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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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21 minutes ago, ysteee said:

@pgaltr I AM LITERALLY COPYING THIS SENTENCE ONLY! Thanks so much for posting! :D 

"Doesn't listen what SJK said, but see what he did. Doesn't see what SHK did, but listen what she talked."  

Yes, in SJK case, action speaks louder than words but in SHK case, word means everything! See? Like what i said, 他们是互补的!(They're complimenting each other!) 


chewy eonnie, i knw u will see this so am nt tagging you. Yes, we should knw the sequence of those kisses! Bcuz only then, when you 'recall' those scenes, only then you will know what does their facial expression,reaction tells you! Bcuz of my personal confusion as well on the sequence, i did clarify with ludadeer and yes, so thankful for the clarification, i now knw why SJK looks so hungry on the finale! HE LITERALLY IS EATING HER! You call that savouring?! I call that 'eating'! LOL byeontae alert! :D 

Yes, they are complementing each other! 


Here is the kiss scenes timeline, don't know the date for wine kiss. Not sure if it was before or after Greece trip?


2015.10.4 Gas pump kiss

2015.10.5 Clock tower kiss

2015.10.7 Truck kiss

2015.10.15   wreckship kiss

All shooting in Greece.

Credit 猫咪dē微笑@Baidu source

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@ludadeer  thank you...I love what you wrote. Im not that good at expressing myself but the content just tugs at your heartstrings and make you love the couple even more. @chewy hoe i've always watched the show in english subs... the chinese subs of the letter in ep 15 is so moving. Thank you for posting that. 

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Thanks for the share :)

This is yet another feast for SongSong fans' eyes! His body language and facial expressions (especially the second picture) both speak volume that he's listening to the sweetest voice of all - the voice that always makes him grin like a fool, the voice that he's been longing to hear all day! :P 

anyone want to take a guess at who's that angelic voice belong to? anyone? :D 

On the other hand it could be someone teasing him about Mrs. Song ;) we all know how the mere mention of her name can make him giddy!

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@joongkyo you are babo!! What secret are you protecting when you put it out in the main you tell me? But everyone knows it already! Don't get the pabo-ness from your JK Oppa 

@ysteee I just did reveal the gist of J post already. She is just being babo lol 

did you just say you ship Black-Fan?? One of the rare ones really but they are not as straightforward as SS and SS is so pure and wholesome. I have never ever doubted them for a single heart beat I have 

fellow shippers-please trust me when I say joongkyo is just being pabo(silly) she didn't say anything in that post she deleted.....really! She was just having her own fun with her JK Oppa. you miss out on nothing! 

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Im nt sure whether am allow to post this here bcuz firstly i dnt have the prove of my contents below (forgive me as i dint screenshot the post and nw i cant search it back on weibo. Dang it) i hope im forgiven. Here you go.


This lady posted on her weibo saying that how she wants SJK to know about the relationship between NANA (one of HC host, the one who hugs SJK after SJK shows the gun (pls watch HC trailer)) and her husband Zhang Jie. Because NANA and ZHANGJIE is a noona-dongsaeng relationship.

Not to mention, i ship this taiwan couple as well. Blackie and fanfan. They're also a noona-dongsaeng relationship.

I shipped both of the couple before and now im here. Bet you guys knw wt im trying to say. :D 

PLEASE TAKE NOTE IM NT BRINGING UP ANY ISSUE HERE ALRIGHT. Dnt take me wrong okay. And pls advice me IF this post has to be removed bcuz like i said, im nt bringing any issue here, so if there's issue coming in, i will delete it to cause confusion.


Lighten up the mood! HAPPY SHIPPING EVERYONE! 

And to captain J, omg can you translate? HAHA i now knw hw ure suffering when you're nt able to read. I am suffering nw bcz i cant read hangul! :( Edit: Cute lil dongsaeng! Hehh 


@Chewy Hoe Im just so rare. but that's nt the main point. The main point is, you see, i shipped both of them and them ended up married. :D 

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Having looked at 3 different post here of SJK talking on the phone I am going to be realistic and say it's not "her" reason being there is the blue shirt guy right beside even though his body language is so aegyo unless he doesn't care that everyone knows anymore? Am I closer to my wish for the 2 of them soon? 

