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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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W-Two Worlds Episode 1 – A Gun, A Girl, And a Hottie.


It is very rare that a first episode comes along and sucks you into the story so thoroughly.  And yet, here we are, completely sucked in and fangirling to the nth degree over Episode 1 of W-Two Worlds.  And no, it is not just because Lee Jong Suk is one of my biases… although that doesn’t hurt.  The boy does beautiful angst really well.  So come join us as we jump into another recapping adventure and let our inner fangirl run free.

For those of you just discovering our awesome blog, I am Kmuse, one of the main bloggers at “Dramas with a Side of Kimchi”…many of you know me from my previous blog “The Crazy Ahjummas”.  I will be bringing you my opinions on all of the odd episodes, while Jennie will be chatting with you on the even episodes (although she is on a family vacation this week so you will have my thoughts twice!)  A little about me: I am a mother of three and an avid kdrama watcher, in that I love to watch literally everything.  There are very few currently airing dramas that I am not watching so if you have any questions about them (or really any drama since I have seen an insane amount) feel free to ask me in the comments.  Or better yet come like our facebook page and ask me there. For those of you who have not read my past recaps, I am one of those bloggers that really likes to just discuss my opinions on certain scenes or concepts of the drama.  I don’t go step by step through the whole thing.  So if you are looking for a more complete recap you might have to look elsewhere (and then come back and read ours of course).


When I heard that Lee Jong Suk was coming back to dramaland in a multi dimensional, comic character, extravaganza I was THRILLED!  He is one of my favorite actors in shows that are just a little bit “unique”.  Somehow Lee Jong Suk manages to make me believe that he is a genius, or can hear people’s thoughts, or actually loves Jin Se Yeon.  Truly a talented actor.  So when I heard he was going to be a comic book character come to life through a multi world wormhole, I knew that I was going to have to blog this one.


So let’s jump right in and begin chatting episode 1!

full review: https://dramaswithasideofkimchi.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/w-two-worlds-episode-1-a-gun-a-girl-and-a-hottie/


W-Two Worlds Episode 2 – I have a girl crush!


There are certain things I expect going into one of my bias’s dramas.  First, there will be a lot of fangirling over said bias.  And usually, it is a given that that specific actor is going to be my favorite thing about any given drama.  Imagine my surprise when Han Hyo Joo (playing Oh Yeon Joo) bursts onto my TV screen and steals the show, as well as my love.  I think I might have a new girl crush.

Since I am really focused on Yeon Joo, I decided that I will dedicate this recap to her crazy awesomeness!  So join me as I bask in my favorite Yeon Joo moments of episode 2.

full review: https://dramaswithasideofkimchi.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/w-two-worlds-episode-2-i-have-a-girl-crush/


W is smart + entertaining


Didn’t expect to enjoy W – Two Worlds so much but I did, especially Episode 2 where we are delivered a heck of a cliffhanger. It’s pretty much sharp, intelligent writing at work as two parallel universes clash with our heroine flitting the two with much hilarity underlined with some chilling gravity.

Han Hyo Joo and Lee Jong Seok are not my fave actors but the storyline of W is intriguing and I like how seamlessly HHJ’s character Young Joo (YJ) straddles the two worlds, albeit some cute comedy thrown in. The twist which I was pleasantly surprised by was how quickly Lee Jong Seok’s Kang Chul (KC) figured something was up and how he seemed to be in control of his existence than his creator. It is somewhat ironic that the creator is the one losing control of the plot, and getting challenged by the very one he created. So the question is – when did the comic hero start veering away from the plot and just when was this crazy, parallel universe created and discovered by the creator? As far-fetched as it is, it is something I’ve been thinking about. HA. The parts when both the comic is being drawn and being lived out in real time is both thrilling and fun.

full impression post: https://breathlesssurvival.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/w-is-smart-entertaining/


@Mau_Cherry I like your idea of Song Moo not wanting to have any love within Kang Chul's live as this would bring him closer to be real and independent from his influence. It makes sense and goes well with the fact that Kang Chul is shown to be a womanizer who makes every woman fall for him without real commitment from his side (which is somehow understandable with all the package he carries from his past). But he's not really happy and he knows it, so when this quirky and energetic woman enters his life and constantly saves him, his real interest is piqued for the first time. So she's the key to his life in two different ways (another reference to the show's concept of duality). Firstly, she literally saves his live again and again and secondly, she also saves it figuratively by catching his interest, making his heart beat faster and rescuing him from just having one single-minded focus in life (finding the guy who murdered his family).


