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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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4 hours ago, phing said:

Oh... I had been clicking since I asked you. Too tired now, gonna go to bed. Will continue the fun tomorrow, gals! Night 

lol I give up.  Reply fans took over.  They can keep clicking.  We can save our energy for the real thing.  

eta: I realize now I'm a AM1988 fan, but I lack loyalty and Song Song is life. 

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3 hours ago, geronimoooo said:


I am 25 years old and I am not sure if I would be Oppa or Dongsaeng to you. And since I am not very well versed in Korean culture and forms of adressing each other, I leave that up to someone for whom this is natural, so I can be enlightened. But I know that in every culture, it is appropriate to thank people when it is due. So thank you for taking care of me and everyone else and giving us insight into the life of SJK. I very much appreciate all your effort and enthusiasmus about Song2. If I am being weird, dont mind me. Even my beloved calls me weird sometimes and nicknamed me alien. 




At 25 you are definitely Dongseang and in all cultures it's good to know age before talking so we know when we can be casual and when to be respectful when talking to another. Anyway I remember you as the guy SJK has a positive influence on becoming a better Boyfriend! He thought he was disliked by men because suddenly so many girlfriends and wives wanted to be SJK Wife and got so besotted with him! You are probably the few who saw it to better yourself! So you keep posting here to give us man views that will be refreshing!! 


17 minutes ago, Ohsh said:


And you just quote me a blank message? 

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1 hour ago, naya said:

I think some are taking the kissing scene bts a little too out of context. As a director it really is his job to make sure they follow his orders because his job is to maximize the angles and the depth of vision for us viewers to be able to connect with the feelings and emotions being conveyed. 


Hi everyone. I have always been a silent reader of this thread and the DOTS thread and I enjoyed tremendously all of your posts here (except the trolls), the posts give me and my other friend spazz materials and it makes us ship SJK SHK even more than we both planned to.

I never intended to post and spazz here because, being a silent reader is enough kick for me (I already went back and forth between life and death reading this thread because its so fun!) but I ought to comment on something here that @naya  has already mentioned. 

As a person who knows a bit about production processes, pre production post production likewise, I have to agree with @naya . A director/director of photography (DOP) needs to give necessary instructions to the actors involved because he/she knows how the scene would play out (instructions can be in a form of detailed instructions on how to kiss for example to only just 'be yourself on camera'), more so when he/she have this image that he wants to achieve. The instructions help the actor help the director/DOP to capture the essence of the scenes needed, because in the end the director is the one to say 'cut. Good job, lets move on to the next scene'. I believe LEB and his teams have a vision to achieve and SJK SHK being the professionals that they are, would naturally want to meet this vision. Plus, the time for the shoot was at sunset and I guess they were running out of time so naturally the director would want to finish the shoot the same day. He gave only the steps in fact, he didnt instruct SJK how to bite SHK's lower lips and eat her lips like he meant it.

Getting to @joongkyo's post, I have to say you have a good eye. DOTS and KiKyo shippers here are really lucky to have you and a few other posters here. All of you gives life to this thread. I really enjoy your posts here so much, as they give us insights on how SJK SHK really are in real life. I'm not saying you are wrong regarding SJK feeling tense in the truck scene kiss BTS per se, he could be feeling that but in my honest opinion, he was tense because it's SHK he's going to smooch, to french kiss, to suck, whatever that may be. The goddess Kyo herself. That's a pretty serious thing and he must have been really nervous. So I'm going to leave it at that because I think LEB is just doing his job, and he did a pretty great job. Only my two cents everybody. Hope this helps.

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Hi Chewy Hoe, sorry for the above post. Somehow I could not edit it after tagging you :blink: 

Just want to say that I agree with you and @naya that I don't read him as impatient. He seemed ok with the Director's instructions during the wine kiss and that was even more detailed. 

I think it is expected that the Director should give instructions about how the kiss should be executed broadly eg angle and maybe even where the hands should be. Imagine him having to capture the sun set in between them, how much planning needs to go into that! But what is more telling and probably not directed should be the subtle movements and smiles between the actors. For example, SJK's thumb Caressing her face and moving close to her lips during the scene when he has to go for the diamond exchange. And again during the second shipwrecked kiss! Plus how he likes to snuggle whenever they hug. For less familiar co-stars, i think they will just execute the director's instructions to the dot but without these subtle movements as they will be too intimate and might be taken wrongly by the co star.


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@joongkyo Another great analysis! Per usual, you have a keen eye for detail so you have a great grasp on SJK's personality especially due to the short period of time you've spent observing him. His true disposition was transparent on running man as we are able to see such raw candid moments there. Had I not watched him on Running Man, I'd mistaken him to be nothing short of the confident charmer he conveys in public. Indeed, he's very much a perfectionist and is self aware and preferably a leader. Even Jasper said he saw SJK to be the type of person who thinks thoroughly before doing anything, making the extra effort not to make any mistakes. 