I have seen the times that I would like to believe is talking to "her" because he would walk away to a corner, very very focused on listening to "her" and speaks with this gentle fondness even though I cannot hear a thing. Because I never forgot he YSJ said to KMY that every thing she said matters....

@melissala this is for you to thank you for giving your votes to SJK at iqiyi and to let you know I didn't forget about voting even though I spazz and I don't talk about voting because I hear the voting Everyday for baeksang and there is no panic alarms hence I am quiet. So far the Koreans have gone to movie category to vote instead lol. Massive votes coming from China for SS which we should be so thankful for because it's all pure human voting. Both SS competitors have no VB in sight for the longest time since my last update here so all is good and fighting is fair. However I cannot hear what's going on at iqiyi so all of us have to be aware who the main competition are at iqiyi and go for whoever needs it more if we cannot vote multiple times 

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@ludadeer, wow , I read  your chinese post  regarding to kyo , you decribe and analysis so much exactly and touching, I 'm proud of both JK and kyo, they are brave and consider to each other, I didn't how to describe their relationship in English, but just love them and hope they will have happy life forever, I try to order the Elle China of June from my friend and read more details, I love to read her comment from the magazine all the time, she deserved have a lover like JK that she can trust, hope we can find out more from his coming fans meeting in China and  of course everybody keep voting until we can see them in Baeksang awards and iqiyi ( popularity awards) in red carpet, and thanks @joongkyo , chewy khxy and so many other shippers contributions to this thread make it alive and so happy to read and just like release our pressure after reading everytime, keep sailing smoothly :P

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I have my heart equipped with titan unnie @Chewy Hoe to ensure that it will not explode because the cuteness of the two is too darn high. Well we welcome a new day of sailing with trying-to-keep-calm attitude and swimming in the excitement from previous news and ding dong deng, these 2 ninja master have never failed at fluttering their fans' tiny hearts in the most unexpected ways. *kudos to them*

Regarding the photo of him holding phone today, when I saw the following one, I thought that "Is it for a mobile CF?" because hello it looks too good to be true :blink: plus the language body from other photos, it makes me feel that this namja is not hesitate even for a second to show the world how happy he is and rolling in my mind is his saying that whatever she says (his girlfriend), they are all correct to him, look at his face expression - the happiness can convey through the screen and looks like he is excited with every single word of the speaker :lol:


Credit to series_fans_th@Instagram.


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5 hours ago, joongkyo said:

This is for the people on IG and the people following those IG accounts


1. Please stop with the yellow and red circles, arrows etc. We all have eyes - if there is something, we'll see it. You're extremely nice to worry for the rest of us that we'll miss it but we won't. 

2. Don't force yourself to "make news". I'm talking about the weird hand theories in pictures - if I were to take you guys seriously then SHK and SJK must have rubber limbs like Dr. Reed from the Fantastic Four. Sometimes their hands are impossibly short and sometimes they're impossibly long - IF we are to believe your theories. Sometimes their hands  can apparently pass through human bodies. Yeah, I love SS just as much as the next shipper - But, I haven't become so delusional yet that I can ignore the basic rules of science.

3. We , meaning all SS shippers look really idiotic when the SS tag on Instagram gets flooded with these ridiculous theories. I don't like looking/seeming like an idiot...I'm sure most of us don't. So please spare the entire fandom, if there are SS fans who are encouraging these posts by liking such Instagram posts you're doing more harm then good - trust me, the fandom has grown so much in size that other people notice what we do/like and we'll become a joke if we allow such silly posts.

4.This is for all shippers, please get the facts right. If you're going to mention dates, place, people, occasions - then please verify what you're doing. It's like any school paper, work report etc.  -- you don't just create things and then hope people will take you seriously. I'm not saying this because I'm a stickler for details but because I've seen how much confusion it causes for most shippers when the same news is shared with different facts. So please - do everyone a favour - before hitting that enter button. Just check your facts again.


Whether it's on Soompi, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube or any other foreign SNS sites, we're all part of the same fandom and we should be able to correct each other. People shouldn't take offense when someone asks someone to act more responsibly when it comes to information dispensing. 





Noted unnie !!!

