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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@lynne22 your video is the exact same one that I watched when ysteee posted it yesterday that made me wrote my first post this morning and wanted it to be the only but just wanted to reply to you personally 

English is really not the best language for expressing emotions but if I could I would tell you in Chinese how I truly feel. Just look and feel the way he sings in Chinese even if you know nothing the emotions won't lie because your heart won't allow you to lie 

for those who are fortunate to be able to read Chinese, go watch dots again with Chinese subtitles, they are so beautifully scripted and may be even more beautiful then hearing it in Korean itself. English subtitles really takes away all of its true meaning 

i leave you with this beautiful Chinese extract subtitled from the will that YSJ left for KMY in Ep 15 that someone beautiful just shared with me again 


its heartbreaking and haunting my tears never stopped....

For everyone else, I give this to you

Credit to the owner 

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1 hour ago, lovely_skham_stv said:

Dedicated to: Anyone who is willing to see reason and reaffirm what WE already know .........

Song Joong Ki is a man who i have depicted as a real namja. His choice of words have clearly made an impact on not only us his fans but most importantly HER. He is intelligent, clever and extremely self aware, their is a reason why he scored a 380 out of 400 in the national college exam. Everything he has done so far has been done in a way to protect his relationship with SHK but at the same time acknowledge that they are continuing to learn more and more about each other to the point where it can no longer be denied by anyone. Thus reason for all the meet ups and the interview references and selfies. I know this has been recanted many times over but to me this is a crucial part to deciphering my views on our couple. He chooses to address SHK, 95% of the time as Hye kyo-ssi or Song Hye Kyo-ssi. The most popular and the most logical reasoning is to convey a sense of increase development of their relationship. If one was truly trying to in fact come across as a noona-dongsaeng said relationship one would immediately cabosh that type of addressment and increase the usage of “noona” as to eliminate all confusion and misunderstandings. I very much doubt that this because if this truly was to happen this would lead to more criticism and tarnished reputation on both parties. Therefor there is NO-WAY that they [SHK/SJK] and their closest friends would be willing to allow this type of backlash to occur

Their maybe a small sum of doubters to the overwhelming amount of SS shippers but I’d like to address a couple of things that's been continuously brought forth to why they are adamite that our couple is not dating.

  1. He wouldn’t reveal who he is dating: I agree he wouldn’t reveal who he is dating and so far he hasn’t. Truth be told every relationship calls for different ways to handle certain situations and therefor no relationship is the same. This particular one that many of us continue to support is definitely a huge reflection of it. The woman in question is none other than Song Hye Kyo. Let me repeat THE SONG HYE KYO, her life(media attention/lifestyle/profession and etc) is not even close to the way his previous non-celebrity girlfriends live their lives. It would be quite naive and unrealistic for anyone to expect the same type of dating style he's used to in the past which was in COMPLETE secrecy. Remember it was only recently that one of SJK’s past girlfriends was revealed. He started dating just after he finished college so within that time frame and sometime before his military enlistment did he have 4 girlfriends in which one of them he revealed himself he was in a relationship for 2 years. So no DISPATCH and no other media sites outed the man even with other shippers claiming he had a romance with his previous costars. Now to expand on the notion that he was and still is dating said woman. As a woman or even to flip the scenario how could a woman or a man date a person who you hadn’t seen for 6 months? Especially since seeing each other for 3 months during filming. Can a relationship withstand such a lengthy seperation? Also if that still doesn’t reaffirm that this type of thinking is at all false. Id like those type of people to enlighten me on this amazing feat we call teleportation/invisibility that SJK must harness within himself to still maintain a relationship during post filming. So for the doubters please feel free to P.M, with this earth-shaterring reveal, I am all ears. Furthermore SHK was considered an A-lister and still is, now please don’t take offence to this but in my opinion due to the recent popularity boost that SJK for his role in DOTS he is now considered a full fledged A-lister. Please do not mis construed that, I have always thought SJK is one talented man in more ways than one and I am 100% his full supporter but truth be told in the past I didn't consider him to be on the same level as SHK was. However as of now with their immense star power their growing relationship will have to be fine tuned to still remain private but as I mentioned previously there is a level of secrecy one must give up when being in a “Brad and Angelina” type relationship. It is extremely foolish to believe that they can hide absolutely anything and everything from interest eyes. It is most evident to me that they obviously are aware of the pressures whether that being positive or negative and so have taken it one day at a time. in my eyes their relationship has certainly blossomed through the countless SS revelations and with the help of their closest friends it has become easier for them to spend time with each other [please refer to picture below] :)


