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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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5 hours ago, Chewy Hoe said:


Queen nim, actually the moderator did gave a 1 and only warning to this thread just a few days ago and there are too many pages for me to backtrack that we cannot mention of other artiste, or fights among the threads and to respect each other so everyone is being careful because I believe the one and only warning would mean the next action taken would be to close the thread without any warning? Haha I am so terrified just even at the thought of it so I think that's why she wanted to highlight that to you cos she treasure this ship? Heh 


then I missed that one seriously.. juggling between managing busy business life and motherhood with my devotion to this thread... it's my bad. 

I sincerelly apologize for any inconvenience..


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@joongkyo Thank you for translating that segment of Jo In Sung's fan meet.

Haha. Song Joong Ki went from fanboy to leading man :) It seems like Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo had been on each other's radar even before working together since she noticed him in Nice Guy, and well, she's Song Hye Kyo! Is it true that he had a poster of her in his room when he was still new/young? And of course, he met her on the set of TWTWB, and then, there were their run-ins afterwards :) And now, to be so personally close :wub: So close that they had to act distant at the first DOTS press con and the reunion party. LOL. Whenever I think of those two events, I still feel amazed. LOL.

I really appreciate Entertainment Weekly for their parallel comparisons of their careers and interests :) 

@hclover96 Thank you for providing that gif of his News9 interview. If there weren't any subtitles, and if I were to go by lip reading, it looks like he's saying, "Yup!" LOL. Haha. He really was very quick to agree that the Song Song couple can't be broken up by Reporter Min Jeong or even anybody else! :D

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25 minutes ago, angieknows said:

@joongkyo Thank you for translating that segment of Jo In Sung's fan meet.

Haha. Song Joong Ki went from fanboy to leading man :) It seems like Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo had been on each other's radar even before working together since she noticed him in Nice Guy, and well, she's Song Hye Kyo! Is it true that he had a poster of her in his room when he was still new/young? And of course, he met her on the set of TWTWB, and then, there were their run-ins afterwards :) And now, to be so personally close :wub: So close that they had to act distant at the first DOTS press con and the reunion party. LOL. Whenever I think of those two events, I still feel amazed. LOL.

I really appreciate Entertainment Weekly for their parallel comparisons of their careers and interests :) 

@hclover96 Thank you for providing that gif of his News9 interview. If there weren't any subtitles, and if I were to go by lip reading, it looks like he's saying, "Yup!" LOL. Haha. He really was very quick to agree that the Song Song couple can't be broken up by Reporter Min Jeong or even anybody else! :D


@angieknows Fantastic post! I especially appreciate the first bolded part of your post.  The more information that comes out, the more I really feel this has been a mutual attraction towards each other from the first time they actually met that has continued to build up to the KiKyo we see today. Love Them :heart:!

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@missandreaand @angieknows, you're welcome :)

Apple Daily has published an article about SJK being the person who appeared the most on Kyo's Instagram.  He has appeared on her IG 15 times.  This number should be higher now since this article was published on April 13.  Kyo has since added 4 more pics with SJK in them (5 if we count this one that she deleted).



Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/enews/realtime/20160413/54977675

Don't know if these scans from the essay book have been posted or not.


Love the way they looked at each other in this pic :wub:


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@hclover96 thanks for the link and telling us the gist of it pretty much (non-chinese fan here lol). For someone who is very private, SHK teased us with not just 1 but a lot pics of SJK together (or not). And what do you expect, people will take notice of it, newsroom has sensed it too haha! SJK may not have an IG or social media account but seeing her post pics of him, again, together or not, make it even all the more special! Fandom always gets crazy!! Gaaaaahhh.

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Our ultimate Song Song fanboy is in Singapore now on a holiday 

so if you are lucky you can catch him and share with us your picture here? 

Sorry cos he is SS shipper so I thought he deserves a mention lol 


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A light bulb popped on inside my head at 3 am Jakarta time and after page 624.

I think what I love most about shipping Song2 couple, despite how they're so spazzable and genuine, is that this makes me know a lot more about them. Things I've never imagined before. 

I mean, sure, SHK is one of my favorite Korean actresses, and she's the first actress I watched from my first ever Korean drama, she left a deep impression. I know her acting skills is superb and I have an idea that she's a lovely and nice person, but I've never thought she's this admirable. 

Didn't know her parents divorced when she's so young, and how she supported herself and her mother to the point that she could buy her a house. 

Didn't know she has such a generous heart, donating to those who need it constantly. 

Didn't know she loves her country so much though some of the people keep on hating her unfairly and keep breaking her heart. 

Didn't know that she's a social queen of her own, with friends who love her dearly and are so willing to protect her, going through thick and thin with her. One has to have a good soul to have loyal friends like that. 

Basically, shipping Song2 and following this thread is teaching me that she's such a role model. So beautiful but with an even more beautiful heart inside. If I only like her before, I look up to her now. 