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Been a couple day since I've updated the Baeksang trends... 

Yesterday overall vote

SJK  - 70.65%

SHK -  83.49%

Today's overall vote (currently)

SJK - 70.42%

SHK - 83.35%

SJK's lead remains at 60% and SHK's lead at 71%.  So again, a negligible loss for both over the course of the week as a whole.  13 days to go.  Over half way there.  Just have to keep it up now. Other groups might try something towards the end of the contest so we have to make sure they have a good lead to withstand anything. 

Also continue to vote here (10 times a day)  http://www.iqiyi.com/yule/100sang52.html SJK has a lot more competition so focusing on him would be the best option.  Though both are winning their categories by a lot. 

Anyway, that's it.


Go vote! 

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Hi my comrades,

This’s is my first post in this thread. I started reading all your comments since around page 600. Realising that I can’t catch up the old pages, I also googled and find some noticeable posts around page 400, those analysed the NY incident, HK press conference, arrange time-order and so on.

I really appriciate all of your dedication to build a very strong ship of our beloved couple. Reading all the posts here has recently become my habit, my drug, my eveything of the fangirl-shipper life.

I’m also very proud of you, mature and thoughful shippers who keep supporting our couple while still being aware of their privacy’s protection.

There are no way I could describe all my hope in our couple in English since it’s not my mother tongue. To say shortly, I just so love SongSong and among thousands of the shippers, I think I could share the most ultimate expectation with all of you.

Though I’m very happy to read your comments, somehow I still rest unassured that if there is a probability that things just don’t happen that way. I have a friend, she’s a Korea and Chinese drama fangirl and a SongSong shipper, too. Had she told me that maybe what Mr Song’s doing is just for his upcoming promotion in China. Chinese love Ms Song and many love SongSong couple. So, his agent’s stategy is that he’s rather having rumours and ambiguous (aka kind-of-close-friend) relationship with one of the most beautiful and famous Asian Goddess than anyone else (aka the probably Korea/Chinese actresses he’s going to work with in the near future). Being like that equals a gain, it doesn’t harm SJK. Because people keep loving him, keep the positive support for him in particular and for him&her in general. Thus, why not enjoy the cirsumstance when you have something to tell and keep your fans on fire. So does SHK, she has established herself at a top rank, and as long as this new remains positive, she’s fine with it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying SJK is the one who takes advantage of the rumour to become more famous, he really is at the present. But since the talk with my friend keeps hauting my mind plus the fact that he’s the mastermind of PR and after all the showbiz is just the showbiz, it might go rational more than we go emotional. So I write this post and really really really hope you can show me that all of my worryings are nonsense.

Im my heart, I believe SJK is a really good man and SHK, out of word, she’s a Goddess. I myself don’t believe that they don’t have “something special”, they’re close friend (in all meaning) and they just let the audiences’ excitement flowing. Sorry comrades, it’s me the shipper really hope they’re a couple, close friend is not enough for me.

Anyway, thank you so much for your generosity of feeding me information everyday. I have a hard time to write a comment on Soompi since I can log in but the reply tag is always unavailable and I’ve tried so hard to send this message to you.


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@kirachan It's nobody's duty to show you that your worries are nonsense. It's up to you ... You can read from page 1 of this thread, and you still might not be convinced. So, think what you want.

If you don't believe they have anything special beyond friendship, then, maybe this thread isn't for you. Anyone is welcome here, but I tell you now that the majority here are SS shippers who have faith in their "something special" and aren't so cynical and judgmental about the Songs' actions towards each other or at their fan meets or anywhere else. And no matter how civil and respectful the comments are, others and I don't take kindly to posts from "concerned" visitors that bring a dreary mood to the thread. Anymore of this and expect a more intense 'tude from a legion of faithful shippers.

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@kirachan the main purpose of a shipper thread is to be as delusional as possible shipping two beautiful people together. If after 800 pages you still have doubts about SS that is your right. There must be no expectation on your side for hard evidence...LEt SS do all it.

But i am offended that you suggest SJK is just using PR mechanism right now, he may be a whizz but Wouldnt it be better if he was SINGLE and drive all the fangirls crazy but time and time again he mentioned her Name. If that doesnt resonate with you, i dont know. And SHK is quick to derail any unwanted rumours, she cut short any with JIS after TWTB...no promotions,,,,nada.

