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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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27 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Annyeong, chingus! :D

Had to read a lot of pages today... loving it! :wub:

I try to reply to some which included me and some stuff I wanted to write a comment about.

But first of all: NEVER trust spoilers which aren't from the official twitter, website or any other official social media. At this point wrong "spoilers" will spread like there is no tomorrow until episode 17 and 18.

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This leads to the picture of Lee Yeong in king's attire. This has been weeks ago and it was fan-made picture. :) I don't know whether there is another picture around but if so: don't trust it. @Phuong Dinh and @lovehbhjw2013:The attire of the king is red - always. Lee Yeong is now regent and he is still wearing his Crown Prince attire. Nothing will change that. The moment he wears red is the moment he will be king - so after his father passes away.

@in00022: "The Love Story of Joseon That We Don't know of" was a book written by Ra On and it was read by Lee Yeong in the first episode. We don't know what it is about. But it looks like Ra On wrote about a Joseon where things are different. So she was already dreaming of a Joseon different from the Joseon that exists in the drama. Ra On and Lee Yeong = soulmates... I'll tell ya! ;)


Lee Yeong NEVER gave up on Ra On. The fact he "gave in" and accepted the marriage with Ha Yeon was just business to have the power of her clan. But we have to keep in mind he told Ha Yeon she will never have his heart. He will marry her but she can't expect him to love her back.

Which leads me a little bit a comment in which somebody thought that the break-up between Ra On and Lee Yeong was dumb and didn't make any sense. Well it was expected to go down this road but as always the conflict between Ra On and Lee Yeong was resolved in the same episode - in episode 16 - in the attire - or spindle scene (what kind of monster did I create? ROFL). Of course nothing goes back to normal afterwards because before it was only about them but now many things have been added to their relationship. Her being a traitor's daughter... So things can't go back to normal. Especially after the last scene of episode 16. But I loved they talked it through.

About the oppa/oraboni term: "oppa" is the modern term for "older brother" - also used between girlfriend and boyfriend and even wife and husband. Although I know some of my Korean friends don't like it and would never call their husbands "oppa" because they think it's quiet childish. :D

Ra On will never refer to Yeong as "oraboni" - the chronologically correct term during the Joseon era. I remember Dong Yi referring to Cha Chun Soo as "oraboni" and he wasn't her biological brother. And even though she could at least end up calling Yoon Sung "oraboni" I find that so unlike Ra On. As for Yeong... I think she will always refer to him as "joha" or her intimate nickname for him "hwacho seosaeng". :wub: But if I could choose I would like to hear her calling him by his birth name. It will never happen but he liked that she asked for his name because he is always referred to by his title. And he isn't just a title but also a human being. So I think he wouldn't mind if Ra On calls him by his birth name: Lee Yeong.


But Yoon Sung left a good impression back then in the kisaeng house. He didn't sleep with her - he even stopped her to undress. And then told her that only the woman who has his heart will also have his body. Very swoon-worthy by the way! I didn't miss the discussion on Yoon Sung but I'm definitely not suffering from SLS. I like Yoon Sung but I like that he is such a good friend to both, Ra On and Lee Yeong. ;)


I saw your comment on Lee Yeong faking his death and Ha Yeon becoming queen regent and Yoon Sung becoming king. That's not possible! First of all Ha Yeon and Lee Yeong aren't married yet - would Lee Yeong fake his own death and disappear Ha Yeon's status as Crown Princess would be removed. I'm not even sure she could go back to her normal life. I don't know if I mentioned it but as you maybe remember the Crown Princess is chosen through a selection. During that time a marriage ban is put on all yangban households with daughters at the right age. Then the daughters enter the palace and they go through different types of tests. In the end the final candidates are sitting in front of the King and the Queen and the decision who the Crown Princess will be is made by them. But it's a quiet unfair thing as well because the two girls who are among the final candidates and didn't make it aren't allowed to get married to somebody else. Because even though they didn't make it to become the Crown Princess they're technically all the Crown Prince's woman. He won't marry them or turn them into concubines. But they were too close to "heaven" (as in the Crown Prince/king) they can't go back and live a normal life with a normal family.