  1. What’s this about YAI? YAI and SHK. Despite countless references from both sides referring to each other as “noona” and “dongsaeng.” They would still like to believe something is going on. humph I am astounded by the lack of reasoning behind this thought. As well Id like to point out that If the way they address each other in interviews not reason enough, SHK has always considered YAI like a little brother and with her revealing in the new issue of ELLE JUNE she prefers an “Uncle” over a “younger brother” that should spell it out IT AIN’T HAPPENING for the said doubters of SS. However lets digress and state my opinion of YAI. First off he is an incredible person, I can’t begin to put into words my admiration for this man. It's no secret that he has been a long time friend of both Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki. I have the highest respect for him, because he stays true to himself and continues to protect her and has maintained his close friendship with SJK as well. I have yet to see anything and nor do I believe I would see anything at all that would give me any inclination of something more intimate than a brother-sister relationship. For me he is one of her closest confidants and continues to “support them to the very end” Those are his words not mine, Why must people twist the newly released selfies and make it seem as though YAI and SHK are dating…. If this was at all true which in fact its not but lets humour the thought, what kind of an ass would SJK be to post something like that when YAI and SHK weren’t even there to react and explain the picture themselves. Also to supposedly out their relationship on such a grand scale is completely false, quite imaginative and unsupported to say the least. Remember these 3 celebrities are among the most private and so the idea that something is brewing between YAI and SHK is extremely laughable and mere troll food for the thread. 
  • Is he really a Jerk? NO I don’t believe this one bit. Why don’t I believe this...... it’s because i asked myself a few questions..... So to start off let’s say that he was in fact dating someone else other than SHK. Please tell me why SJK an honest, caring, kind-hearted, considerate and a outright complete gentleman would disregard any attempts to deter SS shippers into thinking that we are merely being delusional? More specifically why does this man continue to mention SHK when the questions do not require him to do so? Why would he continuously tip toe around the dating rumor with her? Why would he continue to stay in touch with SHK after DOTS has ended?, Why would he fly all the way to NYC to have dinner with her?, Why would he speak to the media about her as if they are more than close friends, Why would he go out of his way to be a part of a covert 007 airport mission to get SHK unnoticed at Incheon airport? Why would he choose to spend the extremely rare days he has off with her [TMI anniversary dinner MAY 10, 2016]? Why would he appear to be mere cm’s away from kissing her in the private selfies? Why would she so willingly pose in a way where she can be seen leaning on him? Why is it that "The man she loves is humorous [If i'm not wrong i don't recall anyone making SHK laugh as much as SJK does]? Why would his responses to the FM questions be so open to the idea that SHK was in fact his girlfriend and no other? Also during filming of DOTS why does SJK constantly stare at SHK’s face more specifically he looks like he is completely engrossed by her mouth and lips? I’m sorry but I don’t think I can be any more clearer other SJK must be the BIGGEST JERK in the entire world So needless to say SJK IS NOT THAT kind of man who would out right display affection towards another female whilst dating another especially how disrespectful that would be towards both parties. Basically i would like to say to the doubters “Come on how does that make sense?, it doesn't take someone who's been in a relationship to know that, the actions of Mr. SJK towards Ms. SHK would be EXTREMELY INSENSITIVE AND DEEMED DUMP WORTHY to say the least by his supposed girlfriend 