SS has a unique relationship...i suggest you pray for them as we all are and Vote hard for them ...the rest of my beloved comrades Shipping goes on!!!

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I really don't think shk will be ok if sjk is using the ambiguity of their relationship as a PR mechanism given how she was affected by rumours with co-stars and the reputation haters gave her. I am of the thinking that if there is truly nothing more between them she would have denied more conclusively. But this is just my personal feel, and everyone is entitled to their own gut feel. We will never truly know cos we are not them. But I have faith after reading all the discussions here and will just be here waiting for the wedding news when they are ready.

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Thank you @melissala for keep on reminding us about Baeksaeng and Iqiyi awards, i believe those diehard shipper silently voting for them everyday, because i do :blush:

that's why we still manage to put them on the top spot. I can't wait for those 2 weeks to be over soon, because web game is killing me :sweatingbullets:

and for @lovely_skham_stv @joongkyo @khxy @thepixies @hclover96 @Chewy Hoe @ilovesjk Love every post love every information, i read them carefully like i read a novel. Thank you


and for other comrades that i can't mention i read every post, for the love of SS we're here as mature, logical shipper. Dan Geul


for silent reader shipper like me hi5 

ps : chewy eoni i love your voice ;)

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Hi everyone, this is my first ever post in this thread and I've been a silent reader all the time. Thanks would not express my gratitude to everybody here, I love you guys and all your posts and analyses. 

@kirachan well to be honest your recent post broke my silence. You don't have to believe that they are having something special, really you don't have to. And I agree with @angieknows that if you want more evidence to make sure what is going on between these two love birds, you should backread to the first page of this thread. Your request is kind of unfair and irrational, sorry for being honest.

In my opinion, if you cannot contribute more to the thread or showing your confidence (in their what-so-ever romance) other than let us, songsong shippers, down with your cynical views, you may maintain a silent reader. We are here because we believe in what we really think is developing between them, which is becoming increasingly obvious out of their actions (Ki oppa) and words (Kyo unnie). That's it!!!

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Hi everyone,

okay.. finally I'd done my translation .. geez it's soooooooooooo draining and frustrating, i dont think i had translated half of my emotions, i feel like it's harder than doing my mba!! -_-

alright here you go, sorry ladies & gentlemen i hadn't got any energy to proof read it, so pls excuse my typo an grammars .. i'm dying here!

btw.. it's just something from my own perspective, pls do not take anything out of context. 

hope you will enjoy it~

warning: it's EXTREMELY LENGTHY!!!




Route to her Self-Realisation

I think around 3-4weeks ago there was a discussion about seems like people were focusing on what He had done for Her but rarely seeing people talking about what She had done for Him. Upon reading numerous articles in these few months, the book that Kyo published, countless repeats on DOTS & BTS, I would like to express a bit of my thought here since I got a bit of time today finally.


To me, Kyo is a person who had gone through a lot, she had spent 20 years in this glamourous yet extremely cruel industry, I don’t think there’s anything she hadn’t been through. “Love” should be something she anticipates yet afraid of.  She is a brave woman, but the 2 previous publically revealed relationships had given her so much pain, I’m sure the last thing she wants is  to fall for her co-star again. I believe she must have positioned herself as a noona/sunbae to begin with when the filming commenced. From the BTS, we could see she definitely enjoy filming with this co-star, someone whom she got along very well, a good friend. But I don’t think she had fallen in love with him at this stage, or I should say, she never had thought about it. There’s why from BTS, we can see He had always been the pursuing one, and because of this, her shield had gradually disappeared.


