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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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SJK's appearance in Hurry Up Brother preview.  I can't wait for it because it's also a Running Man China vs. Running Man Korea episode.  Don't know if this will be aired this Friday or next Friday though (most likely next Friday since the preview for the May 6 episode is not this)






@hyukgu, oops, sorry, didn't realize we posted the same video around the same time.

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@ludadeer Yesh, i have posted something similar before. OMG! High five! :D 

Offscreen: captain grabs beauty's chin, kissed and separate then beauty wraps her arm around captain's.

onscreen: captain grabs beauty's chin, kissed, DEEPER KISSED AGAIN and separate then long deep kiss goes on and on. OH BYEONTAE! :wub::wub: 


@Prentiss I have some of the scenes on my mind while reading your posts about the 'look in the eyes'.

(1) Shining eyes : in BTS, where captain wanted beauty to do an interview. "Here comes hye kyo-ssi~"

(2) Raised eyebrows : in the tent scene on ep16 finale.

(3) Prolonged gaze: ALL SONGSONG KISS SCENES.

(4) Uneven eye contact distribution: the scene where captain and beauty reunion in urk when the earthquake occured. 

(5) Looking at you after saying anything funny : same bts as (1), after beauty walked away, he looked at her. 

Anyone have any idea on (6) & (7)? 

HEHE this is just for fun. 

Happy shipping everyone ! 

Can't wait for more SJK news in thailand!



@angieknows We need more positive post liddat! Glad we have you and @twtwb too ! :) 

@lovesshi Keep your posts coming ! Saranghae :) 

@superbigcat I cnt help but to visit beauty's ig all the time. The amount of pics of SJK in her ig. Okay, bcuz he doesnt have ig,so she post it on behalf on him. Okay, i got it now. ^^ 


Im nt sure whether i can tag more ppl. But to those who i didnt tag here, i really like your posts alright! Keep this thread flowing with positive vibes ~ 

Love you all ! xx


It's really a long post isnt it? HAHA 

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56 minutes ago, lovesshi said:

Tmr there is a closed PC at W hotel at 11am and after that 30 lucky fans will do photo shoot with JK and there is an activity after FM show at night  as well. 


Thank you for keeping us updated with SJK latest news in Thailand! :) Wish some fans will give us a sneak peak from his FM tomorrow, and wah those 30 fans are lucky indeed to have photo-shoot with JK :w00t:  

@hclover96 :sweatingbullets: I also just realized that lol it's okay, since that's double post, I've edited to SJK's new pic from Hite :D

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@angieknows, thank you for sharing with us the situation.
And No, you are not pulling the thread down again.. This is actually an illuminating post.

And it should be noted that your post reminds me again that WE ARE STRONG.. STRONG enough to stand for what we believe and that is why we have a big faith on SS.

I have a lot to say about antis and haters but i'm not going to.

Antis and haters aside, i feel that it is very sad to hear SS shippers are attacking each other when we should have been united, as we are in the same boat, with the same common goal. 

The only one who will be clapping their hands will be the antis and haters, you know... just need to say this.... Difference in opinion is normal, but borrowing a quote by @twtwb.. Lets just STAY HAPPY TOGETHER, don't make our difference distract us from our common goal. 

There a lot of contributors in this thread which i have always respect. Joongkyo is one of them.
For me personally, joongkyo's post commends a lot of respect from us who are even older than her (yes, i'm in the older category lol) because we can see that she always puts a lot of effort to be factual in her post... Its her form of love for Song Song. And i admire her for that. Age is never a factor if you are being sincere.

I don't know her personally, but I can read a long the line if a person is being sincere or not, and she has always been sincere in her love for Song Song. 

Chewi unnie... Thank you for sharing with us Joongkyo is fine.  I wish her well. Hopefully one day, Joongkyo will come back again to this thread. 

@superbigcat I love the pics you shared :lol:

@lovesshi thank you for the updates :wub:

I'm still trying to earn my points to vote but why is it very very hard now .. sighh,,,,,

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Hello fellow SongSong shippers! I have been a lurker here since page 1. I came out today to help keep the positive vibes in this forum.

I was saddened by the departure of captain joongkyo but i understand her reasons. Whether you get to read this or not, thank you joongkyo for all the info you shared. As someone who do not understand korean, I am so thankful for all the goodies you shared in this forum. Know that you have made me happy with your posts and I truly appreciate the effort you have exerted for the love of SongSong. However, it is your utmost right to protect yourself from trolls and haters who bully you just because they do not share your passion and opinions. I hope you are much better now and whether or not you decide to come back, know that this ship would have never sailed this far without your inputs.