In history it was different matter because Crown Prince Hyomyeong aka Lee Yeong and Lady Cho aka Ha Yeon were married and had a biological son who became the heir and later king after his father's and grandfather's death.

But in the drama there is nothing like that connecting Ha Yeon to the royal family. (I leave out the spoilers from the novel) So I don't know what would happen if Ha Yeon is left behind.



Part 1 of 2 end (I think I discovered the limitation for Soompi posts?)


Wow, that's a terrible fate to be in! Why would one choose to go through that process if the odds of being selected are stacked up so high against you? What was life like for them after they got rejected? So this was the practice back then in the Joseon era? That's really not fair! I sincerely pity the women who went through that kind of ordeal. :tears:

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1 minute ago, Jillia said:

If the daughter of a yangban family are in the proper marriage age they can't refuse the King's order to enter the palace for the Crown Princess's selection. By the way those who didn't make it to the last round are of course able to get married. But year for the last one or two it's a hard fate. :(


That's awful! It's not even their fault that they didn't get selected! Gaaaah, I'm actually tearing up right now thinking about those women.. :tears:

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Just now, Jillia said:

I know right? Didn't even Ha Yeon's father warn her if she doesn't get selected she has to live a life in solitude? I think he did.

Yes, I remember.. It shows that HY has really deep feelings of love for LY.. Can't really hate the girl for sacrificing her future like that... In a way, she's being selfless.. ?

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@Earth2KatyD Omo chingu I just saw your post about YS and it made my heart go thumpity thump just looking at all the YS gif! He is truly swoon-worthy. Thanks for listing all his good traits and for making me realize my love for YS. :wub: 

I see YS has quite a generous list of female fans in here. Since RO has CP, do you girls mind if I take a piece of the handsome YS? Teehee. 

@Phuong Dinhlove your fake sub video! My shipper heart wishes so badly that it's real lol.     

Lol the "spindle theory" made me all giddy. Had to go look that up under sleeping beauty. Now I have something to think about lol. =P

@Jillia Oh that makes total sense why HY's father warned her of the consequences if she was not chosen to become crown princess. I didn't understand it before but now it's clear. 

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@Earth2KatyD Thank you for your post on Yoon Sung! It is perfect! Though sometimes he might be a bit scary , there are so many qualities to this character. Yoon Sung saving and babysitting the baby is the cutest thing :):heart:

@pyoyong Salute to you, captain Pyoyong! I will be there for the final battle, to save our crown prince, BY, Ra On and Yoon Sung no matter what.

Thank you chingu for being the genius that you you are. If it wasn't for you, who would have made up such genius plan for this urgent and dangerous situation :heart:

@Phuong Dinh Chingu, your 'Young On cutest moments' video is my favourite! I keep rewatching it, it brings me so much happiness. Also the fakesub interview is hilarious :) Thank you so much :heart:

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1 hour ago, Earth2KatyD said:

Yes, I remember.. It shows that HY has really deep feelings of love for LY.. Can't really hate the girl for sacrificing her future like that... In a way, she's being selfless.. ?


Yes.. but also CP has warn her as well.. he mention that she will be lonely since he can't love her back, its not only because she will enter a loveless marriage, but also she will never be able to go back to her normal life even if she's not chosen. 

From this conversation I understand why CP mention that he want to make the world where woman can live as a women, not only taking order from king/the palace.

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:blink::vicx: this thread goes at the speed of light! just last night i was at 1143 now we are at 1160 soooo crazy can somone kindly resume what happened? why the sudden jump ? 

and @ssamm glad you felt that reading my post yeah no one will be able to look at that scene the same way after reading our analizes bwahhaha so naughty! like you said i loved the eyes speaking of bo gum there :wub::phew:


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7 hours ago, nataliakay said:

Was just re watching ep 15. Probably the only episode that i didnt re watch after it ended until today. As I was one of those people who had so many problems with the episode as some may have seen in my older posts, after rewatching it again today I just need to record my 2nd view on it here.