Acting alongside each other / being around each other for 6 months was a very long time. Given the 2 of them already knew each other before filming, these 6 months was more than enough to really get to know each other, understanding a person. I believe the trip to Greece is one major catalyst !! I read through the timeline posted on Baidu, apart from the Red Wine Kiss (no one knows when exactly it was filmed), the rest were all filmed in Greece. So basically on the first week of October, they had been kissing almost everyday. The first kiss was actually the Gas Station kiss (to my surprise and also NOT to my surprise after knowing the sequence), what we saw there was a shy stolen kiss, the shyness was on BOTH of them. I was thinking didn’t you 2 just had a full on truck kiss to start with? Why on earth being shy now? So now we know .. it was actually their first kiss. Therefore, the shyness and subtle happiness wasn’t from Yoo SiJin & Kang Mo Yeon, but in fact Song Joong Ki & Song Hye Kyo. 2nd kiss in Greece is the one which the whole world was anticipating .. the rooftop/balcony kiss. How long had they been kissing? How many times they kissed? I guess we could ‘guestimate’ the answer from various photos/ clips/ interviews etc. Please do not forget the 2 had mutual admiration towards each other as said many times on interviews prior filming, I simply could not imagine how emotional could that be with all these kisses. What would they be thinking after all these passionate kisses?


Therefore, the various expressions of their hesitation & shyness on the minefield filming was so naturally conveyed to the audience where “acting” was not even necessary. Then it came to the last shipwreck in mid October. We all could tell it was their confession to each other needless to do any analysis. That kiss … i even felt guilty watching them, it was just SO PRIVATE! Cos we were watching SHK & SJK’s private moment!!!!! We were invading their privacy!!!!!!


She is definitely a professional actress, as I said, the last thing she wanted was to fall in love with her co-star again. That’s why we saw she’s trying put herself as a noona, even though she could see and understood that he had not put himself as a dongsaeng at all, but a MAN.


His injury in end November was definitely a turning point, there’s we started to ‘see’ what she had done for him.  She must have been really sad and worried about his injury, and to take the burden & pressure of his shoulder, she decided to pick them all up for him. She requested to filmed all the heartbreaking part first, which was very draining and emotionally breaking. I’m sure, this was when she started to seriously realise his importance in her heart. We all know he likes her so much, and can you imagine how touching he found for that? How many time he had talked about how touched and thankful he was? We could feel and heard his voice and emotion when he talked about this in the epilogue. Interesting in the very same epilogue, she was trying to play the tone down by telling this story in a calm way.


The parts that he filmed after his returned to the set, especially in Ep16, I’d never seen the radiance and glow on her face like that, I don’t think “acting” can let you self-illuminate. It’s the glow only given out from a person who is happily / deeply in love, and it’s not something like a teenage girl kind of love, but an adult type of love that could only get when you have found your true love. (ok sorry i’m so lack of vocab!!!!! someone pls help me to find the most appropriate translation for 幸福) We could see how burden-free she was in that episode, her expressions, her laughters, her eyes, her interaction with SJK (yes SJK not YSJ). It’s the happiness and completeness that she couldn’t contain.


The filming ended, but the feeling went on. The person who hated dating rumours the most actually went out for meals with him multiple times. And the most amazing part was that very persistent man limping all the way to NY, I don’t think there could be any more reasons for her to escape or to lie to herself anymore.


To accept someone’s love and to love someone needs a great deal of courage! I’m sure someone at her status, being a respected sunbaenim, she decided to let him take the lead & the spotlight tells everything! (needless to say he well deserved these).


Then it comes to the Hong Kong press con, most of the fans were coming for SJK, at the airport or the press con, fans/media were mostly focused on SJK. I have seen lots of Kyo fans were upset and unhappy about Kyo being neglected. However, you see she wasn’t upset at all, she was very contented. She was just sitting there quietly with her contented smile, supporting her man, let him lead, let him shine. This man.. Is a real man!!! He knew & understood exactly the media were focusing on him, and he was sooo attentive to her, making sure she wasn’t left out, making her laugh. And we all agree and we all could see how happy she was from here sweet bright smile!!! She had already passed the stage of worrying about how many articles will be on news, how many photos she would get on press, right now she is just a woman who needs love and happily in love. I think we shouldn’t need to worry further about whether it’s fair or not, it’s no longer something that she cares or concern about. From what I see, what she’s concerning now is her well being, and working hard on making the world a better place. So what we should worry now is, is she living happily? Is she happily in love?


