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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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36 minutes ago, msbae81 said:

 is this the same restaurant where they had that no night 3 days drinking?  I mean same name but just different location...

Yes that's correct. 

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1 hour ago, missandrea said:

Until when will this voting lasts for? Oh, I wish I could've helped! Guys, just keep voting and thank you for your hard work! Let our OTP win!! 



* Like I said international voting is currently unavailable, Will update as soon as I know :blush:

Anyone see any photos of our dashing man at the airport? since he was suppose to catch a flight out to Thailand on May 3.... Unless he changed plans, the photos haven't been released yet or he went FULL ON NINJA like our GODDESS usually does. If the last part is true, We can safely agree that they really truly are taking after each other in many ways!

Man If I was to be something in another life that would be his phone..... why? well first I would me in MAJOR proximity to his lips.... man those lips.... secondly I would KNOW how often he would call or text his lady love..... oh I forgot to mention he would be clasping me ALL THE TIME bahahahaha. 


*Just to clarify for the ones who maybe curious as to why SJK's current poll results are much lower, There are a lot more men receiving votes all together versus the woman and so it's generally expected to see such a difference, However I can definitely see OUR OTP coming out with the MUCH DESERVED WIN - A WIN FROM THE FANS WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THEM TOGETHER AND INDIVIDUALLY!




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In 2011, Joong Ki said: I do not wear hats when I go on dates to make people not suspicious and they will think we are just friends. We also don’t visit the city, we rather date in remote areas where there are elders”

That was 2011, social media wasn't as crazy then as it is now but he (they) still manage to keep things under wraps! Crap. He doesn't even give us a modicum of clue regarding his personal life (which is good! Don't want the fangirls to lose their minds). It's quite obvious that he was single while filming DOTS, and there is a high probability (almost 100% really) that he's smitten/taken/loved-up with someone notoriously private now.

I wonder how they date nowadays. Hmmm.

Damn Songs, back at it again with the Ninja moves.

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My ability to keep up with this thread is far slower than its ability to jump pages in a day. 

Still on page 651 here *waving*

Allow me to say these:

1 I am ecstatic that uri Song2 is nominated for respectively Best Actor and Best Actress award. I haven't watched the other dramas, except Yong Pal, but I'm hoping that Song2 and DOTS will win. It would be a sweet, sweet gift for us all if they win the awards!

2. Having said that, even if they don't win, they'll still be winners in my heart. Cheesy and cliche, but as true as it could get. 

3. Thanks to @SeGafanlady Eonnie for informing that SHK loves Jenny Packham's gowns, now I'm staring over their 2017's new collection and dreaming that she'll attend with one on the red carpet of Baeksang awards, with Song Joong Ki beside her. I'm not desperate for them to hold hands or for him to hold her waist in public - though it will be nice if he does - but I AM DESPERATE for them to attend the award, sit beside each other for the whole length of the event and look glowing and in love together. 

4. I would love to see them winning something together, so even if it seems that Song2 are currently leading the popularity poll now, I'd like to vote too. Too bad that when I clicked the link a kind soul here mentioned, it said "this app is not compatible with ANY of your devices". That's so cruel TT______TT

I live in Jakarta, so if anyone from the same country of mine knows any Song2/SHK/SJK fanbase that accepts donation for this voting, I'll be grateful. Please PM me if you know any. 

5. SHK refusing payment for her narration of the documentary about children with rare diseases really touched my heart. Again. If she keeps touching my heart this way I might not be able to handle it, you know. But yes, SHK, you own me, body and soul. I am so enamored by your kind heart that I'm ready kiss your hand, really. I know she's wealthy enough to not receive a dime in a year, yet the decision moved me so much. I just can't with this lady TT_______TT what should I do with this flooding love for her? Will I be able to see her one day or not *sobs*

6. I am really getting used to seeing SJK's new CF pics or clips every morning. Instead of getting bored, I squeal more each time. So far, I think his ad for Forencos is my favorite. He looks so clean and yummy at the same time. Dashing yet adorable. And that video for Harper's Bazaar really made me stared for a long time like a foolish girl on a one-sided love. Ah Song Joong Ki, you gorgeous you. Please be with SHK all your life and give me Song2 babies, yes? The A+ genes from both of you must be passed down for the benefit of all mankind. 

