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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Yeong talking to Dasan

Yeong: I don't know what you are worried about but thank you for that decision (letting RO & Mom reunite)

Yeong saying something to Mom :3 & giving a smile to RO ahhh cute :wub:

RO: I'll see you again, Omma  :wub:

then she nags her Grandpa hahaha

Then she leaves with Yeong

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RO and mom sit and mom holds RO's face ant 

Her mother asked if she had a hard time

as they talked she asked abou the crown prince

then suddenly she sports this worried face

outside LY and Dasan, i think he thanking Dasan

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RO's mom bumps into LY who is together with JYY. LY tells RO no matter what happens, she must never let go of his hand give him up and asks RO to promise him that she will abide by her promise. RO agrees to it so LY then tells RO that alright, he has fulfilled his wish now. He tells RO that fulfilling her wish is like fulfilling his own wish and tells RO that he has managed to find her mother.


This is when RO turns  around sees her mom standing just before her eyes. With tears in her eyes, RO calls out, Mother and her mom asks if she has arrived  too late and they start hugging each other.


LY's eyes are also brimming with tears as he watches them. LY asks JYY why did he choose to hide the truth about RO's mother from her and asks JYY why is it he didn't reveal the truth to RO about her mother so the latter tells LY that he and RO will get into danger if she were to be reconciled with her mother. But LY begs to differ and says that he doesn't know what kinda crisis nor danger JYY is referring to but he still choose to let RO meet up with her mother and adds that they will face this together.


RO's mom asks if it has been really tough and hard on her all this while so RO replies no, it hasn't been all that hard for her and tells her mom that the people whom she has met are  all very good and nice people and really treat her well including the CP himself.


LY tells JYY that though it worries him the things which the latter has shared with him but he will try his best to deal with all of them. LY tells RO's mom not to worry about her saying that RO is able to fend for herself pretty well. RO reminds JYY saying, Haraboji, don't drink too much liquor alright.

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ommoni doesn't look pleased with RO-CP relationship

RO-CP date time :wub: raining.... [preview scene]

CP takes RO hands..strolling around...CP puts his hand above RO and they runninngggg [Preview scene]:w00t:

Next Kim hyung saw some letter on the table

cut to CP-Ro scne.

Cp hold Ro!! while hold her on his lap, he wipe dry Ro face :w00t:

RO said she scared?


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both under the tree, it starts raining

RO ask to leave and LY said something to hear and she stopped

he took her hands and they walk in the rain

as they are talking LY pulled her towards her and raises his arms so his robe could cover hers

he signals her and then they ran in the rain, smiling and looking at each other.

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Here comes the rain scene we're all waiting for :3

RO: Jeonha, please wait here. I'll go bring you the umbrella.

Yeong: Okay, you do that... Do I look like someone who would let you do that? Me? :huh:

RO: Jeonha, can you walk a bit quicker?? Ahhh, the Crown Prince can't run in the palace, right?

Yeong: Absolutely nope

RO: Yes, I am aware of that

Yeong: But then so what? Then will there be a thing like a Crown Prince falling in love with an eunuch?? Everything just comes naturally.


OTP walking under the rain now while holding hands :wub:

Eddy's OST

Yeong being cool, blocking the rain for her with his hands & they start running while smiling at each other



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