And we take a look at her own press con, she just couldn’t stop praising her man, she simply wanted the world to know how good he is, and to let the whole world seeing how glowing she is. Kyo was never a talkative person (in front of media), but we saw how much she’s been talking, very good mood. We could feel the happiness was coming from the bottom of her heart, it’s something that she could hide (i don’t even think she wanted to hide at all). When talked about the NY dinner, again, someone who HATED dating rumours to the max, someone who was hurt deeply with nasty comments by dating rumours simply didn’t put forward any denial but surprisingly saying “we’d been filming for 6 months, it’s silly not to meet up for meal because of the possible dating rumours. Can’t we have any meals together?” Kyo… you just don’t care about anything else now right?


To be honest, I was expecting she might sort of clarifies or putting off the fire by saying things like “we are great friends, we are not dating.” Even so I would still ship them, cos it’s just very normal and appropriate to give out this ‘model answer’. And I was SHOCKED that she surprised me with her responses that were so in line with SJK’s. She didn’t just ‘not denying’, she even revealing A LOT MORE, i only felt she had gone mad! Madly in love.. Because of him!!!


Have we ever thought what are the prices she had to pay by doing so?


How many nasty comments had been on her all along the years? The 2 revealed public relationships plus the dating rumours with jis/kdw had simply skinned her alive. You asked her to start a relationship with her costar again? It’s the last thing she would do. All the harsh & nasty comments, Mr Song’s newly recruited “Mrs Songs”, bitter former co-stars, would you choose to get into a relationship like that?


How many photos that involved SJK had been posted on the IG of this lady who was so afraid of dating rumours? She knows (Im sure she knows) how many people are ‘monitoring’ her SNS, the people who loved her, the people who wanna trash her, everyone was eyeing on each and every action of hers. But she just didnt care! Have we ever saw a SHK like this? Have we ever saw she is so not giving a damn? If it’s not the power of love, i could not think of any reason!!!


I believe her courage and bravery also comes from the courage & bravery of him! Who would reveal intimate photos with  their “rumoured girlfriend” on their own fan meeting? It’s completely suicidal!!!! Think about how many self claimed Mrs Songs are in the audience? how many of them had built their ‘love’ on their own fantasies ? He gently dropped this bomb to claim his territory, as well as telling the world “yes I’d been very busy, but could still find time to meet her, because she’s an important person of mine”, and at the same time, bombed away the fake fans who didn’t really know how to love him and appreciate him.


A man like that, a love like that, is the very source of her strength & energy!


Joongki ah .. Hyekyo ah ...please enjoy your love, it’s such a tough work yet you had done it afterall.


We love you (songsong)!



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Hi everyone, have been a silent reader all this while but today i finally cannot contain my feels to jump onto this everlasting ship. Have always been thankful to @joongkyo  for her wonderful insights so to thank her and as a gift to all the lovely contributors, I have translated the full chinese text by @ludadeer. I have spent a long time translating it so hopefully everyone will appreciate it.


Around 2 to 3 weeks ago, everyone was discussing about what he had done for her but little was talked about what she did for him. After reading so many reports, watching her past dramas and endlessly repeating DOTS and bts, I would like to let out my opinions about this issue. I feel that to her, she is very experienced and being in her 20th year in this industry, what kind of obstacles has she not faced before? In terms of relationships, she should be loving and fearful of it at the same time. She is a very brave woman, but due to the hurt she got from her previous 2 relationships, I believe that she would not allow herself to fall for her costar easily again. At the beginning, she must have positioned herself as a noona to him. From the bts, I can see that she likes him and has a very friendly/comfortable relationship with him. However at this stage, she has not fallen for him yet or should I say, developing a romantic relationship was not on her mind. Hence from the bts, he was the one advancing towards her and eventually broke through her defence line.

Half a year of acting alongside is a very long time and both of them being acquaintances before filming, it did not take long for them to clearly know if the other party was suitable for them. Greece was the catalyst. Seeing the timeline from baidu, other than the wine kiss which we do not know when it was shot, the remaining kisses were all shot in Greece. First week of Oct was practically a kissing week. From the first petrol kiosk kiss, we saw a shy KMY. Ever since I have been wondering why they are still shy with each other when they already had an amazing truck kiss. That’s when I realised that the petrol kiosk kiss was the first and the shyness was between SJK and SHK and not YSJ and KMY. 2nd kiss was the balcony kiss, how many times did they actually kiss, I believe everyone can guess from the various photos/clips and interviews. For two persons who thought highly of each other even before filming, I cannot imagine what they really felt in their hearts. 