So hopefully this ALL made sense, I really tried to be constructive and followed my intuitions about our couple. I know I may not have convinced all of you but truthfully this wasn't the point of this post. As the days go by I find myself revisiting certain posts to counteract negativity and solidify my feelings towards our couple and so this was my basis for such a lengthy post. So hopefully for the ones that do believe and agree that whatever is going on between the two of them is nothing short of natural and perfect. I am truly enjoying their relationship flourish each and everyday, they have learned a lot from each other and I myself have learned a lot from them to the point of being almost an expert….about how to dissect celebrity relationships…… or maybe not…… Lol please ignore the last bit, their are plenty of other shippers here on this thread who I can't thank enough for their insight and it is ALWAYS a pleasure to read. I know my posts are not the quickest to read and so I do appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read my loooooong train of thought as someone has kindly mentioned to me. Thank you everyone for the constant updates, I look forward to more, and as the voting days wind down it looks more and more like SHK and SJK will win the popularity vote because of everyone's hard work. 


*Please excuse my many grammatical errors






I m totally with you on this. While we cannot say for sure what the status of rs between SJK-SHK really is (only they have a right to say so),  it is totally inconceivable that the two of them will flaunt their closeness publicly like that IF they were in rs with other (famous) people. They are not such insensitive pple - that, we all (shippers & non-shippers) alike agree or we wont be their fans in the first place! So get over it, some people!



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Chewyy unnie... I knoww ... when i first heard him sing this song.. i was speechless....  i was very very moved with his singing.. even when i did not fully understand Chineese... That is how touched i feel when he sang this song.

He sang it so so well.. and the pronunciation very good... so very proud of SJK.

That's why even tough i understand that there would have been a difference in translation, i wanted to dedicate this song to other viewers like me who do not fully understand the lyrics.. so we can appreciate his sincerity in singing for us.. his fans..

I'm very very proud of SJK...


Thank you Chewy for the quotes and video.. i cried a lot when ever i watch ep 15.. heartbreaking doesn't even cover it... and the video bring back a lot of memories. KMY is YSJ's everything...

You know, i'm forever grateful that DOTS brought us all here. 

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chewy unnie, i cried so much with english subtitles, if the chinese translation carry more feelings then i really wished i could read chinese. i should studied harder.

after reading your post and remebering the scene, also listening to him sing, im overwhelmed with feels. i know the song as my hk friend introduced it to me few years back. he really sing it beautifully. JK oppa.. i like this song better than the other song but i still like both. 

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Chewy eonnie, ep15 really ruined me. With or without subs it never fails to make my heart ache, but wow reading the chinese subs you just shared really hit me hard! Along with that beautiful video. My heart can't take it :tears: So much love for SS ahhhhh

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This is for the people on IG and the people following those IG accounts


1. Please stop with the yellow and red circles, arrows etc. We all have eyes - if there is something, we'll see it. You're extremely nice to worry for the rest of us that we'll miss it but we won't. 

2. Don't force yourself to "make news". I'm talking about the weird hand theories in pictures - if I were to take you guys seriously then SHK and SJK must have rubber limbs like Dr. Reed from the Fantastic Four. Sometimes their hands are impossibly short and sometimes they're impossibly long - IF we are to believe your theories. Sometimes their hands  can apparently pass through human bodies. Yeah, I love SS just as much as the next shipper - But, I haven't become so delusional yet that I can ignore the basic rules of science.

3. We , meaning all SS shippers look really idiotic when the SS tag on Instagram gets flooded with these ridiculous theories. I don't like looking/seeming like an idiot...I'm sure most of us don't. So please spare the entire fandom, if there are SS fans who are encouraging these posts by liking such Instagram posts you're doing more harm then good - trust me, the fandom has grown so much in size that other people notice what we do/like and we'll become a joke if we allow such silly posts.

4.This is for all shippers, please get the facts right. If you're going to mention dates, place, people, occasions - then please verify what you're doing. It's like any school paper, work report etc.  -- you don't just create things and then hope people will take you seriously. I'm not saying this because I'm a stickler for details but because I've seen how much confusion it causes for most shippers when the same news is shared with different facts. So please - do everyone a favour - before hitting that enter button. Just check your facts again.


Whether it's on Soompi, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube or any other foreign SNS sites, we're all part of the same fandom and we should be able to correct each other. People shouldn't take offense when someone asks someone to act more responsibly when it comes to information dispensing. 





