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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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My only thought now for the daebak ep.16:

Can we MDBC gang form a mission to protect our dear BY and YS??????

Raon actually has everybody protecting her from CP, to BY, YS, Eunuch Han, White Cloud

CP is a CP....the worst case is just to be dethroned

BUT BY and YS, they may die anytime protecting Raon and CP.

Don't let them die, PD-nim, they are alone trying to do their best for the one they love..... I cry my eyes out.

PD-nim, wonder how you clean the mess you created for us at the end of Ep.16. I'll book the ticket to Seoul to protest if anything happen to BY, YS, CP and Raon. Take my words seriously, PD-nimmmmm!!!!


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@xoxgossipgirl sorry to cut your post ๑•́ㅿ•̀๑) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ

30 minutes ago, xoxgossipgirl said:

4. [+74, -14] Honestly, this episode is a disappointment. Seeing how good the directing and script at the beginning, I thought there was finally a good fusion sageuk to watch but the story got draggy from mid to later parts. It's ending next week and nothing's been resolved. This drama's biggest mistake is saving Ra On's parents. It would've been better if only Ra On survived from his dad's rebellion. Ever since the mom showed up, all Ra On and his mom did for the past few episodes is hug, cry and talk about the dad. Whatever happened to her lively personality. Why did the writer decide to bring Hong Gyeong Nae into the story? We're nearing the end and I'd rather see the prime minister plotting their scheme and the prince joining forces with Beak Woon. Today felt so draggy. It's from the same person who wrote 'Who Are You', I'm not surprised that the drama lost its punch near the end

hem are they watching the live stream with extreme lag? I don't get where they get the draggy feeling from the last episodes? It was like speed information on max the entire last episode. ZR90_f-maxage-0.gif

54 minutes ago, b4 said:

I totally agree with the Java beans write up about this week's episodes. I feel that this plot twists should have happened last week or incorporated bits in somehow. I loved there was no wedding BUT i did not like how HY was like "I'm only the crown princess and not your wife but i was allowed into your room, no problem...blah blah..." i didnt like that line not sure what the intent was but to give her false hope. I feel the PM character really dragging out, how many times does it take to nail them with something. I missed the witty raon that we got at the beginning of the series, if she was going to be kidnapped could there be more of a fiesty girl and how did she get kidnapped from theach " secret room" we could have gotten a but more dialogue from her and between the two. Although PBG is doing  amazing protraying his role, i wonder why they had to scale back on KYJ. Plus where did her grandpa go?? I assumed he was one of the major players in helping PC take down the damn ministers. It will be sadness if we only get a 15min glimpse of them together and hopefully she is not dressed as a boy then the end. 

hem.. wasn't she kidnapped while watching the interrogation? Am I missing something? 

I don't know I don't think we needed more dialogue between Lee-Yeong and Ra-On pretty much what was needed to be said was said. The rest was said through their eyes.:heart:⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

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My wish for the last 2 episode

On ep 17 I hope it will be a final battle between the White clouds clan & the three stooges clan, the reason it's the perfect time because the Kim clan controlling the nation army so if WCC wait for another moment then they're will be prepared & it will be a suicide mission. The other reason is also I don't want BY leaving CP in the palace alone battling with the Kim clan & also if Kim Hun will executed by the court procedure then it means YS will also being executed and I will be damn furious if he has to died as a criminal while he's living his life as a righteous person.

With the retreat of HGN & RO, CP will use that time for doing restoration for the goverment issue & get rit of all rats inside the ministers also for recover HGN status as a rebel. Little princess finally telling the scene that she's witnessing to the paranoid King so it will cure the nightmare about HGN come to kill the King & it'll be replace by the nightmare of Kim Hun come to kill the King. The King then also found  the truth about Queen baby trafficking case that will bring death sentence for herself so the paranoid King become more paranoid & abdicated  (mian I'm not that considerate for that useless King :P).

And episode 17 will be ending with CP & RO (with being a a beautiful noble lady) reunite again in their garden with the lovely gaze & warm smile between them :heart:

For ep 18 I wish it will be as a healing episode for our broken hearts so it will showing lovey dovey scenes with our OTP as an official couple :w00t: (no troll scene again we deserved to have our byeontae soul being satisfied reminding all the tears, hardship & heartbreak that we've been suffered for several episode), the bromance, the comedy from princess ME & JDH, Eunuch Jang, RO eunuch pals & I maybe greedy but please give romance story for YS & BY too (PD-nim you can do the casting here because there's plenty volunteers from this forum for that:w00t::w00t:)

Now excuse me I have to prepare my self for the casting with being expert with this 




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After watching ep.16 for the second time these are my speculations: 

I believe our mains are going to be just fine. CP, BY, and YS are all very smart and strong individuals. They won't die easily. 