7. That coffee on that DOTS cast party, courtesy by @joongkyo . Was he sitting on her table but moved because somebody was going to take a picture? Why did he need to move if they're just friends? Did she drink his coffee too? To play and answer my own question, I prefer to think that he was indeed sitting beside her and had to move to tone down the gossip about them (although it's not working), and yeah, I guess they're lovers who's at the stage of "I am comfortable enough to share our drinks/meals". Aaaackkkkkkkkkkk!!! Lol. 

8. Thanks to everyone who shared youtube links, gifs and pictures. Love them all. Especially thank you for sharing the interview in Viu TV with eng sub (though it's been translated here, it's still nice to see a clip of it) and @hyukgu for sharing those pretty pics from the last episode. I use the one with stars in the background as my phone's wallpaper now. 

9. My Song2 fic of which I'm writing has reached 25 pages in MS Word, and it still feels only 50%. Song2 makes writing that fic a real pleasure. I'm grateful to come back to it whenever I have time. 

10. Regarding the recent negativity in this thread - I wish there weren't any, but I guess it's too utopia, right? - I'd like to quote a proverb from my country: "The higher you climb, the harder the wind will attack you". This ship is the highest a ship could be this year, as in, everyone is having their eyes on Song2 couple, and the shippers are affected too, either in a good or bad way. Since we're on a high position - not meaning to sound arrogant about this ship, I swear - the more people will attack us. Be it insecurity, mockery or plain provocation-lover, a lot of haters will come. But let's not be bothered and spazz harder, because the fact that there are haters, mean this ship is THAT awesome. 

It's the same with Joongkyo. Being very resourceful means you got a lot of attention. With every 10 people who adore what you contribute to this thread, one would hate you. Obviously, you're that awesome. Probably you'll think that you don't want any of those attention if it means hatred and annoyance, but well, just turn a blind eye and ignore them. When they become too much, it's ok to voice out your feelings. I guess you have all the right to, considering how much you've made us love Song2 more. So fighting! Ignore the haters and keep slaying!

11. Imagine SHK in this favorite of mine from Jenny Packham's Bridal collection 2017: 


Baeksang Art Awards worthy kinda dress, right? But if she wears this beside SJK who wears a suit at the award night, it would feel so wedding day-ish and I would need my asthma pills. Regardless, I WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!

Keep sailing, keep spazzing, keep being in love with our lovely Songs!

I will read everything you say happily.

Now back to page 651.


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I think i see Kyo, do you guys see her? or i'm dreaming :lol:? i think she sat with the medical team. the pic was posted by lim_hyoseon for 2 weeks ago. Not sure when this was taken.



sorry if this is a repost..this thread goes too fast and i can't catch up.

edit: i edit the pic.. i could be wrong though


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@utkim That pic is so familiar because of the scribbles of the partition walls or whatever you call it. Some of the casts took pictures of them in that particular place. I think this is the first gathering for the casts and crew of DOTS. I am not sure though, if that really is SHK and the Haesung Medical group on the pic  


Added this. Which one is which? They just look so similar together. This gif is giving me the trance, LOL .



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1 hour ago, utkim said:

I think i see Kyo, do you guys see her? or i'm dreaming :lol:? i think she sat with the medical team. the pic was posted by lim_hyoseon for 2 weeks ago. Not sure when this was taken.


sorry if this is a repost..this thread goes too fast and i can't catch up.



Hmmm, I actually don't see what you see..... To be honest this is the picture she posted when KBS held a dinner for the DOTS staff for the success of the show. It wasn't prearranged or anything it was a quite sudden dinner. For that particular day as far as I recall none of the 4 leads ended up going. This was posted some time ago. I'm not too sure on the particular page, but yes she's not in it. The 4 leads had prior work schedules that would come into conflict so yes I am more confident on my depiction this time around. I finally got some rest. 

