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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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PBG ost are sooooo good..:wub:. It makes me remember uri OTP sweet scene when i heard this song..this drama is DAEBAK!! I wonder what is the rating for today episode. Hopefully the rating increase. I want to see uri OTP do a guerilla date :bawling:. Must be nice to see them, having fun with their fan and their interview:)

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So Ep 16 has no BY and YS??   It is a major struggle for CP to go against everyone's wishes to protect his love with Ra On..... Wow....seems like a war is going to break...really a lot of surprises...I like the surprises as long as YS no need to die in a meaningless way......i.e. for a love that was never even his to begin with.   Each time he has no filming schedule...my heart missed a beat....:dizzy:

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48 minutes ago, Phuong Dinh said:

This is gonna be a long post but please bare with me :)

I've seen a lot of people, in here or other sites complained about Ra On's character and questioned why she didn't try enough for her love, I wonder if your guys were all using your MINDSET OF 21ST CENTURY'S WOMEN while watching this drama?! 

Lemme remind you guys 2 things:

1. The drama is set in early 19th century, which was >200 years ago in Joseon dynasty. Do you know that women in that era were still oppressed by the society and considered subordinate to men? They were taught to behave modestly within very strict social rules and Confucius teaching. There's nothing called "freedom of love" or "female empowerment" or "aggressive women" being accepted during that period of time. How can some ppl expect a girl like Ra On to be more aggressive in love? 

2. Ra On is the daughter of a Nation's traitor, born in a family with absolutely zero wealth and power and had to cross dress all her life to survive. So regardless how much CP loves her and she loves CP, their love is technically forbidden and Ra On is too powerless to be by CP's side while CP can't protect her, either. Royal family members hardly get married to common people, let alone a traitor's daughter. Continuing their relationship = Danger to both of them. It's best to let go so that CP's position won't be shaken anymore while Ra On could run away from all the threats from both Kim Clan and the Palace. I don't see whatelse can be more logical than a break up?!


I'm not sure if those ppl who complained about Ra On's character have actually watched other Korean or Chinese sageuk dramas. Most of the lead girls in this genre have something in common: "being powerless". The only way for them to survive is to part away from the male leads or turn EVIL (e.g. Jang Ok Jung, Wu Miyang....). So don't blame Ra On for the way she's behaved because her background and the context wouldn't allow her to do otherwise.

Also, be reminded that Ra On's father was known to be chased after then killed by the King's palace aka Lee Young's family. How are you supposed to go on loving someone whose father technically killed your father?!!! From their breakup scene, we could tell how painfully Ra On tried to mask her broken heart and dying love for CP using her vengeance. She obviously didn't mean what she said but she finally tried her hardest to break up for real, for the sake of Lee Young. 


I dont know why some ppl question Ra On's character but not Lee Young's. It seems that we all love CP too much and feel his pain too much that we forgot the fact that he's a Crown Prince with a nation on his shoulders afterall. He already knew that he couldn't continue his relationship with Ra On long time ago but he kept holding back and declining the Royal Wedding altho it'd still have to happen anyway. As a soon-to-be-King, he followed his heart too much while he should actually use his mind more in the game of throne and power. Why don't ya question CP's reluctance and indecisiveness when it comes to love but only criticize Ra On? 


I'm writing this not to attack some ppl's point of views. I know you're so heart broken and upset at their break-up scenes and you can't bare seeing YoungOn get hurt (so do I). However, please watch this drama with a cool head as well ! Everything that has happened in this drama is totally logical and fit its context. Cheers :)



WOW! Agree! Well said!

As always I'm late at the party and I still have to arrive at home, I can't wait for watching the episode. Although I could follow the live recaps and I have to thank you guys for it! It helped survived at my worktime :D


About PBG calling Hyeri as his wife :lol:

He can call her anything as PBG in his Lee Yeong clothes in an award show. Till she is not HY or anybody who is not Raon IN THE DRAMA, PBG! You can call me as your wife too! No! Please, call me ONLY! :lol:

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4 minutes ago, happypuppy said:


yes, I am on board with you. She is the one that end this. 

I know that many people think that RO is realistic while CP is dreamy on their relationship. I could not agree more. What I emphasize is that, relationship is shaped and moved with 2 people. RO is the one who decide it alone thinking this is the best for both of them. What about if they just sit together over warm capuccino. Converse about what they know about their situation, thinking together what solution might be to get the PM down, contacting dasan etc... Just communicate everything and find way together, as a lover and partner in life, share the burden! 

Besides, If she is about to be the king's partner she also needs to have iron heart and fists as so many poisons around the palace. Out of the topic, if you compare the women in the other moon drama, women there are badass!

Ahaha, perhaps I am being too western/modern here, if they do openly communicate there will be no drama.

Ra-on-ah! FIghting! :glasses:


I think the greatest challenge would have been getting capuccino :)

l agree with you that there are other possibilities on how the love story between them could have been played out instead of the cliched "I shall pretend l dont love you anymore" angle. Since this show has taken quite a bit of artistic licence, the story, as you say, could have been Raon n CP strategically planning their separation for him to sort out his internal affairs n for her to find out more abt the White Cloud Clan n what they are really about so she can help him from the outside. And of course, he must not go thru with the wedding.

Unrealistic n too fairy tale like perhaps but it ll keep alot of viewers happy, l m sure. We all watch dramas for a dose of fantasy, dont we? That said, l still think the story s twist n turns are pretty good n im not the PD nor the scriptwriter so l shall respect how they wish to spin their story.

to me, PBG really rocked it tonight... the singing.... wow..



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5 minutes ago, 8mel said:


I didn't say it enough.. But i love YS's character. He's not a man with many words. From outside he looks like someone who you can or cannot trust but when it matters, he always does the right thing. Very admirable man, someone to bring home to meet your parents. :joy: 


Yes!! @8mel  He is the perfect husband-material that every parent-in-law would love to give their daughter's hands to....:wub::wub::wub:  His thoughtfulness is daebak!

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Congrats to Bogum for his first Ost and he did a great job. He sings it beautifully and finally one of his dreams come true.

By the way, is everyone ok after ep 15? I am not ...LOL, it hurts me more than any other EPs when I saw the bracelet was cut off, then the wedding scene. But I have to say Bogum and Yoojung did a very very good job during bracelet cut off scene, it hurts but I am impressed with their acting skills. 

These two are real stars and will become super stars in the near future!

Sad thing is there is no romantic scene at all in EP 15, also it looks like EP 16 is going to be sad too. I have cried since EP 13 , poor me, I thought MDBC is a romantic comedy? I need some sweet scenes at the end of EP 16 and a very happy ending please PD.

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Am I slow or what?? Isn't that PBG's OST playing in the episode 16 preview background? God, I am dying here!  How am I going to survive the next 24 hours? The wait a week for the next installment? Did I say I could take one eppie this week? I think I would have had to have myself committed to an asylum!

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I speed read the pages tonite. A big TQ to all who kindly shared tonite's episode.

The wedding's off for now and the first thing that come to my mind - oh my we may get that grand ending @moodypie after all. Lol one can only hope. 

I am so proud of RaOn tonite. My puppy has become a lioness. 

So now both bracelets are off. What does it mean?? Could it be their love are so strong which neither can deny will reunite them later.  Destiny can take a backseat now.

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