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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Wow...YS totally impressed me.  His fighting skills are on another level.  When CP asked if the masked guy was BY, that broke my heart.  I cried an ocean.  Awesome acting!  And then BY shows up & that was so cool.  I'm emotionally drain, between today's episode of Moon Lover & Scarlet Heart's.  I'm calling it a night.  

I swear, CP's pouting when he realized it's sunset & his RO is not back yet is the cutest face on a hot man EVER.  

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Annyeong Moonlighters!

I'm quite dissappointed when there's no kiss/bed scene happens in episode 12 ;) 

but overall I enjoyed the outcome of the stories specially the fight scene, I'm glad the 3 muskeeters strikes again :) 

and for 'nth time I really like the cinematography and the Hanboks too, so elegant...

Here's the sample



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18 minutes ago, febz said:


What is the letter say? (can somebody good on hanzi have a peek please) :wub: that makes YS so shock & is he try to change the letter there with the one he wrote?



That's my question too... I hope someone will translate this... please!  


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41 minutes ago, tiendoank said:





that's a good idea !! 

33 minutes ago, myutaa said:

I think everytime I finished watching MDBC I always say: this episode is DAEBAK! 

What I love about this episode which I'm sure everybody in this forum has already mention it, I haven't so some backreading since this forum look like having a time jump! How can it reach page 692 so fast!!

1. We see different side of YS, oh man, his poker face while he calmly kill the informan. I was suddenly realised it was a huge relieved to have him on RaOn's side, and after the fight I'm pretty sure he is on CP's side. I remember he once said that he always wanna be CP's bestfriend, and he prove it. He takes the sword for him. It is weird to have those feeling while watching it, thrilling yet lovely act from such a good friends and a loyal person protecting the prince.

He was a very observant person since the beginning, and we see him quickly read the situation, yet this character influenced they way he fight! We can see him move very quick and read the situation really fast.. oh dear YS, how can I not fall for you?

2. Byung Yun at the right time!! Thank GOD!!!! The moment I think this drama will take misunderstanding route, they suddenly give a twist! Byung yun is there to save CP!! Call me sensitive but that moment I got my eyes teary.. don't worry lee young-ah.. they got your back.. they got your back.. they both got your back.. you are so lucky to have YS and BY as your bestfriend, lee young-aah :tears: 

3. I, who always have byeontae's mind, wondering what is happen next after the rain ;) the way CP help to open RO's hat.. o please don't tell me you don't know.. it was that look!! He is giving her "that" look!!! :w00t: well, maybe its just me and my weird imagination :P

4. The moment I thought RO will not get back to the palace, once again MDBC surprised me.. she's back!! I know more sad story will come after that, but it will be better if RO can explain to CP first if she's about leaving the palace. I feel at ease, at least she didn't suddenly dissapear like the mermaid that gone and transform into the foam..

Thats for now.. I have a lot of pages to read now! :wub:


I know that look!!! No..not just you with weird imagination. Most of us here have weird imagination. I'll keep mine secret for now...:w00t::w00t:

I wanted to say, there were a lot of trolling from the writer in this ep. First we thought Kim Hyung could have been the mask man, and the next thing you know, he came in in split second to rescue the prince. Next ...Raon appearing before CP when we were all thinking if she's coming back to CP.  Director/writer..playing with our hearts. They are good at capturing our mind.


31 minutes ago, pyoyong said:


You quote the wrong person my friend. It's @moodypie 's post

Ahh, I'm not really in to this heavy politics issues. But to my guest , they are using Raon as the Symbol of Rebellion. Similar to Joan of Arc . Her existence will draw rebellion crowds = more followers because she carry's her fathers legacy as the only heir of Hong's family. Many chingus here will give you a full review on that part, I can guest who there are already. Just wait a bit. They will give you much more comprehensive review than my sort answer.

oh...it was me. I wasn't thinking so much about this. But yes, it was definitely a symbol of something that happens 10years ago. It's like a legacy brought back to life.

 II can't wait for CP to find out soon, so we will find out what will happen next. 


24 minutes ago, inlovewithmdbc said:

Cr Wikipedia

From the sound of it, they won't be focusing too much on deep political messages, but as it pertains to the coming-of-age character development. I must say they have done an aswesome job with the romantic love, motherly love and fatherly love.

Definitely an awesome job!!! 