I regret to say that I've never thought much of SJK and had only thought of him as "just another pretty boy". And argh! How I regret it now!!! I wish I've followed him since his debut TT_________TT Why was there no one in my life who told me before that he's so awesome?

Yes, he's handsome and cute in the same time. Yes, he looks good from every camera angles. And yes, he has great acting skills. 

But he's not the only Korean actor that has this qualities. 

It's that video of him carrying the suitcase of a stylist that got me. It really made me stunned. Like, I really did a double take and replayed it several times. It's the first time I've ever seen a Korean actor/singer/idol CARRIED something for SOMEBODY ELSE. I was sure I even gaped too. 

And that part in DOTS Special that showed him comfortably wrapping meat with lettuce and feeding it to the filming crew. I mean, WHO ELSE DOES THAT??? He's definitely the first one I saw. 

Plus the way he really liked to dress down instead of dressing up intrigues me. Is this the right way to describe his fashion style? He often wears suits and shirts lately, but his usual style is super simple yet low profile. This habit really makes me think he acts for the love of it, and when the camera is off, he prefers to live like common people. 

The fact that he chose not to have an instagram or other social medias shocked me too. Here is a guy who wants to keep his life private, when he could self-promote and gain more fans through social media. This is so refreshing. It's like he really put boundaries for his private life. Let's just be frank, idols use IG to self-promote, to be talked about and to make people keep remembering them. Not him. He prefers to be out of the radar in his free time. This gives me the impression that he's very confident and has a good control over his life. 

Without the clip of him carrying a stylist's suitcase, feeding the crew, the dressing down and the "I don't need or want an IG account, kthxbye", I won't be this impressed by him. 

On one side is this goddess-like human being with a heart of gold and the strength of a lioness. On another side, a guy who is not only good at what he does, but humble and extremely kind. 

If these two are not fated for each other, I might doubt the existence of fate altogether in the future. 

They have to be. 

They are, I'm sure of it. 

I'm so happy whenever I remember that these two are most probably together. The term "match made in heaven" is really not an exaggeration for them. 

If I don't ship them, I won't follow this thread, and I won't be amazed by their personalities. 

Another leap of understanding is that, lo and behold, loving these two MAKES ME WANT TO BE A BETTER PERSON. What IS that?

How can I become like this TT________TT

They are inspiring that way. 

And you know, I guess there's no better praise existed than knowing you are an inspiration to people and they become a better person because of your existence. 

I wish one day I could communicate with them in some way or another, and say to them that "Song2 couple, you're my inspiration. My life is better since I know you"

Ah, Song2 couple, the way you make me feel.........

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Wow....Handsomeness....SJK & SHK both look good together. and can play music perfectly.....Hmmmm.......as I read the thread....they are and will....and we will be the first ones to be happy....Awesome! 

7 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

@hclover96 SHK's ig is liks a gallery of her and SJK :lol: Very cute.

Hi What is the IG name?

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4 hours ago, hclover96 said:

Apple Daily has published an article about SJK being the person who appeared the most on Kyo's Instagram.  He has appeared on her IG 15 times.  This number should be higher now since this article was published on April 13.  Kyo has since added 4 more pics with SJK in them (5 if we count this one that she deleted).


Awww!!! Even now the journalist wrote an article about SJK's appereance in SHK's IG :wub: SJK, you must be proud of this huh LOL As @angelicXD said, SHK's IG feels like her own gallery with SJK indeed ahahahaah

And in the future, the number will be increased so the journalist should be ready anytime to edit his/her post to add the numbers :lol:

Anyway, good morning and have a great Sunday, fellow shippers! :heart:


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To the person who *stole* my last translation about SJK-JIS conversation and uploaded it on Instagram some 25 minutes ago. I will give you half an hour to remove that content, I usually turn a blind eye towards people stealing my stuff and taking credit for it on Instagram but I think it's really rich when the poster who steals things blatantly asks to be credited for translations that she's stolen.

If you don't take the content down then I will not be sharing any more news/translations on the thread.

This isn't the first time it's happening and I don't understand why it's so difficult to follow a simple request?. Don't take content out of the thread and when you do, at least have the decency to credit the people who are actually responsible for that content. I don't just mean my translations and analysis but the screen grabs and pictures/gifs made by members like @melissala and @alleverything.

I will not name and shame you, since I know you're reading this. I hope this will be the last time I have to make such a request

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Happy Sunday everyone :D 

13 hours ago, Chewy Hoe said:

@kristy86 permission granted over lol 

lol, Roger that eonnie :D  Here's my thanks to you... :lol:


11 hours ago, janieriee said:

And I just can't take my eyes off your gif. :lol:

Btw, looks like he's going to cry at that moment. His eyes are teary.

