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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I'm a fangirl.  Fangirling is part of my life - be it KDrama, basketball, football, actors/actresses, singers, other celebrities, books, movies, fictional superheroes, anime, food, clothing, etc. :blush:

But my years of being a shipper, especially now - being a SongSong/KiKyo shipper, I realized that fangirling-and-shipping is much better than simple fangirling!  It's a roller coaster ride ...colorful analysis of just everything from couple items to body language ...bipolar mood swings (easily from low to high) ...lost in translation ...etc.  All these, I actually enjoy.  It's a fun thing! It makes me happy.

As for SJK and SHK, I will continue to support and ship them until there is an absolute denial and/or obvious reason to stop.

Thank you ladies for all your dedication and hardwork!  Still, let's celebrate.  We have reached 400+ pages and more to come! And the SongSong/KiKyo ship is stronger than ever! :glasses::heart:

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 I decide to sleep in and I wake up and there is a shower of Song-Song raining on me on Twitter and this forum. 

All that hint dropping!!! The marriage hints, the ideal type hints, the small hints about the scenes he found most memorable. Everything screams SHK SHK SHK. 

I always said that SJK was worse at hiding things like this and sure enough he is. I feel that LKS knows something as well. There is a high chance of him knowing (maybe they used him as a decoy to date even) since he is so close to SJK. 

Now all we need do to is wait for Dispatch or wait for them to shock us all. 

Party time chingus!!!


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2 hours ago, ladylia257 said:

He answered, "Whatever my girlfriend says is all right and whatever she does is always correct"

This might be a boring post for many of you, but as an English teacher who has dwelled in teaching grammars for 6 years, you wouldn't understand how giddy I feel.

He was asked with the IF clause (something that is not true at the moment)

But he answered with THE PRESENT TENSE. It is tenses about something that is TRUE at the moment.


I'm a lurker but after reading your post, I just had to revive this soompi account. This is exactly what I was thinking when I read that translation earlier. Why is his answer in present tense??? It was a situational question. Now, I know nothing about Korean language but based on that translation alone... *DEADS*

SJK. Smooth operator. I'M GOING CRAZY.


p.s. sorry to cut your post :)

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3 minutes ago, nefer said:


As for SJK and SHK, I will continue to support and ship them until there is an absolute denial and/or obvious reason to stop.



I'm with you. As long as there is no denial, I will continue to ship them regardless of whether they confirm or not.

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8 hours ago, joongkyo said:


Someone that I know -

plays badminton and ice skates.

sings songs like three bears and patriotic songs.

has great personality.

has been cooking since a very young age and says she's really good at cooking.

is smaller than him.

is very sexy - especially sexy lips.

has a great vibe.

he leads her really well.



Love your post! Very sneaky of SJK, we all know who you are referring to! Did he just change his ideal type here?

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16 minutes ago, applegirl2 said:

there was some confusion too.. it was initially thought it was smaller in size.. and some also said younger.. 

Someone in baidu asked a Korean fan who was at the FM for the actual korean words said.. in the end .. it was understood as 

Like a younger sister or an older sister to me ..

Before anyone panics.. shk herself has said sjk is very mature and she often feels more childish than him on the set.  Despite being older than him .. even at the FM. . host has teased him and called him 'uncle ' 


Thanks for translation dear @applegirl2

Same sentiments with you, I just wanna say to some members that: 'don't get panic over this' :)) I'm pretty sure if his answer was the older sister feel then another wave of rumors and dating scandal between him and SHK would erupt right then and there. Compared to the other harmless and typical choices for traits, this younger & older feeling question was rather sensitive especially in the current situation when the whole industry, Korean and international fans are extremely curious about SongSong couple's status. So I think he was being aware and cautious with this particular answer :) And don't forget this happened during his 'fan-meeting', the man would even be more careful than usual to pick his words and choices to soothe fan worries and at the same time to avoid another 'sensational' and 'misleading' headlines in the media the next day. I'm not necessarily saying he was lying but I'm sure this wonderful and PR- savvy man who has enough experiences in the industry will know when to provide 'ideal' and 'less controversial' answers when it comes to sensitive questions ;)