To the trolls and haters, I hope you find something productive to do with the awfully large amount of free time you have. I really can't understand why you waste time in this forum when in the first place, you hate the contents of this forum. Let the shippers in this forum be. They are not hurting you with their views, whether it be delulu or not. They are also not claiming doubtful or unconfirmed things as facts. I have read all their posts and never did they assume things then claim that their assumptions are facts. Like normal couple shippers, the shippers here are having fun speculating with the facts already known. If you dont like their speculations, then stay out of this forum. It is that simple. Afterall, no one is forcing anyone to stay or join this ship.

To the other SongSong shippers, I hope you keep sailing this ship. I am very thankful for all of you since your posts satisfy my daily need for a supply  or dosage of SongSong. I'm sure the majority of lurkers here share the same sentiments as mine. Do not be discouraged by trolls. Show them that our ship is strong and will continue to sail on whether they like it or not. Like they say, "haters gonna hate". They just want to rock this ship because they are  either jealous or threatened. They want to anger us and instill doubts in our minds. Do not ever give them that satisfaction. Keep shipping until the haters give up. At the end of the day, we are here for our love for both SJK and SHK. Let that love be the thing that wins in this forum. Happy shipping!

Sorry for the long post. Back to lurking! :)

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Big thanks to everyone for keeping the thread alive. To @joongkyo, you will be missed and forever welcome back here. Its not the samewithout you.

so we see what our SJK is up to in BKK. Now do we know where our Kyo is? Is she anywhere on anyone's radar? Man I miss speculation posts already

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Good Morning!

Id like to apologize for posting that photoshopped picture, I think my state of mind was merely to improve the mood in the thread by posting updates but I didn't take extra care in making sure my sources actually were legitimate, Again I'm sorry and I must thank @alleverything for catching that. Much appreciated!

I really think that it is wonderful to see a lot of posts from many different members!

 @hclover96 I always enjoy your posts because it brings so much warmth to continue shipping on 

@twtwb Thank you for taking the time, to bring us all together and clear the air in such a thought provoking post. It is always deeply appreciated how each and every one of you post really captures the essence of why everyone is here in this thread.

@lovesshi Thank you for keeping the thread up to date on SJK in Thailand. 

To everyone else! I will continue to enjoy your posts. Please keep voting and enjoy the rest of your day/night!

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That girl is either a coordi noona or his dongseng. But why are there so many young looking men with Joong Ki? It looks like he really did went for a vacation before the meeting. They look like his friends. Like who are the three young men behind him hahah

It looks like the girl and the other guys behind SJK didn't go in the same car? They came separately? 

Someone eating next to the room SJK did and went to look after they were finsih says the room smells so good lol what? 


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36 minutes ago, lynne22 said:

@hclover96 Thank you for sharing SJK apperance on RM China... 

Sorry for asking this, hehe but where can we find the full video once it is aired? 

@hyukgu wahhh BIG BOSS is looking good there... Lol



I think we can watch it in Youtube. Here is the link for RM China channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfj8FsoiPFHn1gZMJaeLEDg

I hope this will be helpful~:)

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The Thai twitter thread seems to suggest it might be his sister. She seems rather shy and he keeps his arm around her and even waves to the camera. So whoever it is, it must be a very comfortable relationship to make it so public. Otherwise he knows the fans and shippers would be upset.

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31 minutes ago, MrKobegiant said:

Who's the girl he's got his hand around in the twitter video? :tears:


According to Thai fans it's his little sister :) But so far its just a speculation. Anyone can confirm it whether its his little sister or his staff? Thanks :) 

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1 hour ago, Erin Lokanata said:

According to Thai fans it's his little sister :) But so far its just a speculation. Anyone can confirm it whether its his little sister or his staff? Thanks :) 

its his sister.. 

done editing

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Ah.. Yes.maybe.. She looks a bit different from the time when her picture was taken in Canada and the picture Prentiss posted. Alright,  I'm just jealous that he's got his paws around another female.  For me,  it's got to be Kyooooo...:blush:

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I think it is either his sister or his attempt to protect kyo from scandal. they already have many oppotunity to say no but they both don't. besides joongkyo aleady shared kyo reaction toward someone in relationship.

I really miss joongkyo in this kind of time

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3 minutes ago, Nang Hom said:

I think it is either his sister or his attempt to protect kyo from scandal. they already have many oppotunity to say no but they both don't. besides joongkyo aleady shared kyo reaction toward someone in relationship.

I really miss joongkyo in this kind of time


You should really rely on yourself. C-netz have a term for shippers whose faith get easily shaken: glass hearts.

All the evidence for SS is in this thread. 


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