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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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After seeing it with subs, I love this episode even more. <3

My favorite line of the ep: "Isn't it cruel how there is only one reason for our existence? We're also human."

Runner up: "I want to hold you one more time, but I can’t do that either, because I might hesitate."

My favorite scene ep: The elevator with the shoelace-tying. I love how they say and do so little but the way they look at each other is just so electric like daaaaaaaamn how do they do that?!?

Runner up: The rooftop goodbye scene. I love funny comic Yeon Joo but I love it even more when she does quiet dramatic moments.

My favorite character of the ep: No-Face Killer, haha, because NFK keeps the show fresh---effing shizz up everywhere, making things happen, and giving the show that creepy horror vibe that I like.

Augh, so hard to wait for ep 9! :crazy:

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12 hours ago, theseasasleep said:

Oh no, I wasn't saying or trying to imply you thought it was cheap. That's how I describe kdrama tropes like amnesia, separations or noble idiocy that are used poorly or lazily by the writers. Because it gets used so often it can come off cheap if done improperly. I didn't know what your specific issues were with the amnesia line in QIHM, so I was just referring to my own thoughts when I had watched that drama. When the writer employed amnesia then I thought, "Okay. This makes sense. It's painful, but it makes sense."

I understand your point much better now. I must have have misunderstood:sweatingbullets: I am sorry. The amnesia plot line in QIHM was done the best so far. The angst and romance afterwards was something to really look out for. It is just the bad experience that speaks and nothing else. I am really looking forward to see Chul falling in love with her again:wub: , deep enough to move mountains like the last episode where he was ready to let go of everything so that everyone and especially her can live. The angst is the part I enjoy the most , although it breaks my heart bit by bit. Like the scene in the preview where YJ is crying:tears: , its heartbreaking and yet gripping. The amnesia plot line definitely makes sense, I agree with you, there was no other way. And hey chingu,:) lets just enjoy this new twist:)

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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

But killer is in real world so the character who is the killer should not have been shown in today's episode..because that character has to be missing .. right?

Can't be second leads - male or female, prosecutor is one we weren't show so wonder...


YJ's father might decide to pick any character that seems plausible (or make a new one) to change the killer's identity, thereby limiting him. It's hard to say if it will work since the comic itself is rejecting the owner. The killer is pretty much on a terminator goal to kill the main character and all that comes in it's way.  You're right KC besties,and the broadcaster friend were frozen in W-World, so it wouldn't be them that was able to go to YJ's world. Good observation! I almost forgot about that. 

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News about W so far...

W – Two Worlds Episode 8 Recap, Episode 9 Spoilers: Fairy Tale Ends For Kang Chul And Yeon-joo

W – Two Worlds Episode 8 Recap, Episode 9 Spoilers: Fairy Tale Ends For Kang Chul And Yeon-joo

Last week’s episode saw Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) and Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo Joo) talked about getting married. But Tuesday’s episode was a huge step back in the story of W – Two Worlds. In Episode 8, the hero of the web comics series asked his beloved to return to her world and make him forget about her.

more details: http://www.movienewsguide.com/w-two-worlds-recap-spoilers/265322

Another news in spoiler....


'W(더블유)' 한효주, 언제쯤 이종석과 맥락있게 사랑할까[텔리뷰]

입력2016.08.18 07:00 최종수정2016.08.18 07:00 
더블유 한효주 이종석 진범 / 사진=MBC 더블유 캡처
more detail: http://stoo.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2016081720570583344(THe news talk about the wish of KC to YJ to revise all these story until now as a dream of KC. Whether they will fall in love again, its depends on the future).

'더블유' 시청률 하락에도 수목극 정상 '굳건'…이종석 한효주에 이별 고해

MBC 수목드라마 '더블유' 시청률 12.2%로 동시간대 1위


등록: 2016-08-18 09:36 

폰트 폰트크게폰트작게


" align=
MBC 수목드라마 '더블유'가 동시간대 시청률 1위를 기록했다. <사진제공='더블유' 8회 방송 화면 갈무리>

(서울=포커스뉴스) 리우 올림픽의 열풍으로 인해 지상파 3사 수목드라마의 시청률이 지난주에 비해 모두 소폭 하락한 수치를 나타낸 가운데 한효주·이종석 주연 '더블유'가 정상의 자리를 지켜냈다. 

17일 방송된 MBC 수목드라마 '더블유'의 시청률은 지난회에 비해 1.6%p 하락한 12.2%(이하 닐슨코리아 전국기준)를 기록했으나 동시간대 1위를 기록하는 데는 문제가 없었다. 경쟁작들 역시 하락세를 면치 못한 데 따른 것.

more details: http://www.focus.kr/view.php?key=2016081800093106627

(The news talks about the W rating drops 1,6% than the prev, but not

only W, others dramas also drop in rating)  




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It's messed up. The whole reset thing. I can't even come up with any hypothesis anymore. Because every time I think about a theory, all these order messing up, resetting block my thought. I will just let the writer do her work. Ep 8 is so so I guess, I'm starting to loose my interest in this show (still I will continue watching it). Han Hyo Joo's cute n surprised acting...I don't know why I can't digest it. Ok, this ep may have made me lost my damn mind

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W Two Worlds Text Preview Ep 9


Ep 9
The real murderer whom Kang Chul can accept is that person only.

Yeon Joo who is called inside the webtoon again, is sad when she is face to face with Kang Chul and he cannot recognise her.

In order to create the happy ending in context, Sun Moo set a person whom Kang Chul can accept as the real murderer, and Yeon Joo meets Kang Chul whom she misses…


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i couldnt help myself but laughed awkwardly when he told her that if she miss her she can go to a bookstore and see him but then my tears come afterwards :tears: 

i hope in the end we will see yj's world is also a drawing or universe and they can be together<3 it feels so weird to watch a manhwa character came alive and leave like a real person.. i cant even imagine how it feels to be him its so scary and not something my brain can accept T__T

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I'm done with episode 8 with subs...and crying again....gaah I will enter the class sobbing like this I think kekekekekek.

The episode yes very sad... as sad as KC dream.... 

But then after seeing the preview and remember all the still and bts that not aired yet I begin to think which KC who's having ice cream date with YJ, which KC who's having lunch date with YJ....

Will she meet with manhwa KC again... I hope so...I feel so sad about manhwa KC....Mad Clown song from dots ost really fit for this drama :

Will I see you again?
I’m standing in front of destiny
That has passed me by again
Was it a dream that we couldn’t wake from?
You’re getting farther away and I couldn’t tell you
Not even once

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this drama go by so fast . it seem like it a 30min drama for me. i guess that what hapen. when you enjoy a drama so much.

that scene of YJ dream of being at the party/dancing with KC was sweet.

i guess we know how the killer get to YJ world. he go the same way KC go. it just he cant go back to the webtoon like KC.

i guess now we know why the end chance to be contiue cuz the killer didnt want it to end.

that scene the killer try to kill YJ. have be worry for her. it a good thing she went back to the webtoon. or she could get hurt bad.

i cant blame KC for wanting. YJ to forget him. he worry too much about that killer trying to kill her again. in her world. .
so he ask her to forget eveything. that way the killer will not exist in her world.

i guess the only way to reset is for KC trying to kill himself/the killer wanting KC to live.

i cant wait for eisode 9. i really want to know how KC is in YJ world. is he the same one in the webtoon?
or is there a KC in YJ world too.

i hope episode 9 rating will go back to 13% or more.

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