Watching it while I am calm and not expecting anything really helped in appreciating every bit of the episode better. Suddenly I became more rational towards the actions that were taken in this ep (which became a huge frustration to many). I just want to state for the record that, watching it again in a proper state of mind, i find every flaw in that ep that I initially argued on before, justified now. That mainly being how I can now understand Ra On's feelings better from the very start to the end. How she actually kinda showed that she missed CP to at the beginning when she hugged him, how she continued to miss him even though she told him not to wonder about her,  how difficult it was for her to make the decision to cut ties with him, how that was a choice that she wouldnt have made if it wasnt for eunuch han's advice, how i think she didnt want to let go either hence her attempt at cutting ties off seemed so irrational. 

I criticised the writers a lot before for making both CP and RO seem stupid with their breakup decision. But re watching it again, every scene that made up the reason for the breakup and that led to the breakup scene fall just right. I wouldnt say the breakup was the right choice or decision but it just so happened to be the decision that RO had to make albeit reluctantly due to the pressure that she was put in. Needlesd to say every emotion that both PBG and RO exude in every scene in that episode, be it at the beginning of the episode when they first reunited or later when they meet again just to break up was done just right. Just the right emotion. Their acting was done with just the rigjt amount of sadness, longing and/or desperatiom and Nothing too extravagant that would or could have made their feelings seem too overdramatic. 

I'm amazed at how I am able to see ep 15 in a totally new light too. I must have been so hurt or expected something more when i first watched it lol

GLAD SEE YOU FINALY UNDERSTAND HONG RA ON character, but i wonder too,

Why took Along time to you to root her character..?

All your post always miss interpert her character as weak women?, why not change costum with beautiful hanbok? Her craying not enough tears to pull of her sad feeling? Why she always the one whom made CP saved her? all your questening always in negative porpouse to HRO character,

BTW l realize know why so many viewers always critize a women character when the story stuck on what a better to do to end the huge hangging cliff hunger, why always a Man character is more impressive then women character, it's not just because a gender point of view, i thought it's because as women sometime personaly we lost simpatize the other women feeling, we ignor her built character because over shadowed with  our hype to be rescue with the hero itself.

@Nataliakay, i always read your post cautiosly because your post always have double meaning for me,so many vague line in it, do know who is character you rooten for, but is good to you have the ideal imaginary to interpert the wraiter story as your own. at least i know maybe you is writer too.

Today is friday.. how about preview.. 

They will give us preview right...?

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MDBC Season 2?? I say bring it on! BUT only with the same main cast!

I do not critique a drama based on how factually and historically accurate it depicts. To me, documentaries are factual while drama is creative story-telling. I am actually glad that they deviate from history as this allows the writers to come up with surprising twists and turns. If I have to suffer a sad ending on Tues to see the same cast again in season 2, I am all for it!

I literally breathe and live MDBC now so I think the thought of season 2 after the drama ends will definitely keep me alive and well.

For now,


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I started watching the earlier episodes as I miss the mischievous cp and funny raon. Even when he was mischievous, there is still some melancholic feeling in him. Will be rewatching while I count down to the last two episodes. Really hope to c park bo gum's new work soon!

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7 hours ago, Axel_Ching said:


Thank you, It is indeed quite frustating.. Come to conclusion to think of these two as two different stories.. 

Who knows.. There's so much possibility that can come out by that ending. Make me go O.O while reading the last few paragraphs. I would like to know how her story plays out to be too. :w00t:


More severe problems than the mother definitely!!! :dizzy:  I am getting dizzy again....  Image result for naruto dizzy gif:lol:

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6 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:


YS is indeed every ladies dream guy. 

He is so skillful capturing their heart with very little / no effort. 

Any ladies will melt just looking into YS eyes.  And yet he is such a gentleman by not "forcing" himself on them. 

Actually l felt RO dare not look into YS eyes; doing so would make her forgetting her lines. lol


I so agree....I think she is so afraid of being electrified.....  :tounge_xd:

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