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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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What did Song Joong Ki say about Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon and Song Hye Kyo at the April 15 Press Conference?


(Excerpts from @smiletall's translation of Song Joong Ki's answers at the April 15 Press Conference. Many thanks, @smiletall, for agreeing to have the translation posted here).

Question: Yoo Shi Jin kept coming back to life so often that he was called "a phoenix". What are your thoughts?

Song Joong Ki: I think "a phoenix" is right. Yoo Shi Jin did come back a lot. Personally, I like this aspect. Above all, our drama genre is a melodrama, and I think it is important to reinforce the melodramatic aspect. With that in mind, I was satisfied with the writers’ plan and I respect it. When I was watching episode 15 and saw Yoo Shi Jin’s return, I also felt touched. I talked [texted] with the cast [about my feelings]. So in this aspect, it seemed good. I am satisfied. 

Question: Were there any lines that were memorable to you in the drama?

Song Joong Ki: There are quite a few indeed. While filming for a CF yesterday, I rewatched the past episodes of “Descendants of the Sun”. And while rewatching the episodes, there was a line that made me think “That's quite charming.” "Don't think that you lost. I still like you more anyway." I thought that line was charming. At the end of episode 15, "That hard thing to do, I did it" was also a line that, despite being said often, had a different appeal at that moment. 

Question: Your teamwork with Song Hye Kyo-ssi was so good that a scandal arose. It also seems likely that your ideal type would have changed as you grew older.  How so?

Song Joong Ki: There were a lot of reports about my ideal type. My ideal type is still a wise woman. That seems the most important to me. While filming “Descendants of the Sun”, I spent the most time with Hye Kyo-noona and I learned a lot [from her]. She is a sunbae-nim who is at a position where I can't even dare to surpass. And watching her constantly work hard left a deep impression on me which made me think "This person isn't Song Hye Kyo for no reason." She is a person who is really considerate to others, which is also apparent in her acting style. In episodes 15 and 16, Kang Mo Yeon had a lot of crying scenes. Because of my injury, she shot them all at once [alone] since I was getting treatment. Since I wasn't making an appearance, she shot the scenes continuously even though it must have been hard. I felt really grateful then. I also want to treat my hoobaes in the same way. Her personality is also very confident. I felt there was a lot I could learn from her as a hoobae. 

Question: A lot of people seem to sense a lot of similarity between Yoo Shi Jin and Song Joong Ki. What do you think is your charm?

Song Joong Ki: Is it okay for me to talk about my charm? (laugh). In “Descendants of the Sun”, there is a scene where I met Kang Mo Yeon and her mother. Her mother was quick to notice the situation and said "I'm not that conservative of a person" but I said "I'm conservative."  That moment felt very familiar to me. I'm actually very conservative, and I have a cheesy/old fashioned side. I'm also very classic [traditional]. In order to live and work in this current world, I feel like I have to adjust this kind of personality often, but at the same time I work hard to live according to my own color. I think if you want to talk about my charm, part of it would be trying to work with everyone well, from my company family to the staff on-site. But some people might see it as being overly friendly.  It's a bit embarrassing for me to talk about this myself. 

Question: Do you feel any different as a Hallyu star?

Song Joong Ki: I'm grateful for the question. It's a question I ask myself a lot these days. But I don't really know. I did experience it first hand when I went to Hong Kong, but I don't think that is everything.  A part of me tries to not forget my rookie mindset, but another part of me feels like I should grow and change. If my responsibilities increase and I stay the same, then I won't be able to handle it well. It seems that change is inevitable, but it's important to maintain your core values.  My appearance will of course change. I'm half joking and half sincere here, but my earnings have also changed. However I still am trying to live the same way. Also, I still don't really feel like I am a Hallyu star despite being called one. In terms of being a Hallyu star, I learn a lot from Song Hye Kyo. She's been persistently active abroad and in that aspect, I think she is a true Hallyu star. I'm working hard on being confident and more brave. I also think the real Hallyu star is Lee Kwang Soo. 