He's just too happy, he looks like he's going to cry in so many occasion, lol :lol:

@hclover96 Thanks so much for the pics and News9 gif, he's so fast. He answered "Yes" even before the male anchor finished his question, haha... Just like MY in this scene :wub:



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53 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

To the person who *stole* my last translation about SJK-JIS conversation and uploaded it on Instagram some 25 minutes ago. I will give you half an hour to remove that content, I usually turn a blind eye towards people stealing my stuff and taking credit for it on Instagram but I think it's really rich when the poster who steals things blatantly asks to be credited for translations that she's stolen.

If you don't take the content down then I will not be sharing any more news/translations on the thread.

This isn't the first time it's happening and I don't understand why it's so difficult to follow a simple request?. Don't take content out of the thread and when you do, at least have the decency to credit the people who are actually responsible for that content. I don't just mean my translations and analysis but the screen grabs and pictures/gifs made by members like @melissala and @alleverything.

I will not name and shame you, since I know you're reading this. I hope this will be the last time I have to make such a request


The nerve of this person. I actually searched #songhyekyo on IG and yes, unfortunately it was there and it starts with "D". Please girlfriend, have some decency to credit people for their hardwork and their kindness of them sharing information. This makes me sad and sick at the same time. No matter how hard you try to protect your work, people will try to steal it. All of us now will have to somewhat suffer if Joongkyo and any of the members will not share information anymore. This thread will not be as fun. You ruin and suck the fun of it. This is really uncalled for. You know we thrive on this informations. Please remove it and in the future, credit them. Thank you. 


Thank you for taking it down and deleted that post. Please be mindful in the future or our great contributors will not be as generous as they are anymore. 

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@joongkyo thank you again for the translation on JIS fanmeet video, I mean JIS-SJK conversation :D SJK must be so happy to see SHK at that time. And they continue to bumped into each other after that, I hope this is fate, they are meant to be together. 



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21 hours ago, lynne22 said:


@superbigcat i agree with all you wrote...No mater how i see it.. The tower kissing scene from the BTS is way way better than the zoom out..

I had to pause for awhile to look again at the pictures you shared and then re-watching chewy's video.. i can definitely understand why you feel like crying.. i feel it too...  this is a very touching scene... fells like everything "ends with a happy note". arghhh Dots fever is still strong...

I started to notice tough, in the tower kiss and the last episode kiss, SHK had a slight smile when ever SJK and SHK are going to kiss. :wub: it's like both of them are very in to the moment, and to me it make it so much sweeter.... 

Remembering her the slight smile.. now i'm wishing that the hair tying scene had a kiss too... i remember both of SJK and SHK keep looking at each others lips there :phew: although after looking at the BTS.. i don't know how they can maintain their stoic face to shoot the scene... JK is hilarious in his attempt to tie her hair... :D 


Thank you for your sharing and sorry for the late reply from mine ^_^ Honestly my face was like this :crazy: when seeing the zoom out kiss because oh no at least giving us a few seconds of the zoom in scene first then zoom out whatever-far-you-want, and then luckily our souls are compensated fully with the BTS :lol: And yes I love how clumsy he is at the hair tying scene, wonder how many times he needs to do it over and over again to complete the scene :phew:


17 hours ago, kristy86 said:

Oh, I though I am the only one thinking about this. In the last scene when they start to show the clock tower kiss and they show the letter, especially the first part when it says: "we spent 258 days together" I feel like it's from SJK and SHK and I was kind of hoping the last words would be: from SJK & SHK , but it turned to be: "A letter of gratitude from all of our staff member" so yeah... :lol: lol

I am really thankful for all the cast and crew. The specials are as memorable as the episodes itself :D 


I feel like the happiness of discovery from SongSong couple is doubled when sharing with you guys B) Despite of how many times I watch the tower scene at the last episode, I can't contain myself from being touched and I love the fact we've developed our diverse feelings, recognition, analysis towards the same scene/expression/reaction of DOTS, both the drama and BTS ^_^

*Now backreading from page 525*

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What the..... is happening again. Ugh.  Can we report that post? Or direct message the person? Saw it on ig as well when i searched the songhyekyo tag. WHOEVER YOU ARE PLEASE RESPECT THE RULES HERE. PLEASE RESPECT @joongkyo MOST IMPORTANTLY. Why is it soooo hard to act decent? Seriously. Is there any way we can help to track the person and put down the post?? Aaaaaaisshhh


edit: it's deleted just now. Checked and it's not there anymore. But there's still a post related to a a user who liked "that" post. Phew. 

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It's so beautiful, she must be enjoying her vacation so much :D 

Woops @superbigcat has already posted Kyo's ig latest update, remove mine :D 

Btw, which ig acc is that? I can't find it when I search for Songhyekyo. Anyways, good to know she/he already deleted the post. Please respect other people hardwork.

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