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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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5 minutes ago, lizzzie said:



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40 minutes ago, pepper2 said:

did you notice he position of SJK legs in the first kiss - it was open in the beginning shot - so you can see the movements of one of his legs then in the zoom in shot - the legs were together now.  so a least two takes for the first kiss.  

the kisses are so sweet - been replaying it non stop.  question, about the tongue, when, first or second kiss?




I notice that too.....and I conclude that it's not just a take 2 scene..surely they kiss longer than what we saw..just by watching at the different angle the cameraman shoot...he shoot front ...back...and left and right angle....Hahahaha why am I so red watching their kisses...woooh it's getting hot in here

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I like how in their final kissing scenes too that SJK and SHK (i think I've ceased to refer to them as YSJ and KMY oops) repeated their lines from their wine kiss scene and remembering that memory with a smile~ and a few other recent eps too they repeated lines from the previous eps!

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I think it was taken after the last scene shooting finished, how cute... They are so adorable, these two... How come her coat got stuck in JK arm, LOL. 

Oh, thanks so much @superbigcat I've been waiting for that pic of MY smiling happily, so natural just like the blood type scene :D 


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Just now, GinaSingapore said:

@jokingly and @songsquare, thanks for your reply. So we have no ideas who turn up last night. Really love this otp. Now watching ep 16 again, can't get enough of it.


None of the lead actors went tonight as per the news. I posted that a few pages ago, you must have missed it. Apparently they all had schedules that they had to attend.



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41 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

I am using @hclover96's GIFs to point out something to all the trolls who keep coming here and *hinting* that SongSong are dating other people.

If, EVEN, for a second I was to believe that SongSong are NOT DATING EACH OTHER.



Because people might be OKAY with their BG/GF kissing other people on screen BUT if they were adding all these intimate bits of finger grazing of faces, staring into each other's eyes like that.....hell, anyone would break up with them. If they were indeed with someone else then there performance would NOT BE SO UNINHIBITED.

Especially for SHK, do you really think she would open mouth kiss SJK if he was dating some other woman? Or if she had a man waiting for her in Seoul.

So, trolls/antis/haters... OBSERVE the next three gifs and please give up all your silly attempts.







I have a question!! What is your theory guys with the first gif..the last kiss scene when hye gyo hold joongki arm...1: she make him stop coz his kissing too deep 2: she's holding him to get support coz she's melting hehehe

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OMFG!!!! asdfgh#%!!!! Is that a tongue SJK?!!!!! I swear I watched it for 10mins seriously RIP replay button but I swear I saw it that tongue did say hello!! And SHK mouth is OPEN, wiiiiiiide OPEN!! I can tell they were so into that deeeeep deeeep kiss that SHK couldn't help but hold onto his arm ( that is actually the safest and was meant for tv otherwise it'll all go all the way down) and SJK, trying hard to control I actually thought he was going to lay her down!!! Ahhhh. They ate each other OMG excuse my choice of words but... I'm gonna faint rn!!!

i wonder how long these two kissed. That was obviously long and was shot in diff angles. And SHK lipstick is gone! Ooohh SJK, you lipstick eater youuuu!!!!

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You guys are normally the cutest delulu bunch of shippers I've ever met, but I can't resist this final kiss scene too!!! I can't help but fall in love with :star: SongSong couple :star: (not their characters) all over again thanks to this scene. Want to know why? Let me break down this kiss for you and explain why:



After SHK tells him that she wished for this handsome SJK to kiss her, he goes into it and kisses her without hesitation! Like all of you pointed out, not only is it not a dead fish kiss, it's so natural, gentle, caring AND HE OPENS HIS MOUTH TO CARRY ON THE KISS WITHOUT ANY AWKWARDNESS!!!!!!!! *FAINTS* Ladies and gentlemen, this is how real couples kiss.



After that, during their short in-between conversation, they have so much electrifying body language going on. Firstly, notice how SJK's hand NEVER leaves SHK? His hand lingers around her neck and even reaches up to naturally stroke her jaw while they are talking. Secondly, look at that radiant and brilliant smile from SHK when she laughs!!! That's not acting - that's a gorgeous smile coming from within :lol: Thirdly, observe how they never break eye contact at all? They are speaking RIGHT TO EACH OTHER'S SOULS KYAAAAAAAAAAA

Bonus observation from filming perspective: That the team decided to keep this entire scene in close-up and that there were very little cuts to it. I'm sure they would've shot this scene many times from various angles and at various distances, but in the film & tv world, close-ups are very sensitive because the acting must be flawless in order for the director and editors to feel confident enough to let the audience be in such close proximity to the characters. Moreover this part where they are talking to each other wasn't cut from shot to shot but almost a one-take which means that SJK and SHK gave their all in one sitting and the team decided there was no need to sew different shots together!!!! AigoooOOOooo



Notice how SJK's never-leaving-hand goes in and cups SHK's face intimately again? And then his other hand wraps around her to pull her in closer??? AND THEN SHE LIFTS UP HER HAND TO TOUCH HIS ARM??????

The best thing about this part is that this is actually a very awkward angle for them to be kissing at, but they have to do this in order for the camera to capture their kissing moment for us, the ~voyeuristic~ audience. But for SJK and SHK to include so many tiny details in their kissing scene while "acting", well, I think there's more to this than just acting. I like how SHK awkwardly shifts her hand down when she first puts it on SJK's arm, almost as if she's getting too caught up in it but then remembers this is for onscreen and she must put her hand at a more comfortable-looking position :sweat_smile: So cuuuute~

I mean, if you really want to see how far they have come just compare to their wine kiss!!! Someone should do an OTP kissing gif compilation :kiss_wink:

Kamsahamnida @KSHxKYJ and @hclover96 for the fabulous, droolworthy gifs!

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@cristapark hehhhh imo, looks like she's encouraging him further.. and at the same time, SJK's hand wrapped tighter arnd her shoulders/back hoho. also, she's rubbing up and down his arm (repeated movement) and that contact probably was a /dare i say it/ turn on for SJK :D 

goodness, turning on byuntae mode thanks to this couple!

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5 minutes ago, cristapark said:

I have a question!! What is your theory guys with the first gif..the last kiss scene when hye gyo hold joongki arm...1: she make him stop coz his kissing too deep 2: she's holding him to get support coz she's melting hehehe


no. 3 both. :wub:

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