Photo credit: to photo's owner

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thank you for posting those SJK's interview translations above...it's much better translations, so it's easy for me to understand..

it's indeed SJK is a very smart, and confident person..he's so good with his words...i knew him since NG and i loved that drama and his character so much , i knew he is a great actor and a great kisser, but i'd never thought he is a great lover and great hugger as well,,in Dots i found a new side of him as an actor.his pairing with SHK is the best, their chemistry is amazing...

and now i understand better..when he said SHK is sunbaenim who is a position where i cant even dare to surpass, he's talking about her experiences and her positions as senior actresses...the way he talking highly about her, i can really feel his adorations and respect towards her..:wub:

like i said before i have a very strong felling about them, for me they are more than just merely a close friend or just sunbae-hoobae relationships..there is something more than that.............

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4 hours ago, raniryu said:

 I'm happy and surprised that he mentioned her quite a lot in his answer even when the question itself doesn't have anything do to with her at all. It's not like they directly ask about his acting with her. But SJK just took it to himself to make sure he mentions about her and compliment her. 

3 hours ago, lovemetruly said:

Sidenote: it's actually a fact that when you got some feelings for someone, you just can't stop talking about that person. Lol 


I would like to thank @twtwb for this KiKyo couple thread and @alleverything for the DOTS thread. The drama movie and KiKyo couple will stay in my memory forever:wub:

I always looking forward to read all of you post on this thread. Because this is the only way to makes missing our KiKyo couple bearable. 

Btw not only us, shippers who noticed that SJK's keep mentioning his beloved lady but non shippers were had a same opinion too: 



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18 hours ago, applegirl2 said:

Ok.. one of the bits from the PC I managed to fish from baidu 

Credit to baidu ttranslators 

Unforgettable lines from drama -

While filming commercial yesterday. . I watched the rebroadcast of Epi 1-14. I found the lines I said to KMY- don't feel you have lost because your feelings were made known - anyway I like you more - I find these lines particularly attractive/ charming 

His fave lines have changed again :D

The line from when dr Kang run and accidentally met Kapten Yoo daydreaming on window (after broadcast confession)?

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38 minutes ago, cheese79 said:

The line from when dr Kang run and accidentally met Kapten Yoo daydreaming on window (after broadcast confession)?

Hahahaha coz after that part comes the truck kissing scene..surely he watched that too

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Dear @SeGafanlady,

SHK is one of my favorite Korean actresses beside Ha Ji Won, and I admire her since AIMH, but I don't know much about her personal life. I only read news about her work and see how beautiful she is on CFs, photoshoots and red carpet.

DOTS has increased my love for her, and your posts definitely make me respect her a lot more. 

I didn't know before that she's the head of her family and grow up only with her mother. 

I heard that she was bashed by her antis, but I didn't know it's as horrifying as it is. 

And still, she survived it all with grace and elegance, never a rude response and even become an international star.

I'm very grateful for your posts that give me more knowledge about SHK's beautiful personality and character. Her dedication and her behavior. Her love for her country that often spite on her. 

She's one remarkable woman and I admire her even more now, thanks to you. I'm not done backreading this post, but I will. I'm looking forward to see more posts from you from the past weeks and also in the future. 

Once more, thank you so much. 

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As a long time SHK fan, I am always hoping that she settles down happily. She deserves it. Although I have liked HB since Kim Sam Soon days, I never shipped them. When the Song-Song rumours started, I was worried she would get  hurt again. I have noticed and liked SJK since SS but have always felt he was a bit flirtatious. However, I watched this video today and was deeply impressed by his devotion to his family, especially his grandmother. OK, so he is clearly a fine person and I accept him as good enough for my Goddess. Now I actually pray for them before I sleep. As a bonus, this video has Kim Soo Hyun announcing SJK. How much hotness can there be on stage at one time!

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@twtwb i very much agree with you.....they have the prerogative to stay silent about the real score between them....LETS GIVE THEM  A BREAK....

but the end of the day they all like us ordinary persons... lets give the chance to enjoy the real world...NO CAMERAS, NO LIGHTS AND NO STALKERS....



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Thank you @Ahpheng. I enjoyed your C strips. Especially the latest. I keep replaying it too. SJK expression is sooo. ..Argh. So much love there that one can't help but ship Song Song couple.