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@lovely_skham_stv love your post:wub:, except for the "Brad-Angelia", I know many people love them, I do for the thing they did to the world, but for their relationship I don't, that's why don't really want to see SS to be compared to them, sorry it's just my pov 

@Chewy Hoe I re-watched DOTS too many times that I lost count, while re-watching I watch the whole ep without skip any scene but there is one scene I always skipped while re-watching, "the letter of YSJ", it was so heart-breaking while live watching this scene  to the extend I though I would die of heartache. Only watched it one time while broadcasting, I managed to remember every word of the letter, just seeing the picture of that scene recall the painful emotion. I can't shake the feeling of how much it hurts YSJ, know he loves KMY so much, but in his letter he asked her "pls don't think of me for too long, I asked you that favor" :tears::tears::tears:

there are two letters in K-drama that I can recite without failing no matter how long time has passed, letter in QIHM and DOTS. TBH, the letter in DOTS was so painful that this is my 1st and will be last comment about that scene. :tears:


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Hi Everyone,

here is something I'd written after gathering all my thoughts throughout these past few months. However, I apologise that I'd only written it in Chinese cos to me it's the best medium to convey my feelings and express my emotions. I'll try to write an English version later when I have time. For those who can read Chinese, pls feel free to read the below :D Hope you will like it.










所以後來拍攝 mine field時各種羞瀝,各種戰戰兢兢,根本不需要演也就自然出來了。到最後十月中拍攝的沉船灣,不需要再分析也知道那根本就是她對他及他對她的互相告白。那吻我看著都有點內疚,覺得侵犯了他們的私隱。














說真的,我本是預著她會趁記者會略為澄清一下或搣一下火,就是說「我們是很友好的關係呀,不是拍拖的」之類,就算她這樣說我也理解,我還是會繼續shipping。因為「正常」答問就應該答這類的model answer。怎料她竟跟他口徑一致,不否認之餘還給大家更多內容,我只覺她真的瘋了,為了他,她真的愛得瘋了。








我相信她的勇氣亦同時來自他的勇氣。他在自己的fan meeting中放出兩張與「緋聞女友」的親密照片,這根本是自殺式啊!試問一下究竟台下有多少個自以為是宋太太,有多少粉絲的所謂「愛」是建築於他們的幻想上?小宋就這樣從容不逼的放一個炸彈,宣示主權之餘,還告訴大家「是啊,我很忙,但我還是會抽出時間見她,因為她是很重要的人」,更一塊兒轟走一些他覺得不是真正愛他欣賞他的「粉絲」。這樣的男人,這樣的愛,就是她力量的泉源。






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27 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

This is for the people on IG and the people following those IG accounts


1. Please stop with the yellow and red circles, arrows etc. We all have eyes - if there is something, we'll see it. You're extremely nice to worry for the rest of us that we'll miss it but we won't. 

2. Don't force yourself to "make news". I'm talking about the weird hand theories in pictures - if I were to take you guys seriously then SHK and SJK must have rubber limbs like Dr. Reed from the Fantastic Four. Sometimes their hands are impossibly short and sometimes they're impossibly long - IF we are to believe your theories. Sometimes their hands  can apparently pass through human bodies. Yeah, I love SS just as much as the next shipper - But, I haven't become so delusional yet that I can ignore the basic rules of science.


Don't forget that old chestnut: THE COUPLE BRACELETS. Dun dun dun

Just. No. NO. N.O. Stop it. They do not have couple bracelets. Kyo has a hair tie on her wrist! And SJK has replaced the one he gave the Thai fan with a new one. But they are NOT THE SAME THINGS.

So UGH, stop with this idiotic theory. 

Sorry, personal IG peeve. LOL

All evidence for SS is on this thread and provided by OTP themselves. ;)

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@ludadeer 我真心给你跪了!这是我读过最最最吊最接近心灵的乔妹's point of view 啊!



原来爱情可以让人不顾外界影响,可以把一切光芒给她爱的男人;可以不顾一切的只因为他。我相信他们是互补的,你需要我正如我需要你一样。老天爷是公平的,它把最好的都留给那些值得等待的人。 :) 

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