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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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9 hours ago, stroppyse said:


No idea about the rings, but I'm hoping for couple hanboks in the final episode!

kekeke I am sorry but the word couple just got stuck in my mind, so Ra-On and Lee-Yeong in a paired hanbok. I think this would suet our Crown Prince with pose and all 




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5 hours ago, Jillia said:

I don't know if this has been talked about yet but I wondered why Lee Yeong showed Ra On the room with the spindle... and then we got a shot of the two sitting next to eachother and the spindle in the front. (I'm going to ignore their conversation and will talk about it another time)

So I had to look it up and I don't know if I should post this because it will send some of my fellow Moonlighters to YeongOn heaven but:

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We know the spindle from fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty but the spindle has a deeply esoteric meaning as well. In Sleeping Beauty the Princess is waiting in her sleep for the man to find her and to wake her up with his true love and a kiss. Many sources say that with the kiss the Princess woke up and became a woman, marrying the prince at the end of the fairy tale. So even though the spindle is considered as a evil object - because the princess pricked her finger on the spindle and fell into deep sleep there is also a whole different meaning to it.

"It is also seen as a passage to sexual adulthood. The spindle, according to Bruno Jockel, can also be a male symbol directly implying sex."


"[...] the sleep is symbolic of the wait for sexual fulfillment. It comes at the end of childhood and is a way to prepare Brier Rose for a later "sexual union." (Bettelheim, p. 232) She spends these years withdrawn and in inner reflection. The sleep may delay her eventual sexual maturity, but in the end, it will happen and with as much glory as ever."

I'm NOT saying that Lee Yeong and Ra On had sex after this scene but I think if PD-nim and writer-nim understand the meaning of the spindle - and by putting it right in front of the shot I think it's clear they do - and knowing they can't go with the hot scenes from the novel this is their subtle way of telling us whatever it is between Lee Yeong and Ra On there is definitely more between them then just kisses and a sweet little touch here and there.

If you want to read more on the topic you can visit THIS website! :)

And with that I'm off to bed, chingus! ;)


OH MY GOAT! Jilliaaaaaaaaaaa! You! Aarrrrgghhh 

I'm in the middle of work, and now that word stuck in my head! 

spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle spindle

Now that you've shed light on the symbolism, I'll definitely see and feel differently when I watch the scene later.

My poor pervy heart...

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How I love a happy ending but how will they explain fortune teller telling evil premier Kim that CP and his grandson will die early ?


unless their fate changes when Raon came into the picture ?

i don't care how they do it but don't kill off CP and the evil Kim's grandson . This is after all Kdrama and not supposed to be based on real life . 

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I think they were close physically since CP carried her on his lap and they 'laid' in the same bed together. Thats how close they got. 

As for other intimacies, we are not privy to know the details of course. haha 

SOmehow the intimacies in this show work on the premise of less is more, hence such bombastic chemistry! 

THat can only be achieved by such good acting by our actors.



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3 minutes ago, Jillia said:

I missed you all as well, @Earth2KatyD! I wish my RL could stop until this drama is done airing AND I have nothing to discuss about it anymore. :D Being an adult is hard and living in a timezone in which people have to work while the drama is airing live it even harder. ROFL *flips tables*

True.. Don't you wish you're filthy rich so you don't have to go to work and just watch kdramas all day long? That would be something, huh? :lol: Kidding aside, it's wonderful to know that we can always find you here (whenever you're available) sharing away your discerning thoughts and informative facts about everything MDBC. Thank you for being here @Jillia :)

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1 hour ago, wen5471 said:

I pity the actor who plays King. Why do they write his character to be such an epic failure whose sole existence in this show is to be a sissified arm flailing, jelly-brained, eye ball popping nuisance?

l think if i am that actor, l'd go on an acting strike till they write me a part with a saving grace. Hmph! 

I m still hating on the King.. Burn, King, Burn. 


If the actor's acting can bring out these strong emotion from the audience, it means he has done very well indeed. The plot requires a very weak King to justify the uprising of HGN and his rebel group and be easily manipulated by the Kims. Our CP surely will learn not to repeat the mistakes by his father.

I would love to see him turns to Premium Kim and commands " Chop his head!!". They can show Premium Kim wtf expression as his head rolls. Well one can only hope. Lol.

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I totally agree with the Java beans write up about this week's episodes. I feel that this plot twists should have happened last week or incorporated bits in somehow. I loved there was no wedding BUT i did not like how HY was like "I'm only the crown princess and not your wife but i was allowed into your room, no problem...blah blah..." i didnt like that line not sure what the intent was but to give her false hope. I feel the PM character really dragging out, how many times does it take to nail them with something. I missed the witty raon that we got at the beginning of the series, if she was going to be kidnapped could there be more of a fiesty girl and how did she get kidnapped from theach " secret room" we could have gotten a but more dialogue from her and between the two. Although PBG is doing  amazing protraying his role, i wonder why they had to scale back on KYJ. Plus where did her grandpa go?? I assumed he was one of the major players in helping PC take down the damn ministers. It will be sadness if we only get a 15min glimpse of them together and hopefully she is not dressed as a boy then the end. 

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