Hence for the minefield scene, the various shy and jittery feelings came naturally. At mid of oct, for the shoot at the sunken ship, without analysing we can see that it is a confession between him and her. I even feel guilty when looking at that kiss as it seems as if im infringing on their privacy.

She is a professional actress and like I said earlier, she would not allow herself to fall for her costar easily again. Hence we can still see that she positions herself as a noona despite knowing that he does not want to be a younger bro instead he wants to be regarded as a real man.

At the end of November, his injury, was the biggest turning point. We can see that she is starting to do something for him. His injury must have made her very worried and heartbroken and to relieve the burden on him, she volunteered to film all her heart wrenching crying scenes all at one go. I believe through this incident she must have realised his importance to herself. He was already so much in love with her, looking at the things she did for him must have touched him greatly. Therefore in the epilogue interview we can see how grateful and touched he was by her actions. And for her, she had intentionally used a calm voice to speak so we can see that she was not as emotional as him.

The scenes he filmed after his injury, especially the ones in ep 16, I saw happiness glowing on her face and I don’t believe that this can be acted out. That happiness, is not the sweet teenage type, instead it is the type when an adult finds true love.

After filming, their feelings did not die down. She, always fearful of rumours, actually dined with him a lot and he even chased her to New York. She can no longer deceive herself. To accept one’s love and reciprocate needs a lot of courage. I strongly believe that she knowing that she was already an A list actress, giving all the limelight and leading rights to her man is a very obvious choice.

During Hk’s press conference, everyone was coming for him, be it in the airport or press conference. Many of her fans were indignant for her, feeling that she was neglected. However she was never sad, during the whole pc she just sat quietly, supporting her man, letting him lead and glow. He is also very detailed, always caring for her, fearful that she is neglected. However his worries are redundant, in her position her exposure rate is no longer important. Now she is only a small woman, love can suffice. We need not worry whether it is fair for her, she has passed the time to care for this and what she is chasing for is no longer fame and exposure. I believe she only wants happiness and a more beautiful world at this stage. What we should worry is only whether she is living well? Is she happy?

During her own pc, she is still constantly praising him. She just wants the world to know how good he is and how happy she is. Being the quiet type, she actually answered every question fluently. Her happiness from the bottom of her heart can never be masked.(I believe she never thought of hiding it either) When asked about the NY rumour, she actually said “ how can I not meet someone whom I worked with for six months just because of fears of rumours arising? Is it that we can’t even have a meal together?”

To be honest, I was expecting her to make use of the pc to clear the rumours by giving “we are just good friends and we are not dating” type of answers. I would understand if she said that however I would continue shipping them as this is the model answer to give for celebrities suspected of dating. However she actually answered the same way as he does, not denying it, and even providing more info. Now I think she is really crazy, crazy in love with him.

Everyone should know how much she has to handle when she does not deny these rumours!!

All along, everyone is saying how much she likes to fall for her costars, the previous 2 r/s and the rumours between her and JIS/KDW have hurt her greatly. For her to fall for her costar again must be what she does not want to happen the most. Gossips, his new found fans and jealous old partners. If she did not receive a deep love from him, do you think she will choose to love him?

Her, always afraid of rumours, have uploaded many pics containing him. Despite knowing that the world is scrutinising their actions, be it her fans or her haters, she is never scared. When have we ever seen such a stubborn her? Such a brave her? The only reason can only be the magical power of love.

I believe her courage at the same time come from him. At his own fm, he showed 2 intimate photos of them together despite them being a rumoured couple. This is just suicide man! Just below the stage were many self proclaimed wives of his. By dropping such a bomb on them, not only is he proclaiming his stake on her, he is also telling them that “Yes despite my busy schedules, I would still find time to meet her, as she is very impt to me.”Also it can help to chase away some fans that he thinks does not truly like and appreciate him. This type of man and love is what gives her strength.

Both of you should just go and enjoy your love, as u all have already accomplished such a difficult task of falling in love and dating each other.

We love songsong!



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