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9 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

@Mau_Cherry I like your idea of Song Moo not wanting to have any love within Kang Chul's live as this would bring him closer to be real and independent from his influence. It makes sense and goes well with the fact that Kang Chul is shown to be a womanizer who makes every woman fall for him without real commitment from his side (which is somehow understandable with all the package he carries from his past). But he's not really happy and he knows it, so when this quirky and energetic woman enters his life and constantly saves him, his real interest is piqued for the first time. So she's the key to his life in two different ways (another reference to the show's concept of duality). Firstly, she literally saves his live again and again and secondly, she also saves it figuratively by catching his interest, making his heart beat faster and rescuing him from just having one single-minded focus in life (finding the day guy who murdered his family).



You are better with words - like always - but that´s what I ment. You need a loving Heart to live truely. And the Point that he was a Womanizer was in my mind too - same as the other Nurse and YJ College where talking that there was never any Romance in the Drama. But the Story is in Air for 7 Years. I´m sure Fans must aks for KC to fall for someone often - extremly the Secretary - so the topic must be on the table again and again - but the FAhter refused to let him love. So maybe because the chances where to big for him to fall for someone in real.

Following my first idea - when there is more about the MythosStory - die SM became real when he fall in Love with YJs Mother?

Or was the Start of all that when SM found the Draw Board (second Idea) so he was never a Part of the WebToon World - but could enter it than.

Or is it new that he can enter- and before he could only use it but now visit it. But somehow I think he could - he knew what happend to YJ in an instant - but told her he will be the only crazy Person.


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3 hours ago, VIPgurl97 said:

Can anyone explain why YJ's dad always looks so angry (or stressed, idk)?

and in ep 2, what did YJ do in particular that she was able to get to W's world? I watched the ep but couldn't get it. It just randomly happened?


In the first episode when her professor realizes who her father is, he asks her about her family, and she reveals that her parents are divorced. Somehow, I think that plays a role here. Another glaring contrast, YJ's mom looked totally at peace. Her sister-in-law mentioned that she should have stayed with him until after the release, which leads me to believe he was working on this comic for some time before it came out. Like I noted earlier, I think he intended to kill KC with his family, but it just didn't work out that way. Maybe, and this is just a low end theory, but maybe this "double world" situation has been happening for some time, just with the father. And maybe it has happened with the hooded killer. To me, her dad looks stressed, and his desire to kill KC is almost out of necessity. Like his assistant said, he has been wanting to kill KC for a while, but maybe he just hasn't been successful.

This comic seems to have over 300 volumes in it, which means that for the past 10 years, he has put out at least 100 volumes a year. Even though his books have been so successful and he has a huge following, he stays in the same house, and pretty much lives out of his office/room. You would never know he was a mega-successful author and graphic artist. Another suspicious fact is the fact that YJ's mother pushed her to become a doctor, almost as if she knew her daughter being a doctor was going to come in handy one day. Why not push her to be a teacher? A lawyer? Why specifically a doctor? Even though in the first episode she came off as a sub-par intern, once faced with a life or death situation, she acted well, and she did in fact save KC. Also, the spiritual aspects are all over the place, especially with the numbers. KC got a 10.9 at the Olympics. YJ's dad wanted his assistant to bring him the coffee at 10:00. The number 10 is the number of completion, which makes sense because her dad intended for it to be the last volume, and the end of the story. The fact that she only spends 30 real-time minutes in the manwha world is also interesting. Three represents the trinity (father, son, holy spirit) and Zero is considered to represent no limits, boundless. It makes sense considering she travels between two planes and she is considered the life key to KC.