*Opps. Sorry. I just realize I posted in the wrong thread. Should have been in the drama thread. This is what happens when you switch in between threads. EDITED!*

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20 hours ago, SeGafanlady said:

I actually wish for Song Joong Ki to not admit or publish that they are more than friends because that is the best for everyone. Those who just bias Song Hye Kyo lately, those who likes her since DotS, those who attract on her because she is with SJK and those who ship Song couple because they looked so real and so gorgeous together.. you guys probably never understand the feeling of a Kyonatic.. to us.. she is not only our idol.. or our Queen or our Goddess. To us, she is like our sister, our best friend, our role model.. she gave us all that she can in a shape of her devotion as an actress.. she treats us all equal and with her.. we smile, we laughed and we cried together. We probably never gonna meet her in person but I'm sure she knows and realize how much she means for us and how her happiness is ours too..

Never in my 11-12 years of adoration and love to her, that I not seeing harsh and rude comments bombarded her like she's some kinda criminal.. crazy lunatic sesaeng fans threaten to kill her, they put animal's dead bodies in a box in front of her house's gate, comments so extremely and painfully rude is like her daily newspaper, trashing her like she's some kinda w**re, and so many other as sharp as Army knife stabbing your heart accusations from her unbelievably heartless haters and antis. From one scandal to the others.. these people were so obsessed in waiting for what happen next to find a slight of anything that they can do to bash her..  It was so darn depressing she was dissapointed in her own country and people.

What has she done wrong? NOTHING. Just because she felt for her partner.. is that prohibited? she is born perfect as a woman.. is that a sin? God pity her for her fatherless upbringing.. and give her strength and talent to stand alone and to take care of her mom.. is that not allowed? I just can't understand why, how, what is the reason for her antis and haters.. it's been 12 years and still can't get the answer.. but I'm proud and happy to see her.. against all of those.. fighting and supporting herself.. with her tiny body and her small legs... she stands up bravely and put her chin up! That's what you all should know..

To those in Instagram who use my Kyo as their object of shipping obsession, using her photos, drawing her face and even connecting her and SJK via those apple, hairband, flowers and anything.. my blood was raging to the brain and I want to throw a table towards them.. but then I realize... these are only some non Kyonatics attention freaks beetch whose enjoying their 15 minutes of fame because many people who happened to not understand English or not even know that this thread exist are following them.. well.. their time is almost up..

All I want is for her to be happy.. what's the point of all the money in the world when you are unhappy? Her happiness is mine too. And if by shielding her and protecting her from all craziness is what SJK chooses as a way of keeping their relationship private and personal.. as a way of him expressing his love to her.. man you can have all my support.

i shed tears after reading this. im a big fan of hye kyo since endless love days. im not just a fan of her beauty and skills in acting but also she as well, i know that my hye kyo is a very kind person and she dont deserves hate. to those who keeps on destroying her can you please stop. youre just showing your insecurities towards her. im a song song shipper so let me express my delulu here. to those who hates hye kyo back off. 

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2 hours ago, twtwb said:

Question: Were there any lines that were memorable to you in the drama?

Song Joong Ki: There are quite a few indeed. While filming for a CF yesterday, I rewatched the past episodes of “Descendants of the Sun”. And while rewatching the episodes, there was a line that made me think “That's quite charming.” "Don't think that you lost. I still like you more anyway." I thought that line was charming. At the end of episode 15, "That hard thing to do, I did it" was also a line that, despite being said often, had a different appeal at that moment. 

Question: Your teamwork with Song Hye Kyo-ssi was so good that a scandal arose. It also seems likely that your ideal type would have changed as you grew older.  How so?