However, I'm worry for Appa Hong. The conversations he had with CP makes it sound like he is going to die soon. His death will be sad but very meaningful. Thus ensures CP to become a better King for his country. My guess is PM Kim will be the one who kills Appa Hong, in return CP will cut off Kim's head! (like 51% sure lol)

I hope the bad guys will turn on each other but of course we only have 2 eps left so I'm not sure if that is possible with the given time frame.

MDBC- You're the Best! Keep fighting. 




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I'm kinda nervous because there's literally only 2 hours left of the show but there's quite a number of things to cover such as

- the late Queen's death and how it links to Kim Hun and the rebels. 

- the little princess being the key that will out Kim Hun to be the cause of the Queen's death. 

- whether the crown prince is gonna follow the fate of the real crown prince in history or will he have a completely different ending.

- how RaOn will be able to live as a woman and how her family is gonna clear their names as they are being branded as traitors.

- where in the world has RaOn's father been hiding throughout the years?

- will the king ever fulfill his promise of being a father to Yeong when he needs him?

- will Yeong and RaOn ever be together in the end and if that's the case how does that happen?

- will we ever see RaOn dressed as a lady? Seriously I want to see her in a pretty hanbok :(

- what about Yoonsung and his role of being the one to reveal the evil doings of his family?

- and what about our Gat Byungyeon? and no! i refuse to believe in the speculations about him....LALALALA~


So nervous. But I'm ready and prepared for the ride next week.

Hopefully they will bring us a satisfactory and legendary finale!


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2 hours ago, parmma said:

Some boys use coffee as an excuse, others use ramyun. This one uses the clouds to stay over tonight.





I reckon they made love in this scene. The dialogue seems very suggestive. This couple, have such chemistry that staring in each other's eyes can imply so much more!

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2 minutes ago, syaiira said:

I'm kinda nervous because there's literally only 2 hours left of the show but there's quite a number of things to cover such as

- the late Queen's death and how it links to Kim Hun and the rebels. 

- the little princess being the key that will out Kim Hun to be the cause of the Queen's death. 

- whether the crown prince is gonna follow the fate of the real crown prince in history or will he have a completely different ending.

- how RaOn will be able to live as a woman and how her family is gonna clear their names as they are being branded as traitors.

- where in the world has RaOn's father been hiding throughout the years?

- will the king ever fulfill his promise of being a father to Yeong when he needs him?

- will Yeong and RaOn ever be together in the end and if that's the case how does that happen?

- will we ever see RaOn dressed as a lady? Seriously I want to see her in a pretty hanbok :(


So nervous. But I'm ready and prepared for the ride next week.

Hopefully they will bring us a satisfactory and legendary finale!


Well, if your think about how much information and action was crammed in to episode 16, I don't think you have to worry about all that information you want. Although I am not so sure you'll get all the info on Ra-On's father, it isn't really necessary to know about where he has been for this story.

And don't set your hopes on seeing Ra-On in a hanbok (*≧▽≦)ノシ)) just be pleasantly surprised if it happens  

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I wish they won't rush the ending since only 2episodes left, although for me the idea of RO's parents (both of them) resurrection is another form of miracle. The last episode should be showing us mostly RO-CP moments, they should redeem us from suffering for the last 4episodes. And now I will wait anxiously for next week, with my fangirling heart start to torn in pieces knowing that the finale is near, and I won't see new episodes of MDBC after next week :tears:

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24 minutes ago, KateSG said:

My only thought now for the daebak ep.16:

Can we MDBC gang form a mission to protect our dear BY and YS??????

Raon actually has everybody protecting her from CP, to BY, YS, Eunuch Han, White Cloud

CP is a CP....the worst case is just to be dethroned

BUT BY and YS, they may die anytime protecting Raon and CP.

Don't let them die, PD-nim, they are alone trying to do their best for the one they love..... I cry my eyes out.

PD-nim, wonder how you clean the mess you created for us at the end of Ep.16. I'll book the ticket to Seoul to protest if anything happen to BY, YS, CP and Raon. Take my words seriously, PD-nimmmmm!!!!


@Bambiina @pyoyong we need direction and guidance for next week on how to protect BY. Please come up with a plan, a great one please

@Ahpheng you did it again but this time i feel sorrow in the wording with the pic :-(

@Jillia your post about sleeping beauty /spindle with meaning behind it got me thinking wildly. Thanks for planting the seed in my already perverted imagination mind

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12 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

This is just classic. Thanks so much for this. I just laughed-spit coffee over everything reading this. :) 

I spit my tea toooooo reading @parmma's comment lol, in the old day CP used the cloud, if he travels to mordern day maybe he'll blame the power company of black-out lol

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