As far as how she is able to get to W's world. Both times, she has traveled when he needed her and when she felt his life was in danger. The first time, she panicked more at the assistant telling her that her father was killing off KC than she did at him missing. She was standing right by the graphics board and KC was able to reach out to her. The second time, the assistant again revealed daddy's plan and she called her father while he was at the graphics board and pleaded for him not to kill KC. The second time, her desire for him to live was so strong, she got pulled in on her own. I believe KC can feel this, which is why even though she has been acting strange, he doesn't feel threatened by her. Instead, he is drawn to her.

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Just to mention it - I believe the Writer would have huge Fan reading all our Theories. Maybe she would be surprised somtimes how close someone is - but she would be amused too - as I guess. We already started to see a hint in every little Detail. Some might just used as a Scene Filler. Some might be just happen like that. But we dig in everything...

I really wonder how near we are in reality. :D


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1 hour ago, Mau_Cherry said:


You are better with words - like always - but that´s what I ment. You need a loving Heart to live truely. And the Point that he was a Womanizer was in my mind too - same as the other Nurse and YJ College where talking that there was never any Romance in the Drama. But the Story is in Air for 7 Years. I´m sure Fans must aks for KC to fall for someone often - extremly the Secretary - so the topic must be on the table again and again - but the FAhter refused to let him love. So maybe because the chances where to big for him to fall for someone in real.

Following my first idea - when there is more about the MythosStory - die SM became real when he fall in Love with YJs Mother?

Or was the Start of all that when SM found the Draw Board (second Idea) so he was never a Part of the WebToon World - but could enter it than.

Or is it new that he can enter- and before he could only use it but now visit it. But somehow I think he could - he knew what happend to YJ in an instant - but told her he will be the only crazy Person.


@Mau_Cherry once again grateful for your comment and perspectives as they provide me with so much inspirations to churn out theories left and right. So your comment once again made think of something - what if dad's desire to keep Kang Chul from feeling love and dad's possible connection with the second world are connected.
If dad is coming from the second world as well and the reason he decided to stay within the first world would be falling in love with Yeon Joo's mother he maybe chose the profession as artist creating artificial stories about another world for (literally) not forgetting his own roots and the world he came from. Maybe he would have lost every recollection about his own identity as a person from another world without him finding a way to keep the other world alive through his fantasies. But maybe his stories were not successful as long as he was with Yeon Joo's mother and after she left him he started to create the one story reflecting his inner feelings. A dark and gritty story about a boy (Kang Chul) who started out with having everything due to his success (could be a symbol for himself while still being in love with Yeon Joo's mum), but lost everything and hit rock bottom after someone singled him out and invated his life (like dad lost what he valued most after the divorce).
So maybe the webtoon character is symbolizing his own self-hatred and how he could not keep the best things in life but what was intented to reflect his struggles and inner demons turned out to be an instant success with the public. This could have further driven dad into despair and depression as he needed to keep the story going to make a living but could no really fuel the story with lovey-dovey scenes as that's not how he felt after being left behind. And the bigger the success the worse and remorseful dad felt, so he developed the tendencies to think the only solution to reverse the tricky, emotional turmoil he's in, is killing of his own character creation.

Anyway, time to get some sleep (if that's possible with the current news on our side). C U all tomorrow...

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37 minutes ago, Lady_Fay said:

@Mau_Cherry once again grateful for your comment and perspectives as they provide me with so much inspirations to churn out theories left and right. So your comment once again made think of something - what if dad's desire to keep Kang Chul from feeling love and dad's possible connection with the second world are connected.
If dad is coming from the second world as well and the reason he decided to stay within the first world would be falling in love with Yeon Joo's mother he maybe chose the profession as artist creating artificial stories about another world for (literally) not forgetting his own roots and the world he came from. Maybe he would have lost every recollection about his own identity as a person from another world without him finding a way to keep the other world alive through his fantasies. But maybe his stories were not successful as long as he was with Yeon Joo's mother and after she left him he started to create the one story reflecting his inner feelings. A dark and gritty story about a boy (Kang Chul) who started out with having everything due to his success (could be a symbol for himself while still being in love with Yeon Joo's mum), but lost everything and hit rock bottom after someone singled him out and invated his life (like dad lost what he valued most after the divorce).
So maybe the webtoon character is symbolizing his own self-hatred and how he could not keep the best things in life but what was intented to reflect his struggles and inner demons turned out to be an instant success with the public. This could have further driven dad into despair and depression as he needed to keep the story going to make a living but could no really fuel the story with lovey-dovey scenes as that's not how he felt after being left behind. And the bigger the success the worse and remorseful dad felt, so he developed the tendencies to think the only solution to reverse the tricky, emotional turmoil he's in, is killing of his own character creation.