Song Joong Ki: There were a lot of reports about my ideal type. My ideal type is still a wise woman. That seems the most important to me. While filming “Descendants of the Sun”, I spent the most time with Hye Kyo-noona and I learned a lot [from her]. She is a sunbae-nim who is at a position where I can't even dare to surpass. And watching her constantly work hard left a deep impression on me which made me think "This person isn't Song Hye Kyo for no reason." She is a person who is really considerate to others, which is also apparent in her acting style. In episodes 15 and 16, Kang Mo Yeon had a lot of crying scenes. Because of my injury, she shot them all at once [alone] since I was getting treatment. Since I wasn't making an appearance, she shot the scenes continuously even though it must have been hard. I felt really grateful then. I also want to treat my hoobaes in the same way. Her personality is also very confident. I felt there was a lot I could learn from her as a hoobae. 

Sorry to cut your post short, but just thinking about what he said: so, he was asked abut the dating thing and he felt he must respond somehow. It's funny how trying to divert the answer, he still talked highly and non-stop about her and he remembered how he left her alone to film those hard scenes. He must of felt bad and watching the episodes reminded him of that time, that's why he can't stop talking about her. He could've just stopped at "she's very considerate towards other" or say just a sorry as how others usually respond, but he really wanted to explain why he thinks she is so considerate.

You guys are right, he has her in his mind 24/7 and it seems he can't get enough of her. and we, we have both of them in our heads 24/7 :D    

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2 hours ago, twtwb said:

In episodes 15 and 16, Kang Mo Yeon had a lot of crying scenes. Because of my injury, she shot them all at once [alone] since I was getting treatment. Since I wasn't making an appearance, she shot the scenes continuously even though it must have been hard. I felt really grateful then.


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 



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5 hours ago, SeGafanlady said:

I actually wish for Song Joong Ki to not admit or publish that they are more than friends because that is the best for everyone. Those who just bias Song Hye Kyo lately, those who likes her since DotS, those who attract on her because she is with SJK and those who ship Song couple because they looked so real and so gorgeous together.. you guys probably never understand the feeling of a Kyonatic.. to us.. she is not only our idol.. or our Queen or our Goddess. To us, she is like our sister, our best friend, our role model.. she gave us all that she can in a shape of her devotion as an actress.. she treats us all equal and with her.. we smile, we laughed and we cried together. We probably never gonna meet her in person but I'm sure she knows and realize how much she means for us and how her happiness is ours too..

Never in my 11-12 years of adoration and love to her, that I not seeing harsh and rude comments bombarded her like she's some kinda criminal.. crazy lunatic sesaeng fans threaten to kill her, they put animal's dead bodies in a box in front of her house's gate, comments so extremely and painfully rude is like her daily newspaper, trashing her like she's some kinda w**re, and so many other as sharp as Army knife stabbing your heart accusations from her unbelievably heartless haters and antis. From one scandal to the others.. these people were so obsessed in waiting for what happen next to find a slight of anything that they can do to bash her..  It was so darn depressing she was dissapointed in her own country and people.

What has she done wrong? NOTHING. Just because she felt for her partner.. is that prohibited? she is born perfect as a woman.. is that a sin? God pity her for her fatherless upbringing.. and give her strength and talent to stand alone and to take care of her mom.. is that not allowed? I just can't understand why, how, what is the reason for her antis and haters.. it's been 12 years and still can't get the answer.. but I'm proud and happy to see her.. against all of those.. fighting and supporting herself.. with her tiny body and her small legs... she stands up bravely and put her chin up! That's what you all should know..

To those in Instagram who use my Kyo as their object of shipping obsession, using her photos, drawing her face and even connecting her and SJK via those apple, hairband, flowers and anything.. my blood was raging to the brain and I want to throw a table towards them.. but then I realize... these are only some non Kyonatics attention freaks beetch whose enjoying their 15 minutes of fame because many people who happened to not understand English or not even know that this thread exist are following them.. well.. their time is almost up..

All I want is for her to be happy.. what's the point of all the money in the world when you are unhappy? Her happiness is mine too. And if by shielding her and protecting her from all craziness is what SJK chooses as a way of keeping their relationship private and personal.. as a way of him expressing his love to her.. man you can have all my support.

I remember when secret garden was a total hit and the chemistry of HB and HJW was undeniable too..she receive too much backlash just because she was the gf..

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5 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 



Olso during script reading for a certain ep 8 and 9,he was there too even though he doesn't need to take part in it....sweet.

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