While I do agree on most of your observations, I disagree that SJK was irritated by the director. With all due respect, he's open minded enough to take directions even if he may have already painted a clear picture of how he would like to act out a specific scene. He's a firm believer that one cannot know too much and knows more than anyone else that he always has room to learn. He looks up to his seniors and/or people who are more skilled in areas that he isn't, in this case being the director. I'm sure SJK found his directing to be valuable though he may not have understood it at times. The same way SJK is open for constructive criticisms is also the reason he isn't afraid to be forward and provide his hoobaes with constructive criticisms even if he may come off harsh. He said before he often try as much as possible to make up for someone else's shortcomings as he appreciates when his seniors do the same for him. Overall the man is his worst critic and is all ears when it comes to things he needs improvement on, hence he watches DOTS with his closest friends since he knows they will tell him the truth about his acting.

His joke to SHK, I think was truly just a joke to tease her and a way for him to loosen up before the kiss. :P More so than trying to make SHK at ease in that situation, I think he was saving himself first since he was the most nervous during that scene. It's a harder task then most think to kiss someone you harbor feelings for without mixing in real with reel. :phew:    

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12 minutes ago, kinuhby said:


Hi everyone. I have always been a silent reader of this thread and the DOTS thread and I enjoyed tremendously all of your posts here (except the trolls), the posts give me and my other friend spazz materials and it makes us ship SJK SHK even more than we both planned to.

I never intended to post and spazz here because, being a silent reader is enough kick for me (I already went back and forth between life and death reading this thread because its so fun!) but I ought to comment on something here that @naya  has already mentioned. 

As a person who knows a bit about production processes, pre production post production likewise, I have to agree with @naya . A director/director of photography (DOP) needs to give necessary instructions to the actors involved because he/she knows how the scene would play out (instructions can be in a form of detailed instructions on how to kiss for example to only just 'be yourself on camera'), more so when he/she have this image that he wants to achieve. The instructions help the actor help the director/DOP to capture the essence of the scenes needed, because in the end the director is the one to say 'cut. Good job, lets move on to the next scene'. I believe LEB and his teams have a vision to achieve and SJK SHK being the professionals that they are, would naturally want to meet this vision. Plus, the time for the shoot was at sunset and I guess they were running out of time so naturally the director would want to finish the shoot the same day. He gave only the steps in fact, he didnt instruct SJK how to bite SHK's lower lips and eat her lips like he meant it.



Sorry to cut your posts! I just needed to focus on the important bits 

i heartily agree!! the director had his vision and already saw the scene he wanted hence its important for him to cue!! I keep telling everyone around me, the director can cue it's still up to the actors who will do the final portraying and they did a mighty job there. 

i have become a fan of this director already after seeing the BTS!! Without his cue this show will not be a success!!! the synergy of the director and cast is something I enjoy 

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6 hours ago, joongkyo said:

According to me you need to start watching from 1:10:38 when SS are shooting that part of the conversation that have on the road before they get in the truck. SHK says her line and SJK laughs which causes SHK to laugh and she is the one who apologises which is weird considering the fact that it was he who laughed - I honestly didn't see or hear anything funny happening in that interaction that would merit either laughter or an apology but instead I see SJK in the next frame laughing his head off saying " I don't know anymore...can't you just use the full shot?"  if you all notice there are two staff members in the shot as well and they obviously aren't in on the joke especially the woman sitting on her haunches looks like she just doesn't care or doesn't get it. Which made me realise that in the earlier part of the BTS when the director or was it the cinematographer who talks about SHK's gaze and the next few shots are of SJK laughing every time he has to do a close up shot looking into her face and he ultimately says "I just can't get used to it" AND that's when I realised what he meant, SJK can't get used to gazing into SHK's face like that...why you ask?. he's an actor he gazes into several beautiful actresses eyes and he's done it before. Well I don't have an answer to that considering I haven't gazed into SHK's eyes myself but I can take a guess at what he means when he says he's not used to it. It's basically an admission that he's not completely at ease or not completely in command of his expressions when he does so.


Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets:. That scene perplexed me as well, cause it didn't sound like SHK said her line wrong so I was also wondering why he laughed and why she ended up apologizing... and the sexy groan that he did afterwards (which I may or may not have replayed more than I care to admit :phew:) confused me even more.....KBS please release the full bts please! . And you might be right that he couldn't get used to gazing into SHK's face, I noticed in other bts cuts that he tends to look somewhere else when he's doing a face-to-face scene with SHK (e.g. before the coffee-hug scene where he was looking at her shoulder/or had his eyes closed)


:blink::tears: Guys, we're behind in the poll now :tears: htf did that happen???