Anyway, time to get some sleep (if that's possible with the current news on our side). C U all tomorrow...


Ah. like it but I´m not with you in that case. Maybe just because I´m greedy to have him as a real Person in the end. :)

As you know I work on how and why - and is he from the other World too - too. But I don´t think KC represants himself.

YJ said there is a World inside W - she kinda knew it - not even asked about it - just took it as real after she stayed there. I wonder if the time only for her runs like that and KC can tell how the last Month where for him. Is it only her because she is kinda half the Reader - half the new Female Lead.

We know that the Comic is produced since 7 years in the same time it where 15 years for KC. So - when YJ only stayed in the W World for a real time of 30 Minutes - how long stayed her Father than in the W Word when he got missing. Is 30 Minutes always one Episode. Did the Father tried to end another Episode in the W World - but he can´t anymore. Maybe it was like that in the Past too - that something big must happen to get the - to be continued....

I just noticed that I got a new idea I have to think about while I wrote that here.

All this bad thinks in KC Life maybe where the Ending of an Episode. So the big Thing before where most of the time bad things in his Life. Okay- later he could use him become successfull and rich too - but I´m not sure about that.

Maybe JY just changed the style of W totally - giving KC a surprising but good thing in the end. The Slap was not even helping. ;)

I admit - I kinda like my idea that SM comes from the other world too - now I even have a reason for him to become real... Love for YJs Mother. But this is just a wild theory. Still - YJ beeing a Child of both World could explain how she can enter. The romantic Version chould of course just be more simple - the fear about his Life - even not nowing now that he is the one for her - makes her enter. But there must be more behind it.

Great - after a long time - there is a Merry go round in my Head. :) I love it.


And yes - the news are terrible... Still - hope you could sleep safe and sound!

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20 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

I admit - I kinda like my idea that SM comes from the other world too - now I even have a reason for him to become real... Love for YJs Mother. But this is just a wild theory. Still - YJ beeing a Child of both World could explain how she can enter. The romantic Version chould of course just be more simple - the fear about his Life - even not nowing now that he is the one for her - makes her enter. But there must be more behind it.

I love that idea. :blush:

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I can't believe how great this drama is.

They manage to mix humor and mystery and I'M LOVING IT :D


I made a video for the first two episodes (with clips from future episodes, thanks to the great trailers)


I seriously can't wait for episode 3. I want Hyo Joo's watch that can go faster :D

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3 hours ago, Blue_Shirt said:

I can't believe how great this drama is.

They manage to mix humor and mystery and I'M LOVING IT :D

Mod edit: Do not quote videos.


I made a video for the first two episodes (with clips from future episodes, thanks to the great trailers)


I seriously can't wait for episode 3. I want Hyo Joo's watch that can go faster :D



This is so AWESOME!!

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Guest julie721

Interesting reading all the thoughts and theories here. That's what makes this drama awesome, because it triggers you to think, speculate, and more aware of every details and tiny things because it might be clue or key to the mystery...

we are still at episode 2 but already so much on the plate. I say bring it on W..

I still don't want to make guess or theory since it's still very beginning, but sure there are A LOT I'm curious. Like why webtoon world can collide with real world, does SM really create the whole webtoon or is it he just the executor (drawing etc) while there is something or someone as puppet master. Why webtoon suddenly goes on by itself. What's YJ role here, she must be important key factor. And what makes the gate to webtoon-real world open, because in ep. 1 it's open when YJ recite the words written on the backside of goya's photo, and in ep. 2 it's when she said it's murder. We know how YJ can go back to real world, when to be continued appear, but what makes her enter?

whoaaaaa... This is so exciting. As much exciting as reading all thoughts and opinion here... 

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7 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

I already finished watching episode 1 & 2 ...and I'm happy to see good comments for the drama.... well it's so d*** good to be honest ...who wouldn't like it anyway... though in dramabeans there are still 3 comments out of  230 comments that said they aren't impressed that much... 