@stargazer187 Thank you for filling the thread with beautiful pictures of SHK & SJK, I never get tired of seeing them! 
@lynne22 THANKYOU for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, it's always appreciated 
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5 hours ago, hyukgu said:
5 hours ago, hyukgu said:


Count me in to join you! There is no single day I am not being delulu thinking about SS lol oh my oh my! And since it's Jeju Island, SHK unnie will wear a mini wedding dress, I also imagine their wedding ceremony will be something simple yet romantic one as you said! :lol: I think we are gonna have more than zero night three days party, seven days is the minimum, and we are gonna look like a zombie in real life! Ahaahaha 

[image of boat kiss from behind] 

Yupppp!!! For now, just let them to spend their time as private as they can, as long as they are together, I am also fine with it :wub:

Not sure how to get rid of this nested quote :-(  and everything I try to respond to someone's post, the previous response that I posted re-appears.  Is there a cancel icon?  I couldn't find one.  Anyhoo...

@hyukgu the gif image you posted is so sweet.  Even though it was shot from behind, our SongSong still enjoyed their kiss.  Seeing this in slow motion and clearer quality really made my heart fluttered.  How can we stop loving this couple???

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2 hours ago, kimstipated said:

In 2011, Joong Ki said: I do not wear hats when I go on dates to make people not suspicious and they will think we are just friends. We also don’t visit the city, we rather date in remote areas where there are elders”

That was 2011, social media wasn't as crazy then as it is now but he (they) still manage to

Sorry to cut your post.  This worked for him because he was dating non-celebrities back then.  If he were dating any celebrities, then he would definitely need to disguise himself. He got caught in NY, didn't he?  If he were to wear hat or some disguise, they might not be caught ;-p  After all, who would suspect if a non-famous girl stand right next to him? I hope he's learned from this and be careful in the future when he is with the Beauty we all know who she is :-)

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6 hours ago, kimstipated said:

I don't know if this has already been posted before. I just saw this a while ago. It's for Laneige in 2013 when our beloved SongSongCouple did an event for the brand on separate days.

You know what they say - "What's meant to be will always find a way!"



Thanks for the post...

its so uncanny that SJK and SHK have these connections either directly or indirectly with each other.  Professionally or personally.

it must be Destiny between these two.... :)



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I ordered the photo essay the beginning of April, but maybe because I'm in the US, I only just got it now! About time!

I haven't contributed much lately, so, I hope this scan will be appreciated a bit.

Disclaimer: I didn't put any watermarks because they're just an eye sore and the stills were shot by Lim Hyo Seon and officially belong to NEW/DOTS; however, if any of you decide to post the images elsewhere, then it would be greatly appreciated if folks can credit me or Couch Kimchi for scanning :) Thanks!



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I watched Wolds within, TWTWB and Full House....SHK really like to sing...hahahaha...

yes...I miss SS already and occupied my sick leave to watch all SHK pass drama that I didn't dare to watch before...and DOTS is the best chemistry ever....I hope they both will walk at red carpet together....:wub:

Thanks to all of U for keeping this thread active....I love all the picture, gif. And info here....please cont. posting chinguu...

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Hi all

Chinese fan come out the guides how to install and vote for Baeksang award.

Guide: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4523595739 (credit SJK baidu bar)

1. You need to download Baeksang award *.apk file for Android phone, download here (password: bdnv).

2. You also can install Android simulator on PC if you don't have Android phone

3. After installation, you need to register an account and verify with your phone number (I tested with my non korean phone #).

4. You can do the Mission(install app or share links) to earn the points. Still can't purchase the points with money.

5. One vote costs 200 points, you can just vote for SJK or SHK only, doesn't need to vote for all 4 categories

6. Every account can have 10 votes per day! So, it is gone if you miss it.

Hope this can help.


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