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I’m sooooooo happy to see Yoon Sung again and showing his badass side in this episode. Thank you writer-nim! I almost thought you have forgotten about him *pout lips, arms crossed* Mind you, I actually haven’t watched it yet but those gifs and pics of him are enough to make me go gaga, wheeee.. YS, so cool, so purrty..

BTW, what’s up with the dissatisfaction with no bed scene in this episode? Sisters need to relax, haha! I agree with @Jillia They didn’t promise us anything. We were the one who keep on wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'.. Imagine RO got pregnant! Eeekkk!! It’s national tv. They don’t want any backlash that will affect their local audience. Let the audience perceive their love as something pure and innocent. Only do it after they are officially married. 

Moreover, the drama needs to move on from simply showing the relationship between uri OTP to something more serious, more angsty. I don’t mind more angst, separation, whatever (but please no death for YS & Kim Hyung). Bring it on! We’re halfway through so we need more than just about them two.

To @marie67 RO was never portrayed as someone who dares to do it all. She doesn’t want to be a boy but forced to. She never beats people. She runs away from thugs. She doesn’t want to enter the palace but sold by the thugs. She’s just someone experts in love and help others with their relationship. She helps Taehyun’s character mistakenly thinking he’s in love with his Master’s daughter, not his daughter-in-law. If she had known it, she might have told Taehyun something else. Though I do agree that they need to give her character growth, so we could see her more than a girl trapped in a man’s robe. I’m mighty glad they’ve made her finally awares of her real identity and her connection to CP.

So far, this drama hasn’t disappoint me, considering they are live-shooting it. I could imagine the immense pressure they’re facing. So little time, so many to shoot, no time to reshoot, sleep deprived.. urrghh..

Ok, now let me be in fangirl mode. Yoon Sung-aa, whenever you appear, my heart always skips a beat. I like everyone in here but I like you the most, wheeee… Let RO be with CP, and me with you, haha! Whenever you’re sad, I’ll be there for you.. whenever you’re lonely, I’ll be there for you. Just please.. appear more! LOL!

Three Musketeers & d’Artagnan.. I can never get enough of them. Show please let them be on every episode after this!

@Bambiina I know I should have replied to you sooner but just for clarification, yup, the comment I've shared the other day is not from here. If's from a certain well-known Kdrama recap site. And I'm really amused by you cos you turn it into something very funny. I was laughing reading your comment on that. Just be yourself, Bambi. You're a lovely person :heart:

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15 minutes ago, onni said:


That's my question too... I hope someone will translate this... please!  

the letter means news of Ra on - saying that she entered the palace and fake as male being a eunuch, n she used the name as hong sam nom in the palace. 


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14 minutes ago, onni said:


That's my question too... I hope someone will translate this... please!  


Translation as requested of the letter found on the man YS killed:

Hong Gyeong Nae's daugher Ra On is in the palace disguised as a man. She is pretending to be a eunuch using the alias of Hong Sam Nom.

@febz @onni

Edited by inlovewithmdbc
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12 hours ago, jeonghyang said:



The moment when you are about to explode from the climax!






Yes, that was what the writer & director was doing.....TEASING all of us here.  

That is what I call a new kind of climax!!!!!!

Thanks for doing a great job with the gifs. Keep them coming!!!!

gZil6gy.gif cr Jeonghyang



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1 hour ago, ruka18 said:


deym those hands, so pretty. :blink: am i the only one who feels a bit envious of YJ hands?lol 


:blush: seem not just me adore her cruve and how artistic her hand and finger... remember when she was dance . ..? So artistic .   KYJ hands....i wish i have a words to describe how beautiful her finger move..only dancer have this kind moving hands/fingers...:dissapointed:

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Why must Lee Yeong and Yoon Sung be injured like that?? It hurts my heart to see them hurt and full of blood (mostly for Lee Yeong). I started crying when Yoon Sung grabbed the sword to protect Lee Yeong but I cried my eyeballs out when Lee Yeong was stabbed :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears:

I think a lot of people could relate to what I felt in the events that happened in episode 12...

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I haven't watched episode 12... But I can't help myself to take a peek this forum just want to know some spoilers... Lol

But when I see @parmma's gif.... That hands gesture gif... Why does it look really HOT? Their hands gesture is more breath-taking than korean drama's bed scenes I've ever watched! Aaaacccccckkkkk..... 

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