I'm excited for Section tv interview this will be 2nd time ...and it reminds me of LJS ugly drawing of HHJ...hahahaha that funny moment...anyway I'm still downloading episode 2 ...

I wonder why after that suicidal attempt.... the webtoon creates story on it's own.... and it already depends on our OTP how the webtoon will continue... this is so exciting and unpredictable...that is why it catches so many viewers attention... 


if they are not impressed than there is no drama will impress them!! 

hhhhhhhhhhhh I'm sure this tv section would be super fun too!! can't wait for it!! :D

I can't wait to know what is all that about!! I'm left with many burning questions but I'm enjoying all this suspence!! :D

11 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

I know! Has your anxiousness about the drama lessened now? 



I got my best friend to watch the drama (she also hasn't watched a Kdrama in many years) and she really liked it ^_^ I'm planning on torturing my boyfriend this weekend by making him watch it with me. He still has no idea what W is even about but that's because I haven't told him anything about the plot. I want him to go in blind :P 


hhhhhhhhh does he know that he'll be tortured like us waiting for new eppisodes every week?!! :lol:

11 hours ago, uknowahah said:

In the hospital scene it was because YJ entered in the webtoon world and her action changed the course of the story, and therefore it was being drawn by itself (and indirectly by YJ). However at the last scene, YJ was definitely not present. I do agree that something or person might have helped KC (a second artist?), but that eerie "WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU" comes from KC's monologue. 


yes!! it just crossed my mind before reading your post, at the hopital scene Yeon Joo was disperate to save Kang Cheol and stop her father attempt to kill him and ended up entring the webtoon so the webtoon started getting out of Yeon Joo's father's controle and started creating itself following Yeon Joo and Kang Cheol's actions without the father having any ability to change it and in the car accident it can be that Kang Cheol's will to save himself ended up stoping the father's controle over his life allowing him to save himself at the end!! but how did the scene got erased from the screen?!! and how couldn't the father draw on the his screen anymore?!! what is behind that screen? and does Kang Cheol have a power over it without knowing yet?!! this drama will burn our brains with all these questions but it's fun and I love that!! :D


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19 hours ago, mongciii said:

am i the only one? register to soompi because of this drama? :sweatingbullets:


I made a new account in soompi (because I couldn't use my 1st account, forgot the password :D) because of W since I couldn't resiste staying a silent lurker in here without sharing and showing all the excitement I had for the drama!! :D 


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I watched a bit of Ep 1. Is Dad the killer? He can get inside W's world too?

This interference is working in YJ's favor. She can actually give spoilers to Mad Dog hahaha

But even if the Dad cannot control Kang Cheol's behavior, he can still control the material that gets published, right? Theoretically. I mean, just scrap the drawing and don't send it for printing. But this isn't necessarily true as we see that what he didn't approve was still sent to the editors, something still unclear to me. 

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12 hours ago, pinpxx said:

Just finished watching ep.2 and I have a lot of questions came up while watching it LOL.

- It's quite interesting that at the beginning of the episode SB (one of OSM's underlings) said that no one can draw the characters like OSM does. So if OSM didn't draw it himself then who did it?
- I have read someone's post here that said perhaps KC also comes from the real world. It's possiblely that he might not be the manhwa character in the first place but there was something that caused him to stay in that world. But, again, there is still a long way to go. (Though I have to say that I'm down with this theory LOL)
- I wonder what is the reason why OYJ can teleport to the manhwa world. Like, right now, it was because KC was in the dangerous situations and she wanted to save him so she was there. (But if I'm not mistaken, in the first episode she didn't want to save him, right?) So it's quite interesting to find the reason how can she be in the manhwa world.
- So as far as we can see, the way OYJ can be out of the manhwa world is that she has to find the way to end the chapter with the cliffhanger (LOL why I find it's funny) But I think this way might not working anymore. I mean we saw in the preview that she says I love you to KC and I think that won't work for sure! (can't wait to see their reactions LOL)
- I don't think I saw OSM panic about how his daughter ended up in the manhwa though. I mean he didn't like it of course, but he didn't surprised to see OYJ in the manhwa at all. It's really mystery here.

