposed to watch an arrogant chaebol be a jerk until the sweet, but dumb poor girl falls for him?

Sorry, not interested…unless there’s murder. Or time travel. Or both.

Now, that’s not to say I haven’t come across some rare gems in recent years (She Was Pretty and Cheese in the Trap: both your average K-Drama formulas…but the writing and character development won me over). Mostly, I stick to Action and Suspense. Among my favorites are Signal, My Beautiful Bride, 2 Weeks, Heartless City, Bridal Mask, Ghost, and Gapdong.

Enter W.

It stars two of my favorites: golden boy Lee Jong-Suk and the lovable Han Hyo-Joo, who’s returning to the small screen after 6 LONG YEARS!

Not actually sure what “W” stands for yet, but the drama’s about surgeon Oh Yeon-Joo (Han Hyo-Joo) and the pulse-pounding insanity that ensues when she gets sucked into a comic book and meets Kang Chul (Lee Jong-Suk). 

Did I mention her Dad draws this wildly popular comic book?

Via ew.com

Anyone having an a-ha moment?

30 minutes into the first episode and I’m sitting on my couch afraid to blink, afraid to breathe. I realized this is exactly how I felt at 17 watching Tree of Heaven for the first time. This is how I felt during the tightly-wound plot of Signal.

I experienced this feeling frequently when I began watching Korean dramas, but it waned over time, only resurfacing during something particularly good.

Well, W is particularly good.

Via tumblr.com

Sure, Kang Chul’s a rich playboy, and Oh Yeon-Joo’s probably drowning in medical school debt (wonder if there’s a Sallie Mae in South Korea…) but there’s a noticeable departure from the norm. 

Kang Chul’s an ultra rich chaebol who hasn’t verbally assaulted anyone (yet). He’s missing the icy glare, the acid tongue, and the only malice I sense from him is directed at the monster that murdered his family and framed him for it. Kang Chul let his secretary chew him out in Banmal (informal speech in the Korean language, often considered rude) and got slapped by Oh Yeon-Joo after buying her a dress- all without losing his temper.

What a rare thing to behold from a male lead.


Oh Yeon-Joo is pretty likable too. She claims she isn’t a “talented” surgeon, but obviously had enough sense to save Kang Chul on that rooftop: alone, without medical supplies, and under a tremendous amount of pressure.

I would’ve ended up sticking that pen in his belly button:


I lost, always.

Clearly, Oh Yeon-Joo’s a bit on the clumsy side (I cried for her shin when she hit it against the bunk bed) which seems to be standard for leading ladies in dramas; but not overly so. She’s also perceptive when it counts. Like figuring out her Father couldn’t possibly be drawing certain scenes in the web comic, and figuring out that initiating a “cliff-hanger” would get her out of it and back to real life.

Screenshot / Via MBC

I see you, girl ;)

The only supporting character I find interesting is Yeon Joo’s Dad: Oh Sung-Moo (Kim Eui-Sung). He’s mercurial, lacking any social grace, obviously sleep deprived- a real artist, basically.

And oh, there’s some darkness there. I have this theory that he’s the man in the black coat that killed Kang Chul’s family and has been traveling in and out of the webtoon for years. And now that Kang Chul’s slowly becoming self-aware, he’s scared! Him and I both! I promise you I screamed when Kang Chul stared through the computer monitor and asked, “Who are you?”

Screenshot / Via MBC

Hope I’m wrong…but at the same time, it would be an interesting twist.

Theory #2: The shady prosecutor killed Kang Chul’s family due to some crazy, soon-to-be-revealed motive. I really feel like we haven’t seen the last of him.

Theory #3: Previews for the third episode made me think about the possibility of another Kang Chul existing in webtoon world…a darker persona. One that’s threatening to harm Yeon Joo if her Dad doesn’t cooperate.

What are your theories about who killed Kang Chul’s family and the identity of the man in the black coat?



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gee i cant stop watching long preview and try to catch any small scene in details with my eyes!! Im reading the trans in another tab at same time too... i might end up cross-eyes by next episode :D

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4 hours ago, Blue_Shirt said:

I can't believe how great this drama is.

They manage to mix humor and mystery and I'M LOVING IT :D


I made a video for the first two episodes (with clips from future episodes, thanks to the great trailers)


I seriously can't wait for episode 3. I want Hyo Joo's watch that can go faster :D


thabk you for the video I hope you'll make more in the future as the episode progresses!! :)

2 hours ago, skyangellove said:

So does KC kiss YJ in his bathroom so that he can go to her world, or is it just a payback kiss? Hehhe


no I don't think it's to go to her world and I believe he won't figure out about her world until he gets arrested!! don't know about payback kiss but I don't see him that kind of a man!!