On the other hand which is also brighter side, I once again agreed with @applegirl2 that if our couple are indeed going out together (my absolute belief lol), then SJK definitely would be the mature one in the relationship and would still have an 'oppa' feel to him LOL. Various accounts have said he is wise and mature beyond his age. The male announcer the KBS new 9 said he got an impression that SJK has a mind of a 50 year old man when he listened to SJK's answers on the news. And of course our lady SHK even said herself ' "Song Joong-ki is younger than me but I think I am more childish than him' in the middle drama press conference. Well, if you still have doubt about SHK's childlikeness then please read the excerpt below from Kim Ji Won's interview - the second lead actress in DOTS when she described SHK's personality: 

"Kim Ji Won also mentioned what she learned from Song Hye Kyo on set. She said, "I learned what kind of attitude an actress should have on set. When I first met her, I was a little afraid and wasn't sure how to act. But in fact, she's very kind and childlike. When I'd approach her all nervous, she would say, 'Why are you like that? Just be natural.' When I filmed scenes that were taxing on my body, she was the one who took care of me. I was really grateful."   

Article link: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/03/kim-ji-won-talks-about-how-she-feels-being-compared-to-song-hye-kyo

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hahaha..this is interesting  .back then we argued about noona and sunbaenim..and now we debated or more likely wondered it's younger / older sister or smaller/larger built.??..hehehhe..life as a shipper is so tiring huh ? i do feel the same as you are here..my heart feel like a rollercoaster these days cuz of song song couple...

at first when i read about his ideal type,i wondered why so detail and so many, of course my shipper heart was happy, but i thought to my self,,maybe he had to choose with 2 different options, and i was right.it's more likely the options is younger / older rather than smaller/larger..cuz i was following my biases fan meetings..those ideal type's options were often being asked in a fm.and most of the answer were a younger one..lol  ,, SJK is like most of guys in the world i think, he likes being an oppa , did you noticed the scene when KMY and YSJ in the cinema when KMY said oppa,,he giggled and smiled so adorable, but it didnt stop him to smile when he learned to know that KMY is older than him.. i think we dont have to freak out about this..it's a fm,he have to choose just one of 2 options ,,and it's just an ideal type, when we are falling in love, sometimes we dont go with our ideal types..


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6 hours ago, khxy said:


@ewff, its has been confirmed that he is talking about smaller in built not age .


Here @khxy said that it has been CONFIRMED that he was talking about smaller in BUILT NOT AGE. So please trust him and don't panic 

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Well whatever SJK's answer was regarding his ideal type, whether in terms of height/size or age we seem a bit lost in translation and we all have our own interpretations, but still without being too delusional or anything this doesn't change the fact that he mentioned SHK directly when asked about whether his ideal type has changed over the years, it doesn't change the fact that he chose the "blood type" scene one of his favorites (although he has a lot of them, it seems with every interview he has a different one, which is understandable because I do have many favorite scenes too) but as some of you mentioned, that blood type scene although the cutest scene ever was not of any significance story wise, it was just a light, funny scene, but it must have made an impression on him because SHK's facial expressions, her smile, her cuteness is just unbearable to me too and I am a girl so I can only imagine what it did to him, haha, and you can notice actually SJK's eyes and the way he looks at her in this scene, when he says "I give up" two times, the second time the way he says it seems like "I give up, I cannot handle how cute you are", hahaha, I know, maybe I am over seeing things but I cannot help it, it feels too real between them.

I remember SHK saying that her kind of man is someone who will trust and believe her in whatever she does, and today SJK says, "Whatever my girlfriend says is all right and whatever she does is always correct", and as @ladylia257 pointed out he seems to have said it in the present tense, so of course it makes us wonder and get excited.

We have to remember that he has to be very careful in his choice of words while talking about dating and marriage, especially at this time where he is at his peak of fame, he knows he has a lot of fangirls who are possessive but I admire his courage in saying that yes of course he wants to get married into his thirties, usually hallyu male stars will avoid this kind of answer and just say "when the right time and the right girl comes of course I will think about it but now I don't have time or I will focus in my career" because they know how fangirls get but he still is determined and mature enough to be honest about what he thinks and feels which is the best you can give to your fans, they should appreciate his honesty!