I think I still have more questions, but, nah, it's just 2 episodes I don't think my questions have answers yet. But it's fun to think though LOL. (normally I just watched the series and just let it be I was too lazy to have question)

Oh lord, can Wednesday come any faster?


I love all your answers and I share them all!!

1/ one added mystery or a hint that the manhwa world wasn't created by Yeon Joo's father to bigin with but like you saif if it's not him then who? and how much controle does he have over it if he's not the only creator?!! 

2/ I'm one of those who believes that Kang Cheol is real somehow?!! and yes we still needs more hints to know for sure and then starts asking more question after having an answer!! :blink:

3/  actually in the 1st episode was so flustred and terrified of the idea of Kang Cheol dying and kept asking if he can be saved but she was thinking that she needs to find her father to ask him why he's trying to kill him and to change it not knowing that she can save him plus Kang Cheol was the one who pulled her into his world which means that it can be his will to be saved that helped him reaching the other world but again a question rises how could he reach out there and since when did the wall broke because the father was aware that Kang Cheol was real!! but I think there is something more to it than him being in life threatening situation, there is something linking them somehow!!

4/ hhhhhhhhhh Yeon Joo will end up using every cliffhanger we ever went through in every drama or webtoon :lol: but they won't work everytime because things can be more complicated that her made up cliffhanger so the cliffhanger have to suite the situation she's in in the manhwa!! I really can't wait to see all her cliffhangers!! :lol:

5/ yes, it showes that he knew of the manhwa being a real world and that Yeon Joo would have the ability to reach there but he just dosn't want that to happen and wants her to stay out of it for some reason!!

this drama will leave you with many questions that you won't be able to just wait for its answers without being despirate to find them and end up trying to solve them though you know you can't really have the real answer!! that's how great the drama is!! :w00t:

11 hours ago, uknowahah said:

Yes, I feel that for the coming chapters, she need to increase the stakes to trigger the ending cut and transit back to her world. So according to story logic, the story need to progress. She cannot use the same method like confessing or flashing herself (LOL).
I think the third time will be when KC shot her with the gun. 

I guess with all these questions, we have to wait for one week before we get even more questions. Ha! From my experience episode 3 & 4 doesn't answer much, but only raises more questions.

@juju84 Yes they do



yes she'll need cliffhangers that will fit the situation she's in in the manhwa because using the same thing (methode) many times won't make them cliffhangers anymore but she'll learn that after puting herself in the most embarresing situations which I'd enjoy watching her cringing at the realisation that they won't work anymore!! :lol:

I think that the gun shot won't be the end of the chapter and that the kiss scene wa saw in the preview would take place after the gun shot scene!!

the rule in W: a hint/answer = more questions!! :lol:

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27 minutes ago, jeijei said:

I watched a bit of Ep 1. Is Dad the killer?


I never thought that and now I'm sure he's not the man in the hood!! that man is strong and knows martial arts like it's shown in the preview of episode 3 (fighting Kang Cheol) unlike the father!!

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Lee Jong Suk Talks About “W” And Cheesy Acting

Lee Jong Suk Talks About “W” And Cheesy Acting

Lee Jong Suk, star of the new MBC drama “W,” shines in his latest pictorial with fashion magazine W for its August issue. The theme of his photo shoot was “well-known and unknown.”

Through photos with splashes of color as well as black-and-white photos, Lee Jong Suk conveys the duality of fame and a longing for peacefulness, which is his fate as an actor.

In one of the pictures revealed from the shoot, the actor is dressed in black pants and a white turtleneck pullover, bringing out the darkness of his eyebrows and his striking appearance.

lee jong suk
The actor radiates with charm in another photo, where he dons a chic knitted cardigan and gazes earnestly at the camera.

In an interview, Lee Jong Suk discusses his role in “W” as Kang Chul, a character from inside a webtoon. He shares, “I don’t act differently in the realms of reality and the webtoon. Because Kang Chul is a fictional character, I consider it my role to show a sense of difference.”

He continues, “I think that’s something I’m good at. I’m confident when it comes to getting rid of cheesiness. It’s difficult this time, so I’m working hard.”

lee jong suk 3

“W” airs every Wednesday and Thursday on MBC.





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