@thea2410 thank you for you video and I hope you'll keep making more for the future epiodes!! :) 

@jeijei I'm going crazy now!! you just reminded me (how did I forget) that the webtoon was publihed without Yeeon Joo's father's agreemant so does that mean that the other person/thing helping Kang Cheol is only stoping the father from interfeeering in the webtoon whenever Kang Cheol and/or Yeon Joo are starting to take controle/part in the story againt the father's wish or is it/he what stoped the time to help Kang Cheol save himelf?!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so many questions!! wednesday, come faster!!


I want add one thing, Yeon Joo's father isn't the man with the hood since 1/ wee saw the father beeing pulled to Kang Cheol's world after drawning the hooded man stabbing Kang Cheol 2/ plus the hooded man has to be strong and knows martial arts which is not the case for Yeon Joo' father!!


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I didn't expected to like this but surprisingly I'm loving it, after watching episode 1 because I was bored now I'm craving more episodes.
I like that this is fun and the plot is really original, not the typical kdrama.
At first when I read the summary of this drama I wasn't interested because I'm not really into fantastical drama, and also because I love happy endings (meaning the OTP being together) and I wasn't sure how a happy ending can occur in a drama that has different dimensions. Now that I'm hooked I'm looking forward to see how this story will develop, I guess if the writer of My love from another star did it the writer from this one also could do it.
I'm intrigued by how are they going to explain the dimension inside the webtoon and how the dad can manipulate the other dimension....there are endless possibilities for this drama.

In my list of favorite dramas this one has extra points for originality :D

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Cr to owner 

countdown to 4 days more!

perdonally I really like HHJ regardless in BTS or acting scene, she looks natural and simple to me. 

Incant wait to see their second kiss again. 

On the other hand, I have a few doubts from the two episodes: 

- why did KC thinks that she's the key to his life ? Because she save him ? 

- how did KC became rich after he was verdict as unguilty... 

- i suspect that the hooded guy is HJ's dad. But have to see episode 3. 

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Another K-drama to watch for!

Newbie in this thread. After watching the two episodes it got good. 

Hoping for a better explanation on why is it happening to Yeon Joo and his dad? (about entering into Kang Chul's/webtoon comic world)

Are they implying that the world itself is alive and manifesting to YJ's dad.

Patiently waiting for episode 3 and 4 ++ subs.

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Hahaha.. I got really curious when a lot of you mentioned that 'W' kind of reminds you of the story in A-ha's Take on Me MV so I had to go to Utube and watch the MV. :sweatingbullets::D Aiigo...I really hope our star-crossed lovers will get their happy ending in the future. 

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Hello everyone :wub:

I'm soooo exciting about this drama B):w00t: 

really love it, love the story, the characters, everything i LOOOOOVE it :wub::wub:

It's interesting and unique drama B) I have a feeling it will be an amazing, a wonderful and a greaaaaaat drama;):wub:

Thank you so much for recaps, translate, update, photos,.. etc really thank you to all of you :wub::D

I hope this drama will be DAEBAK!!!!!

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Really good to see the response about W. As expected from Nine writers. I'm really ma big fans of Nine, and learning from Nine, W is going to be lot more exciting the more the show progress. When I watch Nine, none I can predict, each episodes was a box of chocolates, unpredictable. From this first 2 episodes, W was fun and fresh. It's still Sunday. Days left for next episodeㅠㅠ

Looking forward for another slap *oops* I mean another kiss from HHJ kekeke...

What's with female leads trying to kiss the male lead *just watched Let's Fight Ghost and the female lead trying to kiss the male lead too haha*

Thanks to all for the pic and insight <3

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2 hours ago, moomooz said:

Cr to owner 

countdown to 4 days more!

perdonally I really like HHJ regardless in BTS or acting scene, she looks natural and simple to me. 

Incant wait to see their second kiss again. 

On the other hand, I have a few doubts from the two episodes: 

- why did KC thinks that she's the key to his life ? Because she save him ? 

- how did KC became rich after he was verdict as unguilty... 

- i suspect that the hooded guy is HJ's dad. But have to see episode 3. 


Hmm... I had so many questions too and all our questions feels like only a tip of an iceberg.

We still have a limited information about Kang Chul's life, so we can't say much from these 2 eps alone. We need to know too why HHJ's dad said he is a monster, and whose that hooded ma? Why he want to make Kang Chul a murderer by killing his own family? Is he really the beautiful doctor father?

Oh and 2 tumbs up for the drawings. Who did the drawing? It's cool.  This drama will need a double triple time to make an episode bc of the drawing. I suppose it's suppose to be draw after the real scene done filming?

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