Whatever happens in the future it's not up to us and we don't know but the signs are there and we are not the only ones who think there's something going on, let's be patient and support them, while there's no direct denial of either of them or any confirmed other significant person I will continue to ship them, I just have this feeling about them and it doesn't go away, let's wait and see!

Happy sailing :)  


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I am on vacation just managed to check this thread... yesyesyesyess... we trust and have faith in you Joongki ... no matter so many ppl keep trying to change our mind .. to make us doubt you .. noooo.. we stand strong behind both of you..  we continue to keep our faith ..  we trust you.. 

And girls Why do I feel that SJK is some how protecting SHK ... ok.. ask me... 'disrurb' me .. I'll reply to all the questions... while SHK staying low.. out of spotlight .. keeping mum ..

I am so happpyyyy happy happpyyyy .. he gives the vibe of aomeone madly in love ..  and he is soooo protective of her just like we witnessed during HK ... 

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41 minutes ago, Pearl Joy Aviles said:

Im sorry to ask but im really confuse Abt this, can anyone explain this? Sorry for  quoteng ur post.

If you dont mind you can find clearer explaination on previous pages by Joongkyo.

According to most tweets, they refered to "smaller" in terms of size, which means the one who is shorter than him.

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Hi guys...this is a very interesting Sunday! Thanks for sharing especially from the fanmeeting! You made a lot of fans happier esp with the DotS's conclusion...although there's the epilgue and BTS...we'll still miss our weekly doses of KMY and YSJ...

as for th FM, Sunbae-dul, kindly correct me if I'm wrong...

the FM is organized by Blossom...

I understand that the questions were from fans and i'm not sure how it is chosen or read out but even if that's the case, all questions, I believe, were screened by Blossom and, chances are, it has been run through with SJK...if there's anything that would make SJK uncomfortable or would damage SJK, I believe that the question will not be included, if not it will altered...


If i can be honest, i believe that Blossom and SJK are preparing his fans for his dating life (since his presscon since a couple of days ago)...it's not only SHK and UAA that is preparing with all those surprisingly so-not-typical-of-SHK-to PR...

i'm not sure about the mechanics (i.e who proposed the game) of the card, wherein SJK has to choose which he prefers, but I find that very subtle yet very detailed characterization of an ideal type of a girl whom seems to have a special place in his life already like what most shippers are believing in...if it's by Blossom and our couple comes out to the public in the right time, I would say That it is smart of them...

like everybody here, i'm sooo happy to hear from SJK reponses that always go back to SHK even if he could go away without it (e.g.there's no more need for promotion, it's been months since the show wrapped up, etc)...he does not only NOT deny but he always include her in the topic...one just can't help talking about a person that they like /love/ admire, right? It's been pages since the presscon so I won't elaborate further about it or repeat what others have already said...but, yeah, based on the translations, there's nothing that can stop my shipping heart...

ah i forgot to share about fave lines part, it's interesting that he chose the blood type line and i find it stranger that the MC asked how he will react if it's a gf...i'm not sure how SJK answered it exactly but, yeah, I definitely share the same opinion as ladylia257...


@utkim, hi!! I've been silent for a long time but...hahaha


Utkim, what did we enter to, again? Hahaha...should we attack or retreat while we still can? Or we're too involved already hahaha...


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9 hours ago, khxy said:

Baidu has updated news regarding the fan meet

Qns asked to Joong Ki:

How does he de-stress?

He said there are times when he drinks but truthfully now he has no pressure and stress and feel happy now

What is his ideal type?

She cannot be as tall as Kwang Soo

What does he do during his free time?

Read scripts,attend events and find Kwang Soo.

He also mentioned that he wants get married when he is 30-40 years old.


His phone screen wallpaper is the sunken ship island in Greece.

His ritual before sleep:put on mask for anti aging.Finishing his work for the day and preparing for his work the next day.Normally he will read scripts so he fall asleep easily.

His dream as an actor doesnt change.To continue having good and different projects .

When MC asked whether he wants to get married,he said of course yes.

The way he shower-from head,body and bottom

He likes woman that is:

Sporty,can sing,has good personality,good at cooking,,sexy,gives of good feeling (vibe) and he is able to lead her

His main reason for choosing any project is good script.