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On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 4:04 PM, sta07 said:

seems like their picture both SJK dan SHK  (CF or Interview) can BREAK my screen even not together :w00t:

i dunno what will happen if there are more picts of them together since HK :D

Sorry to qoute your post yeah if both of them s do some cf the whole asia were going to celebrate.

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@thepixies I sure hope the crew was just being funny cause they both looked like they didn't need anymore practice lol. 

Actually let me take that back and proclaim that they do need lots of practice. With each other. Lots and lots!

@kinuhby you, my friend, should post more! Such an insightful post on your part, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Please don't be too silent a shipper and join us!

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@naya lol... so funny.... yup they need lots and lots of practice.... :)


Anyway, we're at 38% now in the unofficial polls... there's a really strong contender.... how do we ensure that in the real thing, we can be on top??






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Good morning everyone ! It's 8.30am here btw.

Everyone has their own perspective and i respect everyone's posts and ofcourse, super duper thanks to @joongkyo for her insight and super duper long post! Hey, I did read every single words that you posted. Appreciated much. :heart:

Before this, i keep wondering, like WHY, WHY on earth does SHK needs to say sorry? hmm? sorry for? and until now, i still cnt get the 'perfect' answer to my concern. ( i might need to re-read @joongkyo 's post again. LOL). Another thing is, the scene where SHK was holding SJK's gun and use it playfully. I hate how they cut it like, I WANNA SEE HOW SHE TOOK HIS GUN! DID SHE JUST, U KNOW OPEN HIS POCKET AND TOOK HIS GUN, OR SWEETLY ASK FOR SJK'S PERMISSION? IDK. (DELULU TIME)

and yes, finally to the truck scene. lemme recall that bts. so they should 'lean in,(bobo),lean out, then shk will lean in again", ok so anyone remember the ACTUAL scene? (I watched it several times, call me perv. HAHA) the actual scene was, YSJ lean in, bobo and ANOTHER BOBO then lean out then KMY lean in again. I wish i could post the video here but do you guys get it? the ' another bobo'? i mean, i dont seem to recall that the director nim asked them to bobo two times then lean out? CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG. 


And to @hclover96, im stealing your pic. hehe 



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Woah. The detailed and intense discussion about the truck kiss. Seriously, everyone, YOU ARE ALL BRILLIANT!!! Your analysis are on point and eveytime i read a post all i do is nod my head and smile because how blessed this thread is to have all of you. Truly, thank you. Thank you!!! 


P.S. I can't wait for another brain scattering discussion about the "fish", "baby" banter. Lol

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i havent read everyone's posts but i decided to post first as i have to start working. my boss is watching me from far. i am too attached to my phone to lurk here. hahahaha. sorry if i am repeating everyones comment. 


@joongkyo thankyou for posting the lost in translation post again! interesting analysis on the scene before the truck kiss scene. i didn't pay much attention as i havent read the article that mention that scene and i am just happy watching their banter. thus i miss those details. thankyou for mentioning now i can go back watch and understand it more. though i agree with @geronimoooo that the pdnim is going on so much details that may make them uncomfortable, i also think that he is not annoyed with that. after all, SJK know that this is part of the pd job, to make sure that the scene can be shot at certain time and angle to make it picture perfect as mentioned by @nara@Chewy Hoe. i believe the joke is made to loosen the nervousness between SJK and SHK. the little slap she made to his thigh is just so cute lols.

on a side note, my boss just told me that i will be going to bangkok next week for meetings with our partners. i will extend my stay until sunday. can i get a glimpse of him maybe? i will be staying near the central area lol.

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@joongkyo @Chewy Hoe @melissala Thank you so much and other active shippers as well as speak-out-for-the-first-time silent readers for keep the thread so lively and enjoyable :lol:

And regarding the natural characters and true colors of Joong Ki, your analysis portrays perfectly my thought on him when I watch the very first episode of RM with him and the cast. I believe they've developed good relationships but it's so true that the type of Korean gag doesn't fit him, everything seemed so awkward when it comes to the jokes of lowering self-esteem. I don't mean to judge as it's how Korean variety shows have always been, it's just the character of a serious and unlucky dongsaeng on RM somehow do not meet his expectation. I do appreciated his great effort in adapting with the show and it's so good to read your guys' diverse thought on the colors of Joong Ki ^_^ Along with SHK, the more I know about SJK, the more interesting I find in these two one-of-a-kind creations.

@alleverything Blame on the different timezone I guess, happy to see your posts again ^_^

One of my favorite from BTS, I love how Kyo smiles wholeheartedly and doesn't even though about keeping image in this moment, and her hand, needless to say :rolleyes:


Credit to DOTS@Tumblr

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