He is a bit reluctant  to act in "bed scene" but he will not say no if the script is good.

He received many letters from fans while he was in the army.He read those letters at night and was surprised.He is thankful to all his fans for always supporting him.

*anyway as this is quick/rough translations by baidu fans,we shall wait for the official article to confirm the accurate content of the Q and A.

Source baidu



what's confusing? Its pretty much the same


h2 O2 wonkyo binkyo & now songsong i really enjoy reading her threads here good luck guys!



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Sorry guys. I have just found out another translation of the PC by @MasY. According to this translation, when SJK said about SHK, he was NOT answering the question about his ideal type. Instead he was answering the question about whether he got support from his colleagues. 





Q. You've worked many leading actors for this project. Did you get any supports from them? .

A. SJK talked about Kang Shing-il, teacher, first.

Next, talked about Hye Kyo, noona:  "While filming “Descendants of the Sun”, I spent the most time with Hye Kyo-noona and I learned a lot [from her]. She is a sunbae-nim who is at a position where I can't even dare to surpass. And watching her constantly work hard left a deep impression on me which made me think "This person isn't Song Hye Kyo for no reason." She is a person who is really considerate to others, which is also apparent in her acting style. In episodes 15 and 16, Kang Mo Yeon had a lot of crying scenes. Because of my injury, she shot them all at once since I was getting treatment. Since I wasn't making an appearance, she shot the scenes continuously even though it must have been hard. I felt really grateful then. I also want to treat my hoobaes in the same way. Her personality is also very confident. I felt there was a lot I could learn from her as a hoobae."  trans by smiletall.

Then, about Jin Goo, hyung, and David Mclnnis.

Q. You've been receiving a lot of love (from the public) and experiencing changes in circumstance surrounding (including being called as a Hallyu star). For not to forget your original intention, what would you have to do? ...something like this

"I'm grateful for the question. It's a question I ask myself a lot these days. But I don't really know. A part of me tries to not forget my rookie mindset, but another part of me feels like I should grow and change. If my responsibilities increase and I stay the same, then I won't be able to handle it well. It seems that change is inevitable, but it's important to maintain your core values. I'm half joking and half sincere here, but my earnings have also changed. However I still am trying to live the same way. Also, I still don't really feel like I am a Hallyu star despite being called one. In terms of being a Hallyu star, I learn a lot from Song Hye Kyo. She's been persistently active abroad and in that aspect, I think she is a true Hallyu star. I'm working hard on being confident and more brave. I also think the real Hallyu star is Lee Kwang Soo." trans by smiletall, sorry for omitting some parts since they are answers for another question, I guess.





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This thread is on fire (have to backtrack 10+pages).  Many thanks to all you awesome contributors and translators.

I love the fact that he's not afraid to tell his fans that he wants to get married and he wants to do it in his 30s (30 - 40 years old) even though his fans were screaming "No".  He is at the peak of his popularity right now.  Many actors would take the safe route and say they want to concentrate on their careers first and have no interest in marriage for now.  Mad respect to him for having the courage to tell his fans that ^_^  This guy is really someone that Kyo can rely on and someone who will look after her interest first (delulu mode on).

As for the confusion regarding his answer to his ideal type (whether it's smaller in age or smaller in physical size), I don't really care either way because he has shown he's a lot more mature than most men his age.  Like some shippers here have said, even Kyo thinks he's older than her (in terms of behavior).

I would like to think he meant to say he likes a woman who is petite (in my delusional mind) and I couldn't agree more.  Their hugs in the drama are everything!!!  Those are some of the best hugs I've ever seen in a drama.  She fits so perfectly in his arms :wub:.  So just relax and enjoy this ship :)  There will be plenty of other fan meetings coming up to hear more about his ideal type and other similar questions, especially the Chinese ones which I'm sure Chinese shippers will be watching like hawks, lol



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Hello my fellow shippers I don't know if this was posted already or not but I just wanted to share that there was a post on instiz about our lovely couple and guess what it was? It seems as though the knetz public have fully accepted the SongSong couple since I saw some post on some portal sites not calling them by name but referring to them as SongSong Couple. I'm happy that most of